2015 ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT GUIDE Minnesota Education Equity Partnership info@mneep.org Minnesota Education Equity Partnership uses a race equity lens to transform educational institutions, organizations, and leaders to ensure that students of color and American Indian students achieve full academic and leadership success. Minnesota Education Equity Partnership is a collaborative effort composed of the following Partner Institutions Brooklyn Center Schools #286 East Metro Integration District Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Minneapolis Public Schools Northwest Suburban Integration School District Minnesota Office of Higher Education Robbinsdale Area Schools Saint Paul Public Schools Minnesota Private College Council University of Minnesota Hopkins Public Schools West Metro Education Program Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Staff Carlos Mariani Rosa, Executive Director Jennifer Godinez, Associate Executive Director Marika Pfefferkorn, Director, Minnesota Black Male Achievement Network Jonathan L. Hamilton, Research Director Suzanne Joyce, Office Manager/Membership The 2015 Academic Enrichment Guide was made possible through grants from: How To Use This Guide The Index provides an easy reference point to look for programs by interest and age. Investigate programs that intrigue you. Research Carefully Read listings carefully paying close attention to the information provided. Continue research online if the program gives a web address. Many of the questions you may have about a program will be answered with information found in this Guide and on the internet. Contact Programs Contact the program directly using the phone number, email address, or web address provided. Be sure to share that you discovered the program in the Academic Enrichment Guide. This is the quickest method to contact programs. Financial Aid Do not be discouraged by the cost of programs. Many scholarships are available. Always ask about scholarship opportunities. Application Complete application materials and return them to the program as quickly as possible. Pay close attention to application deadlines. Neat and accurate applications make positive impressions. Finally, keep track of your experiences to include on college applications. Search the Guide Online at mncollegeaccess.org 2 Como Utilizar Esta Guía El índice provee un punto de referencia para ver los programas de acuerdo con la edad e intereses de los estudiantes. Use esta guía para investigar programas de su interés. Investigue cuidadosamente Lea las descripciones cuidadosamente poniendo atención en los detalles de cada programa. Continue investigando a través de internet si es que el programa incluye una página web. Muchas de las preguntas que usted pueda tener serán contestadas con la información que se encuentra en esta guía y por medio de internet. Contactos Contactarse con los programas directamente a través del teléfono, e-mail o página web. Asegurese de hacerles saber que usted se enteró del programa a través de esta guía (Academic Enrichment Guide). Esta es la forma más rápida de contactarse con los programas. yuda Financiera A No se desanime por el costo de los programas. Existen muchas becas disponibles y algunos de los programas son gratis. Acuerdese siempre de preguntar acerca de posibles becas. Aplicación Complete la aplicación y retornela lo más pronto possible al programa deseado. Ponga mucha atención a las fechas límites para aplicar. Lasaplicaciones que se llenan presentablemente dan una buena impresión. Finalmente, lleve un control de sus actividades para incluirlas en las aplicaciones universitarias. Para mayor información visite: mncollegeaccess.org For females only. For males only. FREE These programs have no tuition. However, other expenses may apply. Read the listing for full details. These programs offer scholarships. Call the program for details. These programs offer a stipend or a wage for meeting program requirements. See the program listing for details. Appl. Deadline This is the date program applications are due. Check program listing for scholarship deadlines. These programs offer some type of transporation. Call the program for more information. These programs are during the day only. These programs expect students to stay overnight in a residence hall or camp setting. 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advanced Program in Tech & Science Adventures 1-Week Adventures 2-Week BWCA Adventures 2 Week Isle Royale Trip American Indian Museum Fellowship Be Your Best College Prep Academy Camp Alpha Camp College Camp EMID Camp Sunrise Center for Academics and Sports, World Center for Academics and Sports: NYSP Clay Camp Create Something Great First Step Summer Institute Genesys Works Girls Getting Ahead in Leadership GopherBusiness Page Accounting Career Awareness Program PROGRAMS Alphabetical Order Grades 11-12 Grades 9-12 16 yrs or Jr Grades 10, 11 PreK-9 Ages 6+ Grades 6-12 Grades k-5 Ages 13-18 Grades 9-12 Rising Srs Grades 5-9 Ages 16-22 Undergrad Grades 8, 9 Grades 8, 9 Grades 8, 9 Grades 10, 11 Grades 9-12 Grade/Age 4/3 until full 3/11 4/30 until full until full 5/29 5/29 until full 5/11 3/15 6/8 or full 3/13 3/7 until full until full until full 4/24 5/14 Deadline n n n n n n n n n n n n FREE n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 6 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Minnesota Business Venture Minnesota Zoo ZOO Camp Minnesota Instutite for Talented Youth Penumbra Theatre Co Summer Institute Personal Finance Summer Institute Research Intern–Cardiovascular Clinical Science Discovery Day Camps 33 Juxtaposition Arts MCAD Pre-College Summer Session 32 Just the Beginning Foundation A Pipeline Organization Summer Legal Institute 36 31 High School Upward Bound Math—Science—Computer Camp 30 H.O.P.E. Academic & Leadership Academy 35 29 Guadalupe Academics and Enrichment Mad Science Summer Camps 28 Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies Summer Orchestras 34 27 Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies String Orchestra Camp Learning Works Page PROGRAMS Alphabetical Order Grades 1-7 HS Grad Grades 9-11 Ages 12-19 Grades 1-11 Ages 2-18 Grades 10-12 Ages 5-18 Grades 3-8 Ages 3-12 Grades 7-9 11-College Ages 10-21 Grades 9–12 Grades 9-12 Grades 9-12 Grades 9-12 Grades 3-12 Ages 8-13 Grade/Age until full 1/31 until full 5/1 until full none 4/13 until full 4/10 none 2/24 3/4 ongoing 5/22 6/19 5/22 6/1 5/11 6/1 Deadline n n n n n n n n FREE n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 7 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 University Recreation & Wellness Urban Battle’s Tutoring/Mentoring West 7th Summer Day Camp Young Writers’ Program at the Loft YOUniversity Youth Outdoors Youth Performance Co Summer Theatre 52 Summer Youth Corps 56 51 Summer Bridge University of MN School of Music 50 Summer Academic Programs at Carleton College 55 49 SteppingStone Theatre Summer Camps! ThreeSixty Journalism 48 Sing Minnesota 54 47 Scrubs Camp The Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council 46 Scientific Discovery Program 53 45 Science Museum of Minnesota Teachers of Tomorrow Summer Institute Page PROGRAMS Alphabetical Order Grades 6-12 Ages 15-18 Grades 6-12 Grades 1-12 Grades K-10 Grades 1-12 Ages 5-15 U of MN Fr Grades 10-12 Ages 14-21 Grades 10–12 Ages 15-18 Augsburg Fr Grades 11–12 Pre-K – 12 Ages 8-12 Grades 6–12 Grades 9-10 Ages 3-16 Grade/Age until full 2/13 until full until full until full open until full see website 6/1 until full 4/30 4/12 5/1 3/25 Until full 7/24 until full 4/24 until start Deadline n n n n n FREE n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Accounting Career Awareness Program Academic Support and Skill Building Sponsor: National Association of Black Accountants Eligibility: Must be a high school student Description: The Accounting Career Awareness Program (ACAP) is a week-long free summer residency program focused on introducing high school students to career and academic opportunities in the business field with an emphasis on accounting and finance. Program Dates: July 13–18, 2015 Application Process: Students apply by completing the program application. Space is limited. To download an application, visit our website at www. nabamn.org/acap.html Deadline: May 14 Cost/Fee/Scholarhip: There is no cost to attend the program. However, participating students will be considered for various academic scholarship awards. Lodging: Students stay at a U of MN residence hall for the entire week. Transportation: Provided to and from program activities Tricia Flowers ACAP PO Box 2816 Minneapolis, MN 55402 www.nabamn.org acap@nabamn.org 8 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Advanced Program in Technology and Science (APTS) Sponsor: St. Cloud State University 2) Willingness to learn and cooperate 3) Students in 10th or 11th grades as of September 2014 Cultural Programming STEM– Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Eligibility and Selection Criteria: 1) Priority given to members of groups underrepresented in science fields Academic Support and Skill Building 4) The program will seek ethnic, gender, regional, and social diversity among participants. 5) Timeliness of application 6) Teacher Recommendation Please note that not all applicants may be accepted because of a limited number of positions. Description: The three-week residential program will focus on scientific research for students from historically underrepresented groups and expose them to career options in technology (with special emphasis in information assurance and digital forensics). They will meet positive role models in these fields. Sessions will encourage professional mentor/mentee relationships. Students of color and female students are encouraged to apply. Program Dates: July 12–31, 2015 Application Process: Complete the online application: https://www.stcloudstate.edu/pipeline/includes/login.asp Deadline: April 24 Cost/Fee: $10 non-refundable application fee. Scholarship: Expenses related to tuition, academic fees, books and campus room and board will be provided. However, out-of-pocket living expenses for notebooks, calculators, snacks, laundry, recreation and other incidents should be anticipated. Limited financial aid to cover these living expenses is available to students in need. Students accepted to this program are fully subsidized by the program’s sponsors and some students may qualify for Minnesota summer scholarships as well. A copy of 2014 tax return (Form 1040), must be submitted for income verification Dr. Robert Johnson, Professor Department of Ethnic Studies, St. Cloud State University 720 4th Ave. S, St. Cloud, MN 56301 320-308-2553 robjohn@stcloudstate.edu https://www.stcloudstate.edu/pipeline/apts/default.asp FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 9 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Adventurers 1 Week Sponsor: Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center Outdoor/Wilderness/ Camping Eligibility: Entering grades 8 & 9 Description: The 1-week program was created for those campers with a high interest in developing their outdoor adventure and recreation skills. Campers will explore the geologic history of Minnesota’s north shore, and develop important teambuilding and backpacking skills while preparing for a backpacking trip on the Superior Hiking Trail. The Superior Hiking Trail covers over 235 miles of scenic trail that offers rewards of cascading rivers, quiet forests, and stunning views of Lake Superior. The 1-week Adventurer program will spend 3-days/2 nights on trail. 2015 Program Dates: July 19–25 July 25–August 1 August 2–8 August 9–15 Application Process: Call Wolf Ridge at 218-353-7414 to register for a program or register online at www.wolf-ridge.org Deadline: It is a rolling application process. We take participants until the program is full. Cost/Fee: $552 but there are scholarship opportunities. Scholarship: Please see our website at http://wolf-ridge.org/resources/ for the scholarship application. Scholarships can cover from 25%-100% of the camp fee. Complete the application and mail it to Wolf Ridge at the address on the form. Lodging: Campers arrive on Sunday and stay until Saturday. Room and Board is provided for all campers. Transportation: Transportation is provided from a location in the Twin Cities Metro Area. It costs $175 round trip for transportation but these costs can be covered by scholarship assistance. Jenny Bushmaker Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center 6282 Cranberry Road Finland, MN 55603 218-353-7414 www.wolf-ridge.org summercamp@wolf-ridge.org 10 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Adventurers 2-Week BWCA Trip Sponsor: Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center Outdoor/Wilderness/ Camping Eligibility: Entering grades 8 & 9 Description: The Adventures 2-Week BWCA program is the best of two worlds! One week of camp fun followed by seven days canoeing in the Boundary Waters. Make the most of everything summer camp has to offer—ropes course, rock climbing, plants, wild edibles, canoeing and campfires. Then blast off for an all day adventure at the North House Folk School to make a canoe paddle before leaving on a rockin’ 7 day Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Trip with new friends. This is a great experience for first-time and returning campers. Program Dates: July 12–25, 2015 Application Process: Call Wolf Ridge at 218-353-7414 to register for a program or register online at www.wolf-ridge.org Deadline: There is no deadline. It is a rolling application process. We take participants until the program is full. Cost/Fee: $1278 but there are scholarship opportunities. Scholarship: Please see our website at http://wolf-ridge.org/resources/ for the scholarship application. Scholarships can cover from 25%-100% of the camp fee. Complete the application and mail it to Wolf Ridge at the address on the form. Lodging: Campers arrive on Sunday and stay until the 2nd Saturday. Room and Board is provided for all campers. Transportation: Transportation is provided from a location in the Twin Cities Metro Area. It costs $175 round trip for transportation but these costs can be covered by scholarship assistance Jenny Bushmaker Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center 6282 Cranberry Road Finland, MN 55603 www.wolf-ridge.org summercamp@wolf-ridge.