ANNUAL REPORT 2013 / 2014

2013 / 2014
AGENDA, ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, Tuesday 28th October 2014
BOARD MEMBERS 2013– 2014
Hon. Secretary
Treasurer’s Report
General Manager
Neighbour Aid Team
Mortdale Occasional Child Care Director and Assistant Director
Peakhurst South and Lugarno Out of School Hours Care
Adult Leisure Learning
Volunteer Voice Committee President
Co-ordinator, Capers
Knitting Coordinator
*Please note all of those noted in this publication are those currently occupying the designated positions
Independent Auditor
Statement by the Board
Annual Financial Reports
To be part of the community and known for the services and assistance provided.
To consistently service those in the community who are in need.
To run the centre efficiently so that the services can be maintained to the community.
Mortdale Community Services Inc. is committed to providing high quality, affordable and accessible services to people
of all ages in the local community
Adapt to the changing needs of the community through community consultation
Encourage community involvement
Ensure confidentiality
Support people to make the best decision for themselves and to retain their independence
Refer people to other service providers when unable to assist
Provide ongoing support and training to both paid and volunteer staff
Provide opportunities for voluntary work both in the Centre and in the community
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Information and referral
Support for older people, people with dementia, people with disabilities and their carers
Parenting Programmes and Support
English Conversation Classes
Adult Leisure Learning Classes
Out of School Hours Centre at Lugarno and Peakhurst South Public Schools
Occasional Child Care on our premises
Social Occasions for Nursing Home residents
Ageing, Disabilities and Home Care
Australian Sports Commission
FACS Community Services
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Hurstville City Council
Kogarah Council
Rockdale Council
SDN Child and Family Services
Women’s Health Unit
MCS would also like to thank the following organisations for their support in allowing Mortdale Community
Services Inc. to use their premises:
Peakhurst South Public School
Lugarno Public School
All Saints Anglican Church
Mortdale Uniting Church
Oatley RSL & Community Club
Mortdale District Pensioners & Welfare Club
Club Central Hurstville
Christ Church Anglican Mortdale
Mortdale Community Services Inc. to thank all of their donors and supporters for their continued and ongoing
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12.00 noon Tuesday 28th October 2014
Previous Minutes of Annual General Meeting held Monday, 28th OCTOBER 2013
Reports tabled from:
General Manager
Aged Services Manager
Mortdale Occasional Child Care Director
Out of School Hours Care Manager
Adult Leisure Learning Committee President
Volunteer Voice Committee President
The Board President – Marion Smith
General Manager – Lance Rickards
Life Membership and Certificate of Service –
Community Spirit Award –
Special Motion
Motion No 1
That the name of Mortdale Community Services Inc. be changed to Jubilee Community Services Inc.
Moved by
2nd by
Kevin Smith
Bill Penfold
Motion No 2
That the name “Mortdale Community Services” be registered as a trade name of Jubilee Community Services
Moved by
2nd by
Kevin Smith
Bill Penfold
These two motions would be effective from the date of the AGM 28th Oct 2014
Election of the Board 2014 – 2015
Confirmation of Auditors Appointment
General Business
Closure of Meeting
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BOARD MEMBERS 2013– 2014
Marion Smith
Alice Lehane
Kevin Smith
Public Officer
Kevin Smith
William Penfold
Bryan Pirie
Colin Donahee
Heather Johnson
Hon. Auditor
Peter Quigley
Hon. Solicitor
Alice Lehane, Kevin Smith, Julie Harris, Lance Rickards
Valmai Douglas, Lois Loughnan, Marie Hudson, Joan Vaughan, Bill Penfold, Marion Smith,
Mrs. Greta Beston
Mrs. Jenny Cooney
Mr. Clifton Felton
Mrs. Christina Henry
Mrs. Alice Lehane
Mrs. Edna McCann
Mrs. Betty Small
Mrs. Kath Upton
Mrs. Marjorie Williams
Mrs. Eve Bostock
Mrs. Jenny Della Torre
Ms Marie Ficarra
Mrs. Daphne Horn
Mr John Loughnan
Mr Jim Nicholson OAM
Mrs. Gene Smith
Mrs. Joan Vaughn OAM
Mrs. Joan Willson
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Mrs. Gloria Bran
Mrs. Valmai Douglas OAM
Mrs. Phyllis Garrad
Mrs. Marie Hudson
Mrs. Lois Loughnan OAM
Mrs. Gwen O’Dell
Mrs. Marion Smith
Mr Kevin Wilcox
Mrs. Berneice Wilson
Mrs. June Bullot
Mrs. Molley Eltoft
Ms Suzanne Harrold
Mrs. Liz King
Mrs. Kylie MacDonald
Ms Della Owen
Mrs.Stephanie Turner
Mrs. Winifred Wilcox
This year has been foreshadowed with the imminent move from our present location of over 40 years to the now
“under construction” of our “new home” in Jubilee Park (formally the location of the Mortdale Bowling Club. Plans have
well and truly been approved with careful liaison with the MCS Board and our General Manager Lance to ensure that
every aspect of the facility reaches present standards. Positively we will be able to offer to our Community more
places in our Child Care Centre, offer all our existing programs and look to providing additional ones in a “state of the
art” facility.
We welcome to the Board of MCS long-time supporter of MCS Heather Johnson, former Principal of Peakhurst High
School (now Georges River Junior Campus), and all other positions remain the same. We have a diverse but active
mixture of Board Members, all contributing in their own way to the ongoing well- being of our growing organization.
