CAROLINE SPRINGS Volume 7 Edition 1 May 2015 Phone: 8390 6694 PO Box 3582, Caroline Springs VIC 3023 Closing Date for Next Edition Wednesday 20th May 2015 2015 ANZAC Day Service at Caroline Springs Wow! What a fabulous turnout at the Dawn service. When I woke at 4am Saturday morning and heard the rain I half expected it would be cause to have many not come along said Peter Burquest, President of Caroline Springs RSL Sub Branch. If that were in fact the case, imagine the crowd, as it was the police estimated in excess of 3,000 in attendance. Itʼs just great to see our community grasp the significance of the day. The committee of RSL Sub Branch, take this opportunity to thank the public for their generosity over the badge selling week prior to Anzac Day, as well as the fantastic efforts of the volunteers. Of course thanks must go to all the businesses and . El E R ee F Wh ment n New Tyres g i l A With 4 Come and check out our everyday specials We have e - new tyres from $55 - computerized wheel alignment from $35 - rotation, balance & Wheel Alignment from $50 2/17 Westwood Dr, Ravenhall (DEER PARK) PH: 8390 5055 sponsors [too many to list but they know who they are] for looking after the RSL Sub Branch once again. Thanks to the Schools in the region for their cooperation in providing the students to take part in the Ceremony. Thanks to those schools for inviting us to attend their Ceremonies through the week leading up to the day. We had a pretty tight schedule but managed to satisfy several, Said Mr Burquest. A great day was also had at Caroline Springs FC on Sunday 26th April. Last year we were invited to perform an Anzac Day Ceremony for them and this year we continued with what we hope can become a yearly event. A good crowd in attendance and though we tried to rev the team up, unfortunately they run out of steam in the last quarter. From a presidents point of view one could not be happier with the effort the committee of this progressing Sub Branch has put in, not only over the weeks preceding Anzac Day 03 8390 0555 | 3/2-8 Lake Street but from our inception. Thanks to all, including CS and District Lions Club who gave us a hand to set up, Caroline Springs Scout group and Kororoit Creek Primary choir, Said Peter. Iʼve probably forgotten someone but if I have Iʼll put that down to being absolutely drained. Cheers, Peter Burquest (President CS RSL Sub Branch) For Sale 2 Newsham Place Caroline Springs 7 Cleland Way Caroline Springs Price Contact Agent Price $380,000-$400,000 4 2 2 3 1 1 254/73 Lake Street Caroline Springs 14 Grassland Cres Cairnlea Price Contact Agent Price Contact Agent 2 2 1 3 419 Hume Drive Caroline Springs Price t c a $370,000 - $390,00 ontr er C Und 1 3 2 2 3 2 10 Diggers Place Caroline Springs Price t c $499,000 a ontr er C Und 4 3 2 31/1 Woodward Way Caroline Springs er C Price t c a $429,000 ontr Und 2 1 1 Shae Joiner Licensed Estate Agent 0411 790 410 Rachel Robertson Sales Consultant 0427 607 935 Ellie Cimino Property Manager 0427 047 437 Lauren Cassar Administration (03) 8390 0555 03 8390 0555 | 3/2-8 Lake Street | Page 2 Table of Contents Page 5 Rotary Club of Brimbank Central Page 6 2015 YAC Award and Grant recipients Caroline Springs Seniors Spanish Group Page 7 Come along to Community Road Safety Forum Page 8 Council Meeting dates 2015 Caroline Springs Seniors Spanish Group Page 9 Have your say on proposed 2015/2016 Budget Page 10 Players Wanted Find us on Facebook Page 11 Musicians Wanted Page 12 Find us on Facebook Springs Stitchers Page 14 Using medical advice to choose lifestyle changes Page 18 Summersault Justice Crew Photographic Page 20 New Coburn Ward Councillor Page 21 Mothering is not for the faint hearted Caroline Springs Seniors Spanish Group Page 23 City of Melton playgrounds named among the best Page 24 ANZAC Day Centenary - Lest we Forget Page 26 National Simultaneous Storytime Page 27 Got a story you want to include What’s on and Where Page 29 Celebrate Neighbourhood House Week Page 30 Deer Park Probus Neighbourhood House Page 31 Local Church Meeting Times Fussy Eating Page 32 Happy Mothers Day Brimbank Central Rotary Page 33 What’s on at your local Library Page 34 Brotherhood of St Laurence Page 35 - 36 Support your local Businesses Page 37 Lions Australia Page 38 Crop Rotation Workshop Page 40 CS Lions Club Page 41 Caroline Springs Lakers Page 42 Aquaponics for Beginners Produce Swap Meet The Second Chance Page 43 Caroline Springs Fire Brigade Page 44 Caroline Springs Police Update Page 45 Puzzle Page Page 46 Justice of the Peace available Council welcomes funding for Melton town centre works Springs Medical Centre + CarolineBULK BILLING No Appointment necessary Caroline Springs Blvd 2-6 Caroline Springs Blvd Ph: 8390 4443 Ballarat Roa • Travel Medicine • FREE flu vaccine available • Work Related injury • Family Practice CS Hungry Town Jacks • Skin Cancer Clinic Centre We are here Lake • Skin spot & mole check + • Skin Surgery Bunnings • Anti- Wrinkle Injections $10/unit Beside Hungry Jacks • Women, Men, Children & inside Pepin's Elderly Health Checks Pharmacy d Christies Rd en p O Now Ballarat Roa d CS LIONS Caroline Springs & Meetings are 2nd and month at The Club, 7.00pm for 7.30 Start for more information District Lions 4th Wed of the Western Hwy Ph: 9390 0073 ------------------------- Caroline Springs Seniors Group Meet every Thursday at 10am at Springside Children’s Community Centre, 22 Becca Way Caroline Springs. Contact Judy Taverner phone 9382 7047 or mobile 0402 637 421 ------------------------- CS LIBRARY First Friday Book Club If you are interested in reading, meeting others and having a good discussion on literature, the First Friday Book Club is for you. The next two meetings will be on Friday 1 May and Friday 5 June @ 10am. There is an annual fee for Library book clubs. For more information, contact 9747 5300. Monthly Chess Challenge A new chess puzzle is issued on the first Monday of each month. Puzzles suited for ages 12+. Come in to Chess Club on Mondays from 3.30-4.30pm and pick up your puzzle for the chance to win a fantastic prize! Knit & Chat Group Come and join our knitting group that meets fortnightly on Fridays. Bring along your own projects and have an enjoyable morning. All levels welcome. The next two meetings will be on 8 and 22 May @ 11am. No bookings required. National Simultaneous Storytime “The brotherʼs Quibble” by Aaron Blabey will be read simultaneously around Australia. Wednesday 27 May @ 11am. ------------------------- Tell us what you have on & where so we can include in What’s on and Where Page 3 Caroline Springs Square Shopping Centre Ph: 8390 6819 Open 7 Days a Week fruit & vegetables Specials on sale from 1st May - 10th May Imperial Mandarins kg 9 4 . $2 Brushed Potatos 5kg bag 9 9 . $2 Japanese Pumpkin New Season Pink Lady Apples kg 9 9 . $1 Crimson Grapes kg 9 9 . $1 Sirena Tuna 95g $0.89 kg Ligo Mackerel 5 for 0 0 . 9 $ Saba Bananas 454g ea 0 0 . $2 ea 0 0 . $2 Best Food Mayo 810g Filza Sunflower Oil 5lt $9.00 ea 0 0 . 0 $1 Large range of International groceries available: Asian, South Africian, European, Middle East Page 4 Rotary Club of Brimbank Central On May 9, 1975 the Rotary Club of Brimbank Central begins its four decade long journey of community and international service. One of nearly 35,000 Rotary Clubs peopled by 1.2 million members spread across all continents, your local Rotary Club meets weekly and this meeting is not only a social event but also an occasion to organise work on Rotary's service goals. The Rotary motto is 'Service above Self' and embodies the core reason for the Club's existence. Over 40 years this Rotary Club has funded many local community groups and individuals in their RESTORE & REFRESH response to local need as well as YOURSELF funds the creation freshwater supplies to a number of Filipino villages in recent years. Together with all other Rotary Clubs worldwide it has joined the Rotary International fight to eradicate polio from the planet. Rotary also has a special focus on supporting the growth of leadership and intercultural understanding in young people. Indeed this Rotary Club has a sister Club in Japan and members RESTORE REFRESH the student often & accompany YOURSELF exchange of one of our local high schools that visits their sister school's city. A local example of Rotary's focus on youth is the upcoming ʻCelebrating ART with Rotary Club of Brimbank Centralʼ with local Secondary Colleges to highlight these decades of service. Closing Date for the Next Edition of the Community Update will be Wednesday 20th May 2015 for Advertising and Editorial Open 7 days until 10:00pm Now open for Lunch from 12 pmThursday - Sunday Caroline Springs Shopping Centre, Shop 9, 218 - 222 Caroline Springs Blvd Caroline Springs 3023 (Next to Nandos) *Delivery to local area only. Need to increase your confidence, self esteem & enhance your appearance? SER SE RVI VIICE CES IINCLUDE: CE N LU NC L DE DE:: » Cosmetic surgery: Eyelid reduction, Breast augmentation and Fat transfer » Non-surgical procedures: Anti-wrinkle injections, Dermal fillers and facial contouring » Clinical skin treatments for Acne, Products Rosacea and premature ageing skin Now Available. We are in Caroline Springs Specialist Centre 1042 Western Highway, Caroline Springs VIC 3023 Please call 03 9690 0900 for more information or to arrange for a consultation Member for Kororoit Shop T54 Brimbank Shopping Centre Cnr Neale & Station Rds Deer Park VIC 3023 Phone: (03) 8361 