Moose Lake Camp Brochure and Paper Registration

ANNIVERSARY of the camp!
July 31 - August 2
Rev. Andres Moroz
Sunday afternoon
outdoor concert with
The Freedom Singers
from Chicago
Our speaker for the 60th Anniversary services is from Argentina and his wife Robbie from
Glendon, AB. Rev. Moroz has pastored churches in Manitoba, Alberta, and Illinois. He
was a Bible teacher at the Living Word Bible Institute in Swan River, Manitoba while
pastoring in the region from 1978-85. He pastored the Bonnyville Pentecostal Church
from 1985-93. He was also director of MLPYC during his pastorate here in the
Lakeland. He is an able expositor of God’s Word and his preaching is
infused with knowledge and passion.
Sunday Dinner Outdoor Pig Roast
Giant Inflatables for kids
PO Box 445, Glendon, AB T0A 1P0​
Moose Lake Pentecostal Camp Alberta
780-635-2484 (May 15-Sep 15 only)
All Inclusive 60th
Anniversary Package!
All Week Dorms & Meals
Single Adult/Senior: Family: (2 adults & up to 4 children/teens)
Each Additional Child (4-12): +$90.00
Each Additional Teen (13-18): +$180.00
See all Family Camp prices
options on the website
July 24 - August 2
Speaker - July 27-31
Mark MacKnight graduated
Speaker - July 24-27
Mike Voll is the Associate Pastor
at North Pointe Community Church in
Edmonton. He is married to Melissa, and
they have two children, Aubri, and Zane.
Michael has a desire to be authentic and
inspiring. His life has been forever changed
by Jesus, and he has a passion to lead
others to experience the full life that Christ offers. He regularly
shares his thoughts at
from Northwest Bible College, Edmonton
in 1982. For the past 33 years, Mark has
served in church pastoral ministry in
Edmonton AB, Mississauga ON, Winnipeg
MB, Morden MB, Agincourt ON, and Ajax
ON. Since 2010 he has been serving at
Vanguard College in Edmonton as the School of Pastoral
Leadership Director, where he continues to pastor future
pastors. Mark has a great passion to know Christ as well as a
great love for Christ’s church. His desire is to be the husband,
father, pastor, friend, man, that God has called Him to be.
He loves to share from the Word of God, believing that the
anointing of the Holy Spirit allows us all to ‘get it,’ then grant
us the capacity to ‘live it!’
an irresistible environment to experience God
YOUTH CAMP June 28 - July 3
KIDS CAMP July 5 - July 10
FAMILY CAMP July 24 - August 2
Book your RV site
online now!
Moose Lake Pentecostal Camp
is located between Glendon
and Bonnyville, Alberta on the
west end of Moose Lake
at 61025 Range Road 474.
A map is available at
ANNIVERSARY of the camp!
July 31 - August 2
Worship Leaders for Family Camp
Melissa and Aaron Blake are from Newfoundland, and began playing in church at a very
young age. They have been in a leadership role at their church for many years and love to see the presence of
God fall upon His people! They have formed the team “Crossmembers” and have group traveled to churches
leading congregations into worship and sharing the love of God through music. This is their third year at
Moose Lake Camp, and are coming with great expectation.
Look inside for more camp and registration info
register online at
July 24 - August 2
June 28 - July 3
July 5 - July 10
Registration begins on Friday, July 24 at 2:00pm
and ends on Sunday, August 2 at 9:30pm
For all youth entering grade 7 to just completed grade 12
Registration begins on Sunday, June 28 at 2:00pm
and ends on Friday, July 3 at 7:00pm
For all kids who have completed grade 2 (age 8)
up to entering grade 7 (age 12)
Registration begins on Sunday, July 5 at 2:00pm
and ends on Friday, July 10 with a BBQ at 5:00pm
Return this form to:​Moose Lake Pentecostal Camp​
PO Box 445, Glendon, AB T0A 1P0​
Kids Speaker at Family Camp
Kids Camp Directors
Carmen Kinniburgh has 18
Anita & Don Michaud
years of children’s ministry experience
and is currently serving as the Pastor of
VAC Kids (elementary age) at Vernon
Alliance Church in Vernon British
Columbia. Over the last decade she
has enjoyed speaking to children and
youth at various camps, churches and ministries both in
Canada and abroad. She is a dynamic teacher that loves
to help children discover Jesus through God’s word, drama,
interactive teaching and creative responses. Camp ministry
has been a big part of her growing up as well as her
ministry now! Carmen is passionate about God and wants
everyone to know Jesus as their forever friend. She and her
husband Jeremy have two amazing kids. The four of them
love camping, Disney and family movie nights.