Staff changes have been reasonably prolific this year, however our team is now very well qualified to ensure that we
are offering the best of service to those in our community. We have been able to fund an additional Bus which has
allowed us to offer greater “Before and After School” service to a wider group of children. This is an essential service
as the need for two parents working grows.
This year the “May Fair” was successfully held at Mortdale Public School as we had encountered various issues
pertaining to street closure outside our existing Centre. Secretary Kevin and I missed the Fair this year as we were
overseas taking a holiday to celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary. Lugarno Lions under Board Member Bill
Penfold’s direction ensured that a great deal of the “nuts and bolts” of this sort of function were covered. Again our
Volunteers provided a great deal of the labour as well as providing goods and services on their various stalls.
The recent “Trivia Night” held at “Club Central” Hurstville again in conjunction with our Events Committee and
Lugarno Lions expert team provided a great night which was both fun and profitable. Our thanks to our Community
Worker Maree Gunn who professionally assisted the Volunteer team. Our thanks to Club Central Hurstville for
providing the venue free of charge and the Lions of Lugarno who provided both Compere and Presentation Team for
the evening. Our thanks to Peter Quigley and a number of local businesses for their generosity with the prizes.
What can I say about our General Manager Lance Rickards who continues to “steer the ship” with increased vigour
and enthusiasm. Lance’s knowledge of the “not for profit” sector is exemplary and is forever looking for and advising
our Board of ways and means to ensure that we offer as many possible options to our clients – “the Community”. This
year we have been able to offer English and Spanish Classes, continue our TAFE related course for our male Seniors,
as well as looking after our aged and childcare services and improve the quality of what is on offer (We are presently
relocating our OSSH Centre at Peakhurst South School to larger rooms on site in compliance with present legislation)
Our Volunteers continue to provide a marvellous “show of strength” with their many stalls held at various community
events. The quality of what they provide is exemplary and sought out by their following of community supporters. They
also provide substantial funds from their efforts to our organization. We thank them for their continuing efforts.
Similarly with our Editorial Team headed by Joan Wilson with “Volunteer Voice” our magazine, and Marie Hudson and
her team with “Adult Leisure Learning” and its multiple courses that are provided by this group for the enjoyment and
learning of our older community members. We thank and acknowledge the work done by these members.
Our recently held “Appreciation Night” at Mortdale RSL Club gave the Board the opportunity to thank and
acknowledge our many volunteers and supporters within the community. Appropriate Awards in recognition of
outstanding support were presented by State Member for Oatley Mark Coure accompanied by his wife Adla and new
baby son James. Our beautiful celebration cake made and donated by Oatley Lion Lynda Robinson was jointly cut by
long term volunteers Joan Vaughan and Joan Wilson.
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As we prepare for our transition to both our new facility and a new and exciting period in MCS history, I look back with
thanks to all those who have for many years contributed so selflessly to the ongoing well-being of Mortdale
Community Service but also look forward with excitement and enthusiasm to a new chapter in our continuing service.
Marion Smith
President of the Board
Mortdale Community Service Inc.
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The role of the Honorary Secretary this year has been relatively “easy”. While never boring the routine process has
been more straight forward than previous years.
The structure of administration implemented over the year has allowed many Secretarial duties to be blended with
the commercial and professional side of our organisation, stream 1. Julie Harris has upgraded and maintained our
membership register to the required standard. The Annual Return required by NSW Fair Trading is readily prepared
from financial records prepared by Treasurer Alice Lehane working with Julie Harris.
The Board has been most effective in planning & monitoring the function of MCS overall. Regular monthly Board
meetings are held, plus the occasional mini Board meetings. The broad knowledge and experience of Board
members has ensured a balanced & fair outcome of most decisions. The strategic plan implemented several years
ago is producing the desired outcome.
General Manager Lance Rickards is the key to our progress. His hands on, do it now approach ensures the
commercial administration is dynamic and progressive. The occasional difficult is resolved promptly and efficiently.
Opportunities are pursued without delay. The substantial improvement in our Bank balance and asset acquisition are
witness to his efforts. His value to MCS is undoubted.
While there is the occasional issue with staff all have been resolved efficiently. The quality & professionalism of staff
has improved markedly over the year with all, or most, being now qualified in their role. Lance has administered staff
management very well.
Members can be assured the management and control of MCS over the 2013-2014 year has been in good hands. The
coming year will be rewarding with the new facility due for completion in May2015. Other substantial enhancements
to MCS are being negotiated, watch for future announcements.
I would be pleased to discuss with any member more detail if required.
Kevin Smith
Hon. Secretary
Mortdale Community Services Inc.
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The financial reports which follow show the results for the year ended 30 th June 2014, together with their comparatives
for 2013.
The key highlights are:
Total Income is over $1.5 million with user based fees now providing a strong base of over $1
million this is supplemented by grants over $470 thousand, and to a lesser extent our interest
income, donations and fundraising totaling over $26 thousand. As the strength of our business
model has improved we have been able to reduce our financial dependence on the receipt of
grants and fundraising. This will ensure our financial independence for the future.
Total Assets were over $353 thousand (2013 $220 thousand) with over $270 thousand invested
in interest earning accounts. Our equity of $143 thousand has increased by 26% from last year of
$113 thousand.
Provisions for staff leave and associated costs have been fully provided and together with
provisions associated with the move to new premises in 2015 and for the replacement of our bus.
The total of these all amount to close to $150 thousand which leaves us with a solid base for the
future year ahead.
