Fulton County Board of Commissioners BOC Meeting Date 4/15/2015 Agenda Item Summary Requesting Agency Commission Districts Affected All Districts Finance Requested Action (Identify appropriate Action or Motion, purpose, cost, timeframe, etc.) Approval of April 2015 Budget Soundings Confirmation Requirement for Board Action (Cite specific Board policy, statute or code requirement) BOC review of budget soundings is required by the County’s budget law 3-109 Revisions and Changes Is this Item Goal Related? (If yes, describe how this action meets the specific Board Focus Area or Goal) No . Is this a purchasing item? No Summary & Background (First sentence includes Agency recommendation. Provide an executive summary of the action that gives an overview of the relevant details for the item.) The April 2015 Soundings Confirmation is submitted for your approval. Below is a brief summary of each request and related justification. JUVENILE COURT - ESTABLISH ONE (1) POSITION, (PAGE 3) Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Grant Procurement Officer, C43, Unclassified. Juvenile Court is requesting to establish one (1) permanent Grant Procurement Officer, C43 position to provide grant writing functions for a cluster of Court entities performing similar functions. The following entities have been identified as members of the Juvenile Court Cluster: Juvenile Court; Public Defender Court's Office (Juvenile); Youth and Aging Office; and Parents Attorney Office. Juvenile Court and other entities performing similar functions operate accountability court programs and other rehabilitative functions that strengthen the lives of court involved families by creating an environment whereby families with underlying drug, mental health and parenting issues can receive meaningful and relevant information. Like Juvenile Court, most entities performing above described functions have traditionally relied on grants to fund their operations. All Accountability Courts and similar social programs relevant to the above named entities would greatly benefits from a permanent grant writer consistently seeking available state and federal revenue neutral funds to enhance their various programs. Permanent staffs provide a level of accountability, stability, institutional knowledge and a continuity of care that cannot be replicated by temporary staff. Agency Director Approval Typed Name and Title Phone Signature Date Revised 03/12/09 (Previous versions are obsolete) County Manager’s Approval Continued The creation of this position would be funded by utilizing a portion of the $259,000 in funding that was allocated to the Juvenile Court accountability courts programs by the Board of Commissioners in the County's 2015 budget. Included in Soundings per County Manager’s direction. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - ESTABLISH ONE (1) POSITION, (PAGE 4) Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of IT Assistant Director, D63, Unclassified. Previously, Department of Information Technology had an Assistant Director position dedicated to supporting the Public Safety and Justice agencies and that Assistant Director provided technical leadership, managed the dedicated IT resources assigned to the CJIS applications team, and ensured technical issues were resolved. The previous Assistant Director left the county, and the County Manager moved the funding for the position into his department. The plan was for the County Manager to have a Deputy County Manager solely dedicated to the CJIS community who would provide the same support. That position has not been advertised or filled and as a result the CJIS community has felt like they did not have a liaison for their technical issues and concerns. The re-establishment of the CJIS IT Assistant Director will address that concern. The IT Assistant Director will manage the CJIS team, which is comprised of a Project Manager and four (4) system analysts. The person in this position will serve as the voice for the justice agencies in dealing with system vendors, support negotiations, and escalation of system problems, failures and changes. The IT Assistant Director would report directly to the CIO, but would have the authority to interface with the infrastructure and networks Assistant Director when technical issues arise, to get their assistance for resolutions. The IT Assistant Director would provide direction and technical leadership on Odyssey, the integrated criminal justice system, and be a liaison between the CIO and the Justice community. The IT Assistant Director would manage all technical support issues for not only Odyssey, but other CJIS applications such as Intergraph (Police RMS), Palatine (Electronic Warrants System), and JCATS (Juvenile Courts Case System). The IT Assistant Director will also attend the CJIS Policy Board meetings, represent the CIO, and provide guidance on insuring technical problems get addressed. The CJIS community will have the opportunity to have a panel member on the selection committee and provide questions to the interview process. Funding for this position will be provided from Department of Information Technology professional services budget. Included in Soundings per County Manager’s direction. Continued APPROVE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR SHARED SERVICES FUNCTIONS IN FULTON COUNTY GOVERNMENT , (PAGE 5) FINANCE-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SHARED SERVICES: Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Accounting Supervisor, C51, Unclassified Establish two (2) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Accountant I, B23, Unclassified Establish two (2) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Fiscal Support Specialist II, B21, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Records and Documents Specialist, B21, Unclassified Fund position #1364, Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Fund position #1876, Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Fund position #9890, Accountant I, B23, Unclassified Fund position #1556, Accountant III, C42, Unclassified FINANCE-GRANT ADMINISTRATION SHARED SERVICES: Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Administrative Coordinator I, C41, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Financial Reporting Coordinator, C43, Unclassified Establish two (2) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Grants Administrative Manager, C51, Unclassified Fund position #2063, Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Fund position #3766, Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Fund position #3768, Accountant II, C41, Unclassified PERSONNEL SHARED SERVICES: Establish one (1) new permanent positions assigned to the existing classification of Deputy Personnel Director, D71, Unclassified Establish five (5) new permanent positions assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Consultant I, C41, Unclassified Establish three (3) new permanent positions assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Consultant II, C42, Unclassified Establish six (6) new permanent positions assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Consultant III, C43, Unclassified Establish one (3) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Performance Analyst, C43, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Performance Manager, D62, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Policy Advisor, D62, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Legal Assistant, B23, Unclassified Continued During 2014, a review of County operations was conducted for possible centralization of support services functions. The Support Services Departments were directed by the Board of Commissioners to implement a comprehensive realignment of select internal service functions in Fulton County Government under the direction of the County Manager and relevant Department Heads. Throughout this process, these departments are also refining process improvements to further enhance benefits of streamlining the organization's services provided to both internal and external users. The County's support services, or internal services departments are determined to continue to provide high quality services by ensuring that the county's team is equipped with the skills necessary to provide efficient, effective and professional services to the departments which will enhance service delivery to the citizens of Fulton County. The goal is to centralize the vendor payment process, financial grants management and compliance, account receivable, procurement, human resources, and technology functions in Fulton County Government by realigning all necessary staff (county-wide) who perform these duties under the direction and supervision of the applicable Department Head. The implementation of the shared services functions must yield a reduction in budgeted positions throughout county departments of $300,000 for Finance and $500,000 for the Personnel department, as approved by the Board of Commissioners in the 2015 budget. Included in Soundings per County Manager’s direction. Contract & Compliance Information . (Provide Contractor and Subcontractor details.) Agency Director Approval Typed Name and Title Phone Signature Date Revised 03/12/09 (Previous versions are obsolete) County Manager’s Approval Solicitation Information No. Bid Notices Sent: No. Bids Received: Total Contract Value Total M/FBE Values Total Prime Value NON-MFBE MBE FBE TOTAL . . . Fiscal Impact / Funding Source (Include projected cost, approved budget amount and account number, source of funds, and any future funding requirements.) No additional funding required – revenue neutral – transfer from impacted departments will be presented in July Soundings. (Provide copies of originals, number exhibits consecutively, and label all exhibits in the upper right corner.) Exhibits Attached 1). April Budget Schedule Source of Additional Information (Type Name, Title, Agency and Phone) Agency Director Approval Typed Name and Title Phone Signature Date Revised 03/12/09 (Previous versions are obsolete) County Manager’s Approval Continued Procurement Contract Attached: . Solicitation Number: . Description:. Previous Contracts: . Submitting Agency: Staff Contact: . . Contact Phone: . FINANCIAL SUMMARY MBE/FBE Participation: Amount: . %: . Amount: . %: . Amount: . %: . Amount: . %: . Total Contract Value: Original Approved Amount: . Previous Adjustments: . This Request: . TOTAL: . Grant Information Summary: Amount Requested: . Match Required: . Start Date: . End Date: . Match Account $: . Funding Line 1: Funding Line 2: . . Cash In-Kind Approval to Award Apply & Accept Funding Line 3: . Funding Line 4: . KEY CONTRACT TERMS Start Date: . Cost Adjustment: . End Date: . Renewal/Extension Terms: . ROUTING & APPROVALS (Do not edit below this line) X . . . . X Originating Department: County Attorney: Purchasing/Contract Compliance: Finance/Budget Analyst/Grants Admin: Grants Management: County Manager: Oshikoya, Hakeem . . . . Anderson, Dick Date: 4/6/2015 Date: . Date: . Date: . Date: . Date: 4/9/2015 Budget Page 1 of 5 FULTON COUNTY APRIL BUDGET CONFIRMATIONS April 15, 2015 Presented to the Board of Commissioners by the Finance Department April Soundings Confirmation.xls FULTON COUNTY, GEORGIA SUMMARY OF BUDGET TRANSFERS TO BE SOUNDED April Soundings Confirmation Budget Page 2 of 5 GENERAL FUND: April SOUNDINGS: Contingency Actions Beginning Contingency as of January 1, 2015: Less April Soundings: Less May Soundings: Less June Soundings: Less July Soundings: Less August Soundings: Less September Soundings: Less October Soundings: Ending Contingency Balance: Page # 3 4 5 Department Name & Agency Number Non-Contingency Actions $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 Amount Amount Juvenile Court - 405 Department of Information Technology - 220 Implementation Plan for Shared Services Functions $0 $0 $0 Total Request from Contingency $0 Total Fund Impact $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 April Soundings Confirmation.xls Budget BUDGET SOUNDINGS FACT SHEET April Soundings Confirmation GENERAL FUND Page 3 of 5 Action Required: Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Grant Procurement Officer, C43, Unclassified Effective April 22, 2015 pending BOC approval on April 15, 2015, Juvenile Court 100-405-4051-1000 100-405-4059-1160 Salaries-Regular; Fringe Benefits Professional Services Increase $82,904 Decrease $82,904 Purpose (Justification): Juvenile Court is requesting to establish one (1) permanent Grant Procurement Officer, C43 position to provide grant writing functions for a cluster of Court entities performing similar functions. The following entities have been identified as members of the Juvenile Court Cluster: Juvenile Court; Public Defender Court's Office (Juvenile); Youth and Aging Office; and Parents Attorney Office. Juvenile Court and other entities performing similar functions operate accountability court programs and other rehabilitative functions that strengthen the lives of court involved families by creating an environment whereby families with underlying drug, mental health and parenting issues can receive meaningful and relevant information. Like Juvenile Court, most entities performing above described functions have traditionally relied on grants to fund their operations. All Accountability Courts and similar social programs relevant to the above named entities would greatly benefits from a permanent grant writer consistently seeking available state and federal revenue neutral funds to enhance their various programs. Permanent staffs provide a level of accountability, stability, institutional knowledge and a continuity of care that cannot be replicated by temporary staff. The creation of this position would be funded by utilizing a portion of the $259,000 in funding that was allocated to the Juvenile Court accountability courts programs by the Board of Commissioners in the County's 2015 budget. Included in Soundings per County Manager's direction. April Soundings Confirmation.xls Budget GENERAL FUND Page 4 of 5 BUDGET SOUNDINGS FACT SHEET April Soundings Confirmation Action Required: Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of IT Assistant Director, D63, Unclassified Effective April 22, 2015 pending BOC approval on April 15, 2015, Dept of Information Technology 100-220-2202-1000 Salaries-Regular; Fringe Benefits 100-220-2203-1160 Professional Services Increase $115,776 Decrease $115,776 Purpose (Justification): Previously, Department of Information Technology had an Assistant Director position dedicated to supporting the Public Safety and Justice agencies and that Assistant Director provided technical leadership, managed the dedicated IT resources assigned to the CJIS applications team, and ensured technical issues were resolved. The previous Assistant Director left the county, and the County Manager moved the funding for the position into his department. The plan was for the County Manager to have a Deputy County Manager solely dedicated to the CJIS community who would provide the same support. That position has not been advertised or filled and as a result the CJIS community has felt like they did not have a liaison for their technical issues and concerns. The re-establishment of the CJIS Assistant Director will address that concern. The IT Assistant Director will manage the CJIS team, which is comprised of a Project Manager and four (4) system analysts. The person in this position will serve as the voice for the justice agencies in dealing with system vendors, support negotiations, and escalation of system problems, failures and changes. The IT Assistant Director would report directly to the CIO, but would have the authority to interface with the infrastructure and networks