April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter St. Aloysius Church Rev. James R. Orr, Pastor Rev. James W. Garvey, In Residence Deacon G. Gregory Jelinek, Permanent Deacon MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS CHURCH 1700 Harpster St. • Pgh. PA 15212 Phone: 412-231-2994 Saturday Vigil: 6:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am & 9:00 am ST. ALOYSIUS CHURCH 3616 Mount Troy Rd. • Pgh. PA 15212 Phone: 412-821-2351 Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 11:00 am ST. ANTHONY CHAPEL 1704 Harpster St. • Pgh. PA 15212 Mass Monday−Friday: 8:30 am Novena to St. Anthony of Padua: Tuesday at 7:30 pm RECONCILIATION: Saturday at 3:15 pm at St. Aloysius Church and 7:00 pm at Most Holy Name of Jesus Church or by appointment. BAPTISM: Held on 1st Saturdays at 12:30 pm at St. Aloysius Church and on 2nd Saturdays at 12:30 pm at Most Holy Name Church. Call office to schedule an appointment R.C.I.A. : This is the program for those who wish to become Catholic. Call the parish office for information. MARRIAGE: Contact the parish office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Available by appointment. Most Holy Name of Jesus Church St. Anthony Chapel MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS PARISH Phone...412-231-2994 Fax 412-231-7180 Website. mostholynameofjesusparish15212.org Email..mostholyname@hotmail.com .. Becky Hurst, Administrative Assistant.....ext. 2 Ellie Bartolowits, Accounting.. ext. 3 CLERGY Liturgical Schedule: April 25—May 3 Saturday, April 25—Vigil: Fourth Sunday of Easter 4:00PM Chuck Rothert (Dolly & Family) STA 6:00PM Bob Freiss (Wife, Rosalia) CHP Sunday, April 26—Fourth Sunday of Easter 7:30AM Joseph Szukics (Betty Billeter) 9:00AM For the Parishes 11:00AM Charles Rauch (Month’s Mind) MHN MHN STA Monday, April 27—Weekday 8:30AM Jim Brehm (Janet & Mick McLaughlin) CHP Rev. James R. Orr, Pastor .ext. 5 Tuesday, April 28—St. Peter Chanel Rev. James Garvey, In Residence...ext. 6 8:30AM Fr. David Schorr (Dolly & Fred Weis) 7:30PM Novena to St. Anthony of Padua CHP CHP CHARITABLE OUTREACH IN OUR PARISHES Wednesday, April 29—St. Catherine of Siena St. Vincent de Paul Society...ext. 8 Ladies of Charity..ext. 0 Catholic Community Food Bank..ext. 0 ST. ALOYSIUS PARISH Phone...412-821-2351 Fax....412-821-6480 Website.saintaloysiuspittsburgh.org Email. staloysius.church@verizon.net Jim Gottermeyer, Administrative Assistant .ext. 4 Claire Sigmund, Rummage House...412-821-1189 SHARED STAFF Gregory Jelinek, Deacon 412-231-6949 Steven Swank, CCD Coordinator. 412-759-9835 MUSIC MINISTRY Ken Gerst Carol Ann Spehar 8:30AM Frank Helwich / Birthday (Helwich Family) CHP Thursday, April 30—St. Pius V 8:30AM William Tranter, Jr. (Judy Warnaby-Grossman) CHP Friday, May 1—St. Joseph the Worker 8:30AM John Schutzman (Schutzman & Kaib Families) CHP Saturday, May 2—Vigil: Fifth Sunday of Easter 4:00PM Wedding: Asparukh Staurev & Catherine Sieber 4:00PM Erna J. Toski (Family) STA 6:00PM Patricia & Charles Husko (Laura & Paul) CHP Sunday, May 3—Fifth Sunday of Easter 7:30AM Shirley Schmucker (George & Marilyn) Grace Bajcic / Anniversary 9:00AM (Helwich Family) 11:00AM For the Parishes MHN MHN STA STA - Saint Aloysius Church MHN - Most Holy Name of Jesus Church CHP - St. Anthony’s Chapel ST. ANTHONY’S CHAPEL Website..saintanthonyschapel.org Email.saintanthonychairperson@gmail.com Chapel Hours: 1-4 pm Every day EXCEPT Fridays & Holidays To schedule a tour of 10 or more during times not open, please call the Chapel Shop Sanctuary Candles St. Aloysius Carole Brueckner, Chairperson. 