Our thanks to our Auditor, Peter Quigley who does a tremendous job. Without his volunteer support the operating
costs of our audit would be a considerable financial burden.
Our Management committee has reviewed all the monthly reports and budgets that together with the work of our
General Manager, Lance Rickards, and employed staff member, Julie Harris have contributed to the continued
improved result before you today. It is this combination of paid dedicated staff, board members and other volunteers
that together work to result in such a great team effort at MCS.
We look forward to a prosperous future in especially with the anticipation and opportunities that come with new
proposed premises in the coming year ahead.
Alice Lehane
Honorary Treasurer
Mortdale Community Services Inc.
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Once again it is with great pleasure that I am able to write my report annual report, a year, which encompasses the
success and growth of Mortdale Community Services during the 2013/2104 financial year.
Great news, as work has commenced on our new Community Centre the official start date of the project was the 23rd
June 2014.
The project is due to be concluded by Mid-2015.
The total cost of the project will be $3.6 million
I have included a copy of the project floor plan of the Jubilee Community Centre which can be found at the back of this
The new centre will be known as the Jubilee Park Community Centre, this name was selected by Hurstville Council.
This is the dawning of a new chapter in the history of Mortdale Community Services.
Therefore MCS will need to take this opportunity to reflect and look to the future with the emergence of the new
building, comes the new and exciting opportunity to rebrand and extend the service that we provide to our local
This will also allow MCS to position itself as a leader and provider of specialised services within the local community.
The new centre will enable MCS to grow our child care services.
The new centre will allow us to increase or child care places from our current number of 21 to the new number of 28.
MCS will become a provider of Long Day Care which will provide local families with greater flexibility when using the
child care service.
All in all the future is bright and the opportunities are endless.
The numbers of service users has increased dramatically over the past twelve months with both our OOSH and
Vacation Care programs operating at near capacity.
The Occasional Child Care program (OCCY) is bursting at the seams with many names on the waiting list seeking the
opportunity for a placement.
The CCB rebate was introduced within the Occasional Child Care program (OCCY) in October 2013 which has
reduced the cost of the service for many families that were eligible for the rebate
Ove the past twelve months MCS obtained many new grants which allowed MCS to continue and increase many new
and exciting programs, including the Quit Smoking Program, Spanish Classes , Computer Classes , English Classes
for the Chinese community , the Chinese Social Group, the Mental Health Art group (MHAD) and many others.
Once again MCS was able to invest in its staff by providing targeted training courses to develop and upgrade their
skills, which has assisted many of the staff in performing their roles.
There has been a number of changes and a restructure of our staff.
Julie Harris in the operational management role has provided me with great deal of support.
Sonia Petmesian was appointed as the Manager of Children’s Services.
OCCY will soon change its existing classification to the new classification of Long Day Care once we occupy the new
Marree Gunn worked tirelessly in her role of Community Development worker introducing many new programs such
as Stepping On, Yoga Classes, Gardening and Car Maintenance Program
There has been many hours of liaison with Hurstville Council regarding Mortdale Community Services new home
which will be located in Jubilee Park on Boundary Road.
I also wish to personally thank all of the MCS Staff and Volunteers for their hard work over the past twelve months
which has enabled MCS have another highly successful year.
I would also like to thank our dedicated front of office volunteers, Susan Mock, Greta Beston, Jan Green & Raymond
Lance Rickards
General Manager
Mortdale Community Services Inc.
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The Neighbour Aid program is designed to assist frail aged people, people with Dementia and their Carers in our local
community. Mortdale Community Services Neighbour Aid program aims to promote positive ageing that relates to the
independence, participation, care, self-fulfillment and dignity of our Ageing community. Neighbour Aid is funded by the
Department of Health and Ageing (DOHA). Our Services are only available to people over the age of 65, people who
reside in the Hurstville LGA, people with a disability and their Carers, or Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders over the
age of 50. Our staff can provide information on other services available to assist you with meeting your needs. A
referral can also be made to other appropriate services.
Mortdale Community Services Neighbour Aid program provides an extensive range of Social support services
Regular Bus Outings
Friendship Luncheons
Ladies / Men’s Day Out
Home Visiting
Accompanied or List Shopping
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Our Dementia support workers will provide Neighbour Aid type services for people living with Dementia and their
Carers. Services include:
Weekly Dementia Specific Outings
Dementia In-home Monitoring
Accompanied Shopping
The Neighbour Aid Program continues to thrive and has increased social outings to cater for more clients. Michelle
Herron left us in May 2013 to go on maternity leave and Alma and Emily have now joined the Neighbour Aid team.
Monique Lawson continues her great work as the Social Support Worker.
Funding ceased in December 2013.
A big thank you to ALL the volunteers who have been and continue to be involved in making this program the success
that it is. A big thank you to Fred Condon who has now left us as our volunteer bus driver.
Social outings have increased to 4 per month (from 3) and are held on alternating Wednesdays and Fridays and these
outings are so popular that the bus is regularly full.
The dementia group is continuing strongly on Mondays and they alternate between in-house activities and local
Thank you to our wonderful regular volunteers and bus drivers on these outings – tourist commentaries and
assistance above and beyond the call of duty is provided by these wonderful people.
The Mental Health Drop In group is still going strong and regularly has between 6-8 participants and once a month
they enjoy a local outing to places such as Sizzlers or a local café and have BBQ at local park.
