DIRECTORY NOTEBOOK MISSOURI DIRECTOR OF MISSIONS FELLOWSHIP “Coaching Training” Winter/Spring Conference March 24-26, 2015 Missouri Directors of Missions Fellowship SCHEDULE DOM Winter/Spring Conference March 25-26, 2015 Camden Inn ~ Branson, Missouri THEME: “Coaching Training” SCHEDULE: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 • 11:30 am – Officers and Advisory Committee Meeting w/Lunch (Dogwood Room) • 1:00 pm – Registration • 1:30 – Welcome, Introduction, Prayer, Worship (Grand “B”) • 2:00 – Coaching: Introduction and Overview • 3:30 – Break • 4:00 – Connecting: Listening Part 1 • 5:30 – Break for Dinner • 6:00 – Banquet (Grand “A”) • 9:00 – Dessert Fellowship (Hotel Breakroom) Wednesday, March 25, 2015 • 6:00 – 7:30 am – Hot Buffet Breakfast (Hotel Breakroom) • 8:00 – Opening Comments (Grand “B”) • 8:10 – Worship • 8:30 – Coaching with the Spirit • 10:00 – Fellowship Break (Grand “A”) • 10:30 – Outcome: Listening Part 2 • 12:00 pm – Lunch Break (Grand “A”) • 1:30 – Awareness: Questions • 3:00 – Fellowship Break • 3:30 – Awareness: Jethro Moment • 5:30 – Break—prepare for Dinner • 6:00 – Dinner and Fellowship (Grand “A”) • 8:00 – DOM Fellowship Meeting (Grand “B”) • 9:00 – Dessert Fellowship Time (Hotel Breakroom) Thursday, March 26, 2015 • 6:00 – 7:30 am – Hot Buffet Breakfast (Hotel Breakroom) • 8:00 – Opening Comments (Grand “B”) • 8:10 – Worship • 8:30 – Course: Action Plans • 10:00 – Break • 10:30 – Highlights: Encouragement & Vision for Missouri • 12:00 pm – Dismiss • PLEASE NOTE: All DOM Fellowship Committees please find a time to meet prior to the DOM Business Meeting. CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS MISSOURI DIRECTORS OF MISSIONS FELLOWSHIP CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I - NAME This organization shall be known as the Missouri Directors of Missions Fellowship. ARTICLE II- PURPOSE The purpose of this organization shall be: (1) To provide the means through which Directors of Missions may become better acquainted and more clearly associated with one another in their work; (2) To promote a spirit of understanding, fellowship, interest in one another, and togetherness among the members of the group and to offer encouragement; (3) To provide opportunities and means whereby ideas, programs, methods, and helps related to their common tasks may be shared; (4) To make timely requests of the Boards, Agencies, Institutions, Commissions and to the work of Directors of Missions. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Any associational Director of Missions or other persons bearing a similar title and engaged in similar work in Missouri is eligible for membership. Honorary memberships may be granted by vote of the body. Section 2: These persons may become members with voting privileges upon payment of annual dues. Dues are payable at the Fall Conference. Section 3: Annual dues shall be determined by vote of the body one year in advance, or shall remain the same as the preceding year. ARTICLE IV - VOTING QUALIFICATIONS Only those who are annual dues-paying members with the current year’s dues paid, shall have the privilege of voting. ARTICLE V - OFFICERS The officers of this organization shall be: President, President Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers shall be elected at the Fall Conference of the Fellowship and begin serving at the conclusion of the Fall Conference. Consideration shall be given to retaining the Treasurer for several terms. They shall also serve on the Advisory Committee, as full members. Section 1 - President: The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the organization, and shall have voting privileges. Section 2 - President Elect: The President Elect shall serve as President the next year. The President Elect shall serve as Acting President upon the absence or resignation of the current President. Section 3 - The Secretary: The Secretary shall serve as recorder for all business sessions; act as official corresponding secretary for the organization; and maintain permanent records of all minutes and actions. Section 4 - The Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive, safeguard, disburse, and account for all funds entrusted according to the policies of the Fellowship. 