412-999-4401 Margie Hoffield, Chapel Shop.412-323-9504 Diocesan Toll Free Number for Abuse Response: 1-888-808-1235 In Loving Memory of Arlene Benzer & Miles Fulton By Fulton Family Most Holy Name St. Anthony’s Chapel In Loving Memory of Beatrice For the Intentions of Kapetanovich Fran Sekula By Alex & Nick By Frances Sekula Razum WHAT IS A PARISH GENERAL ASSEMBLY? A Parish General Assembly... ..is one of the first steps in preparing a Pastoral Plan for our Parishes. We are excited to start the planning, beginning with Assemblies at each Parish. These assemblies are structured to get input from all members of our parish communities and will focus on activities within our parishes. What to expect during this one-hour meeting: • Introduction of Pastoral Council members of both parishes • Short explanations of the five diocesan essential qualities of parish life: Eucharist, Evangelization, Catechesis, Formation, Stewardship. • Brainstorming around each of the elements to identify possible actions and Activities that will enrich and expand parish life. Check the bulletin next week for more details and mark your calendar to attend! ALL ARE INVITED!! Monday, May 4 – 7:00 P.M. At Most Holy Name Parish School Hall & Thursday, May 7 – 7:00 P.M. At St. Aloysius Parish Social Hall Eucharistic Adoration & Veneration of the Relic of St. Faustina at St. Anthony's Chapel On Sunday, May 3rd at 3:00 pm, we will begin to pray the Church's evening prayer before Christ in the Eucharist. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in the monstrance at the beginning of evening prayer and the service will conclude with Benediction, Christ imparting His blessing to us in His Eucharistic Presence. Following the service, the faithful who wish to do so will have the opportunity to venerate a relic of one of the saints. For May, it will be the relic of Saint Faustina. For more information, please visit www.saintanthonyschapel.org Mass for Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament of the Sick will be administered by Fr. Jim Orr during a special Mass on Saturday, May 23rd at 1:00 pm at St. Anthony’s Chapel. Mass Attendance April 18 & 19 Saturday: 293 Sunday: 452 Total attendance at both churches: 745 April 26, 2015 4th Sunday of Easter Many of us list Psalm 23 as our favorite. It is sung at funerals, including at Blessed Mother Teresa's. It adorns many a home in framed needlepoint and refrigerator magnets. Many of the words remain in our memory, available for instant recitation when the time is right. Of course, truth be told, it may be the only psalm we know, or at least the only one whose number we know. There is a reason for the popularity of this psalm. The image it conveys to us is one of helpless little lambs that are very much loved by a Good Shepherd. We see ourselves as lambs being led by someone who cares so much for us. When we are hurt, he holds us. When we are lost, he seeks out and finds us. Some have said that, because most of us have never seen a real shepherd at work, the image does not have the same power. But the popularity of the image tells a different story. Add to the images mentioned above the reality that this Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep, and the image is very easy to understand. We hear his voice, and we follow; we follow him into eternal life. Religious Education Schedule Thirteen Tuesday Novena Class time: 10:15—11:35 am The Annual Thirteen Tuesday Novena in honor of St. Anthony of Padua has begun, and will continue through June 9. This Tuesday will be week # 7. Mass and Novena are held at 8:30 a.m. Novena and Benediction held at 7:30 p.m. This Novena has helped many in their time of need. Sunday, April 26 - Last CCD Class for the year! The Sacrament of Confirmation Please keep our Confirmation Candidates in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Thursday, April 30 - 7:00 pm Practice for Confirmation Candidates and their sponsors at St. Boniface Church (Holy Wisdom Parish) Tuesday, May 5 - The Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop David Zubik presiding at 7:00 pm. Candidates and Sponsors must be in their seats at 6:30 pm. Congratulations First Holy Communion Class Randy Aguglia Joshua Brown Tialynne Calicchio Colson Canterbury Zoey Christopher Riley Douglas Nicholas Elder Jacob Judge Lacy Pavlik Mele Perez Tessa Troppman