The Shopping Bus to Riverwood is held weekly on every Thursday and provides valuable assistance to clients who
cannot access shopping facilities on their own. And now we have added a special shopping outing to Roseland’s
shopping centre at the end of each month. And we now have online shopping for client unable to come on shopping
Ladies Day Out is held once month and is enjoyed by a small group of ladies.
Additionally the team are also busy providing a lot of one-on-one other assistance such as transport to appointments
and going to the bank etc.
On every Tuesday we have a CALD group. The group plays mah-jong, poker, table tennis, social dancing and Taichi
at the Pensioners Welfare Club. And once a month the group enjoys an outing to place such as Royal National Park,
Birkenhead Point etc.
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What a year it’s been, with many exciting changes and new developments within the Children Services sector. In the
last 12 months, our organisation has continued to grow and expand welcoming many new families and children. This
is due to our talented and dedicated educators who motivate, influence and inspire the sector working with children.
We are continuously improving our business through focussing on the needs of the children/parents, by continuing to
invest in technology, process simplification and delivering quality services.
Furthermore, I am privileged and excited to now also be leading an exceptional team in the Childcare Centre and look
forward to future endeavours with all staff. The success of MCS is dependent above all, on our staff. This year’s result
is a tribute to their commitment and hard work as a team. Put simply we attract, retain and motivate the best people
for our centre by continually investing heavily in recruiting and development. We aspire to be in a place where people
with good values and a strong work ethic make a significant difference.
Our Lugarno OOSH centre underwent an assessment in March and was successfully rated as ‘Meeting all the
National Quality Standards’ in each area. This has been an amazing achievement and would like to take this
opportunity to congratulate all staff who contributed to this success. We have passionate and professional
Coordinators leading each of our services in which they have developed and implemented realistic, achievable and
aspirational processes.
MCS is well positioned for the future and ongoing implementation of the EYLF and My time, our place is now
embraced across the board. I am confident that we have the ability to continue to deliver superior long term
performance to our families, our people and the communities in which we operate. In close collaboration with Lance
Rickards, ongoing implementation of strategies will enable the Children Services sector to deliver quality services.
Thank you all again for your support this year. The management team will continue to work hard to ensure that MCS
remains strong and successful.
Sonia Petmesian
Children Services Manager
Mortdale Community Services Inc.
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Over the past year Lugarno OOSH has had many positive changes and developments. There has been a change over
with staff over the last year with myself becoming the Coordinator of Lugarno OOSH. I have also had the pleasure of
having both Jessica Keirouz and Olivia Gray join the Lugarno OOSH team. Both girls are settling in well and
establishing both positive relationships with children and enriching partnerships with families. They have been a great
asset to the team and I look forward to what the rest of the year brings as they continue to bring important aspects of
skills and abilities to the centre and continuously improve and benefit the structure of the service. There have been a
few changes made to the service in which have benefitted the children, staff and families and have strived for
collaboration and sustenance within the service. We have been continuously replenishing the materials within the
service, these include a new oven, arts and crafts, cooking utensils, sports equipment, cameras, and DVD’s, board
games and construction materials such as Lego have also been purchased. Most of these resources have been at the
request of the children and again reflects our abilities as educators to listen and respond to children’s wants and
needs. Our monthly newsletter in particular has been a great way of communicating with families and informing them
of any changes occurring here at LOOSH. Parent collaboration and contribution is also encouraged within this and a
regular input from one of our families will now be entered in the newsletter each month.
Our numbers at our service have risen dramatically over the last year with mornings reaching 35 children and
afternoons’ reaching 50-60 children most days, this continues to grow each month with new enrolments being entered.
This provides us as educators with the opportunity to continuously establish positive and effective relationships with
families and the community. This year we have also added a bus run to our routine, this runs on Monday and
Thursday, picking up children from Riverwood and also Oatley Public school. We hope to add more children to our
bus run by next year. Our service has also been through the NQF assessment and rating earlier this year, we had
great feedback and received a rating of “meeting National Quality Standards” for all seven of the quality areas within
the NQF. Throughout our accreditation period our Quality improvement Plan was finalised and is constantly being
reviewed as we continue to add changes and improvements in our service into the QIP. This is an essential aspect of
the NQF as the educators continuously work together as a team.
With the contributions of staff and the current interests of children we have been able to plan and implement exciting
and interesting days for our vacation care program. We have reflected on these programs and have found certain
themes and excursions to be of high demand. There has been great feedback from venues whilst on excursions. This
feedback has been a positive reflection of the partnerships and relationships we have with our children and the
procedures and structures we have in place to ensure the health and safety of our children whilst in our care. Vacation
care over the year has grown dramatically with numbers. Last vacation care in particular resulted in numbers reaching
60 children on particular days. This also resulted in a waiting list for these days.
Tara Davison Coordinator Out of School Hours Care Lugarno
Francesca (Chicca) Bellinato Coordinator Out of School Hours Care Peakhurst
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Once again, a BIG thank you to our wonderful regular volunteers who assist on all the programs overseen by Community
Builders which includes Capers, Adult Leisure Learning, Knitting Group, Spanish Class, English Classes, Yoga etc.
English Classes are continuing to grow but unfortunately Karl who taught on Tuesdays, has taken leave for now, so we
are down to 2 classes per week, catering for Mandarin and Chinese speakers. Thank you to Shen for continuing with
these classes which have a regular attendance from 12 – 18 people each session. Spanish classes commenced on a
Monday and we have a regular 4-5 people attending these classes each week.
