Education Undergraduate Courses | 2016 [ it’s more than you think ] What does a backpack have to do with Education? Find out more inside. Have you ever wanted to travel the world but feel you need to go to uni first? By studying education at Monash you can do both. Take advantage of our Professional Experience program to gain a truly global perspective. You might end up teaching cricket to children in the Cook Islands, or maths to kids in South Africa, or teaching English in Italy or China. The opportunities for you to learn to teach across the world are diverse. You could also choose to stay closer to home and do a placement in a country town or in a remote Indigenous community such as Groote Eylandt in the Northern Territory. Education happens beyond the classroom too, so placements are not limited to classroom settings. You might participate in educational programs with groups such as Scouts Australia, the National Gallery of Victoria, museums or the Melbourne Football Club’s “Read Like a Demon” program. All placements are arranged on your behalf by our Professional Experience Office. Even when you’ve completed your studies, the travel opportunities don’t end there. Our graduates know how to make a difference. They become industry leaders in the region and globally where they create impact within the education sector and beyond. 2 Help shape minds 4 Education at a glance 6 Three ways to become a teacher 10 Honours puts you ahead 11 Double degree courses 12 Experiences beyond the classroom 14 Be a Student Ambassador 16 Develop your leadership skills 18 Bachelor of Education (Honours) 30 Entry requirements 32 Pathways in Education 34 Monash College for international students 36 Continue your journey of discovery 37 How to apply MONASH EDUCATIOn For more information visit Contents 1 Help shape minds Believe in the transformative power of teaching. Intellectual New ideas Personal New skills Nurture the next generation of leaders. Develop new ways to teach. Physical The world always needs teachers and educators with knowledge, passion, ideas and commitment. The Monash Bachelor of Education (Honours) will launch your career as a leading educator. Monash EDUCATION By choosing the Bachelor of Education (Honours) at Monash you are choosing to be a leader. You are choosing to study alongside some of the brightest young minds under the guidance of some of the finest educators in Australia. At Monash, you can explore education theory and practice, and how best to teach different ages, abilities and needs. You will help every learner open new doors to new ideas, new possibilities, and new skills. This is the inspiration and the passion at the heart of education. New possibilities MONASH EDUCATIOn 2 3 Education at a Explore teaching and learning areas You develop the skills and knowledge to be able to teach in the core areas in the Australian curriculum. glance Eight areas of specialisation At Monash, you can choose from eight areas of specialisation. These specialisations reflect the age ranges of the children or students whose education you wish to commit to, and you will graduate with an award that reflects your expertise. Experience teaching placements We understand that aspiring educators need more than just theoretical learning. That’s why we give you the chance to gain practical skills by completing professional experience through placements in Australia and overseas. 4 ■■ gain real-world experience ■■ gain valuable guidance from other educators ■■ ■■ develop your confidence as a teacher and educator put your learning into practice. The arts ■■ Music ■■ English ■■ ■■ Health and wellbeing Outdoor education and environmental studies ■■ Humanities and social sciences ■■ Physical education ■■ Languages ■■ Science. ■■ Mathematics Want to enhance your career options? Education for sustainability Embedding information and communication technologies in learning Combine your Primary education or Secondary education specialisation with a second degree in: ■■ Arts ■■ Information Technology ■■ Business ■■ Commerce ■■ Music ■■ Computer Science ■■ Science. ■■ Fine Art (Visual Arts specialisation) 80 You will complete a minimum of 80 days of professional experience. Teach the whole individual Engagement with Asia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Commit to education priority areas Our society faces some significant challenges and fast rates of change. At Monash, you can focus on these key areas of educational need. Gain a global perspective Education at Monash takes a holistic view of education. Complete an international professional experience placement in: ■■ China ■■ Italy ■■ Cook Islands ■■ Malaysia ■■ South Africa ■■ UAE. ■■ India ■■ Israel Placement in Australia and overseas. You learn how to work with children and young people with varied needs to develop their creative, intellectual, physical, personal and social capabilities. MONASH EDUCATIOn Monash EDUCATION You will complete a minimum of 80 days of supervised professional experience as part of your course. Through these placements you will have the opportunity to: ■■ 5 Three ways to become a teacher There are three different paths to becoming a qualified teacher. You choose the steps you take and Monash will help you get there. Undergraduate single degree in Education (Honours) 1 2 1 2 3 4 Qualified teacher Start your education studies from your first day with the Bachelor of Education (Honours). Focus on a single sector (e.g. primary) or gain a dual-sector qualification (e.g. early years and primary). Bachelor of Education (Honours) Undergraduate double degree with Education (Honours)) 1 2 3 4 Combine your studies in education with a second course such as science or arts, to build a qualification that is as diverse as your interests. 5 Advanced master’s (Optional) 5 Qualified teacher Bachelor of Education (Honours) Partnered degree Advanced master’s (Optional) A double degree course is studied concurrently, so you will graduate after four years* with two degrees instead of one. Degree in another discipline followed by a Master of Teaching 3 6 * This is an accelerated course where you will be required to undertake more than the Standard Annual Load of 48 credit points in Year 2 and/or Year 3 in order to complete the course in four calendar years. Qualified teacher Bachelor’s degree in another discipline Master of Teaching For more information on the Master of Teaching visit: teacher-education/master-of-teaching/ MONASH EDUCATIOn Monash EDUCATION If you have completed a bachelor’s degree in another discipline you can become a teacher by completing the two-year Master of Teaching. 1 2 3 4 5 7 The Bachelor of Education (Honours) With the Monash Bachelor of Education (Honours), you choose your specialisation and graduate with a degree that reflects your expertise. Age range you are qualified to teach (years) 0 Specialisations Degree you graduate with Early years education Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Years Education Early years and primary education Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Years and Primary Education Primary education2 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education Primary and secondary education Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Education Primary and secondary Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Special Education 1 Areas of specialisation The Bachelor of Education (Honours) is a four-year course1 that prepares you to be a leader in education. You can focus your studies in early childhood, primary or secondary education sectors – or a combination of these – and choose from a wide range of secondary teaching subjects, graduating with a highly-focussed, career‑ready qualification. You can specialise to teach in the following education sectors and graduate with an award that reflects your expertise: 2 3 4 ■■ Early years education ■■ Early years and primary education ■■ Primary education (can be studied as a double degree) ■■ Primary and secondary education ■■ Primary and secondary special education 8 ■■ Primary and secondary health and physical education 9 ■■ Secondary health and physical education 10 ■■ Secondary education in a wide range of teaching subjects (studied as a double degree). 11 5 6 7 special education The Monash advantage allows you to specialise in two educational sectors further broadening your career opportunities. 12 Primary and secondary health 13 and physical education Four of our specialisations allow you to do this, these include: Early years and primary education, Primary and secondary education, Primary and secondary special education, Primary and secondary health and physical education. 14 15 Secondary health and physical education Secondary education3 8 2 Primary education may also be studied as a double degree course. 3 S econdary education (other than Health and physical education) is studied as a double degree course. The subjects you will be qualified to teach will depend on which degree course you choose to pair it with, and what subjects you choose to study in your partner degree course. Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education MONASH EDUCATIOn Monash EDUCATION 18 T his is an accelerated course where you will be required to undertake more than the Standard Annual Load of 48 credit points in Year 2 and/or Year 3 in order to complete the course in four calendar years. Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Health and Physical Education 16 17 1 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Health and Physical Education 9 Honours puts you ahead Double degree courses The honours component of your degree is embedded into a four-year course* so that — in an Australian first — you will graduate with an honours qualification whatever your chosen educational setting. This is true for all single degree and double degree courses offered by the Faculty of Education. The Primary education and Secondary education specialisations can be taken as part of a double degree course. Secondary education is always studied as a double degree, with the partner degree providing the specialist discipline knowledge for the areas in which you will qualify to teach. So when you graduate from Monash after four years you are ready to take a leading role in your chosen educational setting and teaching field. It also means that if you choose to study for a fifth year — either immediately or at sometime in the future — you will be able to qualify with an advanced master’s degree, putting you ahead of the game. A double degree course is a great option if you are interested in a teaching career, but also want to broaden your knowledge and expertise in another discipline. You will increase your career choice, and deepen your understanding of the areas you intend to teach. The Bachelor of Education (Honours) at Monash: Primary Secondary Arts ■ ■ Business ■ ■ Commerce ■ ■ Computer Science ■ ■ Fine Art 1 ■ ■ Information Technology 2 ■ ■ Music ■ ■ ■ ■ 3 Science 1 Fine art (Visual arts specialisation only). 2 S econdary education students can select the Software development and Business information systems majors only. Students can select the Performance, Composition and creative technology and Musicology and ethnomusicology specialisations only. 3 Prepares you to complete an advanced master’s in just one additional year. Offers the opportunity to combine your studies with another discipline (in a double degree course). Gives a grounding in research and provides a direct pathway into research degree courses. Provides you with a higher level qualification than a standard bachelor’s degree in the same time as a standard Bachelor of Education. Caillin Rolfe Secondary education/science - double degree course For Caillin, Education at Monash provides nothing less than the opportunity to ‘have a profound and life-altering affect’ on other people. Having been himself inspired by his year-nine homeroom, maths and science teacher, he knows a Monash double degree in Secondary education and science will maximise his talents and allow him to help growing minds maximise theirs. Caillin’s year-nine teacher ‘changed his life for the better.’ From that time on, his course was clear to him: ‘Doing a double degree in Education and Science has been my ultimate goal since I was 15, and now that I’m here I could not appreciate it more.’ He’s also canny enough to realise he’s effectively ‘fast-tracking’ his career: by the time he’s 22, he’ll have two bachelor’s degrees, and the world of teaching at his feet. But while he’s long known where he is going, the journey has not lost the capacity for surprise. Teaching placements in primary schools opened Caillin’s eyes to the full miracle of human development: ‘For really the first time in my life… I learnt to appreciate the immense amount of effort that my parents and early teachers placed into me.’ MONASH EDUCATIOn Monash EDUCATION Offers eight specialisations preparing you to teach in different sectors and fields. *This is an accelerated course where you will be required to undertake more than the Standard Annual Load of 48 credit points. 10 11 Experiences beyond the classroom Do your placement overseas Monash University prides itself on developing graduates who are ready and well-equipped to enter the world of teaching. We place a high priority on providing students with opportunities to develop inter-cultural learning capacities and to gain international experiences in a diverse range of contexts. We understand that professional experience should include cultural competencies as well as teaching skills for diverse learners in an increasingly interconnected global education community. The International Professional Experience (IPE) program also endeavours to make a contribution to the host schools and communities in which our students work. Students have the opportunity to complete international professional experience in the following locations – China, Cook Islands, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, South Africa and United Arab Emirates. Ryan Lucas Education (Honours) Education graduate Ryan Lucas credits a fourth year overseas teacher placement in the Cook Islands for giving him the communication skills needed for working with Indigenous youth in Central Australia. Ryan spent 2013 in the Solomon Islands with the Australian Volunteers for International Development program. He then relocated to Alice Springs where he worked, firstly, as youth development team leader before moving into a new role as coordinator for sports development and youth diversion at the MacDonnell Regional Council, the local government body responsible for 13 remote Indigenous communities. 12 Primary education Completing professional experience at a local Italian Primary school in Prato was an unforgettable experience for Emma. Not only did she immerse herself fully in Italian culture, she gained invaluable professional perspective and expertise: ‘This experience helped me realise who I wanted to be as a teacher and what I valued as a teacher.’ Emma’s ambition – to make a difference to the education and life chances of future generations – is about to come to fruition. Emma has now graduated with a Primary education degree, and is fully prepared to begin work as a prep teacher. Aside from the inspiration her time at Prato provided, she’s found professional placements to be ‘personally and professionally… the most significant part of my learning.’ MONASH EDUCATION MONASH EDUCATION “I think my previous experience in the Cook and Solomon Islands was good preparation for Alice Springs. The fourth year placement in the Cook Islands gave me teaching experience in a completely unique and removed setting from anything I’d done before and that set me up to do this sort of remote work. The placement opportunities overseas were a great thing I took out of my time at Monash,” he said. Emma Hainsworth 13 Be a Student Ambassador Seize the opportunity to stand out by participating in our renowned Student Ambassador Program. You will develop a wide range of invaluable skills including leadership, teamwork, public speaking and group facilitation. Also, access professional development activities and receive mentoring from staff and formal recognition from the Dean – a great addition to your CV. “I want to become an influential role model that can make an impact in children’s lives.” – Mariah Martin Primary and secondary special education Mariah Martin Primary and secondary special education One of the best things Monash has given Mariah is the chance to give to others. She always knew she wanted to ‘become an influential role model that can make an impact in children’s lives.’ Now, her studies in Special Education, and her work as a Student Ambassador, have made that aspiration a reality. Zoey Dong Secondary education/visual arts double degree course Zoey Dong loves being a Faculty of Education Student Ambassador. She became an ambassador in her second year at Monash University and says it has been a rich and rewarding experience. Being a Student Ambassador has been perhaps the most fulfilling experience of Mariah’s time at Monash. Not only has it allowed her to ‘give back to the Monash community’ – helping current and future students adjust to university and make the most of their experience – but she’s found it a massive boost to ‘skills such as leadership, event planning, effective teamwork, social mannerisms and planning and organisation.’ While Mariah is still choosing between a career in primary, secondary and special education, she knows she’ll be able to call on these skills throughout her future as an educator. “I’ve had so much fun and met so many lovely friends.” “Coming to Monash as an international student, I found it difficult socially because I didn’t have any connections from high school so becoming an ambassador opened up a whole new network of social connections for me,” she said. 14 “Some of the many highlights I’ve had include organising the Amazing Race during O week, going to the MCG to watch Australian Rules Football, helping with the Careers Expo and the 50th Gala Dinner, and getting experience in design and marketing through the group’s many events.” The Student Ambassador Program offers a host of opportunities to gain important leadership, teamwork, public speaking and event management skills. Student Ambassadors have the chance to represent and promote the Faculty of Education. MONASH EDUCATION MONASH EDUCATION “I’ve really enjoyed getting to know other first-year students and, in particular, helping new international students adjust to the campus environment and explaining how things work.” 15 Develop your leadership skills Monash graduates become leaders in teaching practice, public debate, policy development, and community action around the world. That’s why we embed leadership into your course from the beginning. As well as helping you to become an expert in your field, every Monash student learns to lead. You will study units specifically designed to enhance your leadership skills and encourage innovative thinking, making you a highly sought-after graduate. “I’ve always been passionate about education and teaching and can’t think of any better field to work in. It helps people realise their potential and pursue many more opportunities.” With an almost perfect ATAR score of 99.85 Emmeline Be knew she could choose any course she wanted. In her fourth and final year, Emmeline completed her practicum in two different schools in Johannesburg, South Africa. 