Robert White FAITH SHARING Please join us for our next Faith Sharing gatherings!! Tuesday, April 28th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Aloysius Social Hall & Monday, May 11th at 7:00 p.m. at Most Holy Name School Hall Catholic Community Food Bank The Catholic Community Food Bank continues to serve the needs of those in our community. The 3rd Tuesday of each month from 10:00 am to noon, will be the designated day for distributions. Tuesday, May 19th is the next distribution date. Please note that if you would like to make a monetary donation to the food bank, your check must be made out to The Catholic Community Food Bank of Troy Hill. St. Vincent de Paul Volunteers Needed The Most Holy Name St. Vincent de Paul Society is seeking new members! Are you looking to expand your relationship with God as well as help your fellow needy neighbors? We can use your help. The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a nonprofit agency that acts quickly to resolve problems without fanfare and or red tape. We provide assistance to anyone living in our area needing help with food, furniture, clothes, rental help or utility assistance. We visit the needy person or family member in two man teams to consult, confer, recommend and improve their basic situation regardless of sex, age, race or religion. Our volunteers generally work one week per month. If you believe you could assist us in helping a needy person or family, please call Chuck at 412-323-9142 or Ted at 412-931-1223 for more information. God Bless You Ladies Of Charity If you are wondering what the Ladies of Charity is all about, please join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, May 19 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Aloysius Parish. It’s a heartwarming ministry dealing with shut-ins, the homeless and others who need our help. We are planning a Mass of Anointing for May. Watch for more details in the bulletin. Pray for Vocations World Day of Prayer will be observed on Sunday, April 26th, also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday." The purpose of this day is to publically fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes. Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish MHN SUMMER FESTIVAL 2015 Mission Statement Wednesday, June 17 - Saturday, June 20 St. Aloysius and Most Holy Name of Jesus parishes, while valuing the uniqueness of each parish community, commit to work together to proclaim the gospel of Christ and to welcome others to join in the life of the Church, to celebrate the sacramental life of the Catholic Church, to nourish the faith of our members, and to engage in serving the needs of others. Parish Calendar Apr. 25 & 26 - 2nd Collection - Food Bank Sun. Apr. 26 - Protecting God’s Children Class begins at Noon in MHN School Hall Mon. Apr. 27 - Combined Pastoral Council Meeting begins at 7:00 pm at St. Aloysius Social Hall Tues. Apr. 28 - Faith Sharing Meeting begins at 7:00 pm at St. Aloysius Social Hall Tues. Apr. 28 - Market Day Orders Due Wed. Apr. 29 - Choir Practice - 7:00 pm Thurs. Apr. 30 - Catholic Men’s Fellowship - 7:00 pm Thurs. Apr. 30 - Practice for Confirmation - 7:00 pm at St. Boniface Church (2208 East St., Pgh, 15212) Sat. May 2 - Special Ed CCD Classes - 10 am - School Sat. May 2 - Chapel Volunteer Mass & Brunch begins at 10:00 am at St. Anthony’s Chapel May 2 & 3 - 2nd Collection - Parish Capital Campaign Sun. May 3 - Eucharistic Adoration & Veneration of the 00 Relic of St. Faustina- 3pm in St. Anthony’s Chapel Sun. May 3 - Lyceum General Meeting - 7:30 pm St. Anthony’s Lyceum Mother’s Day Breakfast All women of the parish are invited to the Annual St. Anthony’s Lyceum Mother’s Day Breakfast on Sunday, May 10th. The breakfast begins promptly after the 9:00 am Mass and is held in the school hall. Tickets are now available in the back of Church and also at the rectory. Stand Set Up Men and teens are needed to help with set up on Saturday, May 30th at 