1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- LKG Subject- Math Write and learn regular counting number 1 to 100. Write and learn the numbers name 1 to 20. Write the Reverse counting 100 to 1. Learn the table 2 to5. Subtraction , Addition, After and before in candy writing. 1234- Summer Vacation Home Work Class- LKG Subject- English Writing and learn capital letter A to Z. Writing and learn small letters a to z. Write and learn spelling A to Z. Learn Poem. Pussy Cat , Pussy Cat Chubby Cheeks. Hickory, Dickory, Dock Learn 5 body name. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- LKG Subject- Hindi v ls v% rd fy[ks ,oa ;kn djsA d ls K rd fy[ks ,oa ;kn djsA ikap Qyks] Qwyks ds uke fy[ksA pkj dfork ;kn djsA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- UKG Subject- Math Write and learn the numbers name 1 to name 1 to 100. Learn the table 2 to 10. Learn and Write the name of the days of the week. Solve addition (page 4 to 8). Subtraction (Page 7 to 8) Multiplication (Page 17 and 18) Division (Page 45 to 48) 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. d. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- UKG Subject- English 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 12345- Recite the poems. Learn and write the name of the vegetables. Learn the name of the birds, animals and fruits. Learn and write 10 part of the body name. Write 5 public places name. Learn the spelling A to Z. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- UKG Subject- Hindi nks o.kksZ okys 10 “kCn fyf[k,A rhuo.kksZ ,oa pkj o.kksZ okys 15 “kCn fyf[k,A vk ls v% rd dh ek=k fyf[k,A vk dh rFkk b dk ek=kk okys 15&15 nl “kCn fyf[k,A d ls K rd ;kn djsA 1. 2. 3. 4. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 1st Subject- Computer Make a diagram of abacuse and colour it. Learn Question and Answer and MCQ lesson-1. Write the numbers in the given calculator in box. Make a chart of monitor, mouse and Keyboard. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 1st Subject- English Learn Question and Answer and MCQ lesson-1. Write day and Month’s name on copy. Learn a poem. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 1st Subject- Hindi Write daily a page writing. Learn and write two poems. Learn Lesson 2 and 3 of book. Project – poem Titli Rani with Make a figure of Butterfly on paper. Learn Word meaning lesson -1. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 1st Subject- Math Learn and write table from 4 to 12. Write numbers from 1 to 200 in words. Write back words counting from 100 to 1 in words. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 1st Subject- GK Learn Lesson 1 to 7 of G.K. book. Write 10 animals name. Write 10 birds name. Write 10 stationary name. Write 10 part of body name. Write 10 house things. Project- Part of Body . Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 2nd Subject- Computer 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Learn Que/ Ans lesson- 1. Make the chart of abacuses and NaiperBons . Draw the figure of monitor, keyboard and mouse. Read lesson 2to 5. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 2nd Subject- Mathematics Write backward counting from 500 to 1. Write numbers from 101to 500 in words. Solve exercise from page 54 to 60 from your book. Learn table from 8 to 15. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 2nd Subject- GK Draw road signs on chart paper. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. b. c. d. e. f. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Write the name of months of year and colour with their expression. Write 10 herbivores, carnivores each. Write 10 vegetable , birds, wild animal each. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 2nd Subject-Hindi Learn and write two poems. Write 1 page handwritting daily. Learn Lesson 1to 3. Project work Draw a figure of lesson 4 and write. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 2nd Subject-EVS Prepare your Interdiction. 1 page handwritting daily. Write an essay on the topic. My School. Our Environmental My Family My Favorite Teacher. Draw any environmental picture on chart paper and colour it. Cut & pastCoins & notes Games our Helper Vehicles Flowers Water Animals. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 2nd Subject-English Read lesson 1 to 5. Learn Qu/An lesson 1 to 2 Make a chart paper of English Grammar. Write one page English Hand Writing . Learn the poem with moon. a. b. 6. The White moon. The Foundation Solve the most test paper 1 page no 40. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 2nd Subject-Moral Value 1. a. b. 2. 1. 