MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING Congratulations on winning your local title. We’re so excited to have you as a participant in our 2015 Virginia’s “TEEN IN TRAINING” program! Our volunteer staff has been working hard to make this year’s event the best ever! The Miss Virginia’s “Teens in Training” program is designed to be a stepping stone to the Outstanding Teen program. Our Virginia Outstanding Teen State Program is ranked #1 in the nation based on the number of winners and runners-up. This success is the result of the knowledge, skills, and training we provide our participants. It is our goal to continue this high level of training with the “Teens in Training” program. “Teens in Training” participants will experience growth in personal presentation, confidence, poise, physical fitness, talent expression and a platform of community service. They will learn what it takes to be a successful titleholder and develop skills for the future. “Teens in Training” is a program designed to assist young women by offering training and educational workshops in platform development and implementation, interview preparation and presentation, talent selection and presentation, modeling in evening wear, personal physical fitness presentation, and etiquette and manners. “Teens in Training” participants will present their knowledge, skills, and abilities in these areas in a special onstage Showcase. Patterned after the 4 four points of the Miss America Crown (Scholarship, Service, Style and Success), we will award 4 Ambassadors of the “Teen in Training” Program based on the following: 1 -Scholarship -- Highest Academic Grade Point 2 -Service -- Highest Amount of Verified Community Service Hours 3 & 4 -Style and Success -- Voted on during Friday's showcase by the audience with ballots distributed at the door. The top two highest recipients of votes will be selected Ambassadors. The auditors will tally the votes with no judging involved. Scholarships will be awarded to the (4) four named Ambassadors. All Teens in Training participants will receive a Certificate of Achievement and will be awarded a Medal of Distinction onstage. In addition to the fabulous Teen and TEEN IN TRAINING pageant to be held on Saturday, June 27th, Teen and TEEN IN TRAINING participants will: st Be directly involved in the 2015 Miss Virginia pageant as we celebrate our 62 year in Roanoke Be featured on the Miss Virginia stage in a fabulous production Our Teen in Training Scholarship Ambassadors will be announced on stage Saturday afternoon of the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen pageant What a fabulous opportunity to be involved with the largest scholarship organization for women in the world -- The Miss America Organization! Enclosed is information that you will need to complete and turn in to your local director. We hope this answers any questions you may have concerning this year’s event. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our volunteer office at (757) 873-0454. Be prepared to have the time of your life! Revised April 3, 2015 1 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEENS IN TRAINING PARTICIPANT CHECKLIST –place all paperwork in the following order in a Manila folder Use this checklist as your COVER PAGE TEENS IN TRAINING Application 2015 State o o o o o o Attachment A – Supplemental Fact Sheet--includes copy of birth certificate, medical and dental cards, Attachment B – Emergency/Medical Information Attachment C – State Scholarship Rules Attachment D – Contestant Social Media Policies Attachment E– Contestant Social Media Agreement o MVAOT Morals Clause o Local Basic Information o Talent request form & CD— mailing information will be sent to you at a later date (due 5/18/2015)-pull out o Talent information form—turn in by your local Executive Director-(due 4/18/2015) o Resume (12 copies) use the MAOT guidelines -- 1 page o Platform Issue Statement (12 copies) use the MAOT guidelines -- 1 page-please sign at the bottom of page o Photo for program book—send to: by email – toni3527@cox.net >>> ONE CD per local with all photos of their teen, TEENS IN TRAINING and princess.(turn in Master by Miss workshop- 4/18/2015) o Miss Photogenic photo & $45 entry fee (optional) (due 4/18/2015) o Program book ad page(s) & $150 ad page fee (per page)(ad page due by email 5/18/2015)(fee due –4/18/2015) o Production costume & t-shirt sizes form & $99 fee (due 4/18/2015) o $395 entry fee-due 4/18/2014 o Fees checklist with attached check and/or checks All fees, paperwork and requirements are to be turned in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEENS IN TRAINING Field Director by your local Executive Director at the workshop by April 18th. All checks should be made payable to the “Miss Virginia Organization” EXCEPTION: All “Sweeps” pageant paperwork/fees are due within 2 weeks of workshop— DUE DATE: MAY 1, 2015 A videographer will be available during the pageant to record your memories. She will be at orientation to take your orders and payment. Cost is approximately $90.00. Miss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase APPLICATION ATTACHMENT A: FACT SHEET Miss Teens in Training Showcase contestant Full Name (as you wish it listed in Program Book): Date of Birth: Age: Telephone: Home Address: City: State: Zip: School/Grade: Platform: Email Address: Parents: Attachments (check here if included): ( ) Copy of Birth Certificate ( ) Morals Clause ( ) Copy of Health Insurance Card- Front and Back ( ) Copy of Dental Insurance Card- Front and Back ( ) Talent form ( ) Copy of Resume ( ) Copy of Platform Statement ( ) Attachment A—Fact Sheet ( ) Attachment B—Emergency Information Form ( ) Attachment C—Scholarship Information ( ) Attachment D—Social Media Policies ( ) Attachment E—Social Media Agreement