Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision Billinge and Seneley Green P/2015/0138 113 RECTORY ROAD ASHTON IN MAKERFIELD Demolition of existing single extension and erection of a single storey rear extension. 23-Feb-15 31-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0189 4 STATION MEWS ASHTON IN MAKERFIELD 12-Mar-15 7-Apr-15 Permitted Development P/2015/0158 7 FAIR VIEW BILLINGE Single storey rear extension projecting 3.9m from the rear, 3.7m high overall, and 2.5m to the eaves, following demolition of existing conservatory.Permitted Development Erection of single storey front porch extension. 24-Feb-15 7-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0100 5 RAINFORD ROAD BILLINGE Change of use from post office to hot food take-away. 11-Feb-15 24-Mar-15 Withdrawn P/2015/0105 BIRCHLEY HALL BIRCHLEY ROAD Listed building consent for a change of use of outbuildings (formerly barn and stables) to a residential unit. 12-Feb-15 8-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0073 BILLINGE C OF E CHURCH NEWTON ROAD Replacement of polycarbonate window guards with black coated stainless steel mesh on 12no windows and replacement of stonework on 9no windows. 3-Feb-15 30-Mar-15 Granted 51 SYCAMORE AVENUE HAYDOCK Single storey side and rear extension. 20-Feb-15 7-Apr-15 Granted Blackbrook P/2015/0129 Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision P/2015/0089 3 ALFORD AVENUE CLOCK FACE Demolition of existing conservatory, and erection of single storey rear extension. 9-Feb-15 17-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0045 4 ABBOTSFIELD ROAD BOLD Erection of two storey, and single storey extension to veterinary practice. 14-Jan-15 16-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0143 2 LIONEL STREET BOLD 24-Feb-15 19-Mar-15 Withdrawn P/2015/0141 29 BUDWORTH AVENUE CLOCK FACE Remove and make good dishes and aerials, cctv cameras, letterbox to front door, security lights to front door, bulkhead lights to front and rear elevations, floodlight to side elevation, hand rail to front and key safes; replace and paint rear door, paint and improve front door, remove grafitti, repair windows, install steel shutters to ground floor openings, and remove concrete panel fencing and gate to vehicular access. Retain guttering, railings, gate and the fencing on southern boundary. Two storey side and rear extension. 24-Feb-15 27-Mar-15 Granted Erection of raised external decking along with bi folding doors 13-Feb-15 7-Apr-15 Granted Bold Earlestown P/2015/0128 5 NICHOLS PLC AT LARUEL HOUSE WOODLANDS PARK Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision P/2015/0133 165 COMMON ROAD NEWTON LE WILLOWS Demolition of existing single storey rear extension, and erection of new single storey rear extension, and formation of dropped kerb onto classified road. 23-Feb-15 7-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0144 167 COMMON ROAD NEWTON LE WILLOWS Erection of single storey rear extension. 23-Feb-15 31-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0048 DEACON TRADING ESTATE EARLE STREET Proposed retaining wall and 0.9m high bow top railings, in connection with residential development (ref. P2014/0627). 5-Jan-15 13-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0085 7 LEDBURY CLOSE ECCLESTON Erection of two storey side and rear extension. 4-Feb-15 24-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0194 31 CLARKES CRESCENT ECCLESTON Single storey rear extension projecting 4.9 m from the rear, 3.6m high overall, and 2.3m to the eaves. 13-Mar-15 23-Mar-15 Withdrawn P/2015/0188 19 FOREST MEAD ECCLESTON Erection of single storey rear extension.Permitted Development 11-Mar-15 13-Mar-15 Permitted Development P/2015/0094 8 NICHOLL ROAD ECCLESTON Single storey rear extension. 9-Feb-15 26-Mar-15 Granted Eccleston Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision P/2015/0086 CORPORATION YARD ST HELENS ROAD Construction of temporary widening of access off St Helens Road for large scale cleaning of water main. 27-Jan-15 1-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0139 59 SPRINGFIELD LANE ECCLESTON Works to trees protected by a tree preservation order to remove 1no birch. 24-Feb-15 24-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0083 166 KILN LANE ECCLESTON Demolition of existing garage and erection of attached garage. 5-Feb-15 13-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0093 6 KENNET ROAD HAYDOCK 10-Feb-15 18-Mar-15 Permitted Development P/2015/0109 4 SKITTERS GROVE ASHTON IN MAKERFIELD Demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension projecting 5m from the rear, 3.5m high overall and 2.4m to the eaves.