M O U N T A I N V I L L E A C A D E M Y THE LION’S PRIDE Volume 9, Issue 6 I N S I D E T H I S Spring 2015 I S S U E : d i r e c t o r ’ s Calendar Birthdays Save the Date 2 FSO Message 3 Board Message 4 Free Money Contest 5 District Science Fair 6 Regional Science Fair 7 FSO HELP WANTED 8 Chess Club 8 Lion Walk 9 Mountainville 5k 9 Lunch Options 10 Fundraising 12 Candidacy Form 14 5K Waiver 16 M e s s a g e Dear Mountainville Academy Parents, Things have been progressing well at Mountainville Academy. February brought a round of state assessment for English Language Arts with the writing sessions. We know our students prepared well and expect great results in the 3-9 grades. We had our second semester student-led conferences in the middle of the month. It is exciting to see our developing leaders conduct their conferences and explain their work and their WIGS. We love how students at our school take responsibility for their own learning. We extend thanks once again to our FSO for the delicious meals they provide for faculty during conferences. As February wound down, we enjoyed our annual Leadership Day where we showcased what wonderful leaders attend our school. The Leader in Me is going strong at Mountainville Academy and “great is happening” here! Our 7th grade students attended our Leadership Retreat at Aspen Grove the first week of March. It was deemed a success and hopefully their understanding of themselves and their leadership abilities was deepened. We want to thank our dedicated parents and especially our Board for the wonderful Legacy event that was held in March. We appreciate your continued monetary and volunteer efforts. Both of these are key factors in our continued success. Spirit Week has been a great success. We certainly have creative students and parents associated with our school and it has been fun to see the excitement on the faces of our students! Lots of crazy hair, hats, socks, and assorted other costumes have been seen around the campus of Mountainville Academy. Thanks for your support! We will be launching our new website in the next few days and we hope you will find it a useful tool as we partnership with parents to provide the best education possible for your children. It will be easily accessible on your phones and tablets. In conjunction with this, we are shortening the email addresses of our teachers and staff. The new emails for our teachers will be their first initial, last name and then malions.org. For example, to reach me, my email will be jvance@malions.org. We welcome suggestions on what you need access to on the new website or any changes you would like to see. Have a safe and relaxing Spring Break and lets gear up for the last few weeks of the 2014-15 school year! Janese Vance P a g e 2 T h e April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed l i o n ’ s p r i d e Save the Date Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 March 30– April 3 Spirit Week April 6-10 Spring Break April 13-17 Emergency Prep Week April 20-24 Teacher Appreciation Week April 23 4th Grade Utah Program, 6pm April 30-May 2 Spring Book Fair May 1 Lion Walk S p r i n g t i m e b i r t h d a y s March April J. Vance-1 S. Walker-5 J. Nielson-7 S. Parker-7 M. Beck-4 A. Stout-12 D. Phillips-13 D. Buttermore-15 K. Trelz -15 K. Neislon - 17 J. Benight-20 J. Craig-23 M. Francis-26 R. Nelson-6 A. Barrett- 11 H. Thompson-12 I. Holden-18 B. Winterton-28 May 2 Mountainville 5k Buy one Get one Free Book Fair May 6-8 School Play F S O M e s s a g e FSO Message Go Lions! Mountainville Academy has the best students, parents, teachers, and staff! Our 7th graders had a great trip to Aspen Grove. We are grateful that our school provides opportunities like this for our kids. Yeah! Our 8th grade students have been helping with snack shack and they are headed to Washington, DC this next week during Spring Break. What a great opportunity. We are excited about the last few events we have planned for this year. The Lion Walk is our annual walking fundraiser. It is easy to participate. Your student brings in a donation, we add it on our scoreboard and the day of the Lion Walk we all walk together to thank the community for the funds raised. We also have our first ever 5k the next day which everyone is welcome to participate in. Fill out your waiver and send in payment to the school. It is only $10 and the registration fee will count towards class totals raised for the Lion Walk as well. REMEMBER to record all of your volunteer hours on signupgenius.com. The link is always in the Mountainville Minutes and on the website. We appreciate