MOSCOW BOROUGH NEWSLETTER APRIL 15, 2015 THROUGH OCTOBER 15, 2015 _________________________________________________________________________ MOSCOW BOROUGH OFFICE HOURS: The Moscow Borough Office hours are Monday and Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Wednesday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. MOSCOW BOROUGH WEBSITE: The Moscow Borough website is MOSCOW BOROUGH SOCIAL NETWORK: Log onto, enter your street address, zip and email address and join your neighbors in a private social network only for Moscow residents. This is a place to share ideas, news, and information of interest to Moscow residents. DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE NUMBERS/EMAIL ADDRESSES: DEPARTMENT Moscow Borough Moscow Borough Moscow Borough Moscow Borough TELEPHONE NUMBER 570-842-1699 570-842-2061 570-848-1265 570-842-1699 Office Police Department Street Department Wage Tax Office E-MAIL ADDRESS BOROUGH OFFICIALS: POSITION Mayor Council President Council Vice President Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Junior Council Member OFFICIAL Daniel F. Edwards Arthur Pencek William Heim George Edwards Cesare Forconi Marc Gaughan Edward Gaughan Rose Warner Sophia Parola POSITION Junior Council Member Solicitor Real Estate Tax Collector Wage Tax Collector Secretary/Treasurer Police Chief DPW Superintendent Zoning Officer Building Inspector OFFICIAL Matthew Zero Bruce Zero George Powell Berkheimer/Beth Murray Constance Sanko Ivy L. Brenzel Mark Mecca David Lamm David Lamm MEETING DATES AND TIMES Moscow Borough Council meets on the first and third Monday September through May (with the exception of when a holiday falls on a Monday the meeting is scheduled for Tuesday) and on the first Monday only during the months June, July and August at 7:00 p.m. at the Borough Building. The Planning Commission meets on the last Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Borough Building. NEWSLETTER SUPPLEMENT A supplement to the newsletter is now available that contains the information that is recurring in the newsletter. This supplement is on the Borough’s website, along with the current newsletter. Individuals who still wish to receive a copy of the newsletter through the mail will also receive a one-time mailing of the supplement. If you already requested to continue receiving the hardcopy of the newsletter by mail you do not need to request it again. The newsletter and supplement are also available at the Borough Office. MOSCOW BOROUGH MEMORABILIA The Borough is in the process of displaying all of the memorabilia it has in the Borough Building. The Borough is still accepting memorabilia or pictures to be displayed. Also, if you would like to help out with this project contact the Borough Office at 570842-1699. STRATEGIC LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE The Young Visionaries, Recreation, Business Improvement, and Community Enhancement Committees are working to complete their various proposals and should be ready to present them to Moscow Borough Council and the public in the near future. Contact the Borough Office if you are interested in being on a committee. LOCAL ECONOMIC REDEVELOPMENT TAX ASSISTANCE (LERTA) At a meeting held on February 3, 2015, Moscow Borough Council passed Ordinance #234 - 2015 providing an opportunity to apply for a tax exemption for improvements to certain deteriorated industrial, commercial, or other business properties. These property owners who construct new buildings or who add to current locations within our commercial area may apply for the opportunity for a LERTA waiver. Property owners will still pay property taxes on their current assessed value of the land or property but will be given an exemption for a 10 year period on any additions or new construction on designated location throughout the commercial area of the Borough. April 2015 Page 1 The exemption, if granted, will call for a 0% payment on the increase of the newly assessed property for the first 5 years followed with a gradual increase the next 5 years. On the 11th year, the taxes will be paid on the full, newly assessed value. Moscow Borough's commercial area is trying to compete with the large big box stores while maintaining its small town charm. To entice businesses to expand or to build in Moscow, Borough Council felt that the use of the LERTA to spur growth on a controlled basis was a wise yet progressive action. For this program to be implemented, council worked closely with the North Pocono School District and the Lackawanna County Commissioners, who both have agreed with the plan since they will also utilize the same formula as determined by the Borough. It is felt that for the future, the expanded tax base will help all of the taxing entities. ZONING HEARING BOARD Moscow Borough Council is seeking an individual to be an alternate on the Zoning Hearing Board, which meets on an as needed basis. If you are interested in this position contact the Borough Office at 570-842-1699 prior to May 1, 2015. GENERAL