Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Catholic Church 1325 Upper State Road, North Wales, PA 19454-1007 MMR Website: Founded in 1987 PARISH OFFICE 215-362-7400 fax: 215-362-4127 SCHOOL 215-412-7101 PRE-SCHOOL 215-692-1051 P.R.E.P. 215-412-2251 YOUTH MINISTRY 215-362-4895 April 19, 2015 - Third Sunday of Easter Mission Statement Under the patronage of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, we are a growing faith community centered in the Eucharist and dedicated to worshiping God, our Father. In response to our baptismal call, we commit ourselves to promote the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ, through Christian hospitality, spiritual nurturing, evangelical outreach, and shared social experience. We call upon each parishioner to share his or her talents in addressing the needs of our parish and society at large. We implore the Holy Spirit to consecrate each of us in this mission. Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, help us share in the work of redemption. Parish Clergy Sacraments Rev. Msgr. John T. Conway, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Philip C. Ricci, Pastor Emeritus Rev. William J. Teverzczuk, Parochial Vicar Rev. Thomas P. Whittingham, Parochial Vicar Deacon Alexander Gibbs, Transitional Deacon Deacon George Klinger, Permanent Deacon Deacon John Travaline, Permanent Deacon Parish Administration Maria Stumpf, Director of Parish Services Margi Slomiany, Director of Youth Ministry Mary Anne Dunbar, Music Coordinator Lou Tonelli, Parish Business Manager Pat Klinger, Parish Office Manager Chris Moral, Parish Office Staff MMR Parish School Denise Judge, School Principal Margi Slomiany, Director of Advancement Office of Religious Education Nancy Franks, Director of Religious Education Jeannie McLean, Secretary, Religious Education Parish Pastoral Council Kimberlee DeFinis, Marissa Lamparski, Bobbi Toner, Beth Ann Rufo, Jo-Anne Ward, Len Angelone Mass Schedules and Devotions Morning Prayer: 7:00 am Weekdays Weekday Mass: 7:30 am (and 9:00 am during Advent and Lent) Saturday: 7:35 am Rosary, 8:00 am Mass and Miraculous Medal Novena Saturday Night: 5:15 pm Vigil Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am, and 12:30 pm Holy Days: 6:30 am, 9:00 am, 12:10 pm and 7:00 pm (except New Year’s and Christmas) September (after Labor Day) through May (weekend before Memorial Day) Friday: All day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament beginning at 8:00 am through 7:00 pm Benediction The Sacrament of Baptism is administered most Sundays after the 12:30 pm Mass. Arrangements must be made in advance by calling the Parish Office. First time parents are required to attend a Pre-Jordan class before the baptism. They are held the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm in the John Paul II Room in the Annex. No pre-registration is necessary. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered every Saturday, 4:00 to 4:45 pm and anytime by appointment. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple contact the Church at least 6 months before a planned wedding date. No other arrangements should be made until the couple meets with a parish priest and the date and time are confirmed. One of the couple must be a member of the parish. Attendance at a Pre-Cana marriage preparation program is required in accordance with Archdiocesan policy. Anointing of the Sick is available to the dying and those who are elderly, sick, or preparing for surgery. Please contact the Parish Office. Communion Calls are made monthly by clergy and weekly by Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. To place a homebound individual on the Communion Call list, call the Parish Office. New Registrations Welcome new parishioners! You may call the Parish Office at 215-362-7400 to make an appointment to register. In order to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage, or Letters of Eligibility for sponsorship at Baptism or Confirmation, you must be a registered parishioner. Also, children who turn 26 years of age, or complete higher education and continue to reside within our area, should become individually registered parishioners. Funeral Notices Scheduled funeral services held here at Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, can now be found on our website: Parish Office Business Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 am to 8:00 pm Friday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm As you have shared in his preparation for the Sacred Priesthood we request the honor of your