1. Write short notes onYour ideal. Your life goal. Make a chart paper of some thought or topic. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 3rd B Subject- Math Chapter 1 to 2 Total solve and Revision your copy and Revision Time Exercise Solve. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 3rd A Subject- EVS. Chapter 1 to 3 Learn All things and Reading Book Chapter 1 to 4. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 3rd Subject- Computer 1. Write and draw the computer hardware on a chart paper and colour it. 123- Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 3rd B Subject- Hindi Ufn;ksa ls ges D;k ykHk gksrk gSA 10 iafDr;ka fyf[k,A ikB&4 ;kn djksA Qyks dk jktk ij dgkuh fy[kksA 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 3rd B Subject- GK Draw figure parts of a plant on chart paper. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 3rd B Subject- English In a book page 84, write a composition on my class teacher. Write an application for sick leave page no 88. Write a small story on any one character – Monkey, lion, Elephant, Past Picture. Take help from Page no 58 related to it. Write and draw the computer hardware on a chart paper colour it page no 6. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 3rd B Subject- EVS Prepare your interdiction. One page handwriting daily . Write an essay on my school, My family, My favorite Teacher . Draw any one picture for Environment book and write one question with colours. Make a story for save the Environment. Make a story on Environmental ideas. Give some Example excellent ideas for mapping surrounding neat and clean save the environmental. 2. 4. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 3rd B Subject- Moral Value Learn Qu/An of Lesson 1to 2. Read lesson 1 to 5 Write short notes. Write shorts on – a. Life goal b. Your Ideal Make a chart paper of saome good thought and make colour it. 1. 2. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 4th A Subject- Computer Learn Que/ Ans lesson -1 and write it two times on your H.W. copy. Draw figure of Notebook and Smartphone on chart paper and colour it. 1. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 4th B Subject- Computer 1. Learn Que/ Ans Lesion 1 to 2 and Write two times on your H.W. copy. 2. Learn 4 lines poem and write it two times on your H.W. copy. 3. Read your lesson one page daily. 4. Write one page writing writting daily. 5. Learn word meaning lesson-1. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 4th B Subject- G.K. Draw any 5 figure of appliance and write their name on chart paper. 1. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 4th A Subject- Math Chapter 1 to 2 Exercise 2.6 solve and Revision your copy and Revision Time Exercise Solve. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 5th A Subject- Math Do try these and Revision Station of Chapter 1 & 2. Project Work – (on Chart paper) Write Roman Number from 1 to 15 b y match stick. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 12345- Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 5th Subject- Computer Draw parts of hardware on your chart paper. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 5th Subject- English Learn 4 lines poem. Learn Que/ Ans lesson -1 and write it two times on your H.W. copy. To write your handwriting you have to write 5 pages. Read your lesson daily one page. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 5th Subject- Hindi eqgkojs- 1&20 fp= o.kZu&1 i= ys[ku&iqLrd exokus ds fy, izdk”ku dks i= A fuca/k ys[ku&n”kgjk ] iznw’k.k ,d leL;k] gekjk jk’Vªh; frjaxkA fxurh& 1&100 fy[kukA ikB& 1]2]3 iz”uksUrj ;kn djukA Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 6th A Subject- Math Do all the Examples, try these and Revision time of chapter 1 & 2. Project Work (on chart paper) Draw the Indian Place Value system and International Place value system of Numeration. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 6th Subject- Computer • Write Short Note and draw the figure about. • Palmtop, Mini Computer, Mainframe, Super Computer, Web Camera & Microphone. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 6A Subject- S.st Unit-1 Learn and write long (Que/Ans) Unit-2 Learn and Write short (Que/ Ans) Unit-3 Learn and write short and long (Que/ Ans) Geography – Make the Solar System at the chart paper. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 6th Subject- Hindi 123- 1. 2. 3. 