The White Horse Federation Moredon Primary & Nursery School, Rodbourne Cheney Primary School, Moredon Children’s Centre, Nyland Campus, Drove Primary School, Mountford Manor Primary School , Tregoze Primary School _________________________________________________________________________ Your learning journey to new horizons Moredon Primary & Nursery School, Moredon Road, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 2JG Tel: 01793 600344 Fax: 01793 608195 Email: @moredonprimary Executive Principal: Lauren Connor Principal: Claire Leach 5th May 2015 Dear Parents/ Carers, I hope you all enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend and are now rested and ready for the remainder of term 5. We had such a busy term with everything being squeezed into only 5 weeks. We are all set for the busy summer term, you should have received topic letters from your child’s class teacher with all of the information they will be learning about this term. Our Value for May is Empathy. As always we ask that you reinforce the Value at home and remind the children that Empathy means putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. TD Days In my last newsletter I informed you that The White Horse Federation has put in an additional teacher training day this year and so school will be closed on Monday 13th July. The school will re-open on Tuesday 14th July. Also you should have already been informed that the school is also closed on Monday 1st June following the half term break. School will reopen on Tuesday 2nd June. Year 6 SATs The Year 6 children will be taking their SATs during week beginning 11th May. This is an important week for your child if they are in Year 6 as it is a chance for them to demonstrate all of their hard work from this year. We know they will do brilliantly! Remember you can help by ensuring your child is in school on time, has had a good night’s sleep and has eaten breakfast. Playground Equipment before and after school A gentle reminder that the playground equipment and trim trail is for use during school time only. We would ask that in the morning before school and at the end of the school day you keep your children off the trim trail and other equipment as they are often unsupervised and we do not want any children having any accidents. Thank you in advance for your co-operation with this. Friends of Moredon The Friends of Moredon are currently working hard to plan our Summer Fete. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances we have moved the date to Friday 12th June. We are always looking for volunteers so if you think you would be able to spare a few hours to help with setting up or being on a stall then please pop into the office and let us know. We are also looking to run several nearly new uniform sales in the coming months so if you have any uniform that your child has grown out of that you would be happy to donate please bring it into school in a bag marked for the attention of the Friends of Moredon. We are low on numbers with only a few parents running the Friends, it would be a real shame if we did not have enough people to run it as the money they raise goes towards many school events. If you do feel you are able to spare a little time to help out please do let us know. Fundraising We have had two fundraising events since my last newsletter. Thank you to all who donated to Prospect Hospice by filling up the Smarties tubes, we raised a fantastic £600! Thank you also to those who gave so generously to Autism Awareness Day. We rose far more than expected with £1140 coming from the dress down day and the sponsored silence. Thank you to all who donated, your donations have been gratefully received by both charities. Football Success We have now come to the end of our football season and have ended on a real high. Our last two games of the season have been a grand success with a 7-6 win over Swindon Academy and a 3-2 win over Sevenfields. Well done to all of the team we are so proud of the improvements you have made through the year. Thank you also to Mr Sedgwick for giving up your time to coach and train the team over the year. Thrilling Thursday Thank you to all of the parents who came in to spend Thrilling Thursday with your child. We were delighted to have so many of you there and I know the children really loved having you with them. We do apologise that a reminder text wasn’t sent on the day – we are trying hard to improve communication so please do bear with us. A couple of parents also mentioned that it is difficult if the day is always a Thursday so we will look into mixing the days around so that more parents have the opportunity to attend. Forthcoming Trips Letters should have come out for trips to Paulton’s Park, Chessington and Thorpe Park. Please do keep an eye out for them in your child’s book bags. Dates for the Diary Wednesday 6th May – Nursery Open Day Monday 11th – Thursday 14th May – Year 6 SATs Monday 18th May – Year 2 SATs week Friday 22nd May – Sunday 24th May – Arethusa Weekend Friday 22nd May – End of Term Monday 1st June – TD Day Tuesday 2nd June – Back to school Thank you for your continued support Mrs Leach
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