VASANTRAO NAIK MARATHWADA KRISHI VIDYAPEETH P.O.KRISHINAGAR,PARBHANI-43l 402 (MAHARASHTRA) INDIA No. VNMKV/APA l2l20I5 Date: 23.4.2015 ADVBRTISEMENT Applicationsare invited from eligible candidate(s)in prescribedformat for following posts under "Krishi Vigyan Kendras" at Aurangabad,Tuljapur and Khamgaon in the VsasantraoNaik MarathwadaKrishi Vidyapeeth,Parbhani. Sr. Name of the post,pay-scaleand No. discipline I 2 Programme Co-ordinator Pay Scale+ RGP 9000/Rs.37000-67000 Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy) Pay Scale+ RGP 54001Rs.15600-39100/- NOTE : 1) 2) Total No. of posts 03 01 SC ST Category NT/DNT SBC OBC 01 Open 02* 0l * - Amongst1 post for 30o/o femalereservation. SC - ScheduledCaste,ST - ScheduledTribe,NT/DNT- NomadicTribe/ Denotified Tribes,SBC-Special BackwardClass,OBC-OtherBackwardClass. ,( QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Postat Sr no. L ProgrammeCo-ordinatior (A)For disciplinesother than EngineeringSubject Doctoral degreein relevantsubjectincluding relevantbasic scienceswith 8 years experiencein the relevantsubjectas Scientist/Lecturer/extension Specialistor in an equivalentpositionin the pay band-3of Rs.15600-39100 with Gradepay of Rs.5400/Rs.6000/Rs.7000/-/ Rs.8000 having made contribution to research/teaching/extension educationas evidencedby publishedwork/innovations and impact. (B) For BngineeringDisciplines Doctoral degree in relevant engineeringsubject with 6 years experienceas Scientist/Lecturer/Extension Specialistor in an equivalentpositions in the pay band-3 of Rs.15600-39100 with Pay of Grade Rs.5400/Rs.6000/Rs.7000/Rs.8000/having made contribution to research/teaching/extensioneducation as published evidenced by work/innovationsand impact. OR Master'sdegreein the relevantengineeringsubjectwith 10 yearsexperienceas Scientist/Lecturer/Extension Specialistor an equivalentpositionin the pay band-3 of Rs.15600-39100/with Grade pay of Rs.5400/Rs.6000/Rs.7000/Rs.8000 having made contributionto research/teaching/extension educationas evidenced by publishedwork/ innovationsand impact. Desirable I . Specializationin implementingextensioneducationprogrammes. 2. Proficiencyin locallanguage. D/KVK adv.20l5 Post at Sr no.2 - Subject Matter Specint'irt(Agronomy) MasterDegreein relevantfield / subjector equivalentqualificationsfrom recognized Universities. Desirable Extensioneducation. 1. Two yearsexperiencein Research/Teaching/ 2. PassedNational Eligibility Test (NET) in relevant discipline prescribedthe UGC/ICAR. 3. Proficiencyin locallanguage. Short listing criteria: The eligible candidatesfor the abovepostswill be short listed by the scrutinycommitteeof the University.Criteriafor shortlisting will be decidedby the competent authorityof the University. Universityreservesthe right to call or not to call the candidatefor further evaluation. The list of short listed candidateswill be displayedon the University in. websitewww.mkv2.mah.nic. EvaluationOf the Candidates: possessing minimum qualificationas stipulatedwill be evaluatedby Candidates, the selectioncommitteeasper the marksgivenbelow. (50%). (1) AcademicRecordandResearchPerformance (50%). (2) Assessment of DomainKnowledgeand InterviewPerformance AGE LI MIT: 1. ProgrammeCo-ordinator t. Maximum age limit for the post of ProgrammeCo-ordinator as on last dateof applicationi.e. Dt 23.05.2015shallbe 45 yearsfor candidatesin opencategory. The maximum age limit is relaxableby Five years in respectof candidates 2. belongingto reservedcategories. The maximum age limit is relaxableby Five years in respectof Meritorious 3. with disabilities. candidates Sportsperson/ 2 . . l. Maximum age limit for the post of SubjectMatter Specialist(Agronomy) as on last dateof in opencategory. applicationi.e Dt. 23.05.2015shallbe 33 yearsfor candidates years in respectof candidatesbelongingto 2. The maximum age limit is relaxableby Five reservedcategories. 