1 ARTICLE VI- MEETINGS Section 1: This organization shall meet for business and fellowship to be held during the time of the Directors of Mission’s Winter and Fall Conferences. The Fellowship can also meet at the State Evangelism Conference and the Annual Meeting of Missouri Baptist Convention if the Fellowship chooses. Business may also be conducted at any meeting of the fellowship, if deemed wise and necessary, as long as a quorum is present. Section 2: Other meetings may be called by the President or by as many as ten members as deemed wise and necessary by giving written notice to all members at least one week prior to the meeting date. Notice of such meetings shall contain the time, place, date, and purpose of called meeting. Section 3: A quorum for business shall consist of 25% of the members of the body. ARTICLE VII- COMMITTEES The committees of the Directors of Missions Fellowship shall be the Nominating Committee, Advisory Committee, and Fair Ministry Committee and any other committees deemed necessary by the Fellowship. Committees shall be elected at the Fall Conference of the Fellowship and begin service at the conclusion of the Fall Conference. Section 1 - Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of three members appointed by the president at the Fall Conference. Members serve three year terms, with one member rotating off annually. The president shall also appoint the committee chairman They shall nominate candidates for officers, members of the Advisory Committee, the Fair Ministry Committee and any other committees as needed. In the event of vacancies among the officers, Advisory Committee, Fair Ministry Committee or any other committee the Nominating Committee shall appoint someone to act on an interim basis and make nominations for replacement at the Fall Conference business meeting. Section 2 - Advisory Committee: The Advisory Committee shall be comprised of one Director of Missions from each of the eight Regional Areas and the officers of this organization. They shall be elected to a two-year term. The eight Regions shall be similar to the Regions approved by the Missouri Baptist Convention with the two following exceptions: Saline County shall be considered in the Northwest Region; Mt. Zion shall be considered in the Northeast Region. One-half of the Advisory Committee members shall be elected at the Annual Meeting to serve for a two year term. Their term shall begin at the end of the Annual Meeting. When a member of the Advisory Committee moves outside the area where he is serving, he shall be removed from the committee and someone else from the vacated area shall be selected to fill out his term so as to keep the representation equal in all areas. Section 4 - Fair Ministry Committee: The Fair Ministry Committee shall be comprised of three members elected annually. The DOM of Harmony Association shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee with voting rights. ARTICLE VIII- RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER LIKE BODIES AND DENOMINATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS in consultation: Section 1: Membership in the Southern Baptist Conference of Directors of Associational Missions and the Network of Baptists Association is encouraged. Membership is acquired by the payment of annual dues and attendance at their annual meetings. Section 2: Officers of the Fellowship shall at all times maintain the necessary lines of communication between the organization and the Associational Administration leaders of the Missouri Baptist Convention, especially the MBC Executive Director, in order to promote mutual understanding and work relationships. 2 Section 3: Individual opinions and feelings of members of this organization may be individually expressed in meetings of the body, however, only those actions adopted by majority vote of the Fellowship membership present at any meeting shall be construed to be the official position of the body. ARTICLE LX - AMENDMENTS This constitution may be amended at any annual meeting of the body by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting. BYLAWS In order to carry out the provisions and intent of the Constitution, the following Bylaws have been adopted. 1. Officers: A. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Directors of Missions Fellowship business and fellowship meetings. As stated in the Constitution, he shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall have voting privileges. He shall appoint the one new member of the Nominating Committee and the Chairman of the Nominating Committee at the Fall Conference of the Fellowship. He shall be responsible for sending a letter in behalf of the DOM Fellowship to new Directors of Missions to our state to welcome them and invite them to participate in the DOM Fellowship. He will also serve as full member of the Advisory Committee. B. President Elect: The President Elect shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President or other meetings as necessary. He shall work in cooperation with the DOM Liaison of the Missouri Baptist Convention in communicating meetings of importance to the Southern Baptist Convention, Missouri Baptist Convention and Directors of Missions. He will also serve as full member of the Advisory Committee. C. Secretary: 1. The Secretary shall serve as recorder for all business sessions; act as official corresponding secretary for the organization; and maintain permanent records of all meetings and actions. 2. He will communicate each year at the end of the annual Fellowship business meeting, the results of the election of the officers and any other resolutions or acknowledgment to the office of the state paper. 3. He will give notification of all Director of Missions Fellowship meetings. 4. He will also serve as full member of the Advisory Committee. D. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive, safeguard, disburse, and account for all funds entrusted according to the policies of the Fellowship. He will also serve as full member of the Advisory Committee. 2. Committees: A. Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall nominate candidates for officers, members of the Advisory Committee, Fair Ministry Committee and any other committees as needed. In the event of vacancies among the officers, Advisory Committee, Fair Committee or any other committee they shall appoint someone to act on an interim basis and make nominations for replacement at the Fall Conference business meeting. 3 B. Advisory Committee: The Advisory Committee shall meet with the DOM Liaison of the Missouri Baptist Convention at times deemed necessary to work toward development of ideas and programs to aid Directors of Missions in their work and plan the program of the Annual DOM Winter/Fall Conferences. The Advisory Committee will arrange for a banquet/meal, program, and place at the State Evangelism Conference; the Annual Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Convention, and for any other meeting so designated by the Fellowship. They shall contact Directors of Missions and retired Directors of Missions to secure reservations. The retired DOMs and their wives will be invited to attend at no cost to them. The Advisory Committee shall meet twice annually, in conjunction with the DOM Winter/Fall Conference and at other times deemed necessary. C. Fair Ministry Committee: The Director of Missions Fellowship will endeavor to present a witness and ministry during the annual Missouri State Fair. The Fair Ministry Committee will be responsible to see that this is planned, promoted and carried out. The Fair Ministry Committee will be responsible for developing plans and promotion for witness and ministry at the Missouri State Fair. This shall be done in consultation and cooperation with designated Missouri Baptist Convention representatives. All of the associations are encouraged to give generously each year to fund this ministry. (Revised February 2008, January 2013) 4 BIRTHDAYS FOR MISSOURI DOM FELLOWSHIP January 1 - Clyde Elder 9 - Frank Welch 10 - Karen Blair 19 - Curtis Townley 28 - Jim Plymale 30 - Jill Plymale July 7- Jim Chilton 7 - Timothy Faber 13 - Gail Rector 15 - Patrick Ryan 20 - Randy Comer 28 - Calvin Brown February 11 - Rebecca Welch 19 – Teresa Faber 13 - Robert Wood 28 - Al Groner 28 - Vicki Brown August 4 - Maggie Albers 7 - E. J. Barnes 13 - Dick Smith 17 - Judy Coppedge 20 - Judy Carter 23 – Daryl Stagg 28 – Linda Wilson March 1 – Polly Stagg 8 - Elaine Mifflin 9 - Jim Wells 10 - Michael Haynes 20 - Diann Barnes 22 - Delores Seago April 1 - David Mifflin 3 - Paul Posey 19 - Kevin Carter 27 – Jim Albers May 2 - Mike Wilson 2 - Leslie Manning 4 - Debbie Hammer 8 - Sandi Bryant 10 - Pat Panepinto 24 - Deanna Breeden 24 - Patty Panepinto 25 - Mary Wolfe 29 - Anita Groner June 8 - Linda Abanathy 9 - Phil Brewster 13 - Linda Palmer 27 - Russell Adams 29 – L. Joe Coppedge September 3 - Tim Abanathy 3 - Phillip Rector 4 - Diann Patterson 12 - Rodney Hammer 12 - Jim Breeden 18 - Penny Townley 24 - Steve Patterson October 6 - Tommy Blair 10 - Jerry Palmer 13 - Mike Manning November 4 - Jeannette Smith 7 - Brent Campbell 16 - Sharon Chilton 18 - Regina Wood 20 - Judy Wells 28 - Jay Ryan 30 - Robbi Haynes December 1 - Gladys Aubuchon 6 - James Seago 7 - Sherri Posey 10 - Susie Adams 14 - Gary Aubuchon 23 - Sheena