Youth Speaker at Family Camp
Jeremy Kinniburgh is a pastor
at Vernon Alliance Church in BC.
Over the last 20 years he has had the
opportunity to serve God as a youth
worker, student ministries pastor, young
adult pastor, and most recently, as a
discipleship pastor, at a church where
God is working in and through the lives of His people. It has
been fun doing life with God and helping people discover
Jesus and become his followers! He has been learning to
take God as His word and believe that He is able to do what
He said He can. He has ministered both here in Canada
and around the world. He is married to his best friend,
Carmen, and they have two amazing kids, Roscoe and Aria.
They love the outdoors, camping, fishing, travelling and
adventures in general.
Youth Camp Director
and Speaker
Samuel Acey
Our Youth Camp Director for
the previous 5 summers will be
heading up the services again
this year, alongside of his trusty
leadership team. Samuel, and his wife Haidet, are living in
Lloydminster, SK where he is the Youth and Young Adult
Pastor at Living Faith Pentecostal Tabernacle. Samuel
is also involved in leadership among his local Youth
Ministerial, the PAOC/NWT District Youth Lead Team, and
local concert promoters Rock the Border. He graduated in
2010 from Vanguard College in Edmonton with a Bachelor
of Arts in Theology with a Youth Ministry Major. Samuel
grew up attending Moose Lake, and looks forward to
continue in spreading the Love of The Lord on to others!
Youth Camp Music
Above Orion
“I will bless the Lord at all times.
His praise shall continually be
in my mouth.” Psa 34:1
Our aim is to praise the Lord
because He is worthy of it.
Music is a gift from God; and
we desire to use that gift to
bring God glory.
have been married 25 years
and have lived on his family
homestead in St. Vincent for 19
years. Don teaches Junior High
School in St. Paul and Anita
works as Children’s Pastor/
Office Help/Janitor at Bethel Family Worship Centre. They
have 19 year old twin girls and a 16 year old son. They have
a heart for young people and desire to see them grow
in the Word of God. They have served in summer camps
in the past and love spending time with the kids in an
environment where God is worshipped and lifted up.
Kids Camp Guests
Ben Johnson Family
The Johnson Family Ministries
is a family team that travels
full time all over America
ministering especially to homes
and families. Their Children’s
Ministry, KidsFire 4 Christ is used all over North America at
churches, camps and conferences and is heard by millions
around the world in a weekly 10 minute radio broadcast.
KidsFire 4 Christ brings a unique style of fast paced
children’s ministry to the platform with an impressive set
up; using puppets, characters, gospel illusions, intense
story telling, music & skits along with many other props
and tricks all to tell the uncompromised message of the
Received on or before June 1, 2015
After June 1, 2015
Includes registration, food accommodation and activities
Paint Balling
Saturday, July 25 at 1:30
$35.00/person. Maximum 21 people.
July 27-31
Meal Themes: Crazy Hat, Canada Day, and The 60’s
Mailing Address​​​​​
Phone (hm)
Emergency Contact (different from above)
Healthcare #
​Allergies/Meds (with schedule)
​​​​​​​​Church Attending (if applicable)​
In case of medical emergency, I give permission to the
physician selected by the camp director to secure proper
treatments for my child. The camp and its board, staff, and
volunteers are released from any liability, personal loss,
injury, misfortune, or death during the entire summer camping season.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Photos of my child may be used in legitimate accounts
and camp promotions.
Parent/Guardian Signature:​​​​​​
Signature of Camper:​​​​​​
June 28-July3
July 5-10
$175 Rcvd by June 1
$175 Rcvd by June 1
$190 Rcvd after June 1
$190 Rcvd after June 1
Paint Ball ($25 extra)
T-Shirt Size:
T-Shirt Size: S M L XL
Cheque (“Moose Lake Camp”)
Card #
​Exp. Date
Cardholder Signature:
FAMILY CAMP July 24 - August 2
Received on or before June 1, 2015
After June 1, 2015
Includes registration, food
accommodation and activities
Dates Accommodation Requested
15 Amp Power 30 Amp Power
Dorm (# of People)
Accommodation prices on back of brochure to be paid for
upon arrival at family camp.
60TH ANNIVERSARY July 31 - August 2
Attending Pig Roast (# of People)