7133 Fax: (03) 8361 7166 Email: Page 5 Closing Date for the Next Edition of the Community Update will be Wednesday 20th May 2015 for Advertising and Editorial Keys To Success Tutoring Keep Empowering Your Success Individual or Group Tuition from Years 3 - 12 Years 3 -10 Mathematics Years 3 -10 English V C E ( S u b je c t to tu to r a v a il a b ility ) - Years 7 -10 Humanities Years 3-10 Vietnamese language Years 7 - 10 Science English Mathematics Science Business Vietnamese language Our Tutors include: - Experienced and qualified VCE teachers who had taught VCE subjects for a number of years. Former VCE students who have received ATAR scores of 90.00+ Experienced teachers who have completed their postgraduate qualification/s Current Melbourne University students For information on Tuition Rates please contact us on the details below. Address 31 Alan Street, Kings Park, 3021 Contact Mob - 0470 094 368 Email - 2015 YAC Award and Grant recipients The 2015 City of Melton Youth Achievement Award and Grant recipients were officially announced at a presentation event in Caroline Springs on Friday 17 April to mark the conclusion of National Youth Week. The awards provide an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the accomplishments of young people across the City. The recipients of the 2015 Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Awards are: Leadership Award - Tegan Lafranchi Positive Role Model Award - Samah Bakhsh Determination Award - Sarah Spiteri Social Justice Award - Marc Gillard Inspiration Award – John Galea Arts Award - Aqilah Ramli Arts Award - Joseph Aumau Active Achievement Award – Amber Mills Positive Role Model Award - Stephanie Novak 2015 YAC Honours Award - Marc Gillard Individual YAC grants of up to $500 and a project grant of $5,000 were also presented to 30 young people and one community group at the event. Caroline Springs Seniors Spanish Group ph: 8358 4978 Meet every Tues 10am-1pm fully licensed & B.Y.O. (wine only) website: CS Library Caroli Lake Page 6 St CS Square Lake Str eet Street s Blvd The Par ade College ne Spr ing shop15C, 218-222, caroline springs blvd (opposite CS library) open: lunch: wed-sun 12pm -2:30pm dinner: 7 days 5:30pm-9:30pm Ph: 9360 4354 Mob: 0402 249 441 We Are Here St e La k CS La Springside Community Centre 22 Becca Way, Caroline Springs Contact Mr JOSE CARPIO ke Melton City Council will host a Community Road Safety Forum on Wednesday 6 May, 6.45 – 9.30pm at Catholic Regional College, Performing Arts Centre, 109 Bulmans Road, Melton. Residents are encouraged to attend, especially teenage drivers and their parents. Guest speakers will include Regional Coordinating Magistrate, Sunshine and former Coroner Noreen Toohey, Christine Harrison from Road Trauma Support Services, as well as representatives from Melton Police. Free showbags with brochures and educational material will be available and everyone who attends will go into the draw to win six free driving lessons. For more information on the Community Road Safety Forum contact Melton City Councilʼs Road Safety Officer on 9747 7200. Closing Date for the Next Edition of the Community Update will be Wednesday 20th May 2015 for Advertising and Editorial Family Law & Litigation Binding Financial Agreements Business Sales & Purchases Civil Litigation - Over 17 years experience Building Disputes - Specialising in family law Debt Collection - Reasonable rates Wills & Probates - After hours appointments available Conveyancing Suite 13, Level 1, 242 Caroline Springs Boulevard Caroline Springs (opposite McDonald’s) EN OP W NO Factory Direct Mattresses Mattresses - Bases - Pillows - Kids Beds Unit 5 / 94 Eucumbene Drive Ravenhall (Next to Bunnings Caroline Springs) Ph: 1300 902 011 Come along to Community Road Safety Forum 10% off On Presentation of this advert Thinking of Selling or Leasing? Call your areas most active agent today on 9363 1455 Your Property Agent Shop 38 Caroline Springs Square Page 7 Closing Date for the Next Edition of the Community Update will be Wednesday 20th May 2015 for Advertising and Editorial Shackled by your financial situation? • CAR LOANS • CREDITCARDS • SCHOOL FEES • STARTING A FAMILY • CHANGED JOBS • RENOVATIONS • GETTING MARRIED/DIVORCED OR SIMPLY REDUCE DEBT AND INCREASE CASHFLOW. When was your last FINANCIAL HEALTH CHECK? We can help with Refinances, Purchases & Investment Strategies. "It doesn’t cost anything to conduct a review of your situation to see if restructuring or debt consolidation would be good for you. The least I can do is point you in the right direction and the privacy act ensures our conversation is entirely confidential." CONTACT : Dominic Audino 1800 ASK CFG(275 234) or ACL: 390825 ABN: 17429729572 Trill Music Studio has a long established reputation in providing Affordable, High quality music lessons. Our Studio Provides: • Individual lessons in: Piano/Keyboard, Singing and Guitar. • Shared lessons in: Piano and Singing • Group Singing Lessons Group Singing lessons $15 for 45min 0432 597 285 Located near shops, corner Hume drive and Goulray Road Caroline Springs Thinking of Leasing? Dear Property Owner, Are you thinking of leasing or would you like a complimentary market appraisal? If so then please contact me for a confidential discussion about your property. Kind Regards Pamela Latorre 0478 398 208 1C, 399 Melton Highway, Taylors Lakes, VIC, 3038 Council Meeting dates 2015 Melton City Council meeting dates for 2015 have been set. Ordinary meetings of Council are held at the Council Chambers, Melton Civic Centre, 232 High Street, Melton, on Tuesdays at 7pm. Melton City Council Mayor, Cr Sophie Ramsay encouraged residents to attend Council Meetings. “I encourage residents to come along to see your elected representatives discuss and debate local issues and projects,” Cr Sophie Ramsay said. Council Meetings in 2015 will be held on the following dates: • 26 May • 23 June • 14 July • 11 August *Caroline Springs Civic Centre & Library For more information please contact Councilʼs Governance unit on 9747 7200. Caroline Springs Seniors Spanish Group Meet every Tues 10am-1pm Springside Community Centre 22 Becca Way, Caroline Springs Contact Mr JOSE CARPIO Ph: 9360 4354 Mob: 0402 249 441 Page 8 Have your say on proposed 2015/2016 Budget Avanti at Witchmount Restaurant City of Melton residents are invited to comment on Melton City Councilʼs proposed 2015/2016 Budget, on public exhibition until Friday 22 May 2015. A significant capital works program of $25.4 million has been planned for 2015/2016. These works will deliver new, and renew existing, community infrastructure and other assets within the City of Melton. Highlights of the proposed 2015/2016 Budget include the construction of the Bridge Road Athletics and Hockey facility, Burnside Heights Children and Community Centre, redevelopment of the Aged Precinct in McKenzie Street, Melton, streetscape improvements, commencement of the Abbey Road Bridge and a footpath replacement program. Another highlight of the proposed 2015/2016 Budget is the increase in Council pensioner rebates from $65 to $70. For the 2015/2016 financial year, Council is proposing a 4.4 % overall increase in the level of rates and charges. Residents are encouraged to have their say on the proposed 2015/2016 Budget by making a written submission. Interested members of the community can make their submissions until 5pm on Friday 22 May 2015. Avanti at Witchmount s&RIDAY.IGHT#OURSE-EAL s)NQUIRETODAYFORYOURUPCOMING3PECIAL/CCASION s!,A#ARTE-ENU!VAILABLE Trading Hours: Wednesday - Sunday Lunch and Dinner Dine in Style Wednesday & Thursday Lunch and Dinner 2 Course meals $26 3 Course meals $30 A La Carte menu also available Please present voucher when redeming this offer NOW taking bookings for Mother’s Day Sunday 10th May Website: Email: Ph: 9747 1177 557 Leakes Road, Rockbank (Plumpton) 3335 lifephysio The Section 223 Committee meeting to consider submissions will be held on Tuesday 2 June at 7pm in the Council Chambers at the Civic Centre in Melton. For more information or to view the proposed 2015/2016 Budget documents in full, contact Councilʼs Customer Service unit on 9747 7200, inspect one of the display copies at the Civic Centre, Melton Library or Caroline Springs Library Follow us on Facebook: “The premier sports, spinal & general physio clinic in the heart of Caroline Springs” 224-226 caroline springs bvd 9449 5100 Page 9 PLAYERS WANTED Cairnlea Croquet Club invites new and experienced players to join us for a game Tuesday and Friday at 9-30am Victorian Croquet Centre Noble Banks Drive, Cairnlea Phone 8361-8887 Suitable for all fitness Levels Tea / Coffee provided Buy 1 Get 1 Free Shop 19 CS Square Lake St Phone: 9363 8511 Trading Hours: Mon – Wed 7.30am – 5.30pm Thurs – Fri 7.30am – 7.00pm Saturday 8.00am -5.30pm Sunday 8.30am – 5.30pm Available for all Hot & Cold drinks Free drink must be of the same or lesser value Conditions apply ... Available at Caroline Springs Store Only Valid Until 31/05/2015 EFTPOS available Min $10 spend. Senior Card 10% disc on drinks only. Page 10 Find us on Facebook Caroline Springs Community Update is now on Facebook so we invite you to log on and check out what is new in the area that has not been published in the Community Update. We invite you to log on and Like us on Facebook (Search for CS Community Update) and help us spread the news to the community about what is happening in the local area. If you have a story that you think we