NPH Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus From Diagnosis to Treatment Adam S. Mednick, M.D., Ph.D. Addicus Books Omaha, Nebraska An Addicus Nonfiction Book Copyright 2013 by Adam S. Mednick, M.D., Ph.D. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, write Addicus Books, Inc., P.O. Box 45327, Omaha, Nebraska 68145. ISBN 978-1-936374-96-0 Cover and interior design by Jack Kusler This book is not intended to be a substitute for a physician, nor do the authors intend to give advice contrary to that of an attending physician. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mednick, Adam, 1959Normal pressure hydrocephalus : from diagnosis to treatment / Adam Mednick. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-936374-96-0 (alk. paper) 1. Hydrocephalus--Diagnosis. 2. Hydrocephalus--Treatment. I. Title. II. Title: Hydrocephalus. RC391.M43 2013 616.85’8843--dc23 2012028044 Addicus Books, Inc. P.O. Box 45327 Omaha, Nebraska 68145 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ii 1 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: An Overview I f you’re like most people, you’ve probably never heard of the brain disorder called normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). This disease is more common than most people realize, however. It is rarely mentioned by the media, and few, if any, famous people have brought attention to NPH like they have with other diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and breast cancer. Consequently, NPH is little known, and, because its symptoms mimic those of other diseases, it is also often misdiagnosed and can be mistaken for Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or other forms of dementia. Because the disease usually affects older individuals, symptoms are sometimes associated with “just getting older.” Perhaps you’ve become interested in NPH because you or a loved one has been diagnosed with it. If this is the case, you may find some relief in learning about the disease—its symptoms, causes, and treatment. In many cases, the symptoms can be reversed with surgery. What Is Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus? NPH is a slowly developing condition in which too much cerebrospinal fluid builds up in the brain. This clear liquid circulates throughout the brain and the spine. The term “hydrocephalus” is derived from the Greek word 1 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Anatomy of the Brain Choroid plexus (CFS production) Skull Scalp Pia mater Arachnoid Lateral ventricle Dura mater Foramen of Monro Third ventricle Subarachnoid space Fourth ventricle Subdural space “hydro,” which means “water,” and the word “cephalus,” which means “head.” The term literally translates to “water head.” In common terms it is sometimes referred to as “water on the brain.” NPH is considered a neurodegenerative disorder, which means that the symptoms affecting the brain gradually worsen, usually over the course of many months to years. How NPH Develops To better understand how NPH develops, let’s first take a brief look at the processes that occur in the brain that can lead to NPH. The human brain is bathed in a clear fluid called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This fluid provides nutrients to the brain and helps to cushion the brain against movement inside the skull. Cerebrospinal fluid circulates through four specialized chambers within 2 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: An Overview Normal Ventricles NPH The four ventricles of the brain are a network of cavities that carry cerebrospinal fluid. The illustration on the right indicates NPH—the ventricles are enlarged due to the build-up of cerebrospinal fluid. the brain called ventricles. A group of specialized cells within the lining of these ventricles produces about one pint of this fluid per day. After traveling through the brain, the cerebrospinal fluid circulates down through the center of the spinal cord and circulates back up toward the brain where it is reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. If the fluid is not reabsorbed properly, however, it slowly builds up within all of the ventricles, causing them to enlarge. This enlargement distorts the surrounding brain tissue and can cause permanent brain damage. It is this lack of reabsorption of fluid that causes normal pressure hydrocephalus. It may seem confusing that the word “normal” is part of the name of a serious brain disorder. What does “normal” mean in this context? In this case, “normal” refers to the level of pressure the cerebrospinal fluid is 3 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Normal Brain Front part of lateral ventricle Third ventricle Back part of lateral ventricle NPH Brain Front part of lateral ventricle Third ventricle Back part of lateral ventricle The dark areas toward the center of the MRI scan show the ventricles. Notice the ventricles in the NPH brain are enlarged. putting on the brain. If doctors were to perform medical tests on a person with NPH to measure the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid inside the brain, the pressure would appear normal or only slightly elevated. This is because NPH develops so slowly, over a period of months to years, that the brain is able to gradually increase its capacity to store the fluid within the ventricles. As a result, 4 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: An Overview Types of Hydrocephalus • Congenital hydrocephalus is present at birth and may be caused by environmental influences during fetal development or by genetic factors. • Primary NPH can occur at any age, but is more common in the elderly. If the NPH is primary, it means the cause is unknown. The symptoms of primary NPH usually develop slowly over the course of months to years. • Secondary NPH means the disease resulted from previous injury such as hemorrhage, head trauma, brain