F No. 11012/2/2013-SSS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Room No. 528, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001. All the candidates selected for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (erstwhile Statistical Investigator Grade II) in the final result of Combined Graduate Level Exam-2013 are hereby informed that out the 512 successful candidates, the Ministry has received dossiers of 511 candidates till date. The dossier of one candidate (Shri K MURALI; Roll no. 9001013500; Rank- S1_111\382) has not been received from SSC yet. In view of above, the letters for completion of "Pre-appointment formalities" have been dispatched to the above mentioned 511 candidates. In case any candidate does not receive this letter till 10th June, 2015, he/she may visit the website of this Ministry (** SSS -> Personnel Matters -> Recruitment of Statistical Investigator Grade II (Junior Statistical Officer) -> CGL Exam-2013 -> Pre-appointment formalities) and download the letter along with the annexures/forms attached to it. The details of the documents related to pre-appointment formalities uploaded on the website are as follows1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Copy of the format of letter dispatched for pre-appointment formalities (2 pages) Attestation form (6 pages) Annexure A (2 pages) Annexure B (1 page) Annexure C (1 page) Annexure D (1 page) After downloading the above documents from the website, the candidate must fill all the required forms/annexures and send these documents to the address mentioned above as per the time-limit given in the letter. It is also requested that the candidates who do not receive the above letter by post may intimate this Ministry in writing enclosing the above documents. All the candidates are requested to complete the documents related to pre-appointment formalities and send them to this Ministry at the earliest. For latest updates related to recruitment of CGL Exam-2013, candidates are advised to visit the website of this Ministry on regular basis. SPEED POST F.No.11012/2/2013-SSS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Room No. 528, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001. Date : 21-05-2015 To, «NAME OF THE CANDIDATE» «So_Do» Shri «Fathers_Name» «Present_Address of the candidate» (Roll No: «ROLL», Rank: «RANK») Recruitment to the post of Junior Statistical Officer (erstwhile Statistical Investigator GradeII) in Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) on the basis of Combined Graduate Level Examination-2013 conducted by SSC. Subject: «Sir_Madam», I am directed to say that you have been nominated by the Staff Selection Commission for appointment on the basis of Combined Graduate Level Examination-2013 to the post of Junior Statistical Officer in the Pay Band-2, Rs 9300-34800/- with Grade Pay Rs 4200 plus allowances as admissible. 2. I am, therefore, directed to request you to inform this office within 30 days (i.e. till 22nd June, from the date of issue of this letter, whether or not you are willing to be considered for appointment to 2015) the aforesaid post as per Annexure - A enclosed. If willing, you should send the following information/ documents to this office by speed post within the time limit as prescribed above. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Attestation Forms (3 copies) duly completed in all respects with recent passport size colour photograph affixed on each copy. You may find enclosed a letter addressed to Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of the District Government Hospital/Medical College for conducting Medical Examination (Annexure -B). You should present yourself before the Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent of the District of your present address, for medical examination along with this letter. You should bring the medical report given by the Medical Authorities and submit the same at the time of your joining. Formats of Identification Certificate (Annexure -C) and Character Certificate (Annexure -D) are also enclosed and the same may be got completed and sent to the undersigned along with Annexure A. Complete address of your employer in case you have been serving or under obligation to serve another Central/ State Government or Public Sector Undertaking or any other organisation. You are also requested to send an attested copy of document issued from University/College which could show that you have studied a paper on Statistics at degree/graduation level. In some of the mark-sheets/documents the name of the subjects are mentioned at the back side. In that case you are requested to send the photocopy of both (front and back) sides of the mark-sheet(s) and highlight/underline with a pen/highlighter the subject which shows that you have studied statistics at degree/graduation level. You are also informed that, SSS is a Central Service and you are liable to be posted/transferred 3. anywhere in India. P.T.O. 4. In case no communication is received from you within 30 days of issue of this letter (i.e. till 22nd June, 2015), it will be presumed that you are not interested in the appointment and your candidature may be treated as cancelled. 5. This letter should not be construed as an 'Offer of Appointment' or 'Appointment Order'. 6. If any declaration given or information furnished is proved to be false or willfully suppressed, you will be liable for removal from service and such other action, as Government may deem necessary. 7. You are requested to furnish the name and address of the District Magistrate/ District Collector in respect of district of your present and permanent residence. Yours faithfully, (K. Saraswathy) Under Secretary to the Government of India Encls.: 1. Attestation Form (in triplicate) 2. Letter for willingness (Annexure-A) 3. Letter to the Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent (Annexure-B) 4. Identity Certificate (Annexure-C) 5. Character Certificate (Annexure-D) Note- 1. The candidate is requested to fill all the forms in Block/Capital Letters (except signatures) 2. If there is any change in your present or permanent address then it is requested to fill your latest/new address (with the district mentioned separately in the address) along with Pin Code in the forms/Annexures mentioned above. 3. You are requested to send the reply to Annexure A even if you are not willing to join this service. So, that the status of your willingness could be used by this ministry for processing the recruitment accordingly. ATTESTATION FORM fdiFcp71 T t:Et FOR DETAILED VERIFICATION 61F TIF4cnt ( 5 i:To1i.rox7 VT-TITP,Trrft T-Ffrif 1.1T4z1ic117-1 IFT4/ATTESTAT ION FORM 'aillci-41/WARMNG 1471-4 r G1=rr -4711* TIT far* M.7:1 ) Affix signed Passport size (5cm.x7cm. approx) copy of recent Photograph facrFil .31-;reaT -B-crTit RZ1T71;1-1C:fi ZliT7U1 73-411:17411: 7-6). -(TreliTa 7:}7 ft;r7 al-eirre4 7:11-4 1431 ear tl The furnishing. of false information or suppression of any factual information in the Attestation Form would be a disqualification and is likely to render the candidate unfit for employment under the Government. 2. 76" "Z#1 TIT •f c', We, t{..R 313:114ZITT fq7-:CNTr 3TIN fqTzlf 7:117.11T-Ftifff STET r-Irdi *IT arm) . -IT Et aTErar 3kT 3.-TfircW141- ZET ZMItt2.:%. 7:1-17-Fr .4,-Tf2;41e-r -'79. t5rei 1ZTT IA .4-5r 9 TFT--4 TR. wror 7R-fir fag . 1.-{17k-1tfq-11 If detained, convicted, debarred etc. subsequent to the completion and submission of this form, the details should be communicated immediately to the authority to whom the attestation form has been sent earlier, failing which it will be deemed to be a suppression of factual information. fOit mraft 7keli r TIRIf 'W-EUTtif iV) 11TVIT'EFT 1.11:rf .11 -7-1-9-r TTY (-icit Tscrra. 4. 7 - •1:1 If the fact that false information has been furnished or that there has been suppression of any factual information in the' attestation form comes to notice at any time during the service of a person, his services would be liable to be terminated. 'F-gt Pe.AMIT Tr4T 31;144 TP:19111. Surname 1. cuT T4IcF STF,III ) WIT1:4 Tfra* 3ftt t are 917 'Fir Zir-frict f;TT-11 1411zI "t-0 Irqrar qdittl Ttarr 74-tt Name in full (in block Capitals) with aliases, if any (Please indicate If you have added or dropped at any stage, any part of your name or surname) LU trill at -m- r, 1J fit 341T c7fT TIT II" 9. 11e1 /1:1-4/11Tfi 3441( 7fTfr ) Present address in full(i.e. Village, Thana and District or House Number, Lane/Street/Road and Town) 3('EI3). tiT r tOT "1:1711,( 3-fZfk Tr(ilyt-Lichilmf atrr afrr fsTCit -Err Howl -t. ("cw.) .wrrFrrr EFT -;tm) (a) Home address in full (i.e. Village, Thana and District or (a) House Number, Lane/Street/Road and Town and name•of the District Headquarters). Wf * IT)" 314' TR. afIT 1-111 ("CI) TETT 1)' lic1tut u54.44 •Ktfll:n (b) If originally a resident of Paldstan, the address in that (b) tricl the dale ¢A tnigrafion to Incii;1:1 Onion. 9-14 Name 4. -'.) T-21-14i z-Er 1*-ZT ( T - 64 '44 ST-qraTe Te--ff •:Fr-,. eft -41k It:f4-ylif Ti ( trrfoi-Rrpr 44-6 ) 4 , ) zire arm' fug tatf art it -a. rst ,731P-1E17 'Ffrizi 'FIER 21 .Efif Particulars of one year ar14--- TilT,-. .a'r 7i-f- TerFr 4-,-r 14)--aT ';-Tr -er-FR 7.7w: 311ET q qtl arRa er4 .. 4T-q. li ei places (with periods, of where youabroad have resided for more than at a time during the preceeding five residences) years. In case of stay (including Pakistan) 21 years, should be given. particulars of all places where you have resided for more than one year after attainting the age of ..............._ From To -Eft 4* ( 3.441- tom, a-err fir-g--A TTRTT, TigT/-4: -en* if /1:irri :AT 97R- ) 71Tr 7-9.11",* f=iWi Residential address in full (i.e. Village, Thane and Ty .T4 zE1 ;MT District or House Number, Lane/Street/Road and Name of the District Headquarters of Town) the place mentioned in the preceding column trFIT, 7:1--,--A-pr (a) "rty711 Relation '911T Name ( )4( tp-r9r-q, ztririt 41q ) TrRIrcir ( 44 ah-r 4r/ 31faram 44) T-P.TR , %Talfm-4 Nationality Place of birth err trar feJcif (by birth and/or 71R ) by Occupation (if domicile) employed, give full designation & official address EFT 1:1V1 ( zrr2; Trd-ER Tit 'RUM 'EMT ) Present postai address (if dead, give last address) 7-9.1141 'FZI 4F1T Permanent Home address Father (Name in .ful aliases, if any) ( 2 ) 1:11-FIT Mother ( 3 ) 11-71:frff Wife/Husband ( 4 ) 1311 Brother(s) (5) Sister(s) 7-4-1rg- (b) a41/741. TT1- ( TifT4) 41TO.- 9-a- rifr4 foreign country : furnished with regard to son(s) and or/daughter(s) -P In fortnation to be in case they are studying/living in era Name TIV!.#1-ifT ( ter 14' a-AT/ 47- arfbwrft 44) Nationality (by birth and/ or by domicile) a wzr T-err. Place of birth kp-r r=1-rr rub fcro--6 %rm - 4 -4 1 - 7 17 v.w , ii/r6 7t-e triT 9 fw44 RT TIT -ftzl 41 - -/T-4Country in which studying/living with full address Date from which studying/ living in the country mentioned in previous column 41611 h. 444,14;: 3 TruffilTlf Nationality ,7firT .0- 7-frfru (04-Y 14--c4T-0 4 Date of birth (in Christian era) 3TT Present age iii-q „4-. Wig aliii Age at Matriculation (a) (IN ) (b) -Mil.frq ( Tr) (c) 741 .1.-24T-T, f41-IT atit TM.f ttaii .4-6 fRa. t Place of birth, District and State in which situated arm" fam fir& .3i1T fl , "'-1 Z . -;1. District and State to which you belong ( ZE ) (a) ( ZU ) (b) :.- 1,7.4; fr-rm -97-i-tau 7:1- f-04 f-, t(. 3TTT Tr- i .. t District and State to which your father originally belongs arrqz-Fr vr# 3171-5, -41- 7-01 -44 (a) 3TRT ) Are yOu a member of a Scheduled Caste/ Schedule Tribes/Other Backward Class 10, (c) ( -4-7) Your Religion -s-cfr (TT ) 15 =i(ri If% 34M .4 11})-1-ft-n- r-cfisa) 3 IT chicrl.ii URI u6r t 1-4(gic) (IA fvr.1-r Th4ticiTql (b) 4,-1- chi .mif ZT -ftirvr vrqr 4)i Educational qualifications showing places of education with years in Schools and Colleges since 15th year of age : T-,h;c177:r7 r) re;R"T 9ITT af TTVT ITT-IT .9*T VI ) ca Name of School/College with full address Date of entering 11(-,y) 4TT aTTIT 1-Trgf W.--174 TIT 1TW-f tn. Trri-ft duchcr zir zTril- V, cif 1=li.i1,)19 'D) .wl 2 Date of leaving 411 . zff 31 TI i-1(<111( zrr PUTZITaq ITT Ttwr Tt" RTftaf Rird 3.MT9' 1Ktlf dratrf "cd.WT Examination Passed tIT fichig riff 4)(4 ft-qr (a) Ar you holding or have any time held an appointment under the Central or State Government or a quasi Government body, or an autonomous body; or a public undertakin g or a private firm or institution. If so, give full particulars with dates of employment, up-to-date. 3J:far/Period TR, Tifti -CM ITT•q•-,T ZI-TET ifZE Designation, emoluments and nature of employment From To 144 cicil i TM . WIT '91IT 1:19T Full name and address of employer 11. ( *14 ) -74r FETUA•-4T ITITR +it =WI / t /1.14> -cfr 1914itv r z u1f r fair wcrwq , f r faire. Fava ICIVIrlargri-41a fm artiri Ylt , •rfq artr-4e ui fiznIm Ault; ( -4-ar) rti414, '1965 atai ~r fir ,sir uwlt PM* -E*arEr1 r v,ch 4614 7-Er 4-ct-,t 1?/qT ui.q1 zif za-Er eh) ar-grnif741 T1 et, zrr 7:11-t antrk *tar TrRrEa ft-10 -ill fi fa-Err vu trr A-ra 31W-4 X41 Zi1C-74 -4:rgrqv 1-4 N iruT = arm* fa,fir ,41,44 ffft t-4,d1chiUt Trtrrr (h) If the previous employment was under the Government of India/State Government/undertakin g owned or controlled by the Government of India or a State Government/Autonomous Body/University/Local Body. If you had left service on giving a month's notice under Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Temporary 1905 or any similar corrii=,poridinci wins, were any disci:Ai:Lary firoc!tirlinris trriiriocl iicrairisl you, or had you hen your u Flier n' fltc ;i1-;t! you ■ ,5 tioti;:e (); :;l113!..1 1.101it (1;1.0, Ni el Reasons of leaving previous service 4 1 2 .( )11T 3111T -c-fiTrr tt/71-61 Yes/Nc 'fLiir.!,- T111-? a) Have you ever been arrested? ( )zgli aciti tit W41 yee0-11 TtrtiYes/N,.. t? b) Have you ever been prosecuted? ( TI)-‘4-1. anti_ Ili* :171.71FEC T 1111:? (2) Have you ever been kept under detention eR-6: Yes/No (Fr) 1-RTT Yes/No tst-tig 1R'? d) Have you over been bound down? ( ) it 3TPT 1 t Ib* 'FUN -'iiziicrZT gill r icaLIT Trali t? -477ItY Yes/No (c) Have you ever been convicted by a Court of Law for any offence? 1-07 ) aim 'Eli* fcait 3TritTU -P7 R. 8-6iikt ai(1 t? Yes/No (1) Have you ever been convicted by a Court of Law for any offence? ( 72; ) 7-171 3Tf1 •Wilit 641 trIt4IT ff17 fEraNu fcETIT fqrciftamw ti/-W al-44 th-41-r urt-t Picnic; 7tR? (g) Have you over been debarred from any examination or rusticated Yes/No by any University or any other educational authority/institution? ( ) 3117 •IVEIT 144--; 31-M-17/14-74-alt Li 0.1-1 3TITIFT i t l 397.41 -rw.F41 Tit Trttarr ira-47reazii ferciftia .31741-774 -8-0-m;Tt t? • (h) Have you ever been debarred/disqualified by any Public Service Commission/Staff Selection Commission for any of its examination/selection? Yes/No ($T) 111Tt ich-1 LH 4 rcht-IT • W:frafFzi 31T4T-1 .71 , -TT v--F-T TO' t? • (I) Is any case pending against you in any court of law at the time vesmcb. of filling up this Attestation Form. 1 -5T4 'WA Wit( 'EMI' ivltfr -FiTfepn 1,-raitran TtR1T 13TitT=F "PTciTa c -6t/;rit 7-al TR 14 iTrr TAT t? (j) is any case pending against you in any University or any other educational authority/institution at the time of filling up this Yes/No Attestation Form arnr 1TR-aerr arzfiTt N..41 ITNTZ-PIT TIP-TN s* foRaff Tr4/-errfcru 110 Try (k) Whether discharged/expelled/withdrawn from any training Yes/No institute under the Government or Otherwise? r fcroit 131 W-1 VT 7_,J-111- "it" 4 tt Tit it14-101 fztTcRTrrr-mr-c-ar.ra •-TT (ii) TrNa 1:11TO -er4 ailT/Tir Tr tFili 31141:1111741114114/1:MIT 311t4 Ti-w--44/RTRA 141E7 t 1-4744 ''Tn -1401-cf/-91-iticilitiii-f4T-24T "q-c7r e,'lr,erri (ii) If the answer to any of the above mentioned questions is "Yes", give full particulars of the case/arrest/detentions/fine/conviction, sentence/ punishment etc. and/or the nature of the case pending in the Court/ University/Educational Authority etc. at the time of filling up this form, fzuriaii : (1) 7, p-g-ztr wcrz- '41- 711 "atria-it" "igt 141 kftnr,i Tri4ztiew-r- ktir4 Note : Please also see the "Warning" at the top of this Attestation Form. 3T ITr f4-EIT 7IfFff V 9 c•f 3<it a i i ) writ-2i% "T" ramie WiT (ii) Specific answers to each of the questions should be given by striking out "Yes" or "No as the each may be. i. la. atT4-4 Tcr 9-sq trf4T 714 ItiliZT 674Na-zit -irn Zfr r r .441-4ctql. 3rnr,ir ~lt•iii DTI 2. Name of two responsible persons of your locality or two references to whom you are known -g4IfiTrEl tf4. Tr tra * RWT fEr4c4tH t, 7tTer TTEIT 1171 *1 tfi 111::7Ni-a 7t-F-:1 1 4174'r -e-t Tr 'moo( t anti I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I ern aware of any circumstances which might impair my fitness for employment under Government. TR MPd+-5 1-TIT Signaturo of candifiali 14-c4 1-1 uLnui-tri' IDENTITY CERTIFICATE foU, :7irr4 "grai-ctilfra. fuff f+ --1,11 -crcE Certificate to be signed by any one of the following :( I ) iNtitfcf 1u ZIT tl alfuwrft; Gazetted Officers of Central or State Government; (z) C1771 TIT t 317 lei x4-1 TrizirrtraErr sz1$1 di-1-114c111 -627T dt-tcia' 1 :1171-ftiaT/1411TM (l"4 f41:11-04usci i t-Nt-el; Members of Parliament or State Legislature belonging to the constituency where the candidate or his parent/guardian, is ordinarily resident; (3) 71'4-is al srt ci A piii.4s e aTruwift; Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Officer; (4) 1 r ( 5 ) 313:11-4-cITT 46ct tr4-ar T T ytf4t ""T vi r chit ci TIT5TTffn6ttlrlclt fart- 641 Tehsildar or NaiblDy. Tehsildar authorised to exercise magisterial powers; f4riv--rirywran44.; t * 441.44c1151ik1 Principal/Headmaster of the recognised School/Collegellnstitution where the candidate studied last; (6) aru cb rci a, I tt 31-51 - Wft; I3lock Development Officers; (7) 41i-e.411t-dt; 3i r Postmaster; and (8) gr-114c1 1-1 4TT; Panchyat Inspectors. 6 TrErrFTra- -4-Err 11c9.1 'NT it 8fi*/-?aird174144.1-ft Certified that I have known Shri/Shritnati/Kurnari ftrov..4 7-,,11)" -T/LP:i. Son/daughter of Shri c.( for the last 7-4T--tir years air viii ctch -TO trTfr t aft Fqwciii4 t fa7 di-i4 7). «iii f a tali ti months and that to the best of my knowled g e and belief the particulars furnished by him/her are correct. TRfikIT Signature tIT tfiTtra• 3f1T Uit Designation or Status and address 7.- zrr :1 Place TfR21 Date wrafmr gift \311) Fri` (To be filled by the Office) PFPRT zfiT RtIT err raTI Name, designation and full address of the appointing authority. 11 -4, 1Z.rit-rcii fr.-17 d “41-4--arz Trzzr-AT 4 fa wr ft-4T Post for which the candidate is being considered. ITT ti Annexure-A -r-The Under Secretary, SSS Division, Room No.- 528, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi -110001. Sub: Willingness or otherwise to join the Subordinate Statistical Service-regarding. Madam, I fully understand that I have been nominated to Subordinate Statistical Service, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation. I am willing/not willing** to join the Service. (— Strike whichever is not applicable. Even if you are not interested in joining this post then also it is requested to forward the status of your willingness to this ministry) Choice of State(s) in order of Preference for Posting (list of States/Union Territories given on the next page) [This Ministry will have the discretion whether to consider the preference of state exercised by the candidate or not] 1. 3. 5 2. SI. No. Languages Known Language(s) L Tick whichever is api licable Read Write Speak 2 3 4 Address (Same as mentioned in the Attestation Form). [ If there is an chan s e in the address then the latest/new address may be mentioned in the forms ] Your Present Address Your Home/Permanent Ad( ress PIN Code- Pin Code- District of your present address- District of your permanent address- Address of the District Magistrate/Collector of the district of your present address- Address of the District Magistrate/Collec for of the district of your permanent address- PIN Code- PIN Code- The attested photocopy of mark-sheet/Degree issued by the University/College, with Statistics as a subject underlined/highlighted has been attached (Yes/No) Yours faithfully, Signature: Name: Roll No.: Rank: Telephone: Mobile: I 1. 1. 2. 2. Email-Id: Place: Date: P.T.O. List of States/ Union Territories SI. no. 1. States/Union Territories Andaman and Nicobar Andhra Pradesh 3. 4. 5. (). Arunachal Pradesh 7. Delhi 8. 9 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 10. Goa I I. Gujarat 12. Haryana 13. Himachal Pradesh 14. Jammu and Kashmir 15. Jharkhand 10. Karnataka 1 7. Kerala I S. Lakshadweep 10. Madhya Pradesh 20. 21. Maharashtra Manipur 22. Meghalaya Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Daman and Diu Mizoram 24. Nagaland 75. Odisha 20. Puducherry 27. Punjab 28. ?0. Rajasthan Sikkim 30. 31. Tamil Nadu Telangana 3. Tripura 33. Uttar Pradesh 34. 35. Uttarakhand West Bengal Annexure -B F.No.11012/2/2013-SSS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Room No. 528, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001, Date: 21-05-2015 The Medical Superintendent/Officer/CMO, Government Hospital, District of present address (**mentioned below) Subject: Medical Examination of «Title_MrMs» «NAME of the candidate» —Regarding Madam/Sir, The following candidate who has been recommended by SSC (CGL Exam-2013) for appointment to the post of Junior Statistical Officer (erstwhile Statistical Investigator Grade-II) of Subordinate Statistical Service (SSS) may please be subjected to usual medical examination and a certificate may please be handed over to the candidate in a closed envelope for presentation to this office. The particulars in respect of the candidate are furnished below. Name «NAME OF THE CANDIDATE» (Roll No.:«ROLL», Rank:«RANK») Address (**) «Present_Address of the candidate» Date of Birth «Date_of_Birth» Employment for the post of Junior Statistical Officer ( erstwhile Statistical Investigator Grade-II) Yours faithfully, (K. Saraswathy) Under Secretary to the Government of India Annexure-C IDENTITY CERTIFICATE Certified that I have known Shri / Smt./ Kum. Son / Daughter of Shri for the last years months and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the particulars furnished by him/her are correct. Date Signature: Name: Desi.gnation / Status and Address with seal Place : NOTE : THIS CERTIFICATE IS TO BE SIGNED BY ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING. Gazetted Officers of Central or State Government. Members of Parliament or State Legislature belonging to the Constituency where the candidate or his parent /guardian is Originally a resident Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Officers Tahsildars / Deputy T.ahsildars authorized to exercise Magisterial powers Principal / Head Master of the recognized School(s) / College(s) / Institution where the candidate studied last Block Development Officers 7. Post Masters 8 Panchayat Inspectors Annex Li re-D I. CHARACTER CERTIFICATE Certified that I have known Shri / Smt. / Kum _ Son / Daughter of Shri for the last _ _ years months and to the best of my knowledge and belief, he / she bears reputable character and has no antecedents which render him / her unsuitable for Government employment 2. Shri / Smt. Kum. riot related to me _ IS Date Signature Name Designation Seal Place IL CHARACTER CERTIFICATE Certified that I have known Shri / Smt. / Kum Son / Daughter of Shri for the last _ years months and to the best of my knowledge and belief, he / she bears reputable character and has no antecedents which render him / her unsuitable for Government employment. Shri / Smt. Kum. not related to me. is Date Place • Signature Name Designation Seal -------------------------------------NOTE : ---------------------------THESE CERTIFICATES ARE TO BE SIGNED BY ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (THE ABOVE TWO CHARACTER CERTIFICATE SIGNED BY TWO DIFFERENT PERSONS). S SHOULD BE 1 2 3 Gazetted Officers of Central or State Government. Members of Parliament or State Legislature belonging to the Constituency where the candidate or his parent /guardian is Originally a resident Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Officers. Anne.y.l.kae. -I Ministry of Statistics and Programme implementation Government of India NOTICE Subject: Medical Examination of candidates belonging to Delhi Region It is to inform that all the candidates selected for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (erstwhile Statistical Investigator Grade II) in CGLE 2013 conducted by SSC and have their present address ( mentioned in Annexure B of the letter issued to the candidates for pre-appointment formalities) in Delhi Region are required to get their Medical Examination done at: Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Baba Kharak Singh Marg, Near Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place, New Delhi- 110001 Under Secretary (SSS) 28.05.2015 A r) ng?0-4 -6€ Ministry of Statistics and Programme implementation Government of India NOTICE Subject: Medical Examination and Police Verification of candidates selected in CGLE 2013 It is to inform that the candidates selected for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (erstwhile Statistical Investigator Grade II) in CGLE 2013 conducted by SSC who are already working in Central Government, PSUs need to get their Medical Examination and Police Verification done afresh as per the letters issued by this Ministry. Under Secretary (SSS) 28.05.2015 I r. nel..t.raf z F. No. 11012/2/2013-SSS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Room No. 528, Sardar Patel Bhavan. Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001. Date: 28-05-2015 -fry\A„( The Medical Superintendent/Officer/CMO, Government Hospital, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Baba Kharak Singh Marg, Near Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001 Subject: Medical Examination of the candidates selected through Combined Graduated Level Exam,2013 -Regarding Madam/Sir, The under signed is directed to say that the candidates who have qualified for the post of Statistical Investigator Grade II (Junior Statistical Officer) have been issued letters for usual medical examination at the Government hospital of their respective districts (copy of the format of the letter issued to the candidates enclosed). It is requested that the candidates who have these letters as per the given format and have their present address (mentioned in the letter) belonging to Delhi region may please be subjected to usual medical examination and a certificate may please be handed over to the candidate in a closed envelope for presentation to this office. Encl: As above. Yours faithfully, (4/ (K. Saraswathy) Under Secretary to the Government of India e/ . NO- - O// 7- 2 3 siro
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