should look into or you would like to publish then please send us the details at MUSICIANS WANTED: Adults of all ages. I am looking at developing a Caroline Springs Orchestra to play original pieces of music. If you love to jam, have fun and do occasional performances for the community, you will be suited to this new group. Currently looking for musicians with very good to advanced levels of music understanding and practical skills. Rehearsal times and dates will be negotiated once a group has been put together. Must have own instrument. For further information call Giovanna: 0410477373 Thinking of Leasing Dear Property Owner, If you are thinking of leasing or would like a complimentary market appraisal, please contact me for a confidential discussion about your property. Kind Regards Samantha Barnes 0437 265 966 1/242 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs | caroline springs Call: 9999 9888 Page 11 Find us on Facebook Springs Stitchers Caroline Springs Community Update is now on Facebook so we invite you to log on and check out what is new in the area that has not been published in the Community Update. BYO projects of patchwork/quilting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidery and meet with other ladies for a couple of hours twice a month. We invite you to log on and Like us on Facebook (Search for CS Community Update) and help us spread the news to the community about what is happening in the local area. Venue: Stevenson House Address: 10 Stevenson Crescent, Caroline Springs Briony Leo, Registered Psychologist Date: 2nd and 4th Thursdays Time: From 7.30pm – 9.30pm Cost: $5.00 per session Briony Leo has a MPsych (Counselling) degree and is a registered psychologist. Briony has a special interest in working with clients experiencing anxiety and depression, relationship issues, adjustment issues, grief and loss, and isolation. She is interested in helping clients use their strengths to overcome difficulties and to assist them to grow and flourish in their relationships and lives. Individual and Group programs are available during the week or on Saturdays. For more information, please call 9217 6407. Contact: Catherine Stone Phone: 0413 131 277 Email: Spectacular panoramic views of Melbourne’s CBD Skyline Sunshine Golf Membership Mt Derrimut Country Club Bistro Get a Golf Membership WIN $500 and go into a Draw to of Golf Gear, Cart Hire • • • • • & Golf Lesson Men, Ladies, Junior & Seniors 7 day, 6 day, 5 day Memberships 18 hole Craig Parry designed Championship golf course Driving range, putting green, Pro-Shop & Golf Pro Bonus Golf West Card (value $350) • • • • Open to the Public. Bring the family Lunches Tuesdays - Sundays Dinner Fridays & Saturdays Weekly Menu Specials BOOK NOW FOR MOTHERS DAY LUNCH Weddings & Functions at Mt Derrimut Country Club • Set your Date – Book Now! • Perfect setting for your wedding or function • Weddings • Birthdays • • • • Sport Groups Functions Receptions Corporate Get % 1D0 nt c s i ou ay d ire to Enqu Address: 475 Mt Derrimut Rd, DERRIMUT | Tel: 9363 1691 | Email: Page 12 Page 13 Using medical advice to choose lifestyle changes Paleo, sugar-free, gluten-free, dairyfree, meat-free, low-carb – so many people are making significant dietary lifestyle changes without a full understanding of the food their body needs to stay healthy now – and in the future. Active Medical GP Dr Victor Sammut says the desire to make dietary changes is often fuelled by body image concerns or as a response to avoid further complications later on from diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, obesity, sleep apnoea and other disorders. “It is fantastic that people are taking the initiative in doing something about alleviating their symptoms such as eczema, asthma, digestive problems and low-energy and mood,” Dr Sammut said. “But it is important to work together with your GP to make sure that the changes you make are not depleting your body of essential nutrients and making your symptoms even worse,”. “Low vitamin and mineral levels, such as iron, in your body can affect your mood, energy level and lead to serious conditions such as osteoporosis and joint issues in the future. “Yes, itʼs important to make positive dietary changes – but not without first having the appropriate tests done to show exactly what your deficiencies are. Otherwise, youʼre just guessing.” Dr Sammut said the same approach should be taken by people wanting to overcome eczema, asthma and chronic digestive problems like diarrhoea and bloating. “If you do need to make changes, your GP can support you and we also have a dietician and diabetes educator at our practice to give you even more expert help.” Dr Sammut said. “We can send you for tests that show if you are sensitive to foods including wheat and dairy, and there are diabetic and pre-diabetic tests that show how your body responds to sugar,” Active Medical also has Dorevitch Pathology onsite, so if your doctor recommends blood or glucose tests you can organise them straight away. Make a booking to speak to a GP about how you think your diet and lifestyle may be affecting your health by phoning Active Medical on 03 9363 0954, book online via or visit Active Medical at 228 – 232 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs. Appointments NOW OPEN Available Actively caring for your family Book a consultation, Mon - Fri: 8:30am towe’re 5:30pm , Sat: 9am to 1pm here to listen Patient parking available at rear Bulk billing for children aged 15 and under, health care card, pensioner and DVA card holders. On the spot Medicare rebates available. Family General Practice • GP Services • Psychologist • Exercise Physiologist • Podiatrist • Dietitian • Diabetes Educator Dorevitch Pathology available Monday – Friday 8:30-11:30am 228-232 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs VIC 3023 T 03 93 630 954 Page 14 | F 03 83 904 399 | | Come into Watervale Shopping Centre Shop 17, Watervale Shopping Centre, 2-14 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill VIC 3037 Opening hours Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 8.00pm, Friday 9.00am to 9.00pm, Saturday 9.00am to 6.00pm & Sunday 10.00am to 6.00pm Mother’s day catalogue with HUGE DISCOUNT on FRAGRANCES, GIFTS AND VITAMINS. Order NOW for Mother’s Day Kiosk T20 Watervale Shopping Centre 2-14 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill. 8361 9815 Flowers Delivered 8BUFSWBMF-PUUP/FXTBOE(JGUT A lottery franchisee Come in to check out our )PNFXBSF(JGUTBOE+FXFMMFSZ 4IPQ$BMEFS1BSL%SJWF5BZMPST)JMM1I Indian Grocer A lottery franchisee VANITY NAILS WatervaleMedicalCentre and Dental Care Nails, Manicure, Pedicure, Waxing Watervale Shopping Centre, Cnr Taylor’s Road, Calder Park Drive, Taylor’s Hill, With the Big Woolworths Supermarket Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Summersault - Justice Crew Photographic Exhibition Closing Date for the Next Edition of the Community Update will be Wednesday 20th May 2015 for Advertising and Editorial Thinking of Leasing Dear Property Owner, Imagine Melton is thrilled to present the Summersault - Justice Crew Photographic Exhibition. If you are thinking of leasing or would like a complimentary market appraisal, please contact me for a confidential discussion about your property. When 5:00 PM - 5:00 PM 13 May 2015 Kind Regards Anita Nikolopoulos 0437 311 491 1/242 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs | caroline springs Call: 9999 9888 Where Caroline Springs Civic Centre Library 193 - 201 Caroline Springs Boulevard Caroline Springs Vic 3023 Event details Justice Crew dominated the Main Stage at Summersault. Now, Imagine Melton is thrilled to present the Summersault - Justice Crew Photographic Exhibition at CS Gallery for the month of April. Offering Lessons in: Guitar / Bass / Piano / Keyboards Singing / Drums / Violin / Woodwinds Mandolin / Guitar Ensembles / Theory Band Workshops Group lessons from $11 per half hour For your chance to win one of these exclusive prints, please complete the feedback form avaliable at the Caroline Springs Library counter. Caroline Springs School of Music Exam and VCE Preparation available Toddlers Program – $10.00 per class + GST Shop 22, 13-15 Lake Street Caroline Springs 3023 P: 03 9363 0662 F: 03 8390 4367 E: W: Insta Take advantage of great car deals The end of the financial year is fast approaching and car dealers are already starting to prepare for the sales. As we approach June, car manufacturers and dealers have targets that need to be met. What does this mean for you? It’s a great time for you to get that new car - at a reduced price! Start looking for your car now before the stock is cleared. CONTACT : Dominic Audino 1800 ASK CFG(275 234) or ACL: 390825 ABN: 17429729572 Page 18 That’s where we come in! Did you know that we have access to a number of different specialist motor vehicle financiers? This will ensure that we can find the right finance package for you and your dream car! Don’t Wait! Speak to us today to find out more about how we can help you. Winners will be announced weekly. We have 5 limited edition prints to give away. Caroline Springs Library opening hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am 5.30pm (8.30pm Wednesday only) Saturday 10.00am - 1.00pm Sunday 1.00pm - 4.00pm Contact For more information please contact Events and Culture Tel: 9747 7200 Page 19 empty promises. not New Coburn Ward Councillor Myles Bentley was officially sworn in as the