all the help. If you are able or willing to help next year we are still looking for some people who want to be involved. FSO KayLynn Sims, Becky Kendall, Amber Marcello, and Kelly Hinds B OA R D M E S SAG E Dear Mountainville Family and Friends, What an incredible school year we've had! Walking through the halls of our school, you can really see our school's vision in action: Building today's leaders, one student at a time, through personal and academic excellence. We are in particular very grateful for our wonderful teachers and staff for the time and effort they expend on behalf of our students. I was recently able to accompany school staff on a Lock Out drill and was impressed with how quickly and quietly our students and staff knew what to do. Our students truly are in good hands. As a board, we'd like to express our thanks to those that attended our Legacy Event. A special thank you to our Development Committee and all those who put in countless hours to make this event a great success. Charter schools in Utah, on average, are funded at $1,500 less per student than traditional public school students. We are able to do a lot within the parameters of our budget, but your generosity and donations help immensely. It's not too late to contribute and your donation is tax deductible. Donation forms can be picked up in the office. Our next General Membership Meeting will be held Thursday, May 14th. We will have one board seat up for election. This will be for a two-year term. We also will be electing our FSO officers for the 2015-2016 school year. Becky Kendall will be moving into the role of FSO chair. We have openings for FSO vice chair, secretary and treasurer. If you are interested in running for any of these seats, please fill out the appropriate attached form and return to dllewelyn@mountainvilleacademy.org no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 4th. Thank you for all that you do for our school. Sincerely, Debby Llewelyn MABoardCandidateFilingForm2015.pdf S p r i n g f r e e m o n e y c o n t e s t Free Money Contest! Congratulations to the Free Money Contest Class Winners! Elementary Winners: 1st Place - Mrs. Powell’s Class and 2nd Place - Ms. VanCleave’s Class Middle School Winners: 1st Place - Mrs. Panek’s House and 2nd Place - Mr. Craig’s House Each winning class will receive an ice cream float party the 1st week of March. Middle School will watch Studio C during their party. A Big THANK YOU to all who have participated in the Free Money Contest! To Date we have – Funded 23 Chrome Books to be used in elementary Partly funded the purchase of 1 middle school science robot Assisted in funding Middle School Chrome Books Watch the Mountainville Minute and Newsletter for more updates on the Free Money Contest and also for ways you can help the school by doing things you already do! D i s t r i c t s c i e n c e fa i r Charter School District Science Fair! The Charter School District Science Fair was held at the Utah Valley University on February 10th. Nineteen 5th/6th grade projects and six 7th/8th grade projects competed at the district level. Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the district science fair! Below are the students invited to attend the regional science fair at BYU during the week of March 23rd. 5th/6th Grade Paul Daines/Ella Daines Camilla Dalley Devyn Giles Tess Given Faith Fescher Anja Hansen Megan Mabey Cassidy Malm Brock Manning Sara Marcello Jacob Parra Cooper Skousen Micah Shinsato Daniel Stevenson Olivia Talley Maddie Wride 7th/8th Grade Libby Brooks/Emily Wallgren Gentry Brown Erin Garzella Jon Sims Best of luck to all those student moving forward to the Regional Science Fair at BYU! R e g i o n a l s c i e n c e fa i r Twenty students represented Mountainville Academy at the Central Utah Science and Engineering Fair (CUSEF) the week of March 23rd. The winners from Mountainville Academy are listed below. Congratulations to all of the students who participated! Elementary Division Winners Award Name Project Name 4th Place Earth Science Camilla Dalley Dirty Jobs 3rd Place Engineering and Computer Science 3rd Place Physical Science – Physics Brock Manning Take Flight or Not Ella Daines and Paul Daines 3rd Place Product Testing and Consumer Science 2nd Place Earth Science Maddisen Wride Hover Works – Hovercraft Design, Does it Affect the Speed and Distance it Will Travel? Totally Teeth Megan Mabey Sound and Surfaces 2nd Place Physical Science – Physics Olivia Talley To freeze or Not to Freeze 1st Place Earth Science Jacob Parra Ice Age: Water and Rocks 1st Place Engineering and Computer Science 1st Place Physical Science – Chemistry Faith Fechser Seat Cooler Devyn Giles Healthy or Hazardous: Is Dutched Chocolate contaminated by Mercury? 