1 2 Enrollment information • C hildren may attend c amp mornings until 12:30 p.m. or full days until 3:00 p.m. D rop off is between 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. and pic k up is between 3:00 – 3:15 p.m. • E xtended c are is available for full day c hildren until 5:30 p.m. at a rate of $9.50 an hour, with a maximum daily c harge of $19.00. • You may enroll for individual weeks or for the entire program. • Return the enc losed form indic ating the weeks you would like your c hild to attend. Payment is due in full, on or before June 12, 2015. Enrollment after June 1 will depend on spac e available. • If you have any questions please c ontac t Julie S tevens at (510) 848-2322 or julie@ montessorifamily.c om EAR LY ENR OLLMEN T - Befo re M a y 1 v 1 Wee k Full Days - $35 5 /wee k (W eek of June 2 9 - July 2 - $29 0 ) v 1 Wee k Mo rnings Only - $3 1 5/wee k (W eek of June 2 9 - July 2 - $2 50 ) v 6 Wee ks F ull Da ys - $1,8 35 v 6 Wee ks Mor ni ngs Onl y - $1,6 4 5 R EGULAR EN ROLLMENT - Afte r May 1 v 1 we ek Ful l Day s - $38 0 /wee k ( We ek of June 2 9 - July 2 - $31 5) v 1 we ek Morni ng s Only - $34 0/wee k (We ek of June 2 9 - July 2 - $27 0 ) v 6 Wee ks F ull Da ys - $1,9 9 5 v 6 Wee ks Mor ni ngs Onl y - $1,7 80 SPECIAL DISCO UNT S v Sib ling Di sc ount ( eac h child in sam e fa mi ly) - 5 % v Mult i-We ek Discount (2 -5 we eks) - 5 % Montessori Family School Early Childhood Campus 1850 Scenic Ave. Berkeley, CA 94709 (510) 848-2322 www.montessorifamily.com • The S ummer Program is for M FS students ages 3 to 6 years old. Montessori Family School Summer 2015 Early Childhood campus June 22 – July 31 Mornings Only or Full Day Schedules Available For Children 3-6 Years old Six Weeks Sign up by may 1 J un e 22 – J ul y 31 And sa ve ! Each day of camp the children will participate in a specialty class for one hour. The themes will change each week. Week 1 – music Week 4 & 5 – Calm Mind, Happy Heart June 22- 26 July 13 - 17 & 20 - 24 In our first week, the theme will be music. Laura Deal, our music Leyna Roget is fluent in the language of play and incorporates specialist, will be using the Orff approach to exploring music. Like her singing voice, oodles of creativity, and a background in the Montessori Method, Orff Schulwerk is based on things children Mindfulness, Early Childhood Education, and Intuition Medicine already like to do: singing, chanting, rhyming, clapping, dancing, into her children’s yoga classes. Leyna is certified in Next and keeping a beat on any object near at hand. Orff uses traditional and original Generation Yoga for Kids (ages 2-13.) This yoga series will nursery rhymes, games, poems, songs and dances, giving children opportunities to incorporate age and developmentally appropriate yoga poses, animated breathing improvise as well as learn prepared pieces. Laura has been teaching music here at exercises, simple relaxation techniques, fun literacy games and creative MFS for the past eight years. She has studied at the San Francisco International Orff expression. Each class will highlight imagination, physical movement, and group interaction as we tell stories with our bodies through themes. Props, games, music, Institute and completed certification for Levels One and Two. and LOTS of singing. Week 2 & 3 – Drama Games Week 6 – Art June 29 - July 2 & July 6 - 10 July 27 - 31 Laura Deal will return to lead drama. In this week’s specialty class, students will be exploring improvisation, role-playing and acting out stories from books. Students will also learn breathing and movement techniques to help develop control of their bodies and ways of expressing themselves. Laura spent much of her childhood and teen years writing, directing, and producing plays for neighborhood children while also working on countless school and community theater productions. She majored in theater arts at the University of Washington. Julia Kirillova is a Russian-born artist and sculptor who has taught many art classes at MFS. Julia introduces concepts, terminology and techniques of art practice in her classes. This specific week students will be working with clay and making shapes that they can keep. It will be a place where each child will be given the opportunity to explore new materials in a developmentally appropriate setting, and have fun! Montessori Family School Berkeley Campus - Summer Enrollment Agreement 2015 Child’s Name __________________________ ________________________ Male Female Birthdate ____________ Does your child nap? Yes No Last Name First Name Full payment is due June 12, 2015 Parent Name (1) Address City Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone E-mail (Print Clearly) All Six Weeks June 22 - July 31 Week 1 - Music June 22 - 26 Week 2 - Drama June 29 - July 2 Week 3 - Drama July 6 - 10 Week 4 - Yoga July 13 - 17 Week 5 - Yoga July 20 - 24 Week 6 - Art July 27 - July 31 Parent Name (2) Address State Zip City q q State If full payment is not received by the due date, there will be a $20.00 late fee Zip Home Phone All fees are non-refundable. Work Phone Cell Phone Drop-in extended care is available from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at a rate of $9.50 per hour (maximum charge is for 2 hours). E-mail (Print Clearly) Early Enrollment (before May 1) Full Days Mornings Only Please bill me Check is enclosed Regular Enrollment (after May 1) Full Days Mornings Only Sibling Discount Multi Week Discount (2 or more weeks) SUB TOTAL $1835 $1645 $1995 $1780 x 5%=_____ $355 $315 $380 $340 x 5%=_____ x 5%=_____ $290 $250 $315 $270 x 5%=_____ x 5%=_____ $355 $315 $380 $340 x 5%=_____ x 5%=_____ $355 $315 $380 $340 x 5%=_____ x 5%=_____ $355 $315 $380 $340 x 5%=_____ x 5%=_____ $355 $315 $380 $340 x 5%=_____ x 5%=_____ N/A TOTAL
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