9:00 am. Lunch is provided. Festival Raffle All raffle tickets have been distributed. Take advantage of the early bird drawings on April 26th, May 10th and May 24th. Win $7,000, $2,000 or $1,000 Game Volunteers Can you or your family work at a booth for one or all four nights? We can use you! Please call Linda Wolf at 412-322-4714 or email her at lindalobos@verizon.net Donations Wanted Some items are needed to make this Summer Festival a success. All items can be dropped off at the parish rectory. Items needed are: Silent & Chinese Auction donations; Glasses for the Glass Pitch; Gift Certificates for Restaurants, Grocery Stores or Gas Stations. Liquor or Wine for the Basket of Cheer; Pictures of Military, Police, Medics or Fireman for our Hero’s Night. Hidden Treasures Donations Market Day Market Day order forms are due by Tuesday, April 28th. Orders can also be placed online at www.marketday.com. The pickup date for this next order is on Tuesday, May 5th. Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish Offertory Collections April 18 & 19 Offertory Easter Offering Parish Share Parish Capital Campaign Good Friday Food Bank $5,593.02 $50.00 $1090.00 $70.00 $ 10.00 $31.00 Donations for the monthly sale can be dropped off Monday-Friday from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm at the back of the convent building. If these times are not convenient, call the parish office to make other arrangements. NO computers, T.V’s or textbooks please. The next sale will be held: Saturday, May 9th 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Giant Eagle Gift Cards Most Holy Name Parish has Giant Eagle Gift Cards available at the Rectory for purchase. They make great gifts! St. Aloysius Parish Mission Statement St. Aloysius and Most Holy Name of Jesus parishes, while valuing the uniqueness of each parish community, commit to work together to proclaim the gospel of Christ and to welcome others to join in the life of the Church, to celebrate the sacramental life of the Catholic Church, to nourish the faith of our members, and to engage in serving the needs of others. The next trip to the Meadow’s Casino is on Tuesday, May 19th. The cost is $20 and you will get back $20 in free play and $5 in food. The bus will leave St. Aloysius at 9:30 am and then pick up at ESB Bank in Troy Hill. The bus leaves the casino at 3:30 pm to return. Please call Carol Fulton at 412-931-8469. St. Aloysius Rummage Sale Bakers Parish Calendar Sun. Apr. 26 - Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser, 3 - 6 pm Mon. Apr. 27 - Combined Pastoral Council Meeting 7:00 pm at the Social Hall Families with last names starting with “A” through “K” are asked to bake for the next Rummage Sale at St. Aloysius. The next sale is: Saturday, May 2 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Tues. Apr. 28 - Faith Sharing Meeting 7:00 pm at the Social Hall & Sat. May 2 - Rummage Sale, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Sun. May 3 - Rummage Sale, 12:30 - 3:30 pm Spaghetti Dinner—This Sunday All are invited to The Annual Christian Mothers Spaghetti Dinner this Sunday, April 26th, 3:00 - 6:00 pm in the social hall. You won’t want to miss homemade sauce and meatballs! Also available, will be Fettuccini with Alfredo Sauce. Salad and dessert are also included with the dinner. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. Take outs are available and tickets will be available at the door. For more information, please call Suzy at 412-821-2404. May Flowers Raffle Tickets The May Flowers Raffle Tickets good for the entire month on May are here! We ask that each family pick up an envelope of tickets. Each envelope contains 4 tickets that cost $5 each. They make great gifts! Gift Cards will be sold at Masses next weekend, May 2 & 3. St. Aloysius Parish Offertory Collections April 18 & 19 Offertory Maintenance Parish Share Food Bank Meadows Casino Trip $2,917.00 $48.00 $457.00 $40.00 Sunday, May 3 12:30 - 3:30 pm Theme