Name Company Name Address Phone (work) City (home) Zip (fax) E-mail address Golf Shirt Size The undersigned hereby releases MHS Alumni Association from any and all liability for loss or damage suffered during or in connection with the within described event, whether loss or damage is caused by negligence of the MHS Alumni Golf Tournament or by any other cause. Date Signature Mail Reservations to: MHS Alumni Association, 1012 W. Beverly Blvd. #104, Montebello CA 90640 MHS Alumni Association 1012 West Beverly Blvd #104 Montebello, California 90640 Honoring Stew Pike & Tak Kobayashi Memorial Scholarships Friday, June 19, 2015 Los Serranos Country Club Legacy! MONTEBELLO Support the & Oiler Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet 17th Annual Montebello High School Alumni Association Golf Tournament Friday, June 19, 2015 Los Serranos Country Club 15656 Yorba Avenue Chino Hills, CA 91709 Help us honor this year’s Oiler Athletic Hall of Fame inductees: Conrad (Fred) Hoover ‘48 Wayne Watanuki ‘73 Larry Covellone ‘68 The 1984-86 Varsity Girls Basketball Teams (42-0 League Record) Check-in ................................................... 7:30 a.m. Shotgun Start ........................................... 9:00 a.m. Happy Hour ............................................ 1:30 p.m. Banquet .................................................... 2:30 p.m. Golf Tournament .............................. $150.00 Golf Tournament, 3 Golf Contests (longest drive, closest to the pin & most accurate drive), and Banquet Golf Only................................................ $125 Banquet Only ...................................... $50.00 Please make checks payable to: MHS Alumni Association Credit card payments can be made via PayPal at Tournament Sponsorship Packages Reservation in Tournament for 4 golfers Company name on all golf publications Company banner and 2-hole sponsor sign to be displayed at Tournament Area to display company products and services Recognition at the awards banquet Full-page dinner program advertisement Golden Oiler - $2,000 Reservation in Tournament for 4 golfers Hole sponsor sign Recognition at Longest Drive or Closest to the Pin holes Full-page dinner program advertisement Blue and Gold - $1,000 Reservation in Tournament for 2 golfers Hole sponsor sign Half-page dinner program advertisement Varsity - $500 Tee/Green Sponsor - $100 Tee/Green sponsor sign and dinner program (business-card sized) advertisement For further information, please contact: Ralph Gutierrez ‘88 323.243.0026 Ken Duran ‘76 562.201.2754 Greg Ng ‘89 323.533.7058 Laurie Capps ‘79 323.728.0121 Registration Form # x $125 (golf only) = x $150 (tournament) = I want to play golf in the MHS Alumni Association Golf Tournament! # x $50 = I cannot play golf this year but will attend the banquet! # Varsity # # Blue & Gold # Golden Oiler # x $100 = x $500 = x $1000 = x $2000 = I would like to be a sponsor! Tee/Green $ = Donation Full Page # # x $225 = x $400 = I would like to have a Program Advertisement! Half Page # x $125 = One-Fourth page I would like a golf shirt! # x $25/$28 = I have indicated my shirt size on the reverse (Men’s & Ladies: S-XL, 2X and 3X $28) Amount Enclosed $ FILL OUT BOTH SIDES And return with payment by June 12, 2015
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