Overview and Scrutiny Committee 14 May 2015 The Dulwich Care Centre (DCC) Wards: Service based in Knights Hill Report Authorised by: Helen Charlesworth May, Strategic Director of Commissioning Contact for enquiries: Jennifer.burgess@nhs.net Jennifer Burgess, Integrated Commissioning Manager, 020 3049 4336/07771 344372 Report summary Representatives of the Dulwich Care Centre have been invited to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC) on 14 May 2015 to discuss the findings of the January 2015 Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection report. The DCC is a care home based in Knights Hill Ward and is registered to provide care for older adults with physical needs and for people with dementia. In November 2014 CQC and Lambeth Care Management and Contract management made independent unannounced visits to the DCC. Lambeth Care Management and Contract Management in response to a safeguarding, and complaints received from Lambeth Healthwatch. CQC formal report published in January 2015 gave an overall rating for the DCC of ‘inadequate’. DCC had previously been embargoed by London Borough of Lambeth in 2013. The embargo was lifted in May 2014. An embargo on the service means London Borough of Lambeth places an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with the service, and informs other boroughs using the service of the embargo. In this case no placements were made at the DCC by Lambeth Council and all other placing authorities were informed. Finance summary This report provides context for the discussion at OSC meeting and has no financial implications. Recommendations Overview and Scrutiny Committtee to review the service with the Dulwich Care Centre interim management team in attendance at 14 May 2015 meeting. 1. Context 1.1 The Dulwich Care Centre (DCC) is registered to provide care for older adults with physical needs and for people with dementia. The DCC can accommodate up to 92 people, split across four floors: Lower ground floor – residential care Ground floor – general nursing care First floor – provides nursing care for people with dementia Second floor – provides residential care for people with dementia At 22 April 2015 there were 58 residents: 1.2 Placing authority Number of residents Lambeth 18 Southwark 18 Wandsworth 2 Sutton 2 Brent 1 Croydon 1 Westminster 1 Dorset 1 Hertfordshire 1 Self funders 10 NHS funded continuing care 3 Total 58 Background The DCC was embargoed in 2013 and the (former) Health and Adult Services Scrutiny Sub Committee met with the DCC several times to review CQC inspection reports. Councillors also visited the home. In January 2014 the Health OSC was satisfied that the required improvements were being made at the DCC. The embargo was lifted in May 2014 with the proviso that any future concerns in relation to care and management should be reported. Lambeth Council have not made any placements at the DCC since the embargo was lifted in May 2014. 1.3 Current embargo In November 2014 both CQC and Lambeth Care Management/Contract Management made independent unannounced visits to the DCC. CQC inspection reported an overall rating for the DCC as ‘inadequate’, specifically: Safety of service – inadequate Effectiveness of service – requires improvement Care provided by service – requires improvement Responsiveness of service – inadequate Leadership of service – requires improvement An embargo was placed on the service in December 2014 and other boroughs who had placed at the DCC were informed and requested to assess their clients. No placing authority or relative have requested a resident be moved from the facility. 1.4 Actions December 2014 – January 2015 1.5 Lambeth Council assessed their clients, including self funders All other placing boroughs assessed their clients, including self funders Care Home Support Team assessed those clients in receipt of a continuing healthcare package The South London and Maudsley (SLaM) Specialist Mental Health Intervention Team (SMIT) visited the home to reviewed a resident with dementia exhibiting challenging behaviour and observed staff care of people with dementia Medicines management team reviewed recording and administration of drugs Initiated performance management meetings between Lambeth Commissioning/Adult Social Care (ASC) and interim management team at the DCC with ‘live’ action/improvement plan based on CQC report and ongoing investigations Weekly update on action plan provided to Lambeth Commissioning/ASC Initiate Lambeth Healthwatch inclusion in meetings with relatives, and support to recruitment of activities coordinators No placing authority or relative requested a resident be moved from the facility. Actions ongoing Monthly performance management meetings with Lambeth Commissioning/Adult Social Care and the DCC interim management team, there is a detailed improvement plan in place which is reviewed each meeting DCC have put a number of new measures and policies in place to address the failings outlined in the CQC inspection report and Lambeth Officers have been provided with the detailed evidence of the measures and policies, and the impact of these interventions continue to be monitored Lambeth