*AMENDED PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE FOUR ROOFLIGHTS*Permitted Development Erection of 6.1m high fence to rear of property. 3-Feb-15 31-Mar-15 Withdrawn Works to trees covered by a tree preservation order for crown lifting of 1no lime. 8-Jan-15 17-Mar-15 Granted Haydock Moss Bank P/2015/0055 29 ULLSWATER AVENUE ST HELENS Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision P/2015/0164 93 HIGH STREET NEWTON LE WILLOWS Works to trees in a conservation area to fell 3no ash. 5-Mar-15 25-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0132 54 WARWICK AVENUE NEWTON LE WILLOWS Single storey rear extension projecting 3.50m from the rear, 3.35m high overall, and 2.60m to the eaves.(Replacing existing lean-to) 24-Feb-15 1-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0063 NEWTON LE WILLOWS PRIMARY SCHOOL Installation of games area, bouldering wall and demountable cover over existing seating area. 27-Jan-15 26-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0106 25 PARK ROAD NORTH NEWTON LE WILLOWS Works to 1no broad leafed lime tree. 13-Feb-15 25-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0049 RAILWAY BUILDINGS NEWTON LE WILLOWS RAILWAY Erection of cycle shelter. 21-Jan-15 13-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0067 10 SHERI DRIVE NEWTON LE WILLOWS Raising of ridge height on existing roof and erection of 2no dormers to both sides of the dwelling. 29-Jan-15 17-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0033 LAND AT VICTORIA INN WARGRAVE ROAD Erection of 3 no dwellings. 16-Jan-15 13-Mar-15 Granted Newton Parr Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision P/2015/0061 191 PARR STOCKS ROAD ST HELENS Demolition of existing single storey extension and erection of a single storey rear extension. 26-Jan-15 26-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0098 91 PARR STOCKS ROAD ST HELENS Application for prior approval for the change of use from first floor offices to 2no one bedroom flats. (B1-C3).Permitted Development 10-Feb-15 26-Mar-15 Permitted Development P/2014/0889 LAND ADJACENT TO BOLD MINERS NEIGHBOURHOOD Erection of 124 bed nursing home and nursery (outline with appearance, landscaping and scale reserved). 23-Oct-14 26-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0136 8 DOWNWAY LANE ST HELENS Retrospective application for lean-to timber store. 18-Feb-15 8-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0088 26 ORMSKIRK ROAD RAINFORD Raising of ridge height on existing roof. 9-Feb-15 26-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0095 41 ST HELENS ROAD RAINFORD Proposed demolition of existing dwelling, and erection of new build property and detached garage 3-Feb-15 2-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0084 JUNCTION OF RAINFORD BYPASS AND MILL LANE Erection of 2no stack signs. 5-Feb-15 20-Mar-15 Granted Rainford Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision P/2015/0108 200 NEWS LANE RAINFORD Creation of vehicular access. 9-Feb-15 7-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0135 102 ST HELENS ROAD RAINFORD Single storey rear extension. 23-Feb-15 1-Apr-15 Withdrawn P/2015/0155 PROMISED LAND FARM ROBINS LANE Erection of 1no agricultural building. 2-Mar-15 27-Mar-15 Prior Notification Granted P/2015/0074 57 SCARISBRICK ROAD RAINFORD Erection of two storey side extension 3-Feb-15 24-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0080 184 ST HELENS ROAD RAINFORD Single storey extension to side/rear. 4-Feb-15 26-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0065 HOLLY HOUSE WARRINGTON ROAD Erection of single storey side extension. 12-Jan-15 23-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0099 12 LAWTON ROAD RAINHILL Assorted works to trees in a conservation area. 11-Feb-15 19-Mar-15 Granted Rainhill Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision P/2015/0126 3 BURTON CLOSE RAINHILL Flat to pitched roof on existing canopy to front. 19-Feb-15 8-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0118 ASHDOWN 546 WARRINGTON ROAD Works to a tree in a conservation area to fell 1no. weeping willow. 17-Feb-15 24-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0162 101 SANDRINGHAM DRIVE ST HELENS Demolition of existing conservatory, and erection of single storey side/rear extension. 2-Mar-15 31-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0113 199 MILL LANE SUTTON LEACH Two storey side extension. 