TEMPLE EMEK SHALOM CASINO NIGHT April 18, 2015 | 5:30PM–9:30PM 1800 E. Main St Ashland, OR 97520 An exciting and energizing evening of fun, casino games, food, drink, prizes, and auction items Blackjack • Poker • Roulette • Craps Bingo • Wheel of Fortune Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night WELCOME FROM THE CASINO NIGHT CHAIRMAN Temple Emek Shalom and all the volunteers who helped make this night possible are pleased that you are here. We hope that you buy lots of chips, and have fun playing and winning at our gaming tables. Please enjoy the wonderful food choices and beverages, have great luck, and cash out for spectacular prizes at the end of the evening. Our annual auction night has become well-known in the Rogue Valley. Many generous business and individual donors contribute goods and services to us each year. We use those donations to create attractive offerings for our live auction and gaming prizes. We use the funds raised from this evening to help support our Temple’s many programs, such as our Pomegranate Preschool for the Arts. We also use these funds to make donations to other Rogue Valley charities through our Social Justice Action Committee. Good deeds, mitzvahs, can take place often in your lives. We are all here tonight through the mitzvahs performed by our volunteers, our sponsors, and our donors.You have performed a mitzvah by coming tonight, and our Mitzvah Moment, at around 7:30pm, offers a special opportunity to support Temple Emek Shalom. Raise your paddle then, simply for the joy of giving and the feeling of contributing to the wellspring of goodness and caring that our Temple presents and promotes to all who enter and to all who live around us. Thank you, Judd Robbins Casino Mitzvah Chairman Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 1 THE TRUE MEANING OF MITZVAH Often we see the Hebrew word, “mitzvah,” translated as “good deed” —which has a nice ring to it, but is not technically correct. Actually, mitzvah literally means “commandment,” which for many of us can feel like a cumbersome or heavy word. Perhaps this is why we soften it by calling it a good deed. But let’s not throw commandment out so quickly. Whatever our theological outlook, we all know those moments where deep within us, we feel compelled. We know that we must do something, we must help out, we must step up. In Yiddish parlance, we might say we feel it in our kishkes—in our gut. I believe this is how we know that we are being commanded. We know it on the inside. Mitzvah is a powerful word. Our sages teach that we must learn how to read every moment to find the mitzvah hidden in it, the deed that calls for us to be of service. Judd Robbins and the planners of tonight’s event wanted “mitzvah” in the title, so that we remembered and never lost focus about what tonight is really about and what we’re all doing here. We’re here to do a mitzvah; multiple mitzvot, in fact. 2 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night FROM RABBI JOSHUA BOETTIGER Your presence here tonight helps Temple Emek Shalom continue to both survive and thrive. It makes possible our continued existence and allows us to ever-widen our sense of mission—which is to be part of a larger fabric of love and service in this region and beyond, across the boundaries that often separate us. Your presence here tonight also makes possible our support of many charitable organizations in the region that have come to count on this support. I used to dread the part of rabbinic work that involved fundraising, but that has shifted dramatically for me in recent years. I’ve found that if you believe in the product, it is easy to ask that the product be supported. I believe in this product—Temple Emek Shalom and its mission beyond these walls—and I invite you to join me in continuing to build this sacred space together. Thank you, each of you who are here this evening. L’shalom, Rabbi Joshua Boettiger Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 3 AN EXPLANATION OF THE EVENING During this Casino Mitzvah evening, you will have fun schmoozing, eating and drinking with friends. You will have more by buying gaming scrip, although we do give you some to get started. Just exchange your scrip with any dealer or table manager to receive casino-style chips. Play bingo or casino games all night with those chips; you can buy more at any time at our Cashier table or from the ‘pit’ cashier behind the dealers. Take a look at our many gaming prizes on the tables by the piano. You can exchange your gaming chips for any of these prizes! If you don’t have enough chips but want a particular prize, you can buy it outright (or combine chips and sign for the difference in cash). Timeline 5:30–6:00pm — Registration and Schmoozing. Plenty of Small Plate dinner hors d’oeuvres available upon arrival and until 7:30pm. Wine, beer, sodas, and water available all evening. 