16 Liam Bassett Jessica Kirkham Primary and secondary education Early years and primary education Liam now knows that ‘it’s the students who engage in activities and clubs that are most focused and enjoy university a lot more.’ It’s not just the quality of education that has made his time at Monash a truly life-changing experience; it’s the opportunities beyond the classroom that have really helped him shine. Monash gave Jess the opportunities to realise her childhood ambition – to be a kindergarten teacher. What advice does she have for students choosing Education? ‘The opportunities are endless. Take the opportunities presented to you. This can be the beginning of an amazing learning journey.’ Liam has really got his teeth into his Education course. Taking full advantage of the small teaching groups and first-class resources at the Monash Berwick campus – and of course the ‘immense amount of help’ his tutors and lecturers have always been happy to provide – he’s worked hard to ‘focus and refine’ his teaching skills. For Jess, the best of those opportunities was to study abroad. ‘During my third year, I was offered a grant through the Australian Government and European Union to study for four months in Denmark as part of the Global Leadership and Citizenship in Early Childhood Education Mobility Project. I studied at the University of Northern Denmark in Hjørring and had a five-week placement at a Danish kindergarten.’ Now, as Vice-President of the Monash Union of Berwick Students (MUBS), and with the confidence-building rigour of professional placements under his belt, he has the confidence and expertise to make his mark as an educator of future generations. Her experience in Denmark took her understanding of childhood development to a new level, and gave her the confidence she needs to excel in her current job as a Kindergarten Teacher and Supervisor with the City of Casey. Jess has always wanted to make a ‘positive difference to children’s learning and development;’ now, that’s what she does every day. Upon graduation, Emmeline landed a job at Balwyn High teaching accounting and commerce. “I’ve just started my first teaching job, but my dream job would be setting up education programs for an NGO somewhere overseas, perhaps in Papua New Guinea, Vietnam or Tanzania.” – Emmeline Be Education/commerce - double degree course MONASH EDUCATIOn Monash EDUCATION “It has been such a privilege to have taught in South Africa. I will always cherish the opportunity of getting to know the incredible students and people of South Africa, and teaching in a tiny portable classroom with fifty students scattered around the room with absolutely no resources. Being immersed into an entirely different cultural context has reinforced the fact that education is key to empowering individuals.” 17 Bachelor of Education (Honours) LOCATION See specialisation ATAR IB SCORE 75+ 27+ DURATION 4 Years# STRUCTURE Specialist DEGREE AWARDED* # ■■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Years Education ■■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Years and Primary Education ■■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education (also available as part of a double degree) ■■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Education ■■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Special Education ■■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Health and Physical Education ■■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Health and Physical Education ■■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education (only available as part of a double degree) T his is an accelerated course where you will be required to undertake more than the Standard Annual Load of 48 credit points in Year 2 and/or Year 3 in order to complete the course in four calendar years. * The degree you are awarded will reflect your chosen specialisation. Are you passionate about education? Do you have ideas and a desire to engage and inspire young minds? If so, Education at Monash is for you. Whether you choose to specialise in early childhood, primary or secondary education – or a combination of these – you will graduate ready for a rewarding and successful career. In an Australian first, students in every specialisation earn an Honours degree. Learning from today’s leaders in education, you emerge with a highly respected qualification that equips you to become one of tomorrow’s education leaders. Furthermore, if you choose to study for a fifth year – either immediately or in the future – you will be able to qualify with an advanced Master’s degree, putting you ahead of the game. The course reflects contemporary education priorities and the needs of the teaching profession. Offered in a mix of single and double degree options, it will prepare you to be an innovative and effective educator. You will learn how to foster the capabilities of children and young people with diverse backgrounds and needs. You will gain valuable guidance from practitioners, develop confidence as an educator and see how theory comes alive in practice through professional experience in urban, rural or international locations as diverse as China, Cook Islands, Hong Kong, Italy, Malaysia and South Africa. Leadership development is embedded from the beginning, so by choosing the Bachelor of Education (Honours) at Monash you will be choosing to be a leader. You will study alongside some of the brightest minds under the tutelage of some of the finest educators in Australia. Seize the opportunity to stand out by participating in our renowned Student Ambassador Program, developing invaluable teamwork, public speaking and group facilitation skills. Across all specialisations, you will develop the skills needed to become a critical and effective educator and the research capabilities for advanced professional practice into the future. Career options There is always a demand for excellent teachers in early childhood, school and community settings. An education degree also provides an excellent basis for diverse careers in youth and community education, community arts, publishing, government, and education services and management. Double degrees The Primary education and the Secondary education specialisations of the Bachelor of Education (Honours) can be studied in combination with any of the following courses: ■ Arts ■ Business ■ Commerce ■ Computer Science ■ Fine Arts1 Technology ■ Music ■ Science ■ Information Taking a double degree combination will lead to the award of two degrees; your chosen specialisation in the Bachelor of Education (Honours) and the degree awarded for the partner course. In a double degree course, you will need to meet the course requirements for both degrees. Refer to the individual course entries for each course in your double degree. 1 Visual arts specialisation only. PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION Our courses are accredited by: Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT)* 18 VCE IB English: Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL English: At least 4 in English SL or 3 in English HL or 5 in English B SL or 4 in English B HL Maths: Units 1 and 2: satisfactory completion of two units (any study combination) of General Mathematics or Mathematical Methods, or Units 3 and 4: any mathematics Maths: Successful completion of any mathematics subject Overall: Successful completion of five subjects This means when you graduate you have the education qualifications to be an early childhood educator or a registered teacher in Victoria. If you want to teach interstate or overseas, you should check the registration requirements with local authorities. *Pending final accreditation MONASH EDUCATIOn Monash EDUCATION Prerequisite studies 19 Bachelor of Education (Honours) – Specialisations Early years education This specialisation reflects contemporary thinking on young children’s development and learning, and will prepare you to take a leading role in the innovative teaching of infants and children from birth to five years of age in childcare, kindergartens and preschools. Designed for early childhood professionals who wish to further develop their professional expertise, upgrade their qualifications and advance their career, it builds on a Diploma of Children’s Services (or equivalent) to provide you with a four-year qualification to teach in early childhood settings. Students with recognised prior experience and qualifications enter the course with a minimum of one year of advanced standing. A flexible course delivery option allows busy professionals to continue working whilst completing the course. You will learn to develop the