DOI: 10.3171/2012.10.SPINE12512 Prospective study of disc repair with allogeneic chondrocytes Presented at the 2012 Joint Spine Section Meeting Clinical article Domagoj Coric, M.D.,1,2 Kenneth Pettine, M.D., 3 Andrew Sumich, M.D.,1 and Margaret O. Boltes, R.N.1 1 Carolina Neurosurgery and Spine Associates; 2Department of Neurosurgery, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, North Carolina; and 3Loveland Orthopedic Clinic, Loveland, Colorado Object. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the safety and initial efficacy of NuQu allogeneic juvenile chondrocytes delivered percutaneously for the treatment of lumbar spondylosis with mechanical low-back pain (LBP). NuQu is a cell-based biological therapy for disc repair. The authors report the results at 12 months of the NuQu Phase I investigational new drug (IND) single-arm, prospective feasibility study for the treatment of LBP for single-level degenerative disc disease (Pfirrman Grades III–IV) at L3–S1. Methods. Fifteen patients (6 women and 9 men) were enrolled at 2 sites. Institutional review board approval was obtained, and all patients signed a study-specific informed consent. All patients have completed a minimum of 1 year of follow-up. Patients were evaluated pretreatment and at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months posttreatment. Evaluations included routine neurological examinations, serum liver and renal function studies, MRI, the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), and the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Results. Fifteen patients were treated with a single percutaneous delivery of NuQu juvenile chondrocytes. The mean patient age was 40 years (19–47 years). Each treatment consisted of 1–2 ml (mean injection 1.3 ml) of juvenile chondrocytes (approximately 107 chondrocyte cells/ml) with fibrin carrier. The mean peak pressure during treatment was 87.6 psi. The treatment time ranged from 5 to 33 seconds. The mean ODI (baseline 53.3, 12-month 20.3; p < 0.0001), NRS (baseline 5.7, 12-month 3.1; p = 0.0025), and SF-36 physical component summary (baseline 35.3, 12-month 46.9; p = 0.0002) scores all improved significantly from baseline. At the 6-month follow-up, 13 patients underwent MRI (one patient underwent CT imaging and another refused imaging). Ten (77%) of these 13 patients exhibited improvements on MRI. Three of these patients showed improvement in disc contour or height. High-intensity zones (HIZs), consistent with posterior anular tears, were present at baseline in 9 patients. Of these, the HIZ was either absent or improved in 8 patients (89%) by 6 months. The HIZ was improved in the ninth patient at 3 months, with no further MRI follow-up. Of the 10 patients who exhibited radiological improvement at 6 months, findings continued to improve or were sustained in 8 patients at the 12-month follow-up. No patient experienced neurological deterioration. There were no disc infections, and there were no serious or unexpected adverse events. Three patients (20%) underwent total disc replacement by the 12-month follow-up due to persistent, but not worse than baseline, LBP. Conclusions. This is a 12-month report of the clinical and radiographic results from a US IND study of cellbased therapy (juvenile chondrocytes) in the treatment of lumbar spondylosis with mechanical LBP. The results of this prospective cohort are promising and warrant further investigation with a prospective, randomized, doubleblinded, placebo-controlled study design. Clinical trial registration no.: BB-IND 13985. ( T Key Words • disc repair • nucleus repair • chondrocyte • degenerative disc disease purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate the safety and initial efficacy of NuQu allogeneic juvenile chondrocytes (ISTO Technologies) he Abbreviations used in this paper: DDD = degenerative disc disease; ECM = extracellular matrix; GAG = glycosaminoglycan; HIZ = high-intensity zone; IND = investigational new drug; LBP = low-back pain; NRS = Numerical Rating Scale; ODI = Oswestry Disability Index; SF-36 = 36-Item Short Form Health Survey; TDR = total disc replacement. J Neurosurg: Spine / November 9, 2012 delivered percutaneously for the treatment of patients with mechanical LBP due to lumbar DDD. The diagnosis and treatment of mechanical or discogenic LBP due to lumbar DDD remains challenging. Patients typically present with a history of chronic LBP exacerbated by simple activities such as walking, standing, or prolonged sitting. Clinical examination is generally nonfocal. Characteristic radiographic findings include loss of T2 signal in the disc and Modic endplate changes 1 D. Coric et al. on MRI, as well as endplate sclerosis and loss of disc space height on CT. Additional diagnostic workup, including provocative discography, remains controversial.13,15 The vast