MADURAI KAMARAJ UNIVERSITY B.Ed., (NON –SEMESTER) DEGREE EXAMINATION APPLICATION APRIL/NOVEMBER-2015 Year of Admission : Name of the College : Examination Centre Code : Examination Register Number : SPACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH Duly attested by The Principal In English (in Block Letters) 1. NAME SEX 2. In Tamil Date of Birth Name of Father Name of Mother OC BC MBC DNC 3. Community 4.Optional-I Optional-II ELECTIVE 1) 5. SUBJECT CODES FOR WHICH APPEARING NOW INCLUDING PRACTICALS THEORY PRACTICAL Total Number of Subjects SC ST 6. Fee Paid Particulars: Name of Bank : Place of Bank : Amount : Demand Draft/Chelan No : Date : 7. Whether the candidate has committed any Malpractice in the previous Examination and if so Mention the details The month and year of passing the qualifying Degree Examination of this University and the Register Number (i.e. U.G/P.G). If the student is from other University. State the name of the University and qualifying Examination passed (i.e. U.G/P.G). Whether the Candidate has remitted the eligibility (for Other State students) and recognition fees and if so. Give the details, In case of Other State students attach the Xerox copy of Provisional Eligibility Certificate obtained from the University. 8. 9. 10. I declare that the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I do hereby further agree and abide that any dispute arising between the University and myself relating to the Examinations to be held. Shall be re solved/decided by the court /forum/Tribunal situated within the territorial jurisdiction wherein the University is situated and no other the court/ forum/Tribunal will have any jurisdiction to resolve/decide the dispute between the University and myself irrespective of the fact that the course of action arises within other court jurisdiction. Station : Date : Signature of the Candidate Certified that the particulars furnished above by the candidate is correct. Signature of the Principal Residential Address : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... (To be enclosed with the application) MADURAI KAMARAI UNIVERSITY IDENTIFICATION CETIFICATE Reg.No. Centre Code No. SPACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH B.Ed.,(Non-Semester)Examination April/November 2015 This is to certify that Duly attested by The Principal Thiru/Selvi/Tmty. S/o D/o W/o Appearing for the Degree (Non-Semester) Examination, April/November 2015 is well known to me and his/her signature, given below is attested by me. This is certified that the photo copy of the above candidate is attested by me. Specimens Signature of the Candidate Signature of the Identifying officer SPECIAL INSTRUCTION WITH REGARD TO PHOTOGRAPH 1.One copy of the photograph should be pasted in the space provided in the application form and the other should be pasted in the space provided in the identification certificate attached with this application .These two copies should be identical. 2.The Candidate should sigh his /her full signature along the top margin of the photo copy. The signature on the photo copies should confirm in every detail to the signature in the application. 3.The photo should be attested only by the Principal of the college where the student last studied. The officer who has signed the photograph should also certify in the space provided for this purpose in the application form, to his personal knowledge of the candidates. EXAMINATION FEE PARTICULARS: Special fees 1.Five Theory Papers = 6000 130x5=650.00 (for each paper Rs.130/-) 2.Cost of applications = 50.00 3.Computerized Statement of Marks = 100.00 The Last date for receipt of filled in application form without penalty : 08.05.2015 The Last date for receipt of filled in application form with the penalty of Rs.200/- : 15.05.2015 N.B.: Examination applications received without the attested Xerox copy of the UG/PG degree Marks Statement and Provisional Certificate will summarily be rejected.
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