Father’s Name: Mother’s Name: Cell phone Cell phone Other Legal Guardian’s Name: Other Legal Guardian’s Name: Miss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase DATE:_ Contestant Initials:_ Parent Initials:_ 1 ATTACHMENT B: EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM Please use this form to also provide additional information referenced in this contract. MISS TEENS IN TRAINING CONTESTANT’S NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: WHILE AT THE STATE OR LOCAL SHOWCASE, WHO SHOULD BE CALLED IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY? NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: HOME: OFFICE: CELL: MEDICAL INSURANCE COMPANY NAME: EMPLOYER OR COMPANY NAME (IF GROUP PLAN): POLICY NUMBER: NAME OF SUBSCRIBER: SUBSCRIBER’S ADDRESS THROUGH THE DATE OF THE STATE TEENS IN TRAINING SHOWCASE: RELATIONSHIP OF SUBSCRIBER TO YOU: SELF PARENT/GUARDIAN OTHER FAMILY PHYSICIAN: PHYSICIAN’S PHONE: HOME: OFFICE: YOU’RE BLOOD TYPE: MEDICATIONS TO WHICH YOU HAVE AN ALLERGIC REACTION: LIST ALL PRESCRIBED MEDICATIONS YOU ARE CURRENTLY TAKING: LIST ALL OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS YOU ARE CURRENTLY TAKING: Miss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase DATE:_ Contestant Initials:_ Parent Initials:_ 2 LIST ALL VITAMINS AND/OR SUPPLEMENTS YOU ARE CURRENTLY TAKING: ANY PHYSICAL PROBLEMS THAT COULD CAUSE YOU DISCOMFORT: DENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: EMPLOYER OR COMPANY NAME (IF GROUP PLAN): POLICY NUMBER: NAME OF SUBSCRIBER: SUBSCRIBER’S ADDRESS THROUGH THE DATE OF THE STATE TEENS IN TRAINING SHOWCASE: RELATIONSHIP OF SUBSCRIBER TO YOU: SELF PARENT/GUARDIAN OTHER FAMILY PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR INSURANCE CARD(S) (FRONT AND BACK) I certify the policy(s) named above is now in force and will be maintained through the date of the State Showcase. I understand that contestants are responsible for all medical/dental expenses incurred during the time in which they participate in the Miss Teens in Training Showcase activities and that neither the Miss Teens in Training Organization nor its medical insurance plan will be responsible for any such expenses. I certify that the above information is true and accurate. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE AUTHORIZATION FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT REGARDING CONTESTANTS BELOW THE AGE OF 18: I hereby authorize the Miss Teens in Training Organization’s physician, other appropriate health care provider and/or the Miss Teens in Training Organization’s registered nurse to perform medical treatment deemed necessary for: . PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE Miss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase DATE:_ Contestant Initials:_ Parent Initials:_ 3 ATTACHMENT C: STATE SCHOLARSHIP RULES AND REGULATIONS The Miss Virginia Organization will award scholarships under the following circumstances. 1. PURPOSE: Miss Virginia's Distinguished Teens in Training Ambassador Scholarship recipient scholarships help cover the costs of college tuition, books, and room and board. (Some restrictions apply.) The Miss Virginia Organization believes that education is key to a person’s success and is proud to be able to assist many outstanding teens and preteens with their future college expenses. 2. SCHOLARSHIP: The Miss Virginia organization is pleased to award a scholarship to Miss Virginia's Distinguished Teens in Training Ambassadors. 3. WHEN THE CONTESTANT IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE THE SCHOLARSHIP: Miss Virginia's Distinguished Teens in Training Ambassador may request her scholarship at any time after winning the state title; however, scholarship usage must begin within 1 year after graduation from high school. Some restrictions apply. Allow a minimum of 4 - 6 weeks for processing of the request. 4. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS TO RECEIVE THE SCHOLARSHIP: Miss Virginia's Distinguished Teens in Training Ambassador must follow the rules and regulations regarding eligibility to participate in the Miss Virginia’s Distinguished Teens in Training program – some of which are explained in the Application. 5. TIME PERIOD TO REQUEST THE SCHOLARSHIP: Miss Virginia's Distinguished Teens in Training Ambassador may request her scholarship at any time after winning the state title; however, scholarship usage must begin within 1 year of high school graduation. (Since high school graduation dates vary across the state, the Miss Virginia and Miss Virginia’s Distinguished Teens in Training Organizations use the universal date of May 31 of the contestant’s graduation year.) ALL SCHOLARSHIP MONIES WILL BE FORFEITED IF NOT USED WITHIN THIS TIME FRAME. Miss Virginia’s Distinguished Teens in Training may request an extension in order to use the scholarship for future expenses if there are extenuating circumstances. See the “Usage For Future Expenses And Forfeitures” section for more information. 6. SCHOLARSHIP USAGE: Scholarship funds may be applied to college/university tuition, textbooks, supplies, academic fees and other appropriate mandatory educational expenses. Personal expenses such as parking fines, bus passes, I. D. cards, library fines, health insurance, or other non-tuition related items are not covered. The exception to this is meal plans if the student is living on campus, board is covered, and she is enrolled as a full time student. Other “post high school” tuition may be considered upon written request from the student (i. e. technical schools, performing arts schools). These requests are paid if approved after full examination by the Miss Virginia Organization. All unusual or questionable items of expense must be referred to the Miss Virginia Organization with as much information as possible, and far enough in advance for consideration of approval. Amounts received as scholarship payments are taxable income to the extent that they exceed “Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses.” Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses include tuition and fees required for enrollment or attendance of a student at an educational organization, including fees, books, supplies and equipment required of all students in the particular course of instruction. Payment of all approved expenditures will be made directly to the college, university or other accredited institution unless extenuating circumstances exist (with the exception of computer or musical equipment/instruments, or books clause). Personal Reimbursements to scholarship recipients will not be honored, so proper planning and time allotment is essential on the part of the student. Miss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase DATE:_ Contestant Initials:_ Parent Initials:_ 4 Contestants may submit invoices for payment directly from the provider of the educational service. All invoices and receipts must be originals. Contestants may not request payment for expenses that are or have been covered through any other financial aid source. 7. REQUESTING USAGE: Requests for scholarships are initially processed by the Miss Virginia Organization for its review and approval. Scholarship recipients are required to complete the Application for Disbursement of Scholarship Funds and attach all required documentation. No exceptions are made without the consent of the Miss Virginia scholarship committee. All applications and invoices must be accompanied by a cover letter from the contestant. Unless prior permission is granted, all original documentation must be mailed (not faxed or e-mailed) to the address listed on the "Application." a. Requests for payment for other educational expenses (e.g. private instructions or course work not related to an accredited four-year college or university) must be pre-approved by the Miss Virginia Scholarship Committee. b. Requests for computer, musical equipment/instruments, or books will be considered only if the college or school states in writing that it is mandatory requirement in order for the contestant to complete the coursework. The contestant may be reimbursed for this expense provided the contestant submits either a letter on official school letterhead from the school stating the mandatory requirements or a list of course requirements. There may be a cap placed on an amount for computer equipment, and this type of expense will be reimbursed only once. Computer software is not a reimbursable item. The original bill of sale must be submitted as well as the original credit card receipt or a copy of the canceled check. 8. Payment Guidelines: Payments for on-campus room and board will be made to the educational institution and such requests must be accompanied by appropriate documentation from the educational institution evidencing the charges for same. Oncampus room and board is payable for full-time students only. Contestants must maintain at least 12 credit hours as a full-time student, 9 credit hours part-time status and 9 credit hours for graduate in order to qualify. Payments do not cover key fees or deposits. Utilities (electric, gas, cable, phone, etc.) are also not covered. It is each contestant’s obligation to determine whether the scholarship, in whole or part, is includable in gross taxable income, regardless of whether a Form 1099 has been issued by either the state organization, the Community Foundation or Miss Virginia Organization. Contestants are encouraged to consult a tax advisor regarding the taxability of the scholarship payments. 9. Priority of Level in Usage Contestants receiving scholarships at the state level must use the scholarship won at the local level prior to applying for funds at the state level. Verification must be submitted in writing from the Local Executive director that all local scholarship funds have been exhausted without forfeiture. The request for an exception must be submitted in writing to the Miss Virginia Organization Scholarship Committee for consideration. 10. Usage for Future Expenses and Forfeitures: Scholarships may be used for future educational expenses. State scholarship usage must begin within ONE year of high school graduation. (Since high school graduation dates vary across the state, the Miss Virginia Organization uses the universal date of May 31 of the contestant’s graduation year.) ALL SCHOLARSHIP MONIES WILL BE FORFEITED IF NOT USED WITHIN THIS TIME FRAME. If there are extenuating circumstances that are delaying the usage of a contestant’s scholarship monies, she may submit a written request for an extension of one year. This request must be received PRIOR to the end of the oneMiss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase DATE:_ Contestant Initials:_ Parent Initials:_ 5 year period following graduation in order to be considered. If the request is received past the one-year deadline, it will be denied and the money will be forfeited. If the extension process has begun, the Miss Virginia Organization will accept requests for scholarship extensions for a total of 4 years following the original graduation date. At the end of 4 years (using the May 31 cutoff date), all unused scholarship monies will be forfeited. Once a contestant begins usage of her scholarship funds, if there occurs a continuous, uninterrupted one (1) year period in which there is no activity in her account, and then the balance of that account will be forfeited. An exception to the time limits set forth above may be made if the contestant, prior to the expiration date, makes a written appeal to the Miss Virginia Organization citing compelling reasons why the time period should be extended. An extension will generally be permitted when the contestant has been awarded the state title. The Miss Virginia Organization will review the request and determine whether an extension is warranted. The decision of the Miss Virginia Organization shall be final and binding. Extension requests will NOT be accepted via e-mail or fax. ALL extension requests must be sent via Certified Mail, FedEx, or some other traceable source. It is the responsibility of the contestant to maintain contact with the state organization regarding all scholarship payments. THE MISS VIRGINIA ORGANIZATION IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING A CALENDAR OF GRADUATION DATES FOR OUR PARTICIPANTS. 