WELCOME TO THE DAWN OF A NEW ROTARY WEEK – AND THANKSGIVING WEEK! I’M THANKFUL FOR OUR FAMILY OF ROTARY AND YOUR SERVICE TO ROTARY. STOCKTON PACIFIC SPONSORS INTERACT CLUB OF BEN HOLT: It gives me great pleasure to sign the application for our newest Interact Club! We wish them well as they "Dream, Act, Win, Now!” under the capable leadership of Advisor Don Richter. Congratulations to Stockton Pacific President Patrick Velasquez and Stockton Pacific Rotarians for providing our youth with opportunities for service, leadership, and character development through Interact! PLAN AHEAD FOR GIVING TUESDAY DECEMBER 2! This year, Rotary will kick-off the holiday season by joining the social media world on December 2nd for #GivingTuesday. You can read more at http://rotary5220.org/show-your-rotary-pride-with-givingtuesday-on-december-2nd/ Started in 2012, #GivingTuesday is a movement to go online for a classic holiday tradition – giving to those in need. Following the Thanksgiving weekend into Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday had 2.5 million views online last year. For a bit of friendly Rotary competition, RI President Gary Huang and The Rotary Foundation will send a special thank you and give national recognition to the club and district that have the most individual gifts made ONLINE to The Rotary Foundation on #GivingTuesday, December 2. Although Rotarians give to the community year round, #GivingTuesday is a great chance to reach new supporters with the momentum of social media. Lead your club or district to give on December 2nd by supporting Rotary on Facebook or Twitter to Light Up Rotary! MEMBERSHIP VIDEOS AND WEBINARS: Watch the recording of RI’s second Membership webinar, "Perception vs. Reality: Club Evaluation and Visioning," featuring PDG Steve Wilcox and RI Chief Strategy Officer Joe Brownlee. This recording presents steps clubs can take to create and achieve a shared vision for your club. Click here to learn more: http://vimeo.com/108381769. Don't forget to review the corresponding PowerPoint presentation! Once you've finished viewing the webinar recording, keep the conversations going in the Membership Best Practices Discussion Group. You can register now for upcoming membership webinars by clicking on the links below: Simple Steps to Innovate your Club Membership Engagement: The Key to Retention Feb 04, 2015 at 8:00 AM PST Mar 25, 2015 at 8:00 AM PST How to Recruit New Members and Strengthen Your Club May 06, 2015 at 8:00 AM PST DISTRICT SPEECH CONTEST: Information will be coming soon to your Club Speech Chair regarding District Speech Contest! The theme this year is "Dream, Act, Win, Now!”. Club level contests should be held in January or February, depending upon when your Area contest is held. Each Area will hold a contest – date to be determined by the Area. Please identify your club’s Speech Contest Chair in Dac-db - you won’t want your local students to miss the opportunity! Special thanks to Robert Ferrace, Modesto East Rotary Club, for chairing this year’s Speech Contest! ROTARY ROSE PARADE FLOAT: This year’s Float theme is "Changing Lives Through Clean Water”. The float will be broadcast in the Rose Parade to over 100 counties. Has your club sent a donation to the Rotary Float? You can also make a monetary donation to the Float at www.rotaryFloat.org REGISTER FOR RI CONVENTION – SPECIAL PRICING ENDS DECEMBER 15: It is going to be a terrific Rotary International Convention June 6 – 9, 2015 in Sao Paulo Brazil! You won’t want to miss this Convention or the opportunity to save on the registration fees! Register before 15 December at www.RIConvention.org. Plan to come early or extend your stay in beautiful Brazil! FRIENDSHIP EXCHANGE WITH INDIA AND NATIONAL IMMUNIZATION DAY [NID] IN FEBRUARY – RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW: The Friendship Exchange will also include a National Immunization Day! That’s right – you can experience the miracle of preventing Polio while on your Friendship Exchange. Get your passport ready! Our District Rotarians have the opportunity of a lifetime to go on a friendship exchange to India February 14 – 25, 2015. District 3010 in India is ready to welcome our Rotarians into their homes and make your stay memorable! District 3010 includes New Delhi and side trip to Taj Mahal is on the itinerary. Travelers pay their own travel and incidental expenses. Space is limited to 10 individuals [Rotarians and significant others]. If you are interested in going on the Friendship Exchange to India, contact District Friendship Exchange Chair Gordon Kennedy no later than Dec. 31. COUNCIL ON LEGISLATION [COL] DEADLINES APPROACHING: Every three years, Rotarians meet at the Council on Legislation (COL) to review and vote on proposed legislation. Clubs and districts are entitled to submit legislation to the COL dealing with the Constitution of Rotary International, Bylaws of Rotary International, and the Standard Rotary Club Constitution. There is a deadline of December 31, 2014 for proposals to be received at RI headquarters. Documents to assist you can be found at www.rotary.org/myrotary/en/council-legislation. If you have questions, contact district COL representative Dave Mantooth or alternate Dick Wyatt. CLUB BUILDER AWARD: Are you a Club Builder? Is someone in your club a Club Builder? This award recognizes Rotarians who have made a significant impact in supporting and strengthening their Rotary clubs. We are seeking nominations for Club Builder Award. See Nick Mascitelli’s October email or Monday Matters 10-13-14for list of qualifications. Please send your Club Builder Award candidate information to Nick Mascitelli [nicamas@yahoo.com, 209-765-3304]. WELCOME TO OUR ROTARY FAMILY! Thank you, sponsors, for demonstrating the Power of One to invite someone to join the best service organization in the world! Join me in welcoming: ROTARY CLUB OF NEW MEMBER SPONSOR Madera Sunrise Brad Carrott Bob Bitter Ripon Williiam Long Harrison Gibbs Tracy Sunrise PJ Sandhu SHOP ON AMAZON AND SUPPORT ROTARY: Amazon will now donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to THE ROTARY FOUNDATION OF ROTARY INTERNATIONAL when you shop at AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com). SEE WHAT’S UPCOMING ON THE district calendar on the website and check for upcoming events. Please add your club’s events and fundraisers to the calendar on Dac-db so others can support your efforts. Mark your calendar for these upcoming events: Dec. 2, Giving Tuesday = Give to the Charity of your choice, such as The Rotary Foundation Dec. 6, Galt Holiday homes Tour Dec. 6, Madera Sunrise Trees For Charity Dec. 8, District Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Dec. 15, RI Convention Early Bird Registration pricing ends for Sao Paulo; www.RIConvention.org. Dec. 31, District Conference Early Registration $300 per person pricing ends Dec. 31 Deadline for clubs to elect 2015-2016 Club President-Elect and 2016-2017 President Nominee January 28, Governor’s Cabinet Meeting Jan. 31, Salida Rotary Annual Crab and Rigatoni Dinner Jan. 31, Manteca Morning Rotary Harry Van Rys Memorial Crab Dinner Feb. 7, District Mid-Year Leadership Assembly for All Rotarians Are you looking for an earlier Monday Matters and Rotary Times? They are posted on the district website under "News” and in Dac-DB [under Reports, Newsletters]. Please send articles, pictures, and your club’s fundraiser flyers to Rotary Times Editor, Heather Boothe, editor@rotary5220.org (209-379-2632). Items received by the 20th appear in the next edition. Please share your dreams and successes with the rest of the District! Dream Act Win Now to Light Up Rotary! Cheers, Terri Serving with the Best, Terri Amerio-Bell, Rotary District 5220 District Governor 2014-2015 Cell Phone: 209-602-6580 Fax: 209-521-8265 Email: rotaryterri@att.net
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