majority of LBP is self-limited or successfully treated with nonsurgical management. Lamentably, a small, but significant, proportion of patients develop chronic, intractable LBP recalcitrant to nonsurgical treatments. This patient population utilizes significant health care resources, including chronic, long-acting narcotic therapy, and multiple invasive procedures, such as epidural steroid injections and facet rhizotomy. Additional economic impact includes exclusion from the workforce of a younger, otherwise healthy patient population.12,13,17,37,53 The intervertebral disc is a fibro-cartilaginous structure without a direct blood supply.32,58 The disc consists of 2 parts. The outer anulus fibrosus, with scant fibroblast cells and laminated Type I collagen, provides tensile strength. The inner nucleus pulposus, with chondrocytic cells and randomly organized Type II collagen, resists compressive forces.3,38 The primary blood supply to the disc is from capillaries from the adjacent vertebral bodies that penetrate the subchondral bone terminating in the cartilaginous endplate. Disc cells depend on passive diffusion for nutrient supply (glucose and oxygen) and waste removal (lactic acid).32,42,48,58 Therefore, these native disc cells survive in a relatively harsh biochemical environment of both low glucose and oxygen tension as well as high lactic acid (low pH).3,35,47,48 Furthermore, these cells are subjected to substantial biomechanical forces of the load-bearing intervertebral disc space. The chondrocytic cells of the nucleus produce ECM consisting primarily of proteoglycans within a Type II collagen scaffolding. Aggrecan and versican, the largest and most common proteoglycans found in the disc, are hydrophilic molecules with protein stems surrounded by highly negatively charged GAG side chains. Chondroitin sulfate and keratin sulfate are the 2 most abundant GAG side chains that attract and hold water molecules. Disc degeneration or injury with concomitant endplate sclerosis and loss of anular integrity compromise the native disc cell’s ability to produce and maintain ECM. The subsequent loss of proteoglycans and their GAG side chains results in disc desiccation, with increased load on surrounding structures, ultimately contributing to the characteristic radiographic findings of DDD that include loss of disc height, anular tears, endplate changes, and disc desiccation or “black disc disease.” In a certain segment of the population, these structural findings are manifested clinically as LBP. In this scenario, DDD can be conceptualized as the ultimate consequence of the chondrocytic disc cell’s inability to produce and maintain the ECM.3,10,11,38,41,52 Surgical procedures focused on addressing nucleus pathology can be broadly categorized into 3 distinct areas: nucleus replacement, nucleus augmentation, and nucleus repair (Fig. 1). There are currently no FDA-approved devices/drugs in any of these categories. Nucleus replacement involves surgical removal of nucleus tissue followed by device placement, generally elastomeric (Prosthetic Disc Nucleus [PDN], Raymedica) or mechanical (NUBAC, Pioneer Surgical Technology).5,19 Nucleus augmentation involves adding material, either biologically inert (silk/elastic polymer, NuCore, Spine Wave)6 or 2 biologically active (fibrin sealant, Biostat Biologix) to the disc.16,58,61 Nucleus repair procedures can be divided into 3 broad categories: growth factor therapy, gene therapy, and cellular therapy.23,63 Growth factor therapy involves injection of an exogenous protein to increase the native chondrocytic cell’s ECM production by upregulating the production of anabolic factors or downregulating catabolic factors.43,63 Gene therapy involves the transfer of genetic material to boost the disc’s native chondrocytic cell production of ECM.16,39,41,56,59,62 Tissue-engineered cellular therapy has focused on chondrocyte1,2,36 and stem cell replacement therapy.29,49,57,60 Traditionally, surgery for the patient population with debilitating LBP has been reserved as treatment of last recourse and has involved fusion of the presumed diseased segment. Fusion approaches have varied and evolved over the years but generally consist of major spinal reconstructive procedures, such as interbody fusion (anterior, posterior, and lateral), designed to structurally remove the pathological disc.37,46,53 Minimally invasive techniques have been developed in an attempt to decrease operative morbidity, but these procedures still involve loss of function of the motion segment, with concomitant increased stresses on adjacent levels. The increased rate of degenerative changes and adjacent-level breakdown after surgical fusion is well characterized.4,20,22,28,30,40,55 Total disc replacement was developed to address this shortcoming but still represents a major operative procedure