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 11 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Adventurers 2-Week Isle Royale National Park Outdoor/Wilderness/ Camping Sponsor: Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center Eligibility: Entering grades 8 & 9 Description: Break in those boots during a fun-filled week in camp where campers will explore the geologic history of Minnesota’s north shore, visit the Grand Portage National Monument to learn about Voyageur history, develop important teambuilding skills, and learn outdoor survival skills by using maps and a compass to read the land. Then, put those skills to use on a 7-day backpacking trip to Isle Royale National Park where campers will likely encounter moose, travel through old growth forests and share amazing views of Lake Superior with new friends. Costs covers ferry and National Park fees. Program Dates: July 26–August 8, 2015 Application Process: Call Wolf Ridge at 218-353-7414 to register for a program or register online at www.wolf-ridge.org Deadline: There is no deadline. It is a rolling application process. We take participants until the program is full. Cost/Fee: $1278 but there are scholarship opportunities. Scholarship: Please see our website at http://wolf-ridge.org/resources/ for the scholarship application. Scholarships can cover from 25%-100% of the camp fee. Complete the application and mail it to Wolf Ridge at the address on the form. Lodging: Campers arrive on Sunday and stay until the 2nd Saturday. Room and Board is provided for all campers. Transportation: Transportation is provided from a location in the Twin Cities Metro Area. It costs $175 round trip for transportation but these costs can be covered by scholarship assistance. Jenny Bushmaker Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center 6282 Cranberry Road Finland, MN 55603 www.wolf-ridge.org summercamp@wolf-ridge.org 12 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide American Indian Museum Fellowship Cultural Programming Sponsor: Minnesota Historical Society and Minnesota Indian Affairs Council Eligibility: Eligibility is limited to currently enrolled undergraduates who attend a Minnesota University/college. A student can also apply if he/she is a permanent resident of Minnesota. The Minnesota Historical Society also acknowledges the forced removal of Dakota people from their ancestral homelands in Minnesota. Through a generous grant from the Good Family Foundation, MNHS is now also able to accept applications of students from Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota communities outside of Minnesota who are currently enrolled in undergraduate studies at any University or College. The program has two spaces open for students from outside Minnesota. Students are not required to be enrolled in a federally recognized tribe; however students must be affiliated with an Indigenous community. Description: The 21/2 -week summer fellowship is designed to expose American Indian undergraduates to the possible career opportunities and challenges of historical interpretation and cultural preservation within museums. The fellowship is designed for students interested in pursuing the museum field with an emphasis on American Indian cultural and historical preservation among historical organizations and tribal governments. Students will have the opportunity to explore various museum organizations and get behind the scenes of tribal museums, archaeology sites, and preservation labs. Program Dates: May 27, 2015–June 14, 2015 Application Process: The following materials must be submitted on or before the posted deadline: American Indian Museum Fellowship Application; one letter of recommendation; statement of interest (no longer than 2 pages typed); additional documents such as a resume and employment history may be attached. Submit application to: Coral Moore, Education Outreach Minnesota Historical Society. Deadline: March 7 Stipend: Upon completion, students will receive a stipend of $1000 Lodging: This is a residential program. All transportation, meals and lodging will be covered. Transportation: Transportation to and from program at beginning and end of residency is not provided. Coral Moore, Minnesota Historical Society 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN 55102 651-259-3440, or fax, 651-259-3434 coral.moore@mnhs.org http://www.mnhs.org/internships/fellows/americanindian FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 13 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Be Your Best College Prep Summer Academy Academic Support and Skill Building Sponsor: Riverland Community College, Austin Campus Eligibility: For teens and young adults ages 16–22 College Readiness and Access Cultural Programming Youth Development Applicants must meet AT LEAST ONE of the following: • I will be a first generation college student (neither of my parents received a four-year [Bachelor’s]college degree) • My family faces economic barriers (for example, income level would meet eligibility requirements for reduced lunches at public schools) • I am a member of a racial/ethnic minority (for example of Hispanic or Latino, Black or African American, Asian American, American Indian, etc.) In addition to these eligibility requirements, applicants must take the ACCUPLACER test which will help us determine if the program is right for you. Description: At Be Your Best, students have the opportunity to prepare for college by taking pre-college Math, Reading, and Writing. Students receive guidance and support through dedicated instructors, advisors, counselors and tutors. Students will also benefit from the educational seminars designed for college success and participate in leadership, volunteer, and educational activities and field trips throughout the summer. The Be Your Best Summer College Prep Academy is made possible through the continued generous support from The Hormel Foundation, Alliance for Educational Equity, the Minnesota Office of Higher Education and the Riverland Community College Foundation. Program Dates: June 8–July 30, 2015: M–Th 8am–4pm Application Process: Visit this website for a checklist: http://www.riverland. edu/beyourbest/BYB-APPLICATION-CHECKLIST.pdf Deadline: March 13 Cost/Fee: Only if you will stay in housing. Transportation: For students living in Owatonna, Austin and Albert Lea only. Yesenia Mendoza Be Your Best College Prep Academy 1900 8th Avenue NW Austin, MN 55912 yesenia.mendoza@riverland.edu http://www.riverland.edu/beyourbest/ 14 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Camp Alpha Sponsor: Morris Area Community Education STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Eligibility: Camp Alpha is designed for students completing grade 4–grade 8. Description: Our goals are to provide meaningful, hands-on experiences in the space sciences and to foster the natural curiosity and interest that children have in space exploration. All campers receive a Camp Alpha T-shirt and two model rockets with a complete launching kit. Program Dates: June 21–24, 2015 Cost/Fee: If you are a member of the Bell Museum, 1 week of camps costs $245. If you are not a member of the museum, one week of camp costs $265. Application Process: Campers can register online, by phone, or by mail. Deadline: June 8 or when the camp is full. Space is limited. Cost/Fee: $275–$375 depending on Registration Division Scholarship: Funding through the KLICK Foundation allows us to offer need based scholarships. Scholarship applications can be found on our Morris Area Community Education website. http://www.morris.k12.mn.us/page/3542 We offer both overnight and day camp options. Transportation: Through the KLICK Foundation, we are able to provide transportation to and from Camp Alpha for our overnight campers. Tony Reimers Camp Alpha 153 So. Columbia Ave. Morris, MN 56267 http://www.morris.k12.mn.us/page/3542 treimers@morris.k12.mn.us FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 15 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Camp College Sponsor: Mn Association of College Admission Counselors Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access Youth Development Eligibility: Rising seniors Description: Camp College is a two day pre-college experience where underrepresented and first generation Minnesota high school students will be exposed to college campuses, get mentoring experience and learn valuable application and financial aid information. Participants will learn about all aspects of the college search and application processes, experience life in the residence halls of a college or university, learn about financial aid, SAT and ACT exams, and more. Our goal is to have students leave the program with the knowledge and confidence necessary to successfully transition to college after high school, and to learn while HAVING FUN!! Program Dates: July 13–14, 2015 Application Process: There will be an online and paper form of the application available on the MACAC website (mn-acac.org) or through their guidance counselor. Deadline March 15 Lodging: All meals will be provided at Bethany Lutheran College. Laura Horton University of Minnesota 231 Pillsbury Drive S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 http://umn.force.com/admissions/ lauraf@umn.edu 16 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Camp EMID Sponsor: East Metro Integration District Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access Eligibility: Students going into 9th, 10th, 11th, & Cultural Programming 12th grade for the 2015–2016 school year. Must Outdoor Wilderness be enrolled or attending a public high school in and Camping the following school districts: Inver Grove Heights Youth Development Community Schools, Spring Lake Park, South St. Paul Schools, South Washington County Schools, White Bear Lake Area Schools, Forest Lake Area Schools, Roseville Area Schools, St. Paul Public Schools, Stillwater Area Schools, & West St. Paul-Mendota HeightsEagan Schools District. Description: CAMP EMID is a five-day, four-night summer camp where youth get to make new friends and gain an understanding of what it means to make a difference in their community. Youth will gain valuable leadership skills including: cultural understanding, exploring educational equity, team work across differences and utilizing critical thinking skills. Youth will develop a personal mission statement and action plan for how to implement what they have experienced and learned when they return to their schools. Program Dates: Week 1: June 8–12, 2015 Week 2: June 15–19, 2015 Application Process: Visit our website: www.emid6067.net Deadline: May 11 Lodging: Students stay in single gender dorms at Voyageur Environmental Center, Mounds, MN Mason Fong Achievement and Integration Coordinator, CAMP EMID Youth Institute 600 Weir Dr. Woodbury, MN 55125 www.emid6067.net mason.fong@emid6067.net FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 17 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Camp Sunrise Cultural Programming Sponsor: YouthCARE Outdoor/Wilderness/ Camping Eligibility: Participants must be between the ages of 13–18 years old and live within the Minneapolis or St. Paul city limits. Youth Development Description: Come spend a week camping and canoeing on the St. Croix River, learning teamwork and leadership skills, playing cooperative games, and making new friends in a multicultural environment. Camp Sunrise is a residential camping program offered by YouthCARE and is located 60 miles north of the Twin Cities. Transportation is provided. Follow-up programs and activities are offered during the school year. Program Dates: There will be 9 seperate week long sessions beginning June 13, 2015 and ending August 13, 2015. Application Process: The application will be available on YouthCARE’s website, www.YouthCAREmn.org, beginning April 2015. Applicants can also request a paper copy by calling the YouthCARE office 612/338-1233 or e-mail Camprecruiter@YouthCAREmn.org. Deadline: Rolling deadline (applications accepted until sessions are filled) Stipend: Youth who work for STEP Up or Right Track may be eligible to earn wage while at Camp Sunrise. Lodging: Camp Sunrise is a week