Assistant Director when technical issues arise, to get their assistance for resolutions. The IT Assistant Director would provide direction and technical leadership on Odyssey, the integrated criminal justice system, and be a liaison between the CIO and the Justice community. The IT Assistant Director would manage all technical support issues for not only Odyssey, but other CJIS applications such as Intergraph (Police RMS), Palatine (Electronic Warrants System), and JCATS (Juvenile Courts Case System). The IT Assistant Director will also attend the CJIS Policy Board meetings, represent the CIO, and provide guidance on insuring technical problems get addressed. The CJIS community will have the opportunity to have a panel member on the selection committee and provide questions to the interview process. Funding for this position will be provided from Department of Information Technology professional services budget. Included in Soundings per County Manager's direction. April Soundings Confirmation.xls Budget GENERAL FUND Page 5 of 5 BUDGET SOUNDINGS FACT SHEET April Soundings Confirmation Action Required: A). Approve Implementation Plan for Shared Services Functions in Fulton County Government B). Finance-Accounts Payable Shared Services: Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Accounting Supervisor, C51, Unclassified Establish two (2) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Accountant I, B23, Unclassified Establish two (2) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Fiscal Support Specialist II, B21, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Records and Documents Specialist, B21, Unclassified Fund position #1364, Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Fund position #1876, Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Fund position #9890, Accountant I, B23, Unclassified Fund position #1556, Accountant III, C42, Unclassified Effective April 22, 2015 pending BOC approval on April 15, 2015, C). Finance-Grant Administration Shared Services: Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Administrative Coordinator I, C41, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Financial Reporting Coordinator, C43, Unclassified Establish two (2) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Grants Administrative Manager, C51, Unclassified Fund position #2063, Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Fund position #3766, Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Fund position #3768, Accountant II, C41, Unclassified Effective April 22, 2015 pending BOC approval on April 15, 2015, D). Personnel Shared Services: Establish one (1) new permanent positions assigned to the existing classification of Deputy Personnel Director, D71, Unclassified Establish five (5) new permanent positions assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Consultant I, C41, Unclassified Establish three (3) new permanent positions assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Consultant II, C42, Unclassified Establish six (6) new permanent positions assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Consultant III, C43, Unclassified Establish one (3) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Performance Analyst, C43, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Performance Manager, D62, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Human Resources Policy Advisor, D62, Unclassified Establish one (1) new permanent position assigned to the existing classification of Legal Assistant, B23, Unclassified Effective April 22, 2015 pending BOC approval on April 15, 2015, Purpose (Justification): During 2014, a review of County operations was conducted for possible centralization of support services functions. The Support Services Departments were directed by the Board of Commissioners to implement a comprehensive realignment of select internal service functions in Fulton County Government under the direction of the County Manager and relevant Department Heads. Throughout this process, these departments are also refining process improvements to further enhance benefits of streamlining the organization's services provided to both internal and external users. The County's support services, or internal services departments are determined to continue to provide high quality services by ensuring that the county's team is equipped with the skills necessary to provide efficient, effective and professional services to the departments which will enhance service delivery to the citizens of Fulton County. The goal is to centralize the vendor payment process, financial grants management and compliance, account receivable, procurement, human resources, and technology functions in Fulton County Government by realigning all necessary staff (county-wide) who perform these duties under the direction and supervision of the applicable Department Head. The implementation of the shared services functions must yield a reduction in budgeted positions throughout county departments of $300,000 for Finance and $500,000 for the Personnel department, as approved by the Board of Commissioners in the 2015 budget. Included in Soundings per County Manager's direction. April Soundings Confirmation.xls
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