May 2015 One year on, since we first went to print, and we’re celebrating with our third newsletter! 2014 was a tremendously successful and busy year for MMC and 2015 is looking to be more of the same... In this issue of our six monthly newsletter we’ll be: Measuring MMC’s activity and growth with a snapshot of numbers; Summarising any business development initiatives in progress; Providing a ‘heads up’ on changes to the New Zealand regulatory and legislative environment; and Sharing various other ‘goings-on’ from both sides of the MMC office walls. Business Development Since November we’ve concentrated on finishing our transition and on boarding activities, retiring old systems and technology, releasing the redesign of our external website and outsourcing our printing and mailing services. MMC In the last six months MMC’s funds under administration have grown by over 50%. Not only have we seen extraordinary growth in our existing clients (from positive market returns on portfolios and an inspiring inflow of new investor funds), we’ve also welcomed new client Milford Asset Management aboard. As at 31 March 2015 MMC have 27 clients with funds under administration of over $22.1 billion. We’re calculating 210 unit prices each day and have 34 staff members. To strengthen MMC’s management team, we’ve recently appointed a Risk and Compliance Manager to oversee our ever expanding regulatory and legislative obligations. Meet her later in this newsletter! All of MMC’s fund accounting and unit pricing clients are now fully transitioned on to NeXus. MMC’s new client Milford Asset Management have been successfully on boarded. They’re the first to trial access to fund accounting and unit pricing data and reporting via our secure web portal. With our transitions to NeXus all completed, MMC’s old fund accounting and unit pricing systems and technology have been recently retired. Our external website was proudly launched just before Christmas receiving favourable feedback from both clients and the broader industry. MMC’s first outsourced mailing was run and sent last month for one of our client’s April distribution – this enabled the direct emailing of more than two thirds of their investors. The annual tax year end mailing for all registry clients is next, being scheduled for mid to late May. This involves emailing over 2,200 investors and printing and posting close to 8,500 pieces of paper! Through to November this year our activity will focus on extending web portal access, transitioning registry clients to NeXus and the release of further system enhancements to MMC’s fund accounting and unit pricing processes. 1 May 2015 Access to fund accounting and unit pricing data and reporting via our secure web portal will be extended to two more clients over the next couple of weeks. Once they’re comfortable with what we’ve provided, we’ll progressively make contact to allow access for all clients by the end of November. Our existing legacy registry system and NeXus have been running in parallel since the start of this year, with secure web portal access to registry data and reporting currently being tested by two registry clients. After completion of tax year end tasks we’ll start transitioning registry clients to include both secure access to the web portal and outsourcing of the remaining transaction advices. Commencing with those who have monthly priced funds, we’re aiming to transition all registry clients within the next six months. Additional unit pricing processes will be integrated into NeXus. Workflow control over unit pricing and other operational processes will continue to be released. SWIFT messaging will be implemented towards the end of this year. Regulatory & Legislative Environment FATCA With all the focus of late on licensing you could almost be excused from forgetting about FATCA. Almost but not quite! New Zealand financial institutions are required to provide FATCA data (for the period up to 31 March 2015) to Inland Revenue between 1 April and 30 June 2015. MMC will be running an initial report from our system mid to late May – this will pick up the appropriate fields provided either by our registry clients’ enhanced account opening procedures for new investors or their review of existing accounts. This will be given to registry clients for checking and lodging with Inland Revenue. Inland Revenue then have to send FATCA data to the IRS by 30 September 2015. MANAGER LICENSING Earlier this year the FMA produced a two part licensing application guide to help MIS managers complete their application, setting out the minimum standards that must be adhered to (by both the manager and any outsource provider). To help satisfy our clients due diligence requirements, MMC has produced an overview document and various policies and frameworks which are in a final draft format. Once completed they’ll complement our six monthly PwC control reports and regular service review meetings. The list of policies and frameworks are as follows: MMC’s AML & CFT Policy; MMC’s Asset & Liability Valuation Policy; MMC’s Error Reporting & Compensation Policy; MMC’s Registry Administration Policy & Framework; MMC’s Risk Policy & Framework; MMC’s Unit Pricing Policy & Framework; and MMC’s Unit Pricing Taxation Policy. We’re also working on updating the documentation of other aspects of our business. 2 May 2015 Whilst MMC is not required to be licensed, as an outsource provider we must meet the same minimum standards as our clients had they carried out the function themselves. Although MIS managers aren’t required to be licensed or schemes registered until 1 December 2016, with an indicative timing that it takes seven to ten months, it’s not something that should be left until the last minute. As always… we recommend that our clients seek their own expert advice. Services and Agreements Service Level Introducing… We’d like to introduce you to our newly appointed Compliance and Risk Manager, Leigh Ryland. After her most recent two and a half years as the Manager of Unit Pricing and Investment Reporting for Sovereign and ASB’s Investment Operations, Leigh joined our senior management team in February. Leigh’s responsibilities include: With all the changes that the FMCA brings about, we’ve recently reviewed both the MMC Services and Service Level Agreements to take into account the necessary regulatory and operational amendments required. We’ll be looking to meet with all of our clients over the next six months to present these amended agreements and acquire signatures. If a copy of our policies and frameworks haven’t already been requested, these will be provided at the time. An important component of the Service Level Agreement is establishing regular service review meetings with MMC. For those clients who are familiar with the MIS licensing minimum standards, you’ll be aware of the need to regularly review outsource arrangements and have a performance monitoring programme in place. “Do what you do best and outsource the rest” Drafting and maintaining MMC’s operational and staff policies and frameworks; Creating a compliance calendar; Consolidating incident and issues reporting; Reviewing risk management systems and MMC’s risk register; Implementing change management processes; Appraising BCP / DR processes; and Undertaking adhoc quality assurance. With a nine year tenure at Suncorp prior to joining Sovereign and ASB, Leigh has 22 years’ experience in management positions in New Zealand and the UK. Contact Us If you’d like to discuss or obtain further information about anything featured in this newsletter, please feel free to contact us on: Nicola Tait - (09) 557 1484 or Tom Peters (management guru) 3
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