Base-Load Nuclear Power To Meet the Need for Variable Energy Output: The Value of Heat Charles Forsberg 1Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering; Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave; Bld. 42-207a; Cambridge, MA 02139; Tel: (617) 324-4010; Email:; Low-Carbon Energy Economy Workshop Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 26-27 May 2015 The Challenge 2 For a Half-Million Years Man Has Met Variable Energy Demands by Putting More Carbon on the Fire Wood Cooking Fire Natural-Gas Turbine How Do We Replace Variable Carbon-Based Energy Production in a Low-Carbon World? 3 Must Address Total Energy Needs Industry, Transportation, Commercial and Residential Estimated U.S. Energy Use in 2013: ~97.4 Quads (LLNL) 4 HOURS/YEAR at Price Low Carbon Futures Imply More Low and High Priced Electricity Large Solar or Wind Output Collapses Electricity Prices Distribution of electricity prices, by duration, at Houston, Texas hub of ERCOT, 2012 No Sun and No Wind High Electricity Prices Current Prices ←Future Market? PRICE: $/MWh Need to Transfer Excess Low-Price Energy From Electric Sector to Other Sectors of Economy 5 Price Collapse Challenge for High-CapitalCost Low-Operating Cost Systems Limits Use of Non-Fossil Power Generating Systems* Nuclear Operating at Expensive Part Load Wind and Solar With Expensive Energy Storage Revenue Collapse becomes significant at 10 to 15% Solar, 20 to 30% Wind, and ~70% Nuclear Deployment *Electricity from many fossil fuel systems primarily fuel costs. Can afford to operate at low-load factors 6 Low-Carbon World Economics Energy is ~10% GNP, can not afford to double that cost Nuclear, wind, and solar are capital intensive; must maximize production to minimize cost 7 Addressing the Challenge Using Heat from Nuclear Reactors 8 Nuclear Energy is the Low-Carbon Large-Scale Heat-Producing Technology Heat to Storage, Brayton Power Cycles, and Hybrid Systems 9 I. Heat Storage for Peak Power and Industry Nuclear Heat to Heat Storage ↑ Low-Temperature Heat Store (<300°C) ↓High-Temperature (to 1800°C) Heat Store Grid Electricity to Heat Storage 10 Base Load Nuclear Power Plant Electricity Heat Heat Storage Heat to Electricity Industrial Heat Demand Electricity Heat Variable Electricity 11 Many Heat Storage Technologies Couple Directly to Existing Light-Water Reactors Technology Description Storage Time (Hr) Size (GWh) Liquid Heat Capacity* Store molten nitrate or other material at low pressure 10 <10 Steam Accumulator* Store high-pressure water-steam mix 10 <10 Geothermal Hot Water Store hot water 1000 m underground at pressure Geothermal Rock Heat rock to create artificial geothermal deposit Fast Response 100 100 to 1,000 1000+ 1,000 to 10,000 *Heat Storage Options Used Today in Solar Thermal Power Systems Heat Storage Is Much Cheaper Than Electricity Storage DOE Cost Goals for Stored Energy Systems Thermal: $15/kWh Electrical: $150/kWh Liquid Nitrate Salt Large-Scale Thermal Storage Couples to Nuclear Heat Sources 13 Electricity-to-Heat Storage and Use High-Temperature Heat Storage Firebrick Resistance-Heated Energy Storage (FIRES) Firebrick electrically heated up to 1800 C when electricity prices less than fossil fuels Use hot firebrick as heat source Figure courtesy of General Electric Adele Adiabatic Compressed Air Storage Project that is Integrating Firebrick Heat Storage with Gas Turbine Industrial heat Heat to reactor for peak electricity production 14 FIRES Stores Heat in Electrically-Heated Firebrick to Provide Hot Air to Industry Use LowPrice Electricity to Heat Firebrick Cold Air Heated Firebrick Hot Air Adjust Temperature: Add Cold Air or Natural Gas Industrial Kiln or Furnace Using Hot Air 15 Energy Storage Capability: 1 m3 Firebrick (~0.5 MWh/m3) Vs. Tesla S Electric Batteries = Tesla Stand-Alone House Battery: $350/kWh plus Converter, Installation, Etc Firebrick ~$1/kWh Expect <$5/kWh total 1 GWhr = Firebrick Cube 12.6 m on a Side 16 FIRES Stops Electricity Price Collapse that Limits Wind and Solar Deployment HOURS/YEAR at Price Transfers Low-Price Electricity to Industrial Sector as Heat; Reduces Greenhouse Gas Releases, Improves Nuclear Economics Natural Gas Defines Minimum Price Of Electricity Distribution of electricity prices, by duration, at Houston, Texas hub of ERCOT, 2012 High Price Electricity When No Sun / Wind Current Prices ←Future Market? PRICE: $/MWh No Electricity Less Than Price of Natural Gas 17 II. Nuclear Air Brayton Combined Cycles (NACC) Fluoride-salt-cooled High-temperature Reactor (FHR) Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR) 18 Advancing Natural Gas Combined Cycle Technology Enables Coupling to High-Temperature Nuclear Reactors Next-Generation Reactors May Couple to Nuclear Air-Brayton Combined Cycles (NACC) 19 FHR: Salt Cooled Reactor Coupled to Nuclear Air-Brayton Combined Cycle (NACC) Modified General Electric F7B Combined Cycle Gas Turbine 20 NACC for Variable Electricity Output Filtered Air In Heat from FHR Peak Air Temperature: 670°C Add Natural Gas, H2 or Stored Heat Stack Raise Peak Air Temperature to 1065°C Nuclear Air-Brayton Combined Cycle Plant Base-load Electricity 100 MWe; 42% Efficient Peak Electricity Added 142 MWe; 66% Efficient Most Efficient Peak Heat-to-Electricity Technology 21 NACC With FIRES Enables Base-Load Nuclear with Variable Electricity