6:00–7:15pm — Fun and Games 7:15pm–7:45pm (Approx)— 50-50 Raffle, Live Auction and Mitzvah Moment. Great desserts and coffees available for the evening. 7:45–9:00pm — Fun and Games 9:00–9:30pm — Checkout, and Drawings for the Wine Tree Raffle and the Grand Door Prize. THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEERS Temple Emek Shalom’s annual fundraising event involves many hardworking members of our congregation, as well as a number of their friends, family, co-workers and spouses. Every hour and every day that they have spent in support of this event in the many months of preparation is itself a mitzvah, a series of ongoing mitzvot. This originally led to the name Casino ‘Mitzvah’ Night. As the Rabbi writes above, it is not only a single Mitzvah Moment night. Each decision to offer service in the community is a mitzvah, each decision to offer a Mitzvah Moment donation is a mitzvah, each offering of time and energy by each of you has been a mitzvah. Thank you to all, Judd Robbins At 9pm, gaming will end and you must turn in all of your remaining playing chips (to any of the dealers). They will tally all the chips and give you a voucher for their value. You can turn in the voucher for one or more prizes at the Prize Tables. There will also be a Grand Door Prize. Every registered bidder can potentially win, because we have put a raffle ticket into the Grand Door Prize raffle jar for each of you. You may use leftover chips to buy additional raffle tickets for the Grand Door Prize for only $10 each. However, you must be physically present to win the Grand Door Prize. 4 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 5 THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEERS Adie Goldberg Amanda Denbeck Andi Slavin Anna Werblow Annette Fried Audrey Diamontopoulos Bari Frimkess Ben Bellinson Beverly Jorgensen Bill Harris Carole Levi Christina Bagi Connie Ben-David Dan Kaylin Debi Holcombe Debra Wolfson Eileen Polk Elise Manders Eliza Kauder Emanuel Ben-David Emily Bernhardt Evie Strauss Flo Slomowitz Geri Gehr Gretski Lieberman Helen Reinhold Holly Neimark Janice Slater Jeanne Walcher Jennifer Croyle 6 Jerry Sonnenschein Jim Warriner Jo Ann Basin Jo Ann Prujan Jo Ann Weisel Joan Steele Jonathon Gell Judd Robbins Judy Emanuel Kathy Balint Larry Wolfson Laura Bloom Lee Weisel Lin Van Heuit-Robbins Linda Bellinson Lisa Horwitch Lola Sonnenshein Lori Bandler Mack Bandler Marilyn Borkin Mary Heimann Matt Messner Maynard Telpner Meredith Ampole Micah Lieberman Michael Basin Michael Gutman Michael Smith Miranda Briggs Graumann Mitch Ampole Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Myra Silverman Nancy Kaylin Nancy Pagani Neil Sechan Norman Fisher Pam Erwin Paula Sendar Pete Jorgensen Peter Adesman Philip Krayna Robin Heald Robin Miller Rochelle Stromner Ron Silverman Russ Hannan Ruth Rabinovitch Sally Telpner Sara Wolfson Sasha Borenstein Sharon Gell Sharon Perper Sherry Friedman Stan Druben Susan Aaronson Susan Hindawi Tom Treger Tony Heald Valentine Jones Will Hershman THANKS TO OUR DONORS We are grateful to all who have donated services, time, and products to our event. Please remember them in your future business choices. ADAPT Physical Therapy Adroit Construction Aesthetic MIrror Allen Drescher, Attorney at Law Amuse Restaurant Ashland Family YMCA Ashland Outdoor Store Ashland Springs Hotel Atlantis Casino Resort Bar Code Services Baxter Fitness Beasy’s on the Creek Bellefiore Winery Beverly and Pete Jorgensen Bloomsbury Coffee House Bookwagon Boulevard Coffee Shop Brothers’ Restaurant Coming Attractions Theatres Connie and Emanuel Ben-David Country Quilts & Crafts Craterian Theater at the Collier Center Cripple Creek Music Co. Dave Kahn Debra and Larry Wolfson Derek Volkart dKOR Hair Design Donald English & Bill Templeman Embellish Salon Eufloria Flowers Evie Strauss FlowerTyme Glow Great American Pizza Greenleaf Restaurant Green Springs Inn Grizzly Peak Winery Hair City Hallmark Resort Newport Harvey’s Place Heart & Hands Hemporium Horsefeathers Inn at the Commons Interior Design Studio Jacksonville Inn Jacqueline Rosen Judd & Lin Robbins Kiwanas Kokopelli River Guides L. Elyssia Herrick N.D., L.Ac La Fiesta Mexican Restaurant Land of Paws Pet Grooming Larks Restaurant Ledger David Cellars Lee and Jo Ann Weisel Liquid Assets Lisa Horwitch Lithia Automotive Group Looking Glass Beads Mack Bandler Market of Choice Marilyn Borkin and Bill Harris Martin and Deborah Bloch Matt Messner and Neil Sechan Miranda and Ted Grauman Mix Sweet Shop Morning Glory Newman Hotel Group New Sammy’s Cowboy Bistro Nimbus Noah’s River Adventures Noah’s Wilderness Adventures Kokopelli River Guides Lithia Motors Company New Sammy’s Cowboy Bistro Northwest Nature Shop Northwest Pizza Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 7 THANKS TO OUR DONORS THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS Each of our sponsors has supported us this year with direct donations. We are extremely grateful for these generous contributions to the goals of Casino Night and Temple Emek Shalom’s programs. Platinum Sponsors: Belle Fiore Winery Coming Attractions Theatres Lithia Motors Group Gold Sponsors: Adroit Construction Retina Care Center Olive Garden Italian Restaurant Oregon Cabaret Theatre Paddington Station Pallet Winery Pangea Grills & Wraps Paris Green Pasta Piatti Restaurant Paula Sendar Peter Adesman Posh Organics Premier Dental Care Rabbis Joshua and Vanessa Boetigger Recycled Furniture Red Lily Vineyards Rogue Creamery Rogue Hair Design Rogue Rock Gym Rogue Valley Roasting Company Rogue Valley Runners Rose Acupuncture Sanctuary One Sasha Borenstein & Russ Hannan Sauce Cafe Schmidt Family Vineyards Science Works 8 Shakespeare Books Sheila Canal Shop ‘n Kart Small Change Smithfields Restaurant South Stage Cellars Southern Oregon Roller Girls Standing Stone Brewing Company Strands Hair Salon Taroko Pan Ted’s Bees Terra Firma Home Thai Pepper That Massage Place The Loft Restaurant The Websters Tobiano Tom Treger Tony and Robin Heald Travel Essentials Tree House Books Unicorn Gifts & Toys Wellspring Centre Wonders of Wine Tours Wooldridge Creek Winery Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Silver Sponsors: Allen G. Drescher, Attorney at Law Davis Hearn Anderson & Turner, Attorneys at Law Edward Helman, MD, Family Practice Flora MacLean Avgeris – Raymond James Glenn M. Cunningham, CPA, CGMA Jo Ann Weisel for S.O. Humane Society Katzen Orthodontics KDP Certified Public Accountants, LLP Medford Radiological Group Nimbus - Apparel, Art and Gifts Shana Brewer - Travel Leaders Travel Agency Shane Sevick - Morgan Stanley Southern Oregon Subaru Steve Hersch, MD, FACP Tamara Abbett, DDS Terra Firma Home Will Hershman – Bar Code Services Bronze Sponsors: Action Industrial Systems Pete and Beverly Jorgensen Posh Organics Stephanie Pollard (Ashland Homes) Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 9 Adopt! Find the love of your life! 541-779 -3215 2910 Table Rock Road Medford, Oregon 97540 www.sohumane.org SoHumane We move the truth in bulk! Providing the tools and expertise for automated data collection and reporting. 541-488-1468 Allen G. Drescher P.C. Attorney at Law Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Serving Ashland, Medford, and Jackson County since 1973 21 So. Second St. Ashland, OR 97520 Tel: (541) 482-4935 Fax: (541) 482-4941 Email: drescheral@aol.com www. and ashlandoregonlawyer.com Casino Mitzvah Auction Night Ashland’s Law Firm Since 1953 Experience Matters Jack Davis, Chris Hearn, Eugene Anderson, Jeff McCollum & Gary Turner 515 E. Main St., Ashland, Oregon www.davishearn.com (541) 482-3111 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Flora MacLean Avgeris Branch Mgr / Financial Consultant www.RaymondJamesAshland.com Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, member FINRA/SIPC 149 Clear Creek Drive, Suite 106 Ashland, Oregon 97520 541-488-4442 Toll Free: 888-488-7822 We are proud to support Temple Emek Shalom. sosubaru.com 3103 Biddle Rd. Medford, OR 97504 • 541-227-5029 2015 Subaru WRX was named Best Resale Value in its class Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 2015 Subaru models have the Best Resale Value of any other brand according to Kelley Blue Book’s KBB.com Vehicle’s projected resale value is specific to the 2015 model year. For more information, visit Kelley Blue Book’s KBB.com. Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Kelley Blue Book is a registered trademark of Kelley Blue Book Co., Inc. Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night “Your Image Is Our Specialty” Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night THE FINE PRINT Live Auction Rules 1. Once the auctioneer has declared “SOLD TO…” the sale is FINAL. The person making the final bid, as announced by the auctioneer, will be responsible for acceptance of the bid and sale price. 2. If the auctioneer determines that an opening bid or any subsequent bid is not commensurate with the value of the item(s) being offered, he may reject it and withdraw the item(s) from sale. If, having acknowledged an opening bid, he decides an advance is not sufficient he may reject the advance and/or withdraw the item(s) from sale. 3. In the case of parties, the auctioneer may initially offer the party as a package, but may decide, at his discretion, to offer the party to individual bidders if the overall bid for the party is deemed too low. 4. The auction will continue without interruption until all items have been sold. 5. Purchases may be made with cash, check, VISA, MasterCard or Discover. 