Apr il 20 Issu 15 e MONTANA MOUNTAIN MUSHERS Newsletter since 1975 www.montanamountainmushers.com Pam Beckstrom, editor Spring MMM MEETING Saturday, APRIL 25, at the Morrell Creek Trailhead, Seeley Lake, at noon. A-L bring a salad or side dish and M-Z bring a dessert. MMM will provide dogs, buns, condiments and beverages. PLEASE INVITE any new mushers or other interested people to the meeting. Elections are held at this meeting. DUES for MMM are $20 for an i n d i v i d u a l m e m b e r s h i p ( vo t i n g privileges, receives all notices, newsletters, invitations to meetings and events) and $30 for a family membership. Associate memberships are available to our out-of-state friends for a $10 donation and they will receive an associate member certificate and newsletter. If you would like to advertise in the next newsletter, you must be a paid member of Montana Mountain Mushers. Submissions are due June 15, September 15, December 15 and March 15. Send membership checks to: Jack Beckstrom, MMM Treasurer, Box 76, Olney, MT 59927/ e-mail adanac@adanacsleds.com. Race Results MMM Members West Yellowstone Rodeo Run December 18-20, 2014 12 dog, 32 miles/day 1st place, Brett Bruggeman, 5:10:31 3rd place, Rob Greger, 5:24:18 4th place, Clayton Perry, 5:54:47 8 dog, 22 miles/day 2nd place, Charlotte Mooney, 3:13:26 4th place, Spencer Bruggeman, 3:18:03 7th place, Rick Larsen, 3:46:52 9th place, Shane Pearson, 4:38:37 6 dog, 12 miles/day 12th place, Jenny Greger, 55:57 18th place, Chase Bruggeman, 1:00:16 4 dog, 4 miles/day 8th place, Leah Anderson, 43:10 Skijoring, 4 miles/day 2nd place, Tony Sleznick, 41:25 4th place, Colette Whelan, 52:59 John Beargrease Marathon, January 25, 2015 5th place, Jenny Greger MMM Newsletter, P.O. Box 76, Olney, MT 59927 | 406-881-2909 | www.montanamoutainmusher.com MONTANA MOUNTAIN MUSHERS Newsletter! Race Results - Montana Mushers Conconully Super Mush, Jan. 23-25 6 dog, 9 miles 2nd place, Jean Wise, 1:19:48 PAGE (cont’d.) 4 dog, 6 miles, 1 day 1st place, Jean Wise, 29:10 3rd place, Sonya McCloney, 56:28 8 dog mid-distance, 24 miles 3rd Jean Wise, 4:15:50 6 mile skijor 3rd place, Tony Sleznick, 34:09 5th place, Colette Whelan, 35:38 Priest Lake Sled Dog Race, February 7-8 Race to the Sky, Feb. 8-14 8 dog sprint, 5.5 miles 1st place, Brandi Williamson 300 mile distance 1st place, Jessie Royer, 51:44:00 2nd place, Aiyana Ferraro, 52:07:00 3rd place, Brett Bruggeman, 58:16:00 Flathead Classic, Feb. 28-March 1 6 dog, 13 miles 2nd place, Charlotte Mooney, 1:39:51 3rd, Jean Wise, 1:44:18 4th place, Jenny Greger, 1:49:23 6 dog, 8 mile 1st place, Jenny Greger, 57:42 2nd place, Charlotte Mooney, 1:00:59 4 dog, 4 miles 2nd place, Jean Wise, 25:36 West Yellowstone Special Stage Race, March 21-22 8 dog, approx. 13 mile staged, 3 days 1st place, Jenny Greger, 2:18:36 3rd place, Charlotte Mooney, 2:22:06 8th place, Matt Stimpson, 2:36:57 11th place, Rob Greger, 2:40:47 19th place, Clayton Perry, 3:02:45 Darby Dog Derby January 17-18 8 dog, 23 mile each day 3rd place, Rick Larson, 4:56:22 5th place, Steve Riggs, 5:04:31 6 dog, 14 miles, 6 miles day two 4th place, Jean Wise, 1:50:10 7th place, Brandi Williamson, 2:18:27 100 mile distance (adult) 2nd place, Doug Ferraro, 16:44:00 5th place, Steve Riggs, 17:39:00 7th place, Martin Koenig, 18:03:00 8th place, 18:19:00 100 mile distance (junior) 1st place, Spencer Bruggeman, 16:15:00 Root Beer Classic, March 8-9, 2015 6 dog, 12 mile 1st place, Jean Wise 1 dog skijor 1st place, Nikki Meyer Thanks to Montana organizers: Charlotte Mooney, West Yellowstone Races Nicki Arndt, Darby Dog