Comer 25 - Muriel Elder WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES FOR MISSOURI DOM FELLOWSHIP January 10 - Clyde and Muriel Elder 13 - Russell and Susie Adams 25 – Randy and Sheena Comer 26 - Mike and Linda Wilson 29 – Phil and Retha Brewster February September 15 - Frank and Rebecca Welch March 5 - Tim and Linda Abanathy 15- Daryl & Polly Stagg April 8 – Patrick and Jay Ryan May 7 - James and Delores Seago 16 - Curtis and Penny Townley 24 – Pat & Patty Panepinto 24 – Paul & Sherri Posey 29 - Phil and Gail Rector 28 - Steve & Diann Patterson 31 - Rodney and Debbie Hammer June 5 - Jim & Maggie Albers 19 – David & Elaine Mifflin 20 - James and Sharon Chilton 24 - Michael and Robbi Haynes 25 - Robert and Regina Woods July 1 - Jerry and Linda Palmer 30 – L. Joe and Judy Coppedge 31 - Al and Anita Groner August 7 - Tommy and Karen Blair 16 – Timothy and Teresa Faber 20 - Jim and Deanna Breeden 21 - E. J. and Diann Barnes 23 - Brent & Diane Campbell October 1 - Jim and Jill Plymale 8 - Calvin and Vicki Brown 14 - Jim and Judy Wells 18 - Kevin and Judy Carter 22 - Dick and Jeannette Smith November 18 – Nick and Pam Catrow 29 - Mike and Leslie Manning December 26 - Gary and Gladys Aubuchon DIRECTOR OF MISSIONS – 2015 Aubuchon, Gary Wayne Baptist Association OFFICERS President…..………………..……. Brent Campbell President Elect………………...……….E. J. Barnes Secretary……….…………..………...…Clyde Elder Treasurer………..………………………..Jim Albers ADVISORY COMMITTEE Central……………………..…….Larry Lewis ~ 2014-2016 East Central………………….….Jim Breeden ~ 2013-2015 Northeast………….………….….Mike Wilson ~ 2014-2016 Northwest…………………….....Brad Walker ~ 2013-2015 South Central…….……...……..….Paul Posey ~ 2013-2015 Southeast…….……………….. Steve Colquitt ~ 2014-2016 Southwest………………………Randy Comer ~ 2013-2015 West Central………………..…..Jerry Palmer ~ 2014-2016 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Dick Smith, Chairman.…………………………….2015 Richard Nations …………………………………...2016 Ken Hawkins,.…………………………..….…..…..2017 STATE FAIR David Mifflin, Chairman Daryl Stagg, Ex-Officio/Treasurer Al Groner, Member Mike Manning, Member Paul Posey, Member Frank Welch, Member MBC STAFF Jim Wells – Advisor Betty Benz Pulliam – Ministry Assistant Dr. John Yeats – MBC Executive Director DIRECTOR OF MISSIONS Alphabetical By Person Abanathy, Tim Southeast Missouri Baptist Assoc. P. O. Box 551, 608 N. 6th, Hayti, MO 63851 573.359.2356 (wk) 888.349.1586 (toll free) EMAIL Web Site: HCR 2, Box 2131, Silva, MO 63964 573.224.3318 (wk) EMAIL Barnes, E. J., North Grand River Baptist Assoc. 1108 North Main, Trenton, MO 64683-2276 660.359.3897 (wk) 660.359.0200 (fax) EMAIL Web site: Blair, Tommy Shoal Creek Baptist Association 4151 Beaumont Drive, Neosho, MO 64850-8808 417.451.5485 (wk) 417.451.1527 (fax) EMAIL Website: Breeden, Jim St. Louis Baptist Association 3859 Fee Fee Road, Bridgeton, MO 63044 314.571.7579 Ext. 105 (wk) 314.571.7521 (fax) EMAIL Website: Brewster, Phil St. Francois Baptist Association 1151 Highway DD, Marquand, MO 63655 573.783.8023 (wk) E-MAIL Brown, Calvin Concord Baptist Association 804 Fairmount, Jefferson City, MO 65101-3543 573.635.4832 (wk) 573.635.5419 (fax) aEmail: Web Site: Campbell, Brent Twin Rivers Baptist Assoc. Adams, Russell Dallas Baptist Association PO Box 374, Buffalo, MO 65622 417.345.1580 (wk) EMAIL: Albers, Jim Ozark Prairie Association Box S, 503 W. 4th Street, Lockwood, MO 65682 417.232.4249 (wk) EMAIL Web Site: 100 Twin Rivers Lane, Wright City, MO 63390-0707 636.745.9777 (wk) 636.745.9227 (fax) Email (Personal): Web Site: Carter, Kevin Black River Baptist Association 212 Southwest Drive, Kennett, MO 63857-2731 573.888.3867 (wk) 573.888.0553 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Fisher, Mitch Webster Baptist Association Catrow, Nick – Eleven Point River Bapt. Assn. PO Box 505, Alton, MO 65606 314.856-5056 (cell) EMAIL: P. O. Box 286 Marshfield, MO 65706-0286 417.859.5346 (wk) 417.827.4086 (cell) EMAIL Web Site: Groner, Al Bethel Baptist Association Chilton, Jim Dent Baptist Association PO Box 547, Salem, MO 65560 573.729.7663 (wk) 573.729.5565 (fax) EMAIL: 7918A Highway MM, Hannibal, MO 63401-3512 573.719.0882 (cell) 573.221.0922 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Chilton, Jim Phelps Baptist Association 409 Sheron Ave., Rolla, MO 65401 573.364.8313 (wk) EMAIL Colquitt, Steve Reynolds Baptist Association 40681 Hwy 21, Centerville, MO 63633-8284 573.648.2424 (wk) (775) 224-3344 (cell) EMAIL Comer, Randy Barry County Association Hale, Tim Lighthouse Baptist Association c/o Lawson Baptist Church PO Box 66, Lawson, MO 64062 816.296.7020 (wk) (816) 665-2812 (cell) EMAIL Website: Hall, Rick Crossroads Baptist Association PO Box 357, 514 Rollins, Moberly, MO 65270-1530 660.263.7171 (wk) EMAIL: Email: Website: 3004 Main, Cassville, MO 65625-3554 417.847.2820 (wk/) 417.847.2820 (fax) EMAIL Coppedge, Joe Mid-Lakes Baptist Association Hammer, Rodney Blue River-Kansas City Bapt. Assoc. 