long residential camp. Youth can register to attend the sessions listed below: Week 1(Boys): June 13–19 Week 6 (Boys): July 18–24 Week 2 (Girls): June 20–26 Week 7 (Girls): July 25–31 Week 3 (Boys): June 27–3 Week 8 (Girls): August 1–7 Week 4 (Girls): July 4–10 Week 9 (Co-ed): August 8–13 Week 5 (Boys): July 11–17 Transportation: Transportation is provided from Bus Stop (located on 2701 University Ave, SE Minneapolis, MN 55414) to Camp Sunrise(10809 495th Street Rush City, MN 55069). Transportation is also available for youth who need rides from home. Nardos Tesfalidet YouthLEAD Program Director/Camp Recruiter 2701 University Ave. SE, Suite 205 Minneapolis, MN 55414 www.YouthCAREmn.org Camprecruiter@YouthCAREmn.org 18 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Center for Academics and Sports, World Cultures Camp Sponsor: A partnership with the St. Paul Public School District, East Metro Integration District, and local grants. Academic Support and Skill Building Cultural Programming Youth Development Eligibility: Youth going into grades K–5 for 2015-2016 year. Camp is free. Description: Center for Academics and Sports strives to: • Guide youth to achieve their full personal potential—despite experiential or lived problems—by engaging in a balanced curriculum centered on both athletic and academic activities • To empower and encourage youth to actively engage with their experiences and develop strategies and solutions • Interact with adult role models and establish peer relationships • Develop social skills, such as communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution • Increase self-esteem, leadership, and critical thinking skills • Experience a nurturing college environment alongside university students, licensed teachers, and staff • Promote cross-cultural knowledge and understanding Program Dates: Tentatively set for July 13–August 7, 2015 Application Process: Fill out pdf document listed from our website as student registration: www.centerforacademicsandsports.com. If you live outside Saint Paul Public School district, then you need to fill out student intake form found on our previously listed website or the SPPS student placement center.Finally, need to have medical emergency form filled out for our camp nurse. Deadline: May 29 Transportation: Free to students living in the Saint Paul Public (SPPS) school district. If not SPPS student, then need to fill out Student intake form with SPPS Student Placement Center for transportation. Some East Metro Integration District schools will provide transportation, but families need to check with their own district on this. Hue Pham University of St. Thomas Center for Academics and Sports 1000 Lasalle Avenue, MOH 217 Minneapolis, MN 55403 www.centerforacademicsandsports.com FREE nysp@stthomas.edu Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 19 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Center for Academics and Sports/ National Youth Sports Program Sponsor: A partnership with the St. Paul Public School District, East Metro Integration District, and local grants. Academic Support and Skill Building Cultural Programming Youth Development Eligibility: Youth going into grades 6-12 for 2015-2016 year. Camp is free. Description: Center for Academics and Sports strives to: • Guide youth to achieve their full personal potential—despite experiential or lived problems—by engaging in a balanced curriculum centered on both athletic and academic activities • To empower and encourage youth to actively engage with their experiences and develop strategies and solutions • Interact with adult role models and establish peer relationships • Develop social skills, such as communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution • Increase self-esteem, leadership, and critical thinking skills • Experience a nurturing college environment alongside university students, licensed teachers, and staff • Promote cross-cultural knowledge and understanding Program Dates: Tentatively set for June 15–July 10, 2015 Application Process: Fill out pdf document listed from our website as student registration: www.centerforacademicsandsports.com. If you live outside Saint Paul Public School district, then you need to fill out student intake form found on our previously listed website or the SPPS student placement center.Finally, need to have medical emergency form filled out for our camp nurse. Deadline: May 29 Transportation: Free to students living in the Saint Paul Public (SPPS) school district. If not SPPS student, then need to fill out Student intake form with SPPS Student Placement Center for transportation. Some East Metro Integration District schools will provide transportation, but families need to check with their own district on this. Hue Pham University of St. Thomas Center for Academics and Sports 1000 Lasalle Avenue, MOH 217 Minneapolis, MN 55403 www.centerforacademicsandsports.com 20 FREE nysp@stthomas.edu Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Clay Camp Arts–Music, Theater, Arts, etc. Sponsor: Northern Clay Center Eligibility: Ages 6+ Description: Campers will expand their imaginations while accomplishing lasting feats of clay. Last year, almost 400 kids participated in our weeklong camps, designed for all ability levels, for ages 6 and up. Whether working with sculpture, tiles, or wheel-thrown pottery, students will learn to work independently and collaboratively in a small class setting with plenty of individual instruction. Camps are offered in a variety of themes and they incorporate instruction for a variety of clay techniques—leaving plenty of room for exploration and decoration. NEW CLASSES BEGIN WEEKLY. Program Dates: June 15–August 21, 2015 Application Process: Register online (www.northernclaycenter.org), or call our gallery at 612-339-8007 x301.Deadline: Registration begins March 3; camps are open until filled. Cost/Fee: $170/week Scholarship: Download application online, or call our gallery. Transportation: Free to students living in the Saint Paul Public (SPPS) school district. If not SPPS student, then need to fill out Student intake form with SPPS Student Placement Center for transportation. Some East Metro Integration District schools will provide transportation, but families need to check with their own district on this. Dustin Yager Northern Clay Center Clay Camps 2424 Franklin Avenue East Minneapolis, MN 55406 www.northernclaycenter.org education@northernclaycenter.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 21 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Create Something Great Academic Support and Skill Building Sponsor: Friends School of Minnesota Eligibility: Open to all students between the ages of 4 and 14 (pre-school through ninth grade) Arts– Music, Theater, Arts, etc. STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Description: Create Something Great offers a wide Youth Development variety of art and recreation classes to children in the Twin Cities. Join us especially for Imagine That, a multi-arts program for children aged 4-8; Manos con Centro, a community service program for aged 10–14; and Mock Trial, for middle-schoolers aged 10–14. Program Dates: June 15–July 31, 2015 (one-week sessions) Application Process: Apply online at https://fsmn.org/summer_registration or by requesting a registration form from the school by calling 651-621-8941. Deadline: Students are accepted as long as we have openings. Register by March 28 to be most likely to get your first choice classes Cost/Fee: Costs range from $100–$280 per week Scholarship: Need-based aid of up to one-half of tuition is available. Request a financial aid application at melanies@fsmn.org. Melanie Spewock Friends School of Minnesota 1365 Englewood Ave St. Paul, MN 55104 651-621-8941 www.fsmn.org melanies@fsmn.org 22 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide First Step Summer Institute Sponsor: St. Catherine University and the Multicultural & International Programs & Services (MIPS) Office College Readiness and Access Cultural Programming Youth Development Eligibility: Applicants must 1) identify as a woman of color, 2) be currently enrolled in 10th grade or 11th grade and have a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.75, 3) be interested in higher education, 4) demonstrate a willingness to make First Step her first priority, and 5) complete the 2015 First Step application. Description: Preparing young women of color for higher education, the First Step Summer Institute is a FREE and unique college immersion experience offered at St. Catherine University (St. Paul campus). In this residential program, students gain a deeper sense of commitment to pursue higher education, a strong network of diverse, college-bound friends, a sense of support and encouragement from St. Kate’s staff, faculty, and students, more perspective on college living, and ultimately, increased self-esteem about their capacity to apply to and thrive in college. Program Dates: Session 1: June 15–18, 2015 Session 2: June 22–25, 2015 Application Process: • Download and complete the First Step application at https:// www2.stkate.edu/mips/first-step. • Obtain two letters of recommendation. One should come from a current teacher and the other from an adult who can speak honestly about your personal qualities and interests, talents, and skills. * Submit your most recent official transcript or grade report. • Your official transcript and letters of recommendation should be sent directly from your high school or recommender in a sealed envelope. • Note: First Step is a highly competitive program with many applicants. Meeting eligibility requirements alone does not guarantee admission. Program enrollment is limited to 25 students per session. Deadline: April 30 Lodging: Students will stay in the residence halls on the St. Paul campus. Meals will be provided. Transportation: Once at St. Kate’s, students will receive transportation to offcampus sites that are not within walking distance. Kimberly Munoz First Step Summer Institute 2004 Randolph Ave, F-29 St. Pau, MN 55105 http://www.stkate.edu/pages/mips/first_step.php FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 kvmunoz@stkate.edu 23 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Genesys Works Eligibility: Junior in high school and at least 16 years old, Legally able to work in the U.S., On track for graduation, Transportation to downtown Minneapolis or Saint Paul, Able to work in the afternoon during the school year, Interested in a successful future. Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access STEM—Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Youth Development Description: Genesys Works is more than a job. It’s an opportunity to gain real-world skills like public speaking, Microsoft Office, business technology, teamwork, and more—all while having fun! it’s a paid corporate internship where you will work for 12 months at one of the top companies in the Twin Cities like 3M, Medtronic, Target, or Wells Fargo earning $10,000 your senior year! It’s a plan for college because 100% of our students are accepted to college, and we guarantee you’ll be accepted, too! If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, spend 30 seconds filling out this link: Bit.ly/gwtcrecruit. Program Dates: June 15–August 15, 2016 Application Process: 1. Fill out the online application by March 11th 2. Complete an in person interview in the beginning of April 3. Attend registration day in early June Deadline: March 11 Stipend: The student will complete an 8 week summer training program and then earn a 12 month internship during their senior year starting at $9 an hour. Transportation: Students will receive transportation to off-campus sites (if these places are not within walking distance) once they arrive at St. Kate’s. Students are expected to find their own transportation to St. Kate’s and back home. Krystal Stackhouse Genesys Works 445 Minneasota Ste 720 St. Paul, MN 55101 http://www.genesysworks.org/twincities/ kstackhouse@genesysworks.org 24 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Girls Getting Ahead in Leadership (GGAL) Summer Program Arts–Music/Theater/ Arts, etc. Sponsor: Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE) Inc. Eligibility: Immigrant, refugee or first generation girls in grades 9–12 Description: The GGAL Summer Arts Program provides participants with space, tools and time needed to explore their identity and experiences and express themselves using various art forms. The creation of art work, performance dance and video. Program Dates: June 23–August 16, 2015 M–Th 2:30pm–5:30pm Application Process: Email: cheryl@womenofwise.org Deadline: Applications will be accepted starting in June and will continue on a rolling bases until all spots are filled. Transportation: We provide bus tokens to participants to get to and from programming. Cheryl Field Girls Getting Ahead in Leadership (GGAL) 570 Asbury Street Suite 202 St. Paul, MN 55104 www.womenofwise.org cheryl@womenofwise.