presence at a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving to be offered by Father Alexander Robert Gibbs on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 3: 00 PM Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Church Following the Mass of Thanksgiving there will be a dinner reception in the Catholic Education Center Please RSVP by April 30, 2015 or 215-362-7400 (Parish Office) Mass Intentions Monday, April 20 7:30 am Shirley Adelman by the Blanke family Tuesday, April 21 7:30 am Ceneviva & Pino families by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ceneviva Wednesday, April 22 7:30 am Satterly & Heim families by Cordelia Satterly Thursday, April 23 7:30 am Joseph Palermo by the Paul Logan family Friday, April 24 7:30 am Mark Cocco by Rich & Mary Anne Dunbar Saturday, April 25 8:00 am Ida Schmidt by Damian & Jo-Anne Ward & family 5:15 pm Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parishioners Sunday, April 26 7:30 am Joseph Palermo by Domenica D’Andrea 9:00 am Deceased members of Mastroeni & Warner families by Lawrence Mastroeni 10:45 am Vincenza & Louis DiStefano by Mariane & Joe Di Stefano 12:30 pm Louis DePaul by Lisa Coroniti Plans are being made to create a dessert table at “ Father Gibbs’ ” reception. If you are able to provide a dessert of any kind, please let us know by contacting the Parish Office at 215-362-7400. From Our Pastor Dear Parishioners, Pope Francis, on Easter Monday, for the sixth time in a week, slammed the indifference of the international community for standing by “mute and inactive” while Christians are being persecuted. He reminded us that “our brothers and sisters are being persecuted, exiled, killed, and beheaded for the mere fact of being Christian.” He added, “I sincerely hope that the international community does not look away.” So, how much are you hearing about this on the daily news? Where’s the outrage? Where’s the public outcry? I’m not hearing it; are you? Monsignor John Conway Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Cards Available Mother’s Day is May 10th. Available at church, as well as in our Parish Office, are beautiful cards for this occasion. We will remember your submitted intentions for living and deceased mothers at all of the Masses offered on Mother’s Day weekend. Your intentions will be placed at the altar. Please pick up a packet marked “Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet”, fill out the outer envelope, and return it with your freewill offering. The WMOF congress will take place at the Pennsylvania Convention Center September 22nd to the 25th. It consists of four days of presentations, meetings, celebrations, Liturgy and prayer. These sessions will follow a key note speaker and break out session format. There will be separate tracks for adults and for children ages six to eighteen. There will also be child care available during the congress. There is a fee to attend the Congress portion of the World Meeting of Families. We encourage you to make every effort to register for this event with families from all over the globe. What an experience to have so many gather together to study and pray in the spirit of Love is our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. You can register for this portion of the World Meeting of Families at the following website: Bring the Traveling Iconic Painting to your home. Register to have the painting in your home for a week . Go to Find our sign-up page by using in the “Search by Email” box. “Being the steward of the travelling icon painting of the Holy Family was a wonderful experience. It made a very positive impact on our family. In fact we enjoyed it so much we ordered a similar painting for our home to display all year...We pray that the families yet to received this traveling icon be filled with grace during their time with it.” The Rose Family Please see this years VBS information. WE MUST HAVE 46 ADULT (OVER 18) VOLUNTEERS SIGNED UP BY MAY 8TH IN ORDER TO HOLD THIS YEARS VBS. If we do not have the staffing required, we will need to cancel the program this year! Opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration Youth Holy Hour each Thursday from 7:00 pm-8:00 pm. All day adoration each and every Friday. Stop by to spend time with our Lord anytime between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm, when we conclude with Benediction. Please email Melissa at if you would like to sign up for a time to spend time adoring our Lord. .Would you like to feel at home in the Catholic Church again? Were you raised Catholic but do not come or