Minnesota Airports Conference April 15–17, 2015 River’s Edge Convention Center St. Cloud, Minnesota 1 Mark Your Calendar! 2016 Minnesota Airports Conference April 20–22, 2016 Madden’s on Gull Lake Brainerd, MN Thank you to our Platinum sponsors! Table of Contents Map of convention center................................................................. 2 MCOA welcome............................................................................... 3 MCOA board of directors................................................................. 4 MnDOT Aeronautics overview......................................................... 5 MnDOT Aeronautics staff................................................................ 6 Schedule: Wednesday, April 15.......................................................... 7 Schedule: Thursday, April 16............................................................. 8 Schedule: Friday, April 17................................................................. 9 FAA program manager meetings..................................................... 10 Speaker bios.................................................................................... 11 Exhibitors........................................................................................ 17 Exhibit hall map.............................................................................. 18 Aviation awards............................................................................... 19 General Conference Information Social and Game Night Wednesday, April 15, 5:00–8:45 p.m. Spend time relaxing with colleagues and enjoying light hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, and casino games. Social and Awards Banquet Thursday, April 16, 5:30–8:00 p.m. Join us for a celebration of award presentations. The evening will begin with a social hour at the Kelly Inn pool with a cash bar and light snacks. Dinner will begin across the hall in the ballroom at 6:15 p.m. followed by the awards ceremony. Scholarship The Minnesota Council of Airports (MCOA) has established an academic scholarship for students studying aviation management and currently enrolled at a Minnesota college or university, or residing in Minnesota but enrolled at a college or university outside the state. Some of the proceeds from conference sponsorships support the scholarship fund. Please see mnairports.org/scholarships for more information. Wi-Fi • Service is available through the network at River’s Edge (RECC iStyxX Wifi) • Connection is unique to each device (will not allow sharing of passwords) • Process is completely automated from device (laptop, iPad, cell phone) • Access is continuous for a 24-hour period • Cost is $4.99 per connection per device, payable with credit or debit card 1 Convention Center Map General Sessions Exhibit Area Skyway to Le St. Germaine Wed-Haws A & B Thurs-Haws A & B Thurs Social/Banquet-Kelly Inn Ballroom Fri-Kelly Inn Ballroom Kelly InnSocialBanquet 2 Welcome from the Minnesota Council of Airports It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2015 Minnesota Airports Conference! This year’s conference is drawing from leading aviation professionals from the Upper Midwest. Speakers representing industry, government policymakers, and academic scholars and researchers will present and discuss the latest topics in contemporary and prospective issues, focusing on strategies, experiences, and techniques relating to information dissemination and critical thinking. We are excited to have such a great line-up of keynote speakers. During the conference, we will also be honoring two long-time Minnesota Council of Airports (MCOA) supporters with individual service awards. Col. John Puckropp (ret.) will be presented with the James L. Oberstar award, and Gary E. Schmidt will receive the Award of Excellence. We look forward to recognizing airport sponsors, consulting engineers, and contractors with the projects of the year awards as well. The 2015 conference professional sessions and exhibitors aim to deliver the most up-to-date and advanced information for Minnesota aviation professionals. We hope to provide an opportunity for industry and government officials to exchange ideas on funding, trends, and best practices. I cannot thank the conference committee team enough for their efforts in planning this program. Additionally, I want to thank the City of St. Cloud for hosting this event—you are so gracious! Over the next few days, please take a moment to seek out a MCOA board member and learn more about the organization. We thank you for your continued support of MCOA. Enjoy your time in St. Cloud! Sincerely, Joseph Harris Chairman, MCOA Board of Directors 3 MCOA Officers Joe Hedrick Thief River Falls Airport 218-681-7680 trfairport@mncable.net Chairman Joe Harris—Region #6 Anoka Airport/MSP MAC 651-224-4306 joe.harris@mspmac.org William Towle—Region #7 St. Cloud Regional