creative, physical, personal, intellectual and social capabilities of young children. Education studies, including contemporary child development, psychology and the social and cultural context of education, provide the foundations for understanding holistic and play-based learning and effective early years teaching practice. You will acquire a rich repertoire of strategies to promote children’s early literacy and numeracy – and their concepts of health, science, the arts, technology and environment – and support their transition to school. Up to 80 days of professional experience will provide hands-on teaching practice in early childhood centres, preschools and kindergartens. You will learn to work in partnership with families and communities to support children’s learning and to advocate for children, their families and the early childhood profession. Early years education course map – sample only Year 01 02 01 04 01 City, Peninsula, Singapore Intake Peninsula - Semester 1 and Semester 2 City - Term 1 (January) and Term 3 (July) • Change and transition in children’s education • Children’s literacy development • Investigating our world: Science, technology and the environment • Leadership and management in education contexts • Art, environment and community 02 15 Professional experience • Innovation in curriculum and pedagogy in schools • Early childhood learning though new media and technologies • Play in lifelong learning • Research project in education Education Studies Requirements Integrated Curriculum and Discipline Studies The entrance requirements for this specialisation are different to the others. Admission into the Early years specialisation requires successful completion of a graded Diploma of Children’s Services or equivalent. Applicants who meet this requirement will enter the course with a minimum of one year of advanced standing. Professional Studies Specialisation is only for Diploma of Children’s services holders. 10 Professional experience Days of professional experience Overload (additional course load subject) If you are looking forward to creating the future by teaching young children, but are open minded about the particular age group or the education sector you work in, this specialisation is for you. It will qualify you to teach infants and children from birth to 12 years of age in childcare, kindergartens, preschools and primary schools. Early years and primary education course map – sample only Year 01 Early years education is an important growth area in education and there is an increasing demand for highly qualified early childhood professionals. There is also an ongoing need for excellent primary teachers. This dual sector qualification will offer you multiple options as a graduate, ensuring your flexible skills remain in demand across a range of communities and contexts. You will study in depth how to develop children’s creative, physical, personal, intellectual and social capabilities, engaging them in meaningful learning through innovative teaching approaches. Education studies include contemporary child development, psychology and the social and cultural context of education. This provides the foundations for understanding holistic and play-based learning and implementing effective early childhood and primary teaching practice. You will acquire a rich repertoire of strategies to promote children’s literacy and numeracy and support their transition to school. You will study how primary-schoolaged children learn and how they can be effectively taught across the primary curriculum. Areas of study will include the following: English and literacies, mathematics, arts education, humanities and social education, science, health and physical education, and studies of the environment and sustainability. 01 02 01 04 01 Location Berwick, Peninsula Intake Semester 1 ATAR IB Score Berwick: 75.45 Peninsula: 76.90 Berwick: 28 Peninsula: 28 Overload 02 02 20 Professional experience • Innovation in curriculum and pedagogy in schools • Thinking mathematically in primary education • Science and technology education in the primary years • Research project in education Unit types Education Studies Integrated Curriculum and Discipline Studies Professional Studies Days of professional experience Overload (additional course load subject) For in-depth course descriptions and structures visit: 10 Professional experience • Change and transition in children’s education • Children’s literacy development • Investigating our world: Science, technology and the environment • Leadership and management in education contexts • Art, environment and community 20 Professional experience • Contemporary theories of learning development • Humanities and social education in the primary years • Health and physical education for wellbeing in the primary curriculum • Researching teaching and learning 10 Professional experience • Learning with children, their families and communities • Learning about patterns, shapes and numbers through play • Health and physical wellbeing in the young child • Children and childhood across time: Policies and practices 10 Professional experience • Diversity in child development • Local and global perspectives in education policy • Children’s literature, storytelling and the arts • Professionalism, ethics and interdisciplinary work in education •Professional studies Career options 02 Overload 01 5 Professional experience • Learning and educational inquiry 2 • Thinking mathematically from an early age • Education for environment and sustainability • Inclusivity and partnerships in early childhood education 10 Professional experience • Contemporary child development theories and practices • Indigenous perspectives on teaching and learning • Learning through play pedagogies • Curriculum, assessment and documentation in education 03 02 5 Professional experience • Learning and educational inquiry 1 • English and literacy learning • Creative learning in childhood through music and the arts • Introduction to the early childhood education field At least 90 days of professional experience will provide hands-on teaching practice in early childhood centres, kindergartens, preschools and primary schools. You will learn to work in partnership with families and communities to support children’s learning. This qualification provides an excellent preparation for your future as a leader and manager in a range of early childhood education and primary school settings. SemesterS For in-depth course descriptions and structures visit: MONASH EDUCATIOn Monash EDUCATION 02 Unit types 20 Overload 15 Professional experience • Sociology of early childhood • Educating the young mathematician • Understanding place, space and education • Researching teaching and learning 10 Professional experience • Learning with children, their families and communities • Learning about patterns, shapes and numbers through play • Health and physical wellbeing in the young child • Children and childhood across time: Policies and practices 15 Professional experience • Diversity in child development • Local and global perspectives in education policy • Children’s literature, storytelling and the arts • Professionalism, ethics and interdisciplinary work in education •Professional studies Location 02 Overload 01 5 Professional experience • Learning and educational inquiry 2 • Thinking mathematically from an early age • Education for environment and sustainability • Inclusivity and partnerships in early childhood education 5 Professional experience • Contemporary child development theories and practices • Indigenous perspectives on teaching and learning • Learning through play pedagogies • Curriculum, assessment and documentation in education 03 02 5 Professional experience • Learning and educational inquiry 1 • English and literacy learning • Creative learning in childhood through music and the arts • Introduction to the early childhood education field Career options Early childhood education is one of the most important growth areas in education and is attracting a significant amount of government investment. There is an increasing demand for highly qualified early childhood education professionals. With this qualification you will be in demand as a future leader in this vital sector. SemesterS 01 This specialisation is offered full time at the Peninsula campus and also flexibly at our Melbourne city location, where independent study is augmented by face-to-face intensive workshops held over two weekends in each of the four terms each year. Early years and primary education 21 Bachelor of Education (Honours) – Specialisations Primary education course map – sample only Primary education DID YOU KNOW If you are looking forward to expanding the horizons of children and developing their capabilities as engaged, curious and active learners, then this specialisation is for you. It will qualify you to teach children from five to 12 years of age in primary schools. Year 01 While an education degree specialising in Primary education provides a fine basis for your career as a teacher, you can choose to enhance your career options by studying it concurrently with a second degree in Arts, Business, Commerce, Computer Science, Fine Art, Information Technology, Music or Science. Education studies include contemporary child development, psychology and the social and cultural context of education. This will provide you with the foundations for implementing effective primary teaching practice across all curriculum areas, as you study how children of primary school age think and learn, and how they can be effectively and creatively taught. 