seldom come to Church anymore? Perhaps you or someone you know relates to these or similar questions. We want you back! We have a special ministry for people who have been away from the Church. Please join us for a gathering at Mike’s home. We want to address your questions and make you feel at home once more in the Catholic Church. For more information: www.CatholicsReturningHomeMMR. Are You Going? Are you planning on attending the World Meeting of Families , Tuesday September 22nd to Friday September 26th before the Papal Visit? If you are please contact Maria Stumpf in the Parish Office. We would love to know! Chapter 6: All Love Bears Fruit “Love is our mission” for everyone – not just those who are married. Catholic marriage is a beautiful sacrament, but it is not necessary for a fully human life. In any society, many will be marginalized if marriage is seen as mandatory, as if one needs a sexual partner in order to be complete. Celibacy in the Church resists this misleading idea, insisting that life outside of marriage is also meant to be beautiful, social, and sacramental. Catholic celibacy and marriage have the same inner rationale, for in both cases, love commits us to service and joins us to the cross. A life of celibacy may be lay or ordained. Celibacy can be chosen, as in vowed religious life, or the result of being unable to marry, due to disability or circumstance. There are many ways of being celibate, each with important distinctions, but to be fruitful, they all require a similar internal motion of soul, an offering of our heart to the Lord. Wise, mature celibates and spouses practice many of the same spiritual skills. Celibacy and marriage both proclaim that sexual intimacy cannot be a temporary experiment or conditional audition. Both celibacy and marriage create solidarity between the sexes, rejecting sex in the context of what Pope Francis called the “throwaway culture.” To create communities where unmarried men and women experience joy and live their mission is something Christians need to do for one another. Christopher C. Roberts, catechism WELCOME TO THE MMR FAITH COMMUNITY Candidates who were received into Full Communion on April 12, 2015 William Lindley Coley III Confirmation name: Adalbert Marcus Allen Confirmation name: Michael Faith tradition: Baptist Parish sponsor: Tom Dwyer Godparent: Dinh Nguyen Marcus is engaged to Elizabeth X. Nguyen who is a parishioner at MMR. He is a law enforcement officer for the city of Philadelphia. Seeing how close my fiance's family is with the Catholic faith inspired me to become a member of this community. I look forward to fully participating in Mass and sharing my experiences on this journey with future members. Karen Larsen Confirmation name: Adelaide Faith tradition: Methodist Parish sponsor: Beth Ann Rufo Godparent: Brandon Larsen (spouse) Karen’s inspiration to join RCIA was based on years of attending Catholic Mass with her husband’s family. Karen and Brandon started dating in high school and she accepted his family’s invitation to attend weekly Mass, and then eventually joined the Youth Choir conducted by her future brother-in-law. Although she made the decision to enter the RCIA program several years ago, between college and army stations she was never in one state long enough to commit to a year’s attendance so she waited until she knew they would stay in the same community for at least a year. The most difficult thing to wrap my head around was, as you may expect, the sheer amount of information and background on the Catholic Faith. It is definitely a lifelong study, not something you can learn everything about in a few weeks or even a few years. The most memorable aspect was specifically the entire revelation about the Immaculate Conception actually referring to Mary’s mother conceiving Mary, not Mary conceiving Jesus. I’m looking forward to continuing this journey and how it will shape my life, my family and my future. Faith tradition: United Methodist Church Parish sponsor: Thomas Keebler Godparent: Karen Lynn Coley (spouse) Children: William Lindley Coley IV, age 11 Kaylee Michelle Coley, age 9 Bill has been living with his family within MMR parish for a long time. We are raising our children Catholic, and I have been attending Mass for almost 15 years now. I have enjoyed meeting additional members of our congregation, and becoming more familiar with our practices in the Church. Frederick Rudolph Schea Confirmation name: Frederick Faith tradition: Lutheran Parish sponsor: John Malick Godparent: Kimberly Rod Schea (spouse) Children: Helena