Kent County Pregnancy Resource Guide A guide of agencies and community programs offering pregnancy assistance and information. A joint effort of: Child and Family Resource Council 616.454.HOPE (4673) protecting children, supporting families, and strengthening our community Rev. 15-APR-2005 Welcome to the Kent County Pregnancy Resource Guide: The Healthy Kent 2010 Infant Health Implementation Team (Infant I Team) invites you to join us in our efforts to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in infant mortality in our community. We ask you to redefine prenatal care to include not only the excellent medical care that we know our clinics and doctors provide but to also include the Core Concepts. We believe these concepts should be the standard for every pregnant woman’s basic care to promote a successful pregnancy outcome. The infant mortality rate is widely recognized as an indicator of the current health status and social well-being of a population. Despite many community efforts to reduce infant mortality in Kent County, it has begun to rise again. Black infants are almost three times more likely to die before their first birthday as white infants. Hispanic and Native American babies have death rates close to two times higher than white babies. Even when adjusting for socioeconomic status and adequacy of prenatal care, there remain glaring racial disparities between black and white babies, specifically in prematurity and low birth weight, which are the leading causes of infant death in our community. Factors that may be associated with ethnic and/or racial health disparities include poverty, insurance issues, stereotyping, unequal treatment, communication barriers, frequency of care and access to care. Specifically, for disparities in infant mortality, we must also look at age, cigarette smoking, substance abuse, unintended pregnancy, stress, mental health, nutrition, and infections (including dental and sexually transmitted infections). Each of these factors can put additional stress on a pregnancy and contribute to a poor outcome. Often, many of these factors are at play in a single pregnancy. This cumulative stress breaks the back of traditional prenatal care and is predictive of poor outcomes. The Infant I Team has been working on the issue of infant mortality for over a decade. This group is composed of representatives from over thirty agencies that have a vested interest in the health of mothers and babies. They have developed the Core Concepts in recognition that this multifaceted problem requires a comprehensive community response. This Pregnancy Resource Guide is a tool to be used in this effort. Please join us in this important endeavor. Source: Eliminating health disparities: communities moving from statistics to solutions: fact sheets---disparities in infant mortality and racial/ethnic disparities (2004, April 5-11). National Public Health Week. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 2 How to Use the Guide This Pregnancy Resource Guide is more than just a list of agencies in the area that provide services to pregnant women. It has been designed to assist you in the identification of client needs and the decision making process of where to refer to meet decision-making these needs. The Guide is organized around the Core Concepts. Included in the Guide are: Screening Tool - meant to be used along with your initial assessment and once each subsequent trimester • Decision Trees - to help guide you through some fairly complex existing critical pathways to community services • Topical Index - a list of agency programs for identified needs • Alphabetical Listing of Agencies - a description of services offered by each agency. • Special ThanksSpecial to our thanks Community to: Partners. Funding Provided by: Healthy Start ITCKent County Health Department Kent County Health Department Metropolitan Metropolitan HospitalHospital Native American Community Services Native American Community Services: Saint Mary’s Health Care ITCHealth Healthy Start Project Spectrum Healthier Communities Strong Beginnings Saintfor Mary’s Health Task Force Health Care Care for People of Color Spectrum Health Healthier Communities Strong Beginnings Task Force On Health Care for People of Color Also available on the web at: (click “Resources”) Also available on the web at: For comments or more information, contact Healthy Kent 2010 Infant Implementation Team at (click “Resources”) Table of Contents Welcome .............................................................2 How to Use the Guide .......................................3 Table of Contents ...............................................3 Core Concepts ....................................................4 Screening Tool ......................................... 4, a & b Decision Trees Basic Needs: Food ..........................................5 Shelter/Housing..........................6 Utility Shut Off ...........................7 Dental Services ................................................8 Domestic Violence ...........................................9 Medical Care .................................................10 Mental Health................................................ 11 Social Support (Home Visiting Services) .......... 12 Substance Abuse ........................................... 13 Transportation (Medical) ................................ 14 Transportation (Non-medical) ......................... 15 Topical Index Adoption ....................................................... 16 Basic Needs: Clothing ................................... 16 Food ........................................16 Shelter/Housing................... 16-17 Utilities ..................................... 17 Breast Feeding ............................................... 17 Cultural Specific Services ........................... 17-18 Dental Services ..............................................18 Domestic Violence .........................................18 Education: Literacy ....................................18 Literacy with ESL Classes ..........18 Pregnancy and Parenting .......... 19 Family Planning .............................................. 19 Medical Care ................................................. 19 Mental Health........................................... 19-20 Nutrition ........................................................20 Social Support ..........................................20-21 Substance Abuse ........................................... 21 Transportation ............................................... 21 Transportation at a Glance ..............................22 Alphabetical Listing of Agencies .............. 23-60 A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 3 Core Concepts (and Related Prenatal Services) Mental Health and Counseling Health (See pages 11 & 19) All pregnant women should: Social Support Services • Be educated about the need and benefit of (See pages 12 & 20) early (first trimester) and consistent prenatal Substance Abuse (ATOD) care. Care providers should facilitate this (See pages 13 & 21) prenatal care in their facilities. Transportation (See pages 14, 15 & 21) • Have documentation of an accurate past medical history including previous pregnancies Education and complications, chronic illness, and All pregnant women should be: communicable diseases. • Assessed for the ability to comprehend • Be assessed for adequate physical health (including literacy challenges, language (including dental and nutritional health), risk barriers, learning disabilities) information for sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, or care provided as a part of prenatal and other vaginal infections. care. Education should be consistent, • Experience care that is nurturing, caring, noncomprehensive, accurate, and individualized judgmental, and culturally sensitive. to the pregnant woman’s need. • Assessed for their interest in receiving Medical Care (See pages 10 & 19) information about child development and Dental Services (See pages 8 & 18) referrals to quality family support, parenting Nutrition (See page 20) education and early childhood education and care. Assessment • Given counseling about family planning and All pregnant women should be assessed for: information about birth control options. • Adequate social support, including the ability • Informed that human milk is the preferred to cope with stress and the presence or feeding for all infants. Parents should be history of abusive relationships. provided with complete, current information • Adequate resources for overcoming barriers on the benefits and methods of breastfeeding to accessing prenatal care, including financial to ensure that the feeding decision is a fully resources, transportation, knowledge of informed one. available resources, and basic human needs • Offered appropriate treatment, resources, (food, clothing, housing). and referrals to ensure delivery of a healthy • Adequate mental health, including the infant. presence of depression or potential for Post- • partum Depression. Substance abuse, including alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Adoption Basic Needs Clothing (See page 16) Food (See page 5 & 16) Housing or Shelter (See page 6 & 16) Utility Assistance (See page 7 & 17) Domestic Violence (See page 9 & 18) A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Cultural Specific Services (See page 17) Education Literacy and Language (See page 18) Pregnancy & Parenting (See page 18) Family Planning (See page 19) Breast Feeding (See page 17) Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 4 4a no no no no no no Thank you ! If you have comments or questions please ask us. _________________________________ 27. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?: ____________________________ yes 26. Does your partner use street drugs? yes 25. In the month before you knew you were pregnant, did you use any street drugs or drugs not prescribed by your doctor? yes 24. Does your partner use alcohol? yes 23. Do you drink now? more than 7 drinks per week less than 7 drinks per week did not drink then 22. In the month before you knew you were pregnant how much beer/liquor/wine did you drink? yes 21. Does anyone smoke in your home or workplace? yes 20. Do you smoke now? can be personalized here doctor or clinic name, etc � THE HEALTH OF YOU AND YOUR BABY IS IMPORTANT TO US. . . 4b No unhappy not sure less than a year more than a year 4. How long has it been since you had a dental cleaning and checkup. None Other Clinic or office hours Work hours Cultural barriers Understanding health care information Finances – lack money to meet basic needs Language barrier Lack of health insurance Child care Transportation 3. Are there any barriers that keep you from meeting your health care needs? If so, check all that apply. happy 2. How do you feel about this pregnancy now? Yes 1. Was this a planned pregnancy? putting an X in the box next to your answer. Please answer each question by Taking a few minutes now to answer these questions will help us provide you with the care and services you need. no does not apply no not sure medium high no no no don’t know no not sure 0-2 past 12 months? 3 or more 12. How many times have you moved in the yes 11. Is there someone you can count on to help you during your pregnancy and with your new baby? yes history of nerves, depression or other mental health issues? 10. Do you or anyone in your family have a yes 9. During the last two weeks have you had little interest or pleasure in doing things you used to enjoy? yes unhappy, sad, or hopeless? 8. During the last two weeks have you felt low 7. How do you rate your current stress level? yes 6. Do you plan to breastfeed this baby? yes 5. Did you breastfeed any of your other children? no sometimes never no no no no more than one pack half to one pack less than half a pack I didn’t smoke then 19. In the month before you knew you were pregnant how many cigarettes did you smoke each day? yes 18. Have you ever been emotionally, physically or sexually abused? yes 17. Within the last year has anyone forced you to engage in sexual activities that made you feel uncomfortable? yes 16. Within the last year, have you been hit, kicked, slapped, or otherwise physically hurt by someone? yes 15. Are you in a relationship with anyone who threatens you, yells at you, or tries to control you? always 14. Do you have enough food for your family? yes 13. Do you currently have any housing concerns? Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 5 Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 6 Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 7 Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 8 Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 9 Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 10 Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 11 Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 12 Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 13 Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 14 Decision Trees A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 15 To pic al Ind ex Adoption Bethany Christian Services Birth Parent Counseling ................. (616) 224-7610 .......... Pg. 27 Catholic Social Services Adoption Services–Infants ............. (616) 456-1443 .......... Pg. 28 D.A. Blodgett Services for Children and Families Adoption Services ......................... (616) 451-2021 ........... Pg. 32 Michigan Indian Child Welfare Agency ..................................................... (616) 454-9221 .......... Pg. 47 National Adoption Information Clearinghouse ..................................................... (888) 251-0075 .......... Pg. 48 Basic Needs—Food (See decision tree on page 5) Abundant Life Ministries ............. (616) 475-0009 ......... Pg. 23 All County Churches Emergency Support System (ACCESS) ..................................... (616) 774-2175........... Pg. 23 Area Community Service Employment and Training Council (ACSET) ......................................... (616) 336-4100 ..... Pg. 25-26 Baxter Community Center. .......... (616) 456-8593 .......... Pg. 26 Baxter Neighborhood Association ..................................................... (616) 247-9550 .......... Pg. 26 Catholic Human Development Outreach (CHDO) Capitol Lunch. ............................... (616) 454-4110 .......... Pg. 28 City View Church .......................... (616) 235-1533 .......... Pg. 31 Dégagé Ministries ........................ (616) 454-1661 .......... Pg. 33 Guiding Light Mission .................. (616) 454-0236.......... Pg. 39 Basic Needs—Clothing ACCESS-6 ....................................... (616) 949-1360 .......... Pg. 23 Heart of West Michigan United Way — 2-1-1 ..................................................... 211 or (616) 459-2255 . Pg. 39 All County Churches Emergency Support System (ACCESS) ..................................... (616) 774-2175........... Pg. 23 Kent County Health Department Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women-Infant-Children (WIC). ..... (616) 632-7200 .......... Pg. 42 Alpha Women’s Center................ (616) 459-9955 ..... Pg. 23-24 Latin American Services............... (616) 336-4018 .......... Pg. 44 Awesome Options Pregnancy Support Center ..................................................... (616) 667-2200 .......... Pg. 26 Mel Trotter Ministries .................. (616) 454-8249 .....Pg. 45-46 Baxter Neighborhood Association ..................................................... (616) 247-9550 .......... Pg. 26 City View Church .......................... (616) 235-1533 .......... Pg. 31 Belding Community Clothing Center ..................................................... (616) 794-4343............... Pg. Heart of West Michigan United Way ..................................................... (616) 459-6281 .......... Pg. 39 Help Pregnancy Crisis Aid ............ (616) 459-9139 .......... Pg. 40 In the Image ................................. (616) 456-7474 .......... Pg. 41 Latin American Services............... (616) 336-4018 .......... Pg. 44 North End Community Ministry.. (616) 454-1097 .... Pg. 48-49 North Kent Service Center .......... (616) 866-3478 .......... Pg. 49 Mich. Dept. of Human Services (DHS) - Kent County Office Food Stamps/Expedited Food Stamps . .................................................... (616) 247-6000 .......... Pg. 47 North End Community Ministry.. (616) 454-1097 .... Pg. 48-49 North Kent Service Center .......... (616) 866-3478 .......... Pg. 49 Saint Vincent DePaul Thrift Store ..................................................... (616) 452-1408 .......... Pg. 53 Salvation Army (The) - Booth Family Services Emergency Assistance Program. .... (616) 459-9468.......... Pg. 53 South End Community Outreach Ministries (SECOM) Food Distribution. ......................... (616) 452-7684 .......... Pg. 54 United Church Outreach Ministry ..................................................... (616) 241-4006 .......... Pg. 57 Pregnancy Resource Center ........ (616) 456-6873.......... Pg. 51 ..................................................... (616) 261-0014 .......... Pg. 51 Saint Mary’s Pregnancy Crisis Center ..................................................... (616) 897-9393 .......... Pg. 53 Basic Needs—Shelter/Housing (See decision tree on page 6) Alpha Women’s Center................ (616) 459-9955 ..... Pg. 23-24 Saint Vincent DePaul Thrift Store ..................................................... (616) 452-1408 .......... Pg. 53 American Red Cross of West Central Michigan Basic Needs - Emergency............... (616) 456-8661 .......... Pg. 24 Salvation Army Family Store ....... (616) 452-3133........... Pg. 54 Arbor Circle Corporation Homeless Youth Services. .............. (616) 456-7775 .......... Pg. 25 The Bridge. ................................... (616) 456-7775 .......... Pg. 25 South End Community Outreach Ministries (SECOM) Food Distribution. ......................... (616) 452-3133......Pg. 54-55 ..................................................... (616) 452-7684 .....Pg. 54-55 United Church Outreach Ministry ..................................................... (616) 241-4006 .......... Pg. 57 Women’s Health Boutique .......... (616) 364-5431 .......... Pg. 59 Area Community Service Employment and Training Council (ACSET) ......................................... (616) 336-4100 ..... Pg. 25-26 Baxter Neighborhood Association ..................................................... (616) 247-9550 .......... Pg. 26 Catholic Human Development Outreach (CHDO) Casa De La Paz. ............................. (616) 235-1533 .......... Pg. 28 A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 16 Guide to the Pregnancy Resource Guide To pic al Ind ex Community Rebuilders Emergency Housing Alternative. .... (616) 458-5102 .......... Pg. 31 RISE, and Shelter + Care.. .............. (616) 458-5102 ..... Pg. 31-32 Creston Neighborhood Association ..................................................... (616) 454-7900 .......... Pg. 32 Dwelling Place of Grand Rapids Liz’s House. ................................... (616) 454-9390 .......... Pg. 34 My Sister’s House. ......................... (616) 454-9390 .......... Pg. 34 Freedom House Ministries ........... (616) 774-8606 .......... Pg. 36 Genesis Non-Profit Housing Corporation ..................................................... (616) 988-2897 .......... Pg. 36 Grand Rapids - Housing Commission Family Self-Sufficiency Program., and Hope Community Transitional Housing. ..................... (616) 235-2600 .......... Pg. 37 Grand Rapids Urban League ....... (616) 245-2207 .......... Pg. 38 Foreclosure Prevention Greater Grand Rapids Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) ..................................................... (616) 475-5220 .......... Pg. 39 Habitat for Humanity of Kent County ..................................................... (616) 774-2431 .......... Pg. 39 Heart of West Michigan United Way ..................................................... (616) 459-6281 .......... Pg. 39 Home Repair Services .................. (616) 241-2601........... Pg. 40 Hope Community Transitional Housing Program ..................................................... (616) 235-2600 .......... Pg. 40 Inner City Christian Federation (ICCF) Homestart Mortgage Program. ..... (616) 459-9139 .......... Pg. 41 Latin American Services............... (616) 336-4018 .......... Pg. 44 North County Teen Parenting Services. ..................................................... (616) 456-7775 .......... Pg. 25 Area Community Service Employment and Training Council (ACSET) ......................................... (616) 336-4100 ..... Pg. 25-26 Heart of West Michigan United Way ..................................................... (616) 459-6281 .......... Pg. 39 Latin American Services............... (616) 336-4018 .......... Pg. 44 Michigan Dept. of Human Services - Kent County Office State Emergency Relief (SER). .......... (616) 247-6000 .......... Pg. 47 Salvation Army (The) - Booth Family Services Emergency Assistance Program. .... (616) 459-9468.......... Pg. 53 Steepletown Neighborhood Services ..................................................... (616) 451-4215........... Pg. 56 Breasfeeding Kent County Health Department Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women-Infant-Children (WIC). Lactation Consultant ..................... (616) 632-7058 .......... Pg. 42 La Leche League of Grand Rapids (LLL) ..................................................... (616) 752-8300 .......... Pg. 44 Metropolitan Hospital Breast-Feeding Class., Breast-Feeding Support Group., and Lactation Services.......................... (616) 252-7200 .......... Pg. 46 Michigan State University Cooperative Extension Service - Kent County (Kent/MSU Extension) Breast Feeding Initiative (BFI)......... (616) 336-3265 .......... Pg. 48 Saint Mary’s Health Care Family Education Services Breast-Feeding and Back to Work Breast-Feeding. Lactation Services.......................... (616) 752-6090 .......... Pg. 52 Mel Trotter Ministries .................. (616) 454-8249 .....Pg. 45-46 Spectrum Health - Butterworth Campus Breast Feeding/Lactation Services..(616) 391-1774 ........... Pg. 55 Mich. Dept. of Human Services (DHS) - Kent County Office Family Independence Program (FIP). State Emergency Relief (SER). ........ (616) 247-6000 .......... Pg. 47 Spectrum Health - Healthier Communities Breastfeeding Your Baby: Information and Support for Success. ..................................................... (616) 391-5000 .......... Pg. 56 Salvation Army (The) - Booth Family Services Emergency Assistance Program., Family Lodge., HAP Homeless Assistance Program., Kindred Transitional Housing., Pregnant and Parenting Teen Program., and Teen Living Center. ..................................................... (616) 459-9468.....Pg. 53-54 Women’s Health Boutique .......... (616) 364-5431 .......... Pg. 59 Steepletown Neighborhood Services ..................................................... (616) 451-4215........... Pg. 56 Thresholds .................................... (616) 774-0853 .......... Pg. 57 Westown Jubilee Housing ........... (616) 458-4841.......... Pg. 59 YWCA of Grand Rapids (YWCA) Project H.E.A.L. (Housing, Employment, Advocacy, Legal Services)............................... (616) 459-4681 .....Pg. 59-60 Basic Needs—Utilities (See decision tree on page 7) ACCESS-6 ....................................... (616) 949-1360 .......... Pg. 23 Arbor Circle Corporation Cultural Specific Services Asian Center of West Michigan (The) ..................................................... (616) 331-6592 .......... Pg. 26 Associated Language Consultants ..................................................... (616) 356-3515 .......... Pg. 26 Bethany Christian Services Refugee Outreach and Referral (ROAR). ..................................................... (616) 224-7610 .......... Pg. 27 Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids Native American Ministry. Cuenta Conmigo. .......................... (616) 243-0491 .......... Pg. 28 Proyecto Socorro Catholic Human Development Outreach (CHDO) Immigration Advocacy and Assistance. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 17 To pic al Ind ex ..................................................... (616) 248-3030 .......... Pg. 28 Domestic Violence (See decision tree on page 9) Arbor Circle Corporation Domestic Violence Intervention Program. ..................................................... (616) 456-7775 .......... Pg. 25 Catholic Social Services Counseling Services to the Spanish-Speaking. ..................................................... (616) 456-1443 ..... Pg. 28-29 Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids Cuenta Conmigo. .......................... (616) 356-6247 .......... Pg. 28 DEAF, Etc. ...................................... (616) 732-7358 .......... Pg. 33 Kent County Prosecutors Office .. (616) 632-5400 .......... Pg. 42 Disability Advocates of Kent County ..................................................... (616) 949-1100 .......... Pg. 33 Michigan 17th Circuit Court - Family Division ..................................................... (616) 632-5067 .......... Pg. 46 Diversity Counseling and Therapy Center Counseling for Spanish-Speaking Community. ..................................................... (616) 451-1965 ........... Pg. 34 Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services Outpatient Services. ...................... (616) 455-5000 ..... Pg. 50-51 Grand Rapids Public Schools Adult and Community Education (GRPS) ......................... (616) 819-2622 .......... Pg. 38 Grand Valley American Indian Lodge (G.V.A.I.L.) ..................................................... (616) 364-4697 ......... Pg. 39 Hispanic Center of Western Michigan ..................................................... (616) 742-0200 .......... Pg. 40 Huron Potawatomi ...................... (616) 249-0159 .....Pg. 40-41 Latin American Services............... (616) 336-4018 .......... Pg. 44 Mich. Dept. of Human Services (DHS) - Kent County Office Indian Outreach Program. ............. (616) 247-6000 .......... Pg. 47 Michigan Indian Child Welfare Agency Grand Rapids Office ..................................................... (616) 454-9221 .......... Pg. 47 Native American Community Services (NACS) ..................................................... (616) 458-4078 .......... Pg. 48 Project Rehab Hispanic Services. .......................... (616) 776-0891 .......... Pg. 51 Roosevelt Park Ministries (RPM) .. (616) 475-5881 .......... Pg. 52 Saint Mary’s Health Care Community Health Centers Clinica Santa Maria Health Center... (616) 913-8400 .......... Pg. 53 Spectrum Health - Healthier Communities Spanish Child Birth Education ......... (616) 391-5000 .......... Pg. 56 Steepletown Center ..................... (616) 451-4215........... Pg. 56 Voices for Health .......................... (616) 233-6505 .......... Pg. 58 Wordbridge .................................. (616) 738-8887 ......... Pg. 59 Relief After Violent Encounter - Ionia/Montcalm, Inc. (RAVE) ..................................................... (800) 720-7233 .... Pg. 51-52 Safe Haven Ministries Ramoth House. ............................. (616) 452-6664 .......... Pg. 52 Legal Aid of Western Michigan ....... (616) 774-0672 .......... Pg. 59 YWCA of Grand Rapids (YWCA) YWCA Domestic Violence Services. Project H.E.A.L. (Housing, Employment, Advocacy, Legal Services). ............. (616) 459-4652 .....Pg. 59-60 Education Literacy Caledonia Resource Center ......... (616) 891-8117 ........... Pg. 27 Godfrey Lee Public School High School Completion and GED. Vision Quest High School. ............. (616) 241-4722 .....Pg. 36-37 Grand Rapids Public Schools Adult and Community Education (GRPS) ......................... (616) 819-2622 .......... Pg. 38 Grand Rapids Public Schools Park School (GRPS) ..................................................... (616) 819-2000 .......... Pg. 38 Grandville Public Schools............. (616) 254-6550 .......... Pg. 39 Kentwood Community Education Center ..................................................... (616) 261-6166 .... Pg. 43-44 United Methodist Community House ..................................................... (616) 452-3226 .......... Pg. 58 WORD Project (Writing Opportunities Reading Discoveries) ..................................................... (616) 458-0871 .......... Pg. 59 Dental Services (See decision tree on page 8) Baxter Community Center Wholistic Health Clinic................... (616) 456-5310 .......... Pg. 26 Education Literacy with ESL classes Davenport University .................. (616) 451-3511 ........... Pg. 32 Cherry Street Health Services Belknap Commons Health Center, Cherry Street Health Center, Ferguson Dental Center, and Westside Health Center. ..................................................... (616) 235-7272 .....Pg. 29-30 Godfrey Lee Public School English As A Second Language. .... (616) 241-4722 .......... Pg. 36 Grand Rapids Community College ..................................................... (616) 234-4722 ..... Pg. 37-38 Grand Rapids Public Schools Hispanic Institute (GRPS) ..................................................... (616) 819-2000 .......... Pg. 38 Saint Mary’s Health Care Community Health Centers Clinica Santa Maria Health Center... (616) 913-8400 .......... Pg. 53 Grand Rapids Public Schools West Middle School (GRPS) ..................................................... (616) 819-2000 .......... Pg. 38 Godwin Heights Public Schools... (616) 252-2040 .......... Pg. 37 Kent County Literacy Council ...... (616) 459-5151........... Pg. 42 Roosevelt Park Ministries ............ (616) 475-5881 .......... Pg. 52 A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 18 To pic al Ind ex Education - Pregnancy and Parenting Arbor Circle Corporation Infant Toddler Development Services. North County Teen Parenting Services. ..................................................... (616) 456-7775 .......... Pg. 25 Bethel Pentecostal Church ......... (616) 454-5654 .......... Pg. 27 Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth .................................................... (616) 455-8078 .......... Pg. 27 Caledonia Resource Center ......... (616) 891-8117 ........... Pg. 27 Catholic Social Services Pregnancy Counseling and Support Services. ..................................................... (616) 456-1443 .......... Pg. 28 Cedar Springs Public Schools Cedar Springs, Kent City School, & Sparta School Parents As Teachers . .................................................... (616) 696-1204 .......... Pg. 29 ..................................................... (616) 475-5881 ..... Pg. 52-53 South End Community Outreach Ministries (SECOM) Teen Mothers Program and Parenting Classes. ..................................................... (616) 452-7684 .....Pg. 54-55 Spectrum Health - Healthier Communities Spanish Childbirth Education. ........ (616) 391-5000 .......... Pg. 56 Family Planning Planned Parenthood Centers of West Michigan ..................................................... (616) 774-7005 .......... Pg. 51 Medical Care (See decision tree on page 10) Baxter Community Center Wholistic Health Clinic................... (616) 456-8593 .......... Pg. 26 Catherine’s Care Center Neighborhood Health Services ..................................................... (616) 336-8800 .... Pg. 27-28 Family Links .................................. (616) 225-1776 .......... Pg. 34 Cherry Street Health Services Belknap Commons Health Center. Cherry Street Health Center. Salvation Army Booth Clinic. Westside Health Center. ..................................................... (616) 235-7272 .....Pg. 29-30 Family Outreach Center Parenting Initiatives. ...................... (616) 247-3815........... Pg. 35 Health Intervention Services ..................................................... (616) 475-8446 ......... Pg. 39 Franciscan Life Process Center .... (616) 897-7842 .....Pg. 35-36 Kent County Health Department Immunizations Clinics. Public Health Clinics. ..................... (616) 632-7020 ..... Pg. 41-42 Child and Family Resource Council ..................................................... (616) 454-4673 ......... Pg. 30 Godwin Heights Public Schools... (616) 235-0455 .......... Pg. 37 Grand Rapids REACH ................... (616) 241-4722 .......... Pg. 38 Home Repair Services .................. (616) 241-2601........... Pg. 40 Mich. Dept. of Human Services (DHS) - Kent County Office Medicaid Assistance (MA). ............ (616) 247-6000 .......... Pg. 47 Kent County Health Department Kent County Healthy Start. ............ (616) 632-7021 .......... Pg. 41 Planned Parenthood Centers of West Michigan ..................................................... (616) 774-7005 .......... Pg. 51 Kent Intermediate School District (KISD) ..................................................... (616) 364-1333 .......... Pg. 43 Pregnancy Resource Center ........ (616) 261-0014 .......... Pg. 51 Kentwood Community Education Center ..................................................... (616) 261-6166 .... Pg. 43-44 Saint Mary’s Health Care Community Health Centers Browning Claytor Health Center.. .. (616) 913-8300 .......... Pg. 53 Clinica Santa Maria Health Center... (616) 913-8400 .......... Pg. 53 Life Guidance Services Single Parenting Class. .................. (616) 774-0633 .......... Pg. 44 Saint Mary’s Pregnancy Crisis Center ..................................................... (616) 897-9393 .......... Pg. 53 Lowell Area Schools ..................... (616) 897-8415 .......... Pg. 45 Salvation Army (The) - Booth Family Services Health and Dental Clinic. ............... (616) 459-9468.......... Pg. 54 Madison Square Christian Reformed Church Parenting Classes. ......................... (616) 245-7791 .......... Pg. 45 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation ..................................................... (800) 968-DIME......... Pg. 45 Spectrum Health - Blodgett Campus ..................................................... (616) 771-7444 .......... Pg. 55 Spectrum Health - Butterworth Campus ..................................................... (616) 391-1774 ........... Pg. 55 Metropolitan Hospital Beginning With Baby. Childbirth Education...................... (616) 252-7200 .......... Pg. 46 Mental Health (See decision tree on page 11) Michigan State University Cooperative Extension Service - Kent County (Kent/MSU Extension) Building Strong Families. Families In Touch (FIT). .................. (616) 475-5881 .......... Pg. 48 Arbor Circle Corporation Counseling Services. ...................... (616) 456-7775 ..... Pg. 24-25 North End Community Ministry.. (616) 454-1097 .... Pg. 48-49 ACAC INC. ..................................... (616) 957-5850 .......... Pg. 23 Partners in Parenting ................... (616) 459-2578 .......... Pg. 49 Baxter Community Center Counseling Center. ........................ (616) 456-8593 .......... Pg. 26 Restorer’s Inc. ............................... (616) 243-1984 .......... Pg. 52 Bethany Christian Services Saint Mary’s Health Care Family Education Services A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 19 To pic al Ind ex Family Counseling. ........................ (616) 224-7610 .......... Pg. 27 Catholic Social Services Counseling Services. Counseling Services to the Spanish-Speaking. Pregnancy Counseling and Support Services. ..................................................... (616) 456-1443 ..... Pg. 28-29 Cherry Street Health Services Westside Health Center - CHOICES FOR ADOLESCENT FEMALES. Westside Health Center - CHOICES FOR WOMEN. ..................................................... (616) 235-1480 .......... Pg. 30 Therapy Clinic (The) ..................... (616) 949-3335 .......... Pg. 57 Touchstone Innovare ................... (616) 459-0255 .......... Pg. 57 West Michigan Caregivers Alliance ..................................................... (616) 235-8501 .......... Pg. 59 Western Michigan University ...... (616) 771-4171........... Pg. 59 YWCA of Grand Rapids (YWCA) YWCA Sexual Assault Program. .... (616) 459-4681 .....Pg. 59-60 Nutrition Christian Counseling Center ....... (616) 956-1122 .......... Pg. 30 Kent County Health Department Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women-Infant-Children (WIC). ..... (616) 632-7200 .......... Pg. 42 Community Counseling and Personal Growth Ministry ..................................................... (616) 456-1586 .......... Pg. 31 Metropolitan Hospital Nutrition Services. ......................... (616) 252-7200 .......... Pg. 46 network 180.................................. (616) 336-3535 .......... Pg. 31 Criminal Justice Chaplaincy Pastoral Counseling. Social Work / Case Management. .. (616) 454-4925 .......... Pg. 32 Michigan State University Cooperative Extension Service - Kent County (Kent/MSU Extension) Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). Family Nutrition Program (FNP). .... (616) 336-3265 .....Pg. 47-48 D.A. Blodgett Services for Children and Families Pregnancy Counseling Services. ..... (616) 451-2021 ........... Pg. 32 Saint Mary’s Health Care Family Education Services . .................................................... (616) 752-6090 .......... Pg. 52 Dispute Resolution Center of West Michigan Educational Issues Conflict Resolution Services. ..................................................... (616) 774-0121 .......... Pg. 33 Spectrum Health - Blodgett Campus Nutrition Services. ......................... (616) 774-7444 .......... Pg. 55 Diversity Counseling and Therapy Center Child and Family Counseling. Counseling for Spanish-Speaking Community. ..................................................... (616) 451-1965 ........... Pg. 34 Family Harmony ........................... (616) 459-5712 .......... Pg. 34 Spectrum Health - Butterworth Campus Nutrition Services. ......................... (616) 391-1774 ........... Pg. 55 Social Support (See decision tree on page 12) Family Management Services ...... (616) 452-4044.......... Pg. 34 AL-ANON, ALATEEN, and ALATEEN Junior ..................................................... (616) 257-8089 .......... Pg. 23 Family Outreach Center ............... (616) 247-3815........... Pg. 35 Alpha Women’s Center................ (616) 459-9955 ..... Pg. 23-24 Family Talk Family Wellness. ............................ (616) 245-5795 .......... Pg. 35 Arbor Circle Kent County Healthy Start In-Home Family Support Services. Forest View Hospital .................... (616) 942-9610 .......... Pg. 35 ..................................................... (616) 456-6571 .......... Pg. 30 Fountain Hill Center for Counseling and Consultation ..................................................... (616) 456-1178........... Pg. 35 Chatholic Social Services Keny County Healthy Start............. (616) 456-1443 .......... Pg. 30 Franciscan Life Process Center .... (616) 897-7842 .....Pg. 35-36 Celebrate Recovery of Michigan .. (616) 361-6014 .......... Pg. 29 Life Guidance Services Behavioral Health Counseling. ....... (616) 774-0633 .......... Pg. 44 Celestial Light Centre for Attitudinal Healing ..................................................... (616) 456-8481.......... Pg. 29 Lutheran Child and Family Service of Michigan Outpatient Counseling Services. Therapy for Children, Teen, and Adult Victims of Sexual Abuse. ..................................................... (616) 281-4601 .......... Pg. 45 Cherry Street Health Services Westside Health Center. ................ (616) 235-1480 .......... Pg. 30 Native American Community Services Mental Health/Wellness Services. .. (616) 458-4078 .......... Pg. 48 Other Way Ministries (The) ......... (616) 454-4011 .......... Pg. 49 Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services Outpatient Services. ...................... (616) 455-9200 ..... Pg. 50-51 Relief After Violent Encounter - Ionia/Montcalm, Inc. (RAVE) ..................................................... (616) 527-3351...... Pg. 51-52 Samaritan Center of West Michigan ..................................................... (616) 975-0756 .......... Pg. 54 D.A. Blodgett Services for Children and Families Sisters In Support. ......................... (616) 451-2021 ........... Pg. 32 Family Talk Girl Talk......................................... (616) 245-5795 .......... Pg. 35 Gerontology Network Traveling Grannies and Grandpas/Foster Grandparents ..................................................... (616) 456-6135 .......... Pg. 36 Good News Community............... (616) 831-2603 .......... Pg. 37 Heartside Ministry ....................... (616) 235-7211 .... Pg. 39-40 Help Pregnancy Crisis Aid ............ (616) 459-9139 .......... Pg. 40 Steepletown Center ..................... (616) 451-4215........... Pg. 56 A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 20 To pic al Ind ex Jubilee Jobs .................................. (616) 774-9944 .......... Pg. 41 Kent County Health Department Kent County Healthy Start. ............. (616) 632-7021 .......... Pg. 42 Maternal Infant Health Program Nurse-Family Partnership. .............. (616) 632-7058 .......... Pg. 42 Kent Regional Community Coordinated Child Care (Kent Regional 4C) ....................... (616) 451-8281 .......... Pg. 43 Bethany Christian Services .......... (616) 224-7610 .......... Pg. 27 Celebrate Recovery of Michigan .. (616) 361-6014 .......... Pg. 29 network 180.................................. (616) 336-3535 .......... Pg. 31 Family Outreach Center Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention Services. ..................................................... (616) 247-3815........... Pg. 35 Freedom House Ministries ........... (616) 774-8606 .......... Pg. 36 Heartside Ministry ....................... (616) 235-7211 .... Pg. 39-40 Kentwood Community Church ... (616) 455-1740 .......... Pg. 43 Kent County Health Department Tobacco Free for Good. ................. (616) 975-0123 .......... Pg. 42 Madison Square Christian Reformed Church Prenatal and Parenting Support Group. ..................................................... (616) 245-7791 .......... Pg. 45 Life Guidance Services Behavioral Health Counseling. AHSE- Alcohol Highway. ............... (616) 774-0633 .......... Pg. 44 Mich. Dept. of Human Services (DHS)- Kent County Office Independent Living Services (Home Help Program). ..................................................... (616) 247-6300 .......... Pg. 47 Native American Community Services Substance Abuse Prevention Services. ..................................................... (616) 458-4078 .......... Pg. 48 Native American Community Services Maajtaag Mnobmaadzid (Michigan’s Inter-Tribal Council Healthy Start).................... (616) 458-4078 .......... Pg. 48 Our Hope Association .................. (616) 451-2039 .......... Pg. 49 Project Rehab Women’s Recovery Center. ............ (616) 776-0891 .......... Pg. 51 Pathfinder Resources DeMey Center Outpatient Services. Women’s Services. ........................ (616) 242-6400 .......... Pg. 49 Restorer’s Inc. ............................... (616) 243-1984 .......... Pg. 52 Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services Outpatient Services. ...................... (616) 455-9200 ..... Pg. 50-51 Saint Mary’s Pregnancy Crisis Center ..................................................... (616) 897-9393 .......... Pg. 53 Project Rehab Hispanic Services. .......................... (616) 776-0891 .......... Pg. 51 Salvation Army (The) - Booth Family Services Pregnant and Parenting Teen Program. ..................................................... (616) 459-9468.......... Pg. 54 Relief After Violent Encounter - Ionia/Montcalm, Inc. (RAVE) ..................................................... (616) 527-3351...... Pg. 51-52 Spectrum Health - Blodgett Campus S.O.S. (Sharing Our Sorrows)......... (616) 774-7444 .......... Pg. 55 Spectrum Health - Community Partners MOMS/Parent to Parent Program .. (616) 391-3628 .......... Pg. 55 Strong Beginnings ........................ (616) 331-5838 .......... Pg. 56 Thresholds .................................... (616) 774-0853 .......... Pg. 57 Unlimited Alternatives, Inc. ........ (616) 235-9529 .......... Pg. 58 Volunteers in Service ................... (616) 459-7500 .......... Pg. 58 Women’s Resource Center .............. (616) 458-5443.......... Pg. 58 Substance Abuse (See decision tree on page 13) ACAC INC. ..................................... (616) 957-5850 .......... Pg. 23 AL-ANON, ALATEEN, and ALATEEN Junior ..................................................... (616) 257-8089 .......... Pg. 23 Alcoholics Anonymous - Kent County ..................................................... (616) 913-9216 .......... Pg. 23 American Lung Association of Michigan - Grand Valley Region (ALA of Michigan) ........... (616) 942-0513 .......... Pg. 24 Arbor Circle Corporation Adolescent Substance Abuse Services. AOS of Arbor Circle. AOS of Arbor Circle - Women’s Group. Mission Inn Services. ..................... (616) 456-7775 ..... Pg. 24-25 Salvation Army (The) - Turning Point ..................................................... (616) 742-0351 .......... Pg. 54 Wedgewood Christian Services .. (616) 942-2110 ......Pg. 58-59 Transportation (See decision tree on page 14 & 15) American Red Cross of West Central Michigan ..................................................... (616) 456-8661 .......... Pg. 24 Fish for My People (GRACE) ........ (616) 774-2045 ......... Pg. 35 Hope Network of West Michigan ..................................................... (616) 248-5900 .......... Pg. 40 Spectrum Health - Healthier Communities ..................................................... (616) 391-5000 .....Pg. 55-56 The RAPID (ITP) (GRATA) Fixed Route, GO! Bus, PASS, The Rapid Travel Training Program ..................................................... (616) 456-7514 .......... Pg. 57 Guide to the Pregnancy Resource Guide What the symbols mean: : New Listing : Wheelchair accessible : Accessible to those with visual impairments : Accessible to those with hearing impairments : On the RAPID bus route : Directory of services available : Written material about agency available : Multilingual staff available; language(s) in parentheses A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 21 ACSET – (616) 696-2150, 336-4186, 336-4016 or 336-4018 – pg. 25-26 • • • • FIA-Medical Transportation – (616) 247-8015 – pg. 46-47 • Fish For My People – (616) 774-2045 – pg. 35 • • HCSS – Home Care – (616) 454-9844 • • HMO’s Medicaid Clients – Contact your HMO directly. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hope Network-North Kent Transit – (616) 243-2783 – pg. 40 • Maternal & Infant Support Services – (616) 336-3040 • • Native American Comm. Services – (616) 458-4078 – pg. 48 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Neighbors International – (616) 454-7247 • PANC – (616) 391-6199 • RDS Ambucab – (616) 975-9970 • Ready Ride Transportation – (616) 261-2400 • • • Senior Neighbors – (616) 459-6019 • • • • Sunshine Senior Assistance – (616) 456-6200 • • • • • The RAPID-Fixed Route – (616) 776-1100 – pg. 57 • • • • • The RAPID-Go! Bus – (616) 456-6141 – pg. 57 • • • • • The RAPID-PASS Program – (616) 459-7701 – pg. 57 • • United Methodist Comm. House – (616) 452-3226 – pg. 58 • • • • Life EMS – (616) 364-8711 • • • • • • Hope Network-Fun Fund – (616) 243-0876 – pg. 40 • • • Hope Network Clients – (616) 243-0876 – pg. 40 Hope Network-Help Fund – (616) 248-0896 – pg. 40 • • • • • Hope Network-Medicaid-Non Emergency – (616) 248-5195 – pg. 40 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • Ambulance Service-Rockford/Lowell – (616) 866-0724 • • • • Ambucab/Life EMS – (616) 364-8781 • • • • Ambucab Neighbor’s International – (616) 454-7247 • • • • Ambucab Transport – (231) 792-6561 • • • • Calder City – (616) 454-8080 • • • • Health Care Associates – (616) 531-9973 • • • • Mercy Ambucab – (616) 459-8197 • • • • West MI Angel Planes – (616) 673-2272 • Wings of Mercy – (616) 396-1077 • Corporate Angel Network – (914) 328-1313 • Greyhound Bus – 1-800-752-4841 • • • Veterans Assistance – (616) 365-9575 ext. 244 Amtrak – 1-800-872-7245 No Cost/Donation • Self-Pay • Specific Medical Condition • Cultural Specific • Specific Area American Red Cross – (616) 456-8661 ext. 3706 – pg. 24 Program Specific • • Seniors • Wheelchair Non-Medical AIDS Care Network – (616) 774-2177 American Cancer Society – (616) 364-6121 AGENCY – PHONE – PAGE Disability Medical Medicaid/Low-Income Transportation at a glance • • • • • • • • • Veteran’s Taxi – (616) 459-4646 • • • Yellow Cab Taxi – (616) 459-4646 • • • Port City Taxi – (616) 243-5314 • • • A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 22 ABUNDANT LIFE MINISTRIES (616) 475-0009 / (616) 248-4124 1721 Madison Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 9-4, M-TH; 9-Noon, F Mobile and Emergency Food Pantries. Distributes food in two programs: Mobile Food Pantry is bi-monthly food distribution, usually the 2nd and 4th Friday of month from 4:30 until the food is gone; call for locations. Emergency Food Pantry is one time per month. Hours are 12-3, T, W & TH. Program hours: Mobile Food Pantry opens at 4:30 usually 2nd and 4th Friday of month. Emergency Food Pantry is once a month. Application: Income, proof of residency (bill within last 30 days), and current ID (Michigan ID or driver’s license), ID, Social Security Number. Eligibility: Family size and family income. Referrals are good but not required. Other: Need to bring bags or boxes to carry food from Mobile Food Pantry. Area served: Eastern/Alger/Division/Hall. Contact: Michelle Figures (616) 475-0009 ACAC INC. (616) 957-5850 3949 Sparks Dr. SE, Suite 103, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 9-5, M-F, evening appointments available. Provides outpatient assessments and counseling for mental health and substance abuse. Services include individual (ages 12-adult) and family counseling. Also offers services at 945-B W. Broadway, in Muskegon, phone (231) 755-9978 for more information. (This is a for-profit agency). Program hours: 9-5, M-F, evening appointments available. Application: Call to schedule appointment, Insurance card. Fees/Insurance: Call for information. Covered by most insurance. Other: JCAHO accreditation since 1984. Area served: Grand Rapids and Lakeshore area. (Italian, Dutch) ACCESS-6 (616) 949-1360 2829 Thornapple River Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Main hours: 8-4, M-F Access 6 - Second Mile House. Provides basic needs assistance in two programs: Second Mile House provides clothing three times per year. ACCESS-6 provides financial assistance (rent, utilities, medical, repairs, car insurance and other payments). Program hours: By appointment. Application: Referrals from caseworkers, county health nurses and area ministries. Area served: Ada, Alto/Bowne, Caledonia, Cascade, Lowell and Vergennes townships. ADOPTIVE FAMILY SUPPORT NETWORK (616) 458-7945 / (616) 458-7608 (Warmline) 233 E. Fulton St., Suite 108, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-3, M-F Offers grass-roots, parent-to-parent support, information, and referral resources for adoptive families. Provides a non-crisis telephone service (Warm line: 616/458-7608), a quarterly newsletter, a web page, information packets to new adoptive parents, a mentoring program, and a support group. Email: Program hours: Varies, depending on program. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Janice Fonger (616) 458-7945 AL-ANON, ALATEEN, AND ALATEEN JUNIOR (616) 257-8089 / (616) 538-3664 Main hours: Call for details Offers free groups to share experiences, strength and hope in solving problems. For family members and close friends affected by someone else’s drinking. Alanon for adults, Alateen for ages 13-21, Alateen Junior for ages 8-12. Anonymity is guarded at all times. Various locations. Toll-free: (888) 4AL-ANON. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days/week answering service. Call for meeting times and places. Fees/Insurance: Donations appreciated. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Nina Hoeksema (616) 538-3664 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - KENT COUNTY (616) 913-9216 1539 Plainfield Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Provides fellowship of men, women, and teenagers who share their experiences and help each other to stay sober and recover from alcoholism. The goal is to find a satisfying life-style without the use of alcohol. A.A. does not keep membership files and one is able to maintain as much anonymity as s/he wishes. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Application: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Donations appreciated. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) ALL COUNTY CHURCHES EMERGENCY SUPPORT SYSTEM (ACCESS) (616) 774-2175 207 E. Fulton St., 4th Floor, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F Food Pantry Network of Kent County. Provides listing of all key food pantry site locations in Kent County. Also provides information on clothing pantries. Program hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Application: Proof of address and number in household. Eligibility: Persons in need of food. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Marsha DeHollander (616) 774-2175 ext. 103 ALPHA WOMEN’S CENTER (616) 459-9955 1055 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 2-7, M; 2-5, TU-F Services include free pregnancy testing, information about alternatives to abortion, STDs, and fetal development. Clothing and supplies for children 0-24 months, and maternity clothing are also available. Walk-ins welcome for free pregnancy testing. All other services require an appointment. There are also locations in Greenville, Hastings, Newaygo and Wayland. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 23 Program hours: 9:30-4, M-F. Application: None, Picture ID. Area served: Comstock Park, Grand Rapids, Kentwood, Walker, and Wyoming. Email: Pregnancy Care Center. Provides free pregnancy testing, birthing classes, and information about alternatives to abortion, STDs, and fetal development. Clothing and supplies for children 0-4 toddler. Maternity clothing is also available. Walk-ins welcome for free pregnancy testing. All other services require an appointment. 90 N. Main St., Cedar Springs. Program hours: 2-7, M; 2-5, TU-F. Application: None, Picture ID. Area served: Northern Kent County and nearby counties. Contact: Lorrie Shelton (616) 696-2616 AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN GRAND VALLEY REGION (ALA of Michigan) (616) 942-0513 / (517) 484-4541 2815 Michigan St. NE, Suite B, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 9-4, M-F Provides programs whose priorities include asthma, tobacco prevention and air quality. In addition, ALA of Michigan funds lung disease research both at academic institutions within Michigan and at the national level. Advocacy, as it relates to public health and environmental initiatives, remains central to ALA of Michigan’s mission. Toll-free: (800) LUNG-USA. Program hours: 9-5, M-F, or by appointment. Other: Call 800-548-8252 for free counseling with ALA’s Registered Nurses, Registered Therapists and Quit-Smoking Specialists. Area served: Allegan, Berrien, Calhoun, Kent, Muskegon, Newaygo, Oceana, Ottawa, St. Joseph, VanBuren, Cass, Barry, Branch and Kalamazoo counties. AMERICAN RED CROSS OF WEST CENTRAL MICHIGAN (616) 456-8661 1050 Fuller Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Basic Needs - Emergency. Assists disaster victims with their immediate food, clothing, shelter and medical needs. Provides emergency communication between members of the armed forces and their family members back home. May have some emergency transportation funds available. Provides tracing services for refugees and other displaced persons throughout the world who have been separated from their families by conflict or natural disaster. Toll-free: (800) 482-2411. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: ID. Eligibility: Victim of disaster or an emergency message that needs to be relayed to a service person; no age, income or residency requirements. Fees/Insurance: No fees for emergency services or service to military. Area served: Barry, Ionia, Kent, and Montcalm counties. (Spanish) Arrangements for other languages. Transportation Services. Provides free rides to and from medical and social service appointments in Kent County for senior, low income, and handicapped individuals. Must not qualify for GO Bus services. Toll-free: (800) 482-2411 Program hours: 8:30-4, M-F. Switchboard - 8:30-4, MF. Appointments scheduled - 8-3, M-F. Eligibility: Income requirements, call for details. Area served: Kent County. ARBOR CIRCLE CORPORATION (616) 456-7775 1115 Ball Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Adolescent Substance Abuse Services. Provides a service for adolescents ages 12-17 who have been involved in alcohol or other drug related usages. Family therapy, therapy with young children also provided. 1331 Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-8, M-TH; 8-4, F. Application: Proof of income. Eligibility: Ages 12-17. Fees/Insurance: Accept Blue Cross, Medicaid, Medicare, BCN, Priority Health, PPOM and private insurance. Sliding fee scale. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Rog Wiegers (616) 459-7215 AOS of Arbor Circle. Offers outpatient and intensive outpatient counseling services for adults and adolescents; individual, group, marital and family counseling. Issues addressed include substance abuse, mental health, abuse and neglect, and domestic violence. Education and intervention programs for alcohol and/or drug use, & anger management. 1331 Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-8 M-TH; 8-4, F. Application: By appointment only, Insurance card; proof of income. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Covered by most insurance companies. Area served: Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, Newaygo, and Ottawa counties. Contact: Rog Wiegers (616) 459-7215 Email: AOS of Arbor Circle - Women’s Group. Provides individual and group counseling for women experiencing problems with substance abuse and victimization including domestic assault and sexual abuse, mental health issues and self care. Child care and transportation available for eligible participants. 1331 Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-8, M-TH, 8-5, F. Application: By appointment only, Insurance card; proof of income. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Covered by most insurance companies. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Rog Wiegers (616) 459-7215 Counseling Services. Offers individual and family counseling for children, adolescents and adults experiencing mental or emotional problems such as abuse and neglect, depression, anxiety, parenting, divorce, blended family trauma issues. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 24 Program hours: 8-8, M-TH; 8-5, F. Application: By appointment only, call for appointment or scheduling information, Insurance card, proof of income. Eligibility: Ages 3+, primarily Kent County. Fees/Insurance: Sliding scale available, Covered by most insurance. Area served: Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Newaygo, and Ottawa counties. (Spanish) Interpreter services available. Domestic Violence Intervention Program. Offers a program for adults experiencing problems with domestic violence, substance abuse and mental health. Individual and group services for batterers and victims. 1331 Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-6, M-TH; 8-5, F. Application: By appointment. Phone call for appointment or scheduling information, Insurance card, proof of income, call for appointment. Eligibility: Adult, 17+ Montcalm, Ionia, Newaygo or Kent County resident. Fees/Insurance: Sliding scale fee for Kent County residents only, Most major insurance companies. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Rog Wiegers (616) 4597215 Mission Inn Services. Provides in-home services to families with infants and young children who have been or are affected by substance abuse or HIV/AIDS. 1101 Ball Ave. NE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Flexible. Application: No referral required. Call for information. Home-based service. Eligibility: Child under 5; pregnant mother; child affected by substance abuse or HIV. Area served: Kent County - limited services in surrounding areas. Contact: Emmy Ellis (616) 456-6571 Infant Toddler Development Services. Provides home-based infant, toddler, parent early intervention-prevention services. Program emphasizes earliest possible identification of infants and parents in need of intervention in order to develop loving and nurturing relationships. Specific emphasis on families with young children with concerns regarding attachment relationship. 1101 Ball Ave. NE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-8, M-TH; 8-5, F. Application: Services provided in home. Eligibility: New-born infant through toddler; may work with children up to the age of 5 years. Fees/Insurance: Free for Medicaid or no income; MIChild, Part C; Sliding Scale for insured, Medicaid, MIChild. Area served: Kent County. North County Parenting Services. Provides parental psycho-educational and support groups and developmentally appropriate child care services. Group service focuses on knowledge of child development and positive parent/child interaction. Program location: United Methodist Churches in Rockford and Cedar Springs. Program hours: only P.M. groups available. Application: No referral required. Call for information. Eligibility: Resident of Northern Kent County. Parents with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Area served: Northern Kent County. Contact: Jean Breay (616) 456-6571 North County Teen Parenting Services. Provides pregnant and parenting teens weekly interactive group activities and home visits to develop skills in building positive attachments with their infants and toddlers. Peace Lutheran Church, Sparta. Program hours: Tuesday, 12:30 - 2 p.m. for 12-week sessions during school year. Eligibility: Northern Kent County resident, teen parent or pregnant teen. Other: Childcare and transportation provided. Area served: Northern Kent County. Contact: Jean Breay (616) 456-6571 Homeless Youth Services. Provides case management, counseling and support to youth 16-20 who are without permanent stable housing. 1115 Ball Ave. NE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. After hours crisis line. Application: No referral requirement, appointment required for full assessment, but walk-in inquiries are welcome, picture ID, social security card, birth certificate and insurance card. Eligibility: Ages 16-20, without permanent stable housing. Other: Program and services are voluntary. Area served: Kent and Ottawa counties. Contact: Susan Conrad / Lisa Willyard (616) 451-3001 The Bridge. Provides counseling, case management, and temporary shelter and for youth ages 10-17, and works with families to reduce and prevent incidents of abuse. 