Collaboration with other services (Kogarah Community Services, Keystone Community Services and Pole Depot) saw
a wonderful week of events run in March to celebrate International Women’s Day, including a Film Night, Consultation
at Moorefield High School and a Panel Discussion.
Mental Health Arts Development (MHAD) – this partnership (run in conjunction with St George Mental Health and
Hurstville Council) has continued to run a number of successful projects including Decoupage, Ceramics, Back to Basics
Painting and Drawing and a Drop-In Group at the Kogarah Storehouse. This last project was funded by Kogarah Council
and saw a new collaboration with the Storehouse.
Volunteer Outing – a wonderful day out, was had in November 2013, with 15 volunteers on a bus and our faithful driver
Bert who took us to Gledswood Winery at Camden.
Carols in the Park – this was held just before Xmas in 2013 however did not achieve a very big turnout possibly due to
the proliferation of so many of these events in recent years.
Stepping On Balance Program for Seniors – 3 classes have so far been run in 2014 with two more planned, one for
October 2014 and the 2nd in early 2015. The local area health board has given us a donation of $2,200 to recognise
the good work that has been done in this area.
Gardening at Oatley Campus, Georges River Campus – In Term 4 2013, we set up a cross generational community
garden, with students from the Support Unit and others who were having challenges in their lives. Young people were
mentored by our volunteers and skills around growing vegetables and plants with a permaculture emphasis were taught
by a TAFE teacher. This project was so successful that TAFE secured further funding and the program continued for
Term 1 2014. Thank you to K Kunkel, M & B Heness, S Ficheman and H Johnston, the wonderful volunteers on this
Seniors Auto Course – this was held at St George TAFE in the 4th term of 2013 and had a regular average attendance
of 10 very keen, motivated (mostly female) students who learnt a lot. The tutor commented that he wished all his
students were so keen.
Yoga for seniors was run in Term 1 of 2014 and had 10-15 attendees each week – this was free due to support from
Hurstville City Council.
In April I was appointed as a Justice of the Peace and this is now resulting in providing the service 2-3 times per week.
Maree Gunn
Community Development Worker
Mortdale Community Services Inc.
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The MCS Neighbourhood Centre, located at Pitt Street Mortdale, offers a variety of services including Information and
Referral, Adult Leisure Learning, English Conversation Classes, Community Capers, Quit Smoking group and a Knit
In Social Group.
Our friendly staff are available to answer any questions you may have during the hours of 9.00am – 4.30pm, Monday
to Friday. Please call for a chat or drop in to see our centre.
Adult Leisure Learning Classes are held at 2 locations over 2 days during school terms:
Wednesday at Uniting Church Hall, Mort’s Road, Mortdale
Thursday at Oatley RSL Club, Letitia Street, Oatley
A range of unlimited classes are offered to the community at a cost of $35.00 per term (class availability is subject to
Decorative Art Patchwork, Crocket/Knitting Embroidery – ribbon, grub, beading candle, wicking Embroidered
Cards Maj Jong, Canasta, French, German, Indonesian, Art, Teddy Bears, Discussion Groups, Book
Discussion and Tai Chi (for all levels)
Is a social function managed by volunteers for Nursing Home residents from Fairlea, Ferndale, Hillcrest, Homewood,
Peakhurst Retirement Village, Ibis Bexley, St George Aged Care, Shangri-La, Huntington Nursing Homes and the
Mary Andrews Village. Community Capers is held at the All Saints Anglican Church, Oatley West, on the 3rd
Wednesday of each month. Entertainment and afternoon tea are provided. Transport is by community buses. Cost:
afternoon tea – $3.00 per person, transport – $3.00 per person. Community Capers
The Knit in Social Group meet every 4th Wednesday of each month at our MCS Neighbourhood Centre located at 63
Pitt Street, Mortdale between 2.00pm-4.00pm. Everybody is welcome to come along with their knitting for a friendly
chat and cuppa. This is a great opportunity to meet people and you are more than welcome to bring a friend along as
MCS supports various charities with knitted items and we can provide complimentary wool for those who wish to
donate their knitting to those in need in the community.
Since forming in late 2005 as a partnership of mental health service providers and consumers in the St George region,
supported by Hurstville City Council, a MHAD committee comprising representatives from Neami, St George Division
of Mental Health, Hurstville City Council, Mortdale Community Services, Mind Body & Soul and various individual
consumers/PEERS has developed and conducted a number of projects and programs leading to exhibitions, special
events, involvement in local festivals and Art Tutor traineeships.
MHAD aims to achieve greater access to and participation in quality arts and cultural development activities for adults
who have direct or indirect experience of living with mental illness.
Supported Nicotine Replacement Therapies. We get together and act as a support group to finally overpower smoking
Please contact our Information and Referral service on 9579 6322 for further information or email
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Thankfully I can report that Adult Leisure Learning has had another year without any complications. The numbers
have remained steady, although saying that the winter period has brought along the usual amount of sickness .There
were also three students hospitalised for operations. All are well now.
I am sorry to report the death of George “Buddy” Bran, husband of our hard working knitting and crochet tutor, Gloria
Bran. Twenty days earlier he had his 90th birthday. More than half the class were able to attend the funeral service
and offer support and condolence to Gloria.
Our Oatley knitting and crochet tutor, Lena Ninson, relinquished her position as she decided to move to the far North
Coast to be close to her daughter. Also the canasta tutor, Yvonne Maxworthy, had to resign due to ill health. Both
tutors were given a presentation and thanked for their dedication to their classes. The canasta class decided to
continue without a tutor as most had been students for some time and were happy to manage the class on their own.