6. After paying, the successful bidder will receive a sheet of paper with a listing of the items purchased. Use this listing to redeem items at the Auction Pickup Area. CASINO MITZVAH NIGHT & LIVE AUCTION Important Sales Instructions 1. Payment by the successful bidder must be made at the CHECK-OUT area on the evening of the event. The item must be picked up when you leave. You may pay with VISA, MasterCard, Discover, personal check or cash. 2. ALL SALES ARE FINAL AND “SOLD AS IS.” There will be no exchanges or refunds for any reason by either Temple Emek Shalom or the merchants who donated the goods being auctioned, unless specified. 3. Temple Emek Shalom makes no warranties or representations of any kind or nature, either expressed or implied, with respect to all property. 4. Estimated values have been provided by donors and are not guaranteed by Temple Emek Shalom. 5. We STRONGLY recommend that you make arrangements for accommodations ASAP after they are purchased. Conditions Of Sale 1. All auction items including trips, dining and activity packages are sold as described. Substitution requests for any item will not be accepted. 2. Items, including gift certificates, may not be redeemed for cash or have the expiration dates extended. 3. Please be aware that goods, services and travel packages have various expiration dates specified by the donor and are all subject to availability. Most travel packages have blackout periods specified by the donor on the gift certificate. 4. Reservations for trips and accommodations must be mutually arranged between the BUYER and the DONOR, unless already specified. It is the responsibility of the buyer, not TEMPLE EMEK SHALOM, to make all arrangements. It is also the responsibility of the buyer to identify to the DONOR that they are using a gift certificate. 5. Dates for parties must be mutually arranged, unless already specified, between the BUYER and the DONOR. 6. Air transportation is NOT included in trip packages. 7. Once an item is paid for and is in your possession, TEMPLE EMEK SHALOM is no longer responsible if it is lost, stolen or broken. Gift certificates cannot be replaced. 8. Your purchase price, less the fair retail value, is tax deductible. We recommend that you consult your tax advisor. Payment 1. Payment for auction items must be made this evening. 2. When you are ready to leave, please go to the CHECK-OUT area corresponding to your bidder number in the Library to pick up your folder, review your purchases and pay for your items. 3. Pay your bill before retrieving your items—VISA, MasterCard, Discover, personal checks, or cash are accepted. 4. After paying, the successful bidder will receive a sheet of paper with a listing of the items purchased. Use this listing to redeem items at the Auction Pickup Area. 20 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night AUCTIONEER Ron Burgess M.C. Bella Feldman Some of the live auction items are for a set number of lucky participants. Talk to your friends and put together a group for joint bidding. Be aware that some items have dates already set. Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night ITEM #1 | BEEKEEPER FOR A DAY (Paddle Bid of $100 per person) Spend a spring afternoon with TED’S BEES and enter the world of beekeeping. If you have always wanted to learn the intricacies of a beehive, this is your chance. With Ted Graumann, the winners will suit up, light up the bee smoker and experience the awe of gathering honey! Learn from Ted the dynamics of a beehive and how the colony works to benefit each worker bee. You will take home a jar of Ted’s local raw honey. Contact Ted or Miranda at 541-482-4254 to coordinate your “bee” dates. 22 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night ITEM #2 | SERVICE AND AUTOMOTIVE COUPONS FROM LITHIA MOTORS When you do your spring cleaning this year, don’t forget about your car! Whether you need your current vehicle serviced, or just want a different car in the driveway, Lithia Motors will have you zooming happily through spring showers. These coupons are good for major/minor service and for purchase towards a new or used car. They have been donated by Dick Heimann, the Vice Chairman of Lithia Motors, a longtime member of TES. One $1000 gift certificate; Two $500 gift certificates for a major service (all the makes and models Lithia sells); Eight $250 gift certificates or the BEST BID FOR ALL EIGHT! Turn your scheduled or unscheduled service needs this year into smooth sailing when the time comes. You can contact Lithia Motors at (541) 776-6401 or just stop by! Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 23 ITEM #3 | A WINE HARVEST CELEBRATION DINNER FOR EIGHT This special harvest dinner for eight will include wine pairings from the acclaimed California vineyards of Williams Selyem, Michel Schulmberger, and A. Rafanelli. The highest bidder will collaborate with the hosts to create a choice menu prepared by your host chefs. You and your guests will be welcomed into the Ashland home of Matt Messner and Neil Sechan, where you will be wined and dined in their elegant private dining room. It will be a memorable evening with food, wine, and companionship. 24 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night ITEM #4 | A ROMANTIC PROVENCAL AFTERNOON Paddle Bid for $75/person (maximum 18) Spend a romantic afternoon amidst the lavender, overlooking pear orchards, at the Robbins Farm in Talent on Sunday, June 28th, from Noon to 3pm. Hosted by the Weisels and the Robbins, your Provencal luncheon will include crudites, salads, a unique chicken-based bouillabaise, embellished with a fresh JW/Ruby Slipper Farms egg, caflouti, and hand selected wines from the Weisel cellar. For a romantic delicious luncheon set as close to Provence as you’ll get in the Rogue Valley, enjoy both the beauty and the bounty in this lovely setting without having to fly to France. En plus, on parle Français ici si vous le voulez. Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 25 ITEM #5 | HEALTH AND WELLNESS PACKAGE Estimated value $1000 ITEM #6 | COMING ATTRACTIONS MOVIE THEATERS PASS Voted MOST POPULAR A month membership at Baxter Fitness in Ashland, with three private training sessions with founder Andy Baxter. Experience the comfort and care of the Baxter facility which was designed for individuals over the age of 50. Learn valuable techniques from a highly credentialed fitness professional. The package includes a brand new Nordic Track T 5.7 treadmill, donated by Deborah and Martin Bloch. Use it for power walking, weight loss, running and general fitness. This model supports a wide variety of electronic programs from iFIT. 26 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Why is this a popular Live Auction item? • Supports Local Businesses • Available in CA, OR, & WA Locations • Unlimited Movie tickets • Redeemable every day for a year Take ‘her’ or ‘him’ to the movies anytime you like, with a year-long ticket for two to Coming Attractions Theatres (throughout the Northwest). Or, just split the cost with a friend and each of you can go to see movies anytime you wish, either alone or with each other. These tickets were donated by John Schweiger, a longtime friend of charitable causes in the Rogue Valley. See every top movie for the next year— from Hollywood and from the best art and Indie producers. Winning bidder(s) should contact the Coming Attractions office at (541) 488-1021 to redeem this pass. Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 27 ITEM #7 | A FAMILY FUN DAY ON A FARM ITEM #8 | ROGUE GOURMET EXPERIENCE CONTINUES ON PG 30 Here’s your chance to experience the best in fine dining in Southern Oregon. Celebrate that engagement, anniversary, or birthday with this unique opportunity! What more could any gourmet ask than a set of gift certificates for this wonderful diversity of dining experiences: NEW SAMMY’S delightful bistro with arguably the best wine list in the Valley. It is a perennial delight (541) 535-2779 Treat the family to a day on a real farm: gather your kids & friends (parents and grandparents welcome) at the Robbins Farm in Talent. Old MacRobbins had a farm and all you farm kids and parents are invited to visit for an afternoon on Sunday, August 23rd from noon to 3pm. There will be a taco bar, lemonade, and watermelon plus horseback and tractor rides. Pictures happily taken. Each child must be accompanied by an adult. Gear up for horseshoes and chicken and duck feeding. Go home with a farm-fresh egg from JW and Ruby Slipper Farms. All this fun and lunch for only $25 per person. Paddle Bid with a maximum of 15 children, but more parents and grandparents are welcome to join those kids for the same per-person price. Yee haw! Bring the whole family: kids, parents and grandparents for $25 each. IMPORTANT: Each child must be accompanied by at least one responsible adult. We want everyone to be safe and happy. 