that removes the nucleus and the majority of the anulus.7,8,21,34,66 Intuitively, these spinal reconstructive procedures should be reserved for advanced DDD. Disc repair procedures offer a less invasive, biological alternative to arthrodesis or TDR in an attempt to address LBP associated with DDD earlier in the degenerative cascade. NuQu allogeneic juvenile chondrocyte treatment is an investigational cellular therapy delivered via an outpatient, percutaneous procedure under fluoroscopic guidance utilizing local anesthetic. Methods Patients with single-level, symptomatic lumbar DDD from L-3 to S-1 and medically refractory LBP were prospectively treated at 2 institutions (Carolina Neurosurgery and Spine Associates, Charlotte, NC, and Loveland Orthopedic Clinic, Loveland, CO) as part of an FDAregulated IND feasibility trial (clinical trial registration no.: BB-IND 13985). Inclusion and exclusion criteria are listed in the Appendix. Institutional review board approval was obtained at both institutions, and all patients provided informed consent. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to confirm single level (Pfirrmann Grades III and IV) DDD at L3–S1.50 Discography was used to ensure anular integrity (Fig. 2). Patients were evaluated using pre- and postprocedure serial neurological examinations, pain/function questionnaires, and the SF-36 at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. The neurological examination evaluated motor strength, sensory function, and reflexes. Pain and function were assessed using the ODI25 and the NRS.18 Health-related quality of life was measured using the SF-36. A patient’s perception J Neurosurg: Spine / November 9, 2012 Prospective study of disc repair Fig. 1. Chart showing the intradiscal surgical treatment options. of improvement was measured using the self-reported health transition item of the SF-36. These outcome measures were completed by the patients without assistance. The quantitative change in NRS, ODI, and SF-36 outcome measurements between baseline and 12 months was determined, and significance levels were computed based on the paired t-test. Magnetic resonance images were obtained preprocedure (Fig. 3), and results were compared at 1, 6, and 12 months postprocedure (Fig. 4) by an independent radiologist. Adverse events were monitored and reported to an independent data safety monitoring board to evaluate safety of the NuQu cell therapy as well as the treatment procedure. Preparation of Investigational Product for Injection culture to determine ≥ 75% viability. Furthermore, bench testing was used to determine that cell viability was unaffected throughout treatment preparation and injection. Procedure All procedures were done on an outpatient basis with a local anesthetic. The treatment level was localized, and a 6-in, 22-gauge needle was placed in the center of the disc space under fluoroscopic guidance (Figs. 6 and 7). Results Patient Population Fifteen patients (6 women and 9 men) were treated Allogeneic juvenile chondrocyte cells were harvested from the articular surface of cadaveric donor tissue and expanded in vitro as previously described.1 To expand the primary allograft juvenile chondrocyte population, a cell suspension was created and inoculated into culture flasks containing expansion medium (chemically defined complete serum-free medium containing gentamicin, l-glutamine, growth factors, and l-ascorbate). Fresh medium was added every 3–4 days, and the cells were harvested after 2 passages, yielding approximately 8 population doublings (Fig. 5). Chondrocytes were washed and counted before cryopreservation in a controlled rate freezer at a density of 5 × 107 cells/ml. Immediately prior to use, cells were rapidly thawed and combined with commercial fibrinogen and thrombin to yield a dose of viable cells of approximately 107/ml. Confirmation of Cell Viability All treatment cells were sourced from a single qualified and released lot originating from a common pool of suspended cells. This single lot was aliquoted into individual vials and cryopreserved. Lot release testing was performed on a representative sample of vials according to an approved sampling plan. Functional assays were performed, which included cell viability after thaw that was required to meet or exceed a minimum number of viable cells for the lot to be released. In addition, the persistence of viable cells was further confirmed in a 45-day J Neurosurg: Spine / November 9, 2012 Fig. 2. Postdiscogram sagittal CT. 3 D. Coric et al. Fig. 3. Preprocedure T2-weighted MRI study showing single-level DDD at L5–S1 with posterior HIZ. at 2 investigational sites with a single delivery of NuQu juvenile chondrocytes (2 L3–4 levels, 1 L4–5 level, and 12 L5–S1 levels; 12 levels at Pfirrmann Grade III and 3 levels at Grade IV). The mean patient age was 40 years (range 19–47 years). Fourteen (93%) of the 15 patients completed a minimum of 1 year of follow-up. Discography Provocative discography was not required for study eligibility, but discography was used to ensure anular integrity (anular rupture with dye extravasation was an exclusion criteria). No patient exhibited extravasation of dye into the epidural space. All 15 patients showed concordant pain at the study level. Procedure Each treatment consisted of a 1- to 2-ml injection 4 Fig. 4. Postprocedure T2-weighted MRI study showing improvement in posterior HIZ. (mean injection volume 1.3 ml) of juvenile chondrocytes (~ 107 cells/ml) with fibrin carrier. The mean peak pressure during treatment was 87.6 psi. The treatment time ranged from 5 to 33 seconds. Clinical Indices The mean ODI (baseline 53.3, 1-month 27.6, 3-month 27.1, 6-month 26.9, and 12-month 20.3; p < 0.0001) (Fig. 8), NRS (baseline 5.7, 1-month 3.9, 3-month 3.5, 6-month 3.8, and 12-month 3.1; p = 0.0025) (Fig. 9), and SF-36 physical component summary (baseline 35.3, 1-month 40.0, 3-month 43.1, 6-month 43.7, and 12-month 46.9; p = 0.0002) (Fig. 10) scores were all significantly improved from baseline. The SF-36 mental component summary (baseline 48.5, 1-month 50.5, 3-month 51.1, 6-month 49.1, and 12-month 50.5) scores were improved, but not J Neurosurg: Spine / November 9, 2012 Prospective study of disc repair Fig. 5. Juvenile chondrocytes undergoing colony formation during expansion under defined conditions. significantly changed (p = 0.64) from baseline (Fig. 11). Thirteen (92.9%) of the 14 patients showed at least 30% improvement on the ODI. At 12 months, 8 patients (57%) showed improvement on the health transition item of the SF-36 (6, much better; 2, somewhat better), 4 patients (29%) were unchanged, and 2 patients (14%) were worse (0, much worse; 2, somewhat worse). Radiographic Findings At the 6-month follow-up, 13 patients underwent MRI, 1 patient underwent CT scanning, and 1 patient refused to undergo imaging. The MRI studies were reviewed and graded by a neuroradiologist independent of the study investigators. Ten (77%) of 13 patients who underwent follow-up MRI showed improvements, with 3 of these patients showing improvements in disc contour or height. Three patients (23%) showed no changes on MRI and 1 (8%) showed further deterioration in signal change intensity. High-intensity zones, consistent with posterior anular tears, were present at baseline in 9 patients. Of these, the HIZ was either gone or improved in 8 patients at the 6-month follow-up. Six of these patients (67%) with HIZs were improved by 1 month. Two additional patients showed improvements by 6-month imaging (87% total imaging improvement by 6 months). The 1 remaining patient with HIZ showed improvement at 3-month imaging, but this patient did not undergo further MRI follow-up. Adverse Events No patients experienced neurological deterioration. There were no disc infections, and there were no serious or unexpected adverse events. There was no observed immunological response to the chondrocyte procedure. Postprocedure laboratory examinations included serum chemistry as well as liver and renal function tests. Three patients (20%) underwent TDR at 7, 11, and 12 months postprocedure. All surgeries were for persistent, but not worse than baseline, LBP. J Neurosurg: Spine / November 9, 2012 Fig. 6. Anteroposterior plain radiograph showing the chondrocyte injection procedure. Discussion In general, the major advantage of disc repair procedures is the ability to address the source of mechanical LBP in select patients with DDD in a minimally invasive fashion. Although the vast majority of patients with LBP do not require surgical consideration, there is a small, but significant, percentage of patients who are ultimately debilitated by their symptoms.14,17,37,53 Each of the 3 biological disc repair therapies (growth factor, gene, and cellular) has unique strengths and challenges.9,23,35,54,64 Grow factors are small peptide cytokines with cell regulatory function. Anabolic growth factors (transforming growth factor–b, insulin-like growth factor–1, epidermal growth factor, platelet-derived growth factor, and bone morphogenetic proteins) increase cellular activity and ECM synthesis. Catabolic growth factors (interleukin and tumor necrosis factor) inhibit synthesis of the ECM and may contribute to pain. Clinical research has focused on direct administration of anabolic factors or catabolic antagonists to boost cellular proteoglycan production. Bone morphogenetic protein–7 (osteogenic protein–1) and bone morphogenetic protein–14 (growth/ differentiation factor–5) have been used in clinical trials. Practical clinical use of growth factors for a chronic disease process such as DDD, which develops over a period of years and decades, may be limited by their relatively