1115 Ball Ave. NE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: Crisis line and shelter - 24 hours, 7 days. Application: No referral requirement, assessment can be scheduled within 24 hours or immediately, if necessary, legal guardian consent, or contact info for parent or guardian, current medication and prescription bottle(s), personal belongings (optional). Eligibility: Legal guardian consent. Other: Program and services are voluntary. Area served: Kent, Ionia and Ottawa counties and surrounding areas. Contact: Susan Sheppard (616) 451-3001 Email: Some availability for bilingual staff. AREA COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING COUNCIL (ACSET) (616) 336-4100 144 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Offers a variety of services including programs focused on nutrition, seniors, energy, emergencies, transportation, youth, Latin Americans, tax assistance and Michigan Enrolls Medicaid. Area served: Kent County. Cedar Springs Complex. Provides programs including a food pantry, homeless housing assistance, utility shut off assistance and Michigan Enrolls Medicaid program. Kent County Health Department provides Women-Infant-Children (WIC) and a medical clinic. Transportation provided to medical and dental appointments for seniors only. 44 N. Park, Cedar Springs. Program hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 25 North East Complex. Senior Citizens Food Pantry - serves clients north of Fulton Street. 836 Fuller NE, Grand Rapids. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Sheldon Complex. Provides multiple programs including homeless housing assistance, utility shut off assistance, Michigan Works! employment and training services, trash tags (City of GR), and Michigan Enrolls Medicaid. Also serves as Hispanic Senior Meals program site. Kent County Health Department provides Women-Infant-Children (WIC), a medical clinic, and Spectrum MOMs program. Latin American Services also available. 121 Franklin St. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 9-5:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) West Side Complex. Provides multiple programs including homeless housing assistance, utility shut off assistance, westernization programs (also open to renters), Michigan Enrolls Medicaid, commodities distribution, and trash tags (for City of GR). Heat Bank available in fall only. Offers the following programs for seniors only: Senior Meals program, Senior Millage outreach worker, transportation, senior activities such as bingo and live dance band. Hosts local community meetings. 215 Straight St. NW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) ASIAN CENTER OF WEST MICHIGAN (THE) (616) 331-6592 401 W. Fulton St., Suite 359C, DeVos Center, GR, MI 49504 Main hours: 9-5, M-F Asian Family Services. Provides culturally sensitive services and Asian alternative health services including holistic healing via Qigong and Chinese medicine. Provides culturally sensitive education through workshops and consultation to helping professionals to facilitate their capacities for serving Asian Americans. Program hours: 9-5, M-F. Application: Appointment required, ID. Fees/Insurance: Fees upon evaluation. Other: Scholarships available for class fees. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Dr. Douglas Chung (616) 331-6559 centera@gvsu. edu (Chinese, Taiwanese) ASSOCIATED LANGUAGE CONSULTANTS (616) 356-3515 880 Grandville Ave., Suite B, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Interprets, translates and teaches over 50 languages. AWESOME OPTIONS PREGNANCY SUPPORT CENTER (616) 667-2200 567 Baldwin St., Jenison, MI 49428 Main hours: 2-5, M & T; 10-1, W; 6-9, TH Provides positive alternatives to abortion through counseling, referrals to other agencies, and providing baby formula, furniture, clothing, etc. at no cost to clients. All information strictly confidential. or Area served: Wyoming, Grandville, Jenison, Hudsonville, Coopersville, Allendale and Holland. BAXTER COMMUNITY CENTER (616) 456-8593 935 Baxter St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Provides a variety of services such as Family Assistance Program, budget counseling, WIC, day care, health clinic, counseling program, mentoring program, recreational activities, volunteer program, and Head Start program for residents in and around Baxter neighborhood. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Call for available resources. Fees/Insurance: Some. Area served: Grand Rapids - Baxter neighborhood. N - Wealthy; S - Franklin; E - Fuller; W - Eastern. Contact: Melanie Beelen (616) 456-8593 (Spanish) Counseling Center. Provides individual and family Christian counseling to people with little income and large problems through professional counselor along with trained volunteers. The goal is to help clients regain emotional control of their lives, and set realistic goals to solve life’s problems. Program hours: 9-5, M, TU, TH, F. Call for appointment. Application: Referrals required for special groups. Eligibility: Preferred Kent County or target area; if referred by church welcomed. Fees/Insurance: None, Priority Health. Area served: Grand Rapids - Baxter neighborhood. N Wealthy; S - Franklin; E - Fuller; W - Eastern. Contact: Rosie Saverson-Hair (616) 456-8593 (Spanish) Wholistic Health Clinic. Provides preventative and treatment oriented medical care of Baxter area neighborhood children and adults, emphasizing follow-up education. Also provides dental care, and Women, Infant Children (WIC) program. Call for appointment. Program hours: Pediatric Clinc, 1-2:45, M, T, TH, F; Adult Clinic, 9-11:15 a.m., T-TH; Eye Clinic, 1-2:30 p.m., TH, once per month; Dental Clinic, 1-4, W; WIC, by appointment only Application: Adult patients - Appointment required; Pediatric Clinic - walk-in, ID, SS#, Proof of Income. Fees/Insurance: Sliding scale without insurance, Priority Health and Medicare, Medicaid. Area served: Grand Rapids - Baxter neighborhood. N - Wealthy; S - Franklin; E - Fuller; W - Eastern. Contact: Mikki Turnbull (616) 456-5310 (Spanish) BAXTER NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION (616) 247-9550 722 Eastern Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Crime prevention, referrals for food, clothing, furniture, housing, and employment. Program hours: 9-5, M-F. Eligibility: Must live within Baxter Neighborhood. Area served: Grand Rapids - Baxter neighborhood. N - Wealthy; S - Franklin; E - Fuller; W - Eastern. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 26 BETHANY CHRISTIAN SERVICES (616) 224-7610 901 Eastern Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F This multi-service agency provides quality adoption, foster care, refugee, and counseling services. Pregnancy counseling, and adoption preparation, adoptive planning, crisis pregnancy hotline, support groups, counseling, and infertility ministry are among the services available. Program hours: 8:30-6, M, W-F; 8:30-9, TU. Area served: Western Michigan. (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Call for other languages. Birth Parent Counseling. Provides confidential birth parent counseling for expectant mothers, fathers and other involved family members including information, referrals and adoption planning and support. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Contact intake worker for information and/or appointment. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Kris Faasse (616) 224-7550 (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Call for other languages. Family Counseling. Offers individual, marital, group, and family counseling for anyone with emotional or mental health problems; assessments; substance abuse - case assessment and treatment. Confidential counseling and support are available for short- or long-term needs. Program hours: 8-6, M, W-F; 8-9, TU. Application: Proof of insurance. Fees/Insurance: Sliding scale available, Most 3rd party insurance, PPOM, Priority Health, CMH. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Mark Peterson or Jodi Manley (616) 224-7617 (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Call for other languages. Refugee Foster Care. Provides foster care placement for unaccompanied minors from war-torn countries. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Some evenings. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Refugee unaccompanied minors. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Grand Rapids area within 40 mile radius from Bethany Christian Services, including Holland. Contact: Laurie Tibble (616) 224-7540 (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Call for other languages. Refugee Outreach and Referral (ROAR). Assist refugees to gain access to available services. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Call for details; I-94 or proof of refugee status. Area served: Western Michigan. (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Call for other languages. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (616) 454-5654 834 Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 9-4, TU-F Bethel Counseling Ministry. Biblically sound, spiritually correct Christian counseling by professional volunteer counselors. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call church office. Area served: Grand Rapids. Parenting Through the Word. Ongoing parenting classes based on God’s word made relevant to today’s lifestyles, includes education, discipline, developmental stages, and other parenting issues. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call church office. Area served: Grand Rapids. BRADLEY METHOD OF NATURAL CHILDBIRTH (616) 281-2169 Call for locations. Childbirth Classes. Childbirth education classes for parents who want to be well-informed about their choices in childbirth. This comprehensive series includes topics such as exercise, nutrition, relaxation, labor and delivery, interventions, how to reduce pain in labor, coaching, breastfeeding, postpartum care, newborn tests and much more. (This is a For-Profit agency) Program location: Various Locations. bvermeer@bigfoot. com Program hours: Office - 8-9, M-SAT. Call for class schedule and location. Application: Must sign up first, call for info. Fees/Insurance: Call for current rates. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Vicki Vermeer (616) 281-2169 CALEDONIA RESOURCE CENTER (616) 891-8117 330 Johnson St., Caledonia, MI 49316 Main hours: 7:30-4, M-F Provides education and programs to aid Caledonia and surrounding area communities. Includes Caledonia Alternative High School, Continuing Education, Extended Day Care, PreSchool, Senior Citizens Program and Seasonal Tax Assistance. Program hours: Varies. Area served: Caledonia and surrounding area. Parents as Teachers. Offers personal visits, child development information, play groups, parent meetings, developmental screenings and resource networking. Scheduling is flexible and by appointment. Program hours: Flexible. Application: Call for appointment/ information. Eligibility: Resident of Caledonia Community School District. Area served: Caledonia Community School District. CATHERINE’S CARE CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH SERVICES (616) 336-8800 catherines.shtml 224 Carrier St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Community based health care, free immunizations, screening for blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, and hemoglobin. Health education and prevention, help in finding affordable health care. (Mission: To improve health care in northeast Grand Rapids through screening, education, referral and by acting as a gateway to primary care.) Program hours: Office hours: 9-12 and 1-4, TU, TH. Other hours by appointment. Fees/Insurance: No charge or sliding A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 27 scale. Other: Behind the blue doors at St. Alphonsus Church. Area served: Grand Rapids - targets northeast area. Contact: Karen Kaashoek, RN (616) 336-8800 CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF GRAND RAPIDS (616) 243-0491 650 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Native American Ministry. Supports the presence, promotes the identity, and encourages the voice of Native American Catholics throughout the diocese. Provides two mobile food pantries. Also offers special events and ceremonies throughout the year. Email: Program hours: Call for details. Eligibility: Native American resident in Kent County. Area served: Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids - 11 counties. Cuenta Conmigo. Provides women’s support group especially for those who have experienced domestic abuse, but is open to all women who are seeking support. Free monthly meetings. Spanish spoken. 671 Davis Ave. NW, Steepletown Center, Grand Rapids. Email: Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for appointment. Area served: Kent County - northwest side. (Spanish) CATHOLIC HUMAN DEVELOPMENT OUTREACH (CHDO) (616) 248-3030 650 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Casa De La Paz. Provides meals and shelter for families (women and children) on an emergency basis. Serves approximately 150 families each year. Families can stay for four weeks each year. Services available in Spanish. Preferrably referred by Salvation Army Homeless Assistance Program (616-454-5840). Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Aida Melendez (616) 364-4594 aida.melendez@chdo. org (Spanish) Capitol Lunch. Offers free hot meals to low-income and homeless individuals seven days a week at the kitchen’s downtown site. Closed first Friday of each month. 303 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids. Program hours: 2:30-4p.m., 7 days. Area served: Grand Rapids - Heartside area. Contact: Pat MacDonell (616) 454-4110 Email: (Spanish) Immigration Advocacy and Assistance. Provides education and procedural information regarding the immigration process. Also provides document translation and assistance in completing immigration forms. 650 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Appointment required for most situations, Any and all paperwork related to immigration situation. Fees/Insurance: We have a fee scale for specific services, but will and do reduce or eliminate those fees when necessary. Area served: West Michigan. Contact: Alyssa Morillo Scheidt (616) 248-3030 ext.138 Email: (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Others, currently by appointment. CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES (616) 456-1443 40 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Adoption Services - Infants. Open adoption program provides comprehensive and individualized services for parents choosing to make adoption plans. Services include education and preparation, home studies, placement, support groups, and search services. Infant adoption services are paid for by the adoptive family (based on a sliding fee scale). Program hours: by appointment. Application: Form required. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Other: Provides a program statement. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, Osceola and other West Michigan counties. (Spanish) Counseling Services. Provides a variety of counseling services for both adults and children on an individual, couple, family, or group basis. Includes a self-esteem and domestic violence group for children. Bilingual counseling is offered for Spanish speaking persons, and services are available to the entire community. Program hours: 8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m., M-TH; 8:30-5, F. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding scale, based on family size and income, Most insurances are accepted. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, and Osceola counties. Contact: Cyndi Musto (616) 356-6247 (Spanish) Pregnancy Counseling and Support Services. Provides pregnant women, expectant teens, birth fathers and other family members with information, counseling, support and referrals to and connections with prenatal care and other needed services in preparation for parenting or planning an adoption. Free pregnancy testing available. Program hours: Call for appointment; 24 hour phone contact available. Application: Call for appointment, Call for details. Eligibility: Any pregnant or parenting teen or young woman, their signifant others as well as their families. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, and Osceola counties. Contact: Joe Carmody (616) 456-1443 (Spanish) Counseling Services to the Spanish-Speaking. Catholic Social Services provides individual, couples, and family counseling for Hispanics. Also offers a series of parenting classes at various times throughout the year, anger management groups for men, and domestic violence groups for women. Program hours: Call for details. Eligibility: Hispanic residents A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 28 of Grand Rapids only. Area served: Grand Rapids. Contact: Cyndi Musto (616) 356-6247 (Spanish) CEDAR SPRINGS PUBLIC SCHOOLS (616) 696-1204 204 E. Muskegon St., Cedar Springs, MI 49319 Area served: Cedar Springs. Kent City School - Parents As Teachers. A voluntary early childhood program for children birth to age 5. Offers home visits, developmental screening, family activity sessions, toy and book lending library, child development information and prenatal information. 29 College St., Kent City. Program hours: Varies, call for details. Application: Immunization Record. Eligibility: Cedar Springs, Sparta and Kent City, parents with children birth to age 5. Area served: Cedar Springs, Kent City, and Sparta school districts. Contact: Jennifer Harper (616) 696-9884 (Spanish) Materials in Spanish. Sparta School - Parents As Teachers. A voluntary early childhood program for children birth to age 5. Offers home visits, developmental screening, family activity sessions, toy and book lending library, child development information and prenatal information. 1655 Twelve Mile Rd. NW, Sparta. Program hours: Varies, call for details. Application: Immunization Record. Eligibility: Cedar Springs, Sparta and Kent City, parents with children birth to age 5. Area served: Cedar Springs, Kent City, and Sparta school districts. Contact: Jennifer Harper (616) 696-9884 (Spanish) Materials in Spanish. CELEBRATE RECOVERY OF MICHIGAN (Community Recovery International) (616) 361-6014 2340 Dean Lake Rd. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Main hours: 9-5, M-F Provides ministry through worship and support group meetings. Support groups include chemical/alcohol dependency, finance recovery, grief share, sexual addiction for men, co-dependency, depression support, and divorce care. Also includes traditional Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon meetings and Emotions Anonymous. Worship service at 7:00 p.m. each Friday, groups begin at 7:45 p.m., and Shadow Lake Café Coffee House at 8:30 p.m. Transportation may be available; call 454-7441 or 516-1119. Area served: Grand Rapids and surrounding areas. Contact: Beth Dart (616) 361-6014 ext. 109, 119 or 111 beth@nccwm. org CELESTIAL LIGHT CENTRE FOR ATTITUDINAL HEALING (616) 456-8481 525 Livingston Ave. NE, Suite 4A, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Helps individuals and groups handle life’s stressors such as grief and loss, health challenges, or trauma. The Centre is one of over 200+ attitudinal healing centers around the world. Programs include: A Course in Attitudinal Healing - “Linking mind, emotion, and body” (a 12 week course that serves as a catalyst for personal and professional growth), Shine Your Love Light (for children 6-13), Heart to Heart (for adults), and Dance with God. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Registration. Eligibility: Varies by program - call for details. Fees/Insurance: None or small depending on program. Other: A current e-mail newsletter can be obtained by requesting via e-mail address: Area served: Greater Grand Rapids Area. (Spanish) CHERRY STREET HEALTH SERVICES (616) 235-7272 550 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-8, M-TH; 8-5, F Provides comprehensive medical, dental, and counseling services with special attention to those with limited ability to pay. The services of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, dentists, dental hygienists, and social workers are available at several different sites. Program hours: 8-8, M-TH; 8-5, F. Application: ID, Medicaid card, insurance card or proof of income for discount fee. Eligibility: All ages eligible; discount fee based on income eligibility; bring proof of income. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Community Choice Michigan, Priority Health, most other private insurance plans; call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding areas. (Spanish, Vietnamese) Belknap Commons Health Center. Provides a broad range of services including medical, dental, social work counseling, lab work, immunizations, and day care. 751 Lafayette Ave. NE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, TU, W, F. Medical: 8-5, TU, W. Dental: 1-5, F. Application: Appointment required, Payment due at time of service. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Community Choice Michigan, Priority Health, most other private insurance plans; call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding areas. Contact: Cathy Ortman Medical: (616) 742-9945; Dental: 7429942 Cherry Street Health Center. Provides a broad range of services including medical, dental, prenatal care, nutrition, social work counseling, lab work, x-ray, immunizations, mammography, and vision. Also offers Maternal Support Services (MSS) and Women, Infant, Children (WIC) programs. 550 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-8, M-F. Medical: 8-8, M, TH; 8-6, TU, W; 8-5, F. Dental: 8-5, M, F; 8-8, TU-TH. Walk in urgent dental care 7 a.m., M-F. Application: Appointment required, Payment due at time of service. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Community Choice Michigan, Priority Health, most other private insurance plans; call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding areas. (Spanish, Vietnamese) Ferguson Dental Center. Provides dental services. 101 Sheldon SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Appointment required, Payment due at time of service. Eligibility: Proof of income A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 29 and dental insurance information. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Medicaid and Medicare. Area served: Kent County and surrounding areas. (Spanish) Salvation Army Booth Clinic. Provides high risk teen pregnancy clinic, childbirth classes, counseling, immunizations, lab work, Maternal Support Services (MSS), well child clinic, and Women, Infant, Children (WIC) program. 1215 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Medical: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Dental: 8-5, TH. Application: Payment due at time of service. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Community Choice Michigan, Priority Health, most other private insurance plans; call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding areas. Contact: Judy Willinic (616) 459-9468 Westside Health Center. Provides a broad range of services including medical, dental, prenatal care, nutrition, social work counseling, lab work, x-ray, immunizations, mammography, and vision. Also offers Women, Infant, Children (WIC) program. 669 Stocking Ave. NW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-8, M-F. Medical: 8-8, M, TU; 8-5, W-F. Dental by appointment. Application: Payment due at time of service. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Community Choice Michigan, Priority Health, most other private insurance plans; call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding areas. Contact: Mary Lanier (616) 235-1480 (Spanish) Westside Health Center - CHOICES FOR ADOLESCENT FEMALES. C.H.O.I.C.E.S. (Communicating Healthy Options, Identifying Choices in Every Situation) anger alternatives group for adolescent females. 669 Stocking Ave. NW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-8, M-F. Medical: 8-8, M, TU; 8-5, WF. Dental by appointment. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Community Choice Michigan, Priority Health, most other private insurance plans; call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding areas. Contact: Rebecca London (616) 235-1480 ext. 121 (Spanish) Westside Health Center - CHOICES FOR WOMEN. C.H.O.I.C.E.S. (Communicating Healthy Options, Identifying Choices in Every Situation) anger alternatives group for women. 669 Stocking Ave. NW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-8, M-F. Medical: 8-8, M, TU; 8-5, WF. Dental by appointment. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Community Choice Michigan, Priority Health, most other private insurance plans; call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding areas. Contact: Rebecca London (616) 235-1480 ext. 121 (Spanish) CHILD AND FAMILY RESOURCE COUNCIL (616) 454-HOPE (4673) 118 Commerce Ave. SW, Suite 220, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F The Council’s mission is to shape a community that protects children from abuse and neglect, and uses advocacy, collaboration, and education to achieve it. The Council coordinates several programs (Connections, Encouraging Family Foundations, Kent County Healthy Start, and RAVE), conducts Mandated Reporter and Shaken Baby Syndrome trainings, publishes the Family Resource Guide, and organizes a Community Education program to present on a wide variety of topics. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Area served: Kent County. Encouraging Family Foundations (EFF). Offers a voluntary education and support program open to all single parents living in Kent County, Michigan, with a child one year old or younger. EFF teaches parenting skills and other vital life skill information to participants; this is done through a collaborative model that utilizes and maximizes community resources to achieve its goals. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call to register. Eligibility: Kent County resident 1. who is a single parent (mother or father) of a newborn, 2. who is the partner of single parent and will be contributing significantly to the raising of that child, or 3. who is pregnant and single and wants to attend prior to birth. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Bev Crandall (616) 454-4673 (Spanish) CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER (616) 956-1122 3355 Eagle Park Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525-7004 Main hours: 8-8, M-TH; 8-5, F Provide individual, couple, marital, family, and group therapy for all ages. Also can provide psychological/psychiatric evaluations. Consultation and educational services are available for area businesses, non-profit organizations and churches. Toll-free: (800) 380-HEAL (4325) Program hours: Flexible. Application: Call main office for appointment arrangements, Intake information will be mailed to the client prior to first appointment. Fees/Insurance: Insurance accepted; sliding fee scale, Multiple insurance plans are accepted. Area served: Kent, Muskegon, and Ottawa counties. Contact: Linda Carman (616) 956-1122 ext. 304 (Spanish) Crystal Creek Community Church Location. Provide individual, couple, marital, family, and group therapy for all ages. Also can provide psychological/psychiatric evaluations. Consultation and educational services are available for area businesses, non-profit organizations and churches. 5151 8th Ave., Grandville. Toll-free: (800) 380-HEAL (4325) Program hours: Tues & Thurs only. Application: Call main office for appointment arrangements, Intake information will be mailed to the client prior to first appointment. Fees/Insurance: Insurance accepted; sliding fee scale, Multiple insurance plans are accepted. Area served: Kent, Muskegon, and Ottawa counties. Contact: Linda Carman (616) 956-1122 ext. 304 A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 30 CITY VIEW CHURCH (616) 235-1533 / (616) 235-1583 960 Alpine Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Offers many programs and services for northwest GR residents, including clothing closet, food cupboard, counseling, and programs for children and teens. Program hours: by appointment. Area served: Northwest Grand Rapids. (Spanish) COMMUNITY COUNSELING AND PERSONAL GROWTH MINISTRY (616) 456-1586 540 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-7:00, M-TH; 8:30-3:00, F Provides a full range of counseling services: individual, couple, and group therapy. Serves children, adolescents, and adults. Email: Program hours: 8:30-9:00, M-F Evening appointments available. Application: Make an appointment; bring insurance card if you have one. Eligibility: Ability to pay at least $40 per session. Fees/Insurance: Adjusting Costs - based on insurance, income and number of dependents; Most insurances accepted, but depends on therapist. Area served: Western Michigan including Lakeshore. Contact: Lisa Perry (616) 456-1586 Douglas Office. Provides a full range of counseling services: individual, couple, and group therapy. Serves children, adolescents, and adults. 69 Wall St., Douglas. Application: Make an appointment; bring insurance card if you have one. Eligibility: Ability to pay at least $40 per session. Fees/Insurance: Adjusting Costs - based on insurance, income and number of dependents; Most insurances accepted, but depends on therapist. Area served: Western Michigan including Lakeshore. (Spanish) COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE NETWORK OF WEST MICHIGAN (network 180) (616) 336-3535 / (616) 336-3909; Teenline: (616) 336-2450 833 Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 8-8, M-F; 24 hours, 7 days for emergencies Helpline. Provides a “listening ear” for person of all ages who wish to talk about any problems they may be experiencing. The well trained listeners help callers sort out their problem, can immediately access professional assistance for the caller if necessary, make appropriate referrals to other community service agencies, or help the caller to problem solve. Toll-free: (800) 749-7720. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Area served: Mental Health - Kent County; Substance Abuse - Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, and Newaygo counties. Contact: Jim Lowther (616) 336-3909 Email: (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Most languages. Onsite and Offsite Services. Provides immediate assessment, referral, and support for any kind of mental health or substance abuse problem, including depression, anxiety, stress reactions, family conflicts, suicidal thoughts, mental illness. Services available to all ages, no appointment necessary. To determine if Cornerstone is the best place to go, call the Helpline at 336-3535. Toll-free: (800) 749-7720. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Application: Emergencies always walk-in. Adult mental health and substance abuse, walk-in 8-8, M-F. Children and families call for appointment if not emergency, Insurance cards, if any; proof of income, if no insurance - check stub, unemployment, tax return, etc. Eligibility: None, if emergency; mist be resident, if not emergency. Fees/ Insurance: Sliding fee scale, All, however individual should check with his or her insurance company, PPOs, HMOs etc.; may require another agency to assess. Area served: Mental Health - Kent County; Substance Abuse - Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, and Newaygo counties. Contact: Jim Lowther (616) 336-3909 (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Most languages. COMMUNITY REBUILDERS (616) 458-5102 1019 Wealthy St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 9-5, M-F Emergency Housing Alternative. Offers four furnished, 8-bed apartments units available for emergency housing. Placements are made through The Salvation Army’s Homeless Assistance Program for those unable to “fit” into other community shelters due to large family size, male and couple-headed households, or families with teenage children - especially sons. Case management and support services are provided by local agencies. Email: Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Lisa Cooperwood (616) 458-5102 (Bosnian, Spanish) RISE. Designed to meet the needs of women living in transitional housing who are attempting to enter the work force and maintain permanent employment. The purpose is to increase participants’ self-sufficiency by assuring appropriate short-term services are available and by teaching participants to access existing community services. Email: Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Must be resident of transitional housing program. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Lee Everitt (616) 458-5102 Shelter + Car. Acts as a leasing agent to provide low cost leases to customers who are part of the FIT and RISE programs with payments able to go toward the purchase of a car. Email: Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Danelle Harris (616) 458-5102 A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 31 Shelter + Care. Provides housing and supportive services on a long-term basis for homeless persons with disabilities, primarily those with serious mental illness, chronic substance abuse problems and persons with HIV/AIDS. The housing portion of the program is provided by HUD rental assistance. Supportive services are provided through area agencies and must be in place before referral. Email: Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Tami VandenBerg (616) 458-5102 (Spanish) CRESTON NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION (616) 454-7900 205 Carrier St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Provides crime prevention services and community organizing around neighborhood improvement issues. Also assists residents with home improvements, newsletter, Vista program works with association to support health care center, schools and neighborhood and work to physically improve the neighborhood. Focus is to increase community involvement. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Grand Rapids - Creston neighborhood. Contact: Mary Banghart Therrien (616) 454-7900 Email: (Spanish) Main hours: 8:30-5:30, M; 8:30-5, TU-F Offers foster care, adoption services, pregnancy support services, home-based counseling, and the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for details, Varies with each program. Fees/Insurance: Only for private and international adoption services. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Greg Cooper (616) 451-2021 Email: Adoption Services. Provides infant, special needs, and international adoption services. Adoption fees required for infant services but the cost of the special needs adoption program paid for by the State. Biannual presentations are given to the community and adoptive parents that focus on a wide variety of adoption issues. Email: adoption@dablodgett Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for details, Varies with each program. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Ron Apol (616) 774-4615 Pregnancy Counseling Services. Provides free, professional counseling and supportive services for adolescents, women, and couples with unplanned pregnancies for up to a year following the birth of their baby. Program hours: 8:30-8, M-F. Application: Call for details, varies with each program. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Paul Miller (616) 451-2021 CRIMINAL JUSTICE CHAPLAINCY (616) 454-4925 207 E. Fulton St., First Place, Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3210 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Pastoral Counseling. Counseling services by a licensed Pastoral Counselor for offenders and family members of offenders. Email: Program hours: 9am into evening hours, M-F. Eligibility: Adults 17 and older. Fees/Insurance: None, however if client is employed and capable of paying, fees are on a sliding scale. Area served: Greater Grand Rapids. Contact: Rev. James VanderSchaaf (616) 454-4925 ext. 10 Email: Social Work / Case Management. Provide case management services to female offenders or wife/girlfriend of offender. Email: Program hours: daytime or evening. Eligibility: Female offender/ex-offender or wife/girlfriend of male offender/exoffender. Area served: Greater Grand Rapids. Contact: Eda Leach (616) 454-4925 ext. 13 edacjc@sbcglobal. net D.A. BLODGETT SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (616) 451-2021 805 Leonard St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Sisters In Support. Offers friendship, support, structured activity, and positive role modeling to pregnant and or parenting teens. Adult women volunteers are matched to these teens. This match is provided with support from a local social worker. Email: Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for details, varies with each program. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Pam Shoemaker (616) 451-2021 DAVENPORT UNIVERSITY (616) 451-3511 415 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-6:30, M-TH; 8-5, F ESL English As a Second Language. Offer an intensive ESL program to fit the needs of most proficiency levels. Levels range from high-beginning to advanced and instruction is offered in reading, writing, grammar, listening and speaking. Toll-free: (800) 632-9569 Program hours: Day classes. Application: Application for admission required; must make appointment. Eligibility: High school diploma or GED. Fees/Insurance: $25 application fee; payment plans, financial aid and scholarships are available. Other: Davenport University is a highly recognized business school that specializes in the areas of business, computer information systems, law, & ESL. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Suzanne Gut (616) 742-1739 Email: (Spanish, Japanese) A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 32 DEAF, ETC. (616) 732-7358 1514 Wealthy St. SE, Suite 246, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Focuses on the needs and questions of people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Interpreter referral, advocacy, community education, sign language classes, and general information and referral services are provided. TTY: (616) 732-7362 Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Interpretive Referral Services - 24 hours, 7 days. Application: No application procedure, appointment preferred. Fees/Insurance: Advocacy, information and referral are free; Interpreter Referral free to deaf consumer/ others call for fee; Sign language classes for fee. Other: Emergency interpreters available. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Frank Bystrycki (616) 732-7358 (Sign Language) DEGAGE MINISTRIES (616) 454-1661 144 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-5, M-F Degage’s street-level dining room serves at-cost meals. Breakfast is served five mornings a week, lunch three times, and dinner seven nights a week. The first Friday lunch and every Sunday dinner are free. The Life Enrichment Center located on the second floor (accessible from the blue doors on Cherry St.) offers hygiene services such as showers, laundry, and a hair salon. Lockers are available for rent. The Life Enrichment Center also has a referral service to answer a range of questions from preparing resumes, where to go for prescriptions, shelter, or detox. The Open Door program is a women’s drop-in center. Other programs are also offered, please call for details. There is a gym on the third floor with a health and exercise program being developed. The fourth floor houses a food pantry. Program hours: Vary by program. Area served: Heartside Neighborhood. Contact: Michelle Vos (616) 454-1661 Email: DISABILITY ADVOCATES OF KENT COUNTY (Grand Rapids Center for Independent Living) (616) 949-1100 3600 Camelot Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Offers information and referral, independent living skills training, advocacy, peer support, and long-term housing assistance. Programs include housing modification, youth summer camp, personal care attendants, and transition services for youth and young adults with disabilities ages 14-26. TTY: (616) 285-5397 Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Individual must have disability. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent, Ionia and Montcalm counties. Contact: Tracy Phillips (616) 949-1100 ext. 226 Email: Service available if requested in advance. DISPUTE RESOLUTION CENTER OF WEST MICHIGAN (616) 774-0121 678 Front St. NW, Suite 250, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Community Mediation Services. Provides confidential, facilitated mediation for family, neighborhood, workplace, or business, disputes to allow parties to reach their own agreement without going to court. Toll-free: (800) 873-7658. Program hours: 9-5, M-F. By appointment. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Must live or have lawsuit in our service area. Area served: Kent, Lake, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo, and Osceola counties. (Spanish) Available by phone. Educational Issues Conflict Resolution Services. Specialized services for the resolution of conflicts/disputes regarding education issues and school relationships. Difficulties and disagreements over services provided a child, disciplinary matters, parent/teacher relationships, and staff/staff relationships can also be addressed in confidential mediations that result in mutually agreed upon resolutions. Specialized services in the area of Special Education available. Also provide training to assist schools to establish Peer Mediation/Listening Programs targeted to reduce school violence. Toll-free: (800) 873-7658 Program hours: 9-5, M-F. By appointment. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Must live in our service area. Area served: Kent, Lake, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo, and Osceola counties. (Spanish) Available by phone. Family Conflict Resolution Services. Specialized services for the resolution of conflicts/disputes regarding family matters custody, visitation, divorce settlements, parent/child relationships, estate settlements, permanent placement of children when parental rights are at risk of termination, reunification and other issues related to the best interest of children. Can be utilized along with court process. Resolution process is inclusive of all interested parties and confidential. Disputes with service providers over service plans, recommendations to the court, etc. can also be mediated in most cases. Toll-free: (800) 873-7658 Program hours: 9-5, M-F. By appointment. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Must live or have court case in our service area. Area served: Kent, Lake, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo, and Osceola counties. (Spanish) Available by phone. DIVERSITY COUNSELING AND THERAPY CENTER (616) 451-1965 / (616) 822-8028 Pager / (616) 299-9964 744 Burton SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: By appointment. Provides a full range of counseling and psychotherapy to Spanish-speaking community for children and family issues. Offers short and long term counseling for individuals, couples, families, and groups. Specializes in issues of substance abuse, family violence and marital dysfunction, sexual orientation, sexual and gender identity, anger management, HIV/AIDS inhome counseling, case management. (This is a For-Profit agency) Program hours: By appointment, evening and weekend hours available. Eligibility: Kent County. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 33 scale, Most insurance, Medicare, sliding fee scale. Other: For domestic violence perpetrators, sex offenders, court-appointed alcohol problems, impulse control issues. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Annita List (616) 451-1965 (Spanish) Child and Family Counseling. Provides psychological testing, psycho education and play therapy for children and families. Offers individual, couple, family, and group counseling. Specializes in working with Spanish-speaking community. Issues include infantile autism-emotionally disturbed children, parenting and step-family adjustment, pregnancy loss, post abortion stress, custody evaluations, court advocacy, gay/ lesbian/transgender issues, alcohol and other drug addiction, and domestic violence. (This is a For-Profit agency) Program hours: By appointment, evening and weekend hours available. Eligibility: Kent County. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Most insurance, Medicare, sliding fee scale. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Iraida Rodriquez (616) 451-1965 (Spanish) Counseling for Spanish-Speaking Community. Offers groups in Spanish for highway safety intervention, domestic violence intervention, illegal solicitation intervention, and anger management and sexual offenses. Also provides support for immigration and cultural adjustment issues. (This is a For Profit agency) Program hours: By appointment, evening and weekend hours available. Eligibility: Kent County. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Most insurance, Medicare, sliding fee scale. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Annita List (616) 451-1965 (Spanish) DWELLING PLACE OF GRAND RAPIDS (616) 454-9390 101 Sheldon Blvd. SE, Suite 2, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Liz’s House. Provides transitional housing and support services for homeless women with children ages 4 and under. Services include health care, mental health services, legal assistance, life skills and vocational training, permanent housing location, and substance abuse support services for those coming out of treatment. 343 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for details; referral from an emergency shelter, a transitional housing project, a homeless assistance program, or a local human service agency is required. Eligibility: Must be 18 years of age or older and homeless with a child of 4 years old or under; must be willing to follow program guidelines. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Alonda Miller (616) 454-9390 Email: (Spanish) We use local resources for assistance as needed. My Sister’s House. Provides transitional housing and support services for single women without dependent children who are homeless. Services include assistance with health care, mental health services, vocational training, permanent housing location, and substance abuse support services for those coming out of treatment. 761 Bridge St. NW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for an assessment and appointment. Referral not required. Call for details. Eligibility: Must be 18 years of age or older and homeless. Fees/Insurance: $180/month program fee. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Alonda Miller (616) 454-9390 We use local resources for assistance as needed. EASTERN AVENUE CHURCH OF CHRIST (616) 241-1797 658 Eastern Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Contact: Norvie Lee Cottingham Jr. FAMILY HARMONY (616) 459-5712 Counseling services done in the privacy and comfort of client’s home. Counseling for individual, family, marriage and elderly. Program location: Counseling in client’s home. Program hours: Appointments set at client’s convenience; M-F, weekend and evening appointments are available. Fees/ Insurance: Most insurances accepted (not Medicaid). Area served: Kent, Allegan, Ottawa Couties. FAMILY LINKS (616) 225-1776 / (616) 835-5104 12480 12 Mile Rd., Greenville, MI 48838 Main hours: M-Th, by appointment only Offers ongoing “Becoming A Love and Logic Parent” classes throughout West Michigan. Contact Family Links to schedule classes in your community. Family Links also provides individual/ family coaching with emphasis on building and strengthening relationships between parents and children. Provides resources for families with at-risk youth, blended families and single parents. We offer solutions, tools, creative ideas and encouragement that will empower families to face life’s many conflicts and unexpected challenges. Program hours: M-Th, by appointment only. Application: Appointment required. Fees/Insurance: Initial consultation is free. Call for details. Grant may be available. Other: $45/hr, but money should not pre-determine who can receive benefits; through a private grant program, fees are waived for thouse who qualify. Fees negotiable for “Becoming A Love and Logic Parent” seminars. Area served: West Michigan. Contact: Julia K. Thomas (616) 225-1776 FAMILY MANAGEMENT SERVICES (616) 452-4044 / (616) 669-2304 1925 Eastern Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: Vary and by appointment Provides counseling and advocate services to individuals and families experiencing psychological, emotional, occupational, relationship, and other problems of daily living. Parenting education available upon request. Provides in-home and on-site visits. Program hours: By appointment only, day or evening, available to the entire community. Application: Insurance Card or information; $20.00 initial intake fee, pen/pencil. Night: may call ahead of visit. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Most insurances accepted. Other: Program serves all ages, but especially families with adopted children. Area served: Western Michigan, primarily in Grand Rapids. Contact: Joi Pimpleton (616) 452-4044 A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 34 FAMILY OUTREACH CENTER (616) 247-3815 1939 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 8:30-8, M-TU, TH; 8:30-6, W; 8:30-12 Noon, F Services include, but are not limited to, outpatient counseling, substance abuse assessment, treatment and prevention services, prevention services for families and children at risk, and culturally specific parenting initiatives. Program hours: 8:30-8, M-TU, TH; 8:30-6, W; 8:30-12, F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish, Chinese) Mental Health Counseling. Provides counseling services for families, children ages 6-16, or single individuals with an emphasis on building positive relationships and encouraging personal growth. Issue areas include parent/child conflicts or spouse/relationship conflicts, sexual concerns or problems, and coping with the effects of former or current sexual, mental, or physical abuse. Email: Program hours: 8:30-8, M-TU, TH; 8:30-6, W; 8:30-12, F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) Parenting Initiatives. Provides general and culturally specific parenting classes such as Family Basics, Confident Parenting, and Effective Black Parenting. Program hours: 8:30-8, M-TU, TH; 8:30-6, W; 8:30-12, F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention Services. Offers private counseling sessions as well as special seminars, workshops and support/training groups to help individuals or families develop an understanding of attitudes or behaviors which lead to chemical dependency as well as steps and strategies to help client regain (and maintain) a healthy lifestyle. Email: Program hours: 8:30-8, M-TU, TH; 8:30-6, W; 8:30-12, F. Application: Referral required by CMH unless private insurance; appointment required. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish, Chinese) FAMILY TALK (616) 245-5795 1922 S. Division Ave., Suite 105, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 9-5, M-F Girl Talk. Gender specific program for girls. Addresses a safe place for girls to learn and share their own experiences. Provides a variety of workshops and trainings. Girls also have access to community support services that address individual needs. Group and one-on-one counseling support provided. Some girls are referred by 17th Family Court in the juvenile justice system. Program hours: 9-5, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Girls 10-17. Area served: Grand Rapids. (Spanish) Family Wellness. Family Talk’s holistic approach to healing families includes sessions in: conflict resolution, anger management, improving communication skills, teaching responsibility, self-esteem building, trainings for mothers raising sons, raising critical thinking skills, defining relationships, appropriate methods of discipline and self-control, positive attitude development, decision-making skills, and understanding consequences. Program hours: 9-5, M-F. Eligibility: Low-moderate income heads of household and families married or single. Fees/ Insurance: Fee based on sliding scale. Area served: Greater Grand Rapids. (Spanish) FISH FOR MY PEOPLE (GRACE) (616) 774-2045 207 E. Fulton St., GRACE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Provides transportation by volunteers to necessary appointments such as doctors, clinics, FIA, WIC. Some days are not covered. Program hours: M-F. Ride requests taken one day prior. Application: Call one day before, between 9-3. Eligibility: Lack of transportation. Area served: Kent County. N - I-96; S - 54th St.; E - E. Beltline; W - Byron Center Rd/Godfrey. We do translate if client can get info to us. FOREST VIEW HOSPITAL (616) 942-9610 1055 Medical Park Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Main hours: 8-8, M-F Offers acute psychiatric inpatient care, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient care, and psychiatric clinic for mental health issues to adolescents and adults. Programs include eating disorder treatment, trauma program, and dual diagnosis treatment. Assessment and referral center available 24 hours. Toll-free: (800) 949-8439. Application: Self referral or referral by mental health professional, family physician, pastor or family member, Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Grand Rapids, statewide and Midwest. FOUNTAIN HILL CENTER FOR COUNSELING AND CONSULTATION (616) 456-1178 534 Fountain St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-5:30, M-F Offers services to couples, families, individuals, and children in a variety of capacities. Committed to understanding individuals’ unique concerns and to guide them towards a more gratifying life experience. Parking is free and convenient. Email: Program hours: 8:30-5:30, M-F. Also by appointment. Application: Call to set up appointment. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Some - depends on therapist. Area served: Grand Rapids and surrounding area. Contact: Andrew D. Atwood (616) 456-1178 FRANCISCAN LIFE PROCESS CENTER (616) 897-7842 11650 Downes St. NE, Lowell, MI 49331 Main hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 35 Provides counseling for children, families, couples, and individuals. Offers music therapy, parent education, developmental guidance, life skills education, and therapeutic animal experiences for children. Preschool education and music education. Program hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details; each program differs. Area served: Grand Rapids and surrounding area. Contact: Sister Colleen Ann Nagle (616) 897-7842 FREEDOM HOUSE MINISTRIES (616) 774-8606 546 Lafayette Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Provides Christian-based support services and transitional housing for homeless women with substance abuse issues that have been clean for 90 days. Offers 24 hr. hotline, spiritual, financial, and substance abuse counseling. Provides transitional housing for women with children recovering from addiction. Groups available for all women. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Identification, social security card, letter of referral. Eligibility: Homeless, substance abuse with 90 days clean. Fees/Insurance: No fees for support services; fees for transitional apartments, those who accept nontraditional therapy. Area served: Tri-State Area. Contact: Jeff Stormo (616) 774-3065 GENESIS NON-PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION (616) 988-2897 / Leasing Office: (616) 281-0417 406 Bridge St. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Develops and operates affordable apartment living for persons and families with special needs. Properties located throughout Kent County to provide independent and permanent supportive housing to individuals with mental illness, developmental disability, substance abuse addictions, and other disabling conditions. Apartment sites include Genesis East Apartments on 44th Street in Kentwood, Oroiquis Apartments on Bridge Street in downtown Grand Rapids, and Heron Courtyard Apartments on Leonard Street in northeast Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Call for application form - (616) 281-0417. Eligibility: low income, 50% of median income for Kent County, and have. verifiable disabling condition, Kent County residents. Fees/Insurance: None, apartment rent. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) GERONTOLOGY NETWORK (616) 456-6135 516 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:00-5:00, M-F Promotes independence and health for Michigan’s older adults. Programs include Life Connections of Michigan, Adult Day Services, Caregiver Services, Resource Center on Aging, Educational Services, and Older Adult Volunteer Programs. Toll-free: (800) 730-6135 Program hours: 8:00-5:00, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Michigan. Contact: (616) 456-6135 (Spanish) Traveling Grannies and Grandpas/Foster Grandparents. Provides support, experience, and in-home instruction for pregnant and parenting teens which includes reducing abuse and neglect, promoting education, improving self-esteem or making healthy decisions. The program expanded into the school-based program in August 1999, and we currently have volunteers serving in 15 schools throughout Kent County. Grannies/Grandpas provide mentoring, tutoring, and many benefits to at risk children to deter alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and crisis. 456 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids. Toll-free: (800) 730-6135 Program hours: 8:00-5:00, M-F. Application: Any agency or program providing service to children, Older adults - ID, SS #; children - must be referred by agency or program. Eligibility: 60 years and older, low income; children ages 6-19 years. Fees/Insurance: Volunteers receive a stipend; call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Rev. Peggy Lawrence Burns (616) 771-9748 (Spanish) GODFREY LEE PUBLIC SCHOOL (616) 241-4722 961 Joosten St. SW, Wyoming, MI 49509 Main hours: 8-4, M-F English As A Second Language. Offers intermediate level classes teaching English to non-English speakers. Intermediate level classes are M-F, mornings 9-12; and M-W, evenings 5:30-9. Free child care and hot lunch, bus passes provided. 1530 Grandville Ave. SW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 9-12, M-F; 5:30-9 p.m., M-W. Application: Call (616) 475-5881 or come in. Eligibility: 18 or over. Area served: Grand Rapids - primarily southwest. Contact: Thelma Meyer (616) 241-5600 tmeyer@godfrey-lee. (Spanish) High School Completion and GED. Provides free child care, hot lunch, bus passes, and a flexible schedule to accommodate student’s needs. Classes offered 8-12 Noon, M-F, 12:30-3 M-TH, 5-9 p.m. M-W. 1530 Grandville Ave. SW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-3, M-TH; 5-9 p.m., M-W; 8-12 Noon, F. Application: Call for an appointment to enroll, Birth certificate and shot records. Eligibility: 16-18 for high school completion, 18-19 for GED. Area served: Grand Rapids - primarily southwest. Contact: Thelma Meyer (616) 241-5600 tmeyer@godfrey-lee. (Spanish) Vision Quest High School. A curriculum-based alternative high school serving students who find it difficult to learn in a traditional classroom setting. Small classes are teacher directed and program is modeled on Michigan Core Curriculum taught using integrated theme. Enrollment open to students from any district. Students may participate in Godfrey Lee athletic programs and student council. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 36 1324 Burton St. SW, Wyoming. Program hours: 8-4, M-F. Application: Appointment required, Birth certificate, shot records, social security card, school records or school address. Eligibility: Youths that need high school diploma. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Catherine Karsen (616) 241-2661 GODWIN HEIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOLS (616) 252-2040 15 36th St. SW, Wyoming, MI 49548 Main hours: 8-4:30, M-F Adult English As A Second Language (ESL), GED, and High School Completion. Offers English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to non-English speaking adults. Also offers part-time program for working youth and adults seeking a high school diploma or GED (General Education Diploma Test). All core academic subjects are available, plus computer applications and classes at Kent County Tech Center. 3333 S. Division Ave., Wyoming. Program hours: 8:30-10:15 10:15-12, M-F; 12:30-2:15, MTH; 5:30-9 pm, M, TU. Application: GED and HS completion - those under 20, birth certificate, shot record, school records or school address, if known. ESL - I94 helpful. Eligibility: Any refugee immigrant youth ages 16-19 (under 16 by referral only). Area served: Kent County, Jenison, Hudsonville. Contact: Jerry Emde (616) 252-2040 (Spanish, Vietnamese) All languages available for ESL program. GOOD NEWS COMMUNITY (616) 831-2603 300 68th St. SE, P.O. Box 165, Grand Rapids, MI 49501 Main hours: 8-12 Noon, WED Responds to the needs of individuals who are going through divorce, separation, or the loss of a partner. Provides educational seminars, personal growth meetings, social opportunities, and volunteer involvement. Open to the healing needs of all without regard to race, religion, sex, and ethnic origin. Programs include Coping with Divorce, Kids Coping with Divorce, Making a New Me, and Building Positive Relationships. Program hours: Varies, call for details. Fees/Insurance: Nominal fees for seminars and weekly meetings; call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding area. Contact: Lisa Gabala (616) 831-2603 GRAND RAPIDS - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (616) 456-3988 / (616) 456-3030 300 Monroe Ave. NW, Suite 460, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Housing Rehabilitation Program. Provides financial and technical assistance programs to low income homeowners and rental property owners for home maintenance and improvement. 1120 Monroe Ave. NW, Grand Rapids. Email: dstek@ci.grand-rapids.mius Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Income requirements, home ownership, and property insurance. Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Grand Rapids. Lead Hazard Control Program. Offers FREE dust sampling of homes, education of homeowners and tenants, and hiring of contractors to remedy identified lead hazards in homes. These steps aim to eliminate childhood lead poisoning. 1100 S. Division, Grand Rapids. Email: Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for details, Income information. Eligibility: Income under 80% of area median income, child under 6 years of age living in home, and residency in city of Grand Rapids. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Grand Rapids. (Spanish) GRAND RAPIDS - HOUSING COMMISSION (616) 235-2600 1420 Fuller Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Family Self-Sufficiency Program. Provides affordable housing for low-income families, disabled and the elderly through Section 8 and low-income public housing. There is a 1-3 year waiting list. 2303 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Come in during office hours and fill out application, or call and we will mail an application., SS#’s for all people that will be living in home. Eligibility: 18 years old, low-income. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Lois Alexander (616) 452-4500 Hope Community Transitional Housing. Provides a bridge between shelters and permanent housing for homeless women with children.. Programs offered are residential shelter, counseling, parenting classes and budgeting classes. Must be referred by Salvation Army Homeless Assistance Program (616454-5840). 1024 Ionia Ave. SW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Referral by Salvation Army Homeless Assistance Program, Call for information. Eligibility: Referral by Salvation Army Homeless Assistance Program. Fees/Insurance: 30% of income. Area served: Grand Rapids. (Spanish) GRAND RAPIDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE (616) 234-4722 143 Bostwick Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Dental Clinic. Provides dental hygiene services by students as part of their dental hygiene and dental assisting courses. The clinic offers teeth cleaning, fluoride treatments, tooth sealants, dental health education, dietary analysis, and x-rays (if person has a dentist to whom they can be mailed.) Clinic operated only when GRCC is in session. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 37 Program hours: 12 Noon, 2 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 7 p.m., M-W; 1 p.m., 3 p.m., TU and TH, all by appointment. Eligibility: Ages 3 years and older. Appointment needed, health status screening for purpose of determining needed pre-medications. Fees/ Insurance: $20 per person (cleaning, bite-wing x-rays, topical fluoride); $5 sealant per tooth. Other: Parking tokens can be purchased in the dental clinic office. Area served: Kent County. GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADULT AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION (GRPS) (616) 819-2622 425 Pleasant SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-2:45, M-F, 5:30-8:30, M-TH Adelante High School/Hispanic Institute. Day and evening classes are available. Bilingual staff provide a supportive environment for immigrants. GED Preparation in Spanish is available. 1061 Kensington Ave. SW, Grand Rapids. Email: Program hours: 8:30-2:45, M-F, 5:30-8:30, M-TH. Application: Photo ID/Driver’s License, Passport or Birth Certificate. Eligibility: Limited English speakers; non-high school graduates receive free instruction. Fees/Insurance: Free tuition and books to anyone who has not received a high school diploma and GED holders. Area served: Grand Rapids. Contact: Rosa Fraga (616) 8192620 (Spanish) GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS HISPANIC INSTITUTE (GRPS) (616) 819-2000 1331 Franklin St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0117 Main hours: 8-6, M-F Adelante High School and ESL Program. Provides daytime and evening classes in English as a Second Language (ESL), GED preparation, and high school completion. Provides child care for both day and evening classes. Also provides transportation through for day and evening programs. 425 Pleasant St. SW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: Call for details. Area served: Grand Rapids Public School area. (Spanish) GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS PARK SCHOOL (GRPS) (616) 819-2000 1331 Franklin St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0117 Main hours: 8-6, M-F Park High School for Teen Parents. Offers accredited day school pregnant and parenting teen students and contributes to graduation requirements. Emphasis placed on prenatal care, nutrition, preparation for labor and delivery, and childrearing. Free transportation for GR residents. Students enrolled in comprehensive high school curriculum that also includes work/ study opportunities. Students may attend Kent County Technical Center, Kent Transition Center and other vocational programs. 1150 Adams St. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 9-3:30, M-F. Application: Parent required to register, ID, birth certificate and SS#. Eligibility: Must be a pregnant or mothering teen who has custody of their child. Fees/Insurance: FIA payments for day care service. Other: Seasonal program - begins in September and ends in June. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Thom McNally (616) 819-2935 (Spanish, Vietnamese) GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL (GRPS) (616) 819-2000 1331 Franklin St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0117 Main hours: 8-6, M-F Community Enrichment Program. Provides English As A Second Language (ESL), High School Completion, GED Preparation, Adult Literacy, Vocational Computer Training, Vocational Health Training. Also offers enrichments classes in subjects from computers to art. 615 Turner Ave. NW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Kay Stark or Joyce Sall (616) 819-2121 (Spanish) ESL program available in several languages, call for details. GRAND RAPIDS REACH (616) 235-0455 551 Henry Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-5:30, M-F Support Enhances Life for Families (SELF) Parenting Program. Provides assistance to parents in understanding their rights and responsibilities. Focuses on developing modern and appropriate parenting skills. Six-week classes presented three times per year. Includes transportation, child care and activities. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for requirements. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Evette Harber-Bey (616) 235-0455 Email: (Spanish) GRAND RAPIDS SELF-HELP FOR HARD OF HEARING GROUP (GRAN SHHH) (616) 281-5917 5427 Bunker Hill Ct. SE, Kentwood, MI 49508 Provides information regarding hearing impairment. Eligibility: Adults with hearing impairment and their family members. Area served: Greater Grand Rapids and vicinity. Contact: Aleta Katonak (616) 281-5917 GRAND RAPIDS URBAN LEAGUE (616) 245-2207 745 Eastern Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Multiple Services in Employment, Housing and Economic Development. Offers counseling, advocacy, and direct services to anyone faced with obstacles to employment, housing, or education. Email: Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for appointment, ID, SS card, income verification, birth certificate. Eligibility: Varies by program. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 38 GRAND VALLEY AMERICAN INDIAN LODGE (G.V.A.I.L.) (616) 364-4697 Promotes, steadfastly and earnestly, Indian history, Indian arts, crafts, customs, legends, traditions, songs, dances and keep alive Indian culture. Places before the public reliable information leading to a fuller understanding of the North American Indian. Maintains an archive to promote accurate and authentic knowledge of Indian culture. Email: Area served: Western Michigan. GRANDVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS (616) 254-6550 3131 Barrett SW, Grandville, MI 49418 Orion Alternative Junior/Senior High School. Offers day program for pregnant teens and young parents who want to share concerns, learn about child development, and work on high school completion. Child care available for children ages 0-2. 4900 Canal Ave SW, Grandville. Program hours: 8-2:55, M-F. Eligibility: Must live in Jenison, Hudsonville, or Grandville. Other: Seasonal program - begins late August and ends mid-June. Contact: Don Atkinson (616) 2546712 GREATER GRAND RAPIDS INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK (IHN) (616) 475-5220 100 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 7-5, M-F; 8-4, SAT, SUN Provides emergency family shelter (30 days). Intact couples with children, single fathers with children, single mothers with children, teen age boys with parents. Offers case management. All families must be referred through Salvation Army Homeless Assistance (616) 454-5840. Program hours: 7-5, M-F; 8-4, SAT, SUN. Application: Must be referred by Salvation Army Homeless Assistance Program (616) 454-5840, Medicaid card, drivers license. Eligibility: Family with children, physically capable of climbing stairs. Other: Arrangements can be made for people in wheelchairs. Area served: Grand Rapids. Contact: Mary Kay Baker (616) 475-5220 ggrihn@sbcglobal. net (Spanish) GUIDING LIGHT MISSION (616) 451-0236 255 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49501 Encourages the homeless and disadvantaged of Grand Rapids to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, become free of life-controlling substances, and seek longterm employment and housing. This is accomplished through spiritual, educational and vocational services in a supportive and structured Christian environment. Contact: Rev. Chico Daniels (616) 451-0236 Email: HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF KENT COUNTY (616) 774-2431 539 New Ave. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-TH; 8:30-12, F A Christian housing ministry of volunteers that builds simple decent homes in partnership with families in need. Requires between 300-500 hours of “sweat equity” depending on family make-up to be earned by helping to build your own and other homes. Monthly payments on a Habitat home are $300-$450/ month + utilities. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-TH; 8:30-12, F. Application: Please call- info will be mailed. Eligibility: Based on need, ability to pay, and willingness to partner. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County, Eastern Ottawa county. Contact: Libby Kuipers (616) 774-2431, ext. 242 Email: (Spanish) HEALTH INTERVENTION SERVICES (616) 475-8446 15 Andre St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-TH; 8:30-3, F Provides family and internal medicine, pregnancy testing and counseling, prenatal care, pediatric medicine, HIV/STD testing and counseling, general eye care, and family counseling to the uninsured and underinsured. Program hours: 9-5, M-TH; 9-3, F. No walk-ins. Application: Call for details, Proof of income. Eligibility: Low-income individuals and families without medical/health insurance. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale. Other: NO Medicaid. Area served: Grand Rapids. (Spanish) HEART OF WEST MICHIGAN UNITED WAY (616) 459-6281 118 Commerce Ave. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F United Way’s 2-1-1. Refers people who need help or information to available nonprofit human services agencies in Kent/Montcalm counties. Information and referral specialists assist people to prioritize needs and suggest most appropriate referrals, as well as advocate for clients to insure needed services are received. Maintains a comprehensive computerized resource file of information on health and human service agencies and other services such as support groups in the community. Also maintains information on many state and national agencies. Program hours: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Application: Confidential information and referral service Area served: Kent and Montcalm counties. (Spanish) Most languages available through a Language Line. HEARTSIDE MINISTRY (616) 235-7211 54 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-12 & 1-4, M-F; 9:30-1:00, SUN. Some night programs. Offers outreach ministry to the poor and homeless population of Grand Rapids. Services include counseling, pastoral care, support A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 39 groups, education classes, NA/AA meetings, worship, public advocacy, computer center, art program, case management, and neighborhood organizing. Also offers domestic violence support services. Program hours: 9-12 and 1-4, M-F; 9:30-1:00, SUN. Some evening programs. Eligibility: None, but a Heartside neighborhood focus. Area served: Grand Rapids - Heartside area and beyond. Contact: Rev. Barbara Pekich (616) 235-7211 Email: (Spanish) HELP PREGNANCY CRISIS AID (616) 459-9139 601 Spring St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Trained support staff provide long-term emotional and spiritual support for women through a crisis pregnancy. Provides alternatives to abortion, information about fetal development, free pregnancy testing, information and referral, layettes for newborns. Also provides diapers, clothing up to 24 months of age, formula, baby food, and maternity clothing. Program hours: 11-3:30, M; 10-2:30, TU-TH. Application: Birth certificate of newborn child. Eligibility: Must be either pregnant or have a child under the age of 2 years. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Judith VanderLaan (616) 459-9139 HISPANIC CENTER OF WESTERN MICHIGAN (616) 742-0200 730 Grandville Ave. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 This non-profit organization primarily serves the needs of the Hispanic community in the areas of employment, interpretation and translation, information and referral, family and individual services, language and cultural training and activities to maintain cultural heritage. Limited immigration assistance is also provided. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Walk-ins welcome. Appointments required for immigration services only. Eligibility: Income eligibility. Fees/Insurance: Sliding scale fees may apply to some programs. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Emily Aleman (616) 742-0200 Email: (Spanish) HOME REPAIR SERVICES (616) 241-2601 1100 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Offers resources designed to equip low income neighbors for successful homeownership. These programs include: 1) Repair Team - emergency repairs done by professionals; 2) Home Access Ramps - wheel chair ramps and bathroom modifications; 3) Home Maintenance Classes - Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m.; 4) Financial Counseling - foreclosure intervention services and weekly financial management class; 5) Surplus Building Material Store (Builder’s Abundance) - building materials at 25% of retail; 6) Tool Library; and 7) CLEARCorps protecting children from lead poisoning. Program hours: 9-5, M-F; 9-2, SAT. Application: Call for details, Deed or mortgage, last years’ income tax return and most recent check stub. Eligibility: All calasses are free and open to the public - no eligibility requirements. All other programs are restricted to low income homeowners and eligibility varies, call for details. Fees/Insurance: All classes are free. Charges for other programs vary. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Meri Watkins (616) 241-2601 (Spanish) HOPE COMMUNITY TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PROGRAM Grand Rapids Housing Commission’s Transistional Housing (616) 235-2600 1420 Fuller Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Provides a bridge between shelters and permanent housing for homeless women with children. 1024 Ionia Ave. SW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Referral by Salvation Army Homeless Assistance Program (616-454-5840), Call for information. Eligibility: Homeless women with children referred by emergency shelter. Fees/Insurance: Based on income. Area served: Grand Rapids and surrounding area. Spanish with advance notice. HOPE NETWORK OF WEST MICHIGAN (616) 248-5900 3375 S. Division Ave., Suite 200, Grand Rapids, MI 49548-2157 Main hours: 9-5, M-F TTY: (616) 248-5161. Toll-free: (800) 695-7273. Program hours: 8-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent, Ottawa, Allegan, Muskegon, Kalamazoo and surrounding counties. Transportation Services. Transportation provided for persons with disabilities and the elderly. Services provided include Contracted Transportation Services, Specialized Transportation for Individuals and Groups, and North Kent Transit Services. TTY: (616) 248-5161. Toll-free: (800) 695-7273. Area served: Kent County. HUMAN RESOURCE ASSOCIATES (616) 458-0692 161 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 300-C, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Provides psychological services for people of all ages and with all concerns. (This is a For Profit agency) Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Fees/Insurance: Call for details, Most non-HMO insurance. Area served: Western Michigan. HURON POTAWATOMI (616) 249-0159 4415 Byron Center Ave. SW, Wyoming, MI 49509 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F NHBP Health Dept. Offers enrollment and administration of Indian Health Services to members only. Main tribal operations for this federally recognized Tribe (Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi) are in Battle Creek. Toll-free: (888) 662-2809 Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Insurance A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 40 Membership Card. Eligibility: Membership, call for details. Area served: Kent and six other counties. Contact: Mark Smit (616) 249-0159 IN THE IMAGE (616) 456-7474 111 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-4, M-F; 9-12 noon, SAT Offers free clothing, housewares, and furniture in the Heartside and Burton Heights neighborhoods. There is a waiting list for furniture and appliances and a referral from a social agency is necessary. Program hours: 9-4, M-F. Application: Referral from social service agency. No appointment needed. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Clarissa Mancha (616) 456-6150 (Spanish) South Location. Offers free clothing, housewares, and furniture in the Heartside and Burton Heights neighborhoods. There is a waiting list for furniture and appliances and a referral from a social agency is necessary. 1823 S. Division Ave., Grand Rapids. Program hours: 9-4, M-F. Application: Referral from social service agency. No appointment needed. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Clarissa Mancha (616) 456-6150 (Spanish) INNER CITY CHRISTIAN FEDERATION (ICCF) (616) 336-9333 816 Madison Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 8-5, M-F A non-profit housing ministry that provides shelter, rental, and homeownership opportunities for low- and moderate-income families. Education and support services are also available to program participants. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Call for details. There is usually a waiting list. Eligibility: Eligibility depends on income levels and references. Fees/Insurance: Varies by program. Area served: Grand Rapids - housing located in general community development target area, but accept referrals from all Kent County for all programs. (Spanish) Family Haven. Provides 30-day emergency shelter for families. 701 Prospect Ave. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Application: Call to apply, Will be determined at assessment. Eligibility: Proof of homelessness, must be 18 years or older with at least one child under age of 21 related by blood or adoption. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Deborah Armstong (616) 247-4949 (Spanish) Affordable Rental Program. Provides a variety of rental apartments at affordable rents mainly in the southeast side of Grand Rapids. 515 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Call for details. There is usually a waiting list. Eligibility: Eligibility depends on income levels and references. Fees/Insurance: Varies by type of apartment and income. Area served: Grand Rapids. Contact: Michael Remo (616) 336-9333 (Spanish) Homestart Mortgage Program. This program provides home mortgage financing for owner-occupants who do not qualify for other types of financing. 515 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: Varies, nights and weekends. Application: Must attend pre-purchase education class before submitting application. Eligibility: Income, work history, references, a past credit difficulty; must comply with program requirements. Fees/Insurance: Varies depending on program; payment plans available. Area served: Grand Rapids - general community development target area. Contact: Susan Ortiz (616) 336-9333 (Spanish) JUBILEE JOBS (616) 774-9944 935 Baxter St. SE, Baxter Community Center, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 8-5, M-F W.I.S.E. for Women (Workforce Intervention for Successful Employment). A holistic approach aimed at assisting women in poverty with job readiness, stress management, and other income enhancement opportunity exploration. Program includes employment assistance, peer group support and individual psychological counseling. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: License or state identification and social security card. Eligibility: Women in poverty. Area served: Grand Rapids - central city area. Contact: Earlina Libbett (616) 774-9944 KENT COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT (616) 632-7100 700 Fuller Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F MIChild - Healthy Kids Medicaid Enrollment. Provides application and enrollment assistance for Medicaid, Healthy Kids and Pregnant Women and MI Child and MOMS. Contact the Kent County Health Department 632-7100 to schedule an appointment. Toll-free: (888) 515-1300. Program hours: 8-4, M, TU, W, F; 1-8, TH. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) KENT COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY CLINICAL SERVICES DIVISION (616) 632-7100 700 Fuller Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Immunizations Clinics. Offers six locations throughout the county provide routine childhood, adult, TB testing, and international travel immunizations. Immunization fees apply for routine and travel immunizations. Vaccines are free to those A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 41 who qualify for special programs, such as vaccines for children or the Michigan Vaccine Replacemen Program. However, a sliding-scale vaccine administration fee may still be charged for each injection given. Toll-free: (888) 515-1300. Program hours: Varies by location. Main clinic: 8-4, M, TU, W, F; 1-7 pm, TH. Application: Immunization records, Medicaid card. Fees/Insurance: Call for details, Medicaid. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) AT&T Language Line used for non English, non Hispanic speaking. Public Health Clinics. Offers immunizations, TB testing, child health screening, WIC, pregnancy testing, lead and blood pressure screening services at six neighborhood clinic locations throughout the county. Some services are by appointment and others are walk-ins. Toll-free: (888) 515-1300. Program hours: Call for details. Eligibility: Depends on service requested. Fees/Insurance: Most services are free, Medicaid. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish, Vietnamese) Spanish at some locations. Other languages through AT&T Language Line. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for WomenInfant-Children (WIC). WIC is a health and nutrition program for pregnant, breast-feeding, or post partum women up to 6 month, infants, and children up to age 5. Nutritious food, nutrition education, and community referrals provided. There are six clinic sites throughout the county. For hours and location near you, call 632-7200. Toll-free: (888) 515-1300. Program hours: Varies by location, Main clinic open 8-4, M-TH; 1-7PM, TH. Application: Appointment required, ID, Medicaid card, if available, 2 pay check stubs or proof of other income. Eligibility: Those on Medicaid or food stamps qualify. Others must meet income eligibility and nutritional risk factors. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish, Vietnamese) All languages available upon request. Kent County Healthy Start. Offers support and information to first time mothers and their infants. Healthy Start helps to relieve some of the stress of having a new baby through phone calls, written information and home visits. Family Support Workers link families with community resources and teach parents how to be their child’s most important teacher. Healthy Start is free, private, and respectful of language and culture. Toll-free: (888) 515-1300 Program hours: For information - 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call (616) 632-7021 for information. Eligibility: First time mothers in Kent County with children prenatal to age 3; must access services before child is 3 months old; no substantiated or open CPS case. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) Maternal Support Services (MSS) and Infant Support Services (ISS). Provides home visits by a nurse, social worker, or nutritionist before or after the baby is born. Also provides information about pregnancy, babies and parenting; growth and development screening and referral to other agencies as needed. Support to breast-feeding mothers is provided through lactation consultation and education. Toll-free: (888) 515-1300 Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Other times by special request. Eligibility: Resident of Kent County. Fees/Insurance: Medicaid. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) Interpreters used for all non-English speaking clients. Nurse-Family Partnership. Provides intensive home visits by specifically trained nurses to first time, low income mothers who live within Metropolitan Grand Rapids. Clients are enrolled before the 28th week of their pregnancy. Service follows through the child’s second birthday. Toll-free: (888) 515-1300 Program hours: 8-5, M-F; may vary to meet client’s needs. Application: Referrals by client herself, family member(s), school personnel, or healthcare provider. Eligibility: Pregnant, low income, first-time mom who lives with city limits of Grand Rapids; no age restriction. Other: Program is a three-year grant from MDCH with matching local dollars. Area served: Grand Rapids. Tobacco Free for Good. A cooperative effort between many health-related organizations, including Kent County Health Dept., Metropolitan Hospital, Saint Mary’s Health Care, and Spectrum Health. A free program to help individuals gain tools to become and stay tobacco free. Designed to help tobacco users deal with triggers, withdrawal symptoms, daily stress, and set back prevention. Medications are discussed. Toll-free: (800) 301-1733. Application: Anyone can register. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Jodie Vokes (616) 975-0123 KENT COUNTY LITERACY COUNCIL (616) 459-5151 111 Library St.NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-5, M-F. Service hours varied Adult Tutoring Program-Reading/English as a Second Language. Offers one-to-one tutoring for adults wishing to improve their reading skills and English-communication skills relating to work and home. Program hours: 9-5, M-F. Tutoring hours are flexible. Application: Address and phone number. Eligibility: Resident of Kent County. Area served: Kent County primarily. Contact: Charmayne Mulligan (616) 459-5151 KENT COUNTY PROSECUTORS OFFICE (616) 632-5400 180 Ottawa Ave. NW, Suite 5400, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Kent County Victim Witness. Provides information, support, and advocacy to victims and witnesses throughout the criminal justice system. Services are available to crime victims throughout Kent County. Toll-free: (877) 451-8115. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Eligibility: Kent County residents. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Anita Emrich Droog (616) 632-5400 (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) All languages available upon request. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 42 KENT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT (KISD) (616) 364-1333 2930 Knapp St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525 Main hours: 7:30-4:30, M-F Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Program. Supports the local school districts in Kent County with early childhood programming, including the delivery of the Parents as Teachers (PAT) program. PAT is a voluntary program for families with children from birth to five which includes home visits, playgroups and parent meetings, developmental screenings and information for parents. The program is offered through the local school districts. Program hours: Call for details. Eligibility: Children birth to five. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Erin McGovern Ryle (616) 447-3080 KENT REGIONAL COMMUNITY COORDINATED CHILD CARE (Kent Regional 4C) (616) 451-8281 233 E. Fulton St., Suite 107, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M, W-F; 8-8, TU Provides child care referrals and information on selecting quality child care, consultation on financial assistance for parents using child care, workshops for parents, advocacy on behalf of children and families, and child care professionals, resource library. Toll-free: (800) 448-6995 Program hours: 8-5, M, W-F; 8-8, TU. Other: Spanish child care referrals available. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo, and Osceola counties. Contact: Ray Passkiewicz (616) 451-8281 (Spanish) Ionia County. Provides child care referrals and information on selecting quality child care, consultation on financial assistance for parents using child care, parent education, advocacy on behalf of children and families, workshops for parents and child care professionals, resource library. 250 E. Tuttle Rd., Ionia Ed. Center, Montcalm/Ionia. Toll-free: (800) 448-6995 Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Other: Spanish child care referrals available. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo, and Osceola counties. Contact: Vicky Camp (616) 522-0857 Email: (Spanish) Mecosta County. Provides child care referrals and information on selecting quality child care, consultation on financial assistance for parents using child care, workshops for parents, advocacy on behalf of children and families, and child care professionals, resource library. 826 N. State St., Suite B, Big Rapids. Toll-free: (800) 448-6995 Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Other: Spanish child care referrals available. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo, and Osceola counties. Contact: Joyce Harmsen (231) 796-0049 Email: (Spanish) Montcalm County. Provides child care referrals and information on selecting quality child care, consultation on financial assistance for parents using child care, workshops for parents, advocacy on behalf of children and families, and child care professionals, resource library. 1550 W. Sidney Rd., Sidney. Toll-free: (800) 448-6995 Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Other: Spanish child care referrals available. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo, and Osceola counties. Contact: Danielle Moy (989) 328-6621 ext 367 Email: (Spanish) Newaygo County. Provides child care referrals and information on selecting quality child care, consultation on financial assistance for parents using child care, workshops for parents, advocacy on behalf of children and families, and child care professionals, resource library. Toll-free: (800) 448-6995 Other: Spanish child care referrals available. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo, and Osceola counties. Contact: Theresa Myrick (231) 796-4319 Email: Osceola County. Provides child care referrals and information on selecting quality child care, consultation on financial assistance for parents using child care, workshops for parents, advocacy on behalf of children and families, and child care professionals, resource library. 240 E. Church St., Suite 107, Reed City. Toll-free: (800) 448-6995 Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Other: Spanish child care referrals available. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo, and Osceola counties. Contact: Kathleen Blakenship (231) 832-3131 ext.37 (Spanish) KENTWOOD COMMUNITY CHURCH (616) 455-1740 1200 60th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Future Hope Divorce Recovery. A safe environment where hurting people can heal on their path of recovery from divorce or separation. KENTWOOD COMMUNITY EDUCATION CENTER (616) 261-6166 28 60th St. SE, Kentwood, MI 49548 Main hours: 8-4:15, M-F Classes for teens and adults to earn a High School diploma, parenting classes for teen parents and parents-to-be, preschool classes, English as a second language, and leisure-time classes. Program hours: 7a.m.-9p.m., M-F. Application: Call for appointment, Proof of residency, High School transcripts, immunization records. Eligibility: Resident of Kentwood School District. Fees/Insurance: Tuition for preschool and leisure-time classes only. Area served: Kentwood School District. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 43 Crossroads Alternative High School. Offers high school completion classes for nontraditional teens, special programming for teen parents and parents-to-be, ESL students, and Special Education students from the Kentwood School District. Program hours:, M-F. Application: Referral from high school counselor, proof of residency, High School transcripts, immunization records. Eligibility: Resident of Kentwood School District, ages 15 - 19, and must have completed one semester of 9th grade. Area served: Kentwood School District. LA LECHE LEAGUE OF GRAND RAPIDS (LLL) (616) 752-8300 715 Hill Ave. NW, , Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Provides information, advice and support for women about breastfeeding. Each group (5 in Grand Rapids and several in nearby areas) hold a series of four monthly informal support meetings which a woman may attend before and/or after her child is born. Discussion centers on the advantages and art of breastfeeding, overcoming difficulties, nutrition, weaning and starting solids. A woman may attend meetings anytime. Babies are welcome at meetings. Electric breast pumps are available to create a milk supply in difficult situations. Toll-free: (800) LA-LECHE Program hours: Varies, call for details. Eligibility: Women interested in breastfeeding and other concerned women. Fees/Insurance: $36 yearly dues. No charge for meetings. Area served: No restrictions. (Spanish) Classes offered in Spanish. LATIN AMERICAN SERVICES (616) 336-4018 121 Franklin St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Translation/Interpretation. Information and referral, migrant emergency services, (vouchers for food, clothing, gas, utilities, car parts, car repairs, housing, payment to prevent shut off/ evictions). Senior services - transportation, interpretation, medicine. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Identification, Social Security card, proof of income. Other: Crime prevention services, senior meal, congregate and home delivery. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Gloria Zamarripa (616) 3364018 (Spanish) LIFE GUIDANCE SERVICES (616) 774-0633 1400 Leonard St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Main hours: 8-9, M-W; 8-6, TH; 8-5, F Behavioral Health Counseling. Provides a broad spectrum of services for all ages including outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling (including psychiatric services), psychological testing and assessment, and Employee Assistance Services. Toll-free: (888) 877-7720 Program hours: 8-9, M, TU, W; 8-6, TH; 8-5, F. Application: Call Scheduling Coordinator, Insurance Information (if applicable). Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding counties. Contact: Donna Kuiper (616) 774-0633 Behavioral Health Counseling. Provides a broad spectrum of services for all ages including outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling (including psychiatric services) at six locations, psychological testing and assessment, and Employee Assistance Services. 3351 Claystone St. SE, Suite 212, Grand Rapids. Toll-free: (888) 877-7720 Program hours: 8-9, M, TU, W; 8-6, TH; 8-5, F. Application: Insurance Information (if applicable). Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding counties. Contact: Donna Kuiper (616) 774-0633 Behavioral Health Counseling. Provides a broad spectrum of services for all ages including outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling (including psychiatric services), psychological testing and assessment, and Employee Assistance Services. 2556 Van Ommen Dr., Holland. TTY: (616) 222-1629. Toll-free: (888) 877-7720. Email: Program hours: By appointment. Application: Insurance Information (if applicable). Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Call for details. Contact: Donna Kuiper (616) 774-0633 Single Parenting Class. Offers information for anyone interested in learning more about single parenting issues. Consists of a six-part series that covers a wide range of single parenting issues. The group is held weekly. Program offered in the fall and winter. 214 Spencer St. NE, North End Community Ministry, GR. Toll-free: (888) 877-7720 Program hours: Call for class times. Fees/Insurance: $5 non-refundable registration fee. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Laura Castle (616) 454-1097 lcastle@lifeguidanceser Behavioral Health Counseling. Provides a broad spectrum of services for all ages including outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling (including psychiatric services) at six locations, psychological testing and assessment, and Employee Assistance Services. 4361 220th Ave., Suite B, Reed City. Toll-free: (888) 877-7720 Program hours: 8:30-6, M-F. Application: Insurance Information (if applicable). Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Call for details. Area served: Osceola and Mecosta counties and surrounding areas. Contact: Donna Kuiper (616) 774-0633 AHSE- Alcohol Highway. Offered only in Spanish 822 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: Classes scheduled throughout the year. Application: Payment due before class starts. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: $75, N/A - cash only. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 44 Project Charlie. Provides a comprehensive substance abuse prevention program targeting elementary age youth. Includes training for facilitators, volunteer support, newsletter for volunteers. 822 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details. Other: Accommodations for those with physical impairments can be arranged. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Joy McNabb (616) 776-0891 ext. 217 Email: Women’s Circle. Provides a stress management program consisting of ten 3-hour sessions. Primarily targeting women, other groups can be done by arrangement. Life skills are practiced and discussed in a supportive environment. Locations vary. Transportation and childcare may be available for some groups. 822 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Eligibility: Targets low income participants. Fees/Insurance: Most groups have none. Other: Accommodations for those with physical impairments can be arranged. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, and Newaygo counties. Contact: Rose Hildenbrand (616) 776-0891 ext. 208 Email: LOWELL AREA SCHOOLS (616) 897-8415 300 High St., Lowell, MI 49331 Main hours: 7:30-4:30, M-F See individual programs. Area served: Lowell area school district. Tots on Track for School. This early childhood program’s goal is to help families provide opportunities for all children to begin school healthy and ready to learn. Offers links to community resources through TOTS Early Childhood Family Resource Center, parent education and support groups, play groups, parenting classes, and child and family workshops. Also provides a program Curiosity Corner to promote school readiness for 4’s and 5’s, Spring second hand sale, newsletters with readiness information, new baby welcome bags, and Parents As Teachers home visitor for families with children 0-5 yrs.; baby shower for expectant mothers in Fall and Spring; Wiggle and Giggle movement; music workshops monthly; screenings in April for children with possible speech or developmental delays. Program hours: 9-4, M-F. Some evening programs available for family nights, music programs, and parenting classes. Eligibility: Lowell area children birth to 5. Fees/Insurance: Small fee, waived upon request. Area served: Lowell area school district. Contact: Kathy Cole (616) 897-1232 LUTHERAN CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICE OF MICHIGAN - GRAND RAPIDS (616) 281-4601 2130 44th St. SE, Suite 108, Grand Rapids, MI 49508-5012 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Outpatient Counseling Services. Offers counseling services for individuals and groups, marriage and pre-marriage couples, child and family counseling, sexual abuse counseling for perpetrators and victims. Toll-free: (800) 968-4696. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/ Insurance: Sliding scale according to ability to pay (Children in foster care covered by Fair Market Rate contract). Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Connie Vander Schel (616) 2814601 Email: Therapy for Children, Teen, and Adult Victims of Sexual Abuse. Provides individual counseling for children and for adults who are victims of sexual abuse. Toll-free: (800) 968-4696. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Eligibility: Victims of sexual abuse. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale. Area served: Western Michigan. MADISON SQUARE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH (616) 245-7791 / (616) 245-0146 1434 Madison Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 9:30-5:30, M-F Parenting Classes. Offers a variety of classes for parents and new moms. Child care and transportation is available upon request. Program hours: Call for details. Eligibility: Must live in the 49507, 49506, or 49503 zip codes. Area served: Grand Rapids - southeast area. Contact: Nurse Judy Smith (616) 245-0146 Prenatal and Parenting Support Group. Support group for prenatal and current parents. Program hours: 3:30 - 5 p.m., TU. Area served: Grand Rapids - southeast area. Contact: Nurse Judy Smith (616) 245-0146 MARCH OF DIMES BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION (888) 663-4637 / (888) MODIMES, 1275 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, NY 10605 Main hours: 9-5, M-F, EST Pregnancy and Newborn Health Education Center. National center offers information and referral services by trained health information specialists. Provided quick and accurate answers to questions on issues related to pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, genetics, drug use and environmental hazards during pregnancy, and birth defects. Toll-free: (888) MODIMES (663-4637) askus@marchofdimes. com Program hours: 9-5, M-F, EST. Area served: Nationwide. (Spanish) Material available in Spanish. MEL TROTTER MINISTRIES (616) 454-8249 225 Commerce Ave. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Provides outreach ministry to the poor and homeless population of Grand Rapids. Mel Trotter Ministries is a licensed long-term A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 45 substance abuse center for men, women and children. Services include support groups, education classes, worship, and emergency food, clothing and furniture. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Area served: Grand Rapids and West Michigan. Contact: Bill Merchut (616) 454-8249 ext. 231 (Spanish) Women’s Emergency Shelter. Provides emergency shelter for women. Two meals provided (breakfast and supper). Women should be in the mission by 6:15 pm. Program hours: 7 days a week. Eligibility: Needy women of any age. Area served: No restrictions. METROPOLITAN HOSPITAL (616) 252-7200, To register for classes call (616) 252-MOMS 1919 Boston St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Beginning With Confidence. This one-time class prepares expectant parents for parenting during the first year. Topics include feeding, sleeping, crying, safety immunizations, and a doctor’s perspective. Program hours: Class: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m., M-F. Registration: 9-5, M-F. Application: Must register to attend class. Area served: West Michigan. Contact: Mary Lynn Wesorick, RN (616) 2527183 Breast-Feeding Class. For expectant parents who want information on breast-feeding how-to’s, working and breastfeeding, use of breast pumps, and getting off to a good start. Fathers are encouraged to attend. Program hours: Call for class times. Application: Must register. Fees/Insurance: $15/Couple. Area served: West Michigan. Contact: Mary Lynn Wesorick, RN (616) 252-7183 Breast-Feeding Support Group. A once a month group session with certified lactation consultant. Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month. Babies and children welcome. A support group to help breast-feeding continue for the 1st year of baby’s life. Program hours: 6:30-8, 2nd TU. Application: Must register. Area served: West Michigan. Contact: Mary Lynn Wesorick, RN (616) 252-7183 Prepared Childbirth Series. Provides complete childbirth program including breathing and relaxation techniques for expectant parents. This class is offered in evening sessions or during a special weekend designed for busy couples. There is also a refresher class offered for couples who already have children. Program hours: 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m., M-W; 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., SAT. Application: Must register. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: West Michigan. Contact: Mary Lynn Wesorick, RN (616) 252-7183 Private Prepared Childbirth Session. For those unable to attend regular series. One session includes relaxation, breathing, and massage for labor and birth, and medical and technical aspects. Must deliver at Metropolitan Hospital and register a month before baby is due. There is a charge for this service. Program hours: Class is scheduled to accommodate need of client and instructor availability. Application: Must register. Eligibility: Give birth at Metropolitan Hospital. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Mary Lynn Wesorick, RN (616) 252-7183 RTS (Resolve Through Sharing) Bereavement Services. Certified bereavement counselors offered to families whose baby dies in pregnancy, at birth or shortly after. Program hours: Class registration: 8-6, M-F; 8-12 Noon, SAT. Eligibility: Patient at Metropolitan Hospital. Area served: West Michigan. Contact: Mary Lynn Wesorick, RN (616) 252-7183 Sibling Classes. Helps children ages 3-6 prepare for the arrival of a baby. Parents attend classes with children, life-like dolls are used, and children get to meet new mom and baby. Special classes also available for children under age 2 and over age 6. Program hours: Classes: 5 p.m. - 6 p.m., twice per month. Application: Must register to attend class. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Mary Lynn Wesorick, RN (616) 252-7183 Teen Special Class. Class directed for special needs of teenagers, giving them tools and skills to prepare for the birth of their baby. Available in a group or private setting. Application: Must register. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: West Michigan. Contact: Mary Lynn Wesorick, RN (616) 252-7183 MICHIGAN 17TH CIRCUIT COURT - FAMILY DIVISION (616) 632-5067 180 Ottawa Ave. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Personal Protection Order Office. Helps people caught in domestic violence or stalking situation get through court system without an attorney. Works with law enforcement and other service agencies to provide help in obtaining personal protection orders through the court pursuant to Michigan Statute. Specific criteria for eligibility in cases of domestic violence and stalking. Also available for speaking engagements on PPO process. Program hours: Walk-in Interviews 9:00-2:30, M-F. Application: No appointments. The initial paperwork and interview may take an hour to complete., Photo ID; police reports are helpful (out of county/state divorce, etc. paperwork required). Eligibility: Must be 18 years old or accompanied by adult, preferably a parent. Other: According to statute PPOs are the last resort. Contact YWCA for other avenues such as counseling, etc. Area served: Michigan, primarily Kent County. Petitioners need to bring their own interpreter. MICHIGAN FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY KENT COUNTY OFFICE (FIA) - Dept. of Human Services (DHS) (616) 247-6000 / (616) 247-6005 415 Franklin St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 46 Main hours: 8-5, M-F; 24 hours, 7 days for Protective Service complaints (616) 247-6300. Helps individuals and families meet financial, medical, and social needs; assists people to become self-sufficient; and helps protect children and adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Child Protective Services complaints - 24 hours, 7 days. Application: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish, Vietnamese, Dutch, German) Family Independence Program (FIP). Provides public financial aid of the basic care of families with children (or pregnant). Applications are processed as quickly as possible. Most FIP recipients are eligible for Medicaid, food stamps, and employment and training services. Applicants arriving after 10:00 a.m. may file an application but will not be interviewed until the next business day. Agency recommends coming as early in the morning as possible to apply. Program hours: 7-4, M-F; intake 7-10 only. Application: Apply in person or request application form by mail, Identification, residence, may need income and asset verification. Eligibility: Families meeting income and asset requirements with dependent children deprived of financial support. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish, Vietnamese, Dutch, German) Food Stamps/Expedited Food Stamps. Determines eligibility for coupons (food stamps) to supplement the food purchasing power of low-income families. Some households currently receiving food stamps may qualify for expedited service if they meet eligibility requirements. Applicants arriving after 10:00 a.m. may file an application but will not be interviewed until the next business day. Agency recommends coming as early in the morning as possible to apply. Program hours: 7-4, M-F; intake 7-10 only. Application: Apply in person or request application form by mail, Identification, residence, proof of income and assets. Eligibility: Recipients must meet income and asset requirements. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish, Vietnamese, Dutch, German) Independent Living Services (Home Help Program). Provides funds to help pay for unskilled personal care services. Services may include assistance with grooming, dressing, laundry, meal preparation, shopping, light housework, etc. to enable Medicaid-eligible individuals with disabilities to remain in their homes. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Must be Medicaid eligible. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Vicki Pickel (616) 247-6300 (Spanish, Vietnamese, Dutch, German) Indian Outreach Program. Activities are designed to help break down barriers that inhibit economic and social selfsufficiency. Priorities may include outreach, case management, advocacy, evaluation, teaching/educating, mobilization, consultation, and community planning. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: American Indian residents of Kent County and their families. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Fran Compo (616) 247-6038 (Spanish, Vietnamese, Dutch, German) Medicaid Assistance (MA). Determines eligibility for Medicaid Assistance for low income families, children, and disabled adults. For assistance with explanation, enrollment, changes or problems regarding managed care (800) 301-1733. Medicaid Inquiry Patient Line (800) 638-6414. Medicaid Coverage Line (for providers) (800) 292-2550. Complaints, call KCHD (616) 336-4286. For lost or stolen Medicaid card (800) 642-3195. Program hours: 7-4, M-F; intake 7-10 only. Application: Must apply in person, Call for details. Eligibility: FIP/SSI persons and non-public assistance persons meeting financial and sometimes medical criteria. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish, Dutch, German) State Emergency Relief (SER). Determines financial assistance for emergency shelter, heat and utility needs. Applicants arriving after 11:00 a.m. may file an application, but may not be interviewed until the next business day. Program hours: 7-4, M-F; intake 7-10 only. Application: MUST APPLY IN PERSON, Identification, residence, proof of income, shut-of/eviction notice(s). Eligibility: Recipients must meet income and asset eligibility requirements. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish, Vietnamese, Dutch, German) Sparta Migrant Center. Center is staffed on a full-time basis from approximately late April to late November. It is the intake center for all FIA services for migrant workers in Kent, Newaygo, Muskegon, and Eastern Ottawa County. 536 S. State St., Sparta. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Call for details, Vital records, income and asset information. Eligibility: Migrant workers and their families. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Lucia Page (616) 887-5700 (Spanish, Vietnamese, Dutch, German) MICHIGAN INDIAN CHILD WELFARE AGENCY GRAND RAPIDS OFFICE (616) 454-9221 1345 Monroe Ave. NW, Suite 220, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Main hours: 8-4:30, M-F Provides services for Indian children. The emphasis of the MICWA is to keep children in the homes of their parents, and thus maintain their Indian culture. When it is not possible, the Indian Child Welfare Act, P.L. 95-608, will be followed to place children in Indian adoptive homes. This insures the promotion of cultural identity, customs, and a way of life that complies with tribal, federal, and probate laws. Toll-free: (800) 880-2089 Program hours: 8-4:30, M-F. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Grand Rapids and surrounding area. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE - KENT COUNTY (Kent/MSU Extension) (616) 336-3265 775 Ball Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-4:30, M-F Provides educational programs on many topics including money management, food and nutrition, parenting education, leadership development, positive communication, and stress management. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 47 Email: Program hours: 8-4:30, M-F. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) Some materials in Spanish. Families In Touch (FIT). Provides instruction on food and nutrition, money management, and parenting skills. Trained instructors provide hands-on classes to families one-on-one in their own homes or in small groups. This program partners with Spectrum Health and Grand Rapids Public Schools. 2405 Leonard St. NE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-4:30, M-F. Application: Call to register. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Jill Doubler Message Phone only: (616) 819-3284 Some materials in Spanish. Breast Feeding Initiative (BFI). In collaboration with KCH WIC, peer counselor assists WIC-eligible women who are pregnant or breastfeeding Program hours: 8-4:30, M-F. Application: Call to register. Eligibility: WIC-eligible women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Janet Gudino (616) 336-3265 Building Strong Families. Provides parenting education program for families with children from birth to age 3. Application: Call to register. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Janet Gudino (616) 336-3265 (Spanish) Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). Nutrition education program for limited resource families with young children. Instruction provided in home or in small groups by MSU trained nutrition instructors. Assists families in stretching food dollars, enhancing family nutrition, and teaching families the benefits of healthy eating and physical activity. Program hours: 8-4:30, M-F. Application: Call to register. Eligibility: Limited income families. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Janet Gudino (616) 336-3265 (Spanish) Family Nutrition Program (FNP). Nutrition education program for persons eligible for or who receive food stamps. Instruction provided in home or in small groups by MSU trained nutrition instructors. Education includes basic nutrition, menu planning, food safety, budgeting, food selection and shopping. Email: Program hours: 8-4:30, M-F. Application: Call to register. Eligibility: Must be eligible for or receiving food stamps. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Janet Gudino (616) 336-3265 (Spanish) NATIONAL ADOPTION INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE (888) 251-0075 330 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20447 A hotline which enables individuals to speak to a counselor regarding the adoption process. NATIVE AMERICAN COMMUNITY SERVICES (NACS) (616) 458-4078 671 Davis Ave. NW, Steepletown Center Suite 103, GR, MI 49504 Main hours: 8-4:30, M-F; closed 12-1 p.m. for lunch Provides resources such as employment, counseling and case management, substance abuse prevention to Native American community. Offers other seasonal special events, presentations on culturally-related topics, a bi-monthly newsletter, and support groups for various ages. Also provides Maajtaag Mnobmaadzid (Healthy Start) maternal support program. Program hours: 8-12 and 1-4:30, M-F. Eligibility: Kent County Native American household. Fees/Insurance: Ability to pay, if applicable. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Betty Shelby (616) 458-4078 (Spanish) Maajtaag Mnobmaadzid (Michigan’s Inter-Tribal Council Healthy Start). Provides support for pregnant Anishinabe women and mothers with newborns up to age 24 months. No income guidelines. Offers office or home visiting services from maternal health care nurses, outreach, referrals, followup and after care. Funded by Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan. Program hours: 8-4:30, M-F. Eligibility: Kent County Native American household. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent, Ottawa, and Muskegon counties. Contact: Stephanie Snyder (616) 458-4078 (Spanish) Mental Health/Wellness Services. Provides confidential support services to individuals, families, and groups in the Native American community. Also provides REFERRALS for needs such as transportation, employment, housing, financial assistance, medical services, substance abuse treatment, and counseling. Program hours: Office: 8-4:30, M-F. Call for appointment. Application: ID and SS#. Eligibility: Kent County Native American household. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Sarah Flessner or Sandee Reno (616) 458-4078 (Spanish) Substance Abuse Prevention Services. Provides general information relevant to Native American lifestyles with primary focus on substance abuse prevention by phone, written request and/or in person. Offers presentations, consultation and special programs that address prevention issues. Program hours: 8-12 and 1-4:30, M-F. Application: ID and SS#. Eligibility: Kent County Native American household. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Elizabeth Ishak (616) 458-4078 (Spanish) NORTH END COMMUNITY MINISTRY (616) 454-1097 214 Spencer St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Main hours: 9-2 p.m., M-F Provides the key food pantry via ACCESS for the Northeast end of Grand Rapids, serving clients with food, clothing, holiday baskets, household items, personal needs, and baby items. Programs available: NE Supper House, Single Parent Classes and Skills for Living Cooking Classes. Also back to school new clothing program and supplies in August. Limited to NECM clients. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 48 Program hours: 9-12:45, M, TU, W, F. Food Pantry: 9-12:45, M-W. NE Supper House meal program: TH, 5-6:30 pm. Application: No appointments necessary. Referral not required unless living out of NE area., Current driver’s license or Michigan ID or current bill; Social Security Number; Proof of Income or Support. Eligibility: Call for details. Must live within our service boundaries. Open to all, but must meet income requirements. Fees/Insurance: Most services free, some classes have fees. Call for details. Parenting classes are $5 per session. No other costs. Area served: Grand Rapids - northeast. Contact: Laura Castle (616) 454-1077 (Spanish) Spanish available Mondays only. Single Parenting Class (A program of Life Guidance Services). Offers information for anyone interested in learning more about single parenting issues. Consists of a six-part series that covers a wide range of single parenting issues. The group is held weekly. Program offered in the fall and winter. Program hours: Call for class times. Fees/Insurance: $5 registration fee. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Laura Castle (616) 454-1077 NORTH KENT SERVICE CENTER (616) 866-3478 10075 Northland Dr., Rockford, MI 49341 Main hours: 8-4, M-F Provides food pantry, clothing, household items, furniture, and appliances. Also provides a life skills class. Program hours: 8-4, M-F. Application: Social Security Number, proof of residence, proof of income. Eligibility: Federal poverty guidelines. Area served: Northern Kent County. S - 6 Mile; N - 22 Mile; E - Montcalm Ave.; W - Kenowa Ave. Contact: Tom Pearce or Richard L. Sliper (616) 866-3478 OTHER WAY MINISTRIES (THE) (616) 454-4011 710 W. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Main hours: 9-4:30 Offers many programs and services including financial management, youth employment services, food pantry, counseling, hospitality center, women’s Bible study, life skills training for women, and teen mentoring, recreation, Bible study and children’s Bible, art, music and drama and sports clubs. This is an urban outreach program of the Reformed Church in America. TTY: (616) 454-4011 Program hours: Vary according to day and season. Application: Simple registration forms, Food Pantry - Proof of ID and address Programs - Medical info, immunization records. Eligibility: varies according to specific programs. Fees/ Insurance: no registration fees, but occasional costs for activities. Area served: Near west side bordered by Front, Wealthy, Valley and 3rd St. Also, west to Standale for the food pantry. Spanish-speaking staff available on Wednesdays. OUR HOPE ASSOCIATION (616) 451-2039 324 Lyon St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-5, M-F; 24 hour staff Residential and outpatient treatment for chemically dependent women. Program hours: 9-5, M-F. 24 hour, 7 days supervision by staff. Application: State funded clients are referred by Cornerstone Substance Abuse Assessment. All others contact direct., Social Security; Driver’s license; proof of income. Eligibility: Women, 18 years and older. State funded are for Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, and Newaygo counties region. Fees/Insurance: Private payto be determined at time of interview, No insurance accepted. Area served: Western Michigan. State funds limited to Ionia, Kent, Montcalm, and Newaygo counties. PARTNERS IN PARENTING (616) 459-2578 2025 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: Hours are flexible, M-F Offers sessions geared towards teaching parenting skills. Sessions are flexible to meet the needs of participants: a single session or a series of sessions on various topics. Small group or individual sessions are held on our site, or the mobile unit can go to an agency, school or church site or other location. Program hours: Hours are flexible, M-F. Application: Call to set up appointment to plan sessions. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County and surrounding areas. Contact: Marguerite Cool, OP or Jean Kramer, OP (616) 459-2578 PATHFINDER RESOURCES (616) 242-6400 2303 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Assists people with addictions and/or crime problems in repairing their lives by offering programs including residential and outpatient treatment of substance abuse that focuses on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of their recovery. Email: Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Contact intake/ marketing department at 242-6400. Eligibility: Varies with program. Fees/Insurance: Flexible, PPOM, Medicaid, Public Assistance, Travelers. Area served: Michigan. DeMey Center Outpatient Services. Provides outpatient substance abuse services. Program hours: 8 am-8:30 pm, M-F. Application: Contact intake/marketing department at 242-6400. Area served: Michigan. Women’s Services. Provides residential treatment for the disease of addicition to women ages 17 and older. In some cases, their children may live with them during treatment. 3333 36th St. SE, Kentwood. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Application: Contact intake/marketing department at 242-6400. Eligibility: Women ages 17 and older. Fees/Insurance: Priority Health, PPOM network plans, CIGNA. Area served: No restrictions. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 49 PINE REST CHRISTIAN MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES (616) 455-9200 300 68th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49548 Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services is committed to bringing the best in behavioral health care to those in need, aged 4 to 104. We provide outpatient therapy at over 20 locations, inpatient and partial hospitalization, residential services for adults with developmental disabilities and teens, traditional outpatient substance abuse treatment, workshops, and classes. This also includes programs of prevention and education, psychological assessment, employee and church assistance programs, intensive outpatient programming for substance abuse, psychiatric home health care, consultation liaison services, and more. If you are experiencing anxiety, grief, or some other life-changing event, Pine Rest is in your community and can help. Toll-free: (800) 678-5500. Area served: Grand Rapids metropolitan area. (Spanish) Inpatient Hospitalization Services. Provide a safe, structured setting to help children, adolescents, adults, or older adults experiencing acute behavioral health crises. A multidisciplinary team identifies the problems and treatment options, stabilizes the patient, and develops an aftercare plan with the patient and family, including appropriate referrals. Partial Hospitalization Services. Also known as day programming, this is short-term, intensive treatment for individuals experiencing significant mental and/or emotional problems. Our goal is to provide intensive treatment to assist patients and families in managing these problems. The target population includes children, adolescents, adults who meet the criteria for admission and cannot be adequately treated through traditional outpatient services. Treatment modalities are psychiatric assessment, treatment and discharge planning. Treatment groups include: anger, anxiety, and stress management, assertion training, cooccurring addiction, medication education, individual, family, and group therapy, trauma, and more. Must have own transportation to and from the program. Hours: 8:30-4, M-F. Application: Call for information. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details. Residential Services. Provide faith-based residential services to adults with developmental disabilities through Pine Rest Christian Homes, utilizing person-centered planning, a compassionate care model, and a mentoring program. Highly trained staff works regularly with residents on daily living, social, and other skills, plus integrating into local community. On-site medical, psychiatric, and psychological treatment for all residents. The Center for Psychiatric Residential Services is part of Pine Rest’s continuum of care, providing acute, intense, residential psychiatric services for adolescents on an emergent basis. Each resident participates in a variety of group therapies specific to his or her psychiatric needs. Activity therapy is also provided to assist residents in developing confidence, cooperation, teamwork, and coping skills. Outpatient Services. Offer outpatient, ambulatory care at 19 locations throughout West Michigan. Our clinicians provide a broad spectrum of quality care across the age continuum in convenient, non-restrictive environments. In addition to traditional outpatient care, Pine Rest also provides a variety of specialty services, including the ADD Institute, IOP substance abuse services, court-related services and assessments, Psychiatric Home Health Care, workshops, classes, support groups, and more. Individual, family, and group counseling for children, adolescents, adults, and older adults, as well as community resources and referrals. Application: Call for appointment and information. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: See the following Grand Rapids area locations. Belknap Commons. 751 Lafayette Ave. NE, Grand Rapids Phone: (616) 742-9940 Program hours: 8:30-5, M-W. Area served: Grand Rapids area. Caledonia Clinic. 9090 South Rodgers Court, Suite D, Caledonia Phone: (616) 891-8770 Program hours: 9-9, M; 9-8, T; 9-6, W, TH; 9-4, F. Area served: Caledonia and surrounding communities. Campus Clinic. 300 68th St. SE, Grand Rapids Phone: (616) 455-5270 Program hours: 8-8, M-TH; 8-5, F. Area served: Grand Rapids area. City Clinic. 310 Lafayette SE, Grand Rapids Phone: (616) 913-1400 Program hours: 8-8, M-TH; 8-5, F. Area served: Grand Rapids area. Greenville Office. First Congregational Church, 126 East Cass St., Greenville Phone: (616) 754-5878 Program hours: By Appointment. Area served: Greenville area. Northeast Clinic. 1700 E. Beltline NE, Suite 240, Grand Rapids Phone: (616) 364-1500 Program hours: 9-7, M, W, TH; 9-6, T; 9-2, F. Area served: Grand Rapids area. Northwest Clinic. 933 Three Mile Rd. NW, Suite 206, Grand Rapids Phone: (616) 222-3720 Program hours: 8-7, M; 8-8, T, W; 8-6, TH; 8-5, F; 11-2, SAT. Area served: Grand Rapids area. Psychological Consultation Center. 300 68th St. SE, Grand Rapids Phone: (616) 281-6382 Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Area served: Grand Rapids area. Rockford Office. Metro Health Rockford Plaza, 4685 Belding Road, Rockford Phone: (616) 364-1500 Program hours: By Appointment. Area served: Rockford area. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 50 Southwest Clinic. 4375 Canal St. SW, Suite 1, Grandville Phone: (616) 222-3700 Program hours: 8-9, M-W; 8-5, TH, F. Area served: Grand Rapids area. Wyoming Clinic. 2215 44th St. SW, Suite 200, Wyoming Phone: (616) 252-8371 Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Area served: Grand Rapids area. PLANNED PARENTHOOD CENTERS OF WEST MICHIGAN (616) 774-7005 425 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Medical Services. Provides cancer screening, birth control, sexually transmitted infections treatment, HIV testing, mid-life services Toll-free: 1-800-230-PLAN. Program hours: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m., M-TH; 9 a.m. - 4:30, F; 10-1, SAT.Application: Call for information, Will be explained when making appointment. Fees/Insurance: Sliding scale; donations appreciated, Call for details. Other: For information on other centers call 1-800-230-PLAN. Area served: Ionia, Kent, Muskegon, Mecosta, Newaygo, and Oceana counties. (Spanish) PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER (616) 456-6873 415 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-4, M, W, TH; 9-7, TU; 9-12, F Free pregnancy tests, information about abortion and alternatives, referrals for medical care, social services and practical resources in the community. All services are free, results while you wait. Confidential care, immediate appointments available. Walk-ins welcome. Program hours: 9-4, M, W, TH; 9-7, TU; 9-12, F. Application: ID. Area served: Kent County. Wyoming Site. Free pregnancy tests, information about abortion and alternatives, referrals for medical care, social services and practical resources in the community. All services are free, results while you wait. Confidential care, immediate appointments available. Walk-ins welcome. 2438 28th St., Wyoming. Program hours: 9-4:30, M and W, 1-7, TH. Application: ID. Area served: Kent County. PROJECT REHAB (616) 776-0891 330 Eastern Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Area served: Ionia, Kent, Muskegon, and Newaygo counties. Contact: Michael Reagan (616) 776-0891 (Spanish) Community Alternatives Program. Offers a work-release alternative to incarceration that provides substance abuse, mental health and other related rehabilitation services. 822 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 24 hour/day, 7 days/week. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Statewide. Contact: Thurman Waler (616) 776-0891 ext. 275 (Spanish) Men’s Recovery Center. Offers treatment services to men ages 18 and older who ma be referred from the criminal justice system or other situations which require counseling, support and supervision to aid recovery. 822 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 24 hour/day, 7 days/week. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Covered by insurance, Medicaid, public substance abuse funding, and sliding fee scale, Call for details. Area served: Statewide. Contact: Jo Champion (616) 776-0891 ext. 212 (Spanish) Hispanic Services. 822 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Statewide. Contact: Antonio Ruban (616) 776-0891 ext. 260 (Spanish) Women’s Recovery Center. Offers gender specific treatment plans designed to address women’s special needs. 822 Cherry St. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 24 hour/day, 7 days/week. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Covered by insurance, Medicaid, public substance abuse funding, and sliding fee scale, Call for details. Area served: Statewide. Contact: Jo Champion (616) 776-0891 ext. 212 (Spanish) RELIEF AFTER VIOLENT ENCOUNTER - IONIA/ MONTCALM, INC. (RAVE) (616) 527-3351 / (800) 720-SAFE (7233) Main hours: 8-4:30, M-F Comprehensive, free and confidential services to adult and child victims of domestic and sexual violence including 24hour, toll-free crisis line and emergency shelter for women and child survivors. Services also are available to non-residential survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Services include comprehensive case management, individual counseling, advocacy support, legal information, assistance with personal protection orders, support groups, parenting education, cell phone loan program, and an advocate team who responds to domestic and sexual assault crime scenes. Additional services available to sexual assault survivors include therapy and assistance with transportation to sexual assault exams. Temporary emergency shelter is available to homeless women and children and offers comprehensive case management services. RAVE also provides community education and training on domestic and dating violence and sexual assault. Toll-free: (800) 720-SAFE (7233) Program hours: Crisis line: 24 hours, 7 days. Office: 8-4:30, M-F. Application: Call ahead if possible; walk-ins welcome. No referrals necessary. Eligibility: Age 18 and over (emancipated or married if under 18) for emergency shelter. Alternative shelter arrangements are made on an as-needed basis for male survivors A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 51 of domestic or sexual violence. Other: Male children of survivors over the age of 15 years shall be screened for appropriateness of communal living in a safehouse setting. Area served: Clinton, Ionia, Montcalm, and Shiawassee counties. Multilingual staff available as needed. RESTORER’S INC. (616) 243-1984 / (616) 634-2903 1413 Madison Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 9-4, M-F A collaborative of churches and neighbors, this Christian community development organization serves the Madison/Hall neighborhood area. Teaches courses on financial freedom, home ownership, and minor home repair. Also help in finding employment. Email: Program hours: 9-4, M-F. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Grand Rapids. Girls Like Me. Pregnant and parenting teen program for girls 12-19 years of age - teaches life skills and prepares girls for the overwhelming responsibilities of young motherhood. Email: Program hours: 12 Noon - 2, SAT. Application: Call for appointment (no referral required), Identification, social security number, and physician’s information. Eligibility: pregnant and/ or parenting girls, 12-19 years old. Fees/Insurance: Call for details, All. Area served: Grand Rapids. (Spanish) ROOSEVELT PARK MINISTRIES (RPM) (616) 475-5881 1530 Grandville Ave. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-5, M-F Helps improve the quality of life in the Roosevelt Park neighborhood. This Christian community development and human service organization embraces a holistic approach of community development, addressing both material needs and spiritual needs. Programs include free translation and interpretation service, a job referral and placement service, a cooperative effort with Godfrey-Lee Community Education to provide English as a Second Language classes, indigenous leadership development through mentoring, youth outreach/small groups/special events/on-on-one mentoring, a supplemental food pantry, and special seasonal events such as coat drives in the fall and a Christmas “store”. Email: Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Eligibility: Call for details. (Spanish, Some French) SAFE HAVEN MINISTRIES (616) 452-6664 3501 Lake Eastbrook Blvd. SE, Suite 335, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Protective Hands. Offers counseling, education and support for abused women and their children. Services include support groups, case management, advocacy, resource library, and information and referral. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Call first. Fees/ Insurance: Sliding scale fee for counseling only. No fees for other services, Call for details. Area served: Western Michigan - primarily Kent County. Contact: Jennifer Marcum (616) 4526664 Ramoth House. Offers shelter for abused women and their children. Provides a safe house, case management, a children’s program, and referral services for women. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Application: Call first. Area served: Western Michigan - primarily Kent County. Contact: Ginny Koole (616) 452-6664 SAINT JOHN’S HOME (616) 361-5227 2355 Knapp St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Provides therapy, education, family services, and health care in a residential setting for children and adolescents with emotional, behavioral, and psychiatric disorders. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Application: Please call first to begin referral process. Eligibility: Male and Female ages 7-17, call for specific admission criteria. Fees/Insurance: Placement funded by FIA, Juvenile Court, or private pay. Area served: Michigan. Contact: Jennifer Bareno (616) 361-5227 Email: (Spanish) SAINT MARY’S HEALTH CARE FAMILY EDUCATION SERVICES (Saint Mary’s Hospital) (616) 752-6090 200 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Provides childbirth and family education programs that include expectant parent education, preparation for childbearing, sibling separation, cesarean birth/VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), and infant and child CPR. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details, Call ahead for information. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) Breast-Feeding and Back to Work Breast-Feeding. Offers prevention of breast-feeding problems through a teaching of correct positioning and latch-on techniques. The optional second class covers the pumping and storing of breast milk as well as practical advise on returning to the workplace. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details, Call ahead for information. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Comprehensive Childbirth. Offers class designed for first-time parents, this childbirth program covers breathing and relaxation techniques, and stages of labor. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details, Call ahead for information. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Infant and Child CPR. Offer class of infant and child CPR, management of the choking child, child safety and hands-on practice. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 52 Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call 752-6442 to schedule class, Call ahead for information. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Preparation for Childbirth. Offers 3-session class consisting of small groups concentrating on labor preparation. A fee is charged. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details, Call ahead for information. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details, Medicaid. Area served: Kent County. Teen Pregnancy Education. Offers class designed for the special needs of teens (and their labor partners) who are preparing for childbirth. Breathing and relaxation techniques are covered. A tour of the Birthing Center is included. Clients releasing their babies for adoption are offered individual sessions. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details, Call ahead for information. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details, Medicaid. Area served: Kent County. Teen Smart Start Program. Offers program for parents of preteens and teenagers, and focuses on developing and improving their parenting skills. Three-week series includes: Understanding Adolescence, Communication Styles, Conflict Resolution, Active Listening, and Diet and Behavior. Available for parent groups at schools, churches, and local agencies, and for professionals working with teens. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details, Call ahead for information. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. to pay. We do ask that they apply for State or Federal insurance if they do not have any insurance. Fees/Insurance: Sliding payment scale after a person is denied Federal and State insurance, Call for details. All commercial insurance. Other: Molina, Medicaid, Health Plan of Michigan. Area served: Grand Rapids - southeast area. Contact: Virginia Moralez (616) 9138301 (Spanish) Clinica Santa Maria Health Center. Provides a full range of primary care services that include family practice, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, immunizations, WIC, MSS, ISS, and mental health counseling services. 730 Grandville Ave. SW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Evenings by appointment. Application: Proof of insurance or Medicaid. Fees/Insurance: Sliding fee scale, Medicaid and most insurance accepted. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Virginia Moralez (616) 913-8301 (Spanish) SAINT MARY’S PREGNANCY CRISIS CENTER (616) 897-9393 402 Amity St., Lowell, MI 49331 Main hours: 5:30-7:30 M, 11-3 TH St. Mary’s Pregnancy Crisis Center is a non-profit, nonsectarian and non political agency. We work to establish a close relationship with each client through face-to-face contact and supply practical assistance and care. Free pregnancy tests available in a confidential environment. Free infant food, clothing and other needs are provided. For smaller children limited clothing is available. We can help you find medical, legal, educational, financial and social resources. Other related services may be available. Program hours: 5:30-7:30 M, 11-3 TH. VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section) and Refresher Childbirth. Offers class designed for expectant parents who have attended a childbirth education program with a previous pregnancy. VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section) information is also provided. A tour of the Birthing Center is included. Program hours: Call for details. Application: Call for details, Call ahead for information. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/ Insurance: Call for details, Medicaid. Area served: Kent County. SAINT MARY’S HEALTH CARE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS (Saint Mary’s Hospital) (616) 752-6090 200 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Browning Claytor Health Center. Provides a full range of primary care services that include family practice, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, immunizations, WIC, MSS, ISS, and mental health counseling services. 1246 Madison Ave. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 9-5, M-F. Evenings by appointment. Eligibility: No one is denied service, regardless of their ability SAINT VINCENT DePAUL THRIFT STORE (616) 452-1408 1260 S. Division Ave. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 10-5, M-F; 10-4, SAT Provides food, clothing, furniture and other resources available to anyone with an area referral. Program hours: 10-5, M-F, 10-4, SAT. Eligibility: Must have a referral. Fees/Insurance: Up to two items of each kind for free. (Spanish) SALVATION ARMY (THE) - BOOTH FAMILY SERVICES (616) 459-9468 1215 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F Emergency Assistance Program. Provides basic crisis assistance for individuals and families in need of food, first month’s rent, utility and personal needs assistance. Food pantry open every afternoon. Program hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) Family Lodge. Provides emergency shelter for homeless women and their children while assisting them to locate transitional or permanent housing. Referrals must come through Booth’s Homeless Assistance Program. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 53 Program hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Referrals must come through Booth’s HAP Homeless Assistance Program. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. HAP Homeless Assistance Program. Offers an assessment and referral service that links homeless individuals and families with available shelter. Contact HAP for emergency housing assistance only. Program hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) Health and Dental Clinic. Provides prenatal, family practice and dental care to adolescents, young adults and families. Staff promotes health maintenance and preventative care through education and counseling. Program hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) Kindred Transitional Housing. Provides scattered site transitional housing for homeless women and their children in an effort to assist them in becoming self-sufficient. Program hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Pregnant and Parenting Teen Program. Provides intensive case work services that include education, parenting skills, support and referral assistance. Program hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. Teen Living Center. Offers a residential program for pregnant and parenting teens age 14-19 and their children who are in the crisis of homelessness. Teens live at the center for up to two years while they pursue their educational goals and develop improved living and parenting skills. Program hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) SALVATION ARMY (THE) - TURNING POINT (616) 235-1565 1931 Boston St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 8-5, M-F; Admissions - 24 hours, 365 days a year Offers substance abuse clinicians and nurses, with a physician, registered dietician, clinical psychologist, and chaplain, to provide medical detoxification, intensive residential treatment, and intensive outpatient treatment programs. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Application: Call for intake appointment, Information given at time of setting appointment. Eligibility: Age 18 and older who have been assessed as clinically appropriate. Fees/Insurance: Call for details, Most major insurances. Area served: West Michigan. Contact: Robert Byrd (616) 235-1565 SALVATION ARMY FAMILY STORE (Salvation Army Thrift Store) (616) 452-3133 1491 S. Division St., Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 9-8, M-SAT Sells to the public reusable items at low prices. Program hours: 9-8, M-SAT. Fees/Insurance: Small cost depending on purchase. Area served: West Michigan. SAMARITAN CENTER OF WEST MICHIGAN (616) 975-0756 2758 Orange St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Main hours: 9-5, M-F Counseling, Education, Consultation Services. Offers a range of services for persons experiencing depression, fear or anger, difficulty adjusting to life’s changes, problems in parenting, loneliness or insecurity, unresolved difficulties at work or in personal relationships, estrangement from loved ones and marital problems. Email: Program hours: 9-5, M-F. Area served: Greater Grand Rapids. Contact: Dr. Donald Topp Psy. D. (616) 975-0756 SOUTH END COMMUNITY OUTREACH MINISTRIES (SECOM) (616) 452-7684 1545 Buchanan Ave. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 8:30-12 and 1-4:30, M-F EFF - Encouraging Family Foundations. Provides parenting classes for single parents of newborns in Kent County in six week sessions. Program hours: 10-2, TU. Application: Contact Judy Trice. Eligibility: Single parent with newborn. Other: Free childcare provided for participants own children; lunch provided. Area served: Kent County. Email: (Spanish) Food Distribution. Offers emergency food (Part of ACCESS food pantry). Program hours: 6-7 pm, 2nd TU; 9:30-11:30 am, first M, W, F. Application: Photo ID, birthdates of all persons in household, SS cards or Medicaid statement, proof of address, income or check stubs. Eligibility: Must live in service area - Patterson to US-131, Hall to 28th St. Area served: Grand Rapids - south end area. Email: (Spanish) Not Afraid to be Healthy. Provides referrals or connections to clinics, Medicaid program, prescription aasistance for the elderly, and community health care services for low-income persons and families. Program hours: Call for details. Application: See staff for applications or call Sharon Zinnah for appointment, Identification. Eligibility: Must have a need for medical care and not have or be able to obtain medical insurance. Area served: Kent County. Email: (Spanish) A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 54 Pride for Parents. Provides a program in which participants earn Christmas gifts for their children by completing volunteer hours throughout the year. Enrollment is limited. SECOM also have a similar program for parent to earn summer camp tuition for their children. Program hours: Arranged with coordinator. Application: Complete an application and interview, Photo ID, proof of address, birthdates of eligible children. Eligibility: Parents of childen 14 years old or younger who live south of Hall, north of 28th St., east of US 131 and west of Patterson. Area served: South of Hall, north of 28th St., east of US 131 and west of Patterson. Email: (Spanish) Teen Mothers Program and Parenting Classes. Concentrates on the development of the child. Focuses on the Ages and Stages Questionaire, implementing activities for the child’s developmental needs. Also supports parents with positive parenting and goal setting. Program hours: 5:30-7 p.m., W. Application: Call to enroll. Eligibility: Teen parent or pregnant teen. Other: Free childcare is provided. Area served: Kent County. Email: (Spanish) SPECTRUM HEALTH - BLODGETT CAMPUS (616) 774-7444 1840 Wealthy St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 24 hours, 7 days An acute care hospital with outpatient facilities. Spectrum Health’s two Grand Rapids hospitals provide a full-range of tertiary and acute inpatient and outpatient care. Clinical areas of expertise include comprehensive medical and nursing care in orthopedics, cancer, cardiovascular, digestive disease, neuroscience, obstetrics, high-risk obstetrics, neonatal, emergency/trauma services and women’s health services. Toll-free: (866) 989-7999. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Application: Insurance card. Fees/Insurance: Call for details, All. Other: A variety of resources is available to meet the needs of patients who are deaf/hearing impaired, have Limited English Profiency (LEP) or do not speak English. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Interpreters/translation provided to patients free of charge. S.O.S. (Sharing Our Sorrows). Offers parent support groups for those who have experienced a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, or neonatal death. These groups provide an opportunity to meet in a supportive environment with others who have experienced a similar loss. This help is available free of charge at any time - weeks, months, or years - after the loss. Program hours: Meets one evening per month. Eligibility: Available for families at any point (weeks, months or years) after their loss. Call for details. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. SPECTRUM HEALTH - BUTTERWORTH CAMPUS (616) 391-1774 / (616) 391-1896 100 Michigan St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 An acute care hospital with outpatient facilities. Spectrum Health’s two Grand Rapids hospitals provide a full-range of tertiary and acute inpatient and outpatient care. Clinical areas of expertise include comprehensive medical and nursing care in orthopedics, cancer, cardiovascular, digestive disease, neuroscience, obstetrics, high-risk obstetrics, neonatal, emergency/trauma services and women’s health services. Toll-free: (866) 989-7999. Program hours: 24 hours, 7 days. Application: Insurance card. Fees/Insurance: Call for details, All. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Interpreters/translation provided to patients free of charge. P.E.N.D. (Parents Experiencing Neonatal Death). Offers parent support groups for those who have experienced a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, or neonatal death. These groups provide an opportunity to meet in a supportive environment with others who have experienced a similar loss. This help is available free of charge at any time - weeks, months, or years - after the loss. Program hours: Call for details. Eligibility: Available for families at any point (weeks, months or years) after their loss. Call for details. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. Translation available for all languages with notice. SPECTRUM HEALTH - COMMUNITY PARTNERS (616) 391-1000 100 Michigan St. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 MOMS/Parent to Parent Program. A registered nurse, nutritionist, medical social worker, community health worker, and peer volunteer from similar social, economic and pregnancy backgrounds are matched for information, support, referrals and friendship with a woman currently pregnant and at risk for preterm birth or having a complicated pregnancy. Phone, clinic, and home calls are made. 75 Sheldon Ave. SE, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Area served: Kent County and surrounding area. Contact: Christie Peck (616) 391-3628 (Spanish) Translation available for all languages with notice. SPECTRUM HEALTH - HEALTHIER COMMUNITIES (616) 391-5000 320 Michigan St. NE, Mail Code: 129, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-5, M-TH; 9-4, F Spectrum Health Urgent Care Centers. Provides convenient access for same-day treatment of non-life-threatening injuries or illness. 