Jane Schea, age 9 Landon Frederick Schea, age 7 Rick is a firefighter. He has been going to the Catholic Church since before he was married at MMR 17 years ago. Their children were baptized and attend school here. When I saw Helena have her first communion I felt that call for myself also. The (RCIA) experience has strengthened my faith and enlightened me on the history and support of the Catholic Church. I feel that the education from RCIA has helped understand what it is to participate in the Mass. I look forward to sharing the Eucharist with Helena and with Landon when he has his first communion. I have also learned about saints and how they can help us with God’s blessing, like St. Florian the patron saint of firefighting who assists us do our job safely. SUMMER FESTIVAL Yes, it's that time again and plans are already in the works. *** June 16th - 20th *** SAVE THE DATE: setup day is Saturday, June 6th...lots of hands and feet needed that day! We have great live entertainment lined up and lots of terrific plans, but to make the Festival a success we need YOUR help! Ways you can help right now: 1. Contributions for our Chance Baskets. Themes that are very popular include: tickets to events/attractions (Phillies, Eagles, Flyers, Union, Hershey Park, museums, movies, Morris Arboretum, Longwood Gardens, etc.); gift cards for local restaurants; gourmet food baskets for relaxing at home; and, of course bottles of cheer - to expand these drawings to NIGHTLY! Please note: in order to plan and build the theme baskets, we need ALL basket donations by May 17th. Donations received after that date might not be used directly in the chance baskets, but may go towards other Parish fundraisers. 2. Donations of “Gently Used Books” we need novels, travel guides, special interest books (please, NO textbooks) we make it easy by unloading your books in the Parish parking lot on drop-off evenings which we will announce in the coming weeks or you can bring books to the recruiting table outside of Church starting May 16th 3. Sponsors and vendors local businesses play a VERY important role in supporting our Festival sponsors are featured on our display board directly across from the main kitchen area vendors are provided space to promote their products or services to our nightly patrons please mention this opportunity to business owners and have them call the Parish Office and let’s all pray for good weather for the Festival! There is something for every parishioner to do. And every little bit counts. For more info about how YOU might be able to help, contact Armando Moral at Second Collection The second collection next week will benefit Parish and CEC Improvements, specifically Chapel exterior doors. God bless you in your generosity! St. Francis Ecology Council News Annual Plant Sale Just in time for Mother’s Day! The SFEC is sponsoring a Hanging Basket and Potted Plant Sale after all Masses May 2nd-3rd and May 9th-10th. Proceeds will help fund the purchase of annual flowers for our Mary and St. Francis gardens. Please support this sale and help beautify our parish grounds. Volunteers Needed for Spring Clean-Up Day The MMR St. Francis Ecology Council helps maintain the church grounds through on-going planting, weeding, and general clean up of the landscaped areas. The ministry will be holding a Spring Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 25th from 9:00 am-12:00 pm in front of the church. (Rain date is Saturday, May 2nd .) Volunteers of all ages are encouraged to come out to volunteer a few hours of your time. Bring shovels, rakes, pruners and gardening gloves. This is a wonderful way for the youth of our parish to complete service hours for CYO, Scouts and other volunteer efforts. Any questions, please contact Frank Shafer at 215-6996129. Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish is proud to announce the 2015 MMR Golf Outing! This year’s event will be held on April 27th at beautiful Talamore Country Club in Ambler and will feature a buffet lunch, 18 holes of “best-ball” golf, on-course beverage stations, a post-round cocktail hour, a silent auction and a barbeque dinner. All proceeds will be donated to a very worthy cause – our Sister Parish, St. Helena in Philadelphia. Sign up now to spend a great day in the sun with friends and fellow parishioners. Please contact Bob Repko at (215) 718-5769 if you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help on the day of the event. We look forward to seeing you on the 27th. 11:00 AM - Golfer Registration, Golfer Warm-up, Buffet Lunch 12:30 PM - Shotgun Start 5:30 PM - Cocktail Reception & Auction Begin 6:15 PM - Buffet Dinner Even if you can’t come out to play, or to enjoy the dinner, you can still support the event by donating items for our auction, such as sport and event tickets, rounds of golf, sport memorabilia, gift baskets and gift certificates. All monies must be received by the Parish on or before April 6th. 2015 MMR Golf Outing Registration Form Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.:_____________________ Email:__________________________________________ Sponsorship: _________________________________Number of Golfers:__________________ Names of Golfers: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ All names of golfers must be received no later than April 20th. Send your reservation and payment to: Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Church 1325 Upper State Road North Wales, PA 19454-1007 Please make checks payable to: Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Church Youth & Young Adults Catholic Heart Work Camp Giving Ladder Starting this weekend ladders have been placed in the back of church with tags similar to the Giving Trees at Christmas. The tags will have monetary/ gift card suggestions for items needed for the work camp set for late July. Items include requests for gift cards or cash used to purchase tools, food and assist with transportation ex- penses. Envelopes can be returned to buckets located by the ladders or dropped off at the Parish Office. Please consider taking an envelope to help our teens who are preparing to serve those in great need. Thank you in advance for your help. Come and Adore Him!! Weekly Thursday Youth Holy Hour All youth are invited to a special youth holy hour every Thursday from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Chapel. Metanoia Metanoia is an active community of Catholic young adults in Western Montgomery County, PA. The group supports Catholics in their 20s and 30s who are looking to deepen their faith and meet fellow Catholics in the area. Check out our website http:// and email us: Text MMR to 84576 to receive text message updates for news and events! MMR Vacation Bible School June 22 - 26, 2015 Kids Wanted - Volunteers Needed! Where kids overcome obstacles with God's awesome power. Anchor kids in rock-solid Scripture teachings that will guide them through life's challenges. We will spend the week learning more about our faith through class time, crafts, music, games and even snacks. When: Vacation Bible School will run from June 22rd - 26th. Who: Children who have completed 3 year Pre-K and are potty trained to those just completing grade 5 are welcome to join us. Students completing grade 5 will be in our Volunteer In Training (VIT) program. Registration: Registration for children will close on May 22nd. You can register your child or to volunteer at Volunteers: Of course, this week does not happen without a lot of help. We are looking for many parishioners to help organize the week. Please consider sharing your time. We need teachers, teachers aides and a snack coordinator. The teachers will be guiding the children through the activities and leading short discussions. • Volunteer registration will close on May 8th. • We MUST HAVE 46 ADULT VOLUNTEERS (Over 18) by the close of volunteer registration in order to provide this dynamic and engaging program for our children. Without those 46 volunteers registered by May 8th, we will immediately cancel the program. • We will hold our volunteer orientation on May 18th at 7:30pm in the Prep Resource room. • We have only 46 spaces for teens to participate as volunteers. These spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis. If you can help, and have questions please contact Regina Lagrutta at or 267-640-5914. Registration is complete when we have received your payment at the parish office. The cost is $55 for the first child and $50 for siblings. If an adult can volunteer the entire week, you pay only $35per child. This price includes all learning materials, crafts, snacks and music. Please make checks payable to MMR. They can be mailed or dropped off at the parish office. @MMRChurch MMRChurch MMRedeemer Pray for Our Service Men and Women Almighty God, we ask for your divine mercy and protection. Embrace with your invincible armor our loved ones in all branches of the service. Give them courage and strength against all enemies both spiritual and physical and hasten their safe journey back to their homes and families. Amen. Anthony Cancel Jay Wardach Adam McGinnis David Hoffer Daniel Pierson Gary Hogan Andrew Crossan