Likewise the knitting & crochet class is continuing without a tutor.
Last May saw a new venue for the Street Fair because the Community Centre could not close the street. It was a
question of cancel or find an alternative. Adult Leisure Learning did not do as well as usual but nevertheless we were
happy with the result. We are looking forward to our last fundraiser for the year with the Street Stall outside the
Commonwealth Bank at Oatley on Saturday 29th November. A big thank you to all our students and tutors who helped
stack the stalls with their hand made goods. Thanks must also go to the volunteers who helped set up and man the
stalls, to Della Owen and Suzanne Harrold for their tireless effort in sorting, storing and pricing the items. Thank you
Margaret Jackson for transporting the tables and goods to our stall venues. We could not have managed without you.
2014 Adult Leisure Learning Committee.
Marie Hudson
Della Owen
Kevin Wilcox
Beverly Mayer
Vicki Roberts
Winifred Wilcox
2013/2014 Tutors:
Crochet & Knitting:
Tai Chi
Gloria Bran
John Gaugh
Marie Hudson
Mah Jong:
Pleasure from Books:
Knitting & Crochet:
Discussion Group:
Beverley Mayer
Winifred Wilcox
Heather Poirer (Shared)
Erica Schulze and Winifred Wilcox (shared)
Betty Small
Marjorie Williams
Marie Hudson
Marie Hudson,
President, Adult Leisure Learning Committee.
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I am pleased and thankful that the seven members of this committee have continued to carry out the same workload
as they have for so many years and continue to enjoy it. I would however, look a little forward to the future and would
repeat the appeal we have made several times for more volunteers to join us – this has not resulted in any response.
At this stage we carry on comfortably but it would be reassuring if some younger volunteers just came along to our
meetings to learn just what is involved in the committee’s work. Then, later down the track they would feel more
comfortable in offering to join us and lessen the load by taking part in our activities. These mainly consist of helping at
one of the two friendship lunches where we serve an average of 20 elderly people at each lunch and provide them
with company which they so often do not have. You wouldn’t have to provide the food as under stricter health
regulations this is now forbidden.
Then there is Community Capers (see Lois’s report) where much the same help is required in addition to helping
nursing home guests in and out and generally creating a friendly atmosphere.
Our main activities during the year are collecting for the 2 big stalls we hold each year, the MCS Fair in May and the
Oatley Lions Festival stall we book for October. Helpers do come along to that but it would be nice to find other
volunteers in the wings’ as it were, to stand in when someone cannot be there.
Anyway, it would be good to welcome you to our meetings, even if you cannot help in any of these activities. It’s good
to have friendly support and who knows, you might be able to come up with new ideas to help the committee, mainly
in fundraising events. If you have a query or a problem you would like to discuss with the committee, you will find they
can be most helpful. After all, that was what Volunteer’s Voice was originally designed to do.
Committee Members:
Joan Willson
Della Owen
Joan Vaughan
Suzanne Harrold
Lois Loughnan, Greta Beston, Maurice Betz, Stephanie Turner, Valmai Douglas
Joan Willson
President, Volunteer’s Voice Committee
This is an overall picture of fundraising for Mortdale Community Service Inc.
There are many volunteers involved in fundraising for MCS. There are three different Committees – the Special
Events Committee, the Volunteers Voice Committee and the Adult Leisure Learning Committee.
The Special Events Committee and the Volunteers Voice Committee fundraise for the benefit of the general finances
of MCS. The Adult Leisure Learning Committee fundraises for the expenses which have to be paid by the Adult
Leisure Learning programme (mainly rent for the two venues) – these expenses are not covered from any other
The Special Events Committee looks at the large events, including the Community Fair held annually at the end of
May. This is both a fundraising event as well as a promotional event for our Community Service. On this Committee
we have Marion Smith, Lance Rickards, Valmai Douglas, Lois Loughnan, Marie Hudson, Heather Johnson, Bill
Penfold and Joan Vaughan.
The Volunteers Voice Committee, in its fundraising role (one of their many roles), organises at least three stalls, for
which the Committee members work all year round. These stalls are always very financially successful and besides
the Committee members who work on the stalls (Della Owen, Suzanne Harrold, Greta Beston and Joan Vaughan)
they have many helpers who donate their time and show their expertise in cooking, sewing, providing plants, etc., and
who never fail to respond to the Committee’s appeal for assistance.
The Adult Leisure Learning Committee organises two street stalls annually and ably led by their President, Marie
Hudson, Della Owen and Suzanne Harrold, the tutors and students of Leisure Learning combine to produce extremely
well stocked stalls. The money raised from these stalls pays the rent for the two venues at which the Adult Leisure
Learning classes are held.
As can be seen, many people help to raise funds for Mortdale Community Services Inc. The extent of these funds can
be seen in the financial section of this Annual Report.
We sincerely thank all these volunteers for their continuous and successful efforts.
Joan Vaughan,
Secretary, Volunteers Voice Committee.
Page 18
This has been a happy year for Capers thanks to the great teamwork of so many people coordinated by Maree Gunn.
Seven aged-care homes are contacted each month, followed by contact with St George Community Transport to
arrange the pick-ups for the day – often one bus has to go back for a second load.
We are very thankful that one of the homes uses their own bus. These days the majority of guests use ‘walkers’, with
1 or 2 in wheelchairs and the rest grateful for an arm to lean on. As a result, it is hard to estimate how long it will take
to load and unload the buses.