02 03 Double degrees ■ ■ 1 2 01 5 Professional experience ■■ Leadership in English and literacy ■■ • Learning and educational inquiry 2 • Learners with special needs in the primary classroom • Discipline/stream unit 2 • Education elective ■■ Leadership in Mathematics and numeracy Languages other than English (LOTE) 02 5 Professional experience 5 Professional experience • Indigenous perspectives on teaching and learning • English and literacies 1 • Active citizenship and community connections: Local and global • Discipline/stream unit 4 • Education priorities Overload 01 04 01 Arts ■ Business ■ Commerce ■ Computer Science Fine Art1 ■ Information Technology ■ Music2 ■ Science 02 10 Professional experience 10 Professional experience • Inclusive education: Teaching diverse learners • Arts education in the primary years • Advanced pedagogy in the primary years B • Discipline/stream unit 6 02 20 Professional experience • Curriculum, assessment and evaluation • Humanities and social education in the primary years • Health and physical education for wellbeing in the primary curriculum • Researching teaching and learning Visual arts specialisation only. Students can select the Performance, Composition and creative technology and Musicology and ethnomusicology specialisations only. When you choose your discipline studies, you choose from: Overload • Education policy and practice • Mathematics and numeracy 2 • Advanced pedagogy in the primary years A • Discipline/stream unit 5 •Professional studies If you choose to combine your Primary education studies with a second degree, your second degree units will replace the discipline studies units and some education electives. 02 5 Professional experience • Child and adolescent development • Mathematics and numeracy 1 • Health, wellbeing and social learning in primary contexts • Discipline/stream unit 3 Career options In either case, at least 80 days of professional experience will provide you with hands-on teaching practice in primary schools, and you will be well prepared for a future as a leading teacher in a range of primary school settings. 01 • Learning and educational inquiry 1 • Information and communication technologies across the curriculum • Discipline/stream unit 1 • Education elective You will develop your discipline knowledge of English and literacies, mathematics, arts education, humanities and social education, science, health and physical education, and studies of the environment and sustainability, while also developing a rich repertoire of strategies for promoting children’s learning and development, and for diagnosing and assessing their progress across these curriculum areas. Students opting for the single degree course will complete additional discipline studies, developing a highly marketable strength in their choice of English and literacy, or in mathematics and numeracy, or in a language other than English (LOTE). For students opting for a double degree course, the second degree will replace this discipline study and some education electives. SemesterS 20 Professional experience • English and literacies 2 • Science and technology education in the primary years • Studies of science, environment and sustainability • Research project in education Unit types Location Clayton (double degrees), Peninsula Curriculum Studies Professional Studies Semester 1 Days of professional experience ATAR IB Score Single degree: 75.45 Double degree: E: 85+ Single degree: 28 Double degree: E: 31+ Overload (additional course load subject) E – Expected: The provided score is estimated and is to be used as a guide only. For in-depth course descriptions and structures visit: MONASH EDUCATIOn Monash EDUCATION Education Studies Discipline Studies Intake 22 23 Bachelor of Education (Honours) – Specialisations Primary and secondary education If you are looking forward to expanding the horizons of young people, and developing their minds, but are open minded about the particular age group or the education sector you teach in, this specialisation is for you. It will qualify you to teach children and adolescents aged five to 18 years, in both primary and secondary schools. Primary and secondary education course map – sample only Year 01 Meeting the need for highly qualified educators, this dual sector qualification will offer you multiple career options, ensuring your flexible skills remain in demand across primary and secondary schools and a range of community contexts. You will develop your discipline knowledge of the primary curriculum areas, including: English and literacies, mathematics, arts education, humanities and social education, science, health and physical education, and studies of the environment and sustainability. You will also develop specialist discipline knowledge in at least two secondary teaching areas, with a broad range of options available spanning the arts, humanities, social sciences, science, mathematics, business, commerce, and information technology. You will study how children and adolescents think and learn and hence how they can be effectively and creatively taught. Education studies include contemporary child and adolescent development, psychology and the social and cultural context of education. These provide you with the foundations for implementing effective teaching practice. You will acquire a rich repertoire of strategies for promoting the learning of young people and for diagnosing and assessing their progress. You will also attain the skills needed for curriculum planning, implementation and evaluation. At least 85 days of professional experience will provide you with hands-on teaching practice in primary and secondary schools, and a further 20 days of fieldwork will give you practical experience in other educational settings. SemesterS 01 • Learning and educational inquiry 1 • Mathematics education 1 • Discipline 1 unit 1 • Discipline 2 unit 1 02 Overload 01 03 • Indigenous perspectives on teaching and learning • Science education • Discipline 1 unit 4 • Discipline 2 unit 4 • Classroom practice 01 04 01 02 02 20 Professional experience • Researching teaching and learning • Curriculum, assessment and evaluation • English education 3 • Health and physical education Intake Semester 1 Curriculum Studies 25 Professional experience • Research project in education • Professional engagement and leadership • Mathematics education 3 • Secondary pedagogy B Education Studies If your passion is to make a difference in the lives of children and young people, particularly those with additional needs, then this specialisation is for you. It will qualify you to teach children and adolescents aged from five to 18 years in primary and secondary schools, equipping you with specialist knowledge and skills for working in inclusive and special education settings. You will learn how to create positive classroom and school environments that engage the diversity of learners, and be able to adapt curriculum for children with additional needs including, but not limited to, disability, giftedness, mental health issues and those from non-English speaking backgrounds. You will also develop the discipline basis for the broad primary curriculum, including: English and literacies, mathematics, arts education, humanities and social education, science, health and physical education, and the environment and sustainability, as well as specialist knowledge in at least one secondary teaching area. You will study how children and adolescents think and learn, especially those with additional needs, and how they can be effectively and creatively taught, acquiring a rich repertoire of strategies for promoting learning. You will learn to diagnose and assess learners’ needs and adapt curriculum accordingly. You will also learn to access resources to assist students with complex needs, including those with multiple disabilities or whose disabilities may require a high level of support. You will acquire advanced skills of collaboration and consultation – with other teachers, support personnel, parents, allied health professionals and agency representatives – that are critical for teachers working with children with diverse needs. Career options Professional Studies 75.4 27 Days of professional or fieldwork experience 01 SemesterS 01 02 Overload 01 03 01 01 02 Overload 10 Professional experience • Investigating our world: Science, technology and the environment • Mathematics education 3 • Teaching and learning of students with complex needs • Social education • Creative arts education 02 20 Professional experience • Researching teaching and learning • English education 3 • Curriculum, assessment and evaluation • Health and physical education 10 Professional experience • Indigenous perspectives on teaching and learning • Science education • Learning and teaching for students with diverse needs in various education settings • Discipline 2 unit 4 • Classroom practice 10 Professional experience • Education policy and practice • Mathematics education 2 • Curriculum in inclusive education • Secondary pedagogy A 04 02 25 Professional experience • Research project in education • Professional engagement and leadership • Collaborative principles, partnerships and procedures • Secondary