4041 NE Lakewood Way, Suite 260, Lee's Summit, MO 64064 816.795.1822 (wk) 816.795.1763 (fax) EMAIL Website 722 E. South Street, Bolivar, MO 65613 417.326.4667 (wk) EMAIL Web Site: Hawkins, Kenneth - Lawrence Baptist Assn. Elder, Clyde St. Joseph Baptist Association 584 N. Spring Park Blvd, Mount Vernon, MO 65712 417.461.5880 (wk) EMAIL Website: 4608 Mitchell Ave., St. Joseph, MO 64507-2501 816.233.2504 (wk) 816.233.2505 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Haynes, Michael Greene County Baptist Assoc. Faber, Timothy Miller County Baptist Assoc. 834 West Battlefield, Springfield, MO 65807 417.869.2557 (wk) 417.869.2558 (fax) EMAIL Website: PO Box 391, 401 W. Champain, Eldon, MO 65026 573.392-6591 (wk) EMAIL Website: Panepinto, Pat Meremac Baptist Assoc. Lewis, Larry -- Mid Missouri Baptist Assn 812 Hitt St., Columbia, MO 65201-5207 573.239.6043 (wk) 573.449.3844 (fax) Email: P.O. Box 1299 Steelville, MO 65565-1299 573.775.4148 (wk) EMAIL Website: Posey, Paul D. Box 158, 304 W. Crandall Meadville, MO 64659 660.938.4294 (wk) 660.938.4297 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Texas Baptist Association 168 N. Sam Houston Blvd., Houston, MO 65483 417.967.2015 (wk) 417.967.2015 (fax) EMAIL Mifflin, David L. Fellowship Baptist Association Ryan, Patrick Missouri Valley Baptist Assn. Manning, Mike Linn-Livingston Baptist Assoc. 19437 Baptist Ridge Road, Warsaw, MO 65355 660.438.6678 (wk) Email: Email: Web Site: PO Box 21, 314 W Maple Street, Slater, MO 65349 660.529.9780 (wk) EMAIL Website: Seago, James Pulaski Baptist Association Nations, Richard Thousand Hills Baptist Assoc. 1300 Country Club Drive, Kirksville, MO 63501 660.627.3802 (wk) 660.627.3607 (fax) EMAIL : Email (Personal): Website: 26224 Silver Lane, Waynesville, MO 65583-9738 573.774.2926 (wk) 573.774.5771 (fax) EMAIL Website: Shuford, Phillip A. Tri County Baptist Assn. Palmer, Jerry Heartland Baptist Association P. O. Box 478 ~ 108 W. Third, Lawson, MO 64062 816.296.3021 (wk) EMAIL Web Site: P.O. Box 370, Nixa, MO 65714 417.725.8825 (wk) 417.725.8835 (fax) EMAIL: Web Site: Smith, Richard (Dick) Charleston Baptist Assn Patterson, Steve Spring River Baptist Assoc. P. O. Box 1088, 4037 E. St., Joplin, MO 64801 417.782.3770 (wk) 417.782.1044 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: 7th Plymale, Jim Franklin County Baptist Assoc. P.O. Box 310, 785 Butterfield Dr., Union, MO 63084 636.583.2639 (wk) 636.583.4474 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Rector, Phillip Gasconade Valley Bapt. Assoc. 4300 Highway B, Bland, MO 65014-2332 573.646.3454 (wk) EMAIL: Website: 4855 State Highway 77, Benton, MO 63736-9735 573.545.3561 (wk) EMAIL Website: Stagg, Daryl Harmony Baptist Association P. O. Box 1810, Sedalia, MO 65302-1810 660.826.2070 (wk) 660.826.2332 (fax) EMAIL: Townley, Curtis Osage River Baptist Assoc. 201 N. Willow, PO Box 140, Butler, MO 64730 660.679.5621 (wk) 660.424.4420 (cell) EMAIL: Website: Vernon, John - Cape Girardeau 5103 Old Cape Rd. E, Jackson, MO 63755-3845 573.334.3511 (wk) 573.275.9339 (cell) DIRECTOR OF MISSIONS Alphabetical By Association EMAIL Website: Barry County – Randy Comer (Sheena), 3004 Main, Cassville, MO 65625-3554 417.847.2820 (wk/) 417.847.2820 (fax) EMAIL: Walker, Brad Harrison Baptist Association 904 North 12th Street, Bethany, MO 64424-1149 660.425.3889 (wk) 660.425.7103 (fax) EMAIL Welch, Frank Salt River Baptist Association P. O. Box 368, 120-1/2 W. Main , Bowling Green, MO 63334 573.324.6420 (wk) 573.324.5657 (fax) EMAIL Website: Wilson, Mike Pleasant Grove Baptist Association Bethel - Al Groner, (Anita) 7918A Highway MM, Hannibal, MO 63401-3512 573.719.0882 (cell) 573.221.0922 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Black River - Kevin Carter (Judy) 212 Southwest Drive, Kennett, MO 63857-2731 573.888.3867 (wk) 573.888.0553 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Blue River-Kansas City - Rodney Hammer, (Debbie) 4041 NE Lakewood Way, Suite 260, Lee's Summit, MO 64064-1703 816.795.1822 (wk) 816.795.1763 (fax) EMAIL Website: Route 1, Box 24, Knox City, MO 63446-9707 660.434.5523 (wk) EMAIL Cane Creek Stoddard – Michelle Caswell, Contact Person 2090 Three Rivers Blvd., Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 573.686.1115 (wk) 573.686.1116 (fax) EMAIL Website: Strauch, Steven Laclede Baptist Association Cape Girardeau - John Vernon ( ) 5103 Old Cape Rd. E, Jackson, MO 63755-3845 573.334.3511 (wk) 573.334.3511 (fax) EMAIL Website: P. O. Box 1221, Lebanon, MO 65536-1221 417.532.9648 (wk) EMAIL Website: Whisenand, Robert -- Moderator Mt. Zion Baptist Association 504 N. Randolph Street, Higbee, MO 65257 660.456.7922 EMAIL: Charleston - Richard Smith (Jeannette) 4855 State Highway 77, Benton, MO 63736-9735 573.545.3561 (wk) EMAIL Website: Clay-Platte – Tony Preston ( ), 5071 N. Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64118 816.413.8886 (wk) 816.413.8945 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Concord - Calvin Brown (Vicki) 804 Fairmount, Jefferson City, MO Wood, Robert 'Bob' Howell Baptist Assoc. P. O. Box 1005, 1126 Cass Ave., West Plains, MO 65775-1005 417.256.3647(wk) 417.256.3527 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: 65101-3543 573.635.4832 (wk) 573.635.5419 (fax) Email: Web Site: Crossroads - Rick Hall ( ) PO Box 357, 514 W Rollins, Moberly, MO 65270 660.263.7171 (wk) EMAIL: Email Rick: Website: Dallas - Russell Adams (Susie) PO Box 374, Buffalo, MO 65622 417.345.1580 (wk) EMAIL: Dent - Jim Chilton (Sharon) PO Box 547, Salem, MO 65560 573.729.7663 (wk) 573.729.6949 (fax) EMAIL: Eleven Point River – Nick Catrow (Pam) PO Box 505, Alton, MO 65606 314.856.5056 (cell) EMAIL: Fellowship - David L. Mifflin (Elaine) 19437 Baptist Ridge Road, Warsaw, MO 65355 660.438.6678 (wk) 660.438.3925 (fax) EMAIL: Email (personal): Web Site: Lawrence - Ken Hawkins ( ) 584 N. Spring Park Blvd, Mount Vernon, MO 65712 417.461.5880 (wk) EMAIL Website: Lighthouse – Tim Hale Interim, c/o Lawson Baptist Church PO Box 66, Lawson, MO 64062 816.296.7020 (wk) 816.665.2812 (Cell) EMAIL Linn-Livingston – Mike Manning (Leslie) Box 158, 204 Franklin County - Jim Plymale (Jill) P.O. Box 310, 785 Butterfield Dr., Union, MO 63084-0310 636.583.2639 (wk) 636.583.4474 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Gasconade Valley - Phillip Rector (Gail) 4300 Highway B, Bland, MO 65014-2332 573.646.3454 (wk) EMAIL: Crandall St., Meadville, MO 64659-0158 660.938.4294 (wk) 660.938.4297 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Meramec – Pat Panepinto, (Patty) P.O. Box 1299 Steelville, MO 65565-1299 573.775.4148 (wk) EMAIL Website: Grand Crossings – Ron Baker, Moderator PO Box 245, Mid-Lakes - Joe Coppedge (Judy) 722 E. South Street, Bolivar, MO 65613 417.326.4667 (wk) EMAIL Web Site: Fulton, MO 65251 573.220.4977 (wk) EMAIL Web Site: Mid Missouri – Larry Lewis, 812 Hitt Street, Columbia, MO 65201 Greene County - Michael Haynes (Robbi) 834 West Battlefield, 573.239.6043 (wk) 573.449-3844 (fax) Email: Springfield, MO 65807 417.869.2557 (wk) 417.869.2558 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Harmony – Daryl Stagg (Polly) P. O. Box 1810, Sedalia, MO 65302-1810 660.826.2070 (wk) 660.473.5173 (cell) EMAIL Harrison – Brad Walker (Sherry) 904 North 12th Street, Bethany, MO 64424-1149 660.425.3889 (wk) 660.425.7103 (fax) EMAIL Miller County - Timothy Faber (Teresa) PO Box 391, 401 W. Champain, Eldon, MO 65026-0391 573.392.6591 (wk) EMAIL Website: Mineral Area – Paul Pope ( ) PO Box 554, Park Hills, MO 63601 573.431.5140 (wk) 573.431.7122 (fax) EMAIL Missouri Valley - Patrick Ryan (Jay) PO Box 21, 314 W Maple Heartland - Jerry Palmer (Linda) P. O. Box 478 ~ 108 W. Third, Lawson, MO 64062-0478 816.296.3021 (wk) EMAIL Web Site: Heritage Southern - David Baker, (Moderator) 810 S. Cedar St., Street, Slater, MO 65349 660.529.9780 (wk) EMAIL Website: Monroe - Kevin Keeling, Moderator 15822 Monroe Rd. 900, Madison, MO 65263-2340 573.682.5689 (wk) Belton, MO 64012 816.331.1000 (wk) EMAIL Jefferson – Chuck Hoskins ( ), P.O. Box 100, Mapaville, MO 63065-0100 636.937.8608 (wk) 636.931.2815 (fax) EMAIL Web: Laclede – Steven Strauch, 304 N. Monroe St., P. O. Box 1221, Lebanon, MO 65536-1221 417.532.9648 (wk) 417.343.4270 (cell) EMAIL Web: Lamine – Julie Beckerdite, Contact Person PO Box 41, Versailles, MO 65084-0041 573.378.5420 (wk) EMAIL: Web Site: Mt. Salem-Wyaconda – Dan Steinbeck, Moderator, P. O. Box 247, 300 S. Elm St. Lewistown, MO 63452-0247 573.215.3328 (wk) 573.248.5561 (cell) EMAIL Web Site: Mt. Zion - Robert Whisenand, Moderator 504 N. Randolph St., Higbee, MO 65257 660.456.7922 EMAIL New Life - Amy Sparks, Secretary P.O. Box 36 401 West 4th