Vol. 18, no. 1, 183-188 (2005)
Departments of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Biochemistry,
and Internal Medicine1, and Urology2, Tufts University School of Medicine
and Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02111, USA
Received November 3, 2004 – Accepted December 1, 2004
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a disorder of the urinary bladder characterized by urgency, frequency,
nocturia and suprapubic pain. IC occurs primarily in women and symptoms are exacerbated by stress,
ovulatory hormones and certain foods. IC pathogenesis is unknown, but the most consistent findings
involve some dysfunction of the bladder glycosaminoglycan (GAG) protective layer and a high number of
activated bladder mast cells. There is no effective therapy even through intravesical administration of
dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or oral pentosanpolysulfate (PPS) have had variable success. A dietary
supplement, CystoProtek®, was formulated with the natural GAG components chondroitin sulfate and
sodium hyaluronate to provide urothelial cytoprotection, together with the flavonoid quercetin that has
anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits activation of mast cells. Thirty-seven female patients diagnosed
by the NIDDK criteria who had failed all forms of therapy took six softgel CystoProtek® capsules per day
for 6 months. Global assessment scale was reduced from 9.0 ± 2.9 to 4.3 ± 2.1 (p <0.05); moreover, the
O’Leary/Sant Symptom Index decreased from 16.3 ± 3.1 to 6.9 ± 4.2 (p <0.05) and the Problem Index from
13.1 ± 3.7 to 5.4 ± 4.0 (p <0.05). These results are very promising and warrant a larger study that may permit
further analyses with respect to other, especially atopic, comorbid diseases.
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a bladder syndrome
that occurs mostly in women with symptoms of
urinary urgency, frequency, nocturia and suprapubic/
pelvic pain (1). IC occurs also in males and recent
evidence suggests that chronic non-bacterial
prostatitis and prostatodynia may be a similar
condition. The prevalence of IC from populationbased data from the US Nurses’ Health Study I and
II was estimated at about 60 cases/100,000 women.
Recent publications have suggested that the NIDDK
criteria may be too restrictive and the term IC/
chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) has been
adopted to indicate the broad area affected and to
include more patients.
IC patients appear to be young and middleaged women, (1) but adolescents and children are
also affected. The symptoms worsen periodically
and common triggers include psychological or
physical stress (2). In 75% of women, sexual
intercourse appears to exacerbate their symptoms
(3). Almost 60% of IC patients have symptoms or
history of atopic disease and over 30% have
concurrent diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome
(IBS) (4). It was also recently shown that IC and
panic disorder may be genetically linked, possible
through mast cell activation. In view of such
fi n d i n g s , IC h as b een co n s i d ered a
neuroimmunoendocrine condition (3).
Diagnosis of IC is usually based on a history
of irritative voiding symptoms (urgency, frequency),
pain and negative urine cultures (5). The more
common, non-ulcer, variety is found in almost
90% of IC patients and is characterized by petechial
bladder mucosal hemorrhages (“glomerulations”)
Keywords: bladder, chondroitin sulfate, inflammation, interstitial cystitis, mast cells, pain, quercetin,
sodium hyaluronate
Mailing address: T.C. Theoharides, Ph.D., M.D.
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Tufts University School of Medicine
136 Harrison Avenue - Boston, MA 02111, USA.
Phone: 617-636-6866 - Fax: 617-636-2456
0394-6320 (2005)
Copyright © by BIOLIFE, s.a.s..
This publication and/or article is for individual use only and may not be further
reproduced without written permission from the copyright holder.
Unauthorized reproduction may result in financial and other penalties
without ulceration. However, recent papers have
shown that glomerulations may occur in non-IC
patients and they do not correlate with the degree
of inflammation; in fact, patients with nonulcer
disease may have minimal evidence of bladder
inflammation, while those with inflammation
present with more pronounced symptoms (6). In
those patients with bladder inflammation, the urine had increased levels of IL-6 , while the bladder
wall contained an increased number of mast cells
(7), many of which were positive for IL-6 and/or
stem cell factor (SCF) receptor (c-kit) and had
increased expression of intercellular adhesion
molecule-1 (ICAM-1) (8) . These findings, along
wi t h s o m e def ect in the protec tive
glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer of the bladder
(9) constitute the main pathologic features.
