Low-Carbon Energy Economy Workshop – Cambridge MA The Future of Solar Energy An Interdisciplinary MIT Study Francis O’Sullivan May 26th, 2015 The scale and distribution of the solar resource make it one of the few low carbon technologies capable of meeting a substantial fraction of worldwide electricity demand even with rapid economic growth. Map showing global variations in average annual solar irradiance With today’s technology, total U.S. electricity demand could be met by solar covering 0.43% of the contiguous U.S. Source: Map adapted from Albuisson, M., M. Lefevre, and L. Wald. Averaged Solar Radiation 1990-2004, Ecole des Mines de Paris. (2006). 2 Two pathways for generating solar electricity; PV will likely dominate solar electricity generation for the foreseeable future Solar photovoltaics (PV) Concentrated solar power (CSP) - Mature: 97% of global solar capacity (~200 GW) - Modular: efficiency does not depend on scale - Output responds immediately to changes in insolation - Less mature, more expensive - Capital costs fall with scale - Needs clear skies Dispatchable when thermal storage is added 3 Since 2008 U.S. grid-connected PV capacity has grown from less than 1GW to more than 18GW, while CSP has grown to 2.2GW – Solar now accounts for one third of all new U.S. generation capacity Annual PV capacity additions by system type MW Cumulative PV capacity by state MW Other 7000 6000 20000 Utility New Mexico Commercial Texas Residential 16000 New York 5000 Hawaii 12000 4000 Nevada Massachusetts 3000 8000 North Carolina 2000 New Jersey 4000 Arizona 1000 California 0 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 Global installed solar capacity now stand at about 200GW, a 12X expansion since 2008 Source: MIT Analysis, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Solar Energy Industry Association, European Photovoltaic Industry Association, IHS 4 Solar now accounts for about 1% of global generation, but will the recent rapid growth continue and yield the 50x scale-up needed by mid-century? Rapid declines in PV module prices have been important drivers of growth Evolution of PV module & system prices $/Wp … but these declines may have slowed RESIDENTIAL PV System … and BOS costs have declined much less rapidly UTILITY PV system Deployment support at federal, state, and local levels has also driven growth … but federal subsidies are scheduled to be drastically cut from 2017, and state programs have not expanded recently … and there has been a backlash against rooftop solar in some states MODULE Price Drop ~85% BOS MODULE Source: MIT Analysis, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Energy Industry Association, Photon Consulting LLC 5 Encouragingly, with these costs, utility-scale PV is increasingly competitive in high solar resource areas like CA, even without subsidy Photovoltaic Systems Levelized cost of electricity $/MWh 350 300 CSP Systems* ITC Subsidy Value After Subsidy LCOE 331 Benchmark Natural Gas Generation LCOEs 287 Regional variation 250 Minimum LCOE 192 200 158 141 150 123 105 100 76 50 0 Gas Combined Cycle Gas Combustion Turbine CA MA Utility-Scale PV CA MA Residential-Scale PV * CSP LCOE numbers based on CA system having 11 hours and MA system having 8 hours of nameplate capacity storage Source: MIT Analysis, U.S. Energy Information Administration CA MA CSP 6 In competitive power markets, increased solar PV penetration will reduce the average price that PV generators receive – This means that for solar to succeed at very large scale, its costs must be reduced substantially Illustration of how the price a solar generator receives for its output can fall well below the average market price as solar penetration increases $/MWh 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 0 Source: MIT Analysis 6 12 18 24 Solar Penetration (% Peak Demand) 30 36 7 In light of all this, what needs to be done now to make it more likely that solar energy can play a major role in limiting climate change? Three main messages: 1. A long-term approach should be taken to technology development 2. Preparation should be made for much greater penetration of PV generation 3. Subsidies for solar deployment should be reformed to improve their efficiency 8 Message 1: A long-term approach should be taken to technology development What that means in practice: Federal R&D spending should focus on emerging technologies with the potential to deliver transformative cost reductions; the private sector has the incentives and ability to improve those technologies that are currently commercially marketed. 9 Wafer-based PV technologies and in particular crystalline silicon (c-Si) dominate today’s solar market – In may respects this is a very attractive technology but it has limitations Current c-Si PV technology ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Efficient Thick wafers Reliable Rigid and heavy Robust and Durable Complex manufacturing Abundant Non-toxic c-Si PV technology is efficient and mature, but its intrinsic properties may limit the potential for much further system cost reductions 10 With today’s c-Si PV technology balance of system (BOS) costs dominate total system costs – Industry has the ability and incentive to reduce BOS costs Utility-Scale PV BOS now accounts for 65% of utility-scale system cost 2014 System cost build-up $/W 2.00 1.80 Balance of System 1.00 0.05 0.40 0.65 0.30 0.40 0.00 Module Residential-Scale PV Inverter & Other