Airport 320-255-7292 william.towle@ci.stcloud.mn.us Vice-Chairman Jeff Wig Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport 218-825-2166 jeffwig@brainerdairport.com Karen Weller—Region #2 Bemidji Regional Airport 218-444-2438 karenweller@bemidjiairport.org Secretary/Treasurer Mark Hagen—Region #5 218-849-2294 mark@mbedl.com Directors (At Large) Tom Werner Duluth Int’l Airport 218-727-2968 twerner@duluthairport.com Directors Kevin Baker—Region #10 Mankato Regional Airport 507-345-3171 kbaker@city.mankato.mn.us John Young Hawley Municipal Airport 218-849-8369 cschenck@arvig.net Dave Beaver—Region #9 Owatonna Regional Airport 507-444-2448 airport@ci.owatonna.mn.us Directors Emeritus Steve Leqve swleqve@charter.net Glenn Burke—Region #3 South St. Paul Airport 651-554-3350 gburke@southstpaul.org Duane “Doc” Wething lkrieger@lakesnet.net MCOA Support Staff Kurt Claussen—Region #8 Rochester Int’l Airport 507-282-2328 kclaussen@flyrst.com MnDOT Advisor Cassandra Isackson 651-234-7210 cassandra.isackson@state.mn.us Shaun Germolus—Region #1 Range Regional Airport 218-262-3452 shaun@rangeregionalairport.com Dave Konshok—Region #4 Park Rapids Airport 218-737-4363 dkonshok@gmail.com Executive Director Mark Knoff 507-995-3051 exdir@mnairports.org 4 MnDOT Office of Aeronautics Overview Dear airport sponsors and friends, The state of Minnesota has long recognized that aviation is vital to our economy and quality of life. On April 22, 1933, the state formed the Minnesota Aeronautics Commission, which eventually became the Department of Aeronautics. In 1944, voters approved an amendment to the Minnesota constitution that allowed the state to construct airports, issue bonds, levy excise taxes, and tax aircraft. In 1976, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) assumed the duties of the former Department of Aeronautics, Department of Highways, and other transportation agency functions. In creating MnDOT, the legislature determined that we would be the principal agency to develop, implement, administer, consolidate, and coordinate state transportation policies, plans, and programs. All Minnesotans have a stake in a strong transportation system. Minnesota’s 50-year vision for transportation recognizes that transportation is a means to other ends, not an end in itself. The State Aviation System Plan is one of a family of plans that applies the principles of the vision to guide policy and investment decisions for all forms of transportation throughout the state. MnDOT Aeronautics’s mission is to ensure that Minnesotans reap the benefits of aviation. We do this by: • Collecting aviation taxes and safeguarding the long-term viability of the state airports fund. • Planning and promoting a coordinated, cost-effective statewide system of airports. • Distributing state airport and federal funds to ensure a robust, well-balanced aviation system. • Providing navigational systems to increase the safety and efficiency of our airspace. • Enforcing state and federal safety standards through inspection and licensure. • Offering technical resources and expertise to communities to preserve the utility of airports. • Fostering aeronautics through information, education, and outreach to pilots and the public. • Providing air transportation services to state employees to optimize business efficiencies. Much has changed in the eight decades since the Minnesota Aeronautics Commission was created. However, one constant remains: the folks at MnDOT Aeronautics come to work every day to advance aviation in Minnesota. We value our partnerships with Minnesota airports and look forward to the next 80 years! Sincerely, Cassandra Isackson, PE Director of Aeronautics 5 MnDOT Aeronautics Staff Contacts Aeronautics Administration Cassandra Isackson, cassandra.isackson@state.mn.us, 651-234-7210 Kathy Vesely, kathy.vesely@state.mn.us, 651-234-7193 Janet Dirtzu, janet.dirtzu@state.mn.us, 651-234-7202 Planning & Finance Julie Carr, julie.carr@state.mn.us, 651-234-7206 Ryan Gaug, ryan.gaug@state.mn.us, 651-234-7236 Rylan Juran, rylan.juran@state.mn.us, 651-234-7190 Shari LeBlanc, shari.leblanc@state.mn.us, 651-234-7205 Dan McDowell, dan.mcdowell@state.mn.us, 651-234-7182 Dick Theisen, dick.theisen@state.mn.us, 651-234-7192 Aviation Representatives Kelly Akhund, kelly.akhund@state.mn.us, 651-234-7234 Rick Braunig, rick.braunig@state.mn.us, 651-234-7230 Chris Meyer, christopher.meyer@state.mn.us, 651-234-7224 Rachel Obermoller, rachel.obermoller@state.mn.us, 651-234-7207 Eric Peltier, eric.peltier@state.mn.us, 651-234-7184 Navigational Systems Bob Milton, bob.milton@state.mn.us, 651-234-7250 John Schroeder, john.schroeder@state.mn.us, 651-234-7251 Jay Zimmerman, jay.zimmerman@state.mn.us, 651-234-7252 Operations Shalette Cauley-Wandrick, shalette.cauley-wandrick@state.mn.us, 651-234-7180 Darlene Dahlseide, darlene.dahlseide@state.mn.us, 651-234-7248 Judy Meyers, judy.meyers@state.mn.us, 