A Night at the Museum Sponsorship Opportunities

Monongahela Valley Hospital’s 27th Annual Gala – A Night at the Museum
Sponsorship Opportunities
The Curator
As curator of our museum, your sponsorship includes ten (10) guests to attend the Gala,
two (2) beverage tickets per guest and four (4) guests to the attend the President’s
Reception. Business name will be prominently displayed on signage at the event, in the
event program, mentioned on Monongahela Valley Hospital’s Facebook Page, its Events
webpage and in pre and post event publicity.
The T- Rex
Be king of our museum with this sponsorship opportunity, which welcomes six (6) guests
to the Gala, two (2) beverage tickets per guest and two (2) guests to the President’s
Reception. Business name will be prominently displayed on signage at the event, in the
event program, mentioned on Monongahela Valley Hospital’s Facebook Page, and its
Events webpage.
The Cleopatra
Be queen of our museum with this sponsorship opportunity, which welcomes four (4)
guests to the Gala, two (2) beverage tickets per guest and two (2) guests to the President’s
Reception. Business name will be prominently displayed on signage at the event, in the
event program, mentioned on Monongahela Valley Hospital’s Facebook Page, and its
Events webpage.
Roman Soldier $2,500
You’ll be protected through the event with this sponsorship opportunity, which welcomes
two (2) guests to the Gala, two (2) beverage tickets per guest and two (2) guests to the
President’s Reception. Business name will be displayed on signage at the event, in the
event program and on Monongahela Valley Hospital’s Events Webpage.
The Artist
Help paint the walls of our museum with this sponsorship opportunity, which welcomes
two (2) guests to the President’s Reception. Business name will be included in
the event program and on Monongahela Valley Hospital’s Events webpage.
Crown Jewels
$ Other
Sparkle and shine like gold and diamonds with this sponsorship opportunity, which
includes your business name in the event program and on Monongahela Valley Hospital’s
Events webpage.
Monongahela Valley Hospital’s 27th Annual Gala – A Night at the Museum
Sponsor Information:
Name of Company or Organization: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
(Please print your name or business as you wish it to appear in all event publications)
Address: ________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: _________ Zip: _______________
Contact Person: _______________________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________________
Contact Phone: _____________________________________ Contact Email: ___________________________________________________________
Choose your Sponsorship Level (please see reverse for sponsor opportunity descriptions):
*Sponsorship commitment must be received by April 15, 2015 in order to receive proper recognition.
__________ The Curator
__________ The T-Rex
Please list your guests attending the Gala:
1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________
5. ____________________________________ ____ 6. ________________________________________
7. ________________________________________ 8. ________________________________________
9. ________________________________________ 10. ________________________________________
Please list your guests attending the Gala:
1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________
5. ____________________________________ ____ 6. ________________________________________
__________ The Cleopatra
Please list your guests attending the Gala:
1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________
__________ Roman Soldier
Attending the President’s Reception:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
Attending the President’s Reception:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
Attending the President’s Reception:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
Please list your guests attending the Gala and President’s Reception:
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
__________ The Artist
__________ Crown Jewels
$ _____________
Please list your guests attending the President’s Reception (See below to purchase tickets to the Gala):
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
Additional Tickets to the Gala #__________ @ $175 each = $_______________
Please list additional guests’ names:
1. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
Total $ _________________ (Sponsorship and additional tickets)
Payment: _________ Full Payment Enclosed
_________ Please Invoice (Payment due by May 1, 2015)
________ Check made payable to: Mon-Vale Health Resources, Inc.
________ Credit Card
____ MasterCard
____ Visa
____ American Express
____ Discover
Account Number: ___________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ______________ CSC: __________________
Signature of Card Holder: ______________________________________________________________________ (# on the back of the CC)
Please return this completed sponsorship form to the Office of Fund Development, Monongahela Valley Hospital,
1163 Country Club Road, Monongahela, PA 15063 or to asmith@monvalleyhospital.com by April 15, 2015 and contact
our office at 724-258-1657 with any questions. Thank you for your support!