current news letter - Mountain Top Welcome Club

The Mountain Top Welcome Club Newsletter
March 2015
A Message from your PRESIDENT –
Pam McGovern, Phone: 905-4098 or Email:
It is already March and I am sitting here wondering where the year has gone. It seems like just
yesterday that I was decorating the tree and wrapping presents. It also seems like a lifetime since I
have seen anything green. I am looking forward to seeing daffodils, lilies, and tulips.
The Mountain Top Welcome Club has wrapped up our annual fundraiser and put it to bed. We are now
looking forward to planning our Scavenger Hunt and prepping to give away our hard earned money to
the charities that you all voted for. We are also actively collecting scholarship forms from deserving a
Crestwood Senior. It will be fun to read their essays and choose the perfect recipient who will join us at
our last meeting.
We just turned the clocks forward but I still found myself up early just surfing the web. I saw a post
about Spring Fever. Did you know that Spring fever is not just a saying? Experts say the body’s makeup
changes due to different diets, hormone production and temperature.
Speaking of change, two of our Board Members are packing up and moving south. Jennifer Smith and
Dana Mouledoux will no longer be here to brighten our days. They have both been an important part of
Mountain Top Welcome Club and have each done so much to help our club grow. Good luck to both of
them as they move on.
We will have several spots open on the Board for the Mountain Top Welcome Club next year. If you are
interested in joining, please contact me.
1st Vice President –
Dawn Clark, Phone: 261-5068 or Email:
Our March meeting will be on Thursday, March 19th at 12 Noon at the Presbyterian Church of
Mountain Top (9 Chestnut St). Our guest speaker will be a representative from Nescopeck Park’s
Environmental Education staff. They will be discussing outdoor recreation opportunities within PA State
Parks. Did you know there is a state park within 25 miles of almost every resident in the
Commonwealth? How convenient!
Lunch will be catered from Wegman’s. The cost for lunch is $8 per person and babysitting will be
available for $4 per child. Please remember to RSVP for the meeting by Monday, March 16th to Dawn
Clark, Phone: (973) 255-6023 or Email:
2nd Vice President –Membership
Malena Gittler, Phone: 854-7767 or Email:
If you haven't renewed yet, the half-year registration fee is $10. You must renew membership to be
included in our directory. Please get that to Kimberlee or me as soon as possible. Additionally, if any of
your contact information has changed, please send that to me -
Secretary –
Jill Kronick, Phone: 239-0270 or Email:
Please contact me if any of our members are in need of a card for birth, get well, death in the family, et
al. This always a warm gesture to keep our members in our thoughts.
Treasurer –
Kimberlee Herring, Phone: Cell Only (248) 688-7175 or Email:
For those of you who would like to join the Welcome Club, our Half Year Dues are now $10.00.
Please make checks out to "The Mountain Top Welcome Club"
Our mailing address is:
Mountain Top Welcome Club
P.O. Box 243
Mountain Top, PA 18707
Publicity –
Holly Usavage, Phone: 427-1219, Email:
Please forward any club photos from events and outings to Holly.
Hostess Coordinator –
Tracy Johnson, Phone: 570-709-3150, Email:
Ladies, let's give Dana a big hand and thank her for being an awesome hostess! I will truly miss my
partner in crime. This month is her last meeting before moving south.
Thank you to all that signed up to help or just give a helping hand at our meetings.
Services –
Donna Smith, Phone: 403-6188 or Email:
Easter Baskets:
The club provides Easter baskets to the children 12 and under whose families use the Mountain Top
Food Bank. Our March meeting is the last meeting before Easter. We are looking for donations of
individually wrapped candy (fun size), small toys or baskets or plastic pails. Please bring any donations
to the next Welcome Club meeting.
Additionally, the baskets are assembled on the Thursday before Easter-- April 2-- at 9AM at St Paul's
Lutheran Church(across from Mountain Freeze on 309). We distribute the baskets on Good Friday at
the Food Bank. Anyone wishing to help in making the baskets is welcome to come. Thanks for your
help. Donna Smith
Ways & Means –
Mary-Ellen McFarland, Phone: 868-6467 or Email:
Thank You to everyone for your support of our 2015 Night at the Races.