651-234-7232 Airport Development Jenny Bahneman, jenny.bahneman@state.mn.us, 651-234-7240 Harris Baker, harris.baker@state.mn.us, 651-234-7241 Don Berre, don.berre@state.mn.us, 651-234-7249 Dan Boerner, dan.boerner@state.mn.us, 651-234-7244 Brian Conklin, brian.conklin@state.mn.us, 651-234-7247 Rebecca Parzyck, rebecca.parzyck@state.mn.us, 651-234-7243 Air Transportation Jeff Flynn, jeff.flynn@state.mn.us, 651-234-7235 Jack Lynch, jack.lynch@state.mn.us, 651-234-7225 Paul Stanton, paul.stanton@state.mn.us, 651-234-7227 Linda Connor, linda.connor@state.mn.us, 651-234-7221 Sheila Kvilvang, sheila.kvilvang@state.mn.us, 651-234-7220 Aircraft Registration Karen Lager, karen.lager@state.mn.us, 651-234-7204 Jana Thompson, jana.thompson@state.mn.us, 651-234-7212 6 Schedule: Wednesday, April 15 Vendor setup.................................................................................8:00–11:00 a.m. Terry Haws B Exhibit hall open....................................................................................11:00 a.m. Terry Haws B Board buses to St. Cloud Regional Airport (STC).......................9:15–9:30 a.m. Tour of Army Aviation Support Facility at STC........................10:00–11:15 a.m. Come experience the 40,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art Army Aviation Support Facility. St. Cloud is home to Company C (2nd General Support Aviation Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment), which provides aeromedical evacuation and support for natural disasters such as floods and fires. Opening luncheon....................................................................... Noon–1:00 p.m. Terry Haws B Session: MnDOT Aeronautics Update......................................... 1:15–2:00 p.m. Terry Haws A Cassandra Isackson, director of MnDOT’s Office of Aeronautics, and assistant director Kathy Vesely will review what MnDOT has been working on this last year and share priorities for the year ahead. Session: FAA Update.................................................................... 2:00–2:50 p.m. Terry Haws A UAVs, PFCs, ALPs, and AIPs—there’s always something happening with acronyms at the FAA. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Chris Hugunin and Andy Peek from the FAA share updates and answer questions on airport regulations, trends, and funding. Networking with colleagues and exhibitors................................ 2:50–3:30 p.m. Terry Haws B Session: Zoning............................................................................. 3:30–4:15 p.m. Terry Haws A During development of the State Aviation System Plan, stakeholders asked MnDOT to begin a process to review airport safety zoning requirements. Zoning restricts land uses that may affect safety at or near airports, and these restrictions can impact development in communities throughout the state. In this session, Ryan Gaug and Tom Werner will share an update on proposed changes to requirements, and you’ll have a chance to give input. MCOA Annual Meeting.................................................................. 4:15–4:45 p.m. Terry Haws A All conference attendees are welcome to attend. 7 Social hour and light hors d’oeuvres.......................................... 5:00–6:30 p.m. Terry Haws B Casino night................................................................................... 6:45–8:45 p.m. Terry Haws B Schedule: Thursday, April 16 Breakfast and exhibit hall open....................................................7:15–9:00 a.m. Terry Haws B MCOA breakfast board meeting....................................................8:00–8:45 a.m. Terry Haws A Grab your breakfast and join the meeting! Session: Impact of GA on State and Local Economies............9:00–10:00 a.m. Terry Haws A Join former congressional communications director and current Alliance for Aviation Across America consultant Ernest Baynard as he addresses the value general aviation brings to our communities and economy and how airport supporters can help communicate that value to elected officials and neighbors. The session will also provide a brief update on federal legislation that could impact airports and general aviation. Networking with colleagues and exhibitors............................ 10:00–10:45 a.m. Terry Haws B Session: How Will the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Impact Your Airport?...........................................................10:45 a.m.–noon Terry Haws A Curtis Zoller from Northland Community College will review the current state of unmanned aircraft systems in the state and country—and how that is affecting both commercial and general aviation airports. Dustin Harr will share industry trends and information on surveying, laser scanning, and imaging applications. Luncheon: State of the Airport Business with Jeff Hamiel.........Noon–1:15 p.m. Terry Haws B Hear what’s happening on Minnesota’s aviation scene from a leader in the industry in this engaging and popular session. Session: Local Government and Community Relations— Best Practices........................................................................ 1:30–2:45 p.m. Terry Haws A Join this panel discussion with experienced local government and airport leaders who have had success in promoting the importance of their airport to their communities and local units of government. Panelists include Mayor Dave Kleis, Bud Stone, and Jean Harr. 8 Networking with colleagues and exhibitors/ice cream social........ 2:45–3:30 p.m. Terry Haws B Session: Pavement Management................................................ 3:30–4:30 p.m. Terry Haws A Is it time for aviation to focus more on maintenance and less on reconstruction of runway pavements? Dave Rettner with American Engineering Testing, Dan Wegman with Braun Intertec, and Dan Boerner with MnDOT will lead a discussion on the financial advantages of a preventive maintenance program. Social hour..................................................................................... 5:30–6:15 p.m. Kelly Inn Pool Area Awards banquet............................................................................. 6:15–8:00 p.m. Kelly Inn Ballroom Join us for an evening of honoring an individual for excellence in aviation and recognizing the Projects of the Year. Schedule: Friday, April 17 All events are located in the Kelly Inn Ballroom. Breakfast.........................................................................................7:00–8:00 a.m. Session: Airport Geographic Information Systems....................8:00–9:00 a.m. GIS can be a cost-effective and efficient tool for managing your airport and operations. Come to this session and hear from Rick Braunig and Andy Peek about using GIS in airport inspection. Session: FAA Great Lakes Region Update................................9:00–10:00 a.m. Barry Cooper, regional administrator for the Great Lakes Region of the FAA, has his finger on the pulse of the FAA initiatives that will affect airports and pilots across the nation. His insight on current trends and likely future priorities of the FAA can help airports and their communities prepare. Session: A Pilot’s Perspective on MN Airports...................... 10:00–10:45 a.m. Randy Corfman, president of the Minnesota Pilots Association, will share thoughts on the state of Minnesota’s airports from the general aviation pilot point of view. He will also discuss the pilot perspective on airport funding and planning priorities and discuss how pilots, airports, and other aviation organizations can work together to promote aviation in Minnesota. Conference wrap-up and prize drawing...................................10:45–11:00 a.m. 9 Meet with an FAA Program Manager FAA program managers are available for individual meetings on Thursday, April 16. Visit the registration desk to sign up! Not sure who your program manager is? See the map below or check the map in the registration area. 10 Speaker Bios Dave Kleis Mayor, City of St. Cloud Wednesday, April 15, noon–1:00 p.m. Thursday, April 16, 1:30–2:45 p.m. Mayor Dave Kleis is a magna cum laude 1989 graduate of St. Cloud State University and nine-year veteran of the Air Force Reserve. He served the St. Cloud area in the Minnesota Senate from 1994 through 2005, and as Assistant Senate Minority Leader for seven years. Mr. Kleis established and owns the Central Minnesota Driving Academy, a driver’s educational business in St. Cloud. He was elected mayor in November 2005 and was re-elected (running unopposed) in 2008 and 2012. He was selected in 2010 by the St. Cloud Times’s readers and area leaders as the most influential person of the last decade. In 2014 he received the League of Minnesota Cities C.C. Ludwig Leadership Award. Joe Harris Metropolitan Airports Commission Wednesday, April 15, noon–1:00 p.m. Mr. Harris serves as manager of St. Paul Downtown Airport, Anoka County-Blaine Airport, and Lake Elmo Airport for the Metropolitan Airports Commission. He has been a MCOA board member since 2004, and he currently serves as chairman. Mr. Harris is a commercial, single, and multi-engine instrument pilot as well as a certified flight instructor. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of North Dakota and a master’s degree from Saint Mary’s University, Minneapolis. Cassandra Isackson Director, MnDOT Office of Aeronautics Wednesday, April 15, 1:15–2:00 p.m. Cassandra Isackson has been the director of the MnDOT Office of Aeronautics since 2013. This office collects aviation taxes, safeguards the long-term viability of the state airports fund, plans and promotes a statewide system of airports, distributes state and federal aviation funding, provides navigational systems, enforces state and federal safety standards, offers technical resources, fosters aeronautics, and provides air transportation to state employees. Ms. Isackson has worked in transportation for 21 years and is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Minnesota. Kathy Vesely Assistant Director, MnDOT Office of Aeronautics Wednesday, April 15, 1:15–2:00 p.m. Kathy Vesely has been with MnDOT for 36 years, with 15 years in Aeronautics. Ms. Vesely transferred to Aeronautics so that her job and her hobby would match. Her husband is a pilot, and together they own a 1968 Cessna Cardinal. Before her 11 transfer to Aeronautics, Ms. Vesely worked in Surveys, Detail Design, and State Aid for Local Transportation building streets and roads. Her studies at Bemidji State University included a major in earth science and a minor in geography, concentrated in land-use planning and environmental studies. Chris Hugunin Manager, Minneapolis Airport Districts Office, FAA Wednesday, April 15, 2:00–2:50 p.m. Chris Hugunin has been the manager of the Minneapolis Airports District Office (ADO) since March 2013. Prior to joining the ADO, he served in the Office of Airports National Planning and Environmental Division in Washington, DC, for nearly four years. Mr. Hugunin was also part-owner in a national airport consulting firm and for 15 years led the completion of Airport Master Plan studies and environmental and noise compatibility planning efforts. He has additional work experience in reliever airport operations and holds a commercial pilot’s license with an instrument rating. Andy Peek Federal Aviation Administration Wednesday, April 15, 2:00–2:50 p.m. Friday, April 16, 8:00–9:00 a.m. Mr. Peek has more than 15 years of aviation development experience, the most recent with the FAA Office of Airports for the past five years. As an FAA GIS subject matter expert, he has worked on the national stage to develop and implement Airports GIS training, tools, and resources for use internally and external to the agency. Mr. Peek’s goal with the Airports GIS program is to make sustainable decisions with better data to improve the aviation system as a whole. Ryan Gaug Planning and Finance Director, MnDOT Office of Aeronautics Wednesday, April 15, 3:30–4:15 p.m. Ryan Gaug began his career at MnDOT as a planner in 2008 and first came to Aeronautics as a planning and zoning coordinator from 2011 to 2013. From 2013 to July 2014, Mr. Gaug was with the Metro District’s Program Management Section. He became the planning and finance director in July 2014. He is a 2012 graduate of the MnDOT Leadership Foundation Program. Thomas Werner Executive Director, Duluth Airport Authority Wednesday, April 15, 3:30–4:15 p.m. Thomas J. Werner has been the executive director of the Duluth Airport Authority since October of 2012. Prior to his appointment as executive director, Mr. Werner held several different positions within the Duluth Airport Authority, including 12 airside manager and operations director. During his tenure as operations director, he oversaw the final construction phase of the $80 million passenger terminal at the Duluth Airport. Mr. Werner is also a retired 20-year member of the Army Reserve as well as a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan. During his most recent deployment, he was recognized for his leadership with the Bronze Star Medal. Mr. Werner’s career in military engineering was honored in 2007 with the award of the de Fluery Medal presented by the 416th Engineer Command. Ernest Baynard Consultant, Meridian Hill Strategies Thursday, April 16, 9:00–10:00 a.m. Over the past 15 years, Ernest C. Baynard IV has successfully managed numerous grassroots and public affairs campaigns for a diverse group of corporate and political clients. He has also served in several senior-level positions over the past 15 years in the White House and the United States Congress. His firm, Meridian Hill Strategies, works with some of the nation’s top CEOs, industry groups, and political leaders to create a powerful voice for them inside the Beltway and in the national media. Mr. Baynard has built and managed some of the most influential and successful grassroots and media campaigns in the nation in the past 15 years, including the Alliance for Aviation Across America—a national grassroots coalition that supports America’s general aviation community. Mr. Baynard earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Tulane University in 1993 and was awarded a Juris Doctor with Honors from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, in Sacramento, California, in 1996. He is admitted to the practice of law in California. Curtis Zoller Associate Dean of Aerospace Programs, Northland Community & Technical College Thursday, April 16, 10:45 a.m.