new Councillor for Coburn Ward at the Melton Council Chambers on 1 April 2015. Your Local Professional Insurance Advisor Business Insurance Professional Indemnity Public & Products Liability Management Liability Directors & Officers Marine Insurance Motor Vehicle Home & Contents Commercial Motor Builders Warranty Construcon Taxi Insurance Vacant Land Strata Landlord Boat & Caravan CONTACT US FOR AN OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE Patrick Selle 03 8415 4008 Cr Bentley was declared successful following a countback of Coburn Ward votes from the 2012 Council Elections conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission on Tuesday 31 March 2015. All eligible Coburn Ward candidates from the general election were included in the countback. Cr Bentley replaces Michael Matalewski who resigned from his position in February. Cr Bentley joins Mayor, Cr Sophie Ramsey and Cr Bob Turner as Councillors representing Coburn Ward, which covers Melton, Brookfield, Melton South, Kurunjang and Melton West. City of Melton Mayor, Cr Sophie Ramsey congratulated Cr Bentley on his new position. "Council is excited to welcome Cr Bentley to our team. His passion, professionalism and dedication to our community has already been exhibited through his volunteer efforts and local work commitments. "We look forward to his valued input throughout the remainder of this Council term." 9363 7200 1042 Western Highway, Caroline Springs (next to Masters Home Improvement) Page 20 Cr Bentley thanked the community for its continued support. "I value this opportunity to work in partnership with Melton City Council staff, my fellow Councillors and our community," he said. Mothering is not for the faint hearted The role of mother encompasses so many other roles: carer, chef, taxi driver, events coordinator, house keeper, teacher, nurse and the list goes on and on. God has placed in mothers such a capacity to show love with whatever skill is needed at the time! Mothering is not for the faint hearted! From the moment your first child is born your life has changed forever. You discover a new set of emotions joy, fear, love that you never new you had. When my first daughter was born I really had no idea what it was to be a mother but somehow you just do it and learn as you go. By baby number six I felt like I was swimming, trying to keep afloat. The endless nappies, mess, fatigue, noise. As each baby came along, life got fuller, crazier and I wouldnʼt change it for anything! To be a mother is a God given privilege with huge responsibility. The Bible tells us, “Children are a heritage from the Lord and a reward” (Psalm 127:3). To be able to mould and guide a young life is not easy but I have found that where God has given us a task to do He gives us the guidance and help to do it. Even when we make mistakes children are very forgiving and loyal and so is God! I donʼt have nappies to change anymore but life is no less full. As my girls get older I am still needed to be there for them, to listen, to soothe, to give advice, to be a constant for them in a world that is full of pressures. I need Gods guidance all the more. I thankfully have had my mother to help teach me be a mother. Many donʼt have this, or their experience of their mother has not been a positive one. We need to help each other. Here are three things I have learnt that may help you: 1) Lighten up on myself! I am not perfect I will make mistakes but I will never stop trying to be the best mum I can be. 2) My children donʼt need to have the best of everything to survive. We have loved second hand clothes! My girls love it if someone gives us a bag to rummage through as much as they love going and buying something new. I realized to that they donʼt need a gourmet lunch everyday to confirm Iʼm a good mother. 3) God is my help. Short prayers of ʻHelp Iʼm sinking!” do work! So many times when I have prayed that prayer at moments of feeling totally overwhelmed God has answered with help. Maybe a friend has called at the right time or a child has said something that melts my heart! To mothers who are feeling overwhelmed, hang in there, talk to other mums and go easy on yourself. Realize that it is a privilege to be a mother and there is help to do it. To those who havenʼt had a good example to follow, forgive your mum and choose to do better. To those who support mums, keep loving them they need you. The Bible is also clear that we need to honour our mums. Exodus 20:12 says “Honor your Father and your mother,” This is the only command that comes with a promise, “so that you may live long and that it may go well with you” (Deuteronomy 5:16). Ps Melissa Maher together with her husband Craig are Senior Pastors of INChurch Melbourne which commenced in Caroline Springs in October 2014. She has a passion to equip women and girls to find their God-given purpose and destiny. INChurch Melbourne every week has a 9:30am Sunday Family Friendly Service and P to Grade 6 Kids Program. They meet at WestWaters 10 Lake St Caroline Springs. They have a special Mothers Day Service planned on 10th May. All Welcome. For more info on INChurch Melbourne go to: Caroline Springs Seniors Spanish Group Meet every Tues 10am-1pm Springside Community Centre 22 Becca Way, Caroline Springs Contact Mr JOSE CARPIO Ph: 9360 4354 Mob: 0402 249 441 Are you worrying about your childs performance at school? Don’t Leave it Too Late! Enrol your child today! VCE Maths,Physics,Bio, Chem, Accounting.. Enrol Now!! LOTE subjects Chinese, Italian and French too Classes for primary & secondary school students Selective school , SEAL, 2 3 Term m r s & Tellment o Enr re NOW a pen o IB and all VCE exam preparations Special classes for learning difficulty students One-on-One Tutoring and Home work Help Conducted by VIT registered experienced school teachers EDTrack Education Institute BROOKSIDE COMMUNITY CENTRE Federation Way, Caroline Springs from 1:30pm on Saturdays and 4:00pm on Mon & Wed Ph: 9010 6133 Mob: 0405 297 297 Email: Web: We have helped hundreds of school children so far..... Parents do not wait, talk to us today!!! Page 21 Serving Caroline Springs since 2003 Winter is almost here. Book an appointment for your Flu Vaccine NOW Available Modern Medical for all your family’s medical needs. Call: 8361 7688 or book online at 1042 Western Highway, Caroline Springs 3023 OPEN: Mon to Thurs 8am - 6.30pm, Fri 8am - 6pm, Sat 9am - 5pm Page 22 City of Melton playgrounds named among the best The City of Melton can officially lay claim to having some of the best playgrounds in Melbourne, with two local parks named in the top 50 by Melbourne Playgrounds. The group recently reviewed playgrounds throughout Melbourne and the Geelong region and included Navan Park, located at Cnr Coburns and Centenary Avenue, Melton West and Tenterfield Park located at Tenterfield Drive, Burnside Heights on its list. Closing Date for the Next Edition of the Community Update will be Wednesday 20th May 2015 for Advertising and Editorial Book Now for Mother’s Day Catering Available - Order Now Open for Lunch & Dinner Yum Cha Available for Lunch Time Only Tel: 8390 6635 Shop 14c 218 - 222 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs VIC 3023 Located next to Daiso Parking Available next to Westpac Bank Fully Licensed and B.Y.O. (Wine Only) Trading Hours Mon - Thu: Lunch 12pm - 3pm, Dinner 5pm - 10pm Friday: Lunch 12pm - 3pm, Dinner 5pm - 10:30pm Saturday: 12.00pm - 10.30pm, Sunday - Public Hol: 12.00pm - 10.00pm Find out more information about Navan Park, Tenterfield Park and the other great playgrounds in the City of Melton Find out more about Melbourne P l a y g r o u n d s , http://www.melbourneplaygrou Mon-Fri 10:30am - 5:00pm Saturday 11:00am - 4:30pm Taco Bill Caroline Springs Now Located at 31 Taylors Rd Keilor Downs NEW OWNERS. NEW CHEFS. 15 $ MAIN MEALS! KEILOR DOWNS 8358 5466 31 TAYLORS ROAD. PH: 9366 8811 FULLY LICENSED. Valid for your entire dining party, Dine in or Take Away. Open for Dinner 7 days. Valid until 30 June 2015. Not Valid with any other discounts or offers. KEILOR DOWNS Page 23 Closing Date for the Next Edition of the Community Update will be Wednesday 20th May 2015 for Advertising and Editorial AMAL MECHANICAL PRESTIGE AUTOMOTIVE SOLUTIONS Specialising in: Mechanical Repairs New Car Service E.F.I. Tuning & Electrical Exhaust & Suspension Brake and Clutch European Car Flash Tuning - Certain Models Premium Service incl. Wash, Vac, Deodoriser Sam - Workshop Manager Factory 10, 15 Eucumbene Drive Ravenhall (Caroline Springs) 3023 Tel: 8348 5619 Change your Halogen down-lights for FREE The VEET scheme is a Victorian Government initiative, designed to make energy efficiency improvements more affordable. Under this scheme we are able to install nondimmable* LED Lights for free. For more information feel free to contact us Contact: Mathew 0490 043 826 Email: Page 24 ANZAC DAY CENTENARY – LEST WE FORGET This year marked the 100th anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli, a day that history we will not forget. I had the honour today to join the Melton and Caroline Springs community to pay tribute to those men and women who have fought and died in service of our nation. The Anzac Day C e n t e n a r y celebrations recognised not only the original Anzacs who served at Gallipoli and the Western Front, but commemorate more than a century of service by Australian servicemen and women in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. With