11. DISPUTES: All disputes must be sent, in writing, to the Miss Virginia Organization. All disputes will be fairly examined by the Miss Virginia Organization. Every effort will be made to fairly resolve any issue that may arise regarding scholarship payments. The decision of the Miss Virginia Organization shall be final and binding. 12. SCHOLARSHIP RULES SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The Miss Virginia Organization reserves the right to amend and or modify the foregoing scholarship rules and regulations at any time without notice. I read and agree to the 2015 Miss Virginia Scholarship Rules and Regulations. Contestant Parent/Guardian Date Date Miss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase DATE:_ Contestant Initials:_ Parent Initials:_ 6 ATTACHMENT D Contestant Social Media Policies Teens in Training Contestant Social Media Policies The Teens in Training program is very clear regarding inappropriate behavior of ANY type, wherever it is found. This document specifically addresses social media. Once you make the decision to participate in our program, your past and present is a determining factor in your eligibility. If inappropriate language, photos, videos, or any other form of communication are discovered, your eligibility is at the sole discression of the Teens in Training organization. This is a zero-tolerance policy that will be enforced. If you have questions regarding the appropriateness of your social media posts, language, photos, videos, etc., ask yourself these questions: “Can I stand on stage in front of the Teens in Training judges and show them my social media posts? Can I repeat the language that I have used?” If the answer is “no”, this organization is not for you. I am recognizing and honoring the traits of honesty, good character, talent, poise, intellect, leadership and good judgment in the teens of America who enter the competition (the “Contestants”); and (3) enabling the Contestants to serve as role models for other teens with similar goals and personal characteristics. Personal Characteristics. I understand that in order to be eligible to compete in the Teens in Training program, I hereby certify to the Personal Characteristics set forth in this section: Good Character. I am of good moral character and I have not been involved at any time in any act of moral turpitude. Prior Conduct. I have never performed any act or engaged in any activity or employment that is or could reasonably be characterized as dishonest, immoral, or indecent. Termination of Eligibility. I understand and agree that if: I fail to conduct myself in a manner, which, in the sole and exclusive judgment of Teens in Training Showcase, is consistent with the standards and dignity of the Program. (I will be disqualified.) The following are the official guidelines for participating in social media for any participant in a Local, State, or National Teens in Training Showcase, Inc. competition. If you’re creating or contributing to blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, or any other kind of social media, these guidelines are for you. As a member of the Teens in Training Showcase community, you are representing the organization when you are participating in social computing. Posting as a representative of the Teens in Training Showcase family is not a right but an opportunity, so please treat it seriously and with respect. 1. Disclose Your honesty—or dishonesty—will be quickly noticed in the social media environment. Please represent Teens in Training Showcase, Inc. ethically and with integrity. • Be transparent: Use your real name, identify that you are associated with Teens in Training Showcase, and be clear about your role. Miss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase DATE:_ Contestant Initials:_ Parent Initials:_ 7 • Be truthful: If you have a vested interest in something you are discussing, be the first to point it out and be specific about what it is. • Be yourself: Stick to your area of expertise; write what you know. If you publish to a website outside Teens in Training Showcase, please use a disclaimer something like this: “The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent Teens in Training Showcase’s positions, strategies, or opinions.” • Be conscientious: Keep in mind that what you write is your responsibility and failure to abide by these guidelines could put your relationship with Teens in Training Showcase, Inc. at risk. • There is no clear line between your association with Teens in Training Showcase and your personal life. Always be honest and respectful in both capacities. With the ease of tracing authors back from their posts and the amount of information online, finding the actual identity of a poster from a few posts and a screen name is not impossible. This creates an avenue for outside parties to link your personal writings to those you've done as a Teens in Training Showcase representative. Always write as if everyone knows you. Never write anything you wouldn't say out loud to all parties involved. 