Steven A. Campbell James Thomas Gross Sgt. Jonathan Lehman Terence McGowan Chaplain Joseph L. Coffey Michael Wasylenko Andrew Conaway Kevin Cox 1stLt Michael Archutowski Brenda Snow Please keep us informed of any changes in your loved one’s status. Thank you. H.O.P.E. Committee H.O.P.E. members are active within our parish, helping those with an emergency. The H.O.P.E. Committee assists the homebound and others with their needs. Grocery shopping, driving to the doctor and hospital visits are just a few of the things H.O.P.E. can help with. If interested please contact one of the people below: Apr 20 Apr 27 May 4 Toni Esposito 215-361-3992 Pat Bergbauer 267-218-1380 Pat Bergbauer 267-218-1380 Pray for Our Sick If you wish a particular family member or friend to be placed on the Bulletin Prayer List, please call Gerry Jerlinski at 215-996-1049. Loving and compassionate Lord Jesus, You brought strength and healing to the afflicted. Through Your healing touch and words, You restored sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, strength to weakened limbs, and wholeness to those afflicted with disease. Look mercifully upon those named here in their time of need. Grant them the patience they need to carry their cross. If it be Your holy will, grant them Your healing. In all things, we pray that Your will be done. Amen. Myrna Pepperdine, Joe Ragus, Angela Timbol, Edwarda FrascaStuart, Marge Koons, Helen Regetta, Susanne Morrow, Peg Marvel, Daniel McDonald, Anna Catino, Harry Citrino, Ed & Linda Velia, Alan Root, Gregory Bauer, Anthony Sammartino, Margaret Synakowski, Tim Keebler, Carol Welcome New Parishioners Joan Crognale Tracey Hartigan and son, Sean Baptisms Olivia Paige DeSandro Alyssa Rose Famularo Eric William Manser Scarlett Olivia Perez Giulianna Theresa Sanfratello CYO News Patterson, Patricia Devitt, Paul Sullivan, Barbara Renk, Richard Roberts, Marianne Ginley, Samuel Culp, Jr., Tricia Eby, Iva Zanoni, Thomas Hafner, Juliette Peterson, Michael Doyle, Joan Bellwoar, Mark Alesczyk, Mary Lou Bolognese, John MacDonald, Roseanne Stoerrle, Diana Umile, Dot Keebler, Rosemarie V. Coffey, Suzanne West, Margaret Clark, Terri Paone, Joan McCarthy, Wendi Cerminara, Paul Coppa, Gerry Jerlinski, Gus Casiato, Robert Snow, Donald Vinsh, Libby Kitchen, John DePaul Jr. & Sr., Louise Stecher, Jacquie Gardner, Brad Sacchetti, Justin Stupak, Dr. Honor Manilla, Thomas Stella, Bill Davis, Ed Cooke, Vera Hutton, Adele & George English, Jack Ercolono, Edward, Linda & Velia Brill, Taylor Goettner, Joan Dolan, Bob Livingston, John & Joan Hogan, Joan Napolitano Babies, Children, and Teens: Joseph McGaery, Baby Alana, Michaela Lopatofsky Baby Bottles are Back! Please engage your family in support of the fine work of the ProLife Union of Greater Philadelphia by planning to participate in the Spring 2015 Baby Bottle fundraiser by Respect Life. Plan to pick up a bottle in the Narthex starting on April 26th and fill 'er up. While at the table, ask about the expansion plans for two local pregnancy centers, Our Lady's House and Guiding Star. Thanks for your support, as always. LAST CALL! MMR CYO is soliciting nominations for parishioners to become members of the MMR CYO BOARD. The following positions are open to election: Vice President, Treasurer, and Social Director. Any MMR parishioner 21 years of age or older may nominate themselves or a fellow registered parishioner (with his/her permission). Nomination forms and more information can be found on the MMR CYO website. Nominations forms must be received no later than TONIGHT, Sunday, April 19th, 2015. Questions? Contact Joe McLane, CYO Board Vice President at 215-657-3666 DELBAR • Homemade Sauces, Pastas, and Entrees • Handcrafted Bread, Rolls, Cakes & Pastries Baked Daily • Fresh Sausage, Imported Cheeses & Specialty Items HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING • Sales • Service • Installation • Residential & Commercial • Family Owned & Operated • 40 Years Experience 24 Hour Service PA Contractor Reg. #PA035064 3504 Moreland Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090 215-884-7100 NOW OPEN Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Diocese Member CERTIFIED ELDER LAW ATTORNEY JACK J. HETHERINGTON, Parishioner 616 E. Main St., Lansdale • Jeff Polansky, Owner/Parishioner 215.822.0115 • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Late Snacks • Daily Specials Quality Food • Good Service • Reasonable Prices JOIN US FOR SUNDAY BREAKFAST Served from 6 AM to 2 PM 1700 Horizon Dr., Suite 104 Chalfont, PA 18914 Easton & County Line Rds. Horsham 215-674-5849 Open 24 Hours Wed.