Monache School Wednesday,High August 22, 2012 Marauder Bulletin Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Character Counts! Quote of the day: "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Henry David Thoreau P R I D E I N T H E T R I B E SPORTS: Date 5/6 5/7 Team/Sport Track Swimming F/JV/V Softball JV/V Baseball Opponent EYL Championship Meet League Championships PHS PHS Site Away @ RS Away @ Tulare Western Home Away Dismiss 2:50 2:20 n/a 3:20 Bus 3:00 2:30 n/a 3:30 Game Time 4:00 5:00 4:30 4:30 STUDENT SECTION: 1. Attention all Seniors! Tickets for the Senior Brunch will go on sale starting this Friday, May 8th at the Activities Window. The cost is $3 and you must have your student ID to purchase a ticket. The brunch will be held on Tuesday, May 26th at 9 am in the Campus Center. We will have delicious breakfast burritos, fruit and drinks. Don’t miss out on your final senior activity! 2. Seniors: If you did not pick up your cap and gown and other senior items from Jostens, you may pick them up at the Activity Window during regular window hours, as long as all fines have been cleared and your balance due to Jostens has been paid. 3. Attention all Junior and Senior girls: The annual MHS Powder Puff football game will be held on the MHS soccer field on May 12th. If you are interested, sign-up during lunch at the ASB table in the Campus Circle. Cost is $5, which includes a t-shirt. All participants MUST have a physical clearance form on file in the Activities Office. You won’t want to miss out! Also, if any Junior or Senior boys that want to be cheerleaders, sign-ups will also be taken at the ASB table during lunch. WE NEED JUNIORS!! 4. The Central California Youth Summit 2015 will be held THIS Saturday, May 9th at PortNaz Church, 2005 W. Olive Ave. from 8 am – 3:30 pm. This is a FREE one day conference featuring information on healthy relationships and teen dating violence awareness. There will be break-out sessions on suicide prevention, eating disorders, anti-bullying, texting and social media dangers, self-esteem, gang awareness, and drug and alcohol awareness. Miss America 2015 Kira Kazantsev will be the keynote speaker. The conference is for junior high, high school, and college age students and adults. Lunch will be provided. FREE to register: . There will also be resource tables, a photo booth and lots of prizes! For more information call 781-7462 or email: . 5. As the weather warms up, please keep in mind the District Dress Code. Clothes must be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. Underwear-type sleeveless shirts, see-through, fishnet fabrics, bare midriffs, tube tops, halter tops, short shorts, etc., are not acceptable. Straps must be at least 1” wide and cover all undergarments. Dresses, skirts and shorts shall be at least mid-thigh length. Shoes must be worn at all times. Dark glasses shall not be worn in classrooms or offices. The dress code is adopted to promote standards of dress conducive to a positive learning environment. 6. Have your purchased your 2015 yearbook yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Reserve your copy TODAY at the Activities Window. Cost is $85. This year’s yearbook is going to be amazing! It will be full of pictures from many of the greatest Marauder moments of the year. Don’t miss out! 7. Summer Credit Recovery applications are still being accepted. See your counselor asap if you need to make up credits. 8. The yearbook staff will extend the 3 in the book coupons until May 8th. We are also not able to replace the coupon if you lost yours. If you think that you should have got one but did not, please come by D-1 to see if Mrs. Markman has your coupon. Marauder Bulletin MHS page 2 9. Next school year Monache students will have the opportunity to take a Porterville College course here at Monache during the school day. This course will be free of charge and open to sophomores, juniors and seniors. This course is transferrable to UC and CSU’s and is titled Introduction to Information Systems. This course will focus on computer based information systems and networking. If you are interested in taking this class, please sign up in the Guidance Office by April 27th. 10. Attention students: Don't miss your chance to join the Superior award winning Monache Choirs next year. No experience is necessary. Come to room R-1 during brunch or lunch for class placement. 11. Get your fresh baked cookies after school on Tuesdays and Fridays. 3 cookies for $1. Your choice of chocolate chip, snickerdoodle or peanut butter. Find us in front of the Library. 12. All MCTA students should check in with their 5th period teacher and then report directly to the Campus Center TODAY. Be sure to wear your MCTA shirt! 13. Attention Junior and Sophomore girls: We are now taking sign-ups for Graduation Flower Girls. If you are interested, sign-up with Mrs. Barraza in Room S-2 during brunch or lunch. You must meet academic eligibility and be available to attend both graduation practice and ceremony. See Mrs. Barraza in Room S-2 if you have any questions. 14 If you are a senior and you do not have a Civics or Econ class, see Patty Alba in the Administration Office to pick up a senior calendar and contract for graduation. 15. AP testing! If you signed up to take an AP test, remember to check the TIME, DATE & SITE for each AP test you signed up for. Good luck Monache AP testers! 16. The Sophomore class council will be having a yard sale at Monache THIS Saturday, May 9th from 8 am – 2 pm to raise money for next year’s prom. We are accepting donations in Miss Rispoli’s room H-2. We need clothing, small appliances, house hold items, small furniture and any other small items you may wish to donate. Clean out those closets and help us raise money for the 2016 Prom! Please bring donations to room H-2 by Friday THIS Friday. Thank you! 17. Monache will have athletic physicals for next school year, on Thursday, May 21st from 5:30 pm – 7 pm at the MHS Administration Office. Cost is $10 cash at the time you take the physical. Forms are available at the MHS Activity Window. 18. All textbooks need to be returned to the library by the end of the school year in order for your account to be cleared. As the school year comes to an end please bring back all textbooks and library books that you are not using. The library is open before school, brunch, lunch and after school. CLUB NEWS and NOTES: (All club meetings are held during lunch unless otherwise noted.) 1. Sophomore class meeting every day THIS WEEK during lunch in Ms. Rispoli’s room H-2. 2. Attention all PIVET members! There will be NO MEETING next week and our last meeting for the year will be held on Tuesday, May 19th. 3. FBLA Club meeting TODAY in Room B-6. 4. Alive in Him Club meeting TODAY in Room T-5. 5. M.E.Ch.A Club meeting TODAY in Room Q-4. 6. Link Crew Commissioner meeting TODAY in Room Q-8. 7. Spanish Drama Club meeting TOMORROW in Room Q-2. 8. MESA meeting TOMORROW in Room G-2. 9. Film Club meeting TOMORROW in Room E-3. 10. UNICEF Club meets on Fridays in Room T-6. 11. Drama Club meeting TOMORROW in Room G-6. Faculty Section 1. The Sophomore class council will be having a yard sale at MHS on Saturday, May 9th from 8 am – 2 pm to raise money for next year’s prom. We are accepting donations in Miss Rispoli’s room H-2. We need clothing, small appliances, house hold items, small furniture and any other small items you may wish to donate. Clean out those closets and help us raise money for the 2016 Prom! 2. ASB is in need of chaperons for this Friday night. They are having a Spring Fling carnival and dance from 5 – 9 pm. Chaperons are invited to bring their children, grandchildren and/or spouse to enjoy the event. If you can help out, please let Mr. Contreras know ASAP. Thank you!
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