2. Protect Remember, if you’re online, you’re on the record—everything on the Internet is public and searchable. What you post is ultimately your responsibility. • • • • • • 3. Don't slam the competition (or Teens in Training Showcase): Play nice. Anything you publish must be true and not misleading, and all claims regarding Teens in Training Showcase must be substantiated and approved. Don't over share: Be careful out there—once you hit "share," you usually can’t get it back. Plus being judicious will help make your content more crisp and audience-relevant. Did you mess up? If you make a mistake, admit it. Be upfront and be quick with your correction. If you're posting to a blog, you may choose to modify an earlier post—just make it clear that you have done so. Avoid hazardous materials. Do not post or link to any materials that are defamatory, harassing, or indecent! Don't promote other brands with our brand. Do not promote personal projects or endorse brands, causes or opinions when posting as a representative of Teens in Training Showcase unless you have received approval from your Executive Director or the Teens in Training Showcase national office. Always trackback. When reposting or referencing a post on one of Teens in Training Showcase’s online sites, provide a link to the original post or story. Use Common Sense • Perception is reality. In online social networks, the lines between public and private/personal are blurred. Just by identifying yourself as a Teens in Training Showcase representative you are creating perceptions about your expertise and about Teens in Training Showcase. Do us all proud. • The Internet is not anonymous, nor does it forget. Everything written on the Web can be traced back to its author one way or another and very easily. Information is backed up often and repeatedly, and posts in one forum are usually replicated in others through trackbacks and reposts or references. • Do not return fire. If a negative post or comment is found online about Teens in Training Showcase or yourself, do not counter with another negative post. Instead, Miss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase DATE:_ Contestant Initials:_ Parent Initials:_ 8 publicly offer to remedy the situation through positive action. Seek help from your parents, your Local/State Executive Director, or the Teens in Training Showcase office in defusing these types of situations. REMBEMBER! Everything you post on any form of social media is public information, whether you like it or not. It is a permanent record of your character, personality, moral beliefs, behavior, and reputation. If you have ANY doubt that what you are about to post may come back to haunt you, DON’T POST IT! I read and agree to the 2015 Miss Virginia Social Media Policies. Contestant Parent/Guardian Date Date Miss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase DATE:_ Contestant Initials:_ Parent Initials:_ 9 ATTACHMENT E Teens in Training Showcase Contestant Social Media Agreement Teens in Training Showcase, Inc. Contestant Social Media Agreement Teens in Training Showcase, Inc., in recognizing and honoring the traits of honesty, good character, talent, poise, intellect, leadership and good judgment in teens who participate in our program, has developed Social Media Policies for the purpose of enabling our participants to wisely participate in social media. These policies are included in this contract as Attachment D. Please list ALL social websites in which you participate. (Ex: Blogs, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, etc.) Also list your screen names. Websites Screen Names _ I, (name) understand that inappropriate social media behavior will not be tolerated by the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Organization or any of its subsidiaries. I am attesting, by my signature and that of my parent/guardian, on this form, that I have not posted on any type of social media either photos, videos, inappropriate language, or any other actions that would be considered inappropriate behavior in polite society. I understand that if any such materials are brought to the attention of the Miss America Organization, Miss America’s Outstanding Teen, Inc., or my Local/State Teens in Training Showcase, I am in danger of losing my title, immediately. I agree that it is at the sole discretion of the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Organization to determine the consequences of any such actions. (Contestant Signature) (Date) (Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date) (Executive Director) (Date) Miss Virginia’s Teens in Training Showcase DATE:_ Contestant Initials:_ Parent Initials:_ 10 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING Local Representative Basic Information Name: Address: City, Zip: Home Phone: E-mail: Birthdate: Age as of June 27, 2015: Local Title: School attending in fall of 2015: Grade: Mother’s name: Work phone: E-mail: Father’s name: Work phone: E-mail: All fees, paperwork and requirements are to be turned in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING Field Director by your local Executive Director at the workshop by April 18TH. All checks should be made payable to the “Miss Virginia Organization” Revised April 3, 2015 3 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING Talent Information-“with CD” TEEN IN TRAINING Participant Name:_________________________________________________ Local Title Held:__________________________________________________ Talent Type (dance, tap, vocal, etc.):_______________________________ Accompaniment Music Track Used? YES NO Type of Microphone Requesting: (all microphones are wireless) Lavaliere Headset Handheld Please submit this form completed with your talent music to Linda Haas. Your talent music should be burned to a CD as an audio track