28 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night AMUSE is a charming romantic choice for those with refined tastes, just steps away from the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. (541) 488-9000 BEASY’S ON THE CREEK offers tasteful creekside dining with relaxed ambience, terrific food, and a delightful fireplace. (541) 488-5009 HARVEY’S PLACE—One of Ashland’s new favorites from owner-chef Rob Harvey. Intimate setting for Northwest comfort food. (541) 488-9511 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 29 ITEM #8 | ROGUE GOURMET EXPERIENCE CONTINUED FROM PG 29 ITEM #9 | SHABBAT DINNER FOR 6 THE LOFT Brasserie and Bar (541) 482-1116 The most wonderful and upscale French cuisine in Ashland. LIQUID ASSETS—Wine and dine at leisure at this favorite wine bar with newly expanded restaurant in Ashland. (541) 601-0770 JACKSONVILLE INN is a hidden gem, but well known to appreciative diners. Well worth the short trip out to Jacksonville to experience their unforgettable Sunday champagne brunch. (541-899-1900) PRICELESS Rabbis Joshua and Vanessa Boettiger invite you (and up to five of your friends) to their home for a Friday night meal in old-school Shabbat fashion: singing, eating, blessing, eating, teaching, eating— late into the evening. Enjoy the wonderful hospitality of the Rabbis Boettiger in their lovely home and relish their culinary talents. Let them beguile you with their mirth and wonderful stories. Anyone who has taken a class from our good Rabbi knows what an engaging experience this will be. You will have no shortage of interesting conversation during this incredible opportunity. These Rabbis moved here from Congregation Beth El in Bennington, Vermont where Rabbi Joshua served for six years. In addition, he is a Rabbis Without Borders Fellow, has taught at colleges, has been a scholar-in-residence, and has served on many Rabbinical boards. His wife, Rabbi Vanessa, has been a chaplain at hospitals and residential elder care facilities as well as serving on Interfaith councils. 30 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 31 MITZVAH MOMENT | SAY YES TO TES! ITEM #10 | SEE ‘ELEPHANT MAN’ IN LONDON ONCE IN A LIFETIME ‘Chai’ is a Hebrew word and combination symbol that means “life”. It is spelled with the Hebrew letters Het and Yud. Both of these letters appear together in this familiar piece of art here at TES. The Symbolic Meaning of Chai Judaism emphasizes the importance of life. Jews are encouraged to be good, ethical people (mensches) and enjoy the time they are given on Earth. A common Jewish toast is “l’chaim!” which means, “to life!” It is said at celebrations in anticipation of all the good things to come. Because it means “life,” the Chai is consequently a symbol that captures an important aspect of Judaism. According to the gematria, which is a mystical tradition that assigns a numerological value to Hebrew letters, the letters Het and Yud add up to the number 18. The Het has a value of 8 and the yud has a value of 10. As a result, 18 is a popular number that represents good luck. At weddings, bar mitzvahs and other events Jews often give gifts of money in multiples of 18, symbolically giving the recipient the gift of “life” or luck. 32 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 33 Two tickets to The Elephant Man in London, starring our very own Tony Heald, along with Dinner for 2 after the play with Tony! The play runs from May 19, 2015 through August 8, 2015. TES member and outstanding Oregon Shakespeare Festival actor Anthony Heald has just completed “The Elephant Man” on Broadway and has now taken the show to London, England (and still finds time to donate this evening for a very fortunate winner). Tony says: “After the performance, we’ll have a nice, leisurely dinner at whatever restaurant has become the cast’s favorite, where you’ll have a chance to ask any questions you want, and I’ll have a chance to bore you with the ‘inside scoop’.” And if you come at a time when Robin’s in London, she’ll join us as well.” Bore us, indeed! Tony’s wit, charm and erudition will keep you enthralled if you are the lucky winner of this bid. (Flight and accommodations not included). 32 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 33 ITEM #11 | 3 NIGHTS AT A PRIVATE BANDON BEACH HOUSE Wander around exploring the art galleries and gift shops of Bandon on the Oregon Coast. Beautiful ceramic pieces, woven shawls and coverlets, magnificent seascapes and landscapes—all await you and your friend(s). A three-level home with a fenced-in-yard for those with dogs, a wonderfully romantic instant-on gas fireplace, and comfortable accommodations for six. What more can one ask for? Oh yes, the kitchen in this beautiful house is a gourmet chef’s dream! Bandon hosts many area attractions including three different golf courses, the hand-crafted cheeses of Face Rock Creamery, the West Coast Game Park Safari, and many spots for fishing, birding, cycling, and more. This house, belonging to regular and generous donors Bill Templeman and Don English, is a yearly favorite among auction attendees. Don’t pass this opportunity by. Based on availability from Oct 1 through May 31 (no holidays or spring break). 