–noon Curtis Zoller has served with the Minnesota National Guard since 1999 and led the development of the unmanned aerial systems (UAS) program as many know it today. He currently serves as the operations officer for the 1st BCT coordinating UAS operations and safety. Mr. Zoller joined Northland Community and Technical College in 2010, where he began to develop the UAS maintenance training program. Since then, he has served as the academic leader for the growth and development of the programs in the aerospace department. He currently provides technical expertise and guidance toward the advancement of the FAA regulated Airframe and Powerplant program, along with newly developed Unmanned Aerial Systems and Imagery Analyst programs. Before working with Northland, he was the lead standardization pilot with oversight over the RQ-7B and MQ-1C operations across three theaters of operations overseas. Mr. Zoller studied at St. Cloud State University as well as several military science academies in efforts to further his education in the aviation industry. He lives in Thief River Falls, where his entire family is involved in the aviation industry in some form. 13 Dustin Harr Frontier Precision Thursday, April 16, 10:45 a.m.–noon Dustin Harr has been with the Frontier Precision team since 2000 out of the Minneapolis office. Frontier Precision offers sales, service, and support for surveying, GIS, and mapping applications in a seven-state geographic area. Mr. Harr covers the southern part of Minnesota and the Minneapolis area for their surveying, laser scanning, and imaging applications. He continues to keep up on the latest in software and industry trends in order to share this information with his customers. Jeff Hamiel Executive Director, Metropolitan Airports Commission Thursday, April 16, noon–1:15 p.m. Jeffrey W. Hamiel was appointed executive director/chief executive officer of the Metropolitan Airports Commission in 1985, after beginning his career there in 1977. Mr. Hamiel was a pilot in the United States Air Force for more than seven years. Thereafter, he joined the United States Air Force Reserve, where he served as chief pilot and retired as squadron commander of the 96th Airlift Squadron in 1998. In 2013, Mr. Hamiel returned to a seat on the board of Airports Council International–North America, where he serves on the organization’s Governmental Affairs Committee. In addition, Mr. Hamiel served for several years as a member of the board and special advisor to Airports Council International, Geneva, Switzerland. He is a member and former competition committee co-chair of the American Association of Airport Executives. In 2011, he was named executive committee chairman of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Transportation Studies. Mr. Hamiel holds a doctorate in public administration from Hamline University, a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Minnesota, and a master of arts degree in public administration from Northern Michigan University. He was inducted into the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame in 2003. Bud Stone President and CEO, Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Thursday, April 16, 1:30–2:45 p.m. Bud Stone is a long-time resident of the Grand Rapids, Minnesota, area and has served as the president and CEO of the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce for the past 15 years. Prior to this role, he spent four years with Waste Management as a customer retention specialist and before that, 28 years in the automobile industry as a salesman and eventually as a dealership manager. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, golf, and singing barbershop music. 14 Jean Haar Dean, College of Education, Minnesota State University, Mankato Thursday, April 16, 1:30–2:45 p.m. The Minnesota State Mankato Aviation Program is housed in the College of Education. Jean Haar has served as dean of the college for the past five years and has worked closely with all involved in re-establishing a quality aviation program. Ms. Haar is also a current board member for the Minnesota Board of School Administrators and the Greater Mankato Diversity Council. Prior to serving as dean, she was a professor and chairperson in the Department of Educational Leadership. Dave Rettner Senior Vice President/Principal Engineer, American Engineering Testing Thursday, April 16, 3:30–4:30 p.m. David Rettner has worked with DOTs and local government agencies in several states on pavement rehabilitation, maintenance, and reconstruction projects using concrete, bituminous, and aggregate surfacing materials. With more than 19 years of experience as a former MnDOT pavement, geotechnical, and research engineer and more than 11 years of private-sector consulting engineering experience, Mr. Rettner provides expertise and experience in the evaluation of pavements as well as the design and successful construction of numerous rehabilitation projects. Dan Wegman Principal Engineer, Braun Intertec Thursday, April 16, 3:30–4:30 p.m. Dan Wegman has more than 25 years of experience in pavements. He was a construction