-Sat. • Closed Sun, Mon, Tue At 10 PM All Baked Goods Done On Premises COUNTY LINE PLUMBING & HEATING Call Mike, your Neighborhood Plumber 215.429.3350 Lic.#PA066556 - Insured CUSTOM KITCHENS & BATHS Call TODAY for a Free Estimate Cold Beer • Ice • Soda • PA Lottery Rte. 202 Montgomeryville 855-9191 LLC BARRY F. DAROCHÁ, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. SUSAN M. ROTZAL, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. Parishioner 230 N. KESWICK AVENUE, GLENSIDE, PA 19038 215-215-885-4252 • FAX 215-885-7487 E-mail: RE/MAX Action Realty For every closed transaction, a donation will be made to the MMR ministry of your choice. View 1000’s of homes at Gary W Kennedy, CFP® Senior Vice President - Investment Officer Direct: (215) 340-6345 Investment and Insurance Products: • NOW OFFERING DENTAL IMPLANTS • Now Welcoming New Patients • Free Teeth Whitening For Parishioners 215-358-1200 215-358-1100 䊳 NOT FDIC Insured 䊳 NO Bank Guarantee 䊳 MAY Lose Value Repair • Maintain • Replace 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Drug Tested • Background Checked 215-443-8882 PAHIC#030807 5% Donation Back to the Parish When You Mention This Ad OFFICE OPEN 8:00AM-8:00PM MON-THURS. • MetLife, Aetna, Delta & Many Others • Senior Discount (55 and over) 20% For Non-Insured Patients A taste of South Philly in Horsham 1500 Horizon Dr., Suite 104, Chalfont • Lunch • Dinner • Take-Out • B.Y.O.B • Off Premise Catering 215-997-9980 Take-Out • Dine-In • Delivery Catering On-Off Premise for All Occasions 255 E. Street Road Warminster 215-957-6465 Please mention you saw the MMR bulletin ad Dresher & Horsham Rds. 215-443-2500 No more excuses for not knowing how your finances and investments line up with your life goals and retirement expectations. Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2013 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0214-04296 General Dentistry * Parishioners * • Family and Cosmetic Dentistry • Preventative Care • Orthodontic/Orthopedics • Day and Evening Hours • Sleep Apnea/TMD • Implants • Laser Mark Simeone, D.M.D., AEGD Deb Grasso & Associates Direct: Office: Now is the time for a fiscal checkup We do work at the Call today for a free consultation, and we’ll explore strategies designed to 267-446-8646 help you protect yourself and develop an investment strategy for today, Jersey Shore too! Senior Citizen Discounts • Insured Parishioner PAHIC# 113830 tomorrow, and into the future. BOB’S CASES & KEGS Nancy Markley * Angelo Grasso * Deb Grasso Custom Woodwork Additions Basements • Decks All Renovations & Remodeling 74021-v5 A1661 Honest, Reliable, Prompt Service Fri, Sat, Sun 3 PM - 5 PM Early Bird Specials Mon-Thur 3 PM - 6 PM 511440 Mary Mother Redeemer Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Family Owned & Operated 1113 Bethlehem Pike Montgomeryvil e, PA 18936 215-643-6372•WWW.MASTROIENIFURNITURE.COM Private Instruction Piano - Organ - Keyboard PA068227 Wills • Estates • Elder Law Personal Injury • DUI • DWI Family & Matrimonial Law • Adoption Robert T. Repko, Parishioner 877-749-7249 KELLY’S Lawncare & Landscaping Spring/Fall Cleanup, Mulching, Planting, Tree Work & Grass Cutting Jim Kelly 215.858.3366 Free Estimates 215-542-8319 Francis J. Stieber Director & Organist — St. Alphonsus Choir Since 1985 MCGLINN & SON AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Top Rated Carriers ■ Personal & Commercial Mike Brooks, Parishioner 215.354.0122 BRYANT FACTORY AUTHORIZED DEALER CARPETING • HARDWOOD CERAMIC TILE • NO WAX FLOORS WINDOW TREATMENTS FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 180 S. MAIN ST., AMBLER (215) 793-9000 Friendly, Knowledgeable Staff • Sales • Service • Installation • Licensed & Insured • References Avail. • Established 1953 215-361-0900 • PA HIC # PA 015638 N.A.T.E. 3583210 • Parishioner VIP BARBERSHOP 215-368-3922 Established 1966 Voted Best by Reader’s Choice HILLCREST SHOPPING CENTER 664 EAST MAIN STREET LANSDALE, PA 19446 ROGERS TREE SERVICE INC. Removal • Trimming • Pruning • Stump Removal Crane Service • Bucket Truck Service Storm Damage • Free Estimates Prompt & Courteous Service Fully Insured Lic. #PA039509 215.441.5240 Bill Rogers, Owner Chalfont Custom PA I N T I N G . c o m Interior/Exterior - Power Wash Diocese Member 215-997-7737 Check our website specials Michael Schelkun, MD, DDS Mark P. Kienle, MD, DMD FUEL OIL • • • • • Oil Heating Sales & Service Central Air Conditioning 24 Hr. Emergency Service Fixed Price Contracts Budget Payment Plans 400 S. Broad St. • Lansdale Wisdom Teeth, Dental