Derby Brandi Williamson, Darby Dog Derby Colette Whelan, Darby Dog Derby Brett Svetlik, Flathead Classic Wendy Riggs, Flathead Classic Steve Riggs, Flathead Classic Roy Etnire, Race to the Sky Jack Beckstrom, Flathead Classic, Root Beer Classic & Race to the Sky & Pam Beckstrom, Flathead Classic, Root Beer Classic & Race to the Sky MMM Newsletter, P.O. Box 76, Olney, MT 59927 | 406-881-2909 | www.montanamountainmushers.com 2 MONTANA MOUNTAIN MUSHERS Newsletter! PAGE 3 SOLDIER: A SLED DOG’S JOURNEY It wasn’t even midnight when we received the call. Both dogs were loose and had escaped by either jumping the six foot fence or jumping off the roof of the house. Fireworks had scared them. Our friends formed an immediate search party and combed the area. Later, Captain was found on the outskirts of town headed west on the highway (the direction we came from). A friend recognized him, scared, exhausted and confused. Nobody saw Soldier. Because they were teammates as sled dog, I just assumed they would stick together. Our friends followed the highway and county roads back to our home. We finally called off the search and hoped for a phone call or sightings in the coming days. We returned home with only Captain. Days went by. We posted signs, sent e-mails, posted notices online, talked to friends, checked shelters. Soldier was the shy one of the two dogs and would only respond if you knew his name. Weeks went by with sub-zero temperatures and lots of new snow. I continued to keep my hopes up. Finally, the phone rang and it was a possible sighting of Soldier in Kalispell. This turned out to be a goose chase I was upset. A few more days passed and Soldier’s story was getting out there. I received another phone call about a possible sighting just down the road. The man couldn’t get close enough to get a good description but he said it was a skinny, husky-looking dog with floppy ears. The man had been leaving food outside for his dogs for some time and he thinks this dog might have been scavenging what was left for several days. the stairs to the back door. I looked through the glass and assumed it was Captain. I paused and looked at Captain who was inside, asleep on his dog bed next to me. I look again. That’s not Captain, it is Soldier staring at me through the glass. I quickly jumped up, slide the door open and caught him in my arms, a little more skinny, much more smelly but home, nonetheless. I wished he could tell me what had gone on all those seventy days and that I could tell him I never gave up. To all the mushers out there who have lost dogs to an array of circumstances: Never give up on any weary sled dog who may have lost its way. Brett Svetlik I headed over, called in the woods and started my search routine. More flyers, another day, another sighting. This time the dog was running down K-M Ranch Road. I left flyers, searched and called for him. The description seemed pretty close. Another day, another week, another two feet of snow. When do I give up? It’s now March 11, seventy days later. We were watching our friend’s dog, Piper. The same friends who were watching Captain and Soldier for their New Year’s escape. Piper was outside and I heard her run up MMM Newsletter, P.O. Box 76, Olney MT 59927, 406-881-2909, www.montanamountainmusher.com Captain and Soldier with Brett It was New Year’s Eve 2014. We were headed to Missoula to celebrate the beginning of a new year. We had adopted two retired sled dogs in the fall named Captain and Soldier. We left the boys at a friend’s house to go out.
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