BOROUGH BUSINESS GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE FOLLOWING MAY BE FOUND IN THE NEWSLETTER SUPPLEMENT: Information that is Repeated in Newsletters Moscow Borough Website Email Contact List North Pocono School District Senior Projects Junior Council Members Voter Registration Forms/Absentee Ballot Applications Local Businesses Zoning Ordinance Subdivision/Land Development Ordinance Permits Required Property Maintenance Animal Ordinance Garbage Collectors Service Request Form Use of Facilities Form Historian/Photographer Happenings Magazine Northeast Pennsylvania Visitors Guide ANIMAL CONSTRAINT AND CLEAN UP The Borough Office has received complaints about individuals allowing their pets (dogs and cats) to stray off of their property and complaints about individuals not cleaning up after their pets when walking them along Borough streets. Borough employees and residents have noticed that they have seen bags of animal defecation being disposed of improperly along certain roadways. UPDATE ON STATUS OF GRANTS United States Department of Agriculture Rural Business Enterprise Grant in the amount of $100,000.00: The Borough installed sidewalks along the first two blocks of the easterly side of Market Street, and along a portion on the upper side of the westerly side of Market Street, using funding from this grant. There as some funds remaining which will be used for another project on Market Street. Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program Grant in the amount of $500,000.00: Funds from this grant have been used to install curbing, sidewalks and decorative street lamps along the southerly side of VanBrunt Street from Main Street, installing a new roof on the rear portion of the Borough Building, installing new siding on the sides and rear portion of the building, and partitioning off a portion of the garage interior to created a heated bay. Remaining funds will be used to pave the Borough parking lots and possibly install a new camera system. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Automated Red Light Enforcement Funding Program: The Borough will be using grant funds in the amount of $67,000.00 for the purpose of making landscaping improvements along the embankments on Main Street near the railroad tracks. This project will begin within the next few months of this year. Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Monroe County Local Share Account Grants: The Borough recently purchased a 2015 Mack Dump Truck using $100,000.00 in grant funds from a Monroe County Local Share Account. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protections: The Borough recently purchased a 2015 Roll Off Mack Truck, two roll off containers, and recycling bins using funds from this grant. The Borough is in the process of purchasing three additional recycling roll off containers and recycling bins using the balance of the grant funds. Lackawanna County Re-Invest Program. The Borough was approved to received $15,000.00 for the purpose of installing a pavilion at Golden Park and purchasing picnic tables. The Borough is in the process of purchasing the pavilion and tables. This project will be completed this summer. LANDLORDS/TENANTS LANDLORDS/TENANTS: Landlords are reminded to provide all tenants with a copy of this newsletter or to make them aware of April 2015 Page 2 it being on the Borough's website. TENANT REGISTRATION: Moscow Borough requires every property owner who rents a parcel of real estate to provide semiannually by March 31st and September 30th of each year a list of names of all tenants and addresses to the Borough Office. Forms may be obtained at the Borough Office or from the Borough website. MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS: Owners of multi-family dwellings are required by the Moscow Borough Zoning Ordinance adopted June 2, 2008 to have exterior storage areas for trash and rubbish screened from public view on three sides and garbage shall be contained in covered, vermin proof containers. MOSCOW BOROUGH POLICE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2014: Number of 911 Calls Number of 911 Calls cleared Number of man-hours Number of miles patrolled Collisions Traffic Citations Non-Traffic Citations Parking/Summons 1,686 1,641 10,837 31,348 24 75 11 41 Written/Verbal Warnings Criminal Arrests Juvenile Petitions Police Escorts Security/Housechecks Fuel by Dollars Fuel by Gallons 433 12 4 18 101 $8,889.68 2,636.94 PRESCRIPTION DRUG TAKE BACK PROGRAM DROP OFF: Unused or expired prescriptions and over-the-counter medications can be dropped off at the Moscow Borough Police Department to be placed in a collection box Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. SUBSTITUTE SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS NEEDED: Moscow Borough, along with the North Pocono School District, employs five school crossing guards who are presently deployed at five locations within the Borough. The guards are vital in ensuring that school age children are protected