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 25 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide GopherBusiness Sponsor: The Carlson School of Management–University of Minnesota Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access STEM- Science, Eligibility: High School Juniors or Seniors—for the 2015– Technology, 2016 Academic Year—who are interested in business, Engineering and Math non-profit or organizational leadership. Students from a diverse background; a future first-generation college student; from an economically disadvantaged background; students with disabilities; or students of LGBT and related identities. Ideal candidates have a minimum 3.4 cumulative grade point average, strong math and science coursework, and demonstrated leadership and involvement. Description: GopherBusiness is a challenge program in which students will immerse themselves in case study competitions, business simulations, and corporate and non-profit site visits all while spending a week at the University of Minnesota. Students will be mentored and taught by world renowned Carlson School faculty and will engage with Twin Cities business leaders. Program Dates: July 17–25, 2015 Application Process: Complete the online application, including one essay response to: “Describe the world you come from—for example, your family, community or school—and tell us how your world has shaped your identity. While writing your response, it might be helpful to think of these questions: What life experiences have influenced the person you are today? What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them? How have your family or friends impacted you?”; High School Counselor Recommendation Form; High School Transcript. Deadline: April 3 Scholarship: The program is free. Graduates from the program will be offered a scholarship to the Carlson School of Management if admitted to the School. Stipend: Students receive a small stipend for successfully completing the program. Lodging: Participants will live on the U of MN campus. Transportation: Transportation during the week is provided by the program. Lindsay Bosley Coordinator of Recruitment and Communications Carlson School of Management - 2-190 Hanson Hall 1925 Fourth Street South Minneapolis, MN 55455 http://carlsonschool.umn.edu/degrees/undergraduate/ gopher-business-program bosley@umn.edu 26 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies (GTCYS) String Orchestra Camp Arts- Music, Theater, Arts, etc Sponsor: Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies (GTCYS) Eligibility: GTCYS’ String Orchestra Camp is open to any beginning level string student age 8–13 with approximately two years playing experience and note reading ability. Description: Budding young string students can play in a string orchestra during this fun, five-day camp. Students learn through energizing rehearsals, sectionals with professional coaches, fun social opportunities, field trips, and special music activities, including a free public concert at the end of the week. The camp takes place at the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra Center in downtown St. Paul. Program Dates: July 13–17, 2015 Application Process: Register online at www.gtcys.org by June 1 or call 651.602.6800. Deadline: June 1 Cost/Fee: $320 tuition, plus $20 registration fee Scholarship: Download scholarship application at www.gtcys.org and submit to GTCYS with required documentation. Megen Balda Executive Director, Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies 408 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 St. Paul, MN 55102 www.gtcys.org megen@gtcys.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 27 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies Summer Orchestras Arts- Music, Theater, Arts, etc Sponsor: Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies (GTCYS) Eligibility: Beginning to advanced string, woodwind, brass, or percussion players who are in grades 3–12 and can read music are welcome. No audition necessary. Description: Whether you’re a first-time orchestra student or an advanced player, GTCYS’ three summer orchestras provide a place for students of all levels. Weekly rehearsals, sectionals, and a free concert at Como Park make this a fun way to develop your musical skills, learn orchestral repertoire, and make friends in a supportive environment. Rehearsals take place at Valley View Middle School in Edina. Program Dates: Tuesdays, May 26–July 14, 2015 Application Process: Register online at www.gtcys.org. Deadline: May 11 Cost/Fee: $230 tuition, plus $20 registration fee Scholarship: Download scholarship application at www.gtcys.org and submit to GTCYS with required documentation. Megen Balda Executive Director, Greater Twin Cities Youth Symphonies 408 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 St. Paul, MN 55102 www.gtcys.org megen@gtcys.org 28 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Guadalupe Alternative Programs Sponsor: Guadalupe Alternative Programs Eligibility: Open to any student 9–12th grade. If you are entering 9th grade in the fall, you are eligible. Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access Cultural Programming Youth Development Description: Our program is Monday through Friday from 8:45–2:15. We offer 2 credits each session and offer 2 sessions a summer. Our program is a mixture of both academics and enrichment, meant to be hands on and engaging. Ex.: Art Classes, computer training, construction skills, First Aid/CPR, financial literacy. Program Dates: Session 1: June 15– 30 Session 2: July 6–21 Application Process: Call 651-222-0757 and talk to Lolly. She will set you up with everything you need. Deadline: June 1 Regina Edmisten Guadalupe Alternative Programs 381 E. Robie St. St. Paul, MN 55107 gaprograms.weebly.com redmisten@gapschool.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 29 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide H.O.P.E. Academic & Leadership Academy Sponsor: Winona State University Minnesota State College–Southeast Technical Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access Cultural Programming Eligibility: Open to any student in 9th through 12th grade. Diverse, underrepresented, and underserved applicants are strongly encouraged to apply. Description: Harnessing Opportunities for Post-Secondary Academic and Leadership Academy (H.O.P.E. Academy) is a ten day summer residential program designed for male and female high school students in 9th–12th grades. The purpose of the Academy is to provide underrepresented and underserved students with a life-changing opportunity to experience college life by engaging in college-level courses and workshops to develop and explore their leadership skills. Program Dates:June 17–27, 2015 Application Process: Applicants will be admitted to the program on a firstcome, first-serve basis, i.e. by the actual date the completed application is received, including all required supporting documentation and registration fee. Deadline: May 22 Cost/Fee: $50.00–registration fee due by application deadline. Student will receive refund once they attend program. Lodging: Harnessing Opportunities for Post-Secondary Academic and Leadership Academy (H.O.P.E. Academy) is a ten day summer residential program at Winona State University main campus. Transportation: There will be free transportation for accepted applicants from Roseville High School, Roseville MN. Xao Vang Inclusion & Diversity Office, Winona State University 175 West Mark Street Winona, MN 55987 http://www.winona.edu/inclusion-diversity/hopeacademy.asp xvang@winona.edu 30 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide High School Upward Bound Sponsor: Minneapolis Community & Technical College Eligibility: Low-income first generation students who will be the first in their immediate family to go to college. Students must attend one of the following high schools: Patrick Henry, Roosevelt or Edison in Mpls, and Highland Park in St. Paul. Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access Cultural Programming Youth Development Description: During the six weeks students summer program, students will participate in Math, English, Science, and Spanish. Program Dates: Monday, June 15–Thursday, July 23, 2015 Application Process: Applications accepted the first week, or if contacted, an application can be mailed before the start date. Deadline: June 19 Stipend: Attendance is mandatory. Students must maintain a minimum of a C. Overnight Details: We do a one week trip at the end of the summer program. Transportation: We provide bus tokens. Shirley Sanders Upward Bound 1501 Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 http://www.minneapolis.edu/ shirley.sanders@Minneapolis.edu FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 31 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Just The Beginning Foundation A Pipeline Organization Summer Legal Institute Sponsor: Just The Beginning – A Pipeline Organization and The University of Minnesota Law School Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access Youth Development Eligibility: The SLI is open to students who will be high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors or seniors in the fall of 2014. Description: The Summer Legal Institute (SLI) is a five day legal immersion program at the University of Minnesota Law School, located at 229 19th Ave. South on the University of Minnesota campus in Minneapolis, MN. The SLI provides fun and educational day programming. The program is FREE to all students, with public transportation passes available to students who express a need. Housing is not available; students travelling from a distance further than the metro area are required to arrange for their own housing. Students who participate in the SLI will: Study the legal system and how it works alongside attorney and judge volunteers; Build leadership and teamwork skills; Analyze selected cases, debate legal issues and participate in both a mock trial and an oral argument; Learn what it takes to become a lawyer and observe the action at law firms and courthouses; Develop contacts with legal professionals and organizations that provide scholarships, internships and mentors; and Gain insight into the college admissions process and financial aid resources. Program Dates: June 15–19, 2015 Application Process: Applicants will submit an online application or mail a completed application to Laura Ramsey, lramsey@jtb.org, applications are available at www.jtb.org. The application consists of a short personal essay, a letter of recommendation and an unofficial copy of a recent report card or progress report. Deadline: May 22 Other: Stipends for transportation are available and meals are provided. Laura Ramsey Summer Legal Institute 233 S. Wacker, Suite 6600 Chicago IL 60606 The Summer Legal Institute takes place at the University of Minnesota Law School 229 19th Ave. South www.jtb.org Minneapolis, MN. lramsey@jtbf.org 32 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Juxtaposition Arts Arts– Music, Theater, Arts, etc. Sponsor: Juxtaposition Arts Cultural Programming Eligibility: An interest in visual arts, art, and design. Commitment to attend all class sessions. Ages 10–21 Youth Development Description: Juxtaposition Arts is an arts based education and youth employed design firm. We offer youth ages 10–21 Visual Arts Literacy Training. V.A.L.T. is a FREE drawing class/arts training. The class is offered 3 days a week for 3 hours each session. Participants work alongside a professional artist to develop a portfolio which will be reviewed and critiqued at the end of the session. Upon completion of V.A.L.T. youth who are 14 years or older can apply for employment in one of 4 design labs on campus (Graphic Design,Textiles, Environmental Design, Contemporary Arts) We also offer FREE WALL. This is a workshop for young people ages 10–21 who are interested in the art of graffiti and street art. FREE WALL is FREE and offered in two 3-week sessions during the summer, 3 days a week for 3 hours a session. Program Dates: June 22– August 14, 2015 (V.A.L.T) June 16–July 10, 2015 (FREE WALL 1) • July 14–30, 2015 (FREE WALL 2)) Application Process: In order to apply for VALT or FREE WALL potential participants must apply via online application at: http://juxtapositionarts.org/ programs/apply-now/ Open Enrollment begins April 1, 2015. Deadline: Enrollment closes once all seats are filled or at the end of the first week of class. Stipend: Upon completion of VALT youth may apply for a job on campus in a visual arts lab. Transportation: Juxtaposition Arts will provide Metro Transit TO-GO bus cards for students who need transportation and are able to use public transit. Shelley Martin Juxtaposition Arts 2007 Emerson Av. No. Minneapolis, MN 55411 www.juxtapositionarts.org shelley@juxtaposition.