4. eqgkojs 1&20A i= ys[ku& cl lsok ds fy, izkFkZuk i=] Vh0 ch0 ls nwj jgus ds fy, NksVs HkkbZ dks izFkZuk i=A fuca/k ys[ku&lekpkj i=] vuq”kklu] _rqjkt olar] ikB& 1] 2] 3 ;kndjukA Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 6th B Subject-Nature Write essay on Environment and classify it. Learn Lesson L& 2. Collect different types of pulses available in the market paste them on a chart paper and write its name. Write an essay on “ Human development on the environment” Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 6th B Subject- Math 1. Chapter 1 to 2 Total solve and Revision your copy and Revision Time Exercise Solve. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 7th Subject- S.St Unit-1 Learn and Write short and long (Que/Ans) Unit-2 Learn and write long (Que/Ans) Unit-3 Write about “QutabMinar” (210) words and Read III also write (Que/Ans). Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 7th Subject-Science Unit-1 Food Chapter-1- Nutrition in plants Chapter-2 Nutrition in Animals MCQ, VSA, SA LA- Learn Unit-2 Materials Chapter-3 Structure of matter Chapter-4 Animal fiber Book reading Write the 10 page of English Writing of blank the of science Writing Subject. Project Work of Science Modal/ Chart Fig.- 1.7 Page No- 11 Fig. 2.6 Page No- 19 Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 7th Subject- Computer Write about an Electronic device name you use in daily life and also draw the figure & learn lesion -1.. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 7th Subject- Hindi 123- eqgkojs 1&30 i= ys[ku&uxjfyxe vf/kdkjh dks vius {ks= dh lQkbZ ds fy,A vR;f/kd QSlu ls cpus ds fy, izsj.kk nsrs gq, viuh NksVh cgu dks i= fyf[k,A i;kZ;okph “kCn 1&20A foykse “kCn 1&20A ikB 1]2]3 iz”uksRrj fyf[k,A Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 7th A Subject- Math Do all solved Examples, Try these and Revision time of Chapter 1 to 2. Project Work – from math lab Activity -2 1. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 7th B Subject- Math Chapter 1 to 2 Exercise 2.4 solve and Revision your copy and Revision Time Exercise Solve. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 8th Subject-Nature Unit-1 The balance Act Chapter-1 The Ecological system 1. Answer the following question. 2. Fill in the blanks. 3. Trick the correct option 4. Define the following terms Learn all Question Also. Chapter- 3, 4 – Book Reading Project Work- Collect the picture of each Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and past them in your scrap book under respective headings model. Food Chain of a Rain forest’s page 9 Or Food Web page- 11 Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 8th Subject-Hindi 123452-d½ [k½ Hkk’kk vkSj O;kdj.k dh ifjHkk’kk nhft,A Hkk’kk ds fdrus #i gksrs gS\ ;kn djsA jktHkk’kk dk D;k vFkZ gS\ cksyh ds fo’k; esa vki D;k tkurs gS\ Hkk’kk vkSj cksyh esa D;k vraj gS\ jpuk ds vk/kkj ij okD; fdrus izdkj ds gksrs gS\ ;kn djsA okD; ds dkSu&dkSulsvaxgksrsgS\ mM+ku fgUnh ikBekyk 1-d½ [k½ Xk½ ?k½ 2D½ [k½ Xk½ 3d½ [k deZohj ¼dfork½ “kCn vFkZ ;kndjsA dfork dh lanHkZ] ilax lfgr O;k[;k djsA iz”uksRrj ;kn djsA vdcjh yksVk ¼ gkL; dFkk½ “kCn vFkZ ;kndjsA mfpr fodYi ij lgh dk fu”kku yxk,A vHk;kl esa vk;s iz”uks dks ;kn djsA lPpk rhFkZ ;k=h ¼ vewfgd dgkuh½ okD; iz;ksx djsA y?kq] vfry?kq ,oafuca/kkRed iz”uks dks ;kn djsA Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 8th Subject-Sanskrit laLd`rlqeu 1d½ [k½ Xk½ ?k½ izkFkZuk izkFkZuk “yksd ;kn djsA “kCn vFkZ ;kn djsA fjDr LFkkuks dh iwfrZ djsA fn;s x;s iz”uks ds mRrj nhft,A Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 8th Subject-Science Unit-1 Chapter-1 Chapter-2 Crop Production Microorganisms MCQ, VSA, SAI, SAII ,LA- Learn Project work of Science Chart/ Model Figure 1.11 page 17 Figure 2.1 page 24 Talk to the class presentation Make a presentation on your findings in a the above field crop. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 8th Subject- Computer Write the name of social website and describe? Draw the figure of wireless Networking. Class- 8th A Subject- Math Do all the Examples, try these and Revision time of chapter 1 & 2. Project Work - (From Math Lab ) Activity -2 1. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 8th A Subject- Math Chapter 1 to 3 Exercise 3.2 solve and Revision your copy and Revision Time Exercise Solve. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 8th Subject- S.st Some Social Reformers in India used Newspapers for propagating their thoughts on social and Religiousreforms. These writing and make the list of Newspapers published in India in the Nineteen century. Draw a map of India in the Middle of 18th century. Collect pictures on machines which were made during the Industrial Revolution. What would you do, if you are in your school and there is an Earthquake. Learn all types of Question Answer which is taught by you. Summer Vacation Home Work 1. 2. 