from the hazards of crossing our busy roadways in their daily travels to and from school. Collectively, this dedicated group of individuals goes above and beyond the call of duty in all kinds of weather and faced with all types of drivers. They act as friend and educator, instilling principals of pedestrian and traffic safety as they shepherd the children safely on their way. Being a school crossing guard is rewarding, part-time work that makes a positive contribution to the safety of our children. If you would like more information, contact Chief Ivy L. Brenzel of the Moscow Borough Police Department. Crossing Locations and Times SCHOOL Moscow Elementary Center LOCATION M.E.C. Parking Lot TIMES 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. ALL Church Street and Maple Street ALL Church Street and Marion Street ALL Church Street and Sunrise Boulevard ALL Church Street and Hill Street 7:00 2:30 7:00 2:30 7:00 2:30 7:00 2:30 a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. to to to to to to to to 8:00 4:00 9:00 4:00 9:00 4:00 9:00 4:00 a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. RAPE AGGRESSION DEFENSE COURSE FOR WOMEN (SELF-DEFENSE): Ivy Brenzel, Police Chief of the Moscow Borough Police Department, is offering classes for this self-defense course for females of all ages. Please check the Borough's website for upcoming class information or contact Chief Brenzel at 570-842-2061. r.a.d. KIDS SUMMER SAFETY CAMP 2015: The r.a.d.KIDS Summer Safety Camp for 2015 offered by Chief Ivy Brenzel for children 5 – 7 (9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.) and 8 – 12 (12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.) is scheduled for July 20 to 24, 2015. If you have a child in each age group or siblings whom you want to attend together, call for further information. The cost is $20.00 per child (free for r.a.d.KIDS members, but must register to attend). Please call Chief Brenzel at 842-2061 for further information. Deadline to register is July 13, 2015. SECURITY CHECKS: The Moscow Police Department provides periodic house and business checks when you are away from your home or business for an extended period of time. You can request a Security Check by any of the following means: coming to the Police Department in person; contacting the Police Department by telephone or by email. Forms are available by downloading from the website at SEE IT, HEAR IT, REPORT IT: The Police Department would again like to remind you that if you observe or hear anything suspicious, or if you need immediate assistance, you should IMMEDIATELY call 911 or 570-342-9111. If it is a non-emergency, call the Police Department Office at 570-842-2061. FOUND, ABANDONED, AND UNCLAIMED PROPERTY: The police department is the central location for lost and found items in the Borough. Residents are encouraged to make police reports for missing or stolen property. There have been instances April 2015 Page 3 when the missing property is already in the evidence/property room waiting to be claimed. All property turned into our department is inventoried and kept in storage. The rightful owner is contacted if possible. Because storage space is limited, the department disposes of all unclaimed property every six months. If the owner of a bicycle cannot be located or the bicycle goes unclaimed, the found bicycles are then given to the Boy Scouts to be fixed and donated to charity. Note: Proof of ownership will be needed to claim an item. INFORMATION REGARDING THE FOLLOWING MAY BE FOUND IN THE NEWSLETTER SUPPLEMENT: Halloween Safety Tips Safety Tips for a Safe Holiday Season Winter Driving Safety Snow Removal Parking Ban on Streets Snow on Sidewalks Driving in the School Zone Meeting or overtaking a School Bus Slow Down Signs House Numbers Pedestrian Right-of-Way Walkers/Joggers Thefts from Vehicles Motorized Scooters/ATV's/Dirt Bikes Leaders for Girl and Boy Scouts MOSCOW BOROUGH STREET DEPARTMENT STREET SWEEPER: Moscow Borough will be renting a street sweeper this spring. A date has not yet been confirmed. SIDEWALKS: Following the winter months we ask that residents/business owners with sidewalks to clear them of any winter debris. DRAINS/DITCH LINES: If drains or ditch lines are located near your property, do not allow them to become blocked with any type of debris, especially during rainstorms. If drains or ditch lines become blocked, water tends to backup which may cause flooding onto your property. Please notify the Borough Office if you are aware of any blocked drains. BOROUGH RIGHT-OF-WAY: The Borough has a right-of-way that is twenty-five feet from the center of the street to each side of the street; therefore you should notify the Borough Office prior to doing any work in this area. CLEAN AND GREEN 2015 SPRING CLEAN UP (CLEAN AND GREEN): Moscow Borough’s annual Clean and Green program will take place from June 1 through June 3, 2015. All items to be picked up should be placed curbside no earlier than Friday, May 29th and no later than Sunday, May 31st. Pickup