pedagogy B Unit types Education Studies Curriculum Studies ATAR IB Score Discipline Studies 77.20 28 Professional Studies Overload (additional course load subject) For in-depth course descriptions and structures visit: MONASH EDUCATIOn Days of professional or fieldwork experience For in-depth course descriptions and structures visit: 10 Fieldwork experience • Learning and educational inquiry 2 • English education 1 • Using assessment to respond to diversity across the school years • Discipline 2 unit 2 10 Professional experience • Child and adolescent development • English education 2 • Understanding behaviour in classrooms and schools • Discipline 2 unit 3 Berwick 02 10 Fieldwork experience • Learning and educational inquiry 1 • Mathematics education 1 • Foundations to inclusive education • Discipline 2 unit 1 Location Semester 1 IB Score Year With this qualification you will be in demand in a range of school contexts – including inclusive and special education settings – and well prepared for a future as a leading teacher. Intake ATAR Primary and secondary special education course map – sample only At least 85 days of professional experience will provide you with hands-on teaching practice in primary and secondary schools, and special education settings. A further 20 days of fieldwork will give you experience in other educational settings. Discipline Studies Overload (additional course load subject) Monash EDUCATION 10 Professional experience • Inclusive education: Teaching diverse learners • Creative arts education • Discipline 1 unit 6 •Social education • Investigating our world: Science, technology and the environment Unit types 24 10 Professional experience Overload Career options Berwick 02 10 Professional experience • Education policy and practice • Mathematics education 2 • Discipline 1 unit 5 • Secondary pedagogy A Location 10 Fieldwork experience • Learning and educational inquiry 2 • English education 1 • Discipline 1 unit 2 • Discipline 2 unit 2 10 Professional experience • Child and adolescent development • English education 2 • Discipline 1 unit 3 • Discipline 2 unit 3 This qualification will create opportunities across a range of primary and secondary school settings, and prepare you for a future as a leading teacher. 02 10 Fieldwork experience Primary and secondary special education 25 Bachelor of Education (Honours) – Specialisations Primary and secondary health and physical education If you are passionate about educating children from a young age on the importance of physical activity, and health and wellbeing, then this specialisation is for you. Primary and secondary health and physical education course map – sample only Year 01 You will qualify as a generalist primary school teacher, a specialist health and physical education primary school teacher, and a secondary school teacher with health and physical education as your two specialist teaching areas. This will give you the flexibility and expertise to turn your passion into a productive and rewarding career in a wide range of settings. You will develop discipline knowledge for the primary curriculum, including: English and literacies, mathematics, arts education, humanities and social education, science, and the environment and sustainability, and specialist expertise in the teaching areas of health and physical education. You will learn about the biophysical and behavioural foundations of health and physical education, and how to optimise individual potential for health and wellbeing, and build healthy, active communities. In learning how humans develop movement skills, you will acquire theoretical foundations and practical approaches to coaching across contexts including games, challenges and sports – developing advanced laboratory and field-based skills for sport and exercise science. You will study how children and adolescents think and learn and how they can be effectively and creatively taught. Education studies include contemporary child and adolescent development, psychology and the social and cultural context of education, and provide the foundations for implementing effective teaching practice. You will develop a rich repertoire of strategies for promoting learning and for diagnosing and assessing progress, and will acquire the skills needed for curriculum planning, implementation and evaluation. At least 85 days of professional experience will provide you with hands-on teaching practice in primary and secondary schools. SemesterS 01 • Learning and educational inquiry 1 • Introduction to health and physical education • Mathematics education 1 • Sociocultural foundations of health and physical education 02 01 03 • Learning and educational inquiry 2 • Contemporary issues in health and physical education • English education 1 • Biophysical and behavioural foundations of health and physical education 02 5 Professional experience •E ducation priorities •S ocial and environmental influences on health and physical education •S cience education • Applied movement contexts in health and physical education 1 01 04 01 02 10 Professional experience • Mathematics education 2 • Community development and partnerships • Leadership, policy and pedagogies in health and physical education • Applied movement contexts in health and physical education 2 • Inclusive education: Teaching diverse learners • Creative arts education • Social education • Inclusion and diversity in movement contexts • Food, health and wellbeing 02 20 Professional experience • Researching teaching and learning • Curriculum, assessment and evaluation • English education 3 • Physical education method 25 Professional experience • Research project in education • Professional engagement and leadership • Mathematics education 3 • Health method Unit types Semester 1 Curriculum Studies IB Score 75.65 28 Days of professional experience Overload (additional course load subject) Year 01 You will study how young people think and learn and hence how they can be effectively and creatively taught about health and physical activity. Education studies, including contemporary adolescent development, psychology and the social and cultural context of education, provide the foundation for effective teaching. You will develop a rich repertoire of strategies for promoting learning and for diagnosing and assessing progress, and will acquire the skills needed for planning, implementation and evaluation. You will learn about the biophysical and behavioural foundations of health and physical education, and how to optimise individual potential for health and wellbeing and build healthy, active communities. In learning how humans develop movement skills, you will acquire theoretical foundations and practical approaches to coaching across contexts including games, challenges and sports – developing advanced laboratory and fieldbased skills relevant to sport and exercise science. 01 02 01 01 04 You will be well prepared for a future as a leading health and physical educator in a range of schools, community, recreational and sporting settings. 01 02 5 Professional experience 02 5 Professional experience 5 Professional experience • Developing multiple literacies in education • Food, health and wellbeing • Inclusion and diversity in movement contexts • Discipline unit 6 or elective 25 Professional experience 02 25 Professional experience • Researching teaching and learning • Research project in education • Advanced sport and exercise science • P rofessional engagement and leadership • Physical education method •H ealth method • Method unit A • Method unit B Location Peninsula Unit types Intake Semester 1 Education Studies Curriculum Studies ATAR IB Score 75.2 27 Discipline Studies Professional Studies Days of professional experience Overload (additional course load subject) For in-depth course descriptions and structures visit: 5 Professional experience • Adolescent development and learning • Social and environmental influences on health and physical education • Applied movement contexts in health and physical education 1 • Discipline unit 4 Overload • Schooling, education and equity: Local and global perspectives • Community development and partnerships • Applied movement contexts in health and physical education 2 • Discipline unit 5 or elective • Leadership, policy and pedagogies in health and physical education 5 Professional experience • Learning and educational inquiry 2 • Contemporary issues in health and physical education • Biophysical and behavioural foundations of health and physical education • Discipline unit 2 Overload • Professional responsibilities, practice and relationships • Interdisciplinary approaches to health and physical education • Motor control and skill acquisition • Discipline unit 3 • Perspectives on health 03 02 5 Professional experience • Learning and educational inquiry 1 • Introduction to health and physical education • Sociocultural foundations of health and physical education • Discipline unit 1 Your third teaching area could be outdoor education and environmental studies, biology with a focus on exercise physiology, business, geography, mathematics or perhaps social education. At least 80 days of professional experience will provide you with hands-on teaching practice in secondary schools. Outdoor education and environmental studies students undertake additional days of fieldwork experience. SemesterS Specialisation is only for Diploma of