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 33 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide LearningWorks at Blake: A Breakthrough Program Academic Support and Skill Building Sponsor: The Blake School and Minneapolis Public Schools Eligibility: Students apply during the early spring of the 6th grade year, for participation during 7th and 8th grade. Aspiring teachers must be between 11th grade of high school through college seniors. Description: LearningWorks offers tuition-free academic support to a representative group of motivated, high potential middle school students from Minneapolis Public Schools. Our teachers are college students and high school juniors and seniors who are passionate about education and enjoy working with young people. Program Dates: June 8–August 7, 2015 Application Process: Student application: http://www.blakeschool.org/ learningworks Teacher application: http://www.breakthroughcollaborative.org/teach/apply Deadline: Student application deadline: March 4. Teacher application deadline: February 24. Stipend: LearningWorks Teachers receive a $2500 stipend. Noam Wiggs LearningWorks at Blake: A Breakthrough Program 511 Kenwood Pkwy Minneapolis, MN 55403 http://blakeschool.org/learningworks nwiggs@blakeschool.org 34 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Mad Science–Summer Camps, After School Programs, Workshops, Preschool Programs, Parties, Shows, Fun Booths Academic Support and Skill Building STEM—Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Sponsor: Mad Science of Minnesota Eligibility: Kids ages 3–12 Description: Mad Science offers hands-on science learning for kids from preschool through 6th grade. Programs include summer camps, after school programs, preschool workshops, elementary school workshops, shows & assemblies, fun booths, and parties for all occasions (including birthday parties). Visit http://mn.madscience.org for details. Program Dates: Classes run year round. Application Process: Visit http://mn.madscience.org to sign up. Cost/Fee: Visit http://mn.madscience.org for current pricing for each program. Scholarship: For every 12 kids who sign up for an after school program, Mad Science donates one scholarship. Barbe Marshall Hansen Mad Science Programs 519 Payne Ave St. Paul, MN 55130 http://mn.madscience.org mail@madsciencemn.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 35 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Math – Science – Computer Camp Sponsor: Pre-College Programs, St. Cloud State University Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access STEM– Science, Eligibility: Elementary and junior high school students Technology, who have completed grades 3–8 for the 2014–2015 Engineering and Math school year. Program targets students who are members of under-represented groups in math and science fields; however, all students are eligible to participate. Description: The camps are five day, intensive, residential programs featuring math, science and computers. Students are exposed to science and math in fun and innovative ways. While specially designed for students of color and young women, all students are welcome to participate. The camp experience includes field trips, recreation and outdoor activities. Program Dates: 3rd & 4th grade camp: June 7–11, 2015 5th & 6th grade camp: June 14–18, 2015 7th & 8th grade camp: June 21–25, 2015 Application Deadline: April 10 Cost/Fee: Registration fee is $10.00 per child, which is non-refundable. Program fees range from $0 to $300 based on family income. Lodging: Students will reside in the dormitories at St. Cloud State University for 5 days and 4 nights. Transportation: Transportation is provided to students who live in the twin cities area. Pick up and drop off is at the Sabathani Community Center in Minneapolis. Dr. Robert Johnson St. Cloud State University, Pre-College Programs 720 4th Ave. S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 www.stcloudstate.edu/pipeline precollegeprograms@stcloudstate.edu 36 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide MCAD Summer Art Classes & Pre-College Summer Session Arts- Music, Theater, Arts, etc. Sponsor: Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) Eligibility: Our summer classes are open to all ages 5–18. The Pre-College Summer Session is available for current high school sophomores, juniors and seniors. Description: From improving your portfolio, to experiencing college life and earning college credit, Minneapolis College of Art and Design is where you’ll find some of the most innovative and immersive studio arts experiences available in the Twin Cities. We offer both weekly and weeklong classes throughout the summer for youth ages 5-18 as well as a 3-week long PreCollege Summer Session (PCSS) for high school students. PCSS is a highly structured and challenging classroom and studio-based experience developed to guide serious art students in the process of maturing as artists and individuals. Program Dates: June 15–August 14, 2015 July 12–August 2, 2015 Application Process: Both the weekly and week long classes throughout the summer are available on a first come, first serve basis. But, the 3-week long Pre-College Summer Session has an application that must be submitted for review, which includes a personal statement, portfolio, high school transcript and teacher reference. Deadline: Class Registration is currently open and will close several days before the classes begin. PCSS applications are due April 17, 2015. Cost/Fee: Summer classes range from $125–$300, Pre-College Studio classes with college credit $650 and Pre-College Summer Session with college credit $3,300. Scholarship: Full scholarships are economic need-based, partial scholarships are merit-based, and $1000 scholarships are awarded to select exemplary Pre-College graduates upon the completion of the PCSS program. Lodging: Students live on campus in the MCAD dormitories Lindsay Marcil MCAD Summer Classes and Pre-College Summer Session 2501 Stevens Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 www.mcad.edu/ce mcad.edu/precollege FREE continuing_education@mcad.edu precollege@mcad.edu Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 37 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Minnesota Business Venture Sponsor: BestPrep Eligibility: Grades 10–12 (they must have completed 9th grade) Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access Youth Development Description: Come have a blast with business during this one-of-a-kind summer program for high school students! At Minnesota Business Venture (MBV), you will have fun meeting other students from Minnesota who are eager to start their own businesses, careers and lives as young adults. MBV provides hands-on information, including starting your own business, learning how to invest, making the most of your money, buying your first car, paying for college, getting a business loan and more. You will learn leadership planning, responsibility, networking and other skills that are vital to business and life. MBV is a one-week investment that will pay dividend for the rest of your life! Program Dates: July 12–17, 2015 St. Cloud State University July 26–31, 2015 St. John’s University Application Process: Fill out the application online at www.bestprep.org/ mbvapp OR request a paper application by emailing mbv@bestprep.org. Deadline: Deadline is April 13, 2015. Applications submitted after April 13 will be accepted with a $50.00 late fee. Applications are accepted until camp is full. Cost/Fee: $150.00 Registration Fee Scholarship: First come, first-serve basis Lodging: Student stay in residence halls on the college campus. Each student has a roommate of the same gender. Transportation: Limited bus transportation is available to/from the Twin Cities. Amanda Labo BestPrep, Program Manager MBV 7100 Northland Circle North, Suite 402 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 www.bestprep.org MBV@bestprep.org 38 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Minnesota Zoo ZOO CAMP Sponsor: Minnesota Zoo Eligibility: Need to be between 2 and 18 years old Arts– Music, Theater, Arts, etc. Outdoor/Wilderness/ Camping STEM–Science, Technology, Description: Join our summer camps and give your Engineering and Math child an inspiring encounter they’ll never forget—a Youth Development wild, week-long (or single day) adventure at the Minnesota Zoo! Toddlers to 12th graders will meet animals, make new friends, and have a ton of fun while learning about conservation and the environment. Our camps explore oceans, rainforests, farm animals and even Zoo careers. New this summer-Horse and Adult Camps! Program Dates: May 26–August 28, 2015 Application Process: Register via our website at mnzoo.org/zoocamp. Deadline: There is no application deadline.Scholarships are distributed May 1. Cost/Fee: $25–$270 Scholarship: 75 percent need-based scholarships are available as funds allow. Download an application at mnzoo.org/scholarships. Email educate@mnzoo. org or call 952-431-9390 with questions Kristie Nord Minnesota Zoo ZOO CAMP 13000 Zoo Blvd. Apple Valley, MN 55124 mnzoo.org/zoocamp educate@mnzoo.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 39 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth (MITY) Sponsor: Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth Description: Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth offers academic enrichment for bright and motivated students in grades 1 through 11. Students are given the opportunity to expand their knowledge, challenge their perspective and inspire their future. Academic Support and Skill Building Arts– Music, Theater, Arts, etc. College Readiness and AccessS TEM–Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Program Dates: June 15–26, 2015 July 6–17, 2015 Application Process: Students must submit the following: 1. Completed Application 2. Current transcript or report card 3. Teacher recommendation–see website for form 4. Essay of 200 words about you and why you want to attend MITY 5. Deposit of $300 for commuter or $700 for resident applications (see Tuition, Payment & Financial Aid). Financial aid is available. Last summer MITY awarded over $100,000 in financial aid. Decisions are made on a rolling admission basis and all the application information is considered. MITY is looking for students who are excited about learning more about a specific topic. Acceptance emails or letters are sent once we have received all the application information. Cost/Fee: Commuter for two week class is $610 and Residential is $1,650 for two weeks. Tuition covers all supplies, materials and field trips. The residential program includes meals, room and board and class tuition. Deadline: We do not have an application deadline, but our class size is limited to 15 per class. Scholarship: MITY has 2 financial aid resources: 1. MN State Academic Enrichment Grant for students who are on free or reduced lunch. 2. MITY’s financial aid program. The application forms can be found on our website or by calling us at 651-696-6591. Lodging: Students can attend the program as a commuter or a residential program. Robbie Seum Minnesota Institute for Talented Youth 1600 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 www.mity.org 40 mity@macalester.edu FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Penumbra Theatre Company’s Summer Institute Arts– Music, Theater, Arts, etc. Sponsor: Penumbra Theatre Company Eligibility: Participants must be ages 12–19. Description: The Summer Institute is Penumbra Theatre Company’s flagship program that trains youth to use their passion for the arts to promote social justice and equity. Students explore “art for social change” and learn how to leverage their passion for the performing arts to make a real difference in the world. We admit students who can demonstrate leadership, a passion for the arts, and a commitment to social justice issues. This four-week program culminates in an original ensemble performance. Program Dates: July 6–August 2, 2015 M–F 8am–5pm July 9–10, 2015: Overnight Retreat at the University of Minnesota Application Process: Application instructions, as well as more information about the Summer Institute program can be found here: http://penumbra. pineval.com/index.asp?pageID=93 • If applying for a scholarship, please be sure to complete the scholarship section. You will receive confirmation via email that your application was received. Information will be included about how to schedule the required entrance interview/workshop. The available times for the entrance interview/ workshop will be during May 4–10. Accepted students will be notified the week of May 11. Deadline: May 1 Cost/Fee: $400. This includes tuition, bus passes, snacks and lunch Scholarship: Full or partial scholarships are offered to students in need who meet scholarship requirements. To be considered for a scholarship you must complete the scholarship information at the end of application. Overnight Details: Includes a retreat at the University of Minnesota, July 9–10 Transportation and More: Free bus passes will be provided for students in Snacks and lunches are provided on a daily basis. H. Adam Harris Teens Program Coordinator 270 N. Kent St. St. Pau, MN 55102 http://penumbratheatre.org/content/blogcategory/9/7/ h.adam.harris@penumbratheatre.