Welcome to April 2015 NewsBites The MLA reminds everyone that Carbon Monoxide Alarms are required by April 15st, 2015. If you have a fuel burning appliance, a fireplace, or an attached garage, you will be required by Provincial legislation to have a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm installed adjacent to each sleeping area by April 15, 2015. The Bala Falls battle continues to be contentious. Please see detailed information under TML below. The MLA is pleased to forward the latest, short two-minute video by North 45 Communications Inc., which clearly outlines the issues with this project: Save the Bala Falls the Time Is Now 2015. Water Levels and potential flood conditions for Southern Ontario are being monitored by the Surface Water Monitoring Centre of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF). Look for MLA ‘News You Need’ ebulletins for up-to-date flood information. With warmer temperatures in the forecast, the onset of spring will bring melting snow, rain and breakup of ice along rivers, streams, ponds and lakes. During this time of year expect higher and faster flowing water in most watercourses. Slippery and unstable banks and extremely cold water temperatures can lead to very hazardous conditions around any water body. The MLA urges caution around all water sources. A close watch on local conditions and weather forecasts from Environment Canada is recommended. Environment Canada bulletins can be found here. The MLA has recently set up a ‘Water Watch’ link on our site which details current water levels from Lake Muskoka and Lake Rosseau. This link will be updated from Monday to Friday, and can be found here. _________________________________________________________________ BBQ Celebrating the launch of new Muskoka Lakes Nursing Station On May 16th, between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm, the Port Carling community will celebrate the launch of the new Muskoka Lakes Nursing Station with a major donor, The Cowan Foundation, and representatives from Cowan Insurance Group, one of their affiliated companies. Enjoy a bite to eat and some local music while you learn about the new community health hub that will provide expanded services for health links to Port Carling and the surrounding areas. Click here to learn more. DISTRICT OF MUSKOKA 2015 Draft Tax Supported Budget - The District is proposing a budget increase of 3.66% which means a $20.10 increase on a residential property assessed at $200,000.The increase takes into account the annual growth in assessment. Significant increases in OPP costs are a major factor for this increase. Financing of several areas have been reduced or eliminated such as the Airport’s $90,000 expense for an Economic Impact Study and Long Term Plan. Council also chose to increase the Roads reserve by $640,000 from $14,760,000 to $15,400,000 to fund future road projects. The District of Muskoka’s draft budget was discussed at a special meeting on Wednesday, April 8th in the District’s Council Chamber. District intends to adopt its 2015 Tax Supported Budgets at its regular Council meeting on Monday, April 20th at 7 p.m. The public is invited to MLA NewsBites Page 1 attend. For review of the Treasurer’s report on the 2015 draft Capital and Operating budgets and forecast, click here. The MLA will attend the April 20th Council meeting where the budget will be ratified and will report the final budget results in our May issue of NewsBites. Muskoka Airport – Council has agreed to a $6.4 million rehabilitation of the Muskoka Airport runway. Work is set to begin in April, lasting 10 days, to repair stormwater infrastructure. The repaving of the runway is scheduled for the end of August and will take approximately 30 days. TML District Councillor Phil Harding and Bracebridge District Councillor Don Smith requested that after the initial repairs to the stormwater infrastructure are completed in April, Council take some time to examine all potential development options at the airport. Due to the cost involved in this study and the urgency of the needed repairs, this motion was defeated. Council then agreed to send funding requests to both the provincial and provincial governments. Unfortunately, at the current time the Muskoka Airport does not qualify for funding as it does not have scheduled service. Although the MLA is pleased that needed repairs to the airport are underway, we agree that a long-term strategic plan for the airport would have been a smart investment to identify future expansion possibilities prior to undertaking these repairs. Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (MAHC) Meetings and new Bracebridge Hospital Site Proposal-Following MAHC’s well attended public meetings in March, Bracebridge Mayor Graydon Smith made an important announcement on April 1st regarding a site for a new Bracebridge hospital. Mayor Smith outlined the Town’s plans to purchase, and gift at no charge to MAHC, a 44.5 acre site near Depot Drive. See the story here. At the meetings in March, MAHC’s Chief executive officer Natalie Bubela outlined three options for MAHC: the first option is to have two full-service acute hospital sites – one in Bracebridge and one in Huntsville; the second option is to have two hospitals that each focus on specific services; and the third option is to have one centralized Muskoka hospital. Ms. Bubela hopes to have