short biological half-lives (hours or days)23,63 and by the fact that chondrocytic cells of the adult nucleus undergo senescence, potentially leaving them unresponsive to exogenous growth factors.31 Gene therapy has the ability to induce long-term changes in anabolic growth factors and catabolic cyto kines and, ultimately, proteoglycan production.16,23,39,41,56, 59,62 Gene therapy functionally requires vectors, either viral or nonviral, to transfer genetic material into host cells. Viral vectors are most efficient for rapid gene transfer. Viral vectors can be of an integrating type (for example, ret5 D. Coric et al. Fig. 8. Graph showing the mean ODIs at the different time points. Fig. 7. Lateral plain radiograph showing the chondrocyte injection procedure. rovirus), generally used in transduction of dividing cells (mitotically active cells), or of a nonintegrating type (for example, adenovirus), effective in transducing nondividing cells (such as the adult chondrocytic cell). Since gene therapy involves the active transfer of genetic material, generally utilizing a viral vector, there is some inherent risk of mutagenicity or native immune response.9,16,24,35,41 Therefore, gene therapy may be more appropriate for potentially life-threatening disorders. Conversely, gene therapy may, at least initially, play a more limited role in chronic, non–life threatening disorders, such as arthritis or lumbar DDD.9,23,24 Cellular therapy involves the introduction of exogenous disc cells, nondisc chondrocytes, or undifferentiated stem cells to augment or replenish nucleus cells that produce ECM. Some anatomical factors favorably predispose the disc to cellular therapy. The nucleus is contained by the anulus and has a limited blood supply, constraining cell migration and providing a relatively immunologically privileged environment.2 Conversely, transplanted cells must deal with the same limited blood supply and mechanically stressful environment that initially led to loss of native chondrocytic cell loss and decreased ECM production.3,11,35,48 Therefore, cell therapy must be instituted relatively early in the degenerative cascade prior to advanced DDD with concomitant endplate sclerosis and extensive anular degeneration.23,54 Animal studies have demonstrated that allogeneic juvenile chondrocytes have the potential to synthesize ECM and to survive in the disc space.1,36 Recently, Acosta and associates1 showed persistence of allogeneic nondisc-derived male chondrocytes in female pigs at 12 months. Furthermore, they reported that 6 the newly synthesized ECM was distinctly different in its composition compared with the native nucleus and discs receiving fibrin carrier alone. An inherent difficulty with any surgical treatment for mechanical LBP due to lumbar DDD involves the reliable identification of the pain generator. In the case of surgical arthrodesis, it is necessary to identify the appropriate level(s) to be treated. Interbody fusion obliterates the majority of the disc, and the concomitant loss of motion removes stresses from the facet joints. More specificity is critical to the success of lumbar arthroplasty procedures, such as TDR and nucleus replacement. In the case of TDR, although the majority of the disc, both the nucleus and the anulus, is removed, success of the procedure is also reliant on normal facet function. Nucleus replacement is dependent on anular integrity as well as normal function of the facet joints. Nucleus repair procedures are even more reliant on the specificity of diagnosis and integrity of the surrounding structures, including the anulus and posterior elements. Therefore, nucleus repair is ideally suited for patients earlier in the degenerative cascade prior to significant anular or facet disease or multilevel disease. Consequently, patient selection in the current study was limited to single-level, early DDD, which is reflected by Pfirrmann Grade III or IV on MRI. Patients with a Pfirrmann grade of I–II or V would represent a patient population either too mild or too advanced in the disease process to show measurable improvement. Patients with mild to moderate DDD would be expected to be younger and more active and would theoretically be ideally treated using a minimally invasive approach that preserves the motion and function of the disc. A less invasive approach minimizes iatrogenic morbidity while maintaining multiple revision options. The minimally invasive nature of nucleus repair procedures is reflected by the fact that all patients in the current study were treated on an outpatient basis with an average stay of less than 2 hours. The hospital stay in the Charité Investigational Device Exemption study was 3.7 days for TDR and 4.2 days for anterior lumbar interbody fusion. The hospital J Neurosurg: Spine / November 9, 2012 Prospective study of disc repair