MOUNTAINEER KENNEL CLUB OBEDIENCE CLASSES APRIL, 2015 We appreciate your interest in our training classes. We recommend that you submit these registration materials ASAP as our classes fill quickly. Do not wait to send in your forms until you have your dog’s latest health records: health records are not required until orientation on April 12. . 1. Select the class of your choice from the CLASS DESCRIPTORS, complete the APPLICATION FORM and the DOG PROFILE FORM, enclose payment (make checks payable to the Mountaineer Kennel Club) and return to: Cindy Luster 39 Quail Road Morgantown, WV 26508 2. Please note that we do not send confirmations: you will be notified only if you do not get into the class of your choice. 3. Obedience classes meet for 50 minutes each week for a total of 6 weeks. 4. Orientation for all LEVEL 1 classes will be held on Sunday, April 12 at 3:00 PM. Please do NOT bring your dog to orientation, but be sure to bring your dog’s vaccination record. A vaccination form is included in this packet for your convenience or you may bring your own records. Your instructor must review this document PRIOR to your dog entering class. 5. URGENT QUESTONS? Cindy Luster (304-296-2829) or 6. Please note the "tear-off" at the bottom of this sheet. This is for your convenience. It gives the dates for the entire session of classes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(PLEASE TEAR HERE: FOR YOUR USE) Schedule of Mountaineer Kennel Club Classes MON CLASSES ORIENTATION Sun, Apr 12 3:00 PM Week 1: Apr 13 Week 2: Apr 20 Week 3: Apr 27 Week 4: May 4 Week 5: May 11 Week 6: May 18 TUES CLASSES ORIENTATION Sun, Apr 12 3:00 PM Week 1: Apr 14 Week 2: Apr 21 Week 3: Apr 28 Week 4: May 5 Week 5: May 12 Week 6: May 19 THURS CLASSES NO CLASSES SCHEDULED SCHEDULE OF ORIENTATION ACTIVITIES Sunday, April 12 2:45 PM –3:00 PM Vaccination Record Review 3:00 PM **General Orientation **Presentation including dog Obedience demonstrations 3:45 PM Classes will meet with the individual instructors; additional orientation materials will be presented specific to each class Orientation is not required for Level 2 or competition level classes Do not bring your dog to orientation. DIRECTIONS TO THE MOUNTAINEER KENNEL CLUB BUILDING 953 POINT MARION ROAD From I 68 EAST – COMING FROM BRUCETON MILLS/CUMBERLAND: Take exit 7 (705 - Airport Pierpont Road). At the end of the ramp, turn right. Proceed through three stoplights. Please note that 705 will become 119 North at the second stoplight. Follow 119 North. At the third stoplight, there will be an All Star Express on your right. Our building is 0.8 miles after that stoplight on the left side. From I 68 West – COMING FROM FAIRMONT: Take exit 7 (705 - Airport - Pierpont Road). At the end of the ramp, turn left and follow the I 68 east directions above. I 79 Southbound: Take exit 68 East and follow the I 68 east directions above. Pennsylvania: Follow 119 S to the Pennsylvania/West Virginia border. Our building is 3.1 miles on the right hand side of the road. (0.4 miles south of the intersection of Baker's Ridge Road with 119 S in WV.) RECOMMENDED CLASS PROGRESSION Level 1: Puppy Playschool, FUN-damentals for the Family Dog……………..age dependent classes LEVEL 2: Obedience Skills Practice, Handy Hounds LEVEL 1 CLASS DESCRIPTORS Puppy Playschool (LEVEL 1) Mondays 8:00 10 to 20 weeks of age only Socialization with people and puppies Accept handling, take treats gently, stop puppy nipping Teaches basic obedience exercises Information on basic dog care $ 95.00 – Class Only $100.00 – Class and STAR OPTIONAL: AKC S.T.A.R. PUPPY PROGRAM If you choose to participate in this program: the following is required: you must attend all six classes and your purebred or mixed puppy must pass the STAR test on 9 behaviors. The handler must sign a Responsible Dog Owner’s Pledge, have a written exercise plan for the pup, and a form of ID for the pup's collar or documentation of a microchip. You will receive paperwork to send to the AKC so your pup can receive the STAR Puppy Medallion and be listed in the AKC STAR records. ___________________________________________________________________________ FUN-damentals for the Family Dog (Level 1) Mondays, 7:00 PM Tuesdays, 6:00 PM Tuesdays, 7:00 PM 5 months to any age Teaches basic obedience exercises Information on basic dog care $95.00 LEVEL 2 CLASS DESCRIPTORS Obedience Skills Practice (Level 2) $95.00 Mondays, 6:00 PM Polish and refine basic behaviors Reliability to cue Consistency of response Handler focus Preparation for level 3 classes Class can be repeated Orientation is not required ____________________________________________________________________________________ Handy Hounds (Level 2) Tuesdays, 8:00 PM $95.00 Pre-requisite - graduation from FUN-damentals for the Family Dog Part 1 targeting behaviors will be taught useful household "duties" will be taught using the targeting behavior ringing bells to go outdoors putting toys away closing doors picking up keys other useful household behaviors will be introduced Orientation is not required Mountaineer Kennel Club April, 2015 Obedience Session Application for Training Return 1.) This application, 2.) the "Dog Profile" form, and 3.) your payment to: Cindy Luster 39 Quail Road Morgantown, WV 26508 ENTRY INTO A CLASS CANNOT BE GUARANTEED WITHOUT PRE-REGISTRATION. Class size is limited. Spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not send confirmations!!!!