This can mean a late start for the entertainment. Watching from the footpath, our volunteers (wheelers and arm
lenders) feel great admiration for the encouraging and considerate way the Cares and Drivers help their passengers in
and out. The entertainers are very understanding but sometimes we still have a busload arrive in the middle of an
Our sought after entertainers are booked up at the end of the preceding year and perhaps finalized in January but also
reminded close to the date.
One special highlight of the year is a visit to Peakhurst South Primary School where we see delightful interaction of
young children with folk of grandparent age or older and the children provide the program.
This year, among good friends who have been coming year after year to entertain, we had 2 men from Dapto.
They told us that since retiring they take great pleasure in travelling to bring an hour or so of entertainment to folk who
can no longer get out and about easily.
This is the sentiment echoed by all the entertainers and also the volunteers on the day. Our aim is to see our guests
joining in with happy smiles and memories stirred.
Special thanks to All Saints Anglican Church Rector and Warden, Nursing Home Staff, Carers, St George Community
Transport staff and drivers, Principal and Staff of Peakhurst South Primary School, the Entertainers, Maree and her
helpers, and our great team on the day: Della, Suzanne, Joan, Asoda, Chrissie, June, Naum, Raymond, Chong and
Lois Loughnan,
Co-ordinator, Capers.
Page 19
Volunteers Voice Committee has for many years supported elderly clients who are still fortunate to be able to
live on their own, but have little opportunity to meet others in the same situation. We have provided that
opportunity for them to go out and meet other people and chat over a nice lunch.
Volunteers Voice provides two lunches a month, one on the second Monday and the other on the fourth
This magazine continues to provide ongoing information of activities of the various departments of which Mortdale
Community Services is made up. It also attempts to bring a little light humour to its readers when space permits. It
welcomes articles from any volunteer who has something to pass on to other volunteers and thanks to all those who
have contributed to the magazine.
We hear that the magazine is often passed onto members of the public who are not members of MCS. Let’s hope it
is effective in bringing some publicity for MCS.
Joan Willson
Editor, Volunteer’s Voice
Page 20
We are so proud of our knitters, they are doing a wonderful job. This year many articles have been sent to;
Westmead Hospital
Father Chris Riley (Youth off the streets)
Pouches to W.I.R.E.S. for the orphaned animals
Hillcrest Nursing Home
Many hundreds of squares to Wraps with Love.
A big THANK YOU to all those people who have left donations of wool for us at the Centre. We try to acknowledge
these people personally but unfortunately we don’t get a name so to all of you who have left wool and have not been
thanked personally we thank you now.
Valma Douglas & Molley Eltoft,
Knitting Coordinator.
Page 21
In accordance with a resolution of the members of the board, we state that, in the opinion of the board:
The accompanying Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement of Mortdale Community Services Inc. are drawn up so
as to give a true and fair view of the results of the organisation for the period ended 30 th June 2014.
At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the organisation will be able to pay
its debts as and when they fall due.
The statement of financial performance gives a true and fair view of all income and expenditure of
Mortdale Community Services Inc. with respect to fundraising appeals conducted by the organisation,
The statement of financial position gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs of Mortdale
Community Services Inc. with respect to fundraising appeals conducted by the organisation, and
The provisions of the Act, the regulations under the Act and the conditions attached to the authority
have been compiled with by Mortdale Community Services Inc., and
The internal controls exercised by Mortdale Community Services Inc. are appropriate and effective in
accounting for all income received and applied by the organisation from any
of its fundraising appeals.
Signed at Mortdale, this 29th September 2014.
Marion Smith
Alice Lehane
Marion Smith
President, The Board
Mortdale Community Services Inc.
Alice Lehane
Treasurer, The Board
Mortdale Community Services Inc.
Page 22
I have examined the financial statements of Mortdale Community Services Inc. for the period ended 30 th June 2014,
as set out here.
The Board of the organisation is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements and the
information they contain. I have conducted an independent audit of these financial statements in order to express an
opinion on them to members.
My Audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards to provide reasonable assurance as
to whether the financial statements are free of misleading statements. My procedures included examination, on a test
basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial statements and significant account
These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion as to whether, in material respects, the financial
statements are presented fairly in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and the provisions of the
Associations Incorporation Act, 2009, as to present a view of the organisation which is consistent with my
understanding of its financial position and the results of its operations.
The Audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.
As is common with organisations of this type, it is not practicable for the organisation to maintain an effective system
of internal control over Donations, Subscriptions and other fundraising activities until their initial entry in the accounting
records. Accordingly, my Audit in relation to income was limited to amounts recorded.
In my opinion, subject to any adjustment that might have been determined to be necessary had the limitation referred
to in the qualification paragraph not existed, the financial statements are not misleading and present a true and fair
view of the financial position of the organisation, as at 30th June 2014, and the results of its operations for the period
then ended, in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards and within the provisions of the Associations
Incorporation Act 2009.