Children’s services holders. For in-depth course descriptions and structures visit: MONASH EDUCATIOn ATAR Professional Studies Secondary health and physical education course map – sample only You will qualify as a specialist secondary school teacher of both health (including human development) and physical education, and a third teaching area of your choice. The skills you attain with this qualification – physical education and health and human development teaching, coaching and leadership expertise – will be in demand in schools and in the broader community. Education Studies Intake Discipline Studies Monash EDUCATION 10 Professional experience Do you want to educate young people on the importance of health and physical activity – not just for themselves but also for happier and healthier communities? Do you have a passion for the outdoors? If so, then this specialisation is for you, qualifying you to teach adolescents from 12 to 18 years of age. Career options Location 26 5 Professional experience Overload Career options Peninsula 5 Professional experience Overload • Child and adolescent development • Interdisciplinary studies in health and physical education • English education 2 • Motor control and skill acquisition • Perspectives on health This qualification will open up a range of opportunities in primary and secondary school settings. You will be well prepared for a future as a leading educator. 02 5 Professional experience Secondary health and physical education 27 Bachelor of Education (Honours) – Specialisations Secondary education Is there a subject you are passionate about? Perhaps music or mathematics, biology or business, information technology or languages. Can you imagine sharing your passion with young people as they grow intellectually from childhood to adulthood? If so, this specialisation is ideal for you, enabling you to combine your favourite subjects with a highly respected education degree. It will qualify you in two teaching areas, working with adolescents from 12 to 18 years of age, as they progress through the secondary years. Secondary education is always studied as a double degree, with the partner degree providing the specialist discipline knowledge for the areas in which you will qualify to teach. An extensive number of secondary teaching areas are available at Monash, which draw on a wide range of majors and specialisations in the eight partner degrees: Arts, Business, Commerce, Computer Science, Fine Art, Information Technology, Music and Science. (Note: that Health and Human Development, Physical Education, and Outdoor Education are available in the single degree specialisations in Health and Physical Education). You will learn how adolescents think and learn and hence how they can be effectively and creatively taught. Education studies, including contemporary adolescent development, psychology and the social and cultural context of secondary education, will provide you with the foundations for implementing effective classroom teaching practice. You will develop a rich repertoire of strategies for promoting students’ learning and for diagnosing and assessing their progress, and acquire the skills needed for curriculum planning, implementation and evaluation. Secondary education course map – sample only – Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts Year 01 This qualification will prepare you for a future as an expert specialist teacher capable of leading innovation in a range of secondary school settings. 02 03 Overload 01 01 04 01 Intake Overload 02 5 Professional experience • Adolescent development and learning • Becoming a specialist teacher • Arts Major • Arts Minor • Arts elective 02 5 Professional experience 5 Professional experience • Developing multiple literacies in education • Education elective • Arts Major • Arts Major 02 25 Professional experience • Researching teaching and learning • Curriculum, assessment and education policy • Method unit 1A • Method unit 2A 5 Professional experience • Learning and educational inquiry 2 • Arts Major • Arts Minor • Arts elective 5 Professional experience • Schooling, education and equity: Local and global perspectives • Curriculum development and innovative practice • Arts Major • Arts Major Clayton (double degree only) 02 5 Professional experience • Professional responsibilities, practice and relationships • Education priorities • Arts Major • Arts Minor • Arts elective Location 25 Professional experience • Research project in education • Professional engagement and leadership • Method unit 1B • Method unit 2B Unit types Semester 1 ATAR E: 85+ 01 • Learning and educational inquiry 1 • Arts Major • Arts Minor • Arts elective At least 80 days of professional experience will provide you with hands-on teaching practice in secondary schools. Career options SemesterS IB Score E: 31+ E – Expected: The provided score is estimated and is to be used as a guide only. Education Studies Curriculum Studies Discipline Studies Professional Studies Days of professional experience Double degrees available with Overload (additional course load subject) Arts ■ Business ■ Commerce ■ Computer Science ■ Fine Art1 ■ Information Technology2 ■ Music3 ■ Science 28 Visual arts specialisation only. Software development and Business information systems specialisations only 3 Performance, Composition and creative technology and Musicology and ethnomusicology. 1 2 For in-depth course descriptions and structures visit: MONASH EDUCATIOn Monash EDUCATION ■ 29 Entry requirements Course Duration (Years)1 Prerequisites English Level Level 1 2 Mathematics Level Level Level 1 2 3 Degree awarded Science Approved list or specified Location Indicative Indicative Page ATAR IB score Education Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Years Education2 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Years and Primary Education Academic prerequisite subjects Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education Education All Monash undergraduate courses require you to have previously studied and achieved required standards in certain specified subjects. 4.25 3 ■ ■ The table below outlines the requirements and the course listing tells you which categories apply to each course. Note that some courses have special requirements such as folios, special admissions tests or interviews. Make sure you check if this applies to your course of choice in the courses section of this guide. English Level 1 VCE IB Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL At least 4 in English SL or 3 in English HL or 5 in English B SL or 4 in English B HL Mathematics Level 2 Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 35 in English (EAL) or 30 in English other than EAL At least 5 in English SL or 4 in English HL or 6 in English B SL or 5 in English B HL Level 1 Units 1 and 2: Satisfactory completion in 2 units (any combination) of General Maths or Maths Methods Successful completion of any mathematics subject Level 2 Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in any mathematics At least 4 in Mathematics SL or 4 in Further Mathematics SL or 4 in Mathematical Studies SL or 3 in Mathematics HL * Science approved list: VCE: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental science, Geography, Maths methods (CAS), Specialist maths, Physics or psychology. IB: Biology (any), Chemistry (any), Geography (any), Mathematics SL, Mathematics HL, Physics or psychology. Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in one of Mathematical Methods (CAS) or Specialist Mathematics At least 4 in Mathematics SL or 3 in Mathematics HL or 4 in Further Mathematics SL Science approved list* Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in one of Science approved list, unless otherwise stated At least 4 at Standard Level (SL) or 3 at Higher Level (HL) in Science approved list unless otherwise stated Education / Arts ^ 4.25 3 ■ Education / Business 4.25 ■ Education / Commerce 4.25 Education / 4.25 Computer Science NA Berwick 75.45 28 Peninsula 76.90 28 Peninsula 75.45 28 20 21 22 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Education Berwick 75.4 27 24 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Special Education Berwick 77.20 28 25 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary and Secondary Health and Physical Education Peninsula 75.65 28 26 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Health and Physical Education Peninsula 75.2 27 27 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education (only available as part of a double degree) Clayton4 E: 85+ E: 31+ 28 85.75 31 85.05 31 Caulfield, Clayton E: 85+ E: 31+ Clayton E: 92+ E: 35+ Clayton E: 85+ E: 31+ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Arts ■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Business ■ ■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Commerce ■ ■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Computer Science ■ Education / Information Technology 4.25 ■ ■ Education / Music 4.25 ■ ■ Education / Science 4.25 ■ ■ Education / Fine Art 4.25 ■ ■ NA – Not Available. Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Computer Science Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Information Technology Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Information Technology Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Music Clayton 28 Clayton E: 85+ E: 31+ Clayton RC RC 85.4 31 85.45 31 RC RC Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Science RC – Range of Criteria. ■ Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education and Bachelor of Fine Art Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Fine Art Clayton Caulfield, Clayton E – Expected: The provided score is estimated and is to be used as a guide only. 1 Duration is based on a standard full time load of 48 credit points per annum. 2. Admission into this specialisation requires successful completion of a graded Diploma of Children’s Services or equivalent. Where students are admitted to the specialisation on the basis of a graded Diploma of Children’s Services , the mathematics prerequisites will be considered to have been achieved. 3. The Bachelor of Education is an accelerated course where you will be required to undertake more than the Standard Annual Load of 48 credit points in Year 2 and/or Year 3 in order to complete the course in four calendar years. * Science approved list: VCE: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental science, Geography, Maths methods (CAS), Specialist maths, Physics or psychology. IB: Biology (any), Chemistry (any), Geography (any), Mathematics SL, Mathematics HL, Physics or psychology. MONASH EDUCATIOn Depending upon your Arts major you may take the Arts component at Clayton or Caulfield. ^ Monash EDUCATION NA Double Degrees Science Level 3 Peninsula, City 4. Study at other campuses may be required depending on your choice of double degree. 30 31 Pathways in education Our students follow many different paths to their teaching degree, including TAFE studies or transfer from another university course. At Monash your age is not a factor when you apply – just your education background and experience. The year of entry depends on what you have studied previously and your results. Diploma of Higher Education (DoHE) Monash Access Program (MAP) Diploma of Tertiary Studies (DoTS) The Diploma of Higher Education provides an alternative entry pathway into an undergraduate course in science, mathematics or related areas. It is designed for students who didn’t get the ATAR required for direct entry into the Bachelor of Science at Monash or are returning to study after working or travelling. MAP is an enabling course for mature age students.* If you are motivated to learn and want to study at university, but don’t meet the standard admission requirements, MAP may provide you with the skills and knowledge to gain access. It prepares you for successful academic study at university level. It will give you a solid foundation to progress into a range of bachelor’s degrees at Monash University. DoTS can help you get into Monash if: 32 Priority will be given to students who have experienced financial or other disadvantage. you didn’t achieve the Year 12 score you expected, or ■■ you are returning to study. Through DoTS, you can start studying your chosen field from day one of university, and it won’t add any time to your course. On completion of the DoTS program you can transfer into the second year of a range of Education (Honours) specialisations. *Applicants need to be aged 21 years or older as at 1 January of the year they enrol. For more information on education pathways available visit: MONASH EDUCATIOn Monash EDUCATION This one-year course is equivalent to the first year of a university undergraduate course. If you successfully complete the course, with the required grade average, you will be able to progress into second year of the Bachelor of Science or the double degree course Bachelor of Education (Honours) and Bachelor of Science at Monash University. ■■ 33 Monash College for international students Monash University Foundation Year English-language courses Monash English Bridging Monash English The Monash University Foundation Year is a preferred academic pathway into Monash University. The Monash University English Language Centre is the preferred English pathway into Monash University. Monash English Bridging (MEB) is ideal if you have met the academic requirements for Monash, but have narrowly missed the English requirements. Monash English (ME) will improve your English language skills to prepare you for entry into MEB or Monash University. The program is taught from beginner to advanced levels. As you improve, you can move to the next level of ME. Year 11 The program provides international students with the skills and knowledge required to succeed at Monash University. 34 Foundation Year MEB offers students direct entry into Monash University.* Students who successfully complete the Bridging program do not need more testing. * Not accepted for entry into all degrees. If you need extra English help, consider Monash English. 1st year Monash University For more information on Monash College academic pathways visit: For more information on English-language pathways visit: To enter the University you will need to sit an IELTS test. We have workshops to help you practice and develop the skills you need to sit the test. Monash English courses start every five weeks. MONASH EDUCATION MONASH EDUCATION After successful completion of the Foundation Year program and achieving the required marks, you will have a guaranteed place in the first year of your chosen Education course. If you do not meet the English language requirement for direct entry you may receive a conditional offer for one of our two programs: 35 Continue your journey of discovery How to apply Domestic (Australian) and onshore international students Scholarships Apply through VTAC Fees If you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen, an Australian permanent resident, or you are an international student studying an Australian Year 12 or IB in Australia or New Zealand, apply through the Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre (VTAC). Commonwealth Supported Places Visit Visit Reduced course fees for eligible applicants, and HECS-HELP. Visit For the Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Years Education, apply directly to Monash. FEE-HELP Only the Early Years Education specialisation has a mid year intake. Loan options for eligible applicants. Monash Access Program – apply directly to Monash. Visit Direct applications: Visit International students Monash Residential Services (MRS) International students should apply directly to the University. Monash Residential Services offers an opportunity to join a community that will provide you with a high-quality student accommodation experience which is vibrant and diverse. Our oncampus accommodation offers secure living, allowing you to focus on your studies in the knowledge that you are engaged in a supportive environment focused on your academic and personal wellbeing. MRS offers more than just a room, Monash will become your home away from home. All of our on-campus accommodation offers secure living allowing you to focus on your studies in the knowledge that we are looking out for your health, safety and general welfare. For more information visit: Once you complete the Bachelor of Education (Honours), you can choose from a range of postgraduate courses that further enhance your expertise. And because you have already completed an honours degree, you will be able to complete an advanced master’s degree in just one more year. Monash EDUCATION You can choose from: 36 ■■ Master of Education ■■ Master of Leadership ■■ Master of Counselling ■■ Master of TESOL. Pathways to Graduate Research courses The Bachelor of Education (Honours) provides a grounding in research and provides a direct pathway into graduate research courses. Students who are eligible to continue their studies through enrolment in a PhD will be required to complete additional research preparation within the first 12 months of their program. This would extend their capacity to engage in independent research and contribute toward development of their doctoral program. To explore the full range of postgraduate study options within the Faculty of Education refer to Fees Fees for each course can be found at: The MRS Residential Support Team is available 24/7 to provide care, support and enrichment within each residence and to engage you in academic, cultural, personal, social and recreational activities. All you need to bring is a willingness to be open to possibilities – we supply the rest. New residential precinct Our new residential precinct situated right in the heart of the Clayton campus offers studio apartment rooms, complete with ensuite bathroom and kitchenette. You will have access to a diverse range of food, public entertainment and sporting spaces, retail areas and plenty of green space to relax and connect. Visit Education Undergraduate Courses | 2016 Monash online Find a course International students Scholarships Off-campus learning Future student enquiries Australian citizens, permanent residents, and New Zealand citizens Tel: 1800 MONASH (666 274) Email: International students Australia freecall tel: 1800 181 838 Tel: +61 3 9903 4788 (outside Australia) Email: The information in this brochure was correct at the time of publication (April 2015). Monash University reserves the right to alter this information should the need arise. You should always check with the relevant Faculty office when considering a course. CRICOS provider: Monash University 00008C Monash College 01857J
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