Read the Instructions

Instructions for Abstract Submission
2015 Modular and Offsite Construction [MOC] Summit
International Conference on the Industrialization of Construction [ICIC]
An Odyssey to Industrialize Construction
Submission format options available:
Option 1: Presentation only
Option 2: Paper & Presentation
Option 3: Poster
The organizing committee of the 2015 Modular and Offsite Construction [MOC] Summit & 1st
International Conference on the Industrialization of Construction [ICIC] is pleased to announce a
call for abstracts. The MOC Summit & ICIC will be held on May 19-21, 2015, at the Shaw Conference
Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Compared to traditional construction approaches, the industrialized construction process reduces cost and
construction time, generates higher quality products, and creates healthier and safer environments for
workers and occupants. The 2015 MOC Summit & 1st ICIC will bring together delegates from industry
and academia to showcase the benefits and address the challenges of industrializing building construction
through a series of interactive presentations, panel discussions, and information sessions. This year the
scope has been expanded to include an academic component and published conference proceedings.
The theme for this year is “An Odyssey to Industrialize Construction”. Possible topics include:
Workforce accommodation and logistics
Industrialization of residential and commercial building construction
Heavy industrial construction
Construction material innovations (wood and bio-based products, steel, precast concrete)
Simulation and optimization for industrialized construction
Industrialized building systems and design
Productivity and ergonomics
Building information modelling (BIM)
Lean manufacturing
Socioeconomic aspects of modular and offsite construction
Evidence-based and user-centric design
Target cost and target scheduling
Modular construction: Case studies and lessons learned
Automation and robotics in construction
Advancements in building manufacturing technologies
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Instructions for Abstract Submission
Session track organization will correspond to the abstract topics listed above. All abstracts submitted will
be blind-reviewed and evaluated by a review committee. Each abstract will be reviewed with respect to
the stated topic under which it was submitted in order to ascertain the following:
Whether the subject matter is relevant and suitable
Whether the instructions and presentation format requirements described in this Call for Abstracts
were followed; and
The overall quality of the abstract.
Criteria for evaluating the quality of abstracts include originality of ideas, conciseness of the presented
methods and results, clarity of theoretical and/or applied implications, and quality of writing. Abstracts
which do not meet these criteria will be rejected. All submitters are bound by copyright rules and
distribution of material law.
The 2015 MOC Summit & 1st ICIC is open to anyone who works in or has an interest in the field of
modular and offsite construction. Submitted abstracts may explore research, practice, advanced
technologies and software applications, and/or policy.
Abstracts must be submitted via the MOC Summit & ICIC website as per the instructions outlined later in
this document. Please read ALL the instructions carefully before completing the abstract submission
form. Changes to submitted abstracts will not be accepted after the abstract submission deadline.
By submitting an abstract to the MOC Summit & ICIC, abstract authors are agreeing that at least one
author will be able to present on the date and at the time assigned by the organizing committee in order to
secure inclusion in the Summit program and published proceedings (for Paper & Presentation option
only—see below). Please note that all contributors on submitted abstracts planning to attend the MOC
Summit & ICIC (including presenters) are required to complete a registration form and pay the
registration fee by April 30th, 2015. Abstracts for which at least one author/presenter is not registered by
April 30th, 2015 will automatically be withdrawn from the program.
Three submission format options are available to prospective presenters submitting abstracts: (1)
Presentation only (presenter gives presentation during Summit program); (2) Paper & presentation
(paper published in proceedings; author gives presentation during Summit program); and (3) Poster
(poster displayed during poster session).
1. Presentation Only
For this option, there is no need to submit a paper—only an abstract is required. The presentations will be
limited to 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions/discussion).
Important dates for Presentation Only option:
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Instructions for Abstract Submission
April 10th, 2015
Deadline for ABSTRACT Submission
Within 2 working days of Submission
Notification of Decision on ABSTRACT
April 30th, 2015
Presenter REGISTRATION Deadline
2015 MOC Summit & 1st ICIC
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2. Paper & Presentation
Presentations of papers that are accepted for inclusion in the Summit program will be limited to 20
minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions/discussion). Abstracts are not to exceed
300 words. A template for full paper submission is available here.
Important dates for Paper & presentation option:
March 6th, 2015 (New)
Deadline for ABSTRACT Submission
Within 2 working days of Submission
Notification of Decision on ABSTRACT
March 20th, 2015
Deadline for PAPER Submission
Within 10 working days of Submission
Notification of Decision on PAPER
Deadline for Final PAPER Submission
Author/Presenter REGISTRATION Deadline
2015 MOC Summit & 1st ICIC
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3. Poster
The Poster Session is a display presentation. Posters must be staffed by the author for a designated period
of time. Poster dimensions should be 24” (height) x 36” (width), and as a minimum posters should
include the following components:
Poster title
Name and affiliation of each author
Poster abstracts are not to exceed 300 words.
Important dates for Poster option:
April 10th, 2015
Deadline for ABSTRACT Submission
Within 2 working days of Submission
Notification of Decision on ABSTRACT
April 30th, 2015
Author/Presenter REGISTRATION Deadline
May 19th - 21st, 2015
2015 MOC Summit & 1st ICIC
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Instructions for Abstract Submission
Visit the abstract submission website:
Follow the on-screen directions to complete your submission.
Important information
All abstract notifications will be sent to the e-mail address of the abstract submitter. It is the
responsibility of the abstract submitter to distribute the information to any presenting authors
and/or co-authors.
The abstract title and abstract will be printed in the program as entered. Please do not use all caps
in the title or abstract.
The online submission system will not accept abstracts longer than 300 words.
If the submitter is an author on the abstract, they must include their own name and affiliation
among the listed authors.
If no author or co-author is able to attend the Summit to present in person, the abstract must be withdrawn
in advance (by April 30th, 2015) so that an alternate paper may be substituted. Please note that there will
be a cancellation penalty for withdrawals after April 30th, 2015 (20% of registration fee).
If you have any questions regarding the abstract/paper submission process, please email
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