thousands of residents attending the ceremonies in Melton and Caroline Springs, it was inspiring to see so many people acknowledge the brave men and women who have served, and continue to serve, our nation during times of war and peace. On this significant anniversary we remember the bravery, courage and sacrifice of all who served and give our eternal gratitude to the sailors, soldiers, airmen and women, past and present, who have given so much for us and our country. Australians have fought and fallen in Europe and Africa, in Papua New Guinea through to Korea, Malaya, Vietnam, and more recently, Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan – defending nations and keeping us at peace. We salute their service and honour their memory. Lest we forget. THE HON BRENDAN OʼCONNOR MP Gilson College CONGRATULATIONS! Hard work, diligence and support have all come together and resulted in a good outcome for the 2014 Dux of Gilson College. Alisha Costabile received an ATAR of 99 and is to be commended for her outstanding academic work throughout her VCE program at Gilson College. Alisha is now studying biomedicine at Melbourne University and she is pictured here with her twin sister and some friends Diep (Science – Melbourne). Nurture for today. Learning for tomorrow. Character for life. Taylors Hill Campus, 450 Taylors Rd, Taylors Hill, VIC 3037 P (03) 9717 7300 F (03) 9717 6512 E WEB Page 25 National Simultaneous Storytime Simultaneous storytime reading at the library When 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM 27 May 2015 Where Melton City Council Libraries We are renowned for our ability to provide unique creative solutions to all our clientsʼ signage/visual merchandising and event requirements. Call Us Today Ph 9419 0025 Check out our Website for more details: Event details National Simultaneous Storytime is on again. The book for 2015 is The Brothers Quibble written and illustrated by Aaron Blabey. National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual campaign put on by the Australian Library and Information Association. The campaign aims to encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books. TIME: 10:30am @ Melton Library & Learning Hub, 31 McKenzie Street Melton 11:00am @Caroline Springs Library/Civic Centre, 193-201 Caroline Springs Blvd Caroline Springs Free event. No booking required. Podiatry Private health insurance rebates Diabetic foot assessments Corns and callouses Ingrown nails Fungal infections Orthotics Heel Pain Bunions Warts Growing pains Pain in the ball of the foot Sports injuries Children’s feet Complete footcare Melbourne Metro Clinics: VIC Regional Clinics: • Melbourne City • Blackburn • Leongatha • Caroline Springs • Elsternwick Do your KIDS SUFFER? • Pigeon toed • Out toed • Clumsy feet • Growing pains BEFORE AFTER Melbourne Metro Clinics: VIC Regional Clinics: • Melbourne City • Blackburn • Leongatha • Caroline Springs • Elsternwick Both hereditary and environmental factors can cause structural and muscular problems to develop in Children’s feet, knees, legs and back – But there is a solution! Give your child the best start in life! Phone: 1300 135 374 Phone: 1300 135 374 Page 26 Got a story you want to include? We at the Community Update are always looking to improve the Community Update so if there is a story or a feature about a Community Group, Service Club or Not for Profit organisation that you would like to see us include in the Community Update then we would love to hear from you. Just send us an email with the details of the story or feature & we will be happy to include. The Closing date for the next edition of the Community Update will be the 22nd April 2015. Please check out our website at for more information. V S Staff Wanted Permanent Part Time / Casual Seeking Waiting Staff • Must have A La Carte Experience • Local Winery Restaurant • Must be available Weekends • Flexible Hours • Must have own Transport Avanti at Witchmount Call Joe Ph: 9747 1177 Victoria University Secondary College Create The Future Take a tour of the College and learn about how your child can achieve their personal best. ENROL NOW FOR 2016 Early University Program Victoria University Secondary College is a government co-educational Year 7–12 college across three campuses. Our staff and students strive to live by the College’s values: aspire to achieve, work to strengthen not only our community but local and global communities and show respect for ourselves and others. AVID & Study Skills Program Music & Performing Arts Sports & Rugby Academy Trade Training Centre Careers & Aspirations Programs Leadership Programs TEAM 9 Program Junior Campus Senior Campus 88 Billingham Road, Deer Park, Victoria 3023 P 03 9363 1155 5A Jamieson Street, St Albans, Victoria 3021 P 03 8312 0200 Trade Training Centre Cairnlea Campus Ken Jordan Road, Cairnlea, Victoria 3023 P 03 8312 0200 Page 27 Certificate III & Diploma of Early Childhood Education & Care Why Study with Us? • Supportive classroom based training • Weekdays, Saturdays (one day per fortnight) or Evenings (one evening per week) • Experienced Trainers and Workplace Mentors • Guaranteed Practical Placement - Sydenham, Hillside, Melton, Melton South • Opportunity for employment Early Learning Institute of Training & Education believe that educational outcomes are maximised when learning occurs in a combination of classroom based delivery, a simulated work environment and supported learning in the workplace Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm 550 Melton Highway, Sydenham VIC 3037 Ph: 8358 2192 TOID: 41095 Page 28 ABN: 12 155 240 305 Celebrate Neighbourhood House Week Neighbourhood houses across the City of Melton are rolling out the welcome mats for Neighbourhood House Week to be held between Monday 11 and Sunday 17 May 2015. Closing Date for the Next Edition of the Community Update will be Wednesday 20th May 2015 for Advertising and Editorial A number of free activities will be taking place to celebrate neighbourhood houses throughout the week including meditation sessions, jewellery making workshops, information sessions by Alzheimerʼs Australia, Diabetes Australia and on Womenʼs Health, morning and afternoon teas and a Meet the Neighbourhood House Team event. The official opening of the renovated Melton South Community Centre at the DJ Cunningham Centre will also be held on Tuesday 12 May, 2pm - 3pm. Residents can contact the following Neighbourhood Houses for opening times and more information on specific activities: Djerriwarrh Community House - 239 Station Road, Melton - 8746 1000 Hillside Community Centre - Recreation Reserve, Royal Crescent, Hillside - 9449 8027 Shop 57, CS Square, 29-35 Lake St Caroline Springs 3023 Ph: (03) 8390 0810 Email: Melton South Community Centre 41 Exford Road, Melton South - 9747 8576 Stevenson House - 10 Stevenson Crescent, Caroline Springs 9363 5137 Ph 8390 2266 Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House - 121 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill - 9747 5424 Caring Help and Advice for you and your pet! 225 Caroline Springs Boulevard Treating Pets like family is our promise fulfilled Page 29 Deer Park Probus We are an association for retired or semi-retired people. THE COMBINED PROBUS CLUB OF DEER PARK meets on the second Wednesday of each month at “THE CLUB” 1312-1322 Western Highway, Caroline Springs. The club meets at 10.00am. Activities include day and extended trips, theatre, guest speakers and lunches. Visitors are welcome. Inquiries: KATH 0424 315 206, LAURIE 9363 8053 Staff Wanted Permanent Part Time / Casual Seeking Chef - Casual Cook • Must have Kitchen Experience • Experience in A La Carte Restaurant a must • Local Winery Restaurant • Must be available Weekends • Must have own Transport Avanti at Witchmount Page 30 Call Joe Ph: 9747 1177 Neighbourhood Watch A Group of Local Residents are trying to initiate Neighbourhood Watch program in Caroline Springs. Valentines Day AsSaturday we know the Neighbourhood once14 February started and closed down due to lack of interest. A number of residents have already been registered with Neighbourhood Watch, but been told that they would need at least 300 participants in order to start the program again. Please register your details via following link. We are trying to create safe Neighbourhood for us and our love ones. Local Church Meeting Times Anglican Church Caroline Springs 248 Caroline Springs Blvd 10am Sunday Brimbank Presbyterian Church Sydenham Community Hub, 10am Sunday Transform Church The Corner Of Rita & Vule Street St Albans Celebration Service - Sunday 10:00AM Kingdom Empowerment Sessions - Wednesday 7:30PM Caroline Springs/Sydenham Uniting Church 514-516 Melton Hwy, Sydenham (Town Well building next door to My Smile dentist) 5pm Sunday Fussy Eating Having trouble getting your child to eat new foods? When 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM 13 May 2015 Where Caroline Springs Library 193 Caroline Springs Boulevard Caroline Springs Vic 3023 Catherine of Siena Catholic Church 28 College Street, Caroline Springs 6pm Saturday 9am & 10.30am Sunday Event details FREE information session on Fussy Eating. Church of Christ / Iglesia Ni Cristo Keilor Downs Community Centre, 70 Taylors Rd, Keilor Downs, 5pm Saturday, Tuesday 8pm, Wed 10am Learn tips and tricks to ensure your child is getting optimal nutrition for growth and development. Talk with a dietician in a relaxed and comfortable setting. Faith