Implants and Facial Reconstructive Surgery Warminster Newtown Fort Washington 215-672-6560 Quality Chiropractic Care with a Personal Touch Workers’ Compensation Personal Injury Certified Massage Therapist Hydro Massage (215) 368-3331 (215) 855-6893 Parishioner (215) 699-4428 Traditional Funerals - Advanced Planning - Cremation TOPSOIL & MULCH 215-345-4481 Income & Estate Tax Returns Member of St. Robert Bellarmine Financial Planning Email: Small Business Consulting QuickBooks Accounting Jamie N. Goodreau, D.M.D., M.S.D. Funeral Home Inc. 215-340-9654 Specialist in Orthodontics For Children & Adults • Invisalign Certified Joseph A. Fluehr IV, Supervisor 241 East Butler Ave., (Rte. 202 at Sandy Ridge Rd.) New Britain 1300 Horizon Dr. Suite 117 215-997-0200 Chalfont PA 511440 Mary Mother Redeemer Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 • Traditional Funerals • Cremation Services • Preplanning 175 East Butler Ave. • Chalfont, PA 18914 • Veterans & Family Memorial Care Provided James P. Scanlin, F.D./Supvr. (215) 822-0480 SENIOR LIVING Needham’s Landscaping LLC WYNWOOD MONTGOMERY Brookdale Senior Living Spring Clean-ups • Lawn Renovations Install Mulch & Soil • Shrub Trimming Install Plants, Trees, Walls, Walkways & Patios Lic. CALL TODAY FOR A COMPLIMENTARY TOUR! 215-997-0577 • Parishioner #83756094 1091 Horsham Rd. North Wales Buffet Catering of Distinction Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Specials Daily Early Bird Specials 5-6 pm Over 60 Imported & Domestic Beers 917 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales 215.542.9670 Residential - Commercial Doors Sales and Service Electric Operators 215-393-5800 Michael J. Canazaro Phone: 657-2583 DENTAL CARE Periodontics & Dental Implants Exclusively PARISHIONER • DR. RICHARD CHILLEMI Voted Best In Area (Both Inquirer and Intelligencer) Our family and cosmetic team welcomes you for excellent affordable care. No out of pocket expense for most 140 E. Butler Ave., Ambler 19002 insured patients at first visit! Call (215) 362-0322 Lansdale 215-643-4393 Visit Us Online at “” • (Mention This Ad for Reduced Fees!) 822-6466 GERALD F. GLACKIN ATTORNEY AT LAW John V. DiGirolamo, D.D.S., WILLS • ESTATE ADMINISTRATION • REAL ESTATE • ZONING (215) 362-8644 • 2031 N. Broad St., Ste. 137, Lansdale Michael J. McDonald, Supervisor FRANK MASTRONI Primarily Piano 215-712-0374 Parishioner Reg#PA031765 Minor Home Repairs • Free Estimates DOMINIC MAURONE, Parishioner 453-9905 Wedding Invitations, a Specialty All Proceeds Donated to Mary, Mother of the Redeemer (215) 822-6679 Serving NJ, PA & DE 215.639.8500 Serving Bucks & Mont. Cty. 215-368-8660 215.233.4022 MAURONE Painting and Paperhanging Int./Ext. • Deck Treatment • Power Washing • Handyman Service M.M.R. Parishioner, Lector, Usher 218 South Broad St., Lansdale ROOFING • SIDING • REMODELING • Specializing in Beginners • Intermediate Lessons • M.S. in Elementary ED. CHRISTINE CAPOCASALE JOSEPH P. WALSH, ESQUIRE Local Diocese Member SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUCTION Beginner Intermediate Advanced C a l l M i ke MY STUDIO or In YO U R H O M E 610.812.7620 Leandro N. Angelone Jr. DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS • FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: 267-885-3376 John Nales Supervisor Follow us on: MMR Parishioner Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 501 Easton Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 T: 215-659-0202 | C: 215-806-0826 | F: 215-855-4030 For further information, please call the Parish Office. | HANDYMAN SERVICES MMR Parishioner Special Open 24 / 7/ 365 Family Owned & Operated Non-intimidating, Supportive, Clean Environment No Waiting, No Overcrowding - Private Bathrooms & Showers Silver Sneakers & Senior Discounts 4275 COUNTY LINE ROAD, CHALFONT $ 15900 for 4 Hours 215-641-8555 FREE ESTIMATES GIANT PLAZA 202 & COUNTY LINE RD. Licensed • Insured 215.933.2807• Former 76ers Team Eye Doctor GLUTEN FREE BAKERY 2 $ HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Sales • Service • Installation Family Owned Since 1973 215-799-0515 511440 Mary Mother Redeemer Church (A) 00 OFF Half Dozen Donuts 4275 County Line Road Chalfont, PA 18914 267-663-7209 Voted One of the Best of Bucks/Montgomery DAVID GALIANI, M.D., Parishioner “State Of The Art Medical & Surgical Eye Care With A Personal Touch” On Staff At Wills Eye & Doylestown Hospitals 14 -A Memorial Drive • Doylestown, PA 18901 215.345.5144 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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