an MAHC master plan in place by June or July. The MLA has sent a letter to MAHC, Bracebridge Council, Minister of Health and Long Term Care, local and provincial politicians and local cottager and ratepayer groups urging Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare and the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care to maintain a full range of clinical services at the South Memorial Hospital in Bracebridge. The MLA supports a long-term provincial health strategy that allows for multi-site delivery of acute care services, including emergency, inpatient and surgical services. If you wish to contribute your comments, please see Bracebridge’s media release which outlines the names of those who are the hospital service decision-makers here. TOWN OF BRACEBRIDGE Council Approves 2015 Municipal Budget and Business Plan - The approved budget will result in a lower-tier general property tax rate increase of approximately 2.1% for residential property owners or roughly $8 per $100,000 of property tax assessment. Details of expenditures include over $2.1 million for rehabilitation work on the town’s roads and sidewalks and acquisition of land and initial design work for the construction of a new main Fire Station anticipated to start construction in 2016. For further details on expenditures, please see the Town’s press release here. MLA NewsBites Page 2 TOWN OF GRAVENHURST Council Approves 2015 Budget – On March 27th Gravenhurst approved their final budget which represents an increase of 10.09% on the Gravenhurst municipal portion of the tax bill. The 2015 Budget has been designed to address the 2014 operating deficit. For a complete list of budget expenditures see the town’s press release here. For the recent news article outlining this budget in further detail click here. New 2.5 storey Boathouse Approved for Muskoka Bay - On March 24th Gravenhurst Council voted 5 to 3 to approve construction of a residential unit overtop a boathouse on Muskoka Bay near the Muskoka Wharf. Gravenhurst prohibits residential units on the second floor of a boathouse so this application, to our knowledge, is the first approval for a second floor residential unit overtop a boathouse in the town of Gravenhurst. The site is one of 57 other boathouses known as Ditchburn Bay boathouses. Those who opposed the application were mainly concerned that this would change the character of the area and set a precedent allowing two-storey boathouses along the waterfront. The MLA delegated and asked Council to consider deferral of this application until a Community Improvement Plan could be developed for this area. Although Council were very supportive of a Community Improvement Plan, they did not wish to hold up this application. The MLA looks forward to participating in the Town’s review of their Official Plan commencing this summer. At such a meeting the creation of a Community Improvement Plan can be raised again. Our MLA letter can be found here. Taboo Resort in Gravenhurst set to reopen in May – Taboo Resort announced March 30th that it will be open for business again this May. The Gravenhurst resort on Lake Muskoka closed in early December after a fire last October damaged the lower level restaurant inside the main building. Resort officials state that Taboo will open May 15 and run through the season with reduced amenities while the resort is being redeveloped. It plans to close again after the summer season on September 27, 2015. The MLA is pleased to learn that Taboo’s golf course, fitness centre, outdoor pools, tennis courts, hiking trails, beach area and boathouse restaurant will be open this summer. Please note that the resort’s main lodge will remain closed for renovations during the summer. SEGUIN TOWNSHIP Seguin Township’s Budget - Seguin Township intends to adopt their budget and set their 2015 tax rates at its regular meeting on May 4, 2015, commencing at 4:30 pm in the Council Chambers. Written comments may be submitted until 4:00 p.m. on May 1, 2015. The 2015 municipal tax rate contemplated in their preliminary budget is 0.351688%, compared to the 2014 rate of 0.35051%, which is an effective tax rate increase of 2.5%. For Seguin’s press release, please click here. Jack Hepworth’s Latest Report to Council and Community dated April 7th – can be found here. Topics covered include: Rosseau Fireboat, Revision of Seguin Donation Policy and Application Form, Important reports included in the April 7th e-Agenda, Rosseau Lake College Spring Arts Festival & Fundraiser, Bell's Rural Wireless Internet Deal for McKellar - Why not Seguin? The MLA thanks Councillor Hepworth for his latest report and is glad to see he is ‘back in action’. Continued good health councillor! MLA NewsBites Page 3 TOWNSHIP OF MUSKOKA LAKES (TML) The Township of Muskoka Lakes (TML) Budget – Thanks to the previous Treasurer, Steve Rettie’s, continued work with TML staff, review of departmental capital and operating budgets allowed the draft budget to be prepared. The recent appointment of a new treasurer also helped move the budgeting process forward. TML has released their budget meeting schedule. Click here to view. As of Monday, April 13th the proposed increase is 6.9%; an increase from the original 6.05% increase due to the inclusion of grant requests from the Muskoka Lakes Museum for $35K; Muskoka Lakes Chamber of Commerce for $28K and Attainable Housing for $8,480. The Budget Committee are continuing to refine the budget. On Thursday, April 9th the draft budget was made available to the public. The public was invited to provide input into the budget on Monday, April 13th. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 21st. In spite of this compressed process the MLA will be attending these meetings in order to keep our membership informed. Interview Committee Appointments & Human Resources Position Available – The Mayor and designated councillors have initiated the interviewing process for the permanent positions of TML Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and a Director of Public Works. The latest vacancy at TML is for a new Head of Human Resources. The MLA is concerned that staffing is not yet stabilized at the township office and looks forward to the new hires. Presentation of MLA’s 2014 Water Quality Report – The MLA presented the 2014 Water Quality Report to TML Council on March 12th. The report highlights one of the MLA’s core directives - to protect and conserve Muskoka’s previous watershed. The MLA was able to deliver the good news that overall the water quality in Muskoka remains good. When an area of concern arises, the MLA works with various stakeholders to help improve the quality of the water. Each councillor received a copy of the report. The MLA had three ‘asks’ of TML: (1) Increased septic inspections in Minett, Windermere and Boyd’s Bay; (2) Support in helping the MLA with areas of concern; and (3) Better by-law enforcement regarding maintaining shoreline buffers and reduced clear cutting zones. The MLA thanks our over 100 volunteers for helping with this important program. Our Water Quality Report can be found here. Two TML Committees yet to be Appointed – TML has yet to confirm committee members for both the Hall Boards and the Heritage Advisory Committees. At the March 12th COW meeting Bill Purkis read a letter from TML previous Heritage Committee Chair Tom Millar questioning the delay in re-establishing a Heritage Committee. With the focus on Bala Falls’ historic portage, it would seem helpful to have the input from a TML Heritage Advisory Committee. Mr. Millar’s letter can be found here. The MLA hopes these committees will be established in the very near future as all other committees were established in February. TML Strategic Plan Update- The results of TML’s Strategic Plan survey have been tabulated with over 900 people responding. Results show that 85% of the respondents were over 50 years of age with 54% of the seasonal population providing input as compared to 38% of the year-round population. Ward A (Bala and Torrance area) had a 36% response rate, Ward B (Windermere area) 17% and Ward C (Port Carling area) 43%. Wards A, B and C all thought that Economic Development was a top priority versus the GTA meeting respondents who felt Environment & Heritage was the top priority. For all the survey results, which include a Ward breakdown of ranked priorities, please click here. TML councillors held a meeting on the strategic plan MLA NewsBites Page 4 on April 7th. According to the schedule there will be an opportunity for public input in May. The MLA will continue to report on the progress of this important TML guiding policy. TML Zoning By-law 2014 – Zoning By-law 2014-14 is the new comprehensive zoning by-law applying to all properties in the Township of Muskoka Lakes. It was passed by Council on February 13th and is currently under appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). Until all appeals are resolved, By-law 2014-14 and Bylaw 87-87 are both in effect. The MLA has appealed the zoning by-law to the OMB on the basis that it fails to establish a 100 foot setback from the waters’ edge for septic systems and to enforce shoreline buffers in all zones. TML Council has agreed to have a public meeting on the issue of septic setbacks. Date, time and place TBA. The MLA will inform our members when the date of the public meeting on the issue of septic setbacks is established. New TML Planning Application Notification System on TML Website – TML now lists all notification of planning hearing notices and applications for both Committee of Adjustment and Council on their website. Staff will post the applications 20 to 30 days prior to the date the applications will be discussed. This new system is designed to assist the public in reviewing upcoming planning applications without having to contact TML’s Planning department. Click here to view this new format. The MLA applauds TML on this new system which gives the public 24-hour access to upcoming planning applications. New Zoning GIS Mapping on TML Website– TML Planning Department has also included new zoning GIS mapping on their website. This will allow property owners to view their particular zoning and that of their neighbours. To access this new initiative, click here. TML Planning staff is available to assist you if you experience any problems using either of these two new planning tools (GIS mapping & planning notification). Call 705-765-3156 Monday to Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. and ask for the Planning Department. The MLA encourages everyone to try out these new planning tools. NEWS RE: BALA FALLS – March 12th TML Committee of the Whole Meeting re Bala Falls -The purpose of this meeting was to receive the minutes of the Bala Falls