Engineering and Hardware Construction Sales Tax Margin and G&A System Cost 2014 System cost build-up $/W 3.25 Balance of System 3.00 0.74 0.05 BOS now accounts for 80% of residential-scale system cost 0.56 2.00 0.35 1.00 0.90 0.65 0.00 Module Source: MIT Analysis Inverter, Other Hardware & Logistics Installation Labor Customer Acquisition & PII Sales Tax Margin and G&A System Cost 11 Emerging thin-film technologies have the potential to lower both module cost and BOS costs Light & Flexible High-throughput Abundant Kaltenbrunner, et al. 2012 Much more R&D needs to be done, and this is where federal solar R&D should focus (Current) Challenges Low efficiency Low stability Unproven at scale 12 Thin-film PV technologies promise lower BOS costs due to their format that can eliminate heavy glass substrates … but, unlike c-Si, materials availability and high-temperature processing will limit the scale-up of today’s commercial thin-film PV more than 35 years of current production required by 2050 1400 years 6 years Te, In, Ga, and Se are now produced only as by-products from the production of other metals. Substantial increases in production volumes of these materials would likely require primary production with unknown technologies. COMMERCIAL THIN FILM PV Source: MIT Analysis 13 There is a promising set of emerging thin-film PV technologies that are not materials-constrained and that can be developed at near roomtemperature EMERGING Thin-Film PV Material Sets at most 3 years of current production required by 2050 COMMERCIAL THIN FILM PV Source: MIT Analysis EMERGING THIN FILM PV 14 For CSP, achieving substantial cost reductions requires the development of new high-temperature system designs & materials along with more testing at pilot scale More efficient solar collectors can convert more of the incident solar energy into thermal energy Source: MIT Analysis Higher-temperature power cycles can convert more of the absorbed thermal energy into electricity Reminder: Storage is integral for CSP in the form of stored heat that can be used on demand to produce electricity 15 DOE solar R&D funding has increasingly focused on areas other than core solar technology development – Balance of system costs with current technologies and grid integration appear to be the main concerns Breakdown of DOE’s Solar Energy Technology Office budget $Millions 400 Other 350 CSP PV 300 250 200 $241M or 69% Funding for work addressing solar system integration, enhanced manufacturing competitiveness and the reduction of balance of system “soft costs” $110M or 31% Funding for work directly focused on conversion technologies 150 100 50 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 * 2016 SETO budget values are proposed not actual Source: Department of Energy Annual Budget Justification statements 2014 2015 2016* 16 Key Recommendations: - The federal PV R&D program should focus on new technologies, not—as has been the trend in recent years—on near-term reductions in the cost of crystalline silicon systems. - Federal PV R&D should focus on efficient, environmentally benign, thin-film technologies that use Earth-abundant materials. - Federal CSP R&D efforts should focus on new materials and system designs, and should establish a program to test these in pilot-scale facilities, akin to those common in the chemical industry. 17 Message 2: Preparation should be made for much greater penetration of PV generation What that means in practice: Given that c-Si PV will likely be the dominant solar technology for many decades to come and very large-scale reliance on PV will pose much more serious challenges than have been encountered to date, it is necessary to focus on developing both the technical and market/policy solutions needed to mitigate these challenges 18 Higher levels of PV penetration yield a number of challenges for the grid operation including capacity and ramping requirements – These issues can be mitigated to various degrees by storage Simulated net demand for non-PV generation at different levels of PV penetration ERCOT (Texas) typical summer day ELECTRICITY DEMAND PEAK NON-PV GENERATION INCREASED RAMPING RATE REQUIRED 24 hour day 19 R&D support for the development of scalable energy storage technologies is a crucial part of a strategy to achieve economic large-scale PV deployment Example of how market remuneration for PV generation varies as a function of solar penetration and energy storage availability When storage is added to a grid system, the average remuneration a solar system receives for its generation increases The availability of energy storage is critical to enabling the economic deployment of large-scale solar generation Source: MIT Analysis 20 Distributed PV can help lower line losses, but as penetration grows those savings are generally outweighed by investments needed to maintain power quality Average total costs with increased distributed PV penetration under different assumptions about design standards & generation mix Source: MIT Analysis 21 Net metering subsidizes residential PV more than utility-scale PV at the expense of other customers – This has already produced conflict System after A becomes a net solar seller System before A installs solar Network cost paid by customer per kWh Network cost paid to customer A per kWh Energy cost paid by customer per kWh Energy cost paid to net-metered customer per kWh Additional network cost paid by customers without solar Utility