3. • • • • • 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. a. b. c. Class- 9th Subject- S.st After reading report from Newspaper/ Magazine write a letter to the Agriculture Minister in your ward telling him how the use of chemical federalizes can be harmful. Visit a Nearby Village or a Slum area and write down a case study of boy or girds of your age facing the same conduction. Visit a Nearby hospital, Either Government or Private and note down the following details . How Many beds there are in the Hospital How many doctors are there in the Hospital. How many nurses work in the hospital? How many & which type of amusementavailable in the Hospital. How many Hospitals are there in your locality? Write a short note onImportant of Education in our life. What action taken by the central Government, in partnership of the states, the local Government and the community for achievement the goal of universalization of Element education. Complete there note book and learn all types of question and Answer (From Lesson 1 & 2). Visit a village or colony located near to various residential area and note down the various Activities undertake by the people of that village or colony whether these Activities or Economics or Non-Economic activates. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 9th Subject- Physics Watch the movement of any 10 object and write itsDistance and Displacement. Which type of motion , uniform or ono-uniform and Why? Give suitable reason. Solve 15 numerical problem based on displacement and speed. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 9th Subject- Computer What is memory describe its. Describe the software? What is data? What is Information? Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 9th Subject- Hindi Nk;koknh ;qx ds dfo;ks dk thou ifjp; RkFkk mudh lkfgfR;d miyfC/k;k crkb, eq[; dfo ,oadfo;=h& t;”kadj izlkn] lw;Zdkra f=ikBh ^fujkyk^] egknsoh oekZA 1. 2. 3. 4. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 9th Subject- Mathematics Write notes on two great foreign mathematicians. Write notes on two great Indian Mathematicians. According to Examination point of view 30 questions solve from topic “Real Number”. List the important mathematical formula and theorem of syllabus S.A. 1st on chart paper and learn it. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 10th Subject- Mathematics 1. Collect the number of plant in twenty five houses in a locality from a grouped frequency distribution of the data obtained and . 2. Collect the daily maximum temperature recoded for a period of 30 days in your locality. Present this data as grouped frequency table. 3. Measure the height of all the member of ten family and form a grouped frequency distribution table of this data. Note – Students can choose any two from above three activities. 2. After collected the data and form grouped frequency distribution the student should faild the mear in each case by the method which they appropriate. According to the examination point view 30 questions solve from the topic real number and polynomial. List the important mathematical formula and theorem on chart paper and learn it. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 10th 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Subject- Physics List the common electrical symbol for electrical compound which are used \ drawing circuit diagram. Solve 15 numerical problem base Ohm’s Law. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 10th Subject- S.st Prepare Question- Answer from Lesson 1 & 2 is in Economics. Write a short on Exhaustion of Nature resources in different sectors. Draw a table on Educational achievement of state population of India (In team of male, Female and Overall ) Classify the list of occupation under primary, secondary and tertiary sector and what there roll in GDP. Compare and contrast the changes in India with the pattern that was observed of Changes between sectors were desired but did not happen in In India. Why do you think NREGA 2005 is referred to as “Right to Work”. Summer Vacation Home Work Class- 10th Subject-Hindi dkO; [kaM 1lwjnklth ds inksa ,oa nso dfo ds loS;s RkFkk dfoRr ;kn djsaA D½ inksa dh lanHkZ izlax lfgr O;k[;k djsaA Xk½ loS;s vkSj dfoRr dh lanHkZ izlax lfgr O;k[;k djsaA ?k½ vHk;kl es avk; gq; iz”u ds mRrj ;kn djsA Xk|[kMa 2-d½ usrk th dk p”ek] ckyxksfcuHkxrA [k½ fn;s x;s x|aak”kks dh lanHkZ] izlax lfgr O;k[;k djsA Xk½ ekrk dk vapy&x|ak”k dh lanHkZ lfgr O;k[kk djsA ?k½ iz”uks ds mRRkj ;kndjsA O;kdj.k 1fdz;k dh ifjHkk’kk vkSj Hksnks ;kn djsA 2eq[; fdz;k] lgk;d fdz;k vkSj la;qDr fdz;k dh ifjHkk’kk vkSj mnkgj.k ;kn djsA
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