16-Feb-15 31-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0114 52 BROTHERHOOD DRIVE ST HELENS Erection of two storey side extension. 17-Feb-15 7-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0177 THE MILLHOUSE 172 MILL LANE Consent to display 2no fascia signs, 1no pictoral SUTTON LEACH sign, 1no logo sign, - all illuminated; and 2no car park signs, 2no amenity boards 1no chalk board, two brass menu signs; and assorted lighting scheme. 109 IRWIN ROAD Single storey rear/side extension. ST HELENS 9-Mar-15 8-Apr-15 Granted 5-Mar-15 7-Apr-15 Granted Sutton P/2015/0163 Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision P/2015/0151 187 MILL LANE SUTTON LEACH Works to trees covered by a tree preservation order to sever and remove ivy,crown clean deadwood,remove epicoric growth,and reduce selected branches to 2no limes. 27-Feb-15 7-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0090 GROVE HOUSE FARM ELTON HEAD ROAD Demolition of outbuilding and erection of 1no dwelling. 6-Feb-15 30-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0092 FORMER THE BOARS HEAD 675 Change of use from public house (A4) to retail ELTON HEAD ROAD (A1). 6-Feb-15 2-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0153 46 HEATHERLEIGH RAINHILL Works to trees covered by a tree preservation order to reduce and thin canopy of 1no oak. 3-Mar-15 8-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0134 ST HELENS TOWN HALL VICTORIA SQUARE Consent to display 1no internally illuminated neon advertisement sign for a temporary period. (from 25/3/15 to 10/6/15). 23-Feb-15 20-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0173 5-15 EMLYN STREET ST HELENS Erection of 2no stack signs and 3no flag poles. 3-Mar-15 8-Apr-15 Granted Thatto Heath Town Centre Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision P/2015/0182 ST MARY AND ST THOMAS CE PRIMARY SCHOOL BARTON Construction of new single storey flat roofed extension to the existing building. 2-Mar-15 31-Mar-15 Withdrawn P/2015/0072 LAND BOUNDED BY LINKWAY WEST Consent to display 3no freestanding internally illuminated totem advertisement signs. 2-Feb-15 7-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0116 ST HELENS COLLEGE TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS Extension to existing dining room along with landscaping of existing internal courtyard. 10-Feb-15 7-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0103 LAND BOUNDED BY LINKWAY WEST Consent to display 1no. illuminated panel signs, 3no. illuminated hanging signs and 1no. illuminated directional sign. 11-Feb-15 8-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0079 LAND FRONTING 45A WESTFIELD STREET Change of use of public highway to a pavement cafe. 4-Feb-15 13-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0043 2 - 4 BRIDGE STREET ST HELENS Installation of 4no condenser units to external wall. (Amended description) 10-Dec-14 13-Mar-15 Granted 45 GRANGE PARK ROAD THATTO HEATH Change of use of part of rear garden to store 3No. wedding cars, retention of open canopy and small extension to the existing garage. 19-Jan-15 17-Mar-15 Granted West Park P/2015/0040 Planning Committee - 21st April 2015 Planning Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers 13/3/15 - 8/4/15 Application Number Address Proposal Date Received Date of Decision Decision P/2015/0102 74 LUGSMORE LANE THATTO HEATH Change of use of first floor from residential (C3) to commercial (A1) to match ground floor use of funeral service. 12-Feb-15 27-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0101 72 LUGSMORE LANE THATTO HEATH Conversion of building from funeral service at ground floor with flat above to a fully residential property. 12-Feb-15 27-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0097 7 BEAUMONT AVENUE ST HELENS Demolition of existing conservatory to rebuild replacement conservatory. 11-Feb-15 31-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0149 106 WHALLEY AVENUE ST HELENS 27-Feb-15 7-Apr-15 Granted P/2015/0125 QUEENS PARK CE URC PRIMARY SCHOOL RIVINGTON Single storey side extension to form 'Granny Flat' accommodation ancillary to the main dwelling, and pitched roof over existing conservatory (amendment to application P/2014/0772). Erection of a cycle shelter. 18-Feb-15 26-Mar-15 Granted P/2015/0221 41 ST THOMAS CLOSE WINDLE Conversion of garage into a habitable room. 17-Mar-15 1-Apr-15 Withdrawn P/2015/0104 12 RUTHERFORD ROAD WINDLE Single storey wrap around extension to side and rear. 12-Feb-15 1-Apr-15 Granted Windle
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