1st Place Physical Science – Physics Daniel Stevenson Infrared Transparency Grand Award: Engineering and Computer Science Broadcom MASTERS Competition Cooper Skousen Survival Stones Devyn Giles Healthy or Hazardous: Is Dutched Chocolate contaminated by Mercury? Broadcom MASTERS Competition Daniel Stevenson Infrared Transparency Junior Division Winners Award Name Project Name 3rd Place Behavioral and Social Sciences Libby Brooks and Emily Wallgren Tell Me the Truth 3rd Place Computer Science Jon Sims Sudoku Solver 2nd Place Biochemistry and Chemistry Gentry Brown Disaster Preparation Water Treatment Broadcom MASTERS Competition Gentry Brown Disaster Preparation Water Treatment F s o h e l p n e e d e d The FSO is looking for a few parents who'd like to be involved and help make things happen at Mountainville. We need people for the following positions: FSO Vice Chair- work with FSO leadership to put on FSO sponsored events, oversee several committees, become FSO Chair for the 2016-17 school year. House Mom Coordinator- coordinate the efforts of the middle school house moms Snack Shack Chair- manage the volunteer efforts to make sure Snack Shack runs smoothly The following positions could be done mostly from home: Work at Home Coordinator- Coordinate the efforts of those who'd like to help from home with projects that can be done from home. Volunteer recruiter- manage the recruiting of volunteers through various means You can email fso@mountainvilleacademy.org, or kaylynnsims@gmail.com with questions. We are working on a few other things but this is a start. C h e s s c l u b n e w s Saturday, January 24, Sam Mason, local chess player from Park City visited us. Sam played a simultaneous game with 27 of our students and beat them all! In March, Mountainville students participated in the Jr High State Chess Tournament and the Elementary State Chess Tournament. Our chess team at the Jr High State Chess Tournament won 2nd Place Large School and our Elementary Team won 20th Place. Chess Club ended on March 26th. Watch for information next year, we will begin again in October! L i o n wa l k The annual Lion Walk is Friday, May 1, 2015. This is our annual fundraising walk we would encourage each of you to involve family, friends, neighbors, and businesses to support our school. You can provide donations by submitting to the office. Classes who reach various fundraising goals will receive the following rewards: $300 - game party, $400 – creamies & an extra recess, $500 – popcorn & a movie party, $600 – Frosty & a park party. In addition, there will be 3 grand prizes for individual students who raise the most money. Progress will be tracked by the main entrance of the school. All students who participate in the Lion Walk will receive a prize. Please wear good walking shoes for this event and athletic dress for the weather. M o u n ta i n v i l l e 5 k Dust off those running shoes, and start practicing for Mountainville Academy’s very first 5k race! Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 2, 2015. Race starts at 8:30am at Legacy Park in Alpine, parking at Mountainville. It’s only $10.00 per person. You can register in the office. Don’t want to run? Come cheer on your friends and neighbors, and see Mountainville’s very own Cross Country team in action. We will also have a Buy One Get One Free Bookfair at the school so you can stock up for the summer break. See you there! Snack Shack + Menu Punch Cards $20 punch cards are available to purchase at Snack Shack and can be Used for Specific $2 combo Meals. See Below. Punch Cards Can be assigned to individuals Or shared by families. + Combo Meals $2: Choice of Hot Pocket, burrito, Cup’o’Noodles, or Uncrustable, choice of fruit, white/chocolate milk $4: Choice of pepperoni/cheese pia, croissant sandwich, cheeseburger sliders, or chimichanga, chips choice of fruit, white/chocolate milk. 0.25 2 York patties, cheese stick, Gogurt, fresh fruit, cracker pack, fruit 0.50 Hot chocolate, milk ( white/chocolate), juice box, pri Sun, water, Pringles, Rice Krispi s, Oreo cookies, Famous Amos cookies, Fruit by the Foot, fruit leather, ap- 0.75 Cup’ ’Noodles, fruit cup, big popcorn, bag of 1.00 Burrito, Granny B cookie, Mentos ( fruit/mint), muffin, Propel, sports drink, TicTac, Uncrusta- ble 1.50 Hot Pocket, chicken quesadil la 2.00 Pepperoni/cheese pizza, croissant sandwich, cheeseburger sliders, Welcome to Snack Shack! A new year is a great time to remind