Smokefree Trimester Having the “Smoking” conversation without the can of worms

Smokefree Trimester
February 2014
Having the “Smoking” conversation without the can of worms
The Ministry of Health has identified pregnant women as a
priority group for reducing harm caused by tobacco. The
goal is that 90% of pregnant women who smoke are offered
advice and support to quit.
Some of the barriers/challenges that we have heard that
midwives face when approaching smoking during
pregnancy, are concerns that they might open a can of
worms and then what???
How do you get started?
We have gathered some feedback from midwives to hear
some conversations that you feel are beneficial to getting
started on this topic.
One of our favourites is :
“There are so many things in your pregnancy you’re told not
to do ... however with regards to smoking, would it be okay
with you if I just explain some of the Science behind why it’s
important to stop smoking in pregnancy?” (Kathy Fray)
Let us take care of it for you
We know that you have a multitude of areas to cover in
your pregnancy care appointments. We have the time and
skills to support women to become Smokefree; and
maintain the change. Here are a couple of examples that
can successfully engage women to accept a referral to our
Illustration by Tess Transom-Turner
“We have a team of people around to assist with help and
Smokefree Communities are part of this support plan, can I
get them to give you a call?”
“As part of your pregnancy care plan we would really like
the Smokefree team to share with you what support
options are available for you. Can I pass on your details to
Did you know?
Competition Winners!
 Smokefree Communities accepts
referrals for pregnant and postnatal
Congratulations to :
 We make contact within 24 hours
1st Prize: Vicky Wickliffe
 Free support for partners and family
(Fujifilm Finepix XP50 waterproof camera)
 Free home visits or in a setting of their
(Hamper of picnic goodies)
Smokefree Communities
is a FREE, quit smoking
support service available
for people residing in
the North Shore, Rodney
and Waitakere districts.
2nd Prize: Sanaz Khodaverdian
 Free carbon monoxide testing
3rd Prize: Helen Bryant
 Free nicotine replacement samples
($30 Westfield voucher)
Smokefree Communities - 0508 784 866 // // FAX 09 415 1092
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Smokefree Trimester
Money going up in smoke!
The recent price increases have
brought the average price of a pack of
20 cigarettes today to $17.20, while
25’s are $21.75 and a 30 gram pouch
of tobacco is $38.00.
What does this increase in pricing
mean for our families who smoke?
Increased costs of smoking can be a
motivator for people to have a go at
quitting smoking and many will just do
However for others It can mean
that something else has to give,
such as food, travel or healthcare
A referral to our service can make
all the difference to these families.
Families receive free support and
two months supply of patches, gum
or lozenges for just $5.
Single mothers most at risk of poor mental health
New research from Otago University,
reported in December 2013, shows
single parents tend to have poorer
psychological health than partnered
parents, with single mothers most at
difficult to stop smoking.
Significantly more mothers than
fathers are likely to have high or very
high levels of psychological distress.
We also have an in-house psychological
health service, which focuses on
addressing mild to moderate anxiety,
depression and related psychological
health matters.
We know that poor psychological
health is strongly associated with
smoking, and can make it more
Our experienced smoking cessation
staff understand these issues and take
them into account when working with
pregnant clients, new mothers and
their families.
If you think your clients would
benefit from psychological support,
please ask her GP to refer her to our
Lifestyle Options Service, or to the
equivalent service provided by
Procare, if the GP is part of Procare
We triage all referrals generally
within 24 hours, and if we cannot
arrange an appointment with our
staff, we will make a referral to
another appropriate service.
Smoking has little effect on weight
How often have you heard? “I will put on weight if I quit
smoking”. The fear of putting on weight when you quit
smoking can be strong enough to keep people smoking.
Combine this with the common concern of putting on too
much weight during pregnancy, we have a double
whammy barrier to quitting. According to the newly
published findings from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary
Health and Development Study, smokers wanting to quit
should not be fearful of weight gain: On average, quitters
do not experience greater weight gain than never-smokers.
The study, titled “Smoking Cessation and Subsequent
Weight Change” can be found at:
ABC online training
We would like to welcome the midwives that are newly
referring to our service. It is fabulous to see new names
and faces connecting with us and supporting better health
outcomes for women, babies and their families.
The ABC smoking cessation course is now available online at .
The course is for registered health professionals and will
assist you to have a conversation around smoking.
Find us on Facebook
To learn how to provide the ABC approach and support
better health outcomes for our
Mums, Dads, babies and families, log
on to complete the course.
Thank you to everyone who has “liked” and “shared” our
Facebook page. If you would like us to profile your
midwifery services on our Facebook page please let us
The course takes around 20 minutes.
Smokefree Communities - 0508 784 866 // // FAX 09 415 1092