TERM 2– Week 1 April 16 2015 What’s Coming Up? 2015 Apr Mon 20 Dear Parents, Students and Friends Pre Service Teachers VU & RMIT Quantum excursions for whole school commence. Student Attitudes to School surveys-Senior Students this week Tues 21 7.15pm SCHOOL COUNCIL AGM Wed 22 OPEN DAY 9.30-11.30 2016 Prep Information Night 7pm -8pm Fri 24 ANZAC Service – Mont RSL Year 6 students attending May Sat 23 From the Principal’s Desk Change of scenery Some of you will have noticed a few changes around here since the end of last term. A number of projects were undertaken and completed. I thought you may be interested if I detailed all of them for the newsletter. TV Newsroom Chris Cameron worked hard during the holiday break, to convert the old Reading Recovery room into a TV news studio. It looks magnificent and already it is being utilised. Chris and a number of our students are making a video for our Prep Information night next Wednesday, 22 April. And we hope to hold a weekly news report that will be broadcast to all classrooms on a Monday afternoon. School Working Bee Wed 27 Pie Drive - final orders Jun Tues 2 Tues 9 Pie Drive – orders delivered Curriculum Day First Aid and Anaphylaxis Update Wed 24 Our Place in the World Expo Fri 26 Term 2 finishes 2.30pm Jul Mon 13 Term 3 commences 9.00am Wed 29 Parent-Student Reporting conferences May Sat 23 School Working Bee Sep Fri 18 Term 3 finishes Oct Mon 5 Term 4 commences 9.00am Nov Mon 2 Report Writing Day Dec Thur 17 Last day of school year for students Fri 18 2016 Planning Day for Staff Year 6 Portables We are now officially in the portables and I am so thrilled with the quality of the new buildings. I have included photos of Neil’s room but we are thrilled with the space, the storage capacity, the environmental aspects and just being able to have space to spread out again. Birthdays Line Marking We have had various game designs and courts painted around the school. Unfortunately, the marking at the front of the school, could not be completed as the area has lots of dried mud and prevents the line paint from drying directly onto the concrete. Steve, our cleaner is going to do some maintenance work for us and pressure hose the area clean over the weekend, so that Gary from Brighter Lines can come back and complete the job. April 14- 23 14 Zahli Jimeno 15 Maddison Wright Celine Rodwell Lachlan Brown 18 Matthew Bridgeman Ava McDonald Kallen Walsh 19 Abbey Kostiw 20 James Thorn Abi Crawford Tiah Mercuri Orson McLeay-Silk 22 Tim Macintosh Liam O’Hehir 23 Madeline Carter Interactive Devices Eleven Displays’s have arrived and are distributed throughout classrooms. Every classroom now has either an interactive whiteboard or a Display and with the specialists they have access to one if needed. This has been a major budget item this year along with the air conditioning units in the gym. We have leased the Displays from the company whom we leased the iPads from initially. The children have been thrilled to come back to school and see the Displays and many teachers have started using them daily as a resource for their lessons. The level of engagement has been quite impressive. Ask your child. MANY HAPPY RETURNS Best Birthday Wishes to all of the above students Hall Air Conditioning The installation of the air conditioners for the hall and Performing Arts area has been completed by Air Fusion from Eltham. They were most professional in their approach to the school and the way they have liaised with the school and School Council. I can highly recommend them and assembly this week was a much ‘cooler’ affair. New Smoking Laws-Please don’t smoke here From 13 April 2015, smoking will be banned at more areas in the community. Under the Tobacco Act 1987 smoking will be banned: • On the grounds of, and within four metres of an entrance to, all childcare centres, kindergartens and primary and secondary schools; • Within four metres of an entrance to public hospitals and registered community health centres; • Within four metres of an entrance to certain Victorian Government buildings; • Within four metres of an entrance to children’s indoor play centres. The intention of the new ban is to stop people from smoking in outdoor public areas to protect everyone from the dangers of second-hand smoke. Banyule City Council is encouraging the community to be aware of the new bans (Victoria wide) and respect the right of everyone to enjoy fresh air, by not smoking at these areas. For further information www.health.vic.gov.au/tobaccoreforms www.banyule.vic.gov.au We are really looking forward to having a wonderful relaxing break, starting Friday, as this week has been long with numerous late nights for the staff. Many of you will be up and around the school over the holidays which we love as it helps keep our school safe. If you are coming to the school grounds, I am just letting you know that there will be a certain amount of activity happening. Externally, we will be having our playground court lines re-marked and some new games (eg Snakes and Ladders) painted on. Internally, the entrance to the school will also be painted as it is looking very drab and dreary and hasn’t been painted since 2000. And the air conditioner for the gym will be installed. Equipment wise, we will be purchasing the rest of the LFD’s (Large Format Display) which we are using instead of interactive whiteboards. Finally, CAMP Australia will be running their Holiday program in the gymnasium; so lots of movement and lots of people. Ensemble Band and Violin Gareth Voight has agreed to run the ensemble band as well as assist Tim Veldman in teaching strings. He will be timetabled into the school on a Monday afternoon and he will commence next Monday 20 April. If you are interested in either of these two activities for your child please contact us in the office. Update on Liam Hall We are over the moon with the progress from Liam over the recent weeks. Despite some theories floating about Liam’s likely progress, he has continued to improve beyond expectations. He is speaking and has taken some steps and loves having his mates visit him. He is still very much our cheeky Liam and has that twinkle in his eye. Easter Raffle Winners Congratulations to the following Easter raffle winners. Again, thank you to our Parents and Friends group and to all families who participated through donations and the buying of tickets. 1st Jan Bishop 3rd Poynter family 5th Max De Petro 7th Lara Zefkic 9th Luca Maddison-Grey 11th Lucy Ward 13th Jade Pirie 15th Charlotte Watts 17th Angus Friend 19th Zack Khan 2nd 4th 6th 8th 10th 12th 14th 16th 18th 20th Kate Hamilton Ryker Salisbury Bree Johnstone Beverley Chris Simpson River Stojanovski-Simeon Judith Walsh Felix Winfield Xavier Phillips Oscar Henningsen Easter Parade Winners Most Creative PC – Chanel PC – Marlee PG – Lee PH – Zeke PM – Genevieve 1H – Matilda 1J – Will 1M – Oscar 1W – Lachlan 2C- Alexander 2J – Karen 2R – Willow 2W - Spencer Best Design PC – Leah PC – Jack PG – Lenni PH – Matthew PM – Gabriel 1H – Otis 1J – Jayden 1M – Asher 1W – Audrey 2C- Will 2J – Sara 2R – Jessica 2W - Jensen Most Colourful PC – Eloise PC – Amelia PG – Sophie PH – Zoe PM – Emma 1H – Elijah 1J – Nikhita 1M – Sam 1W – Imogen 2C- James 2J – Angus 2R – Lilly 2W - Maya Welcome Back and Goodbye We are thrilled to have Austin and Darcy Chapman back from Bicheno in Tasmania. Whilst I am sure that it must be hard for them to leave such a beautiful environment we are thrilled they are back as part of our school community. And we say goodbye to Jensen Spencer who will be leaving us on Friday. We wish him, Naomi, Mark and Cole all the best for the future. Reminder: Annual General Meeting of School Council April 21 ALL parents of our school community are invited to the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday April 21 at 7:15 pm. This is where the Annual Report will be shared with parents. The evening will consist of the presentation of our Annual Report where our student achievement data, opinion data, attendance data as well as the School Council committee reports. This is a celebration of how well we are achieving and how our hard working School Council committee contributions support the students at MSPS. Please come along for an hour and support the School Councillors who contribute so much for our school community. AGM – 7:15 pm in School Library – Tuesday April 21 MSPS Achievers Congratulations to Ashwin Siva who gained his Yellow Level in gymnastics at the Jets Gym. Ashwin had to perform a series of tasks to gain the award which he did most successfully. Well done Ashwin! Well done to Savannah Risstrom who completed her 4th and final Jelly Belies Triathlon recently. As she explained at assembly, she had to swim, run and bike ride, so it isn’t a bad effort at all for a Year 3 student. Great work Savvy. Also, a very big thank you to Indy Newey, Alexis McIntosh, Cailey Noons and Ella Skerritt for the confident manner with which they led the school in singing the National Anthem at assembly on Wednesday. Have a great weekend Leanne Sheean Principal PARENTS AND FRIENDS – BRICK PAVER FUNDRAISER Have you forgotten to order your paver? Don’t panic – the Parents and Friends Group are still accepting orders. The pavers are not only a great way to acknowledge your presence at the school but they will make our boat area look absolutely FANTASTIC. Great Victorian Bike Ride . Getting to Know Our Prep Team Amanda McDonald I have been teaching at Monty South since 2003, making this my 13th year of teaching. Currently I am teaching Prep and have the role of being the Prep Unit Leader. I live locally in Eltham and enjoy going overseas for holidays, shopping with my friends (my favourite shop is Mojo in Eltham) and spending time with my three beautiful nephews. I love teaching Prep, as the year is full of so many amazing moments. I love it when the children realise that they can read and write and the world of opportunities that open up for them. Hi, My name is Tegan Caldwell and this is my