A dietary supplement was formulated to include natural molecules that could replenish the
GAG and reduce inflammation. This formulation,
CystoProtek® was used in female patients who had
failed other forms of treatment.
The ingredients and their sources in CystoProtek®
are listed in Table I. Patients 18 years or older were
selected using the criteria established (5) for research
studies by the USA National Institutes of Health (NIH)
and include: (a) positive medical history of urinary
urgency and pain for at least six months, urinary frequency
>8 times per day while awake and >2 times during the
night, (b) negative urine cultures, (c) cystoscopic evidence
of ulcers or mucosal hemorrhages (glomerulations)
during bladder hydrodistention under general or spinal
anesthesia, and bladder biopsy in order to exclude
other bladder pathology, such as tuberculosis or
transitional carcinoma.
Patients were excluded if (a) any urinary tract or
prostatic infection within 3 months prior to the study or
any active genital infection, (b) history of cyclophosphamide, chemical or radiation cystitis, (c) history of
bladder tumors or tuberculosis, and (d) if they had
hydrodistention, intravesical therapy or had been treated
with pentosan polysulfate sodium (Elmiron™) during
the last 3 months prior to starting CystoProtek ®.
Otherwise, patients were allowed to remain on any
other medication they may have been using routinely
for either pain or any other concurrent medical condition,
except for any opioid analygesic.
The mean age of the 37 female patients enrolled
was 39.4 ± 4.1 and the duration of IC symptoms was 5.1
± 3.2/years. Patients took two softgel CystoProtek®
capsules 3 times per day with some food for six months.
IC symptoms were evaluated using a global symptom
visual scale (0 = least, 10 = worst) and the validated
Symptom and Problem Scoring index by O’Leary and
Sant (10) at the beginning and at the end of the treatment
period. Differences were evaluated using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test. Significance was
denoted by p < 0.05.
The demographics of the 37 female patients
are shown on Table I. The mean age was 39.4 ±
4.1 years with symptom duration 5.1 ± 3.2 years
(Table II). Other concurrent medical problems
included allergies (59%), endometriosis (20%),
fibromyalgia (20%), irritable bowel syndrome
(30%), migraines (10%) and vulvodynia (15%).
The global assessment at the beginning of the
treatment period was 9.0 ± 2.9 and decreased
(52,2%) to 4.3 ± 2.1 (p <0.05) at the end (Table
III). Similarly, the O’Leary/Sant IC Symptom
Index (0-20) decreased from 16.3 ± 3.1 to 6.9 ± 4.2
(p <0.05) and the Problem Index (0-16) decreased
from 13.1 ± 3.7 to 5.4 ± 4.0 (p <0.05).
There were no side effects except some transient
“oil taste coming up” and stomach upset in 9/37
patients, especially those who had a history of
gastritis or acid reflux. This minor problem
disappeared if patients took some antacid or froze
the softgel capsules before swallowing to decrease
dissolution in the stomach.
This is the first report of a dietary supplement
specifically formulated, based on scientific
publications, to help replenish the bladder lining
and reduce inflammation using natural ingredients.
The results show >60% benefit in patients who
had failed all other forms of therapy. The treatment
of IC presents a unique challenge for clinicians
since the pathogenesis of the disease is not known
and is very likely to be multifactorial in origin
(11). The prevailing premises are: (a) altered
bladder permeability as evidenced by damaged
bladder protective GAG layer, (b) an increase in
Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol.
Table I. CystoProtek ®
ingredients and sources.
This formulation in softgel
capsules is made by Tischcon
Corp. (Westbury, NY), an FDA
certified GMP facility. All
ingredients are free from any
preservatives. The softgel is
made of porcine gelatin.