Of The St. Aloysius Stained Glass Windows Nick Parrendo, artist and owner of Hunt Stained Glass, recently spoke to the Christian Mothers about our new stained glass windows on the front of our church building. One of the ladies suggested we share the meaning of our windows with the parishioners so we are presenting the theme of our new windows once again. Nick put a lot of thought into choosing the theme “The Eucharist and Sharing” when he designed our new stained glass windows. Several thoughts come to mind when we think of that theme. One thought is that the Gift of God in the Eucharist is our model for giving and sharing with each other. The four murals depict “bread broken and shared by all”. The bread or the hosts (the circles on the murals) also represent the four Evangelists. When we receive the Eucharist it enlightens us with the “Gift of Good News” from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The nourishment we receive enables us to share “The Good News” with others. Receiving the Eucharist often helps us to maintain a spiritual quality of joy even through problems in our lives. The stained glass window of St. Aloysius is above the door as we come into church in the presence of the Lord. The sheaves of wheat and the purple grapes surrounding the wheat show our intimate relationship with God – Body and Blood (wheat and grapes). We are filled with the Holy Spirit represented by the dove window. The fish are a traditional symbol of the early Church. Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 A Family Perspective By Bud Ozar - Today’s gospel is a job description for Christian parents. For most people the most influential shepherds in their lives are their PARENTS. Every parent is called to be a “good shepherd” to “freely lay down their lives” for their children, to “know” and “love” their children and to “lead” them so “they heed your voice.” St. Vincent de Paul Society - Today, we celebrate “Good Shepherd Sunday” where we reflect on Jesus’ love and care for us. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to be “Good Shepherds” to the hearts of the poor, by assisting many families with food, utility & rent and other bills. God Bless you! Knights of Columbus Flea Market - Saturday May 2nd 8am-1pm at 450 Lincoln Avenue Bellevue, PA 15202. For info: KofC1400fleamarket@gmail.com WAOB Radio broadcasts exclusively Catholic programming 24 hours a day on 106.7 FM, 860 AM (Millvale) Around the Neighborhood Appalachian Immersion Week in West Virginia Young adults, ages 18-25, are invited by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Sunday, May 17— Friday, May 22. Cost of the program is $150 and includes all meals, housing, transportation, and related fees. For information, call Keith Kondrich, 412.321.1071, x-206 or email keithkondrich@svdppitt.org. The Franciscan Child Day Care Center is now enrolling children for their Summer Program, which runs from June 15 – August 20 and is offered for children entering kindergarten through 2nd grade. Planned activities include cooking, crafts, nature walks, sprinkler time and various indoor and outdoor sports and games. The Summer Program also offers fieldtrips to the Pittsburgh Zoo, Carnegie Science Center, Heinz Field, Just Ducky Tours, South Park Playhouse, and more fun Pittsburgh places. For more information, call (412) 882-5085. Job Opportunity - Providence Connections has an opening for a 30 hour/week kitchen assistant. A high school diploma is required and willingness to assist our kitchen manager/cook for our summer programs, especially summer camp. For information email dshaeffer@providenceconnections.org or call 412-766-3860 x324. ____ New Parishioner ! Most Holy Name Parish ! St. Aloysius Parish ____ Moving out of Parish ____ New Address or Phone ____ Want Envelopes Attention Crafters: The Sisters of Divine Providence invite you to participate in our Craft Extravaganza at Providence Heights craft show on Saturday, October 3, from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm in the Providence Heights Auditorium, 9000 Babcock Blvd., Allison Park, PA, 15101. For more information and an application, go to our website at cdpsisters.org or call Pat Serafini at 412.635.5401 or email: pserafini@cdpsisters.org !"