34 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night ITEM #12 | GOINES PRICELESS COLLECTION The “Goines PRICELESS Collection” is generously offered by Al and Virginia Silbowitz of Grizzly Peak Winery in Ashland. It includes: • A special boxed and designed set of 12 bottles of the finest wine from Grizzly Peak Vineyards, each bottle of which is highlighted by a custom designed Lunar Calendar wine label. These are unique labels created by a well-known artist, David Goines, for our award winning Grizzly Peak Vineyard here in Ashland. • A special poster of Goines’ Lunar Calendar wine labels. This collection is a must-have for the artistic wine-lover. • A private tour and tasting for 12, including hors d’oeuvres at their Event Center. The date can be arranged between the winning bidder and the winery owners, Al & Virginia Silbowitz, who can be reached at (541) 482-5700. Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 35 ITEM #13 | NOAH’S WILDERNESS ADVENTURES ITEM #14 | HORSEBACK RIDING & RANCH BBQ If you have ever wanted to camp under the Oregon stars next to the rushing river and experience life in the wild with a guide who will be your chef as well as companion for 4 days and 3 nights, here is your opportunity to enjoy a phenomenal river trip on the Rogue River. A $100 paddle bid item (up to maximum of 6) for an evening “Horseback Riding and Ranch BBQ” outing. Includes horses, an instructor & a traditional Ranch BBQ dinner. This is an opportunity for fun with a small group of your friends, or with new friends. The winning bidder will participate in a wilderness rafting vacation on the world famous Rogue river. Our on-the-water trip format gives you the choice of active participation or full relaxation. You get to choose whatever feels right for you — be it in one of our Paddle Rafts, one of our one or two-person, self-bailing, inflatable kayaks or in the comfort of our large rafts which have padded seats with back rests. This is truly a river that should be on everybody’s list of “things to see and do”. Noah’s food is freshly prepared and of the highest quality. Breakfast, lunch, hors d’oeuvres, dinner and dessert are expertly prepared and served. Enjoy a warm, relaxing sunset ride in the rolling hills near Eagle Point. Led by Kim Ewalt of the J & P Ranch, you might view ranch cattle grazing, deer and elk bounding through the trees, or osprey, hawks, and eagles commanding the skies. During this trail ride at the Ranch, the view of Agate Lake will take your breath away. The ride will be followed by a chuck wagon style dinner under the stars sponsored by Russ Hannan and Sasha Borenstein. This evening is to be arranged with the six successful bidders in July, 2015. Contact Noah’s for further exciting details, or the purchase of additional spots on the adventure: (541) 261-2677 36 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Located at 1524 Dry Creek Rd in Eagle Point, J & P Ranch is nestled on 124 acres of woods, pastures, ponds, and streams. They offer horse training (and new-owner training) as well as trail riding for all skill levels. You can get more information from the Ranch at (541) 830-0166. Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 37 ITEM #15 | ELEGANT CUSTOM FINISHED MIRRORS ITEM #16 | PASTA PIATTI DINNER FOR 12 From world renowned ‘Aesthetic Mirror’ in Los Angeles, and graciously donated by Martin Steele, son of Joan Steele, and president of Aesthetic Mirror, Inc. This donation will be hosted by Head Chef And Owner Tom Beam, with wines provided by Temple members Debra and Larry Wolfson Aesthetic Mirror’s superb construction and finishing is recognized throughout the hospitality and design industries. A leading manufacturer of decorative mirrors, frames for guestroom artwork, and custom art display fabrication, Aesthetic Mirror’s domestically produced, quality products are always in demand from designers, hotels, art consultants and purchasing agents serving the world of hospitality and design. You’ll find Aesthetic Mirror custom products in the guestrooms and public areas of hotels around the globe. 