Community Church A Wesleyan Methodist Church 1 Hepburn Way, 10.30am Sunday Gilson College Community Church Gilson College, Taylors Road, 10am Saturday Holy Apostles Anglican Church Cnr. Sun Crescent and Anderson Rd, Sunshine 9.30am Wed, 8am & 10am Sun, 1pm in Dinka 1st Sun in the month combined services 10.30am Lifespring Church Stevenson House, 10 Stevenson Crescent, 10am Sunday Council event Free Contact For more information please contact Sarah Grace Tel: 9747 7200 Email: Living Springs Baptist Church 1430 Western Highway (via Clarke Road), Sunday School is 10:00am Sunday Service 11:00am New Life Believers Fellowship 6 Helene Street, Ardeer, Vic 3022 Sunday 10:30 am to 12:00 midday Pastor: Ernie Cartas 0425 831 754 Next Generation Apostolic Pentecostal Church Brookside, Community Centre Federation Way (off Caroline Springs Blvd) Sunday 5pm – Sydenham Baptist Church 350 Calder Park Drive, Sydenham Sunday Services 9am and 11am The Potters House Christian Fellowship 115 Westwood Drive, Burnside 3023 Sunday 10:30am & 6pm Wednesday 7:30pm United Pentecostal Church Caroline Springs Level 1 Quest Apartments 234 Caroline Springs Blvd Sunday 10am & 6pm, Thursday 7:30pm Pastor Michael Celovski 9390 5373, 0417 384 685 Westside Baptist Church 1st Deer Park Scouts Hall (Sassella Park) Station Road Deer Park Sunday 9:45am 11am & 6PM Thurs 7pm Word For The World Christian Church Brookside Community Centre Federation Way (Off Caroline Springs Blvd) 10.30 am Sunday 8.00 pm Thursday Page 31 Happy Mothers Day The Community Update would like to wish all Mothers a Happy Mothers Day. We hope you all have a great day and get spoilt by the ones you love. Exhibition Exhibition between between 4-12 May4-12 May Hunt Club Hunt Community Club Community Arts Centre, Arts Centre, 775 Ballarat 775 Road, Ballarat DeerRoad, Park 3023 Deer Park 3023 Mothers Day Sunday 10th May. CELEBRATING ART W I T H R O TA R Y C L U B O F B R I M B A N K C E N T R A L Theme: ‘Celebrating Rotary Club of Brimbank Central’s 40 years of service to the community’ CELEBRATING ART O P E N I N G N I G H T W I T H R O TA R Y C L U B O F B R I M B A N K C E N T R A L Theme: ‘Celebrating Rotary Club of Brimbank Central’s 40 years of service to the community’ MONDAY 2015 2015 THE O P4TH E MAY N I N G MONDAY 5:00PM FOR 5:30PM THE 4TH MAY 5:00PM FOR 5:30PM N I G H T The Rotary Club of Brimbank Central, Inc. presents an Secondary College students which focus on the theme ‘Celebrating Rotary Club of Brimbank Central’s 40 years of service to the community’. Winners will be selected and prizes will be awarded on the opening night. A ‘People’s Choice Award’ will be given and you are encouraged to come early to vote for your favourite painting. Light refreshments will be served. Nilda Escalante, President Rotary Club of Brimbank Central, District 9800 Page 32 RSVP by 15th April 2015 Please contact: Nonie P Gionfriddo, Project Coordinator Mob: 0408 312 033 or email: WHAT’S ON @ YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY Upcoming events Caroline Springs Book Chat Club If you enjoy books, movies and chatting, feel free to join in on the fortnightly discussions at the library on Wednesdays at 11am. The next meetings will be on 13 and 27 May. All welcome. No bookings required. For more information, contact 9747 5300. Biggest Morning Tea Help support the fight against Cancer by taking part in our Biggest Morning Tea. Funds raised help support the Cancer Councilʼs vital work. Thursday 28 May @ 10am. Gold coin donation. New Online Events Calendar and Booking System The library service has launched a new library events calendar listing all our events and activities month by month. This includes all storytimes, babytimes, school holiday activities and author talks, now able to be viewed via the libraryʼs webpage . It allows you to book events online from the comfort of your own home using your library card. Library patrons are also able to view and cancel their bookings with a few simple mouse clicks. Of course events and programs can still be booked in person at the library using the library catalogue. First Friday Book Club If you are interested in reading, meeting others and having a good discussion on literature, the First Friday Book Club is for you. The next two meetings will be on Friday 1 May and Friday 5 June @ 10am. There is an annual fee for Library book clubs. For more information, contact 9747 5300. Monthly Chess Challenge A new chess puzzle is issued on the first Monday of each month. Puzzles suited for ages 12+. Come in to Chess Club on Mondays from 3.304.30pm and pick up your puzzle for the chance to win a fantastic prize! Knit & Chat Group Come and join our knitting group that meets fortnightly on Fridays. Bring along your own projects and have an enjoyable morning. All levels welcome. The next two meetings will be on 8 and 22 May @ 11am. No bookings required. National Simultaneous Storytime “The brotherʼs Quibble” by Aaron Blabey will be read simultaneously around Australia. Wednesday 27 May @ 11am. Library Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8am-8.30pm 8am-5.30pm 8am-8.30pm 8am-5.30pm 8am-5.30pm 10am-1pm 1pm-4pm Poetry with Paul Poet Paul Mitchell will be bringing his talent to Caroline Springs to inspire all budding poets in a free workshop. Saturday 30 May @ 10.30am. Bookings required via the online events calendar or 9747 5300. Million Stars Project Coming soon – a workshop to learn how to make paper ribbon stars to contribute to the Million Stars Project. This project, initiated in memory of Jill Meagher, seeks to bring peace and non violence into the world by focusing on the light that stars bring in and stamping out the darkness that violence brings. Watch the library website for the announcement of the workshop. Baby Time A fun, interactive and educational program for babies aged 0-36months. Activities include rhymes, singing, fingerplays, books and an introduction to Auslan. Sessions run for 30 minutes every Tuesday and Friday @ 10am. Boardom Test your skills on our board games every Tuesday 3.30 – 4.30pm during the school term. All ages welcome. Parental supervision required for under 12s. Chess Club Learn strategic techniques and practice your skills on our chess boards. All ages welcome. Parental supervision required for under 12s. Every Monday 3.30 – 4.30pm during the school term. Crafternoon for Teens Join us for a fun filled afternoon designing your very own craft activity. Once a month there will be a feature activity. Suitable for teens 12 years and over. Every Thursday 3.30 – 4.30pm during the school term. CS Scribes Come and be part of this writing group that offers support, advice and a fresh approach to writing and publishing. The group meets weekly on Wednesdays, 6.30 – 8.30pm. For more information, contact 9747 5300 or email Dungeons and Dragons Dungeons and Dragons is an exciting campaign that plays one epic encounter at a time. You will defeat enemies, solve puzzles, finish quests and perform heroic deeds. All ages welcome. Parental supervision required for under 12s. Every Friday 3.30 – 5pm during the school term. English Conversation Classes for Adults Come along and improve your English speaking, reading and writing skills. Classes are held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday @ 9.30am during the school term. For more information, please contact 9747 5300. Job Lab @ Melton Library Need more computer time for your job seeking journey? Join our free Job Lab @ Melton Library & Learning Hub every Friday, 10am – 12noon. Receive computer assistance and general guidance. Learn how to attach a resume, navigate job search databases, use the WRAP website effectively and much more. No bookings required. For more information, contact 9747 5300. Caroline Springs Library / Civic Centre 193-201 Caroline Springs Blvd, Caroline Springs Page 33 Page 34 Support your Local Businesses OPEN TO NEW CLIENTS Tax returns from $66* in Burnside ELS, Quick refunds, BASs Created best Tax structures, in all areas, Negative gearings, Home & Commercial Builders, Electricians, Plumbers, Concreters, Carpenters, Subcontractors, GP and Specialist Practitioners, IT, SMEs, Wholesalers, Retailers, Airliners, Caravan parks, Aged care homes, Non profit entities and many more. Synthetic & Natural turf installations. New garden designs Garden rejuvenation packages – perfect if you are trying to sell! Take back your garden and enjoy the true outdoor living lifestyle. Harii Iyer M.Com.,M.Ed, PG Dip Pr Mgt, FTIA, CPA Ph 9097 9534 BZbkge^Z Babg^l^ LZllZ`^ A.B.N. 94 470 852 216 LICENSED SECURITY ADVISER AND INSTALLER SECURITY LICENCE NO:856-860-80S Specialist Orthodontics For children, teens and adults It's your turn to Smile! Free Consultation & Report $180 Value 04888 SMILE / 04888 76453 Practicing at: Taylors Hill, Caroline Springs, Cairnlea, Bundoora and Mernda. 