Rate $/kWh Utility Rate $/kWh Higher retail price with cost shifted Retail price including network costs Wholesale energy price Wholesale energy price A B C Utility Customers …N A B C …N Utility Customers - When A sells power, she gets the retail price, while utilityscale sellers get the wholesale price, often much lower - When A stops covering any network costs, the retail rate must go up so the other customers cover those costs – plus the network cost paid to A! Net-metered rate paid to Customer A 22 Key Recommendations - R&D aimed at developing low-cost, scalable energy storage technologies is a crucial part of a strategy to achieve economic PV deployment at large scale. - Pricing systems need to be developed and deployed that allocate distribution network costs to those that cause them, and that are widely viewed as fair. 23 Message 3: Subsidies for solar deployment should be reformed to improve their efficiency What that means in practice: There is a good case for continuing to subsidize the deployment of solar generation, but today taxpayers and utility ratepayers are paying considerably more per kilowatt-hour of solar generation than they should be. Appropriate reforming of today’s subsidy mechanisms will ensure greater solar deployment per dollar of subsidy investment 24 Federal, state, & local governments subsidize the deployment of solar via tax breaks, regulatory requirements, and direct subsidies – These help lay the foundation for a major scale-up by building experience with manufacturing & deployment and overcoming institutional barriers - The main federal solar subsidies are accelerated depreciation and a 30% investment tax credit (ITC) for businesses and individuals who own a solar system - At the end of 2016 the business ITC is scheduled to be cut to 10%, and the individual ITC is scheduled to expire - Such a drastic cut in federal support for solar deployment would be unwise, but retaining the ITCs in their current form would be a significant waste of tax dollars. 25 Solar developers are generally not capable of monetizing the ITC without use of the tax equity market – Having to partner with tax equity investors is costly and reduces the effectiveness of the entire subsidy mechanism Levelized cost of electricity $/MWh 350 ITC subsidy cost per kWh - The current solar ITC subsidy regime means that more expensive systems receive higher subsidies - Generation from residential systems can receive 2X or more subsidy per kWh than from utility-scale systems - Not only that, firms that build and own residential solar systems can calculate ITC and depreciation based on the present value of systems’ income, which in markets with little competition may be well above the actual investment cost. 300 After ITC electricity LCOE 250 107 200 72 150 57 100 180 37 50 101 120 68 0 CA MA Utility-Scale PV Source: MIT Analysis CA MA Residential-Scale PV 26 The 24 state-level RPSs that require utilities to buy solar electricity from distributed generators are a major driver of solar deployment All RPS programs are different; many states have multiple solar support policies Source: dsireusa.org 27 Key Recommendations - Drastic cuts in federal support for solar technology deployment would be unwise. - Policies to support solar deployment should reward generation, not investment; should not provide greater subsidies to residential generators than to utility-scale generators; and should avoid the use of tax credits. - State RPS programs should be replaced by a uniform national program. If this is not possible, states should remove restrictions on out-of-state siting of eligible solar generation. 28 Our main messages: 1. A long-term approach should be taken to technology development 2. Preparation should be made for much greater penetration of PV generation 3. Subsidies for solar deployment should be reformed to improve their efficiency 29 Backup slides 30 Utility-scale solar is a business where developer competition is often very high and the key to success lies in having the lowest cost base – The federal subsidies have been key to increasing the competitiveness of utility PV $1.80/W ITC: $0.54/W MACRS: $0.22/W Unsubsidized System Cost Source: MIT Team Analysis Federal Subsidies System cost upon which developers establish their PPA bid $1.04/W Effective System Cost 31 Price formation in the residential sector differs from market-to-market and is often linked to regulated utility rates – Consumer willingness to pay can lead to a decoupling of solar price from underlying cost Reported price in immature market Reported price in competitive market $4.50/W ITC: $1.35/W $3.25/W ITC: $0.98/W Unsubsidized Costs - Gross Price to Consumer Federal Subsidy Competitive Market Source: MIT Team Analysis $2.27/W Net Price to Consumer WTP: $3.15/W Net Consumer Federal Subsidy Gross Price to Willingness to Consumer Pay Immature or Uncompetitive Market 32 In many contemporary U.S. residential solar markets, allowing the ITC cost basis be established via the ―income method‖ amplifies the subsidy by 50% or more – In highly competitive markets this amplification would be eliminated Subsidies: ITC: $0.98/W MACRS: $0.26/W Subsidies: ITC: $1.45/W MACRS: $0.39/W $4.84/W $4.24/W $3.25/W Unsubsidized Cost $3.00/W Lease PV Cost Method Source: MIT Team Analysis $3.00/W Subsidy PV Total Income PV Lease PV Subsidy PV Total Income PV Income Method 33
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