infection, tumor, or complications of radiation therapy treatment for brain tumors. Symptoms in secondary NPH may develop quickly. • Hydrocephalus ex vacuo sometimes occurs in older people, who have had considerable shrinkage of their brains as part of the aging process. As a result of this shrinkage, the ventricles, which contain cerebrospinal fluid, may appear larger in an MRI scan. This enlargement is not caused by excess cerebrospinal fluid and is not considered serious. the pressure appears normal. The building pressure on the brain, however, eventually leads to the development of symptoms. You may hear your neurologist refer to NPH as “communicating hydrocephalus.” To understand what “communicating” means in this context, you might think of it in this way: because the fluid is circulating freely through all the ventricles and the channels between them, the fluid is communicating with all parts of the brain. There are two types of NPH. The most common type is called primary or idiopathic NPH, which means the cause 5 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus for the disease is not known. About 75 percent of all NPH cases fall into this category. The other form, secondary NPH, is the result of known causes such as previous brain trauma, prior bleeding into the brain, infection, or as a result of radiation therapy for the treatment of a brain tumor. These conditions may leave scarring that interferes with the way the cerebrospinal fluid drains from the brain. This NPH that develops later in life is called “acquired hydrocephalus.” There are other forms, including that which is present at birth. It is called congenital hydrocephalus. Another form, hydrocephalus ex vacuo, is caused by shrinkage of brain tissue rather than an excess of cerebrospinal fluid and does not cause the same debilitating symptoms. Symptoms of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus With NPH, not all the symptoms appear at the same time, and some individuals may not develop all symptoms even in advanced stages. Symptoms start to occur as the build-up of cerebrospinal fluid gradually distorts brain tissues around the ventricles, particularly in the nerve fibers responsible for gait (one’s foot sequence or pattern of walking), urinary continence, and cognition. As a result, normal pressure hydrocephalus is characterized by three primary symptoms: unsteadiness in gait, or trouble walking; urinary incontinence; and cognitive difficulties, which is often referred to as dementia. Unsteadiness in Gait Unsteadiness in gait, or trouble walking, is typically the first symptom to develop in NPH, and it is also the most common feature of this disease. Nearly everyone with NPH develops unsteadiness. The unsteadiness in NPH is typically described as “magnetic” because it seems as if the feet are stuck to the floor. This symptom is easily recognized by family and friends. Symptoms of 6 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: An Overview unsteadiness range from mild to severe and may include: • reduction in length of stride (short, shuffling steps) • reduction in step height • difficulty taking steps, as if feet are stuck to the floor • forward-leaning posture • a wide-based gait (walking with legs farther apart than normal) Because it can be difficult for individuals with NPH to lift their feet, they typically have problems going up stairs or curbs; they also have problems turning around and may need to take multiple, short steps to do so. The unsteadiness occurs when walking and is not associated with weakness or numbness of the legs. Urinary Incontinence Urinary incontinence refers to the inability to control one’s urine flow. With NPH, incontinence usually develops gradually over the course of months to years. Symptoms may include: • urinating more frequently • feeling an urgent need to urinate • inability to hold urine In severe cases, a person may become totally incontinent and require the use of a diaper. In rare cases, bowel incontinence may occur as well. Not all patients with NPH will develop urinary incontinence and in those who do, it usually begins after the onset of unsteadiness, although either symptom may precede the other. There are no characteristic features of urinary incontinence to help distinguish NPH from other disorders. 7 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Cognitive Difficulties Cognition refers to the process of thinking and knowing things. It includes awareness, reasoning, remembering, perception, and problem solving. Cognitive problems, or dementia, are typically the last of the three primary features of NPH to develop; they usually begin several months or years after the onset of unsteadiness and urinary incontinence. By the time dementia settles in, a person with NPH is usually in the more advanced stages of this disease. Symptoms of cognitive difficulties or dementia may include: • forgetfulness • loss of interest in daily activities • short-term memory loss • change in mood or behavior • difficulty performing routine tasks • difficulty in reasoning or making decisions In the early stages of NPH, the dementia may be mild. Symptoms may include such things as forgetting where you left the car keys or forgetting someone’s name. Family and friends may attribute these symptoms to a person’s Normal pressure hydrocephalus was first described in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1965 by Salomón Hakim, M.D., a neurosurgeon. Dr. Hakim noted that many patients whose symptoms included unsteadiness, urinary incontinence, and dementia had unusually enlarged ventricles in the brain without significant shrinkage of the surrounding brain seen in people with Alzheimer’s dementia. 