St., Maryville, MO 64468 660.562.2616 (wk) EMAIL Web site: North Grand River - E. J. Barnes (Diann) 1108 North Main, Trenton, MO 64683-2276 660.359.3897 (wk) 660.359.0200 (fax) St. Joseph - Clyde Elder (Muriel) 4608 Mitchell Ave., EMAIL Web: St. Joseph, MO 64507-2501 816.233.2504 (wk) 816.233.2505 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Osage River - Curtis Townley (Penny) 25 N Main Street, Butler, MO 64730-2135 660.679.5621 (wk) 660.679.3108 (fax) EMAIL: Website: St. Louis - Jim Breeden 3859 Fee Fee Road, Bridgeton, MO Ozark Prairie - Jim Albers (Maggie) Box S, 503 W. 4th St., 63044 314.571.7579 Ext. 105 (wk) 314.571.7521 (fax) EMAIL Lockwood, MO 65682-0373 417.232.4249 (wk) EMAIL Web Site: Texas – Paul Posey. 168 N. Sam Houston Blvd., Phelps - Jim Chilton (Sharon) 409 Sheron Ave., Rolla, MO 65401 Houston, MO 65483 417.967.2015 (wk) 417.967.2015 (fax) EMAIL 573.364.8313 (wk) EMAIL Thousand Hills – Richard Nations ( ) 1300 Country Club Drive Pleasant Grove - Mike Wilson, Route 1, Box 24, Knox City, MO 63446-9707 660.434.5523 (wk) EMAIL Kirksville, MO 63501-5362 660.627.3802 (wk) 660.627.3607 (fax) EMAIL Pulaski - James Seago (Delores) 26221 Silver Lane, Tri County – Phillip A. Shuford ( ) P.O. Box 370, Nixa, MO Waynesville, MO 65583-9738 573.774.2926 (wk) 573.774.5771 (fax) EMAIL Website: 65714 417.725.8825 (wk) 417.725.8835 (fax) EMAIL: Web Site: Reynolds – Steve Colquitt, 40681 Hwy 21, Centerville, MO 63633- Twin Rivers - Brent Campbell (Diane) 100 Twin Rivers Lane, Wright City, MO 63390-0707 636.745.9777 (wk) 636.745.9227 (fax) 8284 573.648.2424 (wk) 775.224.3344 (cell) EMAIL EMAIL Email (personal) Website: Salt River - Frank Welch, (Rebecca) P. O. Box 368, 120-1/2 W. Main, Bowling Green, MO 63334 573.324.6420 (wk) 573.324.5657 (fax) EMAIL Website: Wayne - Gary Aubuchon (Gladys) HCR 2, Box 2131, Silva, MO 63964 573.224.3318 (wk) 573.224.5317 (fax) EMAIL Shoal Creek - Tommy Blair, (Karen) 4151 Beaumont Drive, Neosho, MO 64850-8808 417.451.5485 (wk) 417.451.1527 (fax) EMAIL Website: South Central - Robert 'Bob' Wood (Regina) P. O. Box 1005, 1126 Cass Ave., West Plains, MO 65775-1005 417.256.3647(wk) 417.256.3527 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Southeast Missouri - Tim Abanathy (Lynda) P. O. Box 551, Hayti, MO 63851-0551 573.359.2356 (wk) 888.349.1586 (toll free) EMAIL Web Site: Spring River - Steve Patterson (Diann) P. O. Box 1088, Joplin, MO 64802-1088 417.782.3770 (wk) 417.782.1044 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: St. Francois - Phil Brewster (Oretha) 1151 Highway DD, Marquand, MO 63655 573.783.8023 (wk) EMAIL Webster – Mitch Fisher ( ) P. O. Box 286, Marshfield, MO 65706-0286 417.859.5346 (wk) 417.468.6487 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: West Central – Dean Pruett, Interim, P. O. Box 255, 602 N. Holden, Warrensburg, MO 64093-0255 660.747.3628 (wk) 660.747.2463 (fax) EMAIL Web Site: Wright-Douglas-Ozark – Gene Edwards (Diane), P. O. Box 317, Mansfield, MO 65704-0317 417.924.3707 (wk) 417-926-2876 (cell) 417.924.3707 (fax) Missouri DOM Fellowship DOM Fellowship Business Meeting November 19, 2014 The meeting was called to order by President Jim Chilton. The minutes from the Spring DOM Fellowship meeting were distributed. Treasurer, Jim Albers, presented the financial report. The minutes and treasurer’s report were approved. David Mifflin presented the State Fair Ministry report. He also reported from the Advisory Committee meeting about the possibility of including a horse whisperer event and a cowboy worship service in addition to hosting the evangelism tent. David reported that the Fair Ministry committee will be investigating these possibilities. Richard Nation suggested that evangelism funds be requested from Mark Snowden’s office for securing Bibles for these events. Al Groner moved that the DOM Fellowship continue the present State Fair Ministry tent and add horse whisperer and cowboy worship. David reported that the State Fair dates have been changed and he will soon be requesting volunteers to help man the evangelism tent. David reported that 25 associations are supporting the State Fair Ministry. Jim Chilton reported from the Advisory Committee. Old Business: Jim reported on the effort to clarify the benevolence fund policy, particularly regarding who should receive flowers upon a death in the family. Jim Albers shared his thoughts. Al Groner moved that flowers be sent upon the death of current DOMs. This was seconded and adopted. New Business: Phil Brewster presented the Nominating Committee report. The Committee recommended these nominees: President-Elect: E. J. Barnes Secretary: Clyde Elder Treasurer: Jim Albers The nominees were elected. Jim Chilton announced the appointment of Ken Hawkins to a 3-year term on the Nominating Committee. He also appointed Dick Smith to chair the Nominating Committee Jim then presented a motion adopted by the Advisory Committee regarding the proposed policy for financial arrangements for Fellowship meals. The policy was adopted. President-elect Brent Campbell then asked for prayer requests. Jim Wells encouraged the Associations to schedule Prayer Assemblies. The meeting adjourned with prayer by Paul Posey. Submitted by Dick Smith, acting secretary Advisory Committee Meeting November 18, 2014 Those in attendance were: Jim Wells, Betty Pulliam, Richard Nations, David Mifflin, Steve Colquit, Dick Smith, Phil Brewster, Brad Walker, Randy Comer, Jim Albers, Jim Chilton, Darryl Stagg, Al Groner, Paul Posey, John Yeats and Rick Hall. Jim Wells provided an overview of the DOM Fellowship Conference to be held later today through tomorrow. The Spring Conference will be in Branson in March. The first two days, March 24-25, will be on spiritual formation with the next two days, March 26-27, being on mentoring/coaching. The State Fair will receive funding from MMO and budgeted funds as well. Jim reported on the idea of doing a cowboy service, possibly on the 2nd Sunday of the State Fair. He reported that preliminary plans are being made but nothing is certain yet. The committee discussed the venue at the State Fair with the possibility of a horse whisperer. This could take place in the Fair pavilion. This proposal would be added to the State Fair Committee. The dates of the State Fair are August 6-16, 2015. The committee discussed the need for additional DOMs to help with the Fair Committee. These men are Richard Nations, Paul Posey, Frank Welch and one more to be selected to help. Several questions were asked about the Midwest Conference to be held in Springfield, Illinois in January. Jim Wells and John Yeats discussed the details and the need for DOMs to promote this in their associations. Jim then underscored how conflict within associations is increasing and mentioned other issues confronting associations today. This was to preview Jim’s session this evening on the future of associations. Jim reported on the recent Prayer Gatherings. One hundred and six (106) attended the prayer meeting last week in Ferguson, Missouri, which was very well received. Brent Campbell read from II Chronicles 20 regarding prayer assemblies. Jim gave his health report, praising God for the good health results. Jim Chilton then reported on the need to clarify the guidelines on the benevolent ministry fund. Jim Albers provided the background information on this matter. The discussion centered on what relative of a DOM should trigger the sending of flowers upon death. Jim Chilton then shared a prayer request regarding his son-in-law who has a brain tumor. Al Groner then reported on meals at the Missouri Baptist Convention, Evangelism Conference, etc. He suggested that a volunteer might take the lead on arranging the meal each time. Al volunteered to take on this responsibility. There was much discussion on the financial aspect of having a DOM Fellowship meal. Consensus was for Al Groner to make arrangements for future meals. Al moved that the DOM Fellowship assist in financial arrangements for Fellowship meals with the following stipulations: (1) that financial assistance be provided only if the cost of a meal does not exceed $20 per person and sufficient funds are available; and (2) financial assistance be extended to the DOM and his wife only—the DOM shall pay the entire cost of a meal for any guests. The motion was seconded and adopted. The meeting closed in prayer led by Brent Campbell Submitted by Dick Smith, acting secretary DOM Fellowship Financial Statement As of March 21, 2015 Balance on Hand (11/17/14) $3001.41 Deposits 12/23/14 13 dues collected $325.00 3/21/15 8 DOM lunches @ Evang. Conf. 96.00 Total Deposits $421.00 Available Assets $3422.41 Expenses 11/19/14 Ck#1027 MBC 52 DOM Breakfast meals @ MBC Annual Meeting 12/30/14 Returned Check for Insufficient funds on dues paid 50.00 12/30/14 Handling charge for returned ck. 5.00 02/06/15 Ck#1028 pd MBC for 10 lunches At Evangelism Conference 120.00 $1141.92 Total Expenses $1316.92 New Balance (03/21/15) $2105.49 Respectfully Submitted, Jim Albers, Treasurer
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