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 41 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Personal Finance Summer Institute for College Readiness & Success College Readiness and Access Sponsor: Minnesota Council on Economic Education Eligibility: Any student currently in grades 9-11 is welcome to apply. Priority will be given to those who are the first in their family to attend college, are economically disadvantaged, or are members of groups traditionally underrepresented in higher education. Description: The 2015 Personal Finance Summer Institute for College Readiness is a week-long program for students currently in grades 9-11, held at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul. The program will prepare you to make well-informed decisions concerning personal finance, especially in preparing for and financing postsecondary education. Through a series of hands on activities, field trips, and presentations, you will learn the importance of postsecondary education and build valuable personal finance knowledge and skills needed to navigate your postsecondary future. The Summer Institute includes instruction in personal finance concepts with hands-on activities, campus and corporate visits, and guest speakers. The Summer Institute is a great resume builder! You will receive an official certificate of completion from MCEE and the University of Minnesota. You will also build valuable personal finance skills as you continue on the path to college. Participation is free, and breakfast and lunch will also be provided each day. Program Dates: June 22–26, 2015 Application Process: Please visit MCEE’s website: www.mcee.umn.edu/ students for details on applying. To apply, participants must fill out an application form, including a parent/guardian consent form, and provide the name of two individuals we can contact as references (application form available online). Deadline: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the program is full. Priority will be given to applications received before May 15. Stipend: A $125 stipend is available upon full participation in the week-long program. More details can be found on our website. Transportation: Bus passes are provided Andrea Hanson Minnesota Council on Economic Education 1994 Buford Avenue, 116 Ruttan Hall Saint Paul, MN 55108 www.mcee.umn.edu 42 FREE (612)625-3727 www.mcee.umn.edu/students Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Research Intern–Cardiovascular Clinical Research STEM–Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Sponsor: Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation Eligibility: Preferred qualifications for intern applicants include enrollment in a U.S.-based accredited degree program in a health care or related discipline; rising junior standing (minimum 60 credits completed); and GPA of 3.50 or above. Applicants must be available to begin work on the first Monday in June and be available to work a minimum of 400 hours from June to August. Description: We are seeking a diverse pool of interns based on a combination of demonstrated academic performance, leadership, and career aspirations in the field of cardiology and/or research. Research interns are assigned to a physician mentor for overall project direction. Working under the direct supervision of credentialed staff members, research interns will abstract data from medical records and other source documents; enter study required data into registry, database or other study systems; and draft text and charts for abstracts, manuscripts and PowerPoint presentations. Research interns will conduct literature reviews and complete a variety of administrative tasks. Research interns participate in additional educational experiences, including shadowing and observation opportunities, reflection journals, field trips, lectures by physicians and other activities designed to enhance the internship experience. Program Dates: June 1, 2015–August 21, 2015 June 6, 2016–August 19, 2016 June 5, 2017–August 18, 2017 Application Process: Apply on our website www.mplsheart.org/internship. Incomplete applications or those received after the deadline will not be considered. Deadline: January 31 Stipend: Additional need-based stipends may be available on a case-by-case basis.Internships are open to premed students and those in related health care disciplines. Internships will be full-time, 10–12 weeks in duration, and offer a modest stipend of $10 per hour. All internships will be on the campus of Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Detailed information is available at mplsheart.org/internship. Eva Zewdie Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation 920 East 28th St, Ste 100 Minneapolis, MN 55406 www.mplsheart.org/internship FREE researchintern@mhif.org Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 43 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Science Discovery Day Camps Sponsor: Bell Museum of Natural History STEM–Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Eligibility: Youth who have completed Kindergarten through 6th grade. Description: The Science Discovery Day Camps range in topic from mammals to invertebrates, outer space and the environment and include hands-on, inquiry-based classroom and laboratory activities, ExploraDome planetarium visits, as well as outdoor exploration and recreation. Campers also have the opportunity to meet University scientists and take field trips on campus. Program Dates: Week long camps running from June 8–August 28, 2015 (No camps the week of July 4) Application Process: Register at bellmuseum.org/camps/ or call us. Deadline: There is no deadline. It is a rolling application process. We take registrations until the program is full. Cost/Fee: $245 for members, $265 for non-members. Scholarship: See our website at bellmuseum.org/camps/ for scholarship eligibility and application process. Scholarships will cover the majority of the camp fee, except for a $40 non-refundable registration fee. Transportation: Transportation is only provided between Minneapolis and St. Paul campuses via the U of MN Campus Connector Bus. Katie Speckman Bell Museum of Natural History Science Discovery Day Camps 10 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 624-2345 bellmuseum.org/camps/ sathe095@umn.edu 44 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Science Museum of Minnesota Summer Camp STEM–Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Sponsor: Science Museum of Minnesota Eligibility: Ages 3–16 Description: The Science Museum of Minnesota offers week long half-day or full-day camps. Camps focus on science, technology, engineering, and math, using curriculum that inspires students to actively discover the world around them. Program Dates: June 8–September 4, 2015 Application Process: Register four ways: Online (preferred method). Classes can be purchased online with a credit card or museum voucher. Mail registration form with payment. Fax the registration form with payment information. Box Office Drop Off in a sealed envelope given to any member of the box office staff in the main lobby. Deadline:Registrations are accepted up to the start date. The website indicates if camps have openings. www.smm.org/ Cost/Fee: Price ranges from $60 to $370 Scholarship: Families receiving public assistance can apply for a scholarship for 85% of the class fee. Qualifying programs: TANF, MFIP, General Assistance, WIC Medicaid or Medical Assistance, SSI, Food Stamps, Section 8 housing, MN Care, Free or Reduced Price School Meals. Proof of current enrollment in one of these programs. Families that do not receive public assistance can apply for a scholarship for 50% of the class fee Stipend: Only for youth ages 14–18 who work as camp staff. Hiring is done in the spring time for the youth staff positions. Kate Morgan Science Museum Summer Camp 120 W Kellogg Blvd St. Paul, MN 55102 https://www.smm.org/classes/catalog registrar@smm.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 45 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Scientific Discovery Program Sponsor: St. Cloud State University Eligibility: This is a special program for high-ability, high-potential 9th and 10th grade students who demonstrate a strong interest in science and/ or mathematics. Students of color and/or female students are particularly encouraged to apply. Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access STEM–Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Description: Participants will experience biological, chemical, computer sciences, mathematical, social and statistical sciences through laboratories, special demonstrations, presentations, field trips and lectures. Participants will conduct research on topics that have social and environmental significance in their communities. University and practicing scientists will work closely with the student in identifying, designing, developing and implementing the research projects. Participants will have opportunities to “shadow” a working scientist or university professor. Evenings and weekends will feature special presentations and a variety of recreational activities. Program Dates: July 5–July 31, 2015 Application Process: Applications are available at http://www.stcloudstate.edu/ pipeline. The student will need to fill out the application and submit it with two teacher recommendations and a 400 word essay. Deadline: April 24 Cost/Fee: Price is a $10.00 Non-refundable application fee. Scholarship: Tuition expenses, academic fees, books and campus room and board will be provided. Out-of-pocket living expenses for notebooks, calculators, snacks, laundry, recreation and other incidents should be anticipated. Limited financial aid to cover these expenses is available to students in need. Students accepted to this program are fully subsidized by the program’ssponsors and some students may qualify for Minnesota summer scholarships as well. A copy of 2013 tax return (From 1040), must be submitted for income verification. The actual cost per student for this program is $4,000.00. Lodging: Students will stay on the St. Cloud State University campus. Participants will be supervised by trained counselors. Most meals are provided in the university dining hall except during field trips, when other arrangements will be made. Dr. Robert C. Johnson Pipeline Programs, St. Cloud State University 720 4th Ave. S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 http://www.stcloudstate.edu/pipeline/sdp/default.asp precollegeprograms@stcloudstate.edu 46 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Scrubs Camp Academic Support and Skill Building Sponsor: HealthForce Minnesota Eligibility: Middle School Camps are open to students in grades 6–8 in the fall of 2015. High School Camps are open to students in grades 9–12 in the fall of 2015. College Readiness and Access STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Description: Scrubs Camps provide an opportunity for students to explore careers in the health sciences. The camps are a collaborative project between HealthForce Minnesota, educational institutions, and healthcare employers. Campers will experience a variety of interactive hands-on activities and special field trips to get them excited about careers in the health sciences. Sessions are led by healthcare professionals and/or faculty from several area colleges and universities. Each camp site has a unique schedule. Program Dates: Rochester Middle School Camp, June 9–10, 2015 Mankato High School Camp, June 15–17, 2015 Dakota County Middle School Camp, June 16– 17, 2015 WSU High School Residential Camp, June 21–26, 2015 Winona Middle School Camp, June 23–24, 2015 Urban High School Camp, July 6–10, 2015 Saint Paul College High School Camp, July 20–23, 2015 Application Process: Register online at http://www.healthforceminnesota.org/ scrubs-camp-registration/ Deadline: Until filled. Camps fill up fast!! Cost/Fee: Individual camp costs are noted on the website. Scholarship: Contact the specific camp site as noted on our website. Funds are based on first come basis to those demonstrating financial need, with preference given to those students who have never attended camp before! Lodging: Some camps are overnight, while others are day camps only. That information is also available on our website. Transportation: Some camps are overnight, while others are day camps only. Misun Bormann HealthForce MN, University Center Rochester 859 30th Ave SE Rochester, MN 55904 http://www.healthforceminnesota.org/scrubs-camp/ mbormann@winona.edu FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 47 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Sing Minnesota Arts- Music, Theater, Arts, etc. Sponsor: Minnesota Boychoir Eligibility: Girls and boys, ages 8–12 (completed grades–6) Description: Sing Minnesota is a week-long day camp for girls and boys, ages 8-12 sponsored by the Minnesota Boychoir. While focusing on choral singing, campers also participate in other creative arts—drama and movement, visual arts, and outdoor fun and games! August 10–14, 2015 at Concordia University St. Paul, 8:30am–4:30pm $325, scholarships available. Program Dates: August 10–14, 2015 Application Process: Visit www.boychoir.org to print the Sing Minnesota brochure and registration form. Mail the completed form with a $50 non-refundable registration fee to: Minnesota Boychoir Landmark Center 75 West 5th Street, Suite 411 Saint Paul, MN 5510. Deadline: July 24 Cost/Fee: $325 Scholarship: A Sing Minnesota scholarship application is available to print and submit at www.boychoir.org. Applications are due by July 10, 2015 and recipients will be notified by July 24. All families are required to pay the nonrefundable $50 deposit to help cover administrative costs. After your deposit, the balance due for Sing Minnesota is $275. The amount of your scholarship will depend on the total number of applicants vying for the limited funds. Awards may be full or partial in nature. In order to fairly process your request, you will be asked to indicate the amount of scholarship you are requesting. Anna Keyes Sing Minnesota 75 West 5th Street, Suite 411 St. Paul, MN 55102 www.boychoir.org ack@boychoir.org 48 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide SteppingStone Theatre Summer Camps! Arts—Music, Theater, Arts, etc Youth Development Sponsor: SteppingStone Theatre for Youth Development, Education Department Eligibility: Programs available for ages Pre-K– High School Description: SteppingStone Theatre Summer Camps are a great way to learn more about theatre and enhance your student’s abilities in cooperation, team work and self-confidence. We offer a variety of camps that explore play creation, acting, puppetry, dance, music and more! Each class is specifically designed for it’s age group and has some performance aspect included. Join us this summer! 