Made in Italy Introducing MODA The MODA Sparkling Water System was born in Italy out of a desire to mirror the taste and quality of the highest end bottled water. The evolving standard in Europe, this state-of-the-art technology provides an outstanding opportunity to increase profits, streamline your business and ignite your customers' joy of taste. PU RE PROFITS MODA allows you to offer pure, premium still or sparkling water instantly on tap and sell MODA water in reusable glassware on site. It also doubles as soda for mixed drinks. From as little as 10 cents/bottle, the results are liquid gold! PRISTINE TASTE Thanks to its world-class filtration and delivery systems, MODA water is pure and very low in salt while preserving natural minerals. The result is a pristine taste that enhances your reputation and keeps customers asking for more. OPE RATIONAL ADVANTAG ES Streamline your operations by removing the hassle and expense of ordering and disposing of countless water bottles. The MODA system also saves you refrigeration costs and frees up valuable storage and fridge space. G RE E N CRE DE NTIAL S Your reduction in an enormous number of disposable bottles helps you make a statement as a business, and to your customers, that you care about the environment by reducing disposable waste and food miles. MODA MIXE RS Our Italian-inspired MODA mixers are rich fruit syrups handcrafted in Australia. They extend the value of the system by creating MODA sodas and mixers for spirits as a ready addition to any mixed drink menu. L ATEST TECHNOLOGY + SU PPORT MODA improves on earlier generation systems through its taste and bead calibration (from spritz to soda!), ease of customisation, compact size and WaterMark certification. Not to mention our unrivalled local service and support. 305 Dimensions: from 262 x 305 x 485mm Available with single, twin or triple font 485 The pursuit of the best tasting sparkling water is a long-standing obsession of Italians. So much so, that it drove them to invent something special. Benchtop unit also available The system of choice for Billy Kwong, Ester, Attica, Bloodwood, Taxi, Longrain, 121 BC, Bei Amici, Pablo & Rusty’s and Rootstock... For more information, MODA tasting and profit demonstration: 1800-265526 | |
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