(reoi) consulting services for the recruitment of in

Tel: (232-22) 220 146
Cell: (232-79) 358 317
Email: pfmicpmu@mofed.gov.sl
Public Financial Management
Improvement and Consolidation Project
3rd Floor
Sierra Leone Commercial Bank Building
35A Light-Foot Boston Street
Sierra Leone
Country: Republic of Sierra Leone
Name of Project: Public Financial Management Improvement and Consolidation Project
Credit/Grant Numbers: IDA Credit Number 5350-SL, TF Grant Number 17201-SL and AfDB2100155027317
Assignment Title: Consulting Services for the Recruitment of a Performance Audit Consultant
to Offer Technical Assistance, Expert Advice and Capacity Building Support to Enable it to
Effectively Carry out its Mandate in Relation to Providing Efficient and Effective External
Scrutiny of the Economy, Efficiency and Effective with which Public Resources are being
Reference No. MoFED/PFMICP/PMU/IC/001/2015
Date of Issuance: Friday 29th May, 2015
Source of Funds
The Government of Sierra Leone has received funding in the amount of Twenty Eight Million,
Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars ($28,500,000) from International Development
Association IDA of the Word Bank, Multi-Donor Trust Funds (MDTF) - European Union (EU),
DFID and pool funding from the AfDB towards the cost of Public Financial Management
Improvement and Consolidation Project and intend to apply part of the proceeds of the funding
for eligible payment under the contract for consulting services for the Recruitment Of In-House
Consultant To Support Performance Audit At Audit Services Sierra Leone.
Objective of the Assignment
ASSL started undertaking Performance Audits five years ago and the Division is still struggling
in its bid to undertake performance audits of specialized agencies in the environmental, health,
agricultural and civil works sectors, to name a few. The consultant will be expected to provide
support towards the strengthening of the Division and developing the capacity of its staff.
Performance Audit goes beyond the traditional financial audits and seeks to provide independent
information, assurance and opinion about economy, efficiency and effectiveness (in effect, value
for money) in major fields of Government revenue, expenditure and the management of
In addition Performance Audit takes a detailed look at compliance with various regulations
relating to operations in these areas in Government, seeking to link resources provided with
outcomes achieved.
Since its inception in 2009, the Division has tabled several reports in Parliaments relating to the
Health, Water, Roads and Agricultural Sectors. Enhanced capacity building of this Division will
not only lead to better quality of reports but also greater number of reports being tabled.
The Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) requires the services of a Performance Audit Consultant
to offer technical assistance, expert advice and capacity building support to enable it to
effectively carry out its mandate in relation to providing efficient and effective external scrutiny
of the economy, efficiency and effective with which public resources are being utilized.
3.0 Brief Description and Tasks to be Performed by Consultant
The consultant will work with an officer who will be a counterpart with whom s/he will be
expected to undertake the following tasks in respect of operational and management of the
Performance Audit Division:
More specifically the consultant shall provide the following principal services:
To customize the AFROSAI-E Performance Audit manuals for ASSL.
 Train staff on the use of the customized Performance Audit manuals.
 Assist in the preparation of risk areas for which there is a need for Performance Audits.
 Working closely with staff as a mentor to provide on-the-job training.
 Any other duties as may be assigned by the Auditor General.
 Must be prepared to travel extensively within Sierra Leone.
The consultant should be able to take an integrated approach by combining regularity audit and
performance auditing through a standardized training approach.
The consultant should transfer knowledge and skills across the line from Senior Management
through middle management down to the Junior Level.
The consultant must exhibit and transfer knowledge to staff members on the major risks and
control areas involved in carrying out Performance Audits.
Duration of the Assignment is Three- Years (3Yers)
The Public Financial Management Improvement and Consolidation Project (PFMICP ) now
invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services.
Interested individual consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the
required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services. The individual consultant
must meet the following qualifications and related experience requirements:
 At least 10 years Experience as a Performance Audit manager in an English Speaking
Supreme Audit Institution in Africa
 Holder of a Professional Audit/Accountancy Qualification ( ACCA,CIPFA,CPA or
Equivalent )
 Experience in Writing Performance Audit Manuals
 Extensive hands-on-experience in Performance Audit
 Demonstrated Ability to Build Capacity of Auditors, Particularly in the Public Sector
5.0 Selection Criteria
The short listing criteria are:
Individual Consultant’s experience relevant to the Assignment - 60 points
Competency/Qualification of the Individual Consultant relevant to the Assignment – 40
This REOI will lead to the preparation of Short list of Consultants
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines:
Selection and Employment of Consultants under IDA Grants by World Bank Borrowers ,
(January 2011). (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of
The Consultant will be selected in accordance with Individual Consultant (IC) method set out in
the Consultant Guidelines.
The consultant is expected to be on board by 1st September, 2015
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 0900 to 1700 hours
Sierra Leone time.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below in person or email, at 5pm on Friday 26th June, 2015.
The Public Financial Management Improvement and Consolidation Project (PFMICP)
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
3rd Floor Sierra Leone Commercial Bank Building
35a Lightfoot Boston Street
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Attn: The Project Manager
Tel: +232-22 220 146; Cell: + 232 79 358 317
E-mails: pfmicpmu@mofed.gov.sl and mofedpfmicp@gmail.com