ORGANIZING COMMITEE PATRON Prof.I.K.Bhat (Director, MNIT Jaipur) COORDINATORS Dr. Amar Patnaik, Assistant Professor, MED Dr. Amit Singh, Assistant Professor, MED Dr. Harlal S Mali, Assistant Professor, MED Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, MED Dr. Gunjan Soni, Assistant Professor, MED COMMUNICATE TO Dr. Amar Patnaik Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, MNIT JAIPUR (Rajasthan) -302017 +91-9530146812 Note: All the correspondence regarding program shall be made through email only. IMPORTANT DTAES Registration closes: 10th May 2015 Notification of Selection: 12th May 2015 Commencement of program: 18th May 2015 MISSION STATEMENT “To achieve and sustain technology in order to produce leading entrepreneurs and innovators in the field of Mechanical Engineering” Summer Internship Program In “Advances in Industrial Research Applications in Mechanical Engineering” (May 18th-June 26th, 2015) ELIGIBILITY Aspiring student of B.Tech and M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering can apply for program. Entries from interested final year polytechnic students can be also considered. REGISTARTION FEE The registration fee of Rs. 5000/- is to be paid through demand draft drawn in favour of “Registrar, MNIT Jaipur” payable at JAIPUR. Registration fee include the following: Program Kit Study Material ACCOMODATION Limited accommodation is available at MNIT for boys and girl students on payment basis as per institute norms. ORGANIZED BY: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MALAVIYA NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JAIPUR (RAJASTHAN)-302017 ( Scope & Objectives COURSE CONTENTS REGISTRATION FORM Summer Internship Program (SIP) is an additional part of the course curriculum for the students of B.Tech and M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering Department. It provides an exposure to the students on real life tribological problems and an opportunity to work on them intensively. It also helps them understand the fundamental concepts of tribology of advanced engineering materials. They also get to apply concepts and theory learnt in the class room on real life problems. During the SIP, each student is assigned to handle the various equipments and machines available in the laboratory. This course will be introductory in nature addressing the fundamental understanding as well as the applications of composite materials. Fundamentals of Tribology 1. Friction, Wear, Lubrication, importance of tribology, 2. Basic characteristics of contact surfaces, Friction: causes of friction in mechanical systems, Using HyperMesh 1. To introduce the basics of HyperMesh and its features. 2. To perform bending analysis of simply supported beam under uniformly distributed load using HyperMesh. Advance Manufacturing Lab 1. Cincinnati Milacron Arrow 500 Vertical Machining Center 2. Bridgeport interact MK2 1 Vertical Milling Machine 3. ZNC Electric Discharge Machining 3 Axis Instrumentation and Robotics 1. Introduction to Industrial Automation and Control 2. Architecture of Industrial Automation Systems. 3. Introduction to Industrial Robotics Statistical tools in industry 1. Formulation of an industrial 2. Use of statistical tools in solving industrial problems 3. Solving Six Sigma projects using statistics Malaviya National Institute of Technology Venue of the Program Mechanical engineering department started functioning in 1963 at the inception of the institute. The department offers a four-year course leading to the Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering as well as two full and part-time postgraduate programmes in Manufacturing Systems Engineering & Energy Engineering, and going to commence Design & Production Engineering from July 2013.The Department also offers Ph. D programme in various specializations of the Mechanical Engineering. Jaipur (Rajasthan)-302017 (May 18th -26th June 2015) Full Name: ___________________________________ Course studying: _______________________________ Institute: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ Address of Correspondence: _____________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Pin Code: ___________ Mobile: _________________ E.mail:________________________________________ Details of Registration Fee: Name of Bank & Branch: _______________________ DD No.: ______________Dated: __________________ For Rs.______________________________________ (DD should be in favour of “Registrar, MNIT Jaipur”, payable at Jaipur) Date: Participant Signature of The student is bonafied student of our institute and we recommend his/her candidature for the program. Signature and stamp of the head of the institution (Note: Please post your completely filled registration form)
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