MCAA’s Dragon Tales April 2015 MARYSVILLE CHARTER ACADEMY FOR THE ARTS DRAGON TALES MCAA Website The best way to stay informed about MCAA go t0: http://mjusdcharter.ss4. Ashland Trip Deposits COMING SOON TO MCAA! Friday May 1st- French Night Students in French classes are preparing for our 10th annual Delices de France, an evening of French delights. This year’s theme is “Les Miserables”- life among poor artists. Hold your spot now for the 2015-2016 Ashland trip! Bring your $100 deposit to Bonny in the office. YEARBOOKS! Don’t wait until it is too late. Order your yearbook now at $65 Volunteers Needed! Showcase needs your help, please contact Shalisa at Oliver needs help with set building, painting, ticket sales and backstage, please contact Valeri at Contact MCAA: 749-6157 1 MCAA’s Dragon Tales MCAA Spotlight SAVE the date- Friday, May 1! Students in French classes are preparing for our 10th annual Delices de France, an evening of French delights. This year’s theme is “Les Miserables”- life among poor artists. As usual, talented parents are offering their expertise to help students prepare a wonderful assortment of French desserts as an accompaniment to the entertainment. Stay tuned for more details. Students in GATE cast a critical eye on Sacramento Theater’s wild, cross-cast, up-date of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and on the exhibit “La Vie Moderne” – an exhibit of turn-of-the century French art at the Crocker Museum . Their responses reflected that acumen and intelligence cultivated by the fine instruction of drama and art teachers Ms Marks and Mr Buckley. ~Ruth Atkins The 8th Grade is creating a tolerance museum and working on writing portfolios of the same subject. The seventh graders are working on memoirs. ~Wendie Marks Attendance Office News If your child has a doctor, dentist, or personal appointment, it really helps our school if they can be present part of the day. Please call me to verify your child’s absences, also for absences of 1 day or more please call me to arrange shortterm independent study.Third quarter report cards were mailed home March 26. If you need information to create an Aeries account to check grades and missing assignments, come in to the office or call me. Sincerely, Brenda Brown Counseling Secretary 749-6148 Contact MCAA: 749-6157 April 2015 Many Thanks to Our Volunteers! Shrek Set Building/Painting: Taya & Gannon Koranda, Roseann & Joseph Morales, Sarah Hauck, Lily Eichner, Molly O’Shea Enderton, Fernando Negrete, Kimi DeCamp, Shelene Brinsosn, Julie Barkley, Julian Barkley-Brinson, Gabrielle Mathews, Anthony Warner, Kayleigh Wedin, Tyler Tucker, Catherine Kukulka, Emily Kessler Shrek Hair: Rachel Maloney Shrek Makeup: Charlie Diamond Shrek Costumes: Lovena, Jeff, and Kimi DeCamp, Talina Hagler, Shrek Parent Producers: Roseann Morales & Jenny Warner Shrek Donations and Volunteers: Joleen Barmettler, Sara Cowen, Taya Koranda, Megan Eichner, Billy Phillips, Talina Hagler, Don & Katie Keith, Michelle & Josh Hendrix, Mark Mullens, Toni Vernier, Yakuan Su, Sharon Asher, Christine Bratton Dessert and Dance: Shannon Levesque Copy Paper Donation: Sherill Wedgeworth Strings Concert: Katie Keith DJ for Halloween and Sadie’s Dances: Geoff Cowan Dance Donation and Help: Kristine Scully Site Council: Michelle Stewart Sadie’s Chaperone: Brenda Wallace, Cyndi Spadini GATE Trip Chaperone: Cyndi Spadini 2 MCAA’s Dragon Tales April 2015 Counseling Corner Counselor: Christy Spade, 749-6157 X6232, Hello MCAA Students and Parents, It’s hard to believe we are already more than half way through second semester…June is just around the corner! The Counseling Office has been busy with registration for next year’s classes. The last few weeks before Spring Break were spent gathering students’ course requests for next year. Eighth graders will make course selections during the first week back from break and any make ups will happen during that time as well. These are just course requests at this time so any students still needing to put in their requests haven’t missed out on anything, I promise! The schedule for next year will be finalized in the coming months using the information gathered through the course request process. Although there is no perfect schedule that allows all students to get every course they want, every effort will be made to limit conflicts whenever possible so students can get as many of the courses they need/want. If you have any questions about your student’s schedule for next year, please feel free to contact me. The deadline is just around the corner for those seniors who plan to attend a 4-year university to submit their Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). Even though students are often faced with difficult decisions when trying to determine where to go, they must meet all university deadlines in order to continue to be eligible. Most colleges require students to submit a SIR by May 1st. Any students planning to attend community college in the fall who need assistance with the enrollment process should stop by the Counseling Office for help. Reminder: Juniors who plan to attend a 4-year university directly after high school should consider taking the SAT or ACT this spring. Remaining test dates are May 2nd and June 6th for the SAT and June 13th for the ACT. Students can register online at (SAT) or (ACT). Juniors should also be starting to seriously consider their options after high school. The application process for 4-year universities typically starts in the fall of senior year so students should have a good idea of where they