ASC safeguarding meeting arranged with all relevant boroughs and the DCC interim management team to review and complete all safeguardings raised 1.6 Regular reporting to Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care Councillor Meldrum Lambeth Commissioning/ASC and Healthwatch attendance at meetings between relatives and the DCC interim management team The DCC will remain embargoed until the end of June 2015 when performance management will be reviewed together with CQC reporting. This will determine the need for continued performance management in Quarter 2, July – September 2015. The DCC has taken a decision to no longer provide a specialist dementia service within the facility. As a result, those clients capapable of being cared for within DCC have been moved to other floors. Those who require dementia specialist care will be placed in other establishments more suited to their needs. This will affect three non-Lambeth residents only, and placing boroughs are currently working with the DCC to facilitate moves to more appropriate care homes. CQC CQC made an unannounced inspection at the DCC on 11 February 2015. A formal report of this visit has not been published, however a draft report has been viewed indicating improvement across all domains. Further unannounced inspections will occur. 1.7 Lambeth Council At the initial meeting with the DCC director and regional director on 22 December 2014, ACS and Commissioning challenged the provider about specific performance issued raised by CQC, and those found in safeguarding alerts. Requests were made to the DCC director to provide evidence to support claims at the meeting of how the service was addressing issues. Concern was expressed that an embargo of the service had only been lifted earlier in the year. The DCC director resigned at the end of December 2014, and subsequent monthly meetings with the interim management team have progressed a comprehensive plan of action to address all themes found by CQC, safeguarding and Lambeth Healthwatch. The DCC interim management team have been open and transparent in their approach, acknowledging all the deficits in service. The DCC interim management team have been open and transparent with relatives about the deficits in service, and are regularly meeting and communicating about the changes being made to the service. 1.8 This is not a Procurement Report. 2. Proposal and Reasons 2.1 This is a background report for OSC review of service only and there are no proposals or options for consideration. 3. Finance 3.1 Not applicable. 4. Legal and Democracy 4.1 The recommendations in this report support the principles of safeguarding vulnerable adults in accordance with LB Lambeth’s statutory duties most notably contained within the Care Act 2014. 5 Consultation and co-production 5.1 Lambeth Healthwatch have been systemtically included in all resident and relatives meetings and have provided feedback to the DCC interim management team. 5.2 Resident and relatives meetings have been held in January and March/April respectively by the interim management team for all four suites within the DCC. The meetings have had representation from Lambeth Commissioning/ASC and Lambeth Healthwatch. 5.3 Lambeth Healthwatch are participating in the recruitment of activities coordinators for the DCC. 6 Risk management 6.1 Continued performance management of the DCC to ensure safety of residents at the DCC and until sustained improvement in service is demonstrated. 7 Equalities impact assessment 7.1 No EIA has been completed for this report. 8 Community safety 8.1 There are no community safety concerns pertaining to the Crime & Disorder Act 1998, Section 17). 9 Organisational implications 9.1 Environmental None. 9.2 Staffing and accommodation None. 9.3 Procurement None. 9.4 Health Ongoing performance management of the DCC supports the principles of safeguarding vulnerable adults and ensuring the health and wellbeing of all residents at the centre. 10 Timetable for implementation 10.1 The DCC will remain embargoed until the end of June 2015 when performance management will be reviewed together with CQC reporting. This will determine the need for continued performance management in Quarter 2, July – September 2015. Audit trail Consultation Name/Position Helen Charlesworth-May Finance Legal Services Democratic Services Councillor Councillor Internal Officer Board Procurement Board External Lambeth cluster/division or partner Strategic Director Business Partnering Enabling: Integrated Support Enabling: Corporate Affairs Cabinet Member: Ward Councillor Date of meeting Not applicable Report history Original discussion with Cabinet Member Report deadline Date final report sent Report no. Part II Exempt from Disclosure/confidential accompanying report? Key decision report Date first appeared on forward plan Key decision reasons Background information Appendices Date Sent Date Received Comments in para: 30.04.15 27.04.15 27.04.15 01.05.15 30.04.15 30.04.15 None Section 4 27.04.15 30.04.15 Section 4 N/A N/A ? N/A 30.04.2015 13/15-16 No No N/A N/A None Care Quality Commission Report January 2015
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