10am - 8pm Ph: 0425 414 418 Services Include: • Intruder Alarms, • CCTV Surveillance, • Intercomms, • Home Theater, • Phone/Data, • NBN/Internet, • TV Cabling, and IT Services Garry 0433 728 489 Call a FR for Quot EE e! Licensed & Qualified Security Experts! Shop 2C, 100 Furlong Road, Cairnlea 3023 Open 7 Days Johnos’ Carpet Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning • Tile & Grout Cleaning Call John on 0424 413 105 Caroline Springs Plumber Specialising in Taps, Leaks, Burst Pipes, Blockages, Roof / Gutters Hot Water Units Mob: 0409 417 816 All Types of Electrical Work LED Downlight's Supplied & installed. Reverse Cycle Split Systems Supplied & Installed · Free Quotes and Advice · 24 Hour Call outs · Tel 0431 832 430 / 8390 2829 Lic. 50024 Page 35 Support your Local Businesses Snap Send Solve letʼs citizens report problems to council conveniently and accurately, in under 30 seconds. Marc Evans 0412 690 537 • town planning documentation • working drawings • energy rating • engineering • surveying • building permits Snap Send Solve is a free iPhone and Android app that lets citizens around Australia report issues and provide feedback to their local council in under 30 seconds. It was designed from the ground-up to be visually appealing and easy to use. Email: Snap Send Solve determines a users council using your phone's GPS location and returns relevant council details, including contact information, street address, and an email address. Lic. No. 101792 ALL OVER MASSAGE Quality Coats Quality Painting & Rendering Relaxation Massage Open 7 Days Mon - Sat Sun 0402 606 710 MONSOON Print Pty Ltd Print Pty Ltd Snap Send Solve 10am - 9pm 10am - 6pm 0432 081 728 Shop 8 Hatchlands Dr, Deer Park 8390 6694 5000 DL Flyers Get 5000 DL Flyers (210 x 98mm) on 150gsm Gloss double Sided for the low price of only $350 Snap Send Solve allows citizens anywhere in Australia to easily capture and report on common issues including Litter, Hard waste, Parking, Street Cleaning, Trees, Noise, and also provide a general request or general feedback. Thanks to the high technology in the iPhone, reports submitted by citizens automatically contain exact GPS coordinates of the issues and optionally, a photographic record. Already in use by nearly 30,000 Australians, Snap Send Solve has drawn critical praise from users and currently has a 5 star rating on iTunes. One user commented, ʻI used the app recently when I was walking along my street - I took a photo of a pile of rubbish that had been in front of the local preschool for over a week and sent it instantly. Within 24 hours the rubbish had been removed.ʼ If you do not have artwork let us know and we can get it designed for you. The app is being recommended by many councils around Australia. • DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES Page 36 Gideon Kowadlo, a director of Outware Mobile, the Melbourne based developers behind Snap Send Solve said 'the app uses an advanced mapping system to match a location to a council so the citizen doesn't need to know anything about their position to report a problem to the right council. Page 37 CROP ROTATION WORKSHOP Hosted by Edible Harvest Out West(EHOW) Be green in the garden patch • Wanting to find out how to get the best yield of veggies? • Learn to minimise pests and diseases, reduce chemical use and aid in building healthy soil Then come along to our FREE Workshop on Crop Rotation principals presented by gardening enthusiast Susan Mangion. And If you have excess produce in your garden or something else to trade, be it home-made jam, egg, a tub of coffee grounds or just some great gardening tips, then head to our Produce Swap Meet. When: Saturday 9th May 2015 Produce Swap Meet from 10am – 10.30m Gardening Workshop: 10.30 -12.00pm Where: Taylors Hill Youth and Community Centre 121 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill What to bring: Excess produce (Garden Swap Meet) Workshop Spaces are limited so to register your attendance please email EHOW at or contact Susan Mangion on 0403 915 798. Garden workshops hosted by Edible Harvest Out West and supported by WestWaters will run on the 2nd Saturday of the month, so keep your calendar clear! Page 38 Early Learning Kinders FAMILY & S D N FRIE MONTESSOR I READING & W RITING CHILDREN FROM ALL AROUND T HE WORLD LET’S HAVE FUN! FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED 4 YR OLD KINDERGARTEN MUSIC ART PROGRAM OVER 20 YEARS EDUCATING “W he re E du ca M atte rs ti on 47-49 WATTLE VALLEY DRIVE HILLSIDE 9449 0777 550 MELTON HWY SYDENHAM 9390 3551 31-33 UNITT STREET MELTON 9746 0388 46 COBURNS ROAD MELTON SOUTH 9746 0388 Page 39 Page 40 Town Centre Reserve, The Crossing, Caroline Springs Vic 3023 Website: Facebook: BEER & WINE @ OP-SHOP PRICES It’s all about the clothes at The Op Shop Ball. Be glamorous, be creative or revisit styles from decades past. Whether it's top to toe Op-Shop style, or an accessory or two! WHEN: SAT 9TH MAY TIME: 7PM FRIDAY 15TH MAY 6.00-8.30PM $7 ENTRY includes x1 hot dog, unlimited cordial & lollies. POPCORN, FAIRY FLOSS, SLUSHIES & GLOW WRIST BANDS WILL BE AVALIABE FOR PURCHASE ON THE NIGHT! WHERE: CSFC SOCIAL ROOMS DETAILS: max spend on an out fit from the op-shop is $25 “GET YOUR THRIFT SHOP ON” IN LAKEYS LOUNGE FROM 2.15PM OF THE SENIORS GAME R7- SAT 23RD MAY R13-SAT 11TH JULY R18-SAT 15TH AUG $30- BEER, WINE, SOFT DRINK OR $60- SPIRITS WRISTBANDS WILL BE SOLD ON THE DAY SATURDAY 30TH MAY I 1-5PM I $20 ENTRY Free gift bag & piccolo wine on arrival* With 13 junior teams and 3 senior teams this year at CSFC there is great opportunity to meet all the new Laker Ladies. Whether you’re an aunt, girlfriend, sister, mum or wife; join us at LADIES DAY this year. Pampering stalls, mini makeovers, Palermo Perfume, Soulyu Tarot card reading & Sarah's Towers with a Slice of Sweetness, just to name a few. Major raffle- AFL Footy Show tickets Proudly Sponsoring the Lakers For any information regarding any of these events please phone Shannon 0422 928 571 Page 41 Melton City Council and Melton Sustainable Living Group Aquaponics for beginners Produce Swap Meet and Gardening Enthusiasts Convene Hosted by Edible Harvest Out West(EHOW) Share your homegrown produce and cultivate food gardening friendships Grow cheap healthy food at home! Come and learn how to provide your family with wonderful fresh fruit, herbs, veggies and fish all from your back garden (includes free three month membership of Melton Sustainable Living Group). Meet Craig Matthews from Western Aquaponics (a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics) that you can easily do in your backyard. For more information go to WHEN: Thursday 7 May TIME: 7pm to 8 pm (refreshments afterwards) WHERE: Melton Library and Learning Hub 31 McKenzie Street, Melton If you have excess produce in your garden, seeds, seedlings, cuttings or something else to trade, be it home-made jam, eggs, a tub of coffee grounds or just some great gardening tips, then head to our Produce Swap Meet. When: Saturday 9th May 2015 Produce Swap Meet from 10am – 10.30am Where: Taylors Hill Youth and Community Centre 121 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill COST: Free PLUS win an aquaponic design for your home RSVP: Essential for catering Environmental Educator (Linda Bradburn) Email: | Phone: 9747 7200 W: P: 9747 7200 Page 42 • Here is your chance to exchange your excess produce or just come along and tell us your gardening tips and recipes Everybody welcome. Any questions, please email EHOW at or contact Susan Mangion on 0403 915 798 Produce Swap Meets hosted by Edible Harvest Out West and supported by WestWaters will run on the 2nd Saturday of the month, so keep your calendar clear! Caroline Springs Fire Brigade Only working smoke alarms save lives At the end of daylight saving, change your smoke alarm battery with a long life battery when you change your clock. House fires occur more frequently during the winter months. It makes sense to begin winter with a working smoke alarm. If you have a hard-wired smoke alarm, these still have a battery as a back up and the battery needs to be changed as well. It's absolutely crucial that every Victorian household has a working smoke alarm as these have been shown to reduce the likelihood of death in a house fire by 60 per cent. Smoke Alarms Smoke alarms are inexpensive and easy to install. When choosing an alarm for your home, be sure to select one that meets Australian Standard AS 3786. There are two types of smoke alarms - ionisation alarms that predominantly detect the presence of extremely small particles of smoke, and the newer photo-electric alarms that detect visible smoke. Research indicates that although both types of alarms give occupants time to escape; photo-electric alarms are consistently more effective at detecting smouldering fires in homes. CFA urges all householders to supplement their existing ionisation smoke alarms with photo-electric alarms that comply with and quote Australian Standard AS3786. Maintenance Despite the regulations, research suggests only 45 per cent of properties attended by fire services had smoke alarms and, of those, 31 per cent were not working. You can ensure your smoke alarm is constantly protecting your family by keeping it in good working order. Test it weekly by pushing the test button with a broom handle to make sure it beeps Dust the alarm with a vacuum cleaner brush Change the battery at least once a year. It's easy to remember if you do it when you adjust your clock for daylight saving For more information on the recommendations for smoke alarm usage and fire escape plans visit Page 43 Caroline Springs Police Station Community Update Hello Readers, Welcome to all our new and regular readers of the Caroline Springs Community Update. As this article goes to print many sectors of the community have just recognised ANZAC Day. For many this is a very special day and a chance to reflect upon the sacrifices our family and friends, past and present, have made. Our thoughts are also with our current serving members. It was encouraging to see such a turn out