2015 Program Dates: One and two week sessions June 8 – August 21, 2015 General Hours: 8:30am – 4pm (Actual hours vary by camp) After Care is available until 5pm Application Process: Students can be registered online or over the phone. Online: steppingstonetheatre.org/programs/summer or call: (651) 225-9265 Deadline: Up to two days before sessions start, slots are filling fast! Cost/Fee: Camps range in price from $125.00–$495.00 Scholarship: Our scholarships are rewarded in the order in which they are received. The only requirement is that the scholarship application is completed. Request an application by emailing or calling Melissa. Stipend: Not for participants, but there are internship opportunites for our programs. Email Melissa for more information. Melissa Briggs Education Coordinator 55 Victoria Street North St. Paul, MN 55104 (651) 225-9265 Steppingstonetheatre.org melissa@steppingstonetheatre.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 49 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Summer Academic Programs at Carleton College Sponsor: Carleton College Eligibility: Applicants must be current high school sophomores and juniors in good standing and academically motivated. Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access STEM–Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Description: We have 6 Summer Programs on campus for 2015: The Summer Writing Program (SWP), Language and Global Issues Summer Institute (LGI), Summer Science Institute (CSSI), Summer Quantitative Reasoning Institute (SQRI), Computer Science Institute (SCSI), and Summer Humanities Institute (SHI). All of our programs are built by Carleton faculty to give students a true Liberal Arts college experience. Each program is three weeks long and students will be expected to live and learn on campus for all three weeks. 2015 Program Dates: SWP: July 5—24 • LGI: July 5—24 CSSI: July 12–31 and July 19–August 7 • SQRI: July 12–31 SCSI: July 19–August 7 • SHI: July 26–August 14 Application Process: We have an online application process that mimics a college application. Requirements include a high school transcript, short essay question answers, and optional test scores (ACT, PLAN, PSAT, SAT). Deadline: March 25 Cost/Fee: $2,995–$3,500 depending on the program Scholarship: We offer need and merit-based scholarships. Additional short answer essays, financial documents, and letters of recommendation are required for scholarship applicants. Lodging: Our Programs are residential. Students are required to live on campus for all three weeks of the program. Meals and housing are included in tuition. Transportation: Transportation may be included for scholarship applicant recipients. Amanda Williams Carleton College Summer Academic Programs One North College Street Bird House Northfield, MN 55057 go.carleton.edu/summer summer@carleton.edu 50 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Summer Bridge Sponsor: Augsburg College TRIO/Student Support Services (SSS) Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access Youth Development Eligibility: Incoming first year students enrolled for fall 2015 start. Additional program eligibility criteria may be found at http://www.augsburg.edu/triosss/summer-bridge/ Description: Augsburg TRIO/SSS Summer Bridge allows up to 25 incoming first year TRIO/SSS eligible students to get a head start on their Augsburg education and make a smooth transition to the college in the fall. After Summer Bridge, students then participate in the academic year component of TRIO/SSS while enrolled at the college. Summer Bridge is mix of academic and social activities, and students are expected to live on campus during Summer Bridge. Program Dates: July 5–August 7, 2015 Application Process: Eligible students must be admitted to the college and have submitted or had waived their Augsburg enrollment deposit. Students must also complete a TRIO/SSS application, available at: http://www.augsburg.edu/triosss/apply-to-triosss/ Deadline: Deadline for Early Admission is Friday, May 1, 2015. Applications will be accepted after this date until mid-June or the program is full. Cost/Fee: Summer Bridge costs are paid if students submit both a 2014–2015 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and a 2015–2016 FAFSA by Friday, June 5, 2015 Lodging: All Summer Bridge students must live in the residence hall during the duration of the program. Transportation: Transportation is provided to required activities during duration of the program. Kevin Cheatham Assistant Director Augsburg TRIO/Student Support Services 2211 Riverside Avenue, CB#47 Minneapolis, MN 55454 http://www.augsburg.edu/triosss triosss@augsburg.edu FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 51 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Summer Youth Corps Outdoor/Wilderness/ Camping Sponsor: Conservation Corps Minnesota Youth Development Eligibility: Enrollment is open to youth from all cultures, backgrounds and experiences, who are 15 to 18 years old when the program starts. Deaf and hard-of-hearing youth represent 15–20% of our participants. For almost 20 years, we’ve operated inclusive crews with ASL interpreters, and all our projects and education/recreation activities are inclusive. Description: The Summer Youth Corps is a month-long residential program. Youth are hired for one of two 4-week sessions. After several days of training, youth travel as a crew to work outdoors on projects throughout Minnesota and other states. You will gain job and career-planning skills and learn about natural resource management, ecology, science, technology, environmental conservation and Minnesota natural and cultural history. Weekends and evenings are filled with recreational activities such as canoeing, fishing, games, Program Dates: June 20–July 18, 2015 July 25–August 22, 2015 Application Process: Interested youth should apply online at: www. conservationcorps.org/applications-youth Deadline: April 12 Stipend: Youth receive an average weekly allowance of $225 that includes room and board. Lodging: This is a 4-week residential program. Youth are expected to stay with the program for the entire 4-weeks. Transportation: At the start/end of the program a shuttle service will be available for youth from the cities to ride up to/back from our base camp in St. Croix State Park. Over the program crews will travel in 12 passenger vans driven by their crew leaders. Jonathan Goldenberg Summer Youth Corps 60 Plato Blvd E, Suite 210 St. Paul, MN 55107 www.conservationcorps.org jonathan@conservationcorps.org 52 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Teachers of Tomorrow Summer Institute Sponsor: Minnesota State University, Mankato College Readiness and Access STEM–Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Eligibility: High school sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students interested in teaching are encouraged to apply for this camp. Description: At the Institute you will experience student life on campus, learn teaching skills through education mini-courses and practice your new skills with Mankato Youth Programs. Come engage, discover, and learn about all the opportunities the teaching profession has to offer. Program Dates: June 14–18, 2015 Application Process: Application is at: http://ed.mnsu.edu/teachersoftomorrow/ Deadline: April 30 Download and complete the application and mail it to: Robbie Burnett Minnesota State University, Mankato College of Education 117 Armstrong Hall Mankato, MN 56001 Cost/Fee: $ 35 Scholarship: Must demonstrate an evidence of financial need. Lodging: Students experience life as a college student by staying in the campus dormitories during the institute Transportation: If you need transportation from the Twin Cities area to and from Mankato; From Edina: Vans will be leaving from Minnesota State Mankato at Edina located at 7700 France Ave S Edina, MN 55435 on Sunday, June 14th at 5pm. From Mankato: returning to Edina location on Thursday, June 18th at 12 noon. Please ensure there is a designated driver to pick your child at the Edina location by 12 noon. Paulkani Siddela Teachers of Tomorrow, College of Education College of Education 117 Armstrong Hall Mankato,MN 56001 http://ed.mnsu.edu/teachersoftomorrow/ paulkani.siddela@mnsu.edu FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 53 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide The Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council (SW MN PIC) Academic Support and Skill Building College Readiness and Access Sponsor: With state (Minnesota Youth Program), Youth Development federal (Workforce Investment Act) and private sector funding, the SW MN PIC offers youth the ability to earn wages, receive academic credit, and gain leadership skills that transcend into adulthood. Eligibility: Any youth or young adult residing in our fourteen county service area (Big Stone, Chippewa, Cottonwood, Jackson, Lac qui Parle, Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, Swift, and Yellow Medicine) that is 14–21 years old who meets established guidelines may be considered for services. Applications are available for download on the website, from local school counselors, teachers, county family service agencies, and probation officers, or by contacting your local WorkForce Center. Eligibility is determined by gross family income, AND an applicant falls into one or more of the following categories: Recovering Chemically Dependent; In Foster Care; Emotionally or Physically Challenged; Current IEP on File with School; Eligible for/or receiving Food Stamps; MFIP Recipient (family); Receiving Social Services and/or Group Home Services; Attending Alternative Schoo; Currently on Probation; Pregnant or Parenting Youth; Limited English Speaking; Runaway Youth; Homeless Youth. Description: Youth Programs: Career Planning, Career Exploration, Career Pathway services through employment and training programs for youth and young adults looking to obtain employment, maintain employment, and/or advance in their career pathway by means of secondary school completion, entering a post-secondary education program (short-term/long-term), Apprenticeship, work experience, or on-the-job training. If you are interested in learning more please contact Eriann Faris. Application Process: Upon receipt of your application, a Youth Program Coordinator will be in contact with you regarding the next steps Stipend: No guarantees, and based on funding availability Transportation: Eligibility is usually required. Eriann Faris Youth Programs 607 West Main Street Marshall, MN 56258 54 FREE www.swmnpic.org efaris@swmnpic.org 800-818-9295 Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide ThreeSixty Journalism Academic Support and Skill Building Sponsor: University of St. Thomas Eligibility: Submit completed application. Entering sophomore, junior, or senior year of high school. College Readiness and Access Youth Development Description: ThreeSixty Journalism offers high school students both residential and non-residential summer camps as well as school-year programming at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul campus. Media professionals and other mentors provide instruction to enhance reading, writing and speech skills, as well as develop journalism skills and college readiness. ThreeSixty offers you a voice to tell your story, helping you feel more connected to your community and become more driven, knowledgeable, confident, tenacious, brave, enthusiastic and passionate in life. Learn how to use words, art, and photos to tell your story! Program Dates: June 17–28, 2015 July 13–24, 2015 Application Process: Online application; includes free/reduced lunch for scholarship eligibility, sample of non-fiction writing or photography, two short essays. Deadline: June 1 Cost/Fee/Scholarship: Scholarships available for qualified free/reduced lunch students. All others are subsidized up to 80%. Stipend: A minimal stipend is available for published stories in “ThreeSixty Magazine”. Lodging: One camp is residential (overnight), the other is day-camp only (non-residential). Transportation: ThreeSixty provides transportation within program hours and activities. Students are expected to get themselves to and from program. ThreeSixty can provide transit passes for free/reduced lunch students. Chad Caruthers ThreeSixty Journalism 2115 Summit Ave,Mail 5057 St. Paul, MN 55105 www.threesixtyjournalism.org chad.caruthers@stthomas.edu FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 