and bituminous engineer for 9 years at MnDOT. For the next 12 years, he was a technical and account manager for Koch Industries. After Koch, Mr. Wegman worked for SEM Materials and Road Science for 6 years managing the Midwest area as a material supplier. He is currently a principal engineer for Braun Intertec and supervises its pavement group. He is also a past president of the Minnesota Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (MAAPT) and past co-chair of the Transportation Engineering and Road Research Alliance (TERRA) board. Dan Boerner Airport Development Engineer, MnDOT Office of Aeronautics Thursday, April 16, 3:30–4:30 p.m. Dan Boerner graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in civil engineering and started his career at MnDOT as an intern in the Concrete Pavement Section. Mr. Boerner has spent about half his time at MnDOT working in different areas of Pavement Engineering, with a brief stopover in the Office of Bridges and Structures. For the past seven years, Mr. Boerner has been working in the Airport Development Section of the Office of Aeronautics. Mr. Boerner has a commercial pilot certificate and a flight instructor certificate. 15 Rick Braunig Aviation Representative, MnDOT Office of Aeronautics Friday, April 17, 8:00–9:00 a.m. Rick Braunig has worked for the MnDOT Office of Aeronautics since May of 1990. He has been an airport inspector for the entire time, taking the process from Abney levels to GPS and laser range finders. Barry Cooper Region Administrator, FAA Great Lakes Region Friday, April 17, 9:00–10:00 a.m. In August 2007, Barry Cooper became the regional administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Great Lakes Region, which has responsibility for the FAA’s aviation-related work in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. In this role, he serves as the FAA’s primary representative and liaison regarding aviation issues and activities within the Great Lakes Region. Prior to assuming this position, Mr. Cooper served as the FAA’s program manager and principal representative for the City of Chicago’s O’Hare Modernization Program, a multi-billion dollar airport development initiative. His public service career began in 1976 as an FAA civil engineer, performing design work on FAA facilities that support our nation’s air traffic control system. Most of his service has been in management positions within the FAA’s Great Lakes Region, where he has had responsibilities for both technical and administrative program areas. Mr. Cooper is a 1976 graduate of the University of Massachusetts, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, and is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Illinois, where he resides. Randy Corfman President, Minnesota Pilots Association Friday, April 17, 10:00–10:45 a.m. Randy Corfman incorporates his love of aviation with his medical practice, flying to many locations in the Upper Midwest from his Twin Cities base to provide consultations and medical care. His special interest and training in wilderness and survival medicine, as well as aviation medicine and approaches to keeping pilots healthy and flying, makes him a frequent speaker at a variety of aviation conferences and venues. Dr. Corfman is a member of Supercub.org, where he hosts a forum called “Medical Matters,” which deals with common medical problems facing aviators. He is also a 4,500-hour multi-engine commercial, instrument-rated pilot with single-engine seaplane and land ratings. 16 Exhibitors Platinum Sponsors BoothExhibitor 1SEH 3TKDA 18 Bolton & Menk, Inc. 33 KLJ (Kadrmas Lee & Jackson) 36 Mead & Hunt Gold Sponsors BoothExhibitor 17 Braun Intertec 21 Shell Aviation/Eastern Aviation Fuels 32 Pro Source Tech Silver Sponsors BoothExhibitor 2 ADB Airfield Solutions 4 American Engineering Testing 5 Fahrner Asphalt Sealers 6 Diamond Mowers 7 Quantum Spatial, Inc. 8 Midland Door Solutions 10 WSB & Associates, Inc. 14 Swedebro, Inc. 15 3D Specialties 16 Epic Aviation 19 MacQueen Equipment, Inc. 22Westmor 23 Bollig Engineering Company 27 West Metro Aviation 28Ennis-Flint 29 ARA, Inc. 30 Gatekeeper Systems 31 GEE Asphalt Systems, Inc. 34 Hali-Brite, Inc. 35ACRP BoothExhibitor 9 Metropolitan Airport Council (MAC) 20 MnDOT Aeronautics 17 Exhibit Hall Map 18 Aviation Awards: 2015 Recipients James L. Oberstar Award Col. John Puckropp, U.S. Air Force (Ret.) As executive director of the Minnesota Council of Airports from 1994 to 2014, John Puckropp led and represented the organization with intelligence and grace. John oversaw a myriad of membership activities that included information dissemination, recordation and protocol, recruitment and retention, training activities, and conference programing. He ensured that the voice of Minnesota airports had a seat at the table regardless of size or location. Moreover, John had the foresight to strengthen partnerships with the