3. The maximum age limit is relaxableby Five years in respectof Meritorious Sportsperson/ with di sabilities. candidates HOW TO APPLY : l. Application in the prescribedformat alongwith the statementof bio-dataduly filled-in, in all respectand the copies of educationalqualifications,experience,date of birth, Casteand NonCreamy Layer Certificate(DTAIT, OBC, SBC and Open Female),School Leaving Certificate, reprintsof researchpublicationsetc. duly attestedby the competentauthorityshouldreachto the Registrar,VNMKV, Parbhani on or before Dt. 23.05.2015 positively. Candidatesapplying throughproperchannelshall submit advancecopy of the applicationon or beforeDt. 23.05.2015. Applicationthroughproperchannelcompletedin all respectshallreachto the registraron or before Dt 07.06.2015. D/KVK adv.20l5 CentralGovemment/Semiwho arealreadyin ,"*i".-lf SAu'ystate Govemment/ 2. Thecandidates (candidates shouldapplyti"o'ughp.op". channelalongwith No objectioncertificate Government otherthanthis Universityl from the presentemployer fee: 3. Processing N o n . r e f u n d a b l e a p p l i c a t i o n f e e s h a l l b e R s . l 0 0 0 / - ( R s . o n e t h o ufrom sandonly)for candidates for only) fifty hundred (Rs. Seven Rs.750/from open;;"giltil candidates feesshouldbe remittedinto the universityBankaccount categories.rt a'ppiicution reserved IFSC " parbhani. RecruitmentAccount No. 62392522053 i.e. the comptrolte., vliffrv, or cash by Parbhani code: sBI{y 0020317ii"t" ri"nr. of Ilyderabad MKV Branch, shouldattachthe photocopyofthe throughonlinef.or*f.. The candidate form' coun6r-foil of chalanwith theapplication acceptedand the Applicationfee in the form of cash' DD or IPO will not be applicationwillberejected'Additionalbankcharges,ifany,shallbebomebythecandidate' GENERAL CONDITIONSAND INSTRUCTIONS 1'Thecandidatesifappointedwillhavetoacquirerequisiteknowledgeofcomputer.applicatio resolutiondatedlfth March,2003. to producecertificaiiasrequiredundergovemment belongingto to produceNon.creamyLayercertificatefor the femalecandidates -2. It is necessary for benefitof 30%femalereservatibn' Op"n,OBC,NT/DNT (aiSlClO) anaSSCiategories, 3.AsperGovemmentnotificationdated28.3.2005,applicantisrequiredtoelgc.utanunderta 'A" 2005in theform thathe/shedoesnot t avemoreitrantwo living childienafter28thMarch, 4,Thecandidatesbelongingtoreservedcategoriesshouldbe..asnotifiedbytheGovemm fromtime-to-time". Maharashtra 5'Numberofpostsadvertisedmayincrease/decrease,dependinguponthevacanciesavailableat timeof interview. receivedafterduedatewill riotbe considered' andapplication(s) application(s) 6. Incomplete as on ageand experience qualifications, the requirededucational shouldpossess 7. The candidates 23.05.201s. will not beconsideted' 8. Theshortnote/shortcommunication g.AspertheGovemmentcirculardated03.0T.2004theexperienceofclockhoursbas lecturer,servicewithout pay p"riJai"uvpurt time job, onltipend, visiting pro.fessor/contributory not be considered. andworkedasIn-ChargeOffi"". -d notain! additionatchargewill lo.Thecandidate(s)belongingtothereservedcategoriesshouldproduce.castecertifrcate& aulhorityin prescribedformat'^If Castevalidity ' validity certificar. ir.u"i'-Uf tii. competent ,ttatl produceit within six monthsfrom the date of certificateis not avaitailel' "unaiaat" appointment ll.Mereeligibilityofcandidate(s)shallnot-vestinanyrightforcallingforinterview.University ."r.*". i-t,rightsto call or not to call for theinterview' D/KVK adv.2015 D:\kvk adv 20l5,docx -7 - any of the vacanciesadvertised'So also 12.University feserves all rights to fill or not to fill-in appointmentto the candidatesthough university reservesits right to give or not to give an by the SelectionCommittee' recommended 13.The Universityshallnot be responsiblefor postaldelay' for the post aPPliedfor, before 14.The candidateshould himself/herselfconfirm his/her eligibility in this iegard shall be made/ submissionof application. No colrespondence,whatsoever, entertained. to this advertisementare large, the 15.In case,the number of applicationsreceivedin response to a reasonablelimit by adopting university may restrict the number of candidatesfor interview