Working Committee. The working group has met on three occasions – February 26th, March 3rd and March 4th. To review the minutes of their meetings, click here, and go to page 19. Committee discussed the completeness and accuracy of the working committee minutes. At this same meeting, Council heard from many delegates on the topics of Bala Falls/widening of Hwy 169 and issues not addressed by the new TML Bala Falls Working Committee. To accommodate the large number of attendees, the meeting was moved to the Port Carling Community Centre. Mitchell Shnier from Save the Bala Falls organization spoke about the need for Swift River to “show us their whole plan” prior to any decision made regarding widening Hwy 169. His presentation is here. Deb Ylanko from Moon River Property Owners Association (MRPOA) delegated asking why the rush surrounding this project now, what will be the real impact to traffic and what will happen to the Township owned heritage lands. Her presentation is here. Wahta Mohawks Chief Philip Franks spoke about the outstanding Duty to Consult and the historic portage. His presentation can be found here. MLA NewsBites Page 5 A representative from the community read the letter from the legal firm of Aird & Berlis outlining their many concerns with the established working committee. Their letter can be found here. Frank Belerique from Swift River spoke about the reasons Swift River was requesting Hwy 169 be widened; i.e. to allow large deliveries to be more easily delivered to the construction site and to assist vehicles turning onto the construction site off Hwy 169. Taxpayer Frank Jaglowitz also delegated regarding the optics surrounding the working committee and the ‘real’ message TML is sending; that TML endorses the project. Mr. Jaglowitz also felt that the local community’s wishes should be upheld. If the community doesn’t want the road widened, then don’t widen it. His concern is the appearance of TML Council siding with the developer. Councillor Sandy Currie distributed a package of emails outlining concerns from community members regarding the hydro project to all councillors. Mayor Don Furniss ripped up his copy as he stated these were private emails not intended to be circulated to the public. See the YouTube video here. The committee then proceeded to vote on the widening of Hwy 169. Prior to the vote, Councillor Phil Harding stood up and stated his opposition to the widening of Hwy 169 and the hydro plant in general; after which Councillor Harding received standing applause from the audience. See the video clip here. The resolution to widen Hwy 169 passed on a vote of 5 to 3 with Councillors Currie, Harding and Nishikawa opposed. The MLA is concerned that in spite of the working committee’s mandate to address community residents’ concerns, these concerns are not being addressed. March 13th TML Council Meeting – re: Bala Falls Working Committee Make-up Reconfirmed – Although the working committee has met three times, the composition of the committee was never confirmed by council. On March 13th several councillors felt the current composition of the committee was inadequate to accomplish the committee’s mandate of mitigating the community’s concerns. In February, TML agreed to Swift River’s request to establish a working committee to address taxpayers’ concerns regarding the proposed hydro project at Bala Falls. The committee consists of Mayor Furniss or his alternate (Deputy Mayor Jean-Ann Baranik), Councillors Sandy Currie and Linda Barrick-Spearn, TML Interim CAO, Karen McGhee and Frank Belerique of Swift River and an independent Chair. Unfortunately a representative from MNRF was unavailable to sit on this committee due to their current staffing constraints. Councillor Currie suggested that representatives from the Wahta Mohawks, Save the Bala Falls, MRPOA and the MLA should be members of this working group as these parties have an interest in the project. After discussing Currie’s options, a motion to reconfirm the committee composition, as originally formed, was approved with Councillors Currie, Harding and Nishikawa opposed. Councillor Allen Edwards suggested that a public meeting be held in Bala to update the public on the working committee. Unfortunately Council did not vote on this proposal. Mitchell Shnier of Save the Bala Falls delegated expressing his concerns with this working committee. His power-point presentation can be found here. MLA NewsBites Page 6 Wahta Chief Philip Franks also delegated and his presentation can be found here. Following these two delegations, Councillor Phil Harding brought forward a resolution to send a letter to the provincial government requesting a copy of the lease agreement, occupation terms, details of any tree cutting, tree protection, length of occupation, and any additional limitations with the respective leases associated with the Crown lands between Swift River and MNRF. Council passed the resolution. Council also passed a resolution that they remain an unwilling host. The MLA is pleased that TML council passed a resolution on Friday, March13th stating that they remain an unwilling host. The MLA is saddened that this issue continues to draw more anger from the Bala community and divide TML communities and their residents. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLA NewsBites Page 7
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