Federal Aviation Administration, MnDOT Office of Aeronautics, and private stakeholders. John’s leadership of the organization will be ever-present in the pursuit of making meaningful contributions to Minnesota’s airport community. We thank him for his 20 years of loyal and dedicated service and wish him health and happiness in the future. Aviation Professional Career 1959–1986: United States Air Force 1989–1993: Director, Brainerd-Crow Wing County Airport 1994–2014: Executive Director, Minnesota Council of Airports Awards: Legion of Merit, Bronze Star (Combat), Air Medal with three leaf clusters (Combat), 13 Medals from combat and meritorious service, command Award of Excellence Gary E. Schmidt, Metropolitan Airports Commission MCOA Award Winners (Project of the Year Award) Southwest Minnesota Regional Airport, Marshall–Ryan Field (Key GA); Park Rapids Regional Airport–Konshok Field (Key GA); Glencoe Municipal Airport– Pershau Field (Intermediate GA); Eveleth-Virginia Municipal Airport (Intermediate GA); Range Regional Airport, Hibbing (Business Development/Non-Aeronautical); Morris Municipal Airport–Schmidt Field (Business Development/Non-Aeronautical) 19 Past Award Recipients Governor’s Award Year Conference Location 2003 Arrowwood 2004 Rochester 2005 Mankato 2006 Willmar 2007 Arrowwood 2008 Ramada/MOA 2009 St. Cloud 2010 Duluth 2011 Grand Rapids 2012 Rochester 2013 Arrowwood 2014 Bemidji Recipient SW/Regional/Marshall/Ryan Field Thief River Falls Regional Airport Cloquet/Carlton County Rochester International Airport Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport Bemidji Regional Airport Park Rapids Municipal Airport Luverne Municipal Airport Mankato Regional Airport Walker Municipal Airport St. Cloud Regional Airport New Ulm Municipal Airport MCOA Award Winners (Project of the Year Award) YearRecipient 2003 Rushford Municipal Airport; Pipestone Municipal Airport 2004 St. Cloud Regional Airport; Austin Municipal Airport 2005 Canby Municipal Airport; Rochester International Airport 2006 Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport; Anoka/Blaine 2007 Bemidji Regional Airport (CS); Mankato Regional Airport (GA); Granite Falls Municipal Airport (GA) 2008 Duluth International (CS); St. Paul Downtown Airport (Large GA); Grand Rapids Itasca County Airport (Large GA); Le Sueur Municipal Airport (Landing Strip GA) 2009 Range Regional Airport (CS); Flying Cloud Airport (Large GA): Owatonna Degnar Regional Airport (Intermediate GA); Mahnomen County Airport (Landing Strip GA) 2010 Duluth International (CS); Walker Municipal Airport (Intermediate GA) 2011 Bemidji Regional (Key/CS); Orr Regional Airport (Intermediate GA); Two Harbors Airport (intermediate GA) 2012 Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport (Key/CS); Albert Lea Municipal Airport (Key/NCS); Blue Earth Airport (Intermediate GA); Steve Leqve (Outstanding Service) 2013 Duluth International Airport (Key/CS); Fairmont Municipal Airport (Key/NCS) 2014 New Ulm Municipal Airport (Intermediate GA); Moose Lake Carlton County (Intermediate GA) 20 Promotion of Aviation in Minnesota Award YearRecipient 2003 Paynesville Airport 2004 Steve Leqve, airport manager, Rochester International Airport 2005 Dave Weiman, publisher, Midwest Flyer Magazine 2006 City of Willmar/Airport 2007 Bemidji Regional Airport Commission 2008 Rollie Green, Ely 2009 Brain Ryks, executive director, DLH Airport Authority 2010None 2011None 2012None 2013None 2014 Harold Van Leeuwen, Bemidji Regional Airport In Memoriam The Minnesota Council of Airports lost a dear friend with the passing of long-time former Duluth Airport Authority (DAA) executive director John Grinden, one of the founders of the Minnesota Council of Airports. John’s work left a legacy at Duluth International Airport and in the aviation sector as a whole during his time as the executive director from 1970 through his retirement in 1998. One of his great accomplishments included the construction of a new passenger terminal, which was completed in 1974. To acknowledge the work done by John, the DAA honored him by naming the airport access road Grinden Drive when he retired. Prior to his position at the DAA, he served his country in the U.S. Air Force. A retired lieutenant colonel in the Air National Guard, John “Red Dog” Grinden served as a fighter pilot in his early adult years. His commitment to the Air National Guard continued and he played a pivotal role in negotiating an airport joint use agreement with the Air Guard Base to help compensate for the loss of the Duluth Air Force Base in 1983. John will be missed by us all and we send our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. 21 Notes _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 22 Notes _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 23 mnairports.org Program printing sponsored by: 25
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