that can be played in a normal CD player. NOT an MP3 file. It should also be the ONLY track on the CD to avoid confusion. Participants should not expect to get this CD back. TOTAL TALENT TIME MUST NOT EXCEED 90 Seconds Mail this form along with your CD to be received by 5/18/2015 to: Miss Virginia’s TEEN IN TRAINING 712 Mobjack Place, Suite B Newport News, Virginia 23606 Revised April 3,2015 4 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING Talent Information Name: Local Title: Title of Talent: Talent Type: Vocal Dance Piano Baton Monologue Other: Type of accompaniment used for talent: CD Your “edited” song ONLY to be on this CD None Other: TOTAL TALENT TIME MUST NOT EXCEED 90 Seconds Return Talent form only by April 18TH to: Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING Volunteer office ________________________________________________________________ All fees, paperwork and requirements are to be turned in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING Field Director by your local Executive Director at the workshop by April 18TH. All checks should be made payable to the “Miss Virginia Organization” Revised April 3, 2015 5 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING PHOTOS FOR PROGRAM BOOK AND PRODUCTION PHOTO SPECS FOR MISS VIRGINIA PROGRAM BOOK: 1. All, TEEN IN TRAINING head shots for the Miss Virginia Program Book MUST be submitted electronically, either by email. NO HARD COPY PHOTOS WILL BE ACCEPTED!!! 2. For inclusion in the MISS program book, all photos MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN APRIL 18, 2015!!!!! All photos must be a HIGH RESOLUTION JPEG image, at least 1600 x 1200 DPI, VERTICAL FORMAT. 3. Head shots only, and NO crowns!!!! 4. Photo for program book—send to: by email – toni3527@cox.net >>> The preferred method to send: ONE CD per local with all photos of their teen, TEEN IN TRAINING and princess.(turn in by Miss workshop- 4/18/2015—best to give to your director to put on their master CD >>> Please list the email SUBJECT as participants’s name, title (Teen, etc) and local pageant she is representing All fees, paperwork and requirements are to be turned in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING Field Director by your local Executive Director at the workshop by April 18TH. All checks should be made payable to the “Miss Virginia Organization” Revised April 3,2015 6 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS PHOTOGENIC ENTRY - (Optional) Participants may submit a photo as an entry for the Miss Photogenic award. Photo may be in black and white or color. Photo can be any size up to 8 x 10. Write your name and “Miss Photogenic entry” on back of photo. The judges for the Teen pageant will select the Miss Photogenic winner. Turn these photos in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen Field Director by your Executive Director at the workshop on April 18, 2015 Entry fee for this optional competition is $45.00. All fees, paperwork and requirements are to be turned in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING Field Director by your local Executive Director at the workshop by April 18TH. All checks should be made payable to the “Miss Virginia Organization” Revised April 3, 2015 7 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING PROGRAM BOOK AD PAGES Each participant is required to purchase one black & white, 8 x 11 ad page in the program book. This page may be sold to a sponsor. The participants’s $150 fee for this page must be paid along with the competition entry fee. Participants may purchase additional pages at $150 each. These pages may also be sold to sponsors. The participant selling the most ad pages will receive a Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING Ad Princess award and will be crowned Ad Princess. All ads should be camera ready. Ads must be received by May 18, 2015. Ads in PDF or JPG format may be sent by E-mail to paulacox@haasinv.com at the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen office and Leigh Berry at leighmvaot@gmail.com. All payments for the ads are to be turned in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen Field Director by your local Executive Director at the workshop on April 18 2015. All fees, paperwork and requirements are to be turned in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING Field Director by your local Executive Director at the workshop by April 18TH. All checks should be made payable to the “Miss Virginia Organization” Revised April 3,2015 8 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING PRODUCTION COSTUME & T-SHIRTS Fill out this form for production costume and T-shirt size and turn this form with your payment of $99.00 in your Miss Virginia paperwork due April 18, 2015. Name: CHILD SIZES ADULT SIZES T-shirt size: S M L XL S M L XL Leotard size: S M L XL S M L XL Lycra-stretch top: S M L XL S M L XL All fees, paperwork and requirements are to be turned in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING Field Director by your local Executive Director at the workshop by April 18TH. All checks should be made payable to the “Miss Virginia Organization” Revised April 3, 2015 9 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING TICKET INFORMATION SHEET Event Price Instructions To be determined To be announced. Check the Teen page of MissVa.com for announcements. Preliminary Competition Friday, June 27th (times to be announced.) Located in the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center. General admission seating. Teen & TEEN IN TRAINING Finals Saturday, June 27th at 4:00 p.m. Located in the Roanoke Performing Arts Theatre. General admission seating. Teen & TEEN IN TRAINING Crowning Saturday, June 27th at 9:00 p.m. Crowning will be televised and held during the Miss Virginia pageant. To