and Steam to Industry Base-Load High-Temperature Reactor Heat Storage FIRES Base-Load Heat Variable Heat AIR Inlet NACC Stack AIR Gas Turbine Hydrogen Low Pressure Hot Air Heat Recovery Steam Generator Variable Steam to Consumers Low-Price Electricity Electricity Electricity 22 III. Hybrid Energy Systems Using Excess Low-Price Energy when Available from Nuclear, Solar, and Wind to Produce a Second Product Enabled by Heat Storage, FIRES, and NACC Delivering Steam and Hot Air for Industrial Processes Potentially Lowest Cost Option by Reducing Storage Requirements 23 Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Electricity-Hydrogen System H2 for Fuels, Fertilizer, Metals, and Peak Electricity Base-Load Nuclear Power Plant Electricity and / or Steam Output Two Products! Maximum Output Wind or Solar Medium-Voltage Electricity Steam/ Heat High-CapitalCost Systems Operate at HighCapacity Factors High-Voltage Electricity Electricity Efficient High Temperature Electrolysis (Electricity + Heat → Hydrogen) Hydrogen Underground Hydrogen Storage A Hydrogen Pipeline Export of Hydrogen to Industrial Users Hydrogen Production Could Be a Quarter of Global Energy Demand24 24 Conclusion: The Challenge Is Providing Economic Variable Energy On Demand Heat Is Central to that Challenge Nuclear Heat: Low-Cost Heat Storage, Brayton Power Cycles and Hybrid Energy Systems 25 Backup Information 26R Biography: Charles Forsberg Dr. Charles Forsberg is the Director and principle investigator of the HighTemperature Salt-Cooled Reactor Project and University Lead for the Idaho National Laboratory Institute for Nuclear Energy and Science (INEST) Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems program. He is one of several co-principle investigators for the Concentrated Solar Power on Demand (CSPonD) project. He earlier was the Executive Director of the MIT Nuclear Fuel Cycle Study. Before joining MIT, he was a Corporate Fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and recipient of the 2005 Robert E. Wilson Award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers for outstanding chemical engineering contributions to nuclear energy, including his work in hydrogen production and nuclear-renewable energy futures. He received the American Nuclear Society special award for innovative nuclear reactor design on salt-cooled reactors and the 2014 Seaborg Award. Dr. Forsberg earned his bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota and his doctorate in Nuclear Engineering from MIT. He has been awarded 11 patents and has published over 200 papers. 27 28 Nuclear Heat Storage Systems Have Economic Advantages Versus Heat Storage Coupled to Solar Power Systems No geographical limits (Not just high-solar low-landcost desert areas) More storage cycles per year to cover capital costs Can charge storage system most of the year Not limited to sunny days Economics of scale Seasonal heat storage—the big challenge In a Low-Carbon Grid, Nuclear Plants Can Provide The Economic Energy Storage Capacity 28 Hybrid System Structure Energy Production (Heat and Electricity), Storage, Use Gerfriedc / CC-BY-2.5 Second Product /File:Svartlut_76.jpg Electricity 29 30 Relative Long-term Roles of Nuclear, Wind and Solar in Zero-Carbon World Wind and solar resources/cost vary widely with location Expect large differences in energy fraction provided based on local costs across the United States and the world Wind on Great Plains, Solar in Southwest Nuclear energy costs independent of location Nuclear fraction between 25 and 75% of total energy production (author perspective) Dispatchable heat source partly drives use Wildcard: What is the heat demand to make liquid fuels? Economics ultimately drives system decisions because energy is such a large fraction of gross national product and its direct impact on standard of living 30 EIA Cost Estimates for 2018 ($/MWh) From: Levelized Cost of New Generation Resources in the Annual Energy Outlook 2013: January 2013 Plant type (Capacity factor) Levelized Capital (Includes Transmission Upgrade) Fixed/Variable O&M Total Dispatchable Coal (85%) 66.9 Coal with CCS (85%) 89.6 NG Combined Cycle (87%) 17.0 NG Turbine (30%) 47.6 Nuclear (90%) High Operating Cost Fossil 4.1/29.2 100.1 8.8/37.2 135.5 1.7/48.4 67.1 2.7/80.0 130.3 84.5 11.6/12.3 108.4 73.5 13.1/0.0 86.6 199.1 22.4/0.0 221.5 Solar PV (25%) 134.4 9.9/0.0 144.3 Solar thermal (20%) 220.1 41.4/0.0 261.5 Non Dispatchable Wind (34%) Wind offshore (37%) High Capital Cost Non-Fossil All Except Natural Gas Turbine Assumed to Operate at Maximum Capacity: Very Expensive Part Load 31 Conceptual Zero-Carbon Nuclear Renewables Total Energy Cost Structure Includes Electricity, Industry, Commercial, Transportation, and Residential Geographical Income Inequality Caused by Energy Costs Biofuels Heat Demand Concentrated Industrial Heat Demand Cost Drivers if AllNuclear Futures Versus Mixed Energy Sources Total Costs→ Cost Drivers if AllRenewables Futures Versus Mixed Energy Sources Cheap renewables not utilized (Existing Hydro, Great Wind, Etc.) Biomass contribution to liquid fuels High Latitudes Extreme Weather Events Driving Storage Needs Increased Nuclear Fraction → Technology, Lifestyle, Total Population, and Population Distribution on Planet Determine Specific Shape 32
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