third year at Montmorency South Primary School. I have been lucky enough to spend my time so far in the Foundation level, which I have loved! I grew up locally in Eltham and attended Glen Katherine Primary School. Outside of work, I play social beach volleyball and enjoy spending as much time as possible at the beach. I enjoy traveling and have been on a number of overseas adventures, including a trip to Mexico and the USA last year. I have a dog, Charlie, who unfortunately lives with my parents as I’m not allowed pets in my apartment! When I’m rich and famous, and can afford a house, she will be able to come and live with me! My name is Amy Duckworth and this will be my 5th year teaching at Monty South. When not at school, I enjoy being active and travelling to new and exciting places. My favourite country so far would be Spain. It's colour, culture and energetic atmosphere amazed me and I cannot wait to see more in the future! I am an AFL lover and a proud Carlton supporter- GO BLUES!! I enjoy spending time at the beach and making use of our family's boat and water skiing when it's not too choppy! I am a member of the Dromana Bay Lifesaving Club where I began as a nipper in my primary school years and competed in beach competitions all over the bay. This year my goal is to learn sign language and convince my housemates that having a puppy in our house is a good idea! My Name is Keera Glass and this is my second year teaching prep at Monty South. I have come from a childcare and kinder background and am really enjoying teaching prep! I have a beautiful Chihuahua cross called Casper, who I adore! I also love horses and go horse riding regularly. I enjoy being creative, drawing, doing crafts, playing team sports, being active, the outdoors and going camping. I love travelling and my favourite destination so far have been Portugal and New York. My goals this year are to go to South America over Christmas holidays, to learn how to run 10 kilometres and to teach Casper new tricks. Emma Hooper Hi, I was born and raised in New South Wales (hence no AFL team) and grew up in the small coastal town of Lennox Head. I moved to Melbourne in 2009 where I attended Deakin University and graduated in 2012. I was lucky enough to be offered a position at Monty South for the following year. I spent two wonderful years in grade 3 and am now enjoying my new teaching journey in prep. I got engaged to my partner Ben last year and I am in the process of planning our wedding, which will be held next year. I love the beach, the snow, travelling and my little dog Mikey. Student of the Week Taylon Pham 1M For being a kind friend and helpful class member Alice Ryan 3R For her improved focus in class and working very hard! Jake Boyne 3R For being an extremely motivated student and working hard on all class tasks. April Hammond PH For her consistent hard work & dedication to all classroom tasks. Well done April. Matthew Walsh PH For his fantastic start to term 2. Keep up the great work. Mitchell Green 3J For the fantastic work he did in the garden with the hammer. Jasmine Donnini 6C For being a kind and caring classmate. Oskar Man PG For being a kind and thoughtful class member. Amy Thomson PG For sounding out tricky words when writing. Leah Mathews PC For being a wonderful friend to everyone in the grade and the prep cohort. River Stojanovski-Simeon PC For listening attentively and contributing his great ideas with the grade. Cooper Rae 3L For his persistence when completing math tasks Duncan and Jade collect the weekly Sports Award for Strix. Parent Helpers Training Amy Duckworth and Monique Rankin will be running the Parent Helpers’ course on Tuesday 28th April There will be one session in the afternoon and this will be repeated in the evening. • Session 1 - 12.30-1:00 • Session 2 - 6-6.30 These sessions will be held in Room 9 (Amy’s classroom). A note will be coming out next week. YEAR 4 Classroom Clippings Welcome back to term 2! This week the Year 4s have been back and watching the My Place series again. We have also started focusing on ANZAC Day and what it means. We have discussed the importance of this day and the significant events that took place. We would like to invite all families to join us at the Eltham Dawn Service on Saturday 25th April. This event will be held at 6am at Eltham’s War Memorial Hall. It would be great to see lots of Montmorency South students, dressed in their school uniform, on the day. We have also started a new science investigation about Minibeasts. We have to complete a number of activities, using our iPads and a special wiki, to learn about minibeasts, their habitat and how people endanger their environment. P&F TERM 2 UPDATE Welcome back to school for the start of Term 2! We hope everyone had an enjoyable break and received a visit from the Easter Bunny. Thanks again to all Parents, Friends, Teachers, Staff and Students of Monty South for your support of our Easter Raffle, Hot Cross Bun Drive, Icy Poles and Pavers Fundraiser in Term 