And, if you missed it, we will be doing this again next February!!
Meals That Heal –
Jennifer Smith, Phone: 261-1920 or Email:
Please continue to let me know if any of our members can use our help with providing meals. It is a
great comfort to those who are experiencing a stressful or crazy time in their lives. Thank you to
everyone who has helped out! It is very much appreciated! If you would like to help provide future
meals, please contact Jennifer Smith.
Moms and Tots / Children’s Playgroup–
Maureen Petzold, Phone: 474-5704, or Email:
Hippity Hop, Easter's on its way!!!!
Come on down the bunny trail to the kids’ Easter Party!
When: Wednesday April 1, 2015
Where: Presbyterian Church
Time: 11:30-1:00
Cost: $5 per child
Bring your baskets for an egg hunt, craft & lunch will also be provided.
Please RSVP to Maureen 474-5704 or by March 25th
***Volunteers are needed to help Maureen fill the Easter eggs for the hunt. Please contact her if you
can help.
Welcome Club Night Out –
Jennifer Smith, Phone: 261-1920 or Email:
Please stay tuned for future outings!
Dinner Club –
Nancy Eckhart, Phone: 868-8197 or Email:
Roberta Brandreth, Phone: 678-5069 or Email:
Dinner Club is anxiously awaiting the "Spring Thaw", so we can enjoy our next gathering at the home of
Nick and Jane Magda on April 11th.
Needlework –
Joan Revis, Phone: 474-0484 or Email:
Our Needlework Group is staying busy.
We have a change in schedule for the next meeting--it will be at Mary DeBoer's, 35 Farmhouse Road
(Highland Woods), on March 25th at 10 AM. Roberta Brandreth and Marie Duclos will be doing
For our April 8th meeting, we will gather at the Leaf 'n Ladle (on 309 in Mt. Top) for breakfast at 10:00
April 22nd, we will meet at Judy Grimm's with Judy and Edythe Weller providing refreshments.
Our All-Day Quilt Day is Mon. March 16th at 10 AM at the home of Nancy Eckhart. Bring a bag lunch.
****We have a beautiful one of our quilts with special stitching on the quilt top to raffle at the general
Welcome Club meetings on Thurs March 19th and April16th, so watch for that!! We have much donated
fabric, but do have to buy some supplies from time-to-time.
Call me with any questions.
Book Club –
Beth LaMarca, Phone: 474-6320 or Email:
This month we are reading Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein. We will meet on Wednesday, March
25 at 9:30 at Liz Shipton’s home to discuss. Liz lives at 460 Black Walnut Drive in Bow Creek
Estates. RSVP to Liz at if you plan on attending.
Outdoor Adventurer’s Club
Dana Distasio, Phone: 585-350-8298 or Email:
Stay tuned for more information on more adventures!
Mountain Top Welcome Club –
Reservation Form for March General Meeting
March 19th, 2015
TIME: 12:00pm
WHERE: Presbyterian Church, 6 Chestnut Street, Mountain Top
BABYSITTING: $4 per child
RSVP: by Tuesday, Mar 17th with this form or
To Dawn Clark, Phone: 261-5068 or Email: ,
Name: _________________________
# Attending (@ $8.00)_____
Please return this form with your check to
Mountain Top Welcome Club
P.O. Box 243, Mountaintop, PA 18707
Yearly $20
Begins September/Ends August
Circle One:
Half Year $10
Begins January/Ends August
Spouse’s Name:
Home Number:
Cell Number:
Birthday (month/day):
Children’s Names and Birthdays (Month/Year):
We are interested in promoting the Welcome Club through photos in newspapers and on the internet. Please
indicate your preference whether or not you would like you and/or your children’s names and photos used. Thank
YES, myself and my children may have our names/photos published
NO, myself and my children may NOT have our names/photos published
Checks made payable to The Mountain Top Welcome Club.
Please send completed form and check to:
The Mountain Top Welcome Club
P.O. Box 243
Mountain Top PA 18707