Table II. Demographic and baseline
characteristics of enrolled patients.
the numbers and especially activation of bladder
mast cells, possibly secondary to sensory nerve
sensitization and tachykinin release. The goal of
treatment is to control or reduce symptoms, while
providing logistic support.
The most commonly reported therapeutic
modalities, as recently tabulated by the Interstitial
Cystitis Data Base, were cystoscopy with
hydrodistention, oral amitriptyline and intravesical
heparin (12) . The passive bladder hydrodistention
at the time of diagnostic cystoscopy provides
temporary (usually 1-2 months) symptomatic relief
in about 25% of IC patients and may be repeated
2-3 times (12). This procedure may be followed
by intravesical dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) administration.
A defective bladder GAG layer, leading to a
“leaky” bladder epithelium (9), has been one of
the most enduring pathogenic explanations for IC.
Female Caucasian (n=39).
The GAG layer is composed primarily of chondroitin
sulfate and sodium hyaluronate, with glucosamine
sulfate serving as the synthetic building block. It
is, therefore, of interest that urine hyaluronic acid
was higher in IC patients, as compared to controls,
indicating loss of this protective molecule (13).
Moreover, total urine glycosaminoglycans,
including chondroitin sulfate, were also decreased
in the urine of IC patients, even though they
normalized to creatinine. There is also recent
evidence that exposed bladder epithelial cells from
patients with IC produce an inhibitor of heparinbinding epidermal growth factor, thus preventing
urothelial cell proliferation; this factor was recently
identified as a member of the Frizzled family of
surface proteins.
PPS was the only oral drug approved by the
US Food and Drug Administration under the Orphan
Disease Act on findings that it could “replenish”
Table III. Effect of
CystoProtek ®
Mean ± SD
Table IV. Effect of olive kernel extract (OKE) on
absorption of chondroitin sulfate in rats.
Chondroitin sulfate was tritiated (3H) at New England
Nuclear (specific activity = 4.3 mCi/ml); 2.5 mCi 3Hchondroitin sulfate was given orally to rats with or
without mixing in OKE; plasma radioactivity was
measure 8 hr later using a beta-counter.
p <0.05
the GAG layer, but a recent multicenter clinical
trial sponsored by the US National Institutes of
Health (NIH) showed that it had no effect in
moderate to severe IC (14). The benefic ia l
effect of the glycosaminoglycans may also derive
from inhibition of bladder mast cell activation,
since both PPS (15) and chondroitin sulfate were
(16) shown to inhibit mast cell activation amply
documented in IC bladders (3).
C h o n dr oitin s ulf ate was included in
CystoProtek® because it is one of the most common
natural proteoglycans. It is a surface recognition
site and a major component of human mast cell
secretory granules. Chondroitin sulfate has been
used, together with its building block glucosamine,
for the treatment of osteoarthritis, with potential
benefit as indicated by a recent meta-analysis.
Moreover, preincubation of rat peritoneal mast
cells for 10 min with chondroitin sulfate resulted
in 76.5% inhibition of histamine release (p=0.0004)
(16). In contrast, the inhibitory action of the
“mast cell stabilizer” drug cromolyn decreased
rapidly if preincubation lasted for more than 1 min
(16). The inhibitory effect of chondroitin sulfate
extended to stimulation of mast cells by the
neuropeptide SP, as well as by immunoglobulin E
and anti-IgE, and was correlated with its inhibitory
effect on intracellular calcium ion levels . A recent
publication showed that there was no cross-reactivity
between sensitivity to sulfonamide antibiotics and
other sulfate containing products (17).
There are many chondroitin sulfate preparations
available for arthritis;, but, unfortunately there
are a number of problems with those: (a) there is
no standardization in their content of chondroitin
sulfate which can vary significantly in the size and
degree of sulfation (the bigger and more sulfated
the better); (b) the absorbance is extremely low
(<5%) making it difficult to achieve therapeutic
levels; and (c) the most common source is cow’s
trachea with its inherent risk of spongiform
encephalopathy (“mad cow disease”). To avoid
these problems, CystoProtek® uses chondroitin
sulfate from shark cartilage mixed with olive kernel
extract (OKE); this patented formulation improves
its absorption considerably (Table IV). Moreover,
olive oil is, itself, rich in bioflavonoids and has
many cytoprotective properties (19).