1. So far this year we have raised over $5,000. Term 2 promises to be an exciting term with the following events coming up: Second Hand Uniform Sale – Wednesday 29th April & Friday 1st May We will be holding a second hand uniform sale on Wednesday 29th April & Friday 1st May in the foyer of the gym. Further details will be sent next week however, in the meantime, please sort through any uniform items you may wish to donate. Donations of clean, good quality clothing will be accepted from Friday 17th April – please place donations in the box near the office. We will have a quantity of brand new items for sale at reduced prices also. All monies raised will go directly back to MSPS. Mother’s Day Stall – Tuesday 5th May Our annual Mother’s Day stall will be held on Tuesday 5th May after lunch. Further information will be sent home shortly and there will be display of items for sale near the office – don’t forget to have a look and get your wish list sorted! Pie Drive – Tuesday 2nd June A returning favourite! The Pie Drive will be held on Tuesday 2nd June. This is always a great initiative. Pies (savoury and sweet) can be purchased and will be delivered to school – they can be easily frozen for quick meals once the cooler weather arrives. Pavers Fundraiser This fundraiser will be continuing this term. We need 200 pavers to be sold to enable us to pave addition areas of the playground outside the BER where our boat is located. We are very close to hitting this target. If you have not already done so, please purchase a paver ASAP – forms are available from the office. Entertainment Books Entertainment Books are now available for purchase – please see the advertisement in the newsletter for details. This can also be purchased online which is proving to be very convenient and you can start taking advantage of offers straight away. School Banking School banking continues each Wednesday. If you would like to set up an account for your child/ren, please contact me at nicci.green75@gmail.com P&F Committee Meetings Our meetings will be held on Wednesday 20th May & Wednesday 17th June – all are welcome to attend! Meetings are held in the Staffroom and commence at 7.30pm. As always, thanks to our P&F Committee for their enthusiasm and assistance with our events. If you would like to be involved or lend a hand at any of these events, please contact me at nicci.green75@gmail.com Please also check our noticeboard for news and events – its located next to Milky South (our painted cow!) near the office. Nicci Green President – 2015 P&F Committee . Park use and physical activity Attention All Families - Deakin University Study (REVAMP) Deakin University is conducting an important study to examine park use and physical activity. As part of this study we are interested in your views about your local neighbourhood and your use of local parks. In the next week you will be sent home a survey. We would like to invite the adult with the next birthday to complete the survey. We would also like you to answer some questions for your child aged 2–15 years with the next birthday. We would like you to complete the survey even if you or your child do not currently visit parks or are not highly active. You will still provide us with valuable information about your neighbourhood. All families who complete the survey and return it to us using the reply paid envelope will go into a draw to win a $500.00 voucher. We greatly value your input to this important study. For further information please contact Dr Jenny Veitch: revamp@deakin.edu.au In 2015, every Premier’s Active April participant will receive: • 10 free YMCA passes • 15% off at Sportsmart in store and online • one hour free tennis court hire at Melbourne Park or Albert Reserve • a 2 for 1 ticket offer to SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium • a chance to win some great prizes including our major registration prizes of four tickets to the 2015 Toyota AFL Grand Final (GFAFL15/12), a $1,500 bike voucher or a GoPro camera • a chance for your school to win sporting equipment and visits from high-profile sporting personalities • weekly email tips on being active and healthy eating For more information on joining the Premier’s Active April please visit https://www.activeapril.vic.gov.au/. ELTHAM WILDCATS WINTER SEASON 2015 ENROLMENTS FOR ELTHAM WILDCATS DUE NOW Enrolments for the winter season for the Eltham Wildcats Basketball Club are now due - age groups this season for primary school aged children are U9 (born 2006 and later), U11 (2004, 2005) and U13 (2002, 2003). If you are interested, please register ASAP as we are currently putting teams together. The season starts the first Saturday of Term 2 and runs right through Terms 2 and 3. To enrol, go to www.elthamwildcats.net.au and click on the link for Saturday Junior Winter Season Registration on the right hand side of the main page. For inquiries, email admin@elthamwildcats.net.au or call 9439 5686
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