will begin at 6:00 a.m. on Monday, June 1st. Stickers for white goods (washers, dryers, refrigerators with doors removed or taped shut, dishwashers, stoves, water heaters, and air conditioners) are available at the Borough Office at a cost of $15.00 per sticker. Items excluded from being picked up are televisions, electronics, hazardous waste, tires, oil, or oil containers, batteries, building materials, and garbage. Residents are asked to place small items in containers, boxes, or plastic bags to make it easier for pickup and to avoid having the items strewn all over. This service is for Moscow Borough residents only; anyone caught bringing in items from outside the Borough will be fined accordingly. Also, all items must be placed near the curb of your property and not in or along the roadway. MOSCOW BOROUGH RECYCLING DEPARTMENT RECYCLING ORDINANCE MANDATING THAT ALL RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES RECYCLE: Moscow Borough Council passed Ordinance #222 – 2013 which mandates that all residents and businesses in the Borough recycle. It was necessary to pass this ordinance in order for the Borough to qualify for recycling grants through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. ELECTRONICS DROP OFF: In 2010, the Pennsylvania Covered Device Recycling Act (CDRA) was passed which requires that all covered devices such as computers, laptops, computer monitors, televisions, and tablets be recycled and cannot be taken to or accepted by landfills or other solid waste disposal facilities for disposal. The Borough will be accepting these items at the Borough Building on Saturday, June 6th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., free of charge. The Lackawanna County Recycling Center, 570-963-6868, will also accept electronics at no cost. TIRE DROP OFF: Tires may be dropped off at the Borough Building on Saturday, June 6th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All rims must be removed. There is a fee of $3.00 for automobile tires and $5.00 for truck tires. APPLIANCES: Borough employees will now pick up appliances (white goods) throughout the year. You must contact the Borough Office first to purchase a $15.00 sticker prior to placing the item curbside for pickup. Do not leave these items on Borough property. FLUORESCENT BULBS: The Borough Office has recycling kits for 4’ fluorescent bulbs. Bulbs can be dropped off at the Borough Building during regular business hours. April 2015 Page 4 INFORMATION REGARDING THE FOLLOWING MAY BE FOUND IN THE NEWSLETTER SUPPLEMENT: Mandatory Recycling Ordinance Recycling Schedules Lackawanna County Environmental Office of Sustainability General Recycling Commingled Materials Cardboard and Paper Products Recycling Offsite Dumpster at Rear of Building Yard Waste Miscellaneous Recyclable Items Appliances Tires Electronics Drop Off Leap Pickup Christmas Tree Drop Off MOSCOW BOROUGH RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS: Signs are posted at Golden Park, Centennial Park, Clover Park, and New Street Park stating rules and regulations. We ask that anyone using these parks follow all rules and regulations. Pets are not allowed in Borough parks. MOSCOW BOROUGH SHADE TREE COMMISSION ARBOR DAY: The Moscow Borough Shade Tree Commission will hold its annual Arbor Day celebration on Friday, April 24, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. at Golden Park located on Maple Street. TREE CITY USA: Moscow Borough recently received a Tree City USA designation for the twenty-fifth consecutive year from the National Arbor Day Foundation. TRIMMING OF TREES ON BOROUGH RIGHT-OF-WAY: Property owners are responsible for trimming and maintaining all trees on their property including the ones located on Borough right-of-way. All trees shall be kept trimmed so that the minimum clearance where they overhang any public walk shall be eight (8) feet, and the minimum clearance where the trees overhang any public street or highway shall be fourteen (14) feet. However, the commission reserves the right to designate a higher clearance on certain highways where heavy traffic or other conditions make it expedient. All trees standing on private property and having branches projecting over a public highway shall be kept trimmed by the owner of such private property so that the lowest branches shall have a minimum clearance specified above or such other clearance as may be specified by the Commission. There is also a benefit to keeping the trees trimmed so that they will not be damaged during heavy snow or ice storms. MOSCOW BOROUGH EVENTS ELECTION DAY: Primary election day is Tuesday, May 19, 2015. Moscow Borough residents vote at the Moscow United Methodist Church on the corner of Church and Spring Garden Streets from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please note that if you choose to do a write-in vote that you take it seriously because the tallying of write-in votes can be a time consuming task for the election officials; write in only legitimate individuals. Light fare will be available for purchase from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 2015: The first meeting of the National Night Out Committee for 2015 will be held on Monday, May 18, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. prior to the Borough Council meeting. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the many aspects of preparing for National Night Out which will take place beginning with block parties on Monday, August 3rd and other activities on Tuesday, August 4th. A schedule will be sent out sometime in July. Last year’s raffle of items donated by local businesses was very successful and it is the committee’s intent to do the same this year. The theme for the poster and essay contests for 2015 is “Let's Get Carried Away With Safety". The poster contest is open to children ages 15 and under and must be submitted to the Moscow Borough Office by July 24, 2015. The essay contest is open to children between the ages of 10 and 18 and must be submitted to the Moscow Borough Office by July 24, 2015. The essay should be between 50 and 300 words. All entries for both contests must include the following information on the BACK of the submission: name, address, phone number, and age of participant and must be on paper 8½ X 11. We would ask that you encourage your children to participate in both of these activities. Prizes will be awarded for both contests on the evening of National Night Out. Block Parties: Last year there were four block parties in various neighborhoods of the Borough. We would like to encourage all those neighborhoods to participate again this year and any neighborhoods that have not participated in the past to do so this year. Make plans now to gather together with your neighbors on August 3rd. Please register at the Borough Office if you will be hosting a block party. Best Lit House: Make plans now to decorate your house for the evenings of August 3rd and August 4th. Houses will be judged on the evening of the block parties (August 3rd). An award will be given on Tuesday, August 4th for the “Best Lit House”. Please register at the Borough Office if you will be participating in decorating your house. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT AWARD FOR 2014: Moscow Borough placed 15th in the category “15,000 population and under” nationwide for its participation in National Night Out 2014. April 2015 Page 5 MOSCOW VOLUNTEER FIRE AND HOSE COMPANY/EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES MOSCOW VOLUNTEER FIRE AND HOSE COMPANY AND EMS 2014 Annual EMS Report: Total Incidents Total Patients Medical Calls Motor Vehicle Accidents Standby Fire Standby Other 851 543 638 93 93 27 Average Response Time Average On-Scene Time 6.1 minutes 9.8 minutes Day Calls (8:00 a.m. - 3:59 p.m.) Evening Calls (4:00 p.m. – 11:59 p.m.) Night Calls (12:00 a.m. - 7:59 a.m.) 151 376 324 Breakdown of calls by Municipality: Moscow Borough Madisonville Covington Spring Brook Roaring Brook 168 127 121 167 163 Elmhurst Jefferson Sterling Other Municipalities 75 7 13 12 Total Runs Fire Alarms Structure Fire Chemical/Hazmat Search Pole Fire 150 57 25 1 0 2 Brush Fire Trees/Wire Down Vehicle Fire Rescue Motor Vehicle Accidents 13 12 2 3 35 Total Department Assists: Dunmore Covington Elmhurst/Roaring Brook Jefferson Spring Brook 10 5 30 3 34 Madisonville Moscow Hamlin Sterling Throop Gouldsboro 12 48 2 4 1 1 2014 Annual Fire Report: CHICKEN BBQ: The annual Moscow Volunteer Fire Company Chicken BBQ will be held on Sunday, June 6, 2015. SMOKE ALARMS: Please remember to check the batteries in your smoke alarms which every home should have. If you cannot afford alarms please contact the fire house at 570-842-7211 for assistance in obtaining them. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS: Every home should also have a carbon monoxide detector. If you do have one already please remember to check the batteries regularly. FURNACES/CHIMNEYS: Be sure to have your furnaces and chimneys serviced and cleaned regularly. VOLUNTEERS: We are always looking for volunteers. . . not just to help us run ambulance calls or put out fires, but we need other kinds of support staff as well. If you are interested in helping us by baking, getting donations or donating gift baskets, or working at our fundraising events, please call 570-842-7211. NORTH POCONO TRAIL ASSOCIATION The Moscow Borough Recreation Committee and the North Pocono Trails Association are partnering with the Moscow Sewer Authority to open a community walking/hiking/biking trail on Sewer Authority land off the 300 block of Market Street. In 2009, the North Pocono Rotary Club took it upon themselves to create a signature project; the planning of a recreational trail network throughout the North Pocono area. In Moscow, a former logging road that has been a recreational area to residents of lower Moscow for decades, was included in this plan. This roadway passes through Moscow on Sewer Authority land, into Madison Township on state forestry land, and ends in Roaring Brook on Pennsylvania American Water Company land at the Elmhurst Reservoir. Extensive meetings between the three municipalities, Pennsylvania American Water Company, the North Pocono Rotary Club, Lackawanna County, and the Lackawanna Heritage Valley over the past eighteen months have been held to bring this project to near completion. Although the lands in Madison and Roaring Brook are under control of the project, there is a small section in Moscow which must be addressed since it is on private property. At this time, all access is at the end of Yedinak Lane in Roaring Brook where there is a small parking area. For more information, a map, and trail updates, like the North Pocono Trails Association Facebook or contact any of the municipal offices. April 2015 Page 6 NORTH POCONO PUBLIC LIBRARY GENERAL INFORMATION: The North Pocono Public Library offers something for everyone. Use your library card or stop in to register for a free library card to check out books for adults, young adults and children in hardcover, paperback, large print or audio formats in fiction or nonfiction. We have DVDs, CDs, magazines and free Wi-Fi for your laptop or in-house computer use. We offer the Kill A Watt electricity monitor device for check out which monitors energy use in your home and we also offer Everhart Museum passes for checkout. For a fee the Library offers copy and fax services. The Library also offers test proctoring for online students. The North Pocono Public Library has weekly, monthly, and special events throughout the spring and summer. Registration for all events is appreciated. For more information call 570-842-4700 or go to LOCAL CHURCHES AMAZING GRACE BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH: 570-842-9214, Website: MOSCOW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 570-842-7251, Website: ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA CHURCH: 570-842-4561, Website: ST. MARK’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH: 570-842-7231, Website: MOSCOW TRAIN STATION In 2014 there were 20 activities at the Moscow Train Station with no trains; 21 activities with trains (13 from Steamtown National Historical Site and 8 trains from Erie Lackawanna Dining Car Society). There were a total of 1,865 volunteer hours spent at the Moscow Train Station for events, and cleaning and maintaining the grounds and buildings. COMMUNITY EVENTS/INFORMATION NORTH POCONO CULTURAL SOCIETY: The North Pocono Cultural Society was the recipient of an Arts & Culture Grant from Lackawanna County and is looking forward to planning a variety of events for 2015. A theater evening is under consideration for either May or June and The Old-Time Fiddlers have been invited to perform at the Covington Township pavilion at the Moffat Estate in July. Doug Smith and his Dixie land jazz group will entertain at the Thornhurst Firehouse on August 30th. October 5th marks the return of the popular Harmonic Brass Quintet to St. Catherine's Church during its USA tour. The Cultural Society will be working toward another successful Russian Christmas Art Walk in Moscow for January 2016. Watch for calls for artists for that event and other exhibits. Meetings are open to all residents of the North Pocono community on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Moscow Borough Building on VanBrunt Street. For further information call 570-357-1627, email to, or visit the North Pocono Cultural Society’s Facebook page for photos, details and updates. Volunteers and ideas are welcome! FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS EXTRAVAGANZA: The Minisink Lions Club is sponsoring fireworks to be held on the North Pocono School grounds on Saturday, July 4, 2015 (raindate, Sunday, July 5, 2015). The gates to the school grounds will open at 5:30 p.m. for entertainment and food. Fireworks begin at approximately 9:30 p.m. All proceeds will benefit local organizations. GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE FOLLOWING MAY BE FOUND IN THE NEWSLETTER SUPPLEMENT: North Pocono Food and Dry Goods Pantry Steamtown National Historic Site Moscow Railway Station (The Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Railway Historical Society, Inc.) Moscow Clayworks North Pocono School District Community Education Program Moffat Park in Covington Township Lackawanna County Coordinated Transportation Lackawanna College Environmental Institute Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) North Pocono Senior Community Center Lackawanna County Convention and Visitors’ Bureau North Pocono Rotary Covington Park (a Lackawanna County Park) Minisink Lion’s Club NORTH POCONO AREA YOUTH SPORTS LEAGUES NORTH POCONO DANDY LION LITTLE LEAGUE: Website: NORTH POCONO CAL RIPKEN BASEBALL LEAGUE: Website: NORTH POCONO YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE: Website: NORTH POCONO JUNIOR TROJANS FOOTBALL: Website: NORTH POCONO JUNIOR BASKETBALL: Website: April 2015 Page 7 April 2015 Page 8
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