be determined Purchase at the Roanoke Performing Arts Theatre box office, or by calling (877) 482-8496, or online at www.HometownBankTix.com. To be determined All fees, paperwork and requirements are to be turned in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING Field Director by your local Executive Director at the workshop by April 18TH. All checks should be made payable to the “Miss Virginia Organization” Revised April 3,2015 10 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING FEES CHECKLIST Entry Fee-due April 18, 2015 $395.00 Costume/Production Fee-due April 18, 2015 Includes: ★ Opening number production top ★ Physical fitness top/leotard ★ Two Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING t-shirts ★ Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING tote bag $99.00 Program Book Ad Page-due May 18, 2015payment due 4/18/2015 $150.00 Miss “Photogenic” (Optional - $45.00) due on 4/18/2015 – May also submit and pay at orientation 6/23/2015 TOTAL $ All fees, paperwork and requirements are to be turned in to the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen/TEEN IN TRAINING Field Director by your local Executive Director at the workshop by April 18TH. All checks should be made payable to the “Miss Virginia Organization” Revised April 3, 2015 11 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS TO ENTER Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen: Ages 13 – 17 (must still be a Junior in high school) United States citizen Reside in Virginia for a minimum of 6 months Good health Meet time and responsibility commitments as set forth by director Winner required to compete in Miss America’s Outstanding Teen in Aug. in Orlando, FL Miss Virginia’s Outstanding TEEN IN TRAINING: Ages 9–12 United States citizen Reside in Virginia for a minimum of 6 months Good health Meet time and responsibility commitments as set forth by the director SHOWCASE/ DATES / LOCATIONS Participants need to be in Roanoke on Tuesday, June 23rdh, through Saturday, June 27th. The winner of Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen should be prepared to stay in Roanoke until Sunday afternoon June 28th for a meeting with her Tour Manager and the Director of Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen. Interviews will be held at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center. Preliminary competitions will be held on Friday, June 26th at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center. Virginia’s Outstanding Teen and TEEN IN TRAINING Finals will be held on Saturday, June 27th at 4:00 p.m. in the Roanoke Performing Arts Theatre. Winners of the Teens in Training Ambassadors will be announced at the conclusion of the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen finals. Revised April 3,2015 12 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 Outstanding Teen Winners will be announced on stage during the Miss Virginia pageant! Revised April 3, 2015 13 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 CATEGORIES OF COMPETITION Interview (TEEN IN TRAINING – NONE / Teen – 8 minutes) - No Self Introduction (opening statement) or Closing Remarks. Talent (90 Seconds maximum) - If a participants is not musically talented she may write and read an essay. The essay should be on a topic or issue important to the participants. Lifestyle & Physical Fitness - Wear white shorts, white tennis shoes, white socks, leotard (production outfit), free-style & up-beat modeling. Gown & On-Stage Question - Dresses may be long or short (please be sure they are age appropriate). Miss Photogenic Award (optional - $45 entry fee) - submit any size photo (no larger than 8 X 10) in either color or black and white. Ad Princess award - an award is given to the participants who sells the most ad pages. Each participants is required to sell at least one ad page. PRIZES FOR THE WINNERS Teen winner will receive: $1,500 scholarship for Teen winner Official crown Trophy Flowers Travel bag Miss America necklace Video of the 2015 Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen / TEEN IN TRAINING pageant Teen winner receives a trip to Orlando, Florida for the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen national pageant. Teens in Training Ambassadors will receive: Scholarship for each of the four (4) TEEN IN TRAINING AMBASSADORS WARDROBE REQUIREMENTS Interview –TEEN only-- Sunday dress, skirted suit or pants suit. This is a personal interview with a 5-member panel of judges. Teens will stand behind a podium. Talent – Appropriate costume or attire for stage presentation (90 Seconds time limit). Physical Fitness – Leotard (furnished in production pack), white shorts, white tennis shoes, white socks. Evening Wear—gown or short dressy dress of your choice Rehearsals – you will receive two Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen t-shirts in your production packet. Wear with white shorts and tennis shoes. (Check the itinerary schedule, which you will receive after arriving in Roanoke, for the color of t-shirt to be worn each day.) This will not be communicated prior to pageant week! Please don’t ask! Revised April 3,2015 14 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 COST Sponsor Fee - Sponsors may be businesses, parents, family, friends, etc. Local titleholder $395 Costume / Production fee $99.00 - You will receive: Opening Number production top Physical Fitness top/leotard TWO Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen t-shirts Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen tote bag Program Book ad page $150 – Each participants is required to purchase one full size (8 X 11) ad page for the program book. Participants may purchase additional ad pages ($150 each). The participants selling the most ad pages will receive a Miss Virginia’s Ad