Mo`mix Performance Center

Mo’mix Performance Center
Budget Formulation & Management
A New Approach to Budgeting Software
Performance Center Budget Formulation and Management
Mo’mix Team
BFM is a complete Software as a Service solution that provides budget
offices the tools to prepare and manage capital and operating budgets,
create salary and benefit forecasts, provide print-ready and ad hoc
reporting, as well as grants management - all with a small infrastructure
footprint. Designed for Public Sector and Education, our expert team
averages 17 years of experience in public sector budgeting technology
and applies a value-focused implementation methodology that creates
breakthrough results.
Our team of highly-skilled and experienced
consultants are not only experts in
budget office processes, reporting, and
performance management, they have an
unmatched focus on customer success.
Preparing Your Budget
Why BFM?
Data Preparation
BFM is used by budget offices to prepare initial base budgets, remove
one-time items, rollover continuing budget requests, clear out zerobased items, and open up the system for user input. Complex projections
and allocations can be applied as needed.
Personnel Cost Forecasting
Critical for both budget preparation and bargaining unit negotiations,
BFM creates detailed projections for salary and benefit costs. Projections
for thousands of positions with allocations and detailed benefits
complete quickly and the Smart Projection engine can re-project
incremental changes in a matter of minutes. Flexible accruals across
months, contract years and fiscal years are critical for budget to actual
reporting and contract negotiations and PCF is flexible enough to handle
any type of benefit, extra pay, or statutory pay.
Budget Preparation
Depending on authorization and configuration, users can upload directly
from Excel to save valuable data entry time. Uses can also enter into forms
preloaded with data (such as current year budgets, prior year actuals,
base budget amounts), or enter into zero-based forms. BFM supports any
number of years and tracks and secures by budget phase while recording
a full audit trail. BFM supports Operating, Capital, and Revenue (including
Grants and user fees) processes.
• Built-in efficiencies for end users spend more time on analysis and
high value work
• Accurate and extremely fast
forecasting engine with what-if
• Reliable, flexible, and non-technical
• Small IT footprint requiring less ongoing support, maintenance costs,
and hardware costs
• Consultants are industry leaders
and will quickly understand your
processes, issues, and present
Be Understood. • 888-752-5701
Mo’mix Performance Center
Budget Formulation & Management
Managing Your Budget
Reporting & Transparency
Government and Education executives and budget
offices have an increased focus on proactively managing
the budget as revenues have become more constrained.
BFM provides the predictive tools through collaborative
budget forms, projections, salary forecasting, and flexible
Budget reporting requirements are different from financial
and HR reports, mostly because of the quantity of printready reports required and the exacting requirements that
change from year to year or even month to month.
Budget to Actual / Expenditure Estimates Analysis
BFM allows Budget Offices to get ahead of issues and
encourages collaboration with departments to identify and
explain variances early in the process so there are no period
12 surprises. BFM’s analytics identify deviations in plan to
actuals based on configurable factors, such as prior year
spending trends, seasonality, monthly budget distribution,
and other factors. The budget forms allow thresholds to
be set for variance explanations, text, and adjusting future
periods to show if/how the budget will come back to plan.
Grant Management
BFM’s Grants Management tracks grants from application
through spend, including spreading a grant from a grant
fiscal year to a budget fiscal year. All fields required for
federal reporting come delivered.
User Fee Management
BFM’s User Fee Management tool gives clients the power to
manage your user fees, including justifications for rates and
cost recovery information.
Formatted ‘Standard’ Reports
Performance Center’s reporting solution brings together
related data and formats precisely to your requirements.
Ad Hoc
Budget users are faced with endless questions that can
not always be predicted. For these, we offer ad hoc queries
where users can drag and drop data fields, using business
language, onto a report.
Decision Cubes for Analytics
Performance Center provides pre-built dashboards, data
analyzers, standard reporting and operational reporting, as
well as ad hoc capabilities to satisfy any unique reporting
Our transparency solution provides an Open Government
platform to support the publishing and transformation
of complex data into meaningful information for any
audience, including Budget to Actual, Open Checkbook
and Revenues, along with any type of PDF, Budget Book,
CAFR, or Open Data publishing needs. • 888-752-5701