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Handler Information Name______________________________________________________________________________ Street_______________________________City_________________State______Zip_____________ Phone (home)_________________(work)_________________Age (if under 18)_________ Email address:______________________________________________________________________ Dog Information Breed______________________________ Birth date_____________ Sex M F Dog's Name_________________________Veterinarian_______________________________ Class Selection: Please indicate your first and second choice of class and time. MONDAY _____ 6:00 PM Obedience Skills Practice (LEVEL 2) ______ 7:00 PM FUN-damentals for the Family Dog (LEVEL 1) ______ 8:00 PM Puppy Playschool ____With the STAR Program ____Without the STAR Program (LEVEL 1) TUESDAY ______ 6:00 PM FUN-damentals for the Family Dog (LEVEL 1) ______ 7:00 PM FUN-damentals for the Family Dog (LEVEL 1) ______ 8:00 PM Handy Hound (LEVEL 2) (Please read and sign in both places on the other side. Thank you.) MOUNTAINEER KENNEL CLUB Agreement to Hold Harmless, Waiver and Assumption of Risk I understand that attendance of a dog obedience, conformation, or agility training class is not without risk to myself, members of my family or guests who may attend, or my dog, because some of the dogs to which I will be exposed may be difficult to control and may be the cause of injury even when handled with the greatest amount of care. I hereby waive and release the Mountaineer Kennel Club, INC. hereinafter referred to as the MKC, its employees, officers, members, and agents from any and all liability of any nature, or injury or damage which I or my dog may suffer, including specifically, but without limitation, any injury or damage resulting from the action of any dog, and I expressly assume the risk of such damage or injury while attending any training session, or any other function, of the MKC or while on the grounds or the surrounding area thereto. In consideration of, and as inducement to the acceptance of my application for training membership by the MKC, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the MKC, its employees, members and agents from any and all claims, or claims by any member of my family or any person accompanying me to any training session or function of the MKC or while on the grounds or the surrounding areas as a result of any action of any dog, including my own. Name of Owner___________________________________ Street___________________________________________ City____________________State____________Zip______ Signature of owner___________________________________ (In case of minor, Parent or Guardian must sign) Date______________________ SANS, LLC Hold Harmless Agreement I waive my rights to assert any claim for loss, cost injury or damages against the Owner of the SANS, LLC property and/or Mountaineer Kennel Club, their officers, agents, trustees, directors, employees, and members, present or future, arising from, related to, or in any way connected with the Mountaineer Kennel Club’s use of the SANS, LLC property for dog training classes. Signature of Owner________________________________________ Date__________________________________ Mountaineer Kennel Club Dog Profile Handler’s name __________________ Age if under 18_____________________________ Daytime phone ____________________ Evening phone_____________________________ Address: (street, city, zip) _____________________________________ _____________________________ Email address: __________________________________ Dog’s call name _______________________ Breed _________________________________ Dog’s age ________ Sex m f Neutered/spayed? yes no List other family members, including other pets: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any physical conditions that may affect your training abilities? Yes No If yes, please describe. _____________________________________________________________________________ Does your dog have any physical conditions we should be aware of? (Food allergies, pain, special medications) Yes No If yes, please describe. _____________________________________________________________________________ Where did you get your dog? Shelter/rescue program Professional breeder Neighbor/friend Other (Please explain) Pet shop How old was the dog when you acquired it? _____________________________________ How many puppies were in the litter (if known)? ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ This dog stays mostly o Indoors Outdoors Fenced yard Crate Tied in yard Loose How many hours in an average day is your dog: With humans? __________ Alone? _____________ With other animals? _______________ Weight of your dog: ____________ Feeding (please circle all that apply): food always available once/day Check the words that apply to your dog: Fearful Shy Pushy Noisy Energetic Happy Friendly Funny Protective Greedy Eager to please twice/day 3 times/day Destructive Nosy What is it that you like most about your dog? _______________________________________________________________________ Can you take things away from your dog? Explain if necessary. _______________________________________________________________________ Will your dog get down from the couch or bed if asked? _______________________________________________________________________ What is your dog doing that upsets you? _______________________________________________________________________ How would you like your dog to act? _______________________________________________________________________ Have you previously attended dog training classes: Yes No If yes, where? _______________________________________________________________________ What did you enjoy or dislike about your previous class? _______________________________________________________________________ What do you hope to accomplish by the end of class? _______________________________________________________________________ MOUNTAINEER KENNEL CLUB HEALTH CERTIFICATE FOR TRAINING CLASSES NAME OF DOG_______________________________________________________ BREED___________________________________________AGE_______________ NAME OF OWNER____________________________________________________ VACCINATION RECORD SHOWING DATES OF MOST RECENT BOOSTER(S) DHLPP (REQUIRED)______________________ Puppies under 6 months of age: (record dates) DHLPP #1__________DHLPP #2____________DHLPP #3___________ RABIES (REQUIRED)_________________ (Not applicable if puppy is under 4 months of age) INTRANASAL BORDETELLA (RECOMMENDED)___________________ OTHER HEALTH DATA DATE AND RESULTS OF MOST CURRENT FECAL CHECK ________________________________________________________________ HEARTWORM PREVENTATIVE (RECOMMENDED) NAME OF PRODUCT USED ___________________________________________________________ VETERINARIAN’S SIGNATURE OR STAMP CLINIC NAME__________________________________________________________ DATE_______________________________
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