at our local services even with inclement weather. This month I would like to talk about personal safety. This may be from a family violence perspective or simply getting about in the community. For example going for a run, living on your own or using public transport, to name a few. I encourage people to visit this site, to seek information on all areas of safety. If you do not have access to a computer please feel free to call into your local station a request the specific information you were after. In particular, Victoria Police recognises the impact that Family Violence has on all members of the community and a large number of resources are available on our website. I have taken an excerpt from this page in order to explain what family violence means. The Family Violence Protection Act 2008 defines what 'family' means and what family violence is, for the purposes of establishing whether crimes have been committed. Broad family, past relationships and 'family-like' relationships are included in the law. Many people are surprised at what is defined as family violence these days. While family violence includes serious physical assault by a live-in partner it also includes psychological and emotional abuse, sexual assault and economic abuse among other behaviours. You may not know whether the family violence you are concerned about is a criminal offence or not, but that is the responsibility of police to determine. . If something has happened, or is continuing to happen, that makes you fearful or doubtful we encourage you to come and speak with us as soon as possible. Even if there is not enough evidence to charge someone with a crime, any form of family Page 44 violence is unacceptable and Victoria Police also have non-criminal options that they can use to keep you safe and to make sure that the perpetrator is held to account and can get the help they need. The message that we would like to reinforce with this article is the importance of coming forward and getting help and accessing support services. The community can access many local services via council or alternatively look at the “Support and Welfare Information” on the Victoria Police Family Violence site. From the Melton Highway Patrol, operation Crossroads, ran over the Easter period. This operation was about reducing road trauma and arriving safely. Unfortunately there was a fatal car accident over this period and a number of other collisions resulting in injury. Speed related offences still featured high on the results, over 40% of the total offences detected. From Acting Senior Sergeant FILBEY; “Speeding offences continue to be the most detected offence, and it is disappointing to see so many motorists not just creeping over the speed limit by a few kph, but intentionally driving at speeds well above the posted limit thus putting themselves and other road users at risk.” In total about 100 offences were detected and these were by Police on the roads enforcing safety. Last month I mentioned the intersections at Melton Highway and Gourlay Road and also Melton Highway and Plumpton Road. Both of these intersections still remain the most significant in the area for collisions. Last month I also spoke of the intersection at Troops Road North and the Western Freeway, Rockbank. This intersection continues to be overly represented in our collision figures and there is plans for Vic Roads to upgrade this in the not too distant future but in the mean time we ask the community to remain cautious when travelling through it. In respect to hoon driving, please be aware that the community can report cases to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. A final reminder also for any members of the community who are just embarking on their driving journey or are a parent of someone who is; you may be interested in attending a Community Road Safety Forum. You can learn more about the road rules and the effects of road trauma on our community. The event will be held at Catholic Regional College, Performing Arts Centre, 109 Bulmans Road, Melton, on Wednesday the 6th of May at 6:45pm. There is even a chance to win 6 free driving lessons. For further information please contact me via email. A reminder to all readers that if anybody needs to report an incident which requires Police attendance then please dial “000”. Contacting the station directly or sending an e-mail is not appropriate in this case. Phone/e-mail messages should NOT be left for the reporting of crime. Opening hours for Caroline Springs Police Station are Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm. If for any reason you may need to attend the Caroline Springs Police Station, please consider calling first. Our priority will be to always place a patrol unit on the road to answer emergency calls. Please be aware that regardless of the station operating hours we do provide a 24hr police response. Should you need to attend a police station please consider any of the 24hour stations in the area, Melton, Keilor Downs or Sunshine. Before I go I am happy to hear from anyone in the community about a safety or policing issue they have experienced. If there is an issue you would like to discuss with me or explain in future updates please email my office at or alternatively feel free to call me on 9361-4700. A further way to keep updated with current events in our community is to visit the Victoria Police Facebook page, Remember to take care of each other and donʼt forget that community safety is everyoneʼs responsibility. Thanks for reading. Leading Senior Constable Joanne MUTSAERTS, Caroline Springs Police Station Puzzle Page Across 1 Huge amount of money (1,5,6) 9 Have faith in (5) 10 Most orderly (7) 11 Epsom Classic race (4) 12 Eats rump (anag) (8) 14 Maintain (4,2) 15 Assent (6) 18 Authorised (8) 20 Express a desire for (4) 22 Schooling (7) 23 Encircles (5) 24 Disliking all mankind (12) Down 2 Bone of the fist (7) 3 Crackers (4) 4 Physical training exercises (3-3) 5 Actor's trial performance (8) 6 Root vegetable (5) 7 Develop into another form (12) 8 In a state of hopeless despair (2,4,6) 13 Operate (8) 16 I can hit (anag) — alcoholic drink (7) 17 Put a new product on the market (6) 19 Chips (5) 21 Set of three (4) Solution will be provided on our Facebook Page CSCommunityUpdate from 17th May 7 9 3 4 5 7 9 2 8 7 7 3 1 8 2 1 3 4 5 6 4 7 1 3 9 2 5 Word Find E G N A H C O M E S C N I Z P R O P A G A T I O N L G A S L A M R O N S J U T E R R T O G R O F M S O S T E A L B C I L A T I O S L E T N E E S T N E M N I A T R E T N U D D E R U T A G I L A Y P S E T A I T N E R E F F I D F D R V B G R A G T N U L B U N E O R L E G R A B R I R S E T I S P I U R R I G E E S M L D P N G G M E A T S P Y Y A A G O N E H M E T S U F S F S Y U C T Y T O T E S Angrily Appear Asleep Avoid Barge Bigamy Blight Blunt Cajole Change Comes Copied Cousin Differentiates Entertainments Falter Fatter Fleet Forgot Fussy Gaits Genre Granny Greet Italic Leggings Ligature Meats Mended Motif Narrate Normal Propagation Reign Sites Superb Tassel Their Totes Udder Yogurt Zincs Puzzle u Page Supported by: Cameron Marrs The current Real Estate market is extremely active making NOW THE TIME TO SELL If you are looking at selling now or in the near future, contact me at your eearliest conveyance to arrange an obligation free market analyses. 817A Ballarat Road, Deer Park VIC 3023 Phone 0400 515 458 Email: Page 45 Council welcomes funding for Melton town centre works Melton City Council has welcomed the announcement of $200,000 in State Government funding to go towards the Melton town centre revitalisation project. The funding will go towards stage 1 and 2 of the project that will deliver works in the vicinity of the Courthouse and Palmerston Street, Melton. Justice of the Peace Available Cr Sophie Ramsey, Mayor of the City of Melton, said the revitalisation of the Melton town centre was a priority for Council. “On behalf of Council I would like to thank the State Government for this funding, which will help us to enhance the amenity and pedestrian access in the centre of Melton,” the Mayor said. There is now a Justice of the Peace available to witness and certify all documents free of charge at the following locations: “The Melton Town Centre Revitalisation Project will provide much improved pedestrian and bicycle access to the Melton Library and Learning Hub and create a place for events, play, relaxation, performances, outdoor dining and a safer precinct for all.” Council has also submitted an application to the Federal Government for $6.75 million through the National Stronger Regions Fund (NSRF), for stages 1- 4 of the project. The outcome of the application is expected to be known in May. Brimbank Shopping Centre Library (Blue Building) Cnr Station and Neale Roads Tuesday From 1.00pm to 8.00pm Wed and Thurs From 10.00am to 2.00pm By app, Ph: EMMANUEL TANTI on 0422 893 894. Sydenham Neighbourhood House, Level 1 Sydenham Community Hub at Watergardens Town Centre Taylors Lakes Monday From 10.00am to 2.00pm By app, Ph: EMMANUEL TANTI on 0422 893 894. Shop T54, Brimbank Shopping Centre, Corner of Station and Neale Roads, Deer Park Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday 10.00am to 2.00pm If you have over 7 items please call to make an appointment. By app, Ph: EMMANUEL TANTI on 0422 893 894. Page 46 Page 47 "real estate is our world" CAROLINE SPRINGS: SUITE 1, 242 Caroline Springs Boulevard | T.9999 9888
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