Volume 2 Issue April 2015 - Mid Murray Support Services

APRIL, 2015
Special points of interest:
National Volunteers Week—11th-17th May, 2015 “Give Happy, Live
From the Coordinator
Morning Tea at the Hub—Monday 11th May, 2015
New Volunteers
Hi to all MMSS Volunteers. It is with great pleasure that I wish to welcome Dee Waechter to our
committed team at MMSS as Volunteer Coordinator. Dee will be assisting our Line Managers
source Volunteers for our many varied and valuable positions in order to provide services to
our community members. Dee will be the first port of call for all new Volunteers and will also
be contacting those of you who are already on board to touch base and see how you are going.
Due to the ever changing funding environment and all the new rules that we must meet from
time to time, Dee will be making sure that our Volunteer operations are meeting a very high
So if you would like to catch up with Dee, she will be at the HUB on Monday May the 11th for our
Volunteer Week celebrations.
PS we are always looking for more volunteers with a variety of skills or those who just want to
contribute, so please let your friends and family know to contact Dee if they are interested,
Cheers Wink
From the Volunteer Coordinator
Dear valued Volunteers, welcome to my first edition of the Vollie Vine. To date I have been
upskilling myself, attending courses at Volunteering SA and working on the dynamics of
continuous improvement and establishing best practises in collaboration with my well
respected colleagues.
We will continue to run as normal, you will have the same Line Manager or Coordinator. I will
be available for the program needs of the Volunteers.
I look forward to our morning tea on Monday 11th May at the Mannum
Community Hub for National Volunteers week and sincerely hope to
see you there, it will be an opportunity to meet you. You will also have
the chance to hear what is going on in the organisation and it is vital
that I understand your needs. I intend to apprise you of what my job
entails on the day.
I apologise to my colleagues for not giving you any space in this
Vollie Vine, but believe me it is only for this time.
Take care and see you on the 11th May, if not before,
Cheers Dee
Inside this issue:
Morning Tea
New Volunteers
Child Safe
National Standards
P & Procedures
Board Members
Page 2
Morning Tea—Monday 11th May, 2015
A celebration for all MMSS Volunteers
To be held at Mannum Community Hub
At 10.00am
58 Walker Avenue, Mannum
Please Phone: 8569 1832
For catering purposes
No later than 04.05.15
Look forward to meeting you there
Welcome New Volunteers
Big welcome to our new volunteers in March;
Sarah Barber –Hub Reception and Administration
Natalie Hatton—Hub Reception and Administration
Cherie & David Gilbert—Handyman, Gardening & Window Cleaning
Congratulations and we look forward to having you as part of our team at Mid
Murray Support Service and hope you enjoy a happy and rewarding experience.
We have four-five more prospective volunteers so see the next Vollie Vine for
more details
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Child Safe Environment Course
On Monday 16th March 2015 we held a Child Safe Environment Course at the Hub.
I would like to thank the volunteers who attended. This will enable them to keep up
with their training requirements so that our organisation continues with ‘best practice’
systems to establish and maintain a child safe environment.
The National Standards in Not-For-Profit Organisations is vital to represent what
Volunteering means in regard to "best practise"
Volunteering Australia are currently reviewing the 8 National Standards…………
Stay tuned for more information when it becomes available.
What is the plan for the future?
Position Descriptions are in draft form and will be submitted once ratified. This will
help you understand your position well.
Volunteer reviews will be undertaken to touch base and see how you are going and
assess where training is needed with all Volunteers to meet our funding partners’
requirements. One of the training programs scheduled to take place will be
“Connecting with older people”.
Policies and Procedure
The need for effective workplace policies and procedures has never been
more important in today’s changing world. This is driven by changes to
legislation, regulation and codes of practice. Our organisation is striving
to have policies in place based on best practices and ensure that we
utilise the Policies and they act as a guiding framework of reference for
how our organisation deals with everything from its day to day operational issues or how to respond to requirements to comply with legislation, regulation and codes of practice.
Procedures explain how to perform tasks and duties. A procedure may
specify who in the organisation is responsible for particular tasks and
activities, or how they should carry out their duties.
From this point forward when a Policy & Procedure has been ratified
by the Board we will ensure you are kept up to date via email. If you
don’t have an email we will contact you to arrange being kept up to
For some you will be having close contact with your Line Managers,
Email address;
To abide by MMSS
Environmental Policy &
Procedure we will
endeavor to send out
correspondence as
appropriately by email.
Please ensure you check
your emails regularly to
stay informed of any
updates, policies,
procedures, memos etc
regarding the
organisation. Please let
the organisation know if
you have an email
address, thank you in
Mid Murray Support Service
Volunteer Coordinator
Contact email;
Our Board Members…….
Andrew Murrell (Chairperson)
Julie Metcalf (Secretary)
Sanju Augustine (Treasurer)
Terry Udy (Public Officer)
Joy Marks
Peter Kuhlmann
Find us on facebook under
Mid Murray Support Service and
Mannum Community Hub
go to Google type in www.mmss.com.au
and mid murray support service will be your first option
MMSS Mission Statement
To promote the welfare of the Mid Murray Community generally,
and individuals, families and groups in those communities.
To improve conditions that prevent individuals and families from
adequately meeting their social, material and other basic needs
Did you know that over 6 million Australians volunteer?
Did you know that in 2011 the total economic contribution for Australia was
$290 billion?
Did you know in 2011 volunteers provided a total of 713 million volunteer
Did you know there are 5 volunteers for every paid worker in the not for profit
Did you know most volunteer hours are by those aged between 45-54 years