#$%"&&'$ QUALITY SHELL GASOLINE & DIESEL Established 1975 1520 Spring Garden Offering Discounts for Cash and The Fuel Rewards Network 412-321-1685 St. Anthony’s LESKOWAK’S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER Chapel PA Lottery • ATM C-Store-Foods Stamps Accepted THIS SPACE IS General Repairs State & Emission Inspection 1707 Lowrie St. ~ Since 1920 ~ 412-364-1690 412-321-5690 Open every day, (except Fridays & Holidays) 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For information, call: Chapel: 412-323-9504 or Chairperson 412-999-4401 www.saintanthonyschapel.org ISRAEL KAZEW, D.M.D. FAMILY DENTAL CARE 2109 Mount Troy Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Tel: (412) 321-2777 Fax: (412) 322-5612 drkazew@comcast.net 3-D-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 M P PA HIC #012686 For Advertising Information, call SUE NOVOSEL at LPi today! 1.800.477.4574 ext 6318 • snovosel@4lpi.com www.4lpi.com 4lpi ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1226 Hughes Funeral Home, Inc. Stephens Memorial Chapel R. Dennis Hughes, F.D., Supervisor Lawrence H. Bock, F.D. Edward F. Latkovic, F.D., Supervisor R. Dennis Hughes, F.D. (412) 231-4193 NORTH SIDE AUTO SERVICE 1501 Lowrie Street • Troy Hill Two Traditional Community Funeral Homes in one Convenient Location MICHAEL WALLISCH, ESQ. Wills & Estates CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CELIK INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. PA014745 Vice-President KUNTZ CONSTRUCTION TROY HILL OFFICE call for Appointment State & Emission Inspection Joe & Bill Vlakancic (412) 471-3800 835 Spring Garden Ave. 412-231-7321 FREE Consultation W/Ad (412) 231-1285 (412) 322-3382 JOSEPH KUNTZ OWNER 1621 LOWRIE ST. PITTSBURGH, PA 15212 TROY HILL OFFICE Judith Loebig, Manager 1706 Lowrie Street 412-231-8238 Member FDIC BETH CELIK Auto • Home • Business • Life 2407 MT Troy Road • Pittsburgh, PA 412-323-9300 Beth.Celik@comcast.net SHIRLEY NOVAK, ESQ. Wills Estates Criminal Law Family Law Personal Injury O O Home Appointments 412-281-4383 FREE Consultation W/Ad ORTHOPEDIC & SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATES, INC. Evening hours available Most major insurances accepted Troy Hill Office 1607 Lowrie St. 412-321-9088 Cheryl L. Rosato, D.M.D. 5310 Perry Highway Pittsburgh, PA 15229 412-931-6571 Please support our advertisers and mention you saw their ad here. “We’d love to make your smile” THIS SPACE IS MILLER - BRADY FUNERAL HOME LeeAnn Sherman, FD, Supervisor 1550 Lowrie Street • 412-231-7000 STEPHEN M. BRADY FUNERAL HOME, INC. Stephen M. Brady, FD, Supervisor 920 Cedar Avenue • 412-321-0495 Pizza and Chicken Troy Hill • 412-323-2600 1442 Lowrie St. • Pittsburgh www.frankspizzachicken.com $1.00 OFF Pick Up Order Only w/Ad Please Call 800-477-4574 LAWRENCEVILLE POLISH HILL Walter J. Zalewski, Supervisor (412) 682-3445 Joseph M. Lapinski, Supervisor (412) 682-1562 Most Holy Name Parish Automotive & HIDDEN TREASURES Star Performance, Inc MONTHLY SALE 1626 Hatteras St. • Pittsburgh (412) 231-2994 www.mostholynameofjesusparish15212.org 2117 Mt. Troy Rd. • Pittsburgh, PA 15212 (412) 322-4515 Offering Flat Bed Towing starautoperformance.net 388 Center Ave. West View PA 15229 412-931-5497 • www.schellhaasfh.com Chuck Schellhaas, Parishioner • C. Matthew Schellhaas, FD Robert D. Schellhaas, Jr., Supervisor • Ryan D. Schellhaas, FD “guiding families for six generations, since 1855” 3-D-4-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Catholic Funeral Plan Accepted • Protective Pre-Planning Available www.4lpi.com ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1226
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