CystoProtek® also contains sodium hyaluronate,
another natural proteoglycan found in the GAG
layer, in connective tissue and in human mast cell
secretory granules. Sterile sodium hyaluronate
preparations have been used as a device to replenish
joint viscosity by intra-articular injection, especially
in osteoarthritis. A recent publication also reported
increased urine hyaluronic acid in IC patients .
Sodium hyaluronate (0.04%) instilled intravesically
weekly for 4 weeks, followed by monthly administration resulted in 70% of patients with complete
or partial symptom reduction, but the response
decreased after 6 months (20), and its effect varied
Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol.
Rats pretreated intravesically with a 0.4%
sodium hyaluronate for 30 min prior to acute
immobilization stress had significant inhibition of
bladder mast cell activation, as well as mast cell
protease I and IL-6 secretion (21). This effect
could be mediated through CD44 which is expressed
on mast cell surface and binds hyaluronic acid.
Quercetin was added to CystoProteck® because
it inhibits mast cell secretion (22,23) and
proliferation, including allergic stimulation of
human mast cells. Quercetin also inhibits mucosal
mast cells, while the “mast cell stabilizer” cromolyn
does not (23,24). Quercetin belongs to a unique
class of natural compounds, the flavonoids that
are present in plants, and seeds; they have potent
anti-oxidant, cytoprotective and anti-inflammatory
activities. Quercetin specifically inhibits mast cell
secretion of IL-6 (25) , which has been shown to
be increased in IC urine , and is a potent inflammatory
cytokine. The mechanism of action of quercetin
depends on a particular pattern of hydroxylation
of its B ring (22) . The combination of the flavonoid
quercetin with the proteoglycan chondroitin sulfate
was shown to have additive mast cell inhibitory
activity (25).
Another preparation containing quercetin was
also reported to have benefit in IC . However, that
preparation evidently contains a number of other
ingredients which are not disclosed, as are not the
amounts or their sources. Moreover, the most
common source of quercetin in products other
than CystoProtek® is from faba beans, ingestion of
which could cause hemolytic anemia in those
individuals (many of Mediterranean origin) who
have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)
deficiency. Unfortunately, these facts are not
available to the unsuspecting consumer (25).
In conclusion, effective treatment for IC has
been hampered by the lack of definitive pathogenesis
frustrating both patients and physicians. The
formulation tested in this study constitutes a new
concept in the treatment of IC, in that it uses a
multi-modality approach of molecules, the
mechanisms of action of which allows them to act
at different points in the suspected pathogenic
pathways in the bladder. Patients with documented
bladder mastocytosis (7) and/or a history of allergies,
may get even greater benefit with a combination
o f Cy st oPr otek ® and Hydroxyz ine (28).
Hydroxyzine, in addition to its well-known
histamine-1 receptor antagonist/actions, also inhibits
mast cell activation and neurogenic bladder
inflammation (29). Moreover, it is a weak anxiolytic
and may help in those individuals where stress in
known to exacerbate IC symptoms possibly through
mast cell activation (30).
The present results with CystoProtek® constitute
the first oral multimodal therapy based on published
scientific evidence to deliver synergistic effects
and warrant a larger trial.
Aspects of this work were funded by Theta
Biomedical Consulting and Development Co., Inc.,
Brookline, MA, USA. We thank Ms. Jessica
Christian for her patience and word processing
skills, as well as her tabulating the information on
the questionnaires. CystoProtek® is trademarked
and is covered by US Patents Nos. 6,635,625;
6,689,748 and 09/771,669 (allowed on August 10,
2004), as well as EPO No. 51275/129 and assigned
to Theta, Inc. (Brookline, MA).
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