want to apply when school begins in August. Research can be done online (,, are some examples) or by visiting campuses in person. Tenth graders took the California High School Exit Exam last month and did a great job! All students took the test seriously and seemed to be well prepared. Results will be mailed home this summer. Way to go 10th graders!! With promotion just around the corner, 8th graders need to be aware of their grades. Students are required to have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 over all four quarters to be eligible to participate in the promotion ceremony. Now that 3rd quarter grades have posted I will once again be working with any students who are not currently meeting that requirement. Any high school students interested in taking courses at Yuba College over the summer or during the fall should check the schedule of classes on the college’s website ( to see what is being offered. An application must be completed and students interested in taking math or English need to take a placement exam. Additionally, students need paperwork from me. Students will be allowed to begin registering May 11th and are only required to pay the $10 student services fee. If you have questions about this process, please contact me. And finally, congratulations to Angelica Gomer and Gaby Hayes! Both girls competed in the Marysville Rotary Speech contest last month and did a fantastic job!! Gaby was runner up and Angelica won first place. Angelica will now go on to compete in the District Rotary Speech Contest in April. Way to go girls…you make MCAA proud! Happy Spring, Christy Spade Counselor (530) 749-6157 x6232 Contact MCAA: 749-6157 3 Dragon Tales April 2015 MCAA Students in the Community MCAA and MHS Marching Band at the Bok Kai Parade Excel Club Members performed at the YubaSutter Peace Officer of the Year Awards Ceremony GATE Students at the Sacramento Theatre MCAA and MHS Drum Line at the Bok Kai Parade Angelica Gomer (l) and Gabby Hayes (r) at the Rotary Speech Contest. Contact MCAA: 749-6157 Excel Club members visited and performed at the 4 Marysville Care Center Dragon Tales April 2015 MCAA EVENT CALENDAR APR APR APR APR APR APR APR APR APR MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY 2 3 13 14 17 17 21 22-25 28 1 5 5 6 7 MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY 7-9 10 12 13 15-16 17 19 21 21 Senior Showcase SPRING BREAK BEGINS RETURN TO SCHOOL- Odd day Block 9 Staff Planning Day-Minimum Day SWAT Dance Block 9 Music Dept.- Disneyland Trip Block 9- Walk for the Arts French Night 7PM AP Calculus Test 8AM Block 9 CST Science Test- 8th & 10th Grade CST Science Test- 8th and 10th Grade, School Site Council 3:15PM, Open House 6pm Oliver 7PM Oliver 2PM Block 9, Exit Exam 11th and 12th AP English test 8AM Oliver 7PM Oliver 2PM Block 9 Beginning Band Concert 6:00PM Staff Planning Day-Minimum Day MAY MAY MAY MAY 22-23 25 26 27 MAY MAY MAY JUN 28 29 30 1 JUN 2 JUN 3 JUN 4 JUN 5 Showcase 7PM Memorial Day-NO SCHOOL Piano I, II & III Concert 5PM Jazz Band, Guitar, and Drum Line Concert 6PM Choral/Vocal Concert 6PM Strings Concert 6:30PM Prom Finals 1 & 3, Awards Night, Release Time 12:50PM Finals 2 & 4, Promotion Practice, Release Time 12:50PM Finals 5 & 7, Senior Breakfast, Graduation Practice, Release Time 12:50PM Finals 6 & 8, Promotion 5PM, Graduation 7:30PM, Release Time 12:50PM Last Day of School, Day on the Green, Media Fest, Release Time 1:50PM, Minimum Day, End of Semester SCHEDULED EVENTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Dance Disneyland Trip During the Dance Departments trip to Disneyland this year, the students participated in two dance workshops. The first was the Advance Dance Workshop 201 taught by Tricia Gomez. Here the students participated in and learned an entire dance piece. The second workshop was Auditions and Careers taught by Sjaan Trowbridge. In this workshop the students experienced what it would be like to audition for a job at Disney. This workshop was very intense and very rewarding. We hope to return again soon. Shalisa Peck, Dance Director MCAA STUDENT AWARDS Congratulations to Angel Garcia! She received her State FFA Degree. To earn this degree the students need to be a member of the FFA for at least 3 years, invest or earn $1500 in their project and spend 800 hours. Way to go Angel! Congratulations as well to Gabrielle Mathews for First Place at the Tri-Counties Music Competition in the 10th-12th grade Voice Competition. Contact MCAA: 749-6157 5 ORDER YEARBOOKS NOW! $65 MCAA SCHEUDLE: APR 2 Senior Showcase APR 3 SPRING BREAK BEGINS APR 13 RETURN TO SCHOOL- Odd day APR 14 Block 9 APR 17 Staff Planning Day-Minimum Day APR 17 SWAT Dance APR 21 Block 9 APR 22-25 Music Dept.- Disneyland Trip APR 28 Block 9- Walk for the Arts at DVDs Now available in office: Starflight, Forgiven & Merry Wives $10 MCAA is now accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year. Ways to Help at MCAA Send in BOXTOPS for Education found on General Mills products Have a Target card? Designate MCAA Shop at Save Mart or Food Max? Pick up a S.H.A.R.E.S. card in the office. Farmers Marketplace: Drop receipts in the office, MCAA will get 2% back. Collect and save Labels for Education from soup, cereal and snacks to dairy products turn labels into the office. For a participating product list go to Volunteer! call MCAA 749-6157 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Marysville Charter Academy For The Arts Marysville Joint Unified School District 1919 B ST Marysville, CA 95901
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