8 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: An Overview William’s Story I retired as an iron worker when I was sixty-five. About three years later, I began having urgent needs to urinate; at times, I would not make it to the bathroom and would wet my pants. I blamed it on my prostate. Then a year later, I developed a tremor in my right hand, which made it difficult to write and to hold things. Also, my walking had become slow like I was wading through water. My doctor sent me to see a neurologist. A neurologist said he didn’t see anything seriously wrong with me so I didn’t have any tests. However, my symptoms worsened. My doctor referred me to a second neurologist who took one look at me and said I had Parkinson’s disease. I started a medication called Sinemet, which did help my walking and tremors a lot but it seemed the improvements didn’t last long, usually a couple of months. So, the neurologist increased the medication. But instead of improving, I started worsening again. My regular doctor then suggested I see a third neurologist to figure out why I wasn’t improving. This neurologist took a long time talking to me, and he watched me walk. He performed a spinal tap to take off fluid that had collected in my brain. Immediately, my walking improved for a few hours. The neurologist told me I had a combination of Parkinson’s disease and normal pressure hydrocephalus. He sent me to a neurosurgeon, who recommended shunt surgery. I had the surgery and it definitely gave me a better quality of life. My walking improved a great deal, and I have had no problem with the shunt. I still take medication for Parkinson’s, but all in all, I’ve done pretty well. William, age 77 9 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Characteristics of NPH • unsteadiness, urinary incontinence, and dementia • too much cerebrospinal fluid in all four brain ventricles, due to impaired reabsorption of the fluid • all of the ventricles in the brain are enlarged • normal or mildly increased intracranial pressure • condition is chronic • cause may be unknown (primary/idiopathic NPH) or known (secondary NPH) • unsteadiness, incontinence, and dementia are potentially reversible with surgical treatment. getting older rather than a sign of a serious disease. The dementia in NPH usually continues to worsen to the point where a person requires help with all daily activities. There are no characteristic features to distinguish the dementia that comes with NPH from other forms of dementia. Order in Which Symptoms Appear An important distinction between NPH and other brain disorders is the order in which the symptoms appear. It is extremely important to establish the timing of the onset of the symptoms of NPH. The first symptom of NPH is almost always unsteadiness, followed by incontinence and then the gradual onset of memory problems, which may not develop for years. In NPH, unsteadiness and urinary incontinence, in either order, always occur before the onset of dementia. If an individual’s symptoms do not occur in this order, it is unlikely that he or she has NPH. For example, one of the first symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease is memory problems; then, as a person becomes 10 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: An Overview progressively mentally incapacitated, he or she may lose the ability to walk and control the bladder. With Parkinson’s disease, unsteadiness is typically one of the early symptoms, with incontinence developing later, but incontinence is usually due to the difficulty in walking to the bathroom. Furthermore, people with Parkinson’s disease usually develop tremors and have diminished arm swing when walking—neither of which is a symptom of NPH. Dementia may occur late in the development of Parkinson’s disease, usually long after the onset of other symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, and shuffling the feet when walking. Risk Factors for NPH The risks of developing NPH differ depending upon whether you have primary or secondary NPH. Primary NPH is a disease affecting individuals in their sixties and beyond but is more common in those who are in their seventies and eighties. Because secondary NPH occurs as a result of an underlying cause, such as brain hemorrhage, brain infection, head trauma, or radiation therapy to the brain, this form of NPH may affect individuals of any age. Primary and secondary normal pressure hydrocephalus affect both men and women equally, regardless of race or ethnicity. How Common Is NPH? There are no solid statistics on how many people have NPH; however, various published studies, including one from the Hydrocephalus Study Group, published in the journal Neurosurgery in 2005, estimate that as many as 350,000 Americans with dementia may have NPH. Unfortunately, only about 11,000 are being treated for the disease. The organization Alzheimer’s Disease International estimates that worldwide, 36 million people have dementia of whom 1.8 million (5 percent) may have NPH. 11 Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Treatment for NPH There are currently no drugs to slow or reverse the symptoms of normal pressure hydrocephalus. However, some individuals with NPH may be candidates for surgery that can often reverse the symptoms or at least slow the progression of the disease. There are two forms of surgery that can be performed. The first involves placing a shunt in the brain, which is a tube that allows the excess cerebrospinal fluid to drain away. The second procedure involves creating a small hole in one of the brain’s ventricles, which also allows the excess fluid to drain away from the ventricles. As a general rule, the longer the symptoms have been present, the less likely it is that surgery will help. This is why it is so important to get a diagnosis as early as possible—the earlier the diagnosis, the better the chance for reversing symptoms. Still, some people who have had symptoms for years can also improve with surgery. The surgical procedures for NPH are explained in chapter 4. 12
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