2332 Alpine Ave. NW, Grand Rapids. Program hours: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. Breastfeeding Your Baby: Information and Support for Success. An opportunity for breastfeeding mothers to come with baby to share questions and concerns and work with certified lactation counselors. The group offers a chance to gain A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 55 more information, support and confidence in the early weeks of breastfeeding. Toll-free: (866) 989-7444. Program hours: Daytime, weekly. Call for details. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. Translation services available. Educational Classes. Provides a wide range of informational classes on pregnancy, parenting, children’s, women’s health issues and senior issues. Toll-free: (866) 989-7444. Program hours: Varies, M-F, mostly evenings. Call for details. Application: Registration required at (616) 391-5000, Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. Translation services available. More Than One? Multiples Classes. When expecting more than one baby, this session will give information on preparing for the babies, their arrival, physical and emotional adjustments, and practical hints for care. Toll-free: (866) 989-7444. Program hours: Varies, M-F, mostly evenings. Call for details. Application: Registration required. Eligibility: Pregnant woman having more than one baby. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. Preparing for Childbirth: Teen Classes. Addresses specific needs and questions of teens. Consists of discussions centered on concerns regarding pregnancy, labor, delivery, care of babies and infant feeding. Prenatal exercises and techniques for labor are included. Toll-free: (866) 989-7444. Program hours: Varies, mostly evenings. Call for details. Application: Registration required at (616) 391-5000, Doctor’s permission slip, Medicaid card. Eligibility: None, call for enrollment. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. Translation services available. Sibling Class. An opportunity for children, with their parents, to learn about baby’s development, care, feeding, and ways to be a great big brother or big sister. A very tasteful, award-winning video, produced for children, briefly shows labor and baby’s birth. Children and parent attend a single session according to age level. A short tour of the Family Birthplace is included. Toll-free: (866) 989-7444. Program hours: Varies, M-F. Call for details. Application: Registration required. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. Spanish Childbirth Education. Provides a wide range of classes on pregnancy, prenatal care, labor and delivery information, infant care, breastfeeding, and parenting issues. Call for a complete list of topics and schedules. Toll-free: (866) 989-7444. Program hours: Varies, mostly evenings. Call for details. Application: Registration required at (616) 391-5000, Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Michigan - thirteen west central counties. Translation services available SPECTRUM HEALTH - THE RECOVERY CENTER (616) 336-2400 750 Fuller Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: Residential care, 24 hrs, 7 days/wk; outpatient, 9-9, M-F. 24 hour observation; partial hospitalization, residential detoxification, residential rehabilitation, domiciliary intensive outpatient program, intensive outpatient program. Program hours: Call for hours. Application: Client’s or family’s physician, social worker, discharge planner, insurance case manager, etc. may refer., Picture ID, insurance card, agency name and address. Eligibility: no income or residency requirements, unless CMH funded. Fees/Insurance: Payment due prior to services to include insurance co-payment, domiciliary fee, private pay and court services, Most insurances are accepted, Medicaid and Medicare. Area served: Michigan. (Spanish) STEEPLETOWN CENTER (616) 451-4215 / (616) 451-4553 671 Davis Ave. NW, Steepletown Center, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Main hours: 8-5, M-F; evening and weekend hours vary Multi-agency service site for Westside Grand Rapids residents. Steepletown Neighborhood Services, Catholic Social Services, West Side Operation Weed and Seed, the WORD Project, West Grand Development Corporation, and Native American Community Services provide a variety of programs and services for children, youth, and families. Program hours: Call for details. Eligibility: West Side residents of Grand Rapids. Area served: Grand Rapids - west side. (Spanish) STEEPLETOWN NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES (616) 451-4215 671 Davis Ave. NW, Steepletown Center, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Main hours: 8-4:30, M-F Provides emergency financial assistance to Westside residents. Adult volunteers are paired as mentors with those seeking assistance. Also, Youth Services such as camping and job training. Email: Program hours: 8-4:30, M-F. Application: Call for appointment is preferred. Eligibility: West Side residents of Grand Rapids. Area served: Grand Rapids - lower northwest (N. - Butterworth SW, W. of river to Valley, S. - Richmond NW). Contact: Eileen Kochevar (616) 451-4215 (Spanish) STRONG BEGINNINGS (616) 331-5838 Provides support and education for pregnant African American women and their families living in Grand Rapids. Partners providing services: Kent County Health Dept., Cherry Street Health Services, MOMS, Browning-Claytor Health Center, CMHSA Network (network 180), and Booth Clinic. Program hours: Vary. Application: Contact prenatal care provider, clinic, or health department nurse. Eligibility: African American woman living in Grand Rapids. Area served: Grand Rapids. A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 56 THE RAPID (ITP) (GRATA) (616) 456-7514 / Information Line: (616) 776-1100 300 Ellsworth Avenue SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-4:30, MF Fixed Route. Serves the metropolitan six-city area and portions of some surrounding townships TTY: (616) 774-1186 (TDD) Program hours: Have routes 7 days/week. Fees/Insurance: $1.30 per ride, 10 tickets for $10 or unlimited 31-day bus pass for $35. Reduced fare tickets available for students, seniors and people with disabilities. Area served: Grand Rapids metropolitan area. GO! Bus. Provides service for eligible persons with disabilities who, because of their disability, are prevented from riding the regular fixed-route bus. Also serves eligible, non-disabled senior citizens. Reservations must be made in advance. All vehicles are specially equipped to carry wheelchairs. TTY: (616) 774-1186 (TDD). Program hours: 5:15 a.m. - 11:15 p.m., M-F; 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., SAT; 8 a.m.- 7 p.m., SUN. Application: Application required. Eligibility: Certified under ADA regulations. Fees/ Insurance: Fare is $2.60 each way. Senior citizens over age 65, cost is $7.00 each way, unless approved to qualify for ADA eligibility at lower rate. Other: Advance trip reservations are required. Area served: Grand Rapids metropolitan area. PASS. Provides pick-up and delivery service for individuals living outside regular bus service routes. Vans take individuals from their homes to fixed-route bus system via connection centers. Serves sixcity area including East GR, Grand Rapids, Grandville, Kentwood, Walker, and Wyoming. There is a fee for this service and some restrictions apply. Must schedule a ride 24 hours in advance. TTY: (616) 774-1186 (TDD) Program hours: Have routes 7 days/week. Eligibility: Anyone can use this service. Fees/Insurance: PASS fare is $2.60 cash only, includes a transfer to fixed-route bus system. Area served: Grand Rapids metropolitan area. THE RAPID - INTERURBAN TRANSIT PARTNERSHIP (ITPThe RAPID) (GRATA) (616) 456-7514 / Information Line: (616) 776-1100 300 Ellsworth Avenue SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-4:30, MF The Rapid Travel Training Program. Offers one-on-one instruction for people who want to learn to ride route service. A free service and anyone can participate, including seniors and students. Training includes: route information and issuing reduced Fare Cards (if appropriate), reading bus schedules or finding out where to get information, boarding techniques, stranger awareness, street crossing skills, suggestions for appropriate social behaviors, landmark identification, Transit Center training, wheelchair lift securement, and case management and home provider consultation. TTY: (616) 774-1186 (TDD) Program hours: 8-4:30; alternate times can be arranged. Eligibility: Anyone can use this service. Not limited to those with disabilities. Area served: Grand Rapids metropolitan area. THERAPY CLINIC (THE) (616) 949-3335 2882 Thornhills Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Main hours: 9-6, M-F Offers counseling and therapy for families with hard to treat adolescents and young children. Specialties include attachment and bonding therapy; support groups for parents and teens; and treatment for self-destructive behavior, survivors of abuse and trauma, sexualized behavior. Area served: West Michigan. Contact: Leah Brouwers, Vic Steinbach (616) 949-3335 thetherapyclinic@aolcom THRESHOLDS (616) 774-0853 1225 Lake Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main hours: 8-5, M-F Access Center. Offers comprehensive assessment services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families including case management, family support, foster care, home support, respite care, and support coordination for both children and adults. Referral is then made to Thresholds’ various program divisions or other appropriate community resources. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Referral required; appointment required, Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. (Spanish) TOUCHSTONE INNOVARE (616) 459-0255 201 Sheldon Blvd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8-4:30, M-F Offers full continuum of psychiatric and mental health services to adults over 18 and residents of Kent County. Referrals received through Cornerstone Mental Health. Application: Must be referred through Cornerstone Community Mental Health at (616) 336-3909. Eligibility: Kent County resident, over age 18, must be referred by Cornerstone CMH. Area served: Kent County. Interpreters available UNITED CHURCH OUTREACH MINISTRY (616) 241-4006 631 Hall St. SW, Smith Memorial Church, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Food Pantry and Support Services. Supports children and families in Grandville/Hall area with food pantry, mobile pantry, holiday baskets, Toys for Tots, and tax form preparation. Program hours: 10-2:30, W; 12-2, F. Application: ID, SS#, ID for family members with DOB’s. Eligibility: Less than 160% of poverty, live west of 131; south of Grand River. Area served: Grand Rapids - Hall St. and Grandville Ave. and southwest Kent County. Contact: Diana De Young (616) 241-4006 (Spanish) A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 57 UNITED METHODIST COMMUNITY HOUSE (616) 452-3226 904 Sheldon Blvd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 6-6, M-F Works with families to build strong and healthy communities. Provides child development programs i.e. child care, toddler, school-age care, before/after school programs, Head Start and kindergarten enrichment, youth development programs, senior citizen outreach and support, senior meals and transportation support for parents and families. Program hours: 6-6, M-F. Application: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Grand Rapids - Downtown area. Contact: (616) 452-3226 (Spanish) UNLIMITED ALTERNATIVES, INC. (616) 235-9529 / (616) 235-9611 1115 Taylor Ave. N, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F A drop-in center for persons with mental illness; offers computer classes, hygiene, nutrition and cooking classes. They have a friendship support group, Nicotine Anonymous, substance abuse group, bible study, arts, crafts, movies, games, sewing, and outings. Email: Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Walk in. Eligibility: Adult with mental illness. Area served: Kent County. VOICES FOR HEALTH (616) 233-6505 1000 Monroe NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-6, M-F Provides language and culture services, focusing on healthcare, education and social services. Medical interpreting in over 30 languages, written document translations, Spanish classes and private language tutoring, cultural seminars regarding various ethnic groups, interpreter training workshops, cross-cultural research assistance and language assessments. Multilingual resource library on-site. (This is a For-Profit agency) TTY: (800) 649-3777 Program hours: Office: 8-5, M-F. Interpretation services: 24 hours, 7 days. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Other: Job opportunities available for bilingual individuals (any language). Area served: Nationwide. Contact: Michelle A. Scott (616) 233-6505 (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese) Onsite at VFH office. 30 languages available by phone or at client location. VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE (616) 459-7500 2303 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Suite 200, Grand Rapids, MI 49507 Main hours: 9-3, M-F Connects hurting families to caring local churches that find church volunteers to make friendly visits, provide mother’s helper services, minor home repair, and other friendship support services. Targets families that do not have a church connection for support and families that are receptive to church volunteer assistance. Also participates with a church-based mentoring program that links a team of trained volunteers to a families and individuals struggling with poverty and self-sufficiency issues. Program hours: 9-3, M-F. Application: Referral by social worker. Area served: Kent County. WEDGWOOD CHRISTIAN SERVICES (616) 942-2110 3300 36th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Main hours: 8:30-5, M-F Offers residential services for boys and girls ages 10-17, secure and residential/open treatment foster home, in-home, substance abuse, outpatient counseling, and employment training services, supervised independent living, an adjudicated sex offenders program, and respite care. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call first appropriate office or central number as listed. Eligibility: Determined by Admissions Department. Fees/Insurance: Call for details, Participate with various companies. Area served: Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, and Traverse City. Translation services available as needed. In-Home Intervention. Offers an advanced and supervised independent living program, juvenile justice diversion and reintegration services, and wraparound services. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Contact Community Program Office for details, Contact Community Program Office for details. Eligibility: Contact Community Program Office for details. Fees/Insurance: Contact Community Program Office for details, Contact Community Program Office for details. Area served: West Michigan. Outpatient Counseling and Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Group. Offers outpatient counseling for children and adults of all ages. Also have an award-winning Adolescent Intenisve Outpatient Substance Abuse group. Clients can be seen at offices in Grand Rapids and Cedar Springs. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Fees/Insurance: Sliding scale fee for those without insurance, Medicaid and private insurances. Area served: Grand Rapids, Cedar Springs, and surrounding communities. Prevention and Education. Includes a mentoring program with the juvenile court system, during and after-school Life Skills Program, Neighborhood Youth Programs at four locations, and the Michigan Teen Outreach Program at 29 sites. Dynamic and interactive presentations on topics related to youth, parenting, spiritual development, and mental health also offered to the community through the Speakers Bureau. Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Fees/Insurance: No fees for youth programming; sliding fee scale for Speakers Bureau. Area served: West Michigan. Residential and Foster Care Services. Offers residential services for boys and girls ages 8-17 with severe mental and emotional health issues. We offer secure and open treatment homes. Specialized services are offered for substance abuse treatment, sexual behavior problems, family empowerment, A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 58 crisis and respite care. Also offer intensive/specialized foster care. Contact Admissions for details. Eligibility: Contact Admissions for details. Fees/Insurance: Contact Admissions for details, Contact Admissions for details. Area served: West Michigan. Main hours: 10-4, TU-TH Provides attractive, safe and affordable permanent housing to low income families for Grand Rapids West Side. wjh@iserv. net Area served: Grand Rapids. WEST MICHIGAN CAREGIVERS ALLIANCE (616) 235-8501 233 E. Fulton, Suite 222, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 9-5, M-TH Private practice, therapy, education and consultation Fees/Insurance: Not accepted. Area served: Greater Grand Rapids. Contact: Hanni Epp (616) 235-8501 (German) WESTERN MICHIGAN LEGAL SERVICES (Legal Aid of Western Michigan) (616) 774-0672 89 Ionia Ave. NW, Cornerstone Building, Suite 400, GR, MI 49503 Main hours: 8:30-12 Noon and 1-5 p.m., M-F Provides free legal assistance to low-income persons encountering a civil (non-criminal) legal problem including spousal or child abuse, public assistance, consumer rights or tenants’ rights. Will defend, but not initiate, custody cases. Toll-free: (800) 442-2777 Program hours: 8:30-5, M-F. Application: Call for details, Any document that would help explain the legal problem. Eligibility: Low-income (not to exceed 125% of federal poverty guidelines) with some exceptions according to funding source; and must be a civil case. Other: Spanish interpretation available. Area served: Western Michigan. Contact: Michael Chielens (616) 774-0672 mchielens@mlan. net (Spanish) WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY (616) 771-4171 200 Ionia Ave. SW, WMU Building, GR, MI 49503 Main hours: 8am-9pm, M-TH, 8-5, F Center for Counseling and Psychological Services. Offers confidential individual counseling, relationship and couples counseling, family counseling, career counseling and psychological assessment. Services are provided by advanced graduate students in the Department of Counseling Psychology or Counselor Education at Western Michigan University. Program hours: 8am-9pm, M-TH, 8-5, F. Application: Clients may phone or walk in to schedule initial appointment. Fees/Insurance: Affordable appointment fees are based on a sliding scale. Typically clients pay $10-$20 per session, None at this time. Other: Special arrangements can be made for people with financial hardship. Area served: Grand Rapids. Contact: Dr. Eric Sauer, Ph.D. (616) 771-4171 WESTOWN JUBILEE HOUSING (616) 458-4841 724 W. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI 49504 WOMEN’S HEALTH BOUTIQUE (616) 364-5431 5150 Plainfield Ave. NE, Pulmonary Home Care, GR, MI 49525 Main hours: 9-5, M-F Provides a comprehensive line of women’s health-related merchandise: maternity (including rental and sales of breast pumps and sales of a full range of breastfeeding supplies and of maternity supports), bras for everyone up to size 50K, mastectomy products, wigs and turbans, mastectomy swimwear, compression stockings, skin care products, and incontinence. Toll-free: (800) 942-5431. Program hours: 9-5, M-F. Fees/Insurance: Medicare, Medicaid, most insurance carriers. Area served: Western Michigan. WORD Project (Writing Opportunities Reading Discoveries) (616) 458-0871 671 Davis Ave. NW, Steepletown Center, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Main hours: 9-4, M-TH The Writing Opportunities Reading Discoveries (WORD) Project. Provides literacy programs for adults at Steepletown Center and neighborhood youth and families at St. James Elementary school. Adult programming includes basic education, literacy and English as a Second Language. Youth Programming offers tutoring in reading, writing, mathematics, computer skills, and life development to elementary and junior high age students. Program hours: Call for details. Eligibility: Call for details. Area served: Grand Rapids - northwest. Contact: Mary Ann Ferguson, OP (616) 458-0871 (Spanish) WORDBRIDGE (616) 738-8887 Provides on-site interpretation / translation of documents; also cultural training. Program hours: 24/7. Area served: West Michigan. (Bosnian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Samolian, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, and others) YWCA OF GRAND RAPIDS (YWCA) General Information (616) 459-4681 25 Sheldon Blvd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Main hours: 7:45-5:15, M-F Provides recreational, rehabilitative and instructional health fitness services including land and aquatic aerobic exercise classes, swim lessons for all ages, indoor cycling. Provide services to “at risk” girls including prevention education, athletics, science and math programs, technology information enhancement and peer/mentor support. Provide counseling services to children and families who have experienced child A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 59 sexual abuse. Provide support, counseling and medical-forensic examinations to victims of sexual assault age 13+. Provide crisis intervention, support, counseling, supportive housing programming and shelter to victims of domestic violence. Program hours: Vary by program. Fees/Insurance: Call for details. Area served: Kent County. YWCA Domestic Violence Services. Provides non-residential counseling services for survivors of domestic violence; support groups; psycho-educational groups for men choosing alternatives to violence. Program hours: 8-6, M-TH; 8:30-5, F. Application: Appointment required for individual counseling. Support group is open., Insurance and income information. Eligibility: Call for information. Fees/Insurance: Call for information. Area served: Kent County. Contact: Eileen McKeever (616) 459-7062 ext. 119 (Spanish) Interpreters provided YWCA Sexual Assault Program. Provides 24-hour crisis intervention and forensic medical examinations for survivors of rape, ages 13 and over. Exams are provided within 72 hours of sexual assault. Also offers individual counseling, support groups, short-term respite for survivors unable to return to their homes or who are homeless. Program hours: Crisis intervention - 24 hours, 7 days. Counseling - 8-6, M-TH; 8:30-5, F. Application: Call for information. Fees/Insurance: Call for information. Area served: Kent and surrounding counties. Contact: Patti Haist (616) 459-4652 Interpreters provided for foreign and sign languages. Project H.E.A.L. (Housing, Employment, Advocacy, Legal Services). Provides transitional housing and support service for women and children leaving domestic violence. Sites located throughout Grand Rapids. Program hours: 8-5, M-F. Application: Specific referral not required, Application is completed, send to YWCA and an interview will be scheduled. Eligibility: Victim of domestic violence. Fees/Insurance: Housing fees 30% of adjusted gross income. Area served: Kent County. Interpreting and translating services provided. Organizations represented on the Healthy Kent 2010 Infant Health Implementation Team Arbor Circle Corporation Booth Family Services Browning Claytor Health Center Catholic Social Services Cherry Street Health Services Child and Family Resource Council Clinica Santa Maria Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse of West Michigan (network 180) DeVos Children's Hospital Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Advisory Committee Fetal Infant Mortality Review Gerontology Network Grand Rapids African American Health Institute Grand Rapids Medical Education Grand Valley Health Plan Hanon McKendry Heart of West Michigan United Way Jones and Gavan Kent County Health Department March of Dimes Metropolitan Hospital Native American Community Services and Research Center for Health Professionals Planned Parenthood of Western Michigan Guide to the Pregnancy Resource Guide What the symbols mean: : New Listing : Wheelchair accessible : Accessible to those with visual impairments : Accessible to those with hearing impairments : On the RAPID bus route : Directory of services available : Written material about agency available : Multilingual staff available; language(s) in parentheses Pregnancy Resource Center Priority Health Saint Mary's Health Care Spectrum Health Voices for Health, Inc. Wege Institute Westside Health Center A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 60 The Health of you and your baby are important to us… Taking a few minutes now to answer these questions will help us provide you with the care and services you need. Please answer each question by putting an X in the box next to the answer. 1. Was this a planned pregnancy? Yes No 2. How do you feel about this pregnancy now? happy unhappy not sure 3. Are there any barriers that keep you from meeting your health care needs? If so, check all that apply. Transportation Child care Lack of health insurance Language barrier Finances – lack money to meet basic needs Understanding health care information Cultural barriers Work hours Clinic or office hours None Other 4. How long has it been since you had a dental cleaning and checkup? less than a year more than a year 5. Did you breastfeed any of your other children? yes no does not apply 6. Do you plan to breastfeed this baby? yes no not sure 7. How do you rate your current stress level? low medium high 8. During the last two weeks have you felt unhappy, sad, or hopeless? yes no 9. During the last two weeks have you had little interest or pleasure in doing things you used to enjoy? yes no 10. Do you or anyone in your family have a history of nerves, depression or other mental health issues? yes no don’t know 11. Is there someone you can count on to help you during your pregnancy and with your new baby? yes no not sure A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 61 12. How many times have you moved in the past 12 months? 0-2 3 or more 13. Do you currently have any housing concerns? yes no 14. Do you have enough food for your family? always sometimes never 15. Are you in a relationship with anyone who threatens you, yells at you, or tries to control you? yes no 16. Within the last year, have you been hit, kicked, slapped, or otherwise physically hurt by someone? yes no 17. Within the last year has anyone forced you to engage in sexual activities that made you feel uncomfortable? yes no 18. Have you ever been emotionally, physically or sexually abused? yes no 19. In the month before you knew you were pregnant how many cigarettes did you smoke each day? I didn’t smoke then less than half a pack half to one pack more than one pack 20. Do you smoke now? yes no 21. Does anyone smoke in your home or workplace? yes no 22. In the month before you knew you were pregnant how much beer/liquor/wine did you drink? did not drink then less than 7 drinks per week more than 7 drinks per week 23. Do you drink now? yes no 24. Does your partner use alcohol? yes no 25. In the month before you knew you were pregnant, did you use any street drugs or drugs not prescribed by your doctor? yes no 26. Does your partner use street drugs? yes no 27. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?:_______________________________________________ A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 62 The Health of you and your baby are important to us… Taking a few minutes now to answer these questions will help us provide you with the care and services you need. Please answer each question by putting an X in the box next to the answer. 1. Was this a planned pregnancy? (see pg. 11, 16, 19, 20) Yes No 2. How do you feel about this pregnancy now? (see pg. 11, 19, 20) happy unhappy not sure 3. Are there any barriers that keep you from meeting your health care needs? If so, check all that apply. Transportation (see pg. 14,15, 21, 22) Child care Lack of health insurance (see pg. 10, 19) Language barrier (see pg. 18) Finances – lack money to meet basic needs (see pg. 5, 6, 7, 16, 17) Understanding health care information (see pg. 18) Cultural barriers (see pg. 17, 18) Work hours Clinic or office hours None Other 4. How long has it been since you had a dental cleaning and checkup? (see pg. 8, 18) less than a year more than a year 5. Did you breastfeed any of your other children? (see pg. 17) yes no does not apply 6. Do you plan to breastfeed this baby? (see pg. 17) yes no not sure 7. How do you rate your current stress level? (see pg. 11, 12, 19, 20, 21) low medium high 8. During the last two weeks have you felt unhappy, sad, or hopeless? (see pg. 11, 19, 20) yes no 9. During the last two weeks have you had little interest or pleasure in doing things you used to enjoy? (see pg. 11, 19, 20) yes no 10. Do you or anyone in your family have a history of nerves, depression or other mental health issues? (see pg. 11, 19, 20) yes no don’t know 11. Is there someone you can count on to help you during your pregnancy and with your new baby? (see pg. 12, 20) yes no not sure A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 63 12. How many times have you moved in the past 12 months? 0-2 3 or more 13. Do you currently have any housing concerns? (see pg. 6, 16, 17) yes no 14. Do you have enough food for your family? (see pg. 5, 16) always sometimes never 15. Are you in a relationship with anyone who threatens you, yells at you, or tries to control you? (see pg. 9, 18) yes no 16. Within the last year, have you been hit, kicked, slapped, or otherwise physically hurt by someone? (see pg. 9, 18) yes no 17. Within the last year has anyone forced you to engage in sexual activities that made you feel uncomfortable? (see pg. 9, 18) yes no 18. Have you ever been emotionally, physically or sexually abused? (see pg. 9, 18) yes no 19. In the month before you knew you were pregnant how many cigarettes did you smoke each day? (see pg. 13, 21) I didn’t smoke then less than half a pack half to one pack more than one pack 20. Do you smoke now? (see pg. 13, 21) yes no 21. Does anyone smoke in your home or workplace? (see pg. 13, 21) yes no 22. In the month before you knew you were pregnant how much beer/liquor/wine did you drink? (see pg. 13, 21) did not drink then less than 7 drinks per week more than 7 drinks per week 23. Do you drink now? (see pg. 13, 21) yes no 24. Does your partner use alcohol? (see pg. 13, 21) yes no 25. In the month before you knew you were pregnant, did you use any street drugs or drugs not prescribed by your doctor? (see pg. 13, 21) yes no 26. Does your partner use street drugs? (see pg. 13, 21) yes no 27. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?:_______________________________________________ A joint effort of the Child and Family Resource Council and the HK2010 Infant Health I-Team Pregnancy Resource Guide 2005 | 64
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