ourselves what Snack Shack has to offer. Snack Shack I sa Win Win for our school in supplying on site meals for students and helping support our school. Snack Shack is provided at the school during lunch hours. Please familiarize yourself with the meno and combo meal options we have. available.We love being able to provide theses options for the students and appreciate the many parent hours volunteered helping run this for our students. Updates concerning Snack Shack are emailed out with the Mountainville Minutes, so make sure to read this to be aware of any changes in menu or availability. We are looking for parent substitutes and volunteers so please contact Britney Anglesey at britney@gngleseyfamily.com if you are interested in helping and available any day Monday—Thursday from 10:30-12:30. Page 8 The lion’s pride L u n c h O p t i o n s Snack Shack Running short on time? Running short on food? May we suggest a solution? The Lunchtime Snack Shack. Students may purchase items such as juice, muffins, Hot Pockets, chips, fruit snacks and much more without any pre-ordering. A prepaid punch card makes it easy to ensure that your student is getting a rounded meal with fruit and milk. The Snack Shack will be open during all lunches on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You can send cash, or choose to purchase a punch card. Cards are kept at the snack shack and come in $20 increments. Pizza Wednesdays The cost is $3 for a big lion lunch and $2.25 for a little lion lunch. Forms are available in the front office. . . Page 9 The Lion’s Pride F u n d r a i s e r s There are several easy ways to help earn money for Mountainville Academy. O n l i n e a n d i n - s t o r e p u r c h a s e s Amazon Smile New this year Mountainville is participating in Amazon Smile. When making purchases on amazon.com you can now purchase through smile.amazon.com and designate Mountainville as your charity. Amazon will then donate a small percentage of your purchase to our school! Online Vendors If you are ordering your children’s uniforms online from one of the following vendors, please use our school’s code and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to our school. Here are codes for several retailers that support our school. www.frenchtoast.com - School Code: QS5JESB www.landsend.com - School Code: 1374-7 www.dennisuniform.com - School Code: RMA www.officedepot.com - School Code: 702-123-50 (this code is also good in-store) Other easy ways to support our school: Target Link your Target Visa or Target Card through the Take Charge of Education Program Visit www.target.com/tcoe or call 1-800-316-6142 to link your Target credit card to support Mountainville Academy. Smiths Visit www.smithsfoodanddrug.com and link your frequent shopper card to support Mountainville Academy. After logging in (or creating and account) click “Community” on the top menu bar. Then click “Community Rewards” on the left hand side. Sign in (or create and account) and attach your frequent shopper card number to benefit Mountainville Academy. Note this program runs from January 1 – December 31, so if you signed up last year, you should still be supporting Mountainville. Ridleys Fill out the Ridley’s Frequent Shopper Card form designating Mountainville Academy to receive your Ridley’s points. Note this program runs from January 1 – December 31, so if you signed up last year, you should still be supporting Mountainville. Other Many companies have grant opportunities for schools that employees’ children attend and some even have matching funds for monetary donations and volunteer time donations. If you are interested in sharing your company’s information, please contact the fso at fso@mountainvilleacademy.org. In partnership with parents, Mountainville Academy’s mission is to employ an educational environment that promotes both academic and personal excellence, appreciation of heritage and cultures, and a love of learning to assist students in acquiring the confidence, knowledge, skills and character to facilitate lifelong pursuits and achievements. M O U N T A I N V I L L E A C A D E M Y Questions or ideas for the newsletter should be directed to Emily Horsley at emilyhorsley@msn.com 195 S Main Street Alpine, UT 84004 Phone: 801-756-9805 Fac: 801-763-9823 info@mountainvilleacademy.org MOUNTAINVILLE ACADEMY DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY FSO CANDIDATE FILING FORM Form is due Friday, May 8, 2015 before 5 pm Submit completed form to Debby Llewelyn at dllewelyn@mountainvilleacademy.org The term of service is for 1 year and begins on June 1, 2014. SECTION 