1st offering: Van Eyck side-paneled mirror 4’ x 2’ ($600) 2nd offering: Mateo Oval mirror 39” x 27” ($400) 38 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Where will you find such an opportunity again? Tom Beam takes enormous pride in his culinary preparations, and many of us here at TES can vouch for the tremendous personal attention he gives his guests at these special dinners. Here’s your chance to celebrate that special evening with family and friends at Ashland’s Pasta Piatti with Chef Tom Beam himself! A four course dinner with wine and music, to be arranged with the winning bidder for Fall 2015. The new designed back patio, named the Piatti Pavilion for its old Church beams used to create a historical pavilion ambience, will hopefully be open for you to enjoy the Ashland sky during your Fall dining experience. Who can resist the Italian fine cuisine prepared by Chef Beam? Thrill to the tales of his concoctions and exquisite choices from a variety of fine Italian food. Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 39 ITEM #17 | “A WINE LOVERS OUTING FOR 12” AT SOUTH STAGE CELLARS IN JACKSONVILLE Gather your friends and head out to charming and historic Jacksonville. Treat your guests to the delightful attentions of a private server, light appetizers, and an evening of libations. Learn the techniques of wine drinking and appreciate the many ways to experience the finest wines available in the Rogue Valley. Tarry a while in the presence of a connoisseur who will introduce you to some of the finest wines that Oregon vineyards can offer. A pittance for an evening of great pleasure for you and your friends. ITEM #18 | INSTANT WINE CELLAR A Wine Cellar to be envied: 48 bottles of Oregon’s and California’s most popular wines from some of our best cellars and vintners, gathered for your pleasure and instant convenience. This variety of fine wines is drawn from the increasing recognized, frequented, and award-winning Oregon and California wineries, including those from the beautiful vineyards on the hills of Ashland and Medford. You will be proud of the contents of your new wine cellar. The woody and musky merlot, cabernet sauvignon, syrah; the light and fruity pinot gris and chardonnay from the grapes nurtured in the rich soil, warm sun, and light rains of Southern Oregon and Northern California: dessert wines and summer wines — all yours if you are the winning bidder! Make it a night to remember, and many follow-on nights, from your own private new collection. Currently valued at well over $1000. Top bid gets them all. 40 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 41 ITEM #19 | A SUMMER DINNER PARTY FOR 10 AT THE PALLET WINE COMPANY A Summer Dinner Party for 10 at the Pallet Wine Company: The highest bidder gets to create a special menu (appetizers & three course meal) with Nora LaBrocca of Downtown Market Co, and invite your friends to enjoy this summer dinner served in the exclusive barrel wine cellar at Pallet Wine Co. Linda Donovan, winemaker and owner, will provide a tour of this custom crush facility as you make your way to the cellar and your dining table to feast on your special meal and toast with superb wines provided by Pallet Wine Co. Dinner date to be set for any Thursday evening in the months of June or July. 42 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night CASINO MITZVAH NIGHT PRIZES See the tables full of prizes (for purchase possibilities & gaming chip redemptions) near the piano and just in front of the Bimah Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night 43 SPECIAL THANKS Auctioneer Ron Burgess M.C. Bella Feldman Beverage Donations Barbara and Steve Dierks, Peter Adesman, Mack Bandler, Tom Treger, Lee Weisel, Judd Robbins, Lisa Horwitch, Larry and Debra Wolfson, Matt Messner, Neil Sechan, Marilyn Borkin, Bill Harris, Market of Choice, Grizzly Peak Winery, Wooldridge Creek Winery, Schmidt Family Vineyards, Red Lily Vineyards, Ledger David Cellars, South Stage Cellars, Cliff Creek Cellars, and the Standing Stone Brewery Digital Art Amanda Denbeck (S.O.U. student EMDA & BFA Graphic Design Major) Food Greenleaf (Mediterranean) Loft (French) Olive Garden (Italian) Rogue Creamery (Cheeses) 44 Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Boasting beautifully appointed Italian style interiors, upper deck, and tasting bars, Belle Fiore Winery provides a breathtaking backdrop for an afternoon entertaining friends or a relaxing romantic getaway. Open year-round, Wednesday 11:30am-8:00pm Thursday – Saturday 11:30am-9:00pm Sunday 10:30am-8:00pm* Wednesday through Saturday evenings. Visit our website for more information. www.BelleFioreWine.com Belle Fiore Winery is proud to produce and serve delicious, premium wines, and carefully selected food pairings. We offer incredible views, a stunning event space, fun and friendly staff and a delightful atmosphere. Everyone welcome! Try our Reserve Tasting Flight Fridays 2:00pm-5:00pm* *Seasonal hours subject to change. Please visit our website for current hours. Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night Casino Mitzvah and Auction Night
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