Fig. 9. Graph showing the mean NRS scores at the different time points. stay in the ProDisc-L Investigational Device Exemption study was 3.5 days for TDR and 4.5 days for anterior/ posterior fusion.8,27,66 Ultimately, the success of any procedure or device is predicated on the clinician’s ability to accurately diagnose the underlying disease entity. The multifactorial nature of mechanical LBP, as well as our limited diagnostic ability to identify a specific pain generator for DDD, makes this disease entity particularly difficult to treat. These challenges have created controversy with some clinicians arguing to limit surgical treatment of mechanical LBP13,14 and others advocating surgery in select, medically refractory cases.26,37,46,51,53 Intuitively, the key to improving outcomes does not lie in abandoning treatment efforts but instead in continued research, especially studies producing Level I and II data, to improve diagnosis and broaden therapeutic options. Biological disc repair represents a minimally invasive and motion-preserving treatment modality to address early lumbar DDD. There has been extensive basic research and animal studies investigating disc repair, but there has been a paucity of human studies. Recently, Yoshikawa et al.65 reported on 2 patients treated with expanded iliac crest–derived mesenchymal stem cells. Orozco et al.49 published a pilot series of 10 patients with chronic LBP also treated with expanded iliac crest–derived mesenchymal stem cells. These authors reported clinical improvement comparable to TDR and fusion studies. Meisel and associates44,45 reported an interim analysis of 28 patients as part of a larger prospective, randomized trial comparing standard discectomy with discectomy followed by injection of autologous cultured disc–derived chondrocytes (Eurodisc Study). In that study, 12 patients underwent discectomy with harvest of autologous disc chondrocytes that were subsequently expanded in culture and reinjected into the disc space after 12 weeks. The preliminary results were promising, with postdiscectomy patients treated with autologous chondrocytes showing greater pain reduction at the 2-year follow-up.45 Evans et al.24 questioned the potential efficacy as well as the practicality of utilizing adult autologous disc cells for nucleus repair. J Neurosurg: Spine / November 9, 2012 Fig. 10. Graph showing the mean SF-36 physical component summary scores at the different time points. The chondrocytic cells in the present study were implanted in previously unoperated discs and were of allogeneic origin, avoiding the difficulties associated with autograft harvest. Moreover, these cells are derived from juvenile sources, maintaining an increased capacity to synthesize ECM compared with adult cells.2 The choice of chondrocyte dose injected in the present study was based on the normal concentration of chondrocytic cells in the human adult disc as well as the expected viability of chondrocytes after injection. Several researchers have suggested that adult disc cell density is between 4 and 8 × 106 cells/ml.33,42,47 Furthermore, Horner and Urban33 have postulated that the cell density will self-regulate depending on nutritional supply. Given the 1- to 2-ml injection volume and an expected 90% postinjection cell viability, the anticipated number of cells delivered to the disc will range between 6.75 and 13.5 × 106 cells/ml, approximating the cell density of the normal adult disc. The clinical results in the present study showed statistically significant improvements from baseline on all clinical scales (ODI, NRS, and SF-36). Overall, 93% of patients showed at least 20% improvement in ODI scores, comparable to disability improvement in both arms of the Fig. 11. Graph showing the mean SF-36 mental component summary scores at the different time points. 7 D. Coric et al. ProDisc-L IDE trial (minimum 15% ODI improvement: ProDisc-L 79.6%, fusion 68.9%).66 Furthermore, the mean ODI improvement in the present study was nearly 60% at 12 months. Safety was also demonstrated in the present cohort. No patient experienced neurological deterioration. There were no disc infections, and there were no serious or unexpected adverse events. Laboratory studies indicated that there was no immunological response to the chondrocyte treatment. Three patients ultimately did undergo total disc replacement between 6 and 12 months after the chondrocyte procedure for persistent, but not worse than preprocedure, LBP. Conventional nonsurgical therapy had failed in all 3 patients, and they presented to surgical practices seeking surgical intervention for their recalcitrant LBP. Although there is no nontreatment comparator group in this Phase I feasibility study, it should be noted that previous nonsurgical therapy had failed in all patients, including nonsteroidal antiinflammatory