PFMO 2015 Conference Exhibitor Information and Request Process

PFMO 2015 Conference Exhibitor
Information and Request Process
People First of Missouri invites companies and
organizations to submit a Conference Exhibitor
Request Form for the 2015 Self-Advocacy
Conference. Do not miss out on the opportunity
to exhibit your organization and products at this
Exhibits from companies and organizations that are of interest to self-advocates are most
welcome. (We reserve the right to reject requests from organizations and groups that we feel
do not support the principles of self advocacy) There are a limited number of exhibit spaces
available for vendors that wish to exhibit. PFMO has a standing policy of not having providers
of residential and day services to people with disabilities exhibit at the conference so as to not
make this a marketing effort of any one provider over another to self advocates. As the
organizer of this event, PFMO appreciates the support of many organizations, including
providers who make it possible for people to attend, and hope that this policy is understood in
the spirit for which it was established.
As a paid Exhibitor at the Conference, you will be provided with the following:
• Listing in the conference program
• One (1) exhibitor badge (does not allow access into program or meal functions)
• One 6’ skirted exhibit table in exhibit hall with two chairs
All exhibits will be table-top only. Electrical connections will be available.
The exhibitor fee for nonprofit organizations is $75, and for-profit organizations is $150. Space
is limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Selected exhibitors will be
contacted by e-mail (or by phone if no e-mail address is available).
Exhibitor Request Forms must be completed by April 10, 2015 to be considered.
Please complete the Exhibitor Request Form electronically by clicking the following link:
For more information about the PFMO 2015 Self-Advocacy Conference, please visit the PFMO
website at, or call (800) 558-8652, or e-mail