55 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide University of Minnesota School of Music Arts–Music, Theater, Arts, etc Sponsor: Anabel Njoes, Recruitment Coordinator Eligibility: Acceptance into the University of Minnesota and acceptance into the School of Music through a live audition. Description: The mission of the School of Music is to understand, share, and disseminate music through creation, performance, research, and education. We are committed to excellence in all scholarly, creative and pedagogical endeavors. We seek to provide the highest quality of professional training in music to students pursuing a broad variety of careers and offer artistic, cultural and intellectual enrichment to the community within and beyond the University of Minnesota. Application Process: Apply to the University of Minnesota. Apply to the School of Music by the application deadline. A complete application includes: Music Application for Scholarship & Admission. Applications received after this date will be reviewed on a case by case basis depending on space availability. Contact mnmusic@umn.edu for link to application and to inquire about your desired program/instrument. Screening Video (required for saxophone, piano, voice, and strings applicants only) Two letters of recommendation. Deadline: December 15, 2014 Cost/Fees: University of Minnesota Tuition & Fees Scholarship: The application for the School of Music will count as the scholarship application. Anabel Njoes University of Minnesota, School of Music 2106 S 4th Street 100 Ferguson Hall Minneapolis, MN 55455 music.umn.edu anabel@umn.edu 56 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide University Recreation & Wellness Youth Programs Summer Day Camps Sponsor: University of Minnesota, University Recreation & Wellness, University Youth & Community Programs Eligibility: Youth ages 5–15. Academic Support and Skill Building Arts–Music, Theater, Arts, etc. College Readiness and Access Cultural Programming Outdoor/Wilderness/ Camping STEM–Science, Technology, Description: Summer Youth Programs are structured Engineering and Math as weekly day camps for ages 5–15. Specialty Youth Development instruction in the categories of Kids’ University, Minnesota Sport Schools, and Discovering ‘U’ is combined with daily recreational activities, while Gopher Adventures camp offerings focus purely on fun, recreational experiences. All camps feature rock climbing, swimming, high quality facilities, and energetic staff to create a full day of quality activities and a summer like no other. Program Dates: June 8–August 21, 2015 (Week long day camps) Application Process: Open registration via the online registration system. Scholarship: 2015 Scholarship Information can be found online after January 30, 2105 at: http://recwell.umn.edu/youth/scholarship.php Applications are collected until the deadline. After funding is distributed in early March, an interest list is collected for any additional funding that becomes available. Deadline: Friday, February 27, 2015 at 4pm Cost/Fee: Fees range from $219–$349 per week. Scholarship applications cost $10 per child, with minimum $25 copay for all awards. Full and partial scholarships available. Venessa Fiedler University Youth Programs Summer Day Camps 1536 N Cleveland Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 recwell.umn.edu/youth ypsummer@umn.edu FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 57 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Urban Battle’s Tutoring/Mentoring Program Academic Support and Skill Building Sponsor: Vora S.E.R.V.I.C.E. Non-Profit Organization Eligibility: Any student from grades 1–12 who has the desire to learn and would like tutoring and mentoring. Description: The program is an academic tutoring program for children in grades 1–12. It is designed to help children who are behind academically, socially and maybe have poor attitudes. It tries to build the individual child’s self confidence and instill in them the belief that they have value. VISION: We believe that having strong literacy skills will empower youth to move out of poverty. MAIN GOAL: To improve the ability of our children/youth in lowincome communities to do math, read, write and communicate effectively in English, allowing them to graduate HS prepared for college or vocation. Program Dates: January 1–December 31, 2015, every Monday and Tuesday; Meal from 6:30–7pm and Tutoring from 7–8:30pm. Application Process: Call Amanda Jacobson @ 651-587-3451 or email her; or call Dr. Geeta Vora @ 763-780-8837 or email her at geetavora52@yahoo.com; or show up at the program location 441, Rice Street, St. Paul, MN 55103. Geeta S. Vora Urban Battle’s Tutoring/Mentoring Program 441 Rice Street St. Pau, MN 55013 www.voraservice.org geetavora52@yahoo.com 58 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide West 7th Summer School and Day Camp Academic Support and Skill Building STEM–Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Sponsor: Keystone Community Services Eligibility: Open to students entering grades K-10 that attend school in St. Paul; public, private, or charter. Youth Development Description:West 7th Community Center infuses Summer School with enrichment and fun. Students receive reading and math instruction from licensed teachers. A STEM Specialist teaches science, technology, engineering, and math. The Second Step social skills curriculum teaches empathy, problemsolving, and emotion management. Academics are complemented with enrichment: debate, art, theater, music, cooking, gardening, tennis, soccer, basketball, floor hockey, swimming, and service learning. Field trips include museums, zoos, and nature centers. Breakfast, lunch and snack provided. Summer School and Day Camp is licensed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services and accredited by the Minnesota After School Accreditation Project. Our program strives to meet the highest standards of quality, giving students the support needed to achieve their full potential. Program Dates: June 15–August 7, 2015 Application Process: Call or email Amalia Canepa-Green to obtain registration forms: 651-298-5493, x.211, acanepa-green@west7th.org Cost/Fee: Low fees: Sliding fee scale with low fees Scholarship: The first family that responds to this ad may attend at no charge, if income eligible for assistance Transporation: Transportation provided within the West 7th neighborhood, only for families with no car, if space remains in the vans. Julie Murphy West 7th Community Center 265 Oneida Street St Paul, MN 55102 www.west7th.org jmurphy@west7th.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 59 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Young Writers’ Program at the Loft Literary Center Sponsor: The Loft Literary Center Eligibility: The program is open to all children and teens ages 6–17 (grades 1–12) who are interested in creative writing. Academic Support and Skill Building Arts–Music, Theater, Arts, etc College Readiness and Access Description: This year the Loft’s Young Writers’ Program is thrilled to offer a multitude of creative writing classes across genres (fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction). We’ll have more than 50 new classes, plus returning favorites including comic- and bookmaking collaborations with Minnesota Center for Book Arts; advanced level fiction classes, help with writing the college application essay, as well as writing horror, fantasy, world building, time travel, and sci-fi! We’ll even be “visited” by Jane Austen, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and John Green, in classes that use these beloved authors or characters as teaching tools for kids and teens to learn how to craft engaging fiction, poetry, and personal essays of their own. Our talented pool of teaching artists—many of them published children’s book and young adult authors—eagerly await you this summer! Program Dates: June 15–August 14, 2015 Application Process: There is no application required; only registration. Call 612-379-8999 to register by phone or request a class catalog, or go to www.loft.org/classes to register online. Cost/Fee: Classes cost anywhere from approximately $90 up to over $600. All classes are either one or two weeks long, with different time frames available (90 minutes to all day, 9am-4pm) Scholarship: There is a quick application process required for a scholarship; email amin@loft.org for more information, or go to https://www.loft.org/ classes/policies_and_rates/ to apply to the scholarship pool. Jennifer Dodgson Young Writers’ Program at the Loft 1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55415 www.loft.org jdodgson@loft.org 60 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide YOUniversity Sponsor: Saint Paul Public Schools Community Education Eligibility: Any youth in grades 6–12 is eligible to register. Academic Support and Skill Building Arts–Music, Theater, Arts, etc College Readiness and Access STEM–Science, Technology, Description: At YOUniversity, youth entering grades Engineering and Math 6–12 choose from a variety of amazing, in-depth classes. Build new skills and talents or explore a topic you already care about. You do not need to be a Saint Paul Public Schools student to join! Classes include: Animation, App Development, Babysitter’s Training, Ballroom Dance, Bicycle Building, Cooking, Crime Scene Investigation, Digital Photography, Digital Storytelling, Driver’s Education, Firewriting, Global Beats, Gymnastics, Hip Hop, Lifeguard Training, No Fear Shakespeare, Pitch Perfect, Summer College Tour, Theatre Character Study, Theatre Improv, Swim Instructor Assistant Training, Woodshop. Classes are open to both males and females unless otherwise specified. Program Dates: July 20– 24, 2015 M–F, 9am–12pm and 12pm–3:30pm. Application Process: Registration opens April 1, 2015. Limited partial scholarships are available; call 651-487-7383 to register with a scholarship. Registration fees range from $86–$120 per class. Cost/Fee: Registration fees range from $86–$120 per class. Scholarship: Limited partial scholarships are available; call 651-487-7383 to register with a scholarship. Julie Richards and Rachel Katkar Community Education 560 Concordia Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 651-487-7383 http://commed.spps.org ce.youthprogram@spps.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 61 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Youth Outdoors Outdoor/Wilderness/ Camping Sponsor: Conservations Corps Eligibility: Youth must live in Saint Paul, Minneapolis or greater Ramsey County. For some site locations, youth must come from households that meet income eligibility guidelines. STEM–Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Description: Youth Outdoors hires young people to add value to their community, the environment and themselves through their dedicated service. The crew members participate in a rigorous program of work, education and training, and complete environmental restoration projects within the Twin Cities area. Youth crew members earn a wage while receiving technical and job skills training, designing service projects and leading volunteers to revitalize their neighborhoods, and engaging in environmental science to boost academic performance. The program is 11 weeks long in the spring and fall, and crew members work up to 12 hours per week. Program Dates: March 24–June 4, 2015 Application Process: Visit our website for more information and to apply: http://www.conservationcorps.org/applications-youth Deadline: February 13 or until all positions are filled Stipend: Youth earn $8.00 per hour and work between 5–12 hours per week. Transportation: Youth meet at Twin Cities recreation centers at the start of each scheduled shift, and we provide transportation to project sites. Hollis Emery Youth Outdoors 60 Plato Blvd E, Ste 210 St. Paul, MN 55107 www.conservationcorps.org hollis@conservationcorps.org 62 FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 2015 Minnesota Education Equity Partnership Academic Enrichment Guide Youth Performance Co Summer Theatre Camps Arts– Music, Theater, Arts, etc. Sponsor: Youth Performance Company Youth Development Cultural Programming Eligibility: Open to all students in Junior or Senior High Schools Description: Each week of the summer offers camp programs with both theatre arts and social issues platforms. They are guided by professional staff with a goal of a shared performance at the end of each week. Topics range from musical theatre to script writing to leadership tools. Program Dates: June 15–Aug 28, 2015 Application Process: Register on line at youthperformanceco.org Cost/Fee: $130 for half day; $250 for full day camp weeks Scholarship: Please ask for financial aid packet Stipend: We also have work study programs. Joey Babay Youth Performance Co Summer Camp 3338 University Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414 www.youthperformanceco.org jbabay@youthperformanceco.org FREE Appl. Deadline See Legend on Page 4 63 (Formerly Minnesota Minority Education Partnership) For a PDF version of this guide, please visit mncollegeaccess.org 2233 University Avenue W, Suite 220 Saint Paul, MN 55114 651.645.7400 MnEEP.org
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