and narcotic pain medications, physical therapy, and epidural injections. Eight patients attempted nonsurgical treatment for multiple years (4 for approximately 1 year, 2 for 8–9 months, and 1 for 4 months). The preprocedure morbidity of this patient population is reflected by the relatively high baseline disability (ODI 53.3) and pain (NRS Score 5.7) scores comparable to the baseline disability and pain scores of patients in the Charité and ProDisc-L Investigational Device Exemption surgical trials.8,27,66 Conversely, the previously discussed stem cell cohort reported by Orozco and associates49 presented with a baseline ODI of 25. This is the first clinical report of the results from a US IND study of cell therapy in disc repair. The results of this prospective study are promising. However, this is a preliminary study without a control group and with a relatively small number of patients. Further investigation with a prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled study design is necessary and warranted. Conclusions This is the 12-month report of the clinical and radiographic results from a US IND Phase I study of cell-based therapy (juvenile chondrocytes) for the treatment of lumbar DDD with mechanical LBP. Preliminary safety was demonstrated, and clinical results were encouraging, with statistically significant improvements in ODI, NRS, and SF-36 scores. The majority of radiographic parameters were unchanged; however, there was improvement in 10 of 13 patients who underwent imaging at 6 months and in 8 of 13 patients who underwent imaging at 12 months. Improvements were primarily seen in HIZ, which appeared to correlate with improvements in clinical indices. Further study into the diagnosis and treatment of LBP due to lumbar DDD is warranted. Appendix: Inclusion and exclusion study criteria Inclusion Criteria 1. Have provided consent by signing the institutional review board–approved informed consent; 8 2. Are male or female between the ages of 18 and 70 years; 3. If female, must have a negative pregnancy test at the time of treatment, be actively practicing contraception or abstinence, be surgically sterilized, or be postmenopausal; 4. Have central LBP aggravated by movement and or postural changes (standing/sitting); 5. One Grade III or IV (Pfirrmann scale) lumbar disc without anular rupture; 6. Have tried and failed at least 12 weeks of conservative management as directed by a licensed physician, chiropractor, and/or physical therapist. Treatment must include any or a combination of physical therapy, chiropractic care, or pain management. This may include, but is not limited to, rest or activating physical therapy, heat, cold, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, manipulation, acupuncture, analgesics including narcotics (with no history of abuse), antiinflammatory medication, radiofrequency treatments, and spinal injections, including epidural steroid and or anesthesia injections; 7. Have been offered and have refused, for the duration of the clinical trial, the treatment alternatives of systemic steroid use, epidural and spinal injection of any kind, nerve ablation, and surgical intervention; 8. Have agreed to refuse participation in another clinical trial for the duration of this study and 9. Score on the NRS of 4–8 and/or ODI ≥ 40%. Exclusion Criteria 1. More than one Grade III or IV (Pfirrmann Scale) disc in the lumbar spine; 2. A Grade V (Pfirrmann Scale) disc at any level in the lumbar spine; 3. Current disc extrusion at any level in the lumbar spine; 4. Severe disc narrowing (≥ 50% loss of disc height at the targeted level); 5. Disc bulges or protrusions at any level in the lumbar spine resulting in radiculopathy; 6. Type II or III Modic changes at any level; 7. Type I Modic changes at any level other than the targeted level; 8. Type I Modic changes at the treated level if the maximum height of the changes is 25% or more of the vertebral body height; 9. Osteoporotic compression fracture at any vertebral level; 10. Lumbar Scheurmann disease or an endplate abnormality at the targeted level; 11. Anterolisthesis or retrolisthesis ≥ 3 mm at any level; 12. Moderate to severe or worse facet disease at any level of the lumbar spine; 13. Facet effusion at any level of the lumbar spine; 14. Moderate or severe central canal stenosis, Grade II or III lateral recess stenosis, or foraminal stenosis at any level; 15. Spondylolysis or instability at any level; 16. Lumbar coronal angulation ≥ 10°; 17. Cauda equina syndrome; 18. Extradiscal extravasation of contrast on discogram; 19. Accepts < 1 ml of contrast on discogram; 20. Previous spine surgery or other invasive treatment of the study disc, with the exception of previous epidural steroid or anesthesia injection; 21. Currently enrolled or have participated in another clinical trial for the treatment of intervertebral disc disease, or received a study drug or investigational biological agent for the treatment of intervertebral disc disease within the last 6 months; 22. Participating or have participated in any another clinical study in the last 3 months; 23. Currently experiencing chronic pain generating from any other source that (in the judgment of the investigator) may interfere with the evaluation of back pain, and or back pain related disability and/or physical well being; 24. Radicular pain (as evidenced by nerve root tension signs) and/or radiculopathy; J Neurosurg: Spine / November 9, 2012 Prospective study of disc repair 25. Infection at the planned treatment site; 26. Exposure to TISSEEL within the previous 12 months; 27. Exposure to aprotinin (Trasylol) within the previous 12 months; 28. Allergy or hypersensitivity to aprotinin; 29. Allergy or hypersensitivity to radiocontrast medium; 30. BMI ≥ 40; 31. Pregnant or breastfeeding; 32. Currently diagnosed with immunodeficiency of any cause; 33. Receiving any immunosuppressant therapies; 34. History of frequent infections, active infections, or recent infections (within 1 month prior to anticipated date of dosing); 35. Taking anticoagulants other than low-dose aspirin, or have other known bleeding diatheses; 36. Diagnosed with any uncontrolled comorbid disease including AIDS, diabetes, hepatic or renal disease, and cardiopulmonary disorders such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, myocardial infarction, and chronic heart failure; 37. Active malignancy or history of malignancy (except basal or squamous cell cancer that has been fully excised); 38. Abnormal urinalysis, complete blood count, or serum chemistry judged to be clinically significant by the investigator and/ or Data Safety Monitoring Board; 39. Significant illness (including metastasis of any type); 40. Substantial risk for need of organ transplantation; 41. Those who are judged by the investigator to have an exaggerated pain and/or behavioral response during and/or after discography; 42. Those who use illegal drugs as evidenced on urine drug screening; 43. History of alcoholism, medication, or drug abuse within the last 5 years, or presently consuming alcohol in excess of 14 drinks per week (a drink is defined as 360 ml of beer, 120 ml of wine, or 30 ml of hard liquor); 44. Those with scores in the “Distressed” category on the Distressed and Risk Assessment Method, has a history of psychosis, or has any of the following: a personality disorder, poor motivation, emotional or intellectual issues including exaggerated or unreasonable behavioral response to pain that would likely make the candidate unreliable for the study, or any combination of these variables in the investigator’s judgment that should exclude a candidate and 45. Those for whom MRI is contraindicated. Disclosure Drs. Coric and Pettine were principal investigators for the IND study and received research funding and travel reimbursement from the study sponsor ISTO Technologies. Dr. Coric is also a consultant for Medtronic, Spine Wave, and Pioneer Surgical and owns stock in Spinal Motion, Spine Wave, and Pioneer Surgical. Author contributions to the study and manuscript preparation include the following. Acquisition of data: all authors. Analysis and interpretation of data: Coric. Drafting the article: Coric. Critically revising the article: all authors. Reviewed submitted version of manuscript: all authors. Approved the final version of the manuscript on behalf of all authors: Coric. Administrative/technical/material support: Boltes. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank H. Davis Adkisson, Ph.D., Nicole Rittenhouse, M.A., Raquel Scharkopf, and Ben Rogers for their assistance with manuscript preparation. References 1. Acosta FL Jr, Metz L, Adkisson HD, Liu J, Carruthers-Lie J Neurosurg: Spine / November 9, 2012 benberg E, Milliman C, et al: Porcine intervertebral disc repair using allogeneic juvenile articular chondrocytes or mesenchymal stem cells. Tissue Eng Part A 17:3045–3055, 2011 2. Adkisson HD, Milliman C, Zhang X, Mauch K, Maziarz RT, Streeter PR: Immune evasion by neocartilage-derived chondrocytes: Implications for biologic repair of joint articular cartilage. Stem Cell Res (Amst) 4:57–68, 2010 3. 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Accepted October 3, 2012. Portions of this work were presented as a podium presentation at the AANS/CNS Joint Section on Spine and Peripheral Nerves, Orlando, Florida, March 9, 2012. Please include this information when citing this paper: published online November 9, 2012; DOI: 10.3171/2012.10.SPINE12512. Address correspondence to: Domagoj Coric, M.D., Carolina Neurosurgery and Spine Associates, 225 Baldwin Avenue, Charlotte, North Carolina 28207. email: 11
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