appropriatemethod. websitehttp://mkv2'mah'nic'in 16.For furtherdetailsand an applicationform, pleasevisit our to executean AgreementBond with the 17. on Selectionof the candidates,every candidateshall have MaharashtraAgricultural universities Registrarof this university as per the provision of 57.1 of Act- 1983' (Krishi VidYaPeeth) 18.The candidatesselectedon the advertisedpos After discontinuationof the sch'emethe services covered under pension schemewhich is 19.The candidatesappointedunder KVKs wilt not be applicableto the oiherregularemployeesof this University' from time to time as per the rules of 20. The pay scaleof the post carry all allowancesadmissible ICAR. THE CANDIDATURE' 2I. CANVASSING IN ANY FORM WILL DISQUALIFY Date:23.4.2015 i i; ; ::1 i! .," ,'l D/KVK adv.2015 I l l i' tl I j',.i VASANTRA0 notf#imTil*ADA KRrsHrvrDHyAPEErH, APPLICATION F'ORMAT FOR THE POST OF'PROGRAMME CO.ORDINATOR Pleaseaffix Your recent passport size photograph here. PART A / 1. Advertisement Number& Date: 2. Postappliedfor: 3. SerialNumberof postasper advertisement: 4. Applicant'sfull name: (As givenin matriculationcertificate) 5. Addressfor Correspondence: 6. Permanentaddress: 7.Dateof Birth (In Words): Datgof Birth (In figure): 8. Age ason closingDate(ie on 23.05.2015): 9. Castecategoryof the applicant: 10. PhysicallyHandicapped: Yes/NO (Tick whicheveris applicable). ,IfYes,Pleasementioncategory&percentageofPH:Category I 1. Are You seekingany otherParallelreservation:YesA{o(Tick whicheveris applicable). If Yes,Category: D:\kvk adv 20lS.docx 12. Educational Qualification: qualificationshallbe duly attested.) (Documents relatedtb educational Subjectof Specialization University/ Board/ Institute (Attach separatesheetif required) Experience: 13.Detailsof Professional qualificationshallbe duly attested.) (Documents relatedprofessional Name and addressof the employer Post held and Pay scale Period To From Natureof duties Total ( PART B LanguagesproficiencY (including foreign languages) Level of knowled Note : In the level of knowledge column, indicateExcellent/Good/Fair Have you over-faced anY vigilance Enquiry or enquitY bY anticorruption bureau or anY other investigative organization Please write YES/ NO If any : pleaseindicate in brief' the details of the vigilance Enquiry and outcome thereof (if exonerated,a copy of the order PassedbY the competent authoritY maY be D/KVK adv.20l5 A) Academic Qualification- Maximum 2 Marks Particulars Sr.No. Ph.D.-Minimum Qualifi cation Additional degree/Diploma in any field from recognizedinstitution PostDoctoralFellowship State/Irlational/ ProfessionalSociety lAwardl Gold Medal / Fellowship Fellow of ProfessionalSociety i) ii) iii) iv) v) MarksAlloted Marks Secured* Documentary Evidence I Mark each I Mark 1 Mark each I mark each Total B) Employment record and experience-Maximum 3 Marks Sr.No. i) Particulars 2 marks for every completedyear of experienceover and abovethe minimum experiencerequired in the immediatelower cadreto the post applied. Total Experience Marks Secured* Documentary Evidence A) Minimum B) Above Minimum ( C) Servicein Remote areas/ Affected areas-Maximum 0.5 Mark. Particulars Documentary Evidence \ Marks Alloted 0.5 mark for eachcompletedyear of service (Remote areal Affected areato be definedbv the individual D) Significant contribution in relevant field and leadership-Maximum 2.5 Marks. Sr.No. i) ii) Particulars MarksAlloted of variety/technologyl 1 mark each Patent/Released j oint agrescorecommendations/ design/product/ processdevelopment/ farm development/ I marks/year Farm development/Nursery Management/Production of Seed/ Biofertil izersl B ioagents/Extensiion activities/Developmentof teaching aids/ practical manuals. 