Peter Quigley (Chartered Accountant), Connells Point
28th September 2014
Page 23
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Year Ended 30th June 2014
This year
Last year
$ 42,977
$ 4,486
Interest Bearing Accounts
$ 275,252
$ 178,925
Total Current Assets
$ 318,229
$ 183,411
Challenger Howard Mortgage Fund
$ 645
Total Non-Current Assets
$ 645
Capital Equipment
$ 34,939
$ 43,967
$ 353,168
$ 228,024
Provisions for new building and vehicle
$ 55,000
Sundry Creditors childcare bonds
$ 14,732
$ 9,652
$ 5,021
$ 7,003
Payroll Liability
$ 19,960
$ 11,837
Grants Received in Advance
$ 20,401
$ 20,401
Staff Leave Provisions
$ 94,549
$ 65,323
$ 209,663
$ 114,216
$ 143,505
$ 113,809
$ 113,809
$ 50,802
$ 29,696
$ 63,007
$ 143,505
$ 113,809
Current Assets
Cheque Accounts
Non-Current Assets
Fixed Assets
Opening Balance
Current Year
Page 24
Notes attached to and forming part of the Financial Statements for the year ended 30 th June, 2014
1. The accounts are prepared on the basis of historical cost and accrual accounting.
2. The Grants received have been fully utilized for the purpose for which they were granted.
3. Mortdale Community Services Inc. holds current and adequate insurance Policies covering Worker’s
Compensation, Public Liability, Voluntary Workers, Fire, Theft and other cover for all activities, wherever held.
4. Cash Investments
Cheque accounts are held with the Westpac Bank for day to day transactions.
A Business interest bearing account is held with the Westpac Bank for interest earning purposes.
5. Fixed Assets are shown on the Balance Sheet at depreciated value
This Year
Last Year
Depreciated value at 30/06/13
$ 43,967
$ 38,114
Add purchases for the year
$ 9,144
$ 30,508
Less Depreciation
$ 18,172
$ 24,655
Depreciated Value at 30/06/14
$ 34,939
$ 43,967
6. Staff Leave provisions are allowed for Annual and Other Leave including Long Service Leave. Provision for
Long Service Leave is required under the NSW Long Service Leave Act 1955 and additional provisions are
made as and when required.
7. MCS programs use various venues in our community such as Peakhurst South Public School, Lugarno Public
School, Oatley RSL Club, Mortdale Uniting Church, Christ Church Mortdale, Mortdale Pensioners Welfare Hall
and Mortdale RSL. Rent is paid to some of these external providers.
Page 25
Consolidated Profit Loss Statement
Year Ended 30th June 2014
This year
Donations General
Bank Interest
Legal and consulting
Repairs and Maintenance
Insurance - General
Insurance - Workers Comp.
IT and computer software
Leave Provision increase
Operating Expenses
Wages & Superannuation
Wages - Agency Staff
Program Expenses
Rent (off site)
Staff Amenities
Staff Training
Volunteer Expenses
Other Income
Provisions Recouped
CCB Over advance Income
Insurance claim received
Bequest from Estate/donation
Other Expenses
Provision for new building and
vehicle replacement
Purchase of bus with donations
Total Other Expenses
Page 26
Last year
$ 3,865
$ 1,016,693
$ 16,767
$ 478,234
$ 6,155
$ 1,521,714
$ 2,409
$ 843,585
$ 22,619
$ 521,746
$ 4,651
$ 1,395,011
$ 18,173
$ 627
$ 14,806
$ 6,717
$ 19,532
$ 35,108
$ 9,508
$ 29,228
$ 79,945
$ 1,062,025
$ 111,172
$ 25,412
$ 11,225
$ 3,516
$ 5,911
$ 2,151
$ 1,962
$ 1,437,018
$ 84,696
$ 24,655
$ 21,386
$ 15,114
$ 4,748
$ 15,862
$ 20,532
$ 14,974
$ 42,381
$ 65,642
$ 976,750
$ 509
$ 123,944
$ 22,656
$ 10,002
$ 2,642
$ 6,482
$ 5,319
$ 1,642
$ 1,375,241
$ 19,770
$ 291,028
$ 291,028
$ 231,877
$ 1,347
$ 74
$ 41,817
$ 30,000
$ 305,114
$ 291,028
$ 231,877
$ 55,000
$ 346,028
$ 29,696
$ 30,000
$ 261,877
$ 63,007
Page 27
Postal address for all MCS Services and Programs:
PO Box 195
Mortdale NSW 2223
Programs and Services:
Mortdale Neighbourhood Centre including Information and Referral
Opening Hours
: 63 Pitt Street, Mortdale NSW 2223
: (02) 9579 6322
: (02) 9579 6194
: Monday – Friday
9.00am – 4.30pm
Mortdale Neighbour Aid
Opening Hours
: 63 Pitt Street, Mortdale NSW 2223
: (02) 9579 6322
: (02) 9579 6194
: Monday – Friday
9.00am – 4.30pm
Mortdale Occasional Child Care – Occy’s Place
Opening Hours
: 63 Pitt Street, Mortdale NSW 2223
: (02) 9580 1414
: (02) 9579 6194
: Monday – Friday
8.30am – 4.30pm
Peakhurst South Out of School Hours Child Care (PSOOSH)
: Peakhurst Public School
Monterra Avenue, Peakhurst NSW 2210
: (02) 9534 6982
: (02) 9534 6982
Opening Hours : School term - Monday – Friday
7.00am – 9.00am & 2.00pm – 6.00pm
Lugarno Out of School Hours Child Care (LOOSH) & Vacation Care
: Lugarno Public School
38 Old Forest Rd, Lugarno NSW 2210
: (02) 9534 6114
: (02) 9579 6194
Opening Hours : Monday – Friday
7.00am – 9.00am & 2.00pm – 6.00pm
Vacation Care
Opening Hours: Holidays: Monday – Friday
7.00am – 6.00pm
Page 28
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