- Moreton School

Foster: Our
Mr Foster who retired from teaching at Moreton School last
year is now the school’s Community Link Governor, here
to act as the link between school and the community. For
example, if you know someone who is looking for a venue to
hold a class or club or wants to raise the profile of an event
in the wider community, let him know by emailing:
Tutor Group:
Issue No 144 Tuesday 21st April 2015
Website addresses shown in this newsletter can be clicked as a link when viewing as a PDF on screen.
Did you see the solar eclipse?
Miss Sturges took her year
10 science group, along with
some other staff and students,
to watch the solar eclipse that
happened on the morning of
20th March 2015.
Using solar filter glasses, students were able
to observe how the moons path crossed in
between the Earth and the sun.
Both staff and students were
able to watch the eclipse through
glasses provided through STEM
Coordinators and Miss Sturges or
their own eclipse glasses!
Maths faculty showed students
how to make a pinhole camera
to safely observe the eclipse.
Miss Sturges, Science
Wednesday 22nd April
Friday 24th April
Saturday 25th April
Tuesday 28th April
Thursday 7th May
Friday 22nd May
25th - 29th May
Saturday 4th July
Tuesday 7th July
Tuesday 14th July
Friday 17th July
Wednesday 2nd Sept
Thursday 3rd Sept
Friday 4th Sept
For your diary
Year 11 Dance Showcase at 4.30pm
Moderation Day : students not in school
Grand Final of Scotlands and Low Hill’s Got Talent
Year 9 Options Event (information sent separately)
Progress Day 3 (information sent separately)
School closes for Half Term
Half Term (Monday 25th is Bank Holiday)
Scotlands and Low Hill Carnival (see poster above for details)
Our Day Out
Sports Day
School closes for Summer Holidays at lunchtime
New staff induction day
Staff training day
School re-opens to students
Contact Us! If you have any queries about the contents of this newsletter or if you would like to
contribute an article, please contact: Moreton School, Old Fallings Lane, Wolverhampton WV10 8BY
Tel: 01902 558310 email: enquiries@moretonschool.org Web: www.moreton-school.org
Headteacher: Mr Carl Williams
Produced by Moreton School Reprographics Job ref: 2215 4/15
“A great experience
to observe”
We were delighted to
welcome the children’s
author Teri Terry to
Moreton School recently,
to celebrate World Book
Teri gave a fascinating talk
to students and was also able
to stay and talk to
students and sign
copies of her latest
book “Mind Games”
Miss Sherar,
Red Nose Day 13.3.15
Y7 Science Day
Visitors from across the West Midlands
and a variety of professions shared their experiences,
careers and educational information with students.
A midwife, a senior embryologist and animal care college lecturers
led a scientific day packed full of activities and information. The
speakers came to talk to them about conception and IVF and other
topics to do with reproduction.
Miss Sturges, Science Department
A massive thank you for all your
donations for this annual event
and for the efforts of the students
involved in fundraising.
We sold £100 worth of red noses, made £97 on a
bake sale, £37 in coffee money and a £10 pledge
for the homemade chocolate MaltEaster cake.
The Grand total raised, including a contribution
from Government is a whopping
£1984. Well
Miss Ward, Assistant Headteacher
Day 18.3.15
Our school has very strong links with the
Royal Horticultural Society through their
‘Campaign for School Gardening’ initiative and
on Wednesday 18th March we held a highly
interactive event.
This coincided with National Science Week and follows on
from a very successful event we organised two years ago.
‘’I really enjoyed
learning the scientthe day and enjoyed
professionals wer ific terminology that
e teaching us”
Olivia Potts, Year
On 6th March, Moreton celebrated
International Women’s Day by showing
all the ways we #makeithappen.
On display were pictures of the women’s rugby team and
photos of girls pushing ahead in fields traditionally seen as
‘boy’ areas. Such as, Science and DT. Moreton also helps to
inspire young women and push for equality by having many
women in senior positions and staff who are committed to
doing what is best for all our students - regardless of gender.
We also had an external visitor who talked to us about gender
inequality in other countries around the world.
There were classroom based activities in Science and Creative
Arts followed by an all singing all dancing “Christmas Lecture”
style event in the theatre. Tracey Medlyn, an Community Outreach
Advisor with RHS, led the theatre session which was both fun and
educational and saw students dressed as bees and flowers, a willow
star making competition and even a CSI type detective mystery
which saw Mr McNaughton unmasked as the perpetrator - caught
out by pollen!
We hosted 120 Whitgreave Junior School pupils who completed
their link lesson at their school. The whole event was a huge
success and we look forward to hosting a similar event in 2017.
Mr Keegan, Intervention Projects
RHS website: