The Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament 787 Franklin Lake Road - Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417 Stewards of God’s Gifts M ost Blessed Sacrament Parish is a welcoming community which comes together to implement Christ’s mission. We join to teach, to evangelize, to accept and to encourage ourselves and others in ongoing spiritual growth. Serving and supporting those within and beyond our parish remains a major focus as we recognize that each of us is called to be a witness to God’s love in our world. Parish Mission Statement SERVED BY: MOST REV. JOHN W. FLESEY, Pastor REV. MSGR. CARL D. HINRICHSEN, Pastor Emeritus REV. JOHN JOB, Parochial Vicar REV. JOSEPH O’BRIEN, O. CARM. Weekend Assistant THE SALESIANS OF DON BOSCO, Weekend Assistants SISTER ROSE MARIE KEAN, SSJ, Pastoral Associate JENNIFER FOX, Director of Youth Ministry MARCIA KLINK, Ph.D., Director of Religious Education LAUREN LONGO, Ph.D., Office of the Bishop DAVID MAIULLO, Music Director-Choirs/Organist JOANN MATHEWS, Principal VALERIE TORKELSON, Director of Music-Programming/Cantor PHILIP M. TANCORRA, Business Administrator DIANE TRIOLO, R.E. Coordinator, 1 - 6 PAT WUENSCH, R.E. Coordinator, Junior High 7th & 8th KRISTA VANCOPHSKY, Local Safe Environment Coordinator MASSES Saturdays: Anticipated Mass at 5:30 p.m. Sundays: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. & Noon Holy Days: Consult Bulletin for Times Week Days : 6:45 & 9:15 a.m. Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. First Fridays: 9:30 a.m. Mass of Exposition, Eucharistic Adoration throughout the day, with Benediction 5:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Contact the Parish Center in advance to make arrangements for the date of instructions for parents. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Following the daily 6:45 a.m. Mass & the 9:15 a.m. Mass, 4:30 5:00 p.m. Saturday and also by appointment. Communal services during Advent and Lent. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples contemplating marriage should contact the Parish Center one year before the desired date. PASTORAL CARE FOR THE SICK Please notify the Parish Center when a family member is ill, whether in the hospital or at home. Holy Communion will be brought regularly by appointment to those confined to the home. The sick or chronically ill should receive the Sacrament of Anointing. In an emergency, call the Parish Center at any time. PARISH CENTER FAX SCHOOL 201-891-4200 201-891-4243 201-891-4250 PARISH WEB SITE: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONVENT 201-891-8390 201-891-1836 SCHOOL WEB SITE: IMPORTANT PEOPLE Every pastor will acknowledge the fact that no parish could possibly survive for very long without the many good people who devote their time and talent to the community. We have many and are grateful. Page Two April 26, 2015 This Week at MBS Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. — 1 John 3:1 Monday, April 27 • AMBS Parents - Meet ‘n Greet New Principal 6:30-8:00 pm (gym) Tuesday, April 28 • Prayer Shawl Ministry 7:00-8:30 pm (CR) Wednesday, April 29 • 9:00 am Morning Prayer (Church) Friday, May 1 • First Friday Mass AMBS 12:30 pm Dismissal • AMBS Faculty Meeting 1:00 pm • First Holy Communion Rehearsal for May 2nd & 3rd 7:00 pm (Church) Saturday, May 2 • First Communion Mass 5:30 pm Sunday, May 3 • Baptism Preparation after 10:30 am Mass • First Communion Mass 10:30 am & 12:00 Noon • Youth Group 8th Grade Open House 7:30 pm (YR) Eucharistic Adoration First Friday, May 1st 9:30 am Mass of Exposition Eucharistic Adoration until 5:00 pm Please sign-up to watch during the day! FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTION TO OUR BLESSED MOTHER To Jesus through Mary To the Father through Jesus DATE: Saturday, May 2nd PLACE: Most Blessed Sacrament Church TIME: After the 9:00 am Mass DEVOTION: Rosary and Short Scriptural Meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary “I am the good shepherd...and I lay down my life for the sheep…and they will heed my voice.” -John 10:14-16 When you pray, do you only ask Jesus for things that you want? Do you ever ask Jesus what He wants you to do? How do you listen for the response? The answer is usually in “quiet whispers”. Take time in silent, daily prayer to hear His answer. First Holy Communion will be celebrated at the following Masses: April 26: May 3: May 16: May 17: 12:00 Noon 10:30 am and 12:00 Noon 5:30 pm 10:30 am and 12:00 Noon Please plan accordingly. THANK YOU FROM EVA’S VILLAGE IN HONOR OF NATIONAL VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION WEEK EVA’S VILLAGE THANKS THE DEDICATED, KIND, AND CARING SERVING TEAM FROM Most Blessed Sacrament Church YOU HAVE HELPED US REMAIN OPEN TO FEED THE HUNGRY. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR PARISH! Eucharistic Adoration at MBS We invite you to ‘watch one hour’ during Saturday Adoration. The Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament has Adoration every Saturday from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm. Jesus is present …. Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity….and we have a chance, like Venerable Fulton Sheen, to fulfill Our Lord’s request. Although we invite you to drop in whenever you can and for as long as you are able, we really need adorers to sign up and commit to a specific hour each Saturday. If you can commit to a specific hour or even to a specific 30 minutes, please call Rose Stone at 201-677-0761. April 26, 2015 Page Three “To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 “A time to be healed” Parish Sick: Barbara Bryant, Edward Joseph Zier, Michael Simone, Mona Manning, Pam Nadler, Sean Woods, Regina Goode (mother of Megan James), Maria Wood, , Jeannie Donnolly, Linford Horth, Patricia Fonelli, Luigi Negri, Young Shim Choi, Linda McRoberts, Frank Sparano, Vivian Avakian, Rebecca Salmins, Bernadette Sephton, Jerome Gruber, Steve Wexler, Ofelia Wayne, Nick Salvatorelli, Peter Levantino, Agnes MariellaZimmer, Gus Faustini, Alice Peisch, Ruby & Solomon Artis, Katie Crevani, Robert Vernieri, Regina Devos, Dymitr Andrejczak, Thomas Roussell, Thomas Crowley, Patrick Donnelly, Susan Hillman, Jeff Cotugno, Robert Cotugno, Billy Baber, Jennifer Avakian, Joseph Maglio and Darren Was “A time to mourn” Recently Deceased: Dylan Macaluso and all those who grieve them “A time for peace” For national and world leaders and those in the armed services: especially Ronald Anzalone and Greg Mucks Amen as of April 26, 2015 Readings for the Week Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 or (for the memorial) Gn 1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24; Ps 90:2-4, 12-14, 16; Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Saturday, May 2 5:30 pm: Sheeler Sunday, May 3 7:30 am: Dvoretsky 9:00 am: Redlitz 10:30 am: McAuliffe 12:00 pm: Grosso Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 Noon April 26 Our Parish Family John Kantakis Bianca & Joseph Brizzolara (Family) Irene & Giuseppe Rossi (Family) Monday 6:45 am April 27 Edward Brown (Katie & John O’Neil) 9:15 am Tony Lazzarich (Maria & Family) Tuesday 6:45 am 9:15 am April 28 Dad Rottkamp (Bert & Joan Rottkamp) Ada Catania (Frank & Ann Catania) Wednesday 6:45 am 9:15 am April 29 Robert Kuhn (Frank Cariddi) Katherine Vocaturo (Sweeney Family) Thursday 6:45 am 9:15 am April 30 Lynn George (Julie Ravo) Helen Connolly (Joe & Joan McAuliffe) First Friday 6:45 am 9:30 am May 1 Ruth Gallagher (Ivis Montecallo) Salvatore Sapienza (Sapienza Familly) First Saturday May 2 9:00 am Eva Serratelli (Serra Club of Paterson) 5:30 pm Mary Massood & Laura Palazzone (Virginia & Joseph Massood) Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 Noon May 3 Our Parish Family Patsy Riccio (Mike & Lynn Riccio) Patrick & Louisa Conway (Family) Mario Hroncich (Wife Elena) Join in praying the rosary after every weekday and Saturday morning Masses. The Sanctuary Candle Will be lit this week in loving memory of Rosanne DeMicco Requested by Jack & Karen Murphy Page Four April 26, 2015 All scholars are educated…Academy scholars are prepared!!! The AMBS family welcomes Dr. Tom Altonjy as our new principal (he will speak at the Masses this weekend) & will meet ‘n greet AMBS parents on Monday evening 6:30–8:00 pm in the gym - Dr. Altonjy’s term begins July 1, 2015 Thank you to Carrie Gatto and her hard working Big Event Committee for a very successful, enjoyable fund raiser! Cyber bidding will be available on Monday, April 27th Plan to attend our second annual musical performance…The Wizard of Oz performances are Friday, May 15th Dress Rehearsal; Saturday, May 16th 6:30 pm evening performance; Sunday, May 17th 2:00 pm Matinee performance! Join us! Calendar Reminders Monday, April 27th NO AFTERCARE Monday, April 27th Meet ‘n Greet for AMBS parents in our gym; Plan to stop by to welcome Dr. Altonjy Friday, May 1, First Friday Mass; 12:30 pm dismissal; 1:00 pm faculty meeting Co-Curricula Clubs each Tuesday 3:30 pm dismissal Early Childhood Programs Prep…toddlers/twos, Pre K 3, Pre K 4 & Transitions Space is limited for new enrollees in these programs…don’t wait to inquire about registration Call for a tour for any of our programs We are so blessed to partner with you as educators of your children! All Grades…Now Enrolling! AMBS registration forms can be found at our website Please call the office for more details on any of our many programs…201-891-4250 Thank you for supporting / choosing AMBS for a quality education in the finest Roman Catholic tradition Sacramental Linens Ministry Sunday, April 26 - Joan McAuliffe Friday, May 1 - Karen Nunn Sunday, May 3 - Jo Delaney Friday, May 8 - Mary Conway Please Mark Your Calendars If anyone would like to help in this ministry, please call Joan McAuliffe at 201-891-1712. If you are unable to commit to six times a year, consider being a substitute. Thank you for your continued support and generosity to our church! April 19th: $10,396.00 Total Easter Offerings: $105,547.00 Sisters of St. Joseph Mass Cards Sisters of St. Joseph Mass Cards are now available in the Parish Center. As our year winds down it's time to think to next year--yes, next year! So please spread the word that we're having our 8th grade welcome night on Sunday, May 3rd from 7:30-9pm in the Youth Room in the basement of the Parish Center. This is a great way to familiarize yourself with our youth group and its "members" so September is not a month of all new experiences! If you have any questions, please contact Jen Fox at TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — There is no salvation through anyone else (Acts 4:8-12). Psalm — The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone (Psalm 118). Second Reading — See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God (1 John 3:1-2). Gospel — The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:11-18). Page Five April 26, 2015 SENIOR MINISTRY CHAIR EXERCISE CLASS April 28, May 5, 12, 19 & 26 Tuesday Mornings from 10:00 am - 11:00 am The donation is $10.00. Eve St. John is the instructor. Condolences to Eve St. John on the passing of her father. Our prayers are with her and her family. RELIGIOUS ITEMS It is that time of year again for First Communion and Confirmation. If you are in need of a gift of rosaries, cards and even other religious items, please stop by the Religious Education Office in the Parish Center and see what is available. All proceeds benefit the Sisters of Saint Joseph retirement community. COMMUNITY THRIFT SHOP Spring is finally here, time to put away those winter clothing and pull out spring and summer. If you would like to donate your gently used or unworn clothing, please drop them off in the shed in the back of the Parish parking lot. The key is available in the Parish Center. Every donation is a blessing to the Sisters of Saint Joseph Retirement community. The Community Thrift Shop is no long accepting winter clothing. 2015 ALTERNATIVES FOR SENIORS This Senior Housing and Services Resource is available in the narthex of the church for anyone who is looking towards the future or who has an older person who is in need of additional care. These booklets are updated every six months. They contain a wealth of information for all aspects of Senior living. Please feel free to take what you need. CCD GRADES 1-6 Spring Prayer Dear God: Spring is a metaphor for change. Some changes we eagerly await, and some we abhor. Some changes we plan and others arrive uninvited. To all these changes we ask the gift of Your perspective beckoning us to expectation, hope, and rebirth. May the sunlight and the rain be reminders that You are at work renewing the earth. As a God of renewal, You are ever at work in our lives, too. Open our eyes and lives to the needed changes in our lives this Spring. Awaken us to new life and perspective, for we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. NEW CCD REGISTRATIONS WERE EMAILED PLEASE FILL THEM OUT AND RETURN BY MAY 1ST. First Communion Rehearsals Rehearsal for the May 3rd First Communion Mass is on Friday, May 1st at 7:00 pm at MBS Church. The rehearsal lasts approximately one hour. Please bring your banners to rehearsal and make sure the child's name is on the banner. Appropriate attire for Communion for the boys is a suit (any color) and for the girls a white dress and hair decoration (veil or flowers, etc.) Confirmation Grade 9 Confirmation Day is April 26 with two sessions: 2:00 pm Mass and 4:00 pm Mass. Mass that day will satisfy the Sunday Mass obligation. Junior High Notes 7th and 8th Graders Attention Parents and Students If you are going to be in the 7th or 8th grade this September, you need to register for the Junior High Religious Education Program. Classes are held on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 pm for 14 weeks, beginning in September and running through December. If you cannot attend the classes; you may complete the required work in the Home Study Program. You should have received the registration materials in March. All registrations are due by May 1st! If you did not receive the email, please stop by the Religious Education Office in the Parish Center to register. Last year, many students wanted to attend class, but registered too late and classes were full. I encourage you to register for class as soon as possible. When you are registering your child, and you are signing up for class; PLEASE consider volunteering to be a teacher, aide or substitute for the fall. We need you to make the program a success! Thank you! Pat Wuensch Page Six April 26, 2015 Friends of the Adornos Annual Spring Fair St. Michael’s Seminary, Ramsey, NJ Sunday, April 26, 2015 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm For more information call 291-327-7375 Carnival Returning to Saint Paul Academy, Ramsey, NJ April 29-May 3, 2015 For more information call the school at 201-327-1108 Women’s Retreat Day-Thursday, May 14th Retreat Director Fr. William Dowd at St. Joseph's Shrine in Sterling, NJ. Fr. Wm. Dowd, Chaplain of the NY Giants Football team has a wonderful Spiritual Day planned for us. It will include 2 Conferences, Mass, Holy Hour, Benediction & Recitation of the Rosary. Cost for the day is $35. This includes a Hot Lunch & Bus Transportation. The bus will leave St. E's at 8:30 am & return by 4:30 pm. Checks are payable to St.’s Rosary Society for $35. They may be left at the Parish Center or sent to Ronnie Broderick at 16 Hadley Lane, Wayne, NJ 07470. Call Ronnie Gringeri at 201-891-5560. Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children The Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children Annual Dinner will be held on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at The Park Savoy in Florham Park. This year’s honorees are June Inderwies, Executive Director and COO of Gibbons P.C. and Joan and Joseph McSweeny of Saint Gabriel the Archangel Parish in Saddle River. Proceeds from the dinner will provide partial-tuition scholarships to low income students, in grades K-12, attending Catholic Schools in Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Union Counties. For more information please visit or call SFIC at 973-497-4278. New Hope Pregnancy Resource Center–Gala Dinner Dance–“30 Years of Changing Lives,” Wednesday, April 29, 6:30-10:30 pm, at Seasons, Wash. Twp., $75.00 per person-Cocktail hour, gourmet dinner, entertainment, silent auction (amazing trips) and Tricky Tray. Funds raised will help continue its mission to help first-time single mothers who have chosen life for their babies. For tickets, please contact: Kathy Turlick DePaul Catholic HS, Wayne, NJ, 973-694-3702 Tuesday, April 28 at 7:00 pm Saint Joseph Regional HS, Montvale, NJ, 201-3913300, Tuesday, May 5 from 6:30-9:00 pm Bergen Catholic HS, Oradell, NJ, 201-634-4151 Thursday, May 14 at 6:30 pm 2015 Christian Marriage Anniversary Liturgies We are once again preparing the annual tradition of honoring those couples in our Archdiocese wo will be celebrating five, twenty-five and fifty years of Christian marriage in the year 2015. These anniversary liturgies will be celebrated by Archbishop John J. Meyers, in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark as follows: May 3, 2015 3:00 pm 25 years and 5 years (all counties) It is our desire that every couple in the Archdiocese deserving of such recognition be present at the appropriate liturgy. Please call the Parish Center at 201891-4200 to register. Reporting of Sexual Abuse The Archdiocese takes very seriously any and all allegations of sexual misconduct by members of the clergy, Religious and lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage anyone with knowledge of an act of sexual misconduct to inform us immediately so that we may take appropriate action to protect others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse. Individuals who wish to report an allegation of sexual misconduct may do so by calling the Archdiocesan Office of Child and Youth protection at (201)407-3256. Save the Date Thursday, June 18, 2015 Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology Seton Hall University 35th Annual Judge Roger W. Breslin Cornerstone Classic and Honoree Dinner Essex Fells Country Club, Essex Fells, NJ Honoring: Monsignor Robert F. Coleman, J.C.D. Monsignor Thomas P. Nydegger, V.G., Ed.D. Contact email: Rachel’s Vineyard Reunion On May 31st the Respect Life Office will be sponsoring a Rachel’s Vineyard Reunion. Anyone who has attended a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat within the Archdiocese of Newark or another site is welcome to come. Will be held at the Archdiocesan Center in Newark. RSVP no later than May 26th. Call Cheryl A. Riley at 973-497-4350 or email: Cover Sheet Church Name and Address Most Blessed Sacrament 787 Franklin Lake Road Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 Phone 201-891-4200 Contact Person Cheryl Hendricks or Krista Vancophsky Software Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Number of Pages Sent 12 Pages (7 + 5 inserts. Please call with any questions, thank you). Sunday Date of Publication March 22, 2015 Transmission Time Thursday, 11:00 pm
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