Princess award and will be crowned on stage. BECOMING A PARTICIPANT The Showcase is open to TEEN IN TRAININGs ages 9-12, who have won a TEEN IN TRAINING local title at an official Miss Virginia preliminary pageant during the current pageant year. The participants must: complete the initial participants fact sheet and all required forms provide a head & shoulders photograph to be used in the program book pay the sponsorship fee of $395.00 provide one full ad page in the program book for $150.00 pay $99.00 production costume fee Sponsors receive promotional announcements from the stage emcee during the competition and their names listed on the sponsorship page in the program book. The sponsorship fee covers awards, production costs associated with a televised show, site, set, lighting technician, sound engineer, judges’ panel accommodations, special entertainment, etc. DEADLINES All of the following items are due: All paperwork with contracts, forms, resume, platform statement, scholastic forms, etc. Entries & Sponsor fee- April 18, 2015 to the MVAOT Field Director by the local ED Costume / Production fee- April 18, 2015 to the MVAOT Field Director by the local ED Photos for Program - to Toni McLawhorn = toni3527@cox.net – April 18, 2015 Photos for Photogenic award – April 18, 2015 to the MVAOT Field Director by the local ED Program book Ad page - May 18, 2015 to the Volunteer office—FEE due April 18, 2015 Talent CD form - April 18, 2015 to the MVAOT Field Director by the local ED Talent CD form with CD – May 18, 2015 ---to be sent to the MVAOT office ALL OF THE PREVIOUSLY LISTED INFORMATION MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING UPDATED NOTIFICATION FROM MISS AMERICA’S OUTSTANDING TEEN ORGANIZATION or MISS VIRGINIA’S OUTSTANDING TEEN ORGANIZATION Revised April 3, 2015 15 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 HOTEL INFORMATION Please Note: Teen / TEEN IN TRAINING participants may stay in the hotel of their choice. Most of the activities associated with the pageant take place at the Doubletree Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center, which is our official host hotel. Doubletree Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center 110 Shenandoah Ave., Roanoke http://hotelroanoke.com/ There is a block of rooms reserved for pageant week. To reserve a room, call the hotel at (540) 985-5900 and ask for the Miss Virginia rate. They will require a credit card for reservations. Cambria Suites 301 Reserve Avenue, Roanoke http://www.cambriasuites.com/hotel-roanoke-virginia-VA529 To reserve a room, call (540) 400-6226 to make reservations. Let the Reservations Agent know that you are with the Miss Virginia’s Outstanding Teen & TEEN IN TRAINING program. The new, 100 percent non-smoking Cambria Suites® hotel provides modern, stylish and sophisticated accommodations close to many local businesses and area attractions. Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital and the prestigious Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute are located next to this hotel. The spacious and inviting atrium-style lobby with club-lounge seating is the perfect place to unwind after a demanding day. Gather with friends and relatives, and enjoy some time relaxing in this architecturally appealing area. The big-screen media wall enables you to keep up with daily news and current events. Enjoy select upscale amenities, including: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Barista coffee bar in the lobby, featuring Wolfgang Puck coffee Contemporary bistro-style restaurant serving breakfast and dinner Indoor pool with spa State-of-the-art fitness center Sundry shop, open 24 hours a day, seven days a week Indulge in the tasty specialty items at Reflect, their contemporary bistro with wonderful breakfast and dinner menus and Cheesecake Factory desserts. Refill, the 24-hour sundry shop, has grab 'n go gourmet salads and sandwiches, energy drinks, organic snacks and much more. This elegant hotel features oversized suites with luxurious bedding and superior amenities. Holiday Inn Express Roanoke - Civic Center (overflow hotel) 815 Gainsboro Road, Roanoke To reserve a room, call the hotel at (540) 982-0100 and ask for the Miss Virginia rate. They will require a credit card for reservations. Revised April 3,2015 16 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 Revised April 3, 2015 17 MISS VIRGINIA’S TEEN IN TRAINING 2015 CLOTHING NEEDED FOR THE WEEK In addition to purchasing production tops, you will also need to provide: White shorts White tennis shoes & white socks Black slacks & black shoes (that you can dance in) Evening gown Interview suit Talent outfit MISS VIRGINIA’S OUTSTANDING TEEN / TEEN IN TRAINING TICKET INFORMATION The Teen in Training Showcase Talent, Evening Gown, and Lifestyle & Fitness portions of the showcase will be held in the beautiful Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center on Friday, June 27th beginning at 10:00 a.m. General admission seating – ticket prices and purchasing information to be announced. The Teen Finals / TEEN IN TRAINING Showcase will be held on Saturday, June 27 p.m. in the Roanoke Performing Arts Theatre. th at 4:00 Tickets for the Teen Finals & TEEN IN TRAINING Showcase, and for the Miss Virginia pageant must be purchased at the Roanoke Performing Arts Theatre box office, or by calling (877) 482-8496, or online at www.HometownBankTix.com. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to rehearsing and competing in the four phases of competition the participants will also be busy with luncheons and appearances. ALL INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE All information in this document and on all forms is subject to change. Revised April 3,2015 18
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