11 Marks Secured* Documentary Evidence E) Award/ Recognition- Maximum I Mark. Sr.No. i) ii) iii) iv) v) Particulars National & Statelevel award Best Paper/PosterAward Member of the StateA{ationalLevel Committee Memberof ProfessionalSocietv Reviewer/ /Refereeof iournal MarksAlloted Marks Secured* Documentary Evidence I mark each 0.5 mark each 0.5 mark each 1 mark each 0.5 mark each Total Sr.No. i) ii) Externallv funded nroiects/Inter Institutional Proiects- Nlaximum I ilIark. Particulars Marks Alloted Marks Documentary Secured* Evidence i) Competitive grant projects funded 1 mark each by agenciesother than host University regularprogramme ii) Joint project of the University with 1 mark each State/Centre/Public / Private Sectors Total G) SummerAilinter SchooURefresher course/Seminar/Symposia-Maximum I Mark. Sr.No. Particulars i) CourseDirector/ Coordinator iD ResourcePerson Marks Alloted Marks Secured* Documentary Evidence t mark each 0.2 mark each lecture H) Pubtications(Marks will be givenfor first threeauthors)-Maximum 7.5 Mars. S.No. Particulars i) Articlesin NAAS rated journals ii) Article in Referred Journals other than NAAS ConferenceiTechnical Publication Folder/ Popular articles Books iii) iv) v) MarksAlloted Marks Secured* Documentary Evidence Marks as per NAAS ratins 1 mark each 0.5 mark each 0.2 mark each 1 mark each Total (continuedon next page) l2 nst tutionalI ltuildins B ildi - Maxlmum u. 0.5 M ^ rk. S.No. Particulars i) S.No. ii) Lablfarm/workshop developmentRector/ Monitor I NSS ProgrammeOfficer / NCC Incharge/StudentsWelfare activities/ Monitoring and coordinating of teaching/research / extensionactivities Marks Alloted Marks Secured* Documentary Evidence Marks Secured* Documentary Evidence 0.5 nternational Exposure - Maximum 0.5 Mark. Particulars Marks Alloted Internationaltrainings/ 0.5 mark each symposia/seminars/workshop/ study tour/ visiting professor within countrv/abroad 0.5 mark/yearof Experienceof working in InternationalInstitute within experience India/abroad Total * Mention the number as the casemav be. DECLARATION I declare that entries made in the columns of this proforma are correct, complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nothing has been either concealedor misrepresentedby me. Place: Date : '| Signature Certificate "I do hereby declare that the statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any particulars/ information given above being found false or incorrect, my candidature for the post is liable to be rejected or cancelled and in the event of my misstatement or discrepancy in the particulars being detected after my appointment, my servicesshall liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice. Date : Place: Signature of applicant (continuedon next page) 13 : ' . I UNDERTAKING FORM'A' ( Seerule 4 ) ' i Shri./ son/daughter/wife Smt. of Shri./ Smt. ;;:--:-:::-:::::::::::::Yj::Y:i-:::: i ii;;;il;ffi',tt;d;;,'."'l; ... (No. of children)living children,out of which 2. As ontoday,I have (If so,pleasequoteBirth date). is/are after the dateof 2810312005 born children) ... (No. of 3. I am awarethat I will be disquatifiedfor this post, due to having more than two living childrenafterthe dateof 2810312006. Place:- ... Date:- ... l4 VASANTRAO NAIK MARATHWADA KRISHI VIDITYAPEETH, PARBHANI. Application Format For the post of SubiectMatter Specialist(Asronomv). Pleaseaffix Your recent passportsize photograph here. PART A l. Advertisement Number& Date: 2. Postappliedfor: -------:a 3. SerialNumberof postasper advertisement: 4. Applicant'sfull name: (As givenin matriculationcertificate) 5. Addressfor Correspondence: Number: TelephoneNumber/Jvlobile ' Email: address: 6. Permanent 7. Date'ofBirth (In Words): Dateof Birth (In figure): 8. Age ason closingDate(ie on 23.5.2015): Years--- Months- 9. Castecategoryof the applicant: 10. PhysicallyHandicapped: Yes/NO (Tick whicheveris applicable). of PH: Category--If Yes,Pleasementioncategory& percentage ------percentage YesA.{o(Tick whicheveris applicable). I l. Are You seekingany otherParallelreservation: If Yes,Category: (Continuedon next page) 15 I 4 EducationalQualification: (DocumenBrelatedto educationalqualification shall be duly attested.) Sr. No. Examination Passed University/ Board/ Institute class/percentagel Year of Grade Passing Subjectof Specialization (if any) (Attach separatesheetif required) 13.Detailsof Professional Experience: (Documents relatedprofessional qualificationshallbe duly attested.) Name and addressof the employer Post held and Pay scale Period To From Nature of duties Total ( (Attach separatesheetif required) PART B . Languagesproficiency (including foreign languages) Level of Note : In the level of knowledge column. indicateExcellent/Good/Fair Have you over-faced any vigilance Enquiry or enquiry by anti-corruption bureau or any other investigative organization Pleasewrite YES/ NO o If any : pleaseindicate in brief, the details of the vigilance Enquiry and outcome thereof (if exonerated,a copy of the order passedby the competent authority may be furnished 18 Academic Record and Research Performance (50%) Provide details with document- tary evidence A) Academic Qualification- i) M.Sc. or M.Tech.First Score Points claimed by the candidate Page number of attached documents Maximum 14 Marks 4 Marks Class ii) M.Sc. or M.Tech. with 8 Marks distinction iii) Ph.D. iu) Additional degreeor l2 Marks 2 Marks Diploma in relevant field from recognizedinstitution v) PostDoctoralFellowship 2 Marks vi) Stateor National 2 Marks professionalSociety Award or Gold Medal or Fellowship. vii) NET B) Employment and Record 3 Marks Maximum and Experience 10 Marks i) 2 marks for every completedyear of experienceover and above the minimum experience of 2 yearsof Mastersand for Ph.D. full experience to be counted. ii) Number of coursestaught 1 Marks or No. of Research each Projectsor No. of Extensionactivitiesc) Servicesin Remote areas Maximum 2 Marks or Affected areas One mark for eachcompletedyear of service(RemoteArea or Affected areato be definedby the individual University) D) Significant contribution Maximum 5 in relevant field and Marks leadership Patenton Releaseof 1 Mark each yeat variety or technology or joint AGRESCO recommendationsof designor product or processdevelopmentof Farm developmentor ( r9 E) Productionof seedor Biofertilizers or Bioagentsor Nursery Managementor Livestock managementof extensionactivities or Developmentof TeachingAids or Practicalmanuals. Award/ Recognition i) National& Statelevel award ii) BestPaperor Poster Award iii) Memberof the Districtor StateLevelCommittee iv) Member of Professional F) Society Summer/ Winter SchooVRefresher course/Seminar/ Svmposia Maximum 3 Marks I Mark each 0.5Mark each I Mark each 1 Mark each 0 Mark ( G) Publications (First three Maximum 15 Marks authors will eet marks) i) ReferredJournal Articles 2 Markseach ii) Conferenceof Technical 1 Mark each Publication. iii) Folder or popular articles 0.5Mark H) International Exposure Internationaltrainings or symposiaor seminarsor conferencewithin Country or aboard. each Maximum I Mark 1 Mark each DBCLARATION I declare that entries made in the columns of this proform a ayecoirect, complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nothing has been either concealedor misrepresentedby me. Place : Date : Signature 20 i Certificate *I i the statementsmade in the application are true, that do hereby declare . completeand correct to the best of my knowledgeand belief. I understandthat in the event of any particulars/ information given'abovebeing found false or incorrectomy candidaturefor the post is liabte to be rejected or cancelledand in the event of my misstatementor discrepancyin the particulars being detectedafter my appointment, my seryicesshall liable to be terminatedforthwith without any notice. Date : Place: Signatureof applicant I Shri./ UNDERTAKING FORM'A' ( Seerule 4 ) son/daughter/wife of Smt. Age Shri./ Smt. hereby declareas under:- ...residenceof 1. I haveSubmittedmy applicationfor the Postof ------... (No. of children)living children,outof which 2. As ontoday,Ihave (If so,pleasequoteBirth date). children)is/areborn afterthe dateof 2810312005 ... (No.of 3. I am awarethat I will be disqualifiedfor this post, due to having more thanrtwo living childrenafterthe dateof 2810312006. Place:- ... Date *{.* 2l
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