HyTracker™ Rail Cart System A member of the Morsky Group Brush Cutting Services HyTracker™ Services Culvert replacement and maintenance Ditch cleaning Slope protection utilizing rip rap Response to slides and washouts Derailment cleanup Brush cutting Working with Ingenuity and Integrity www.morsky.ca The HyTracker ™ Rail Cart System utilizes a CAT 320 excavator; which is selfpropelled and capable of a travel unit speed of up to 25 mph. The CAT 320 excavator has the ability to work on and off the rail line and does not require a railway crossing to dismount. When rail traffic needs to get through, the hydraulic lines with quick couplers can be disconnected, the equipment and rail cart can be lifted from the tracks in minutes. Each cart is equipped with knuckles and an air system. The air system is capable of operating side dump rail cars. Equipment is designed with a fail safe air braking system. The HyTracker™ gondola has a 20 cubic yard capacity for aggregate and is also designed with stakes to transport culverts. Contact Information Marty Willfong Chief Operating Officer Office: 306.924.1065 Mobile: 306.531.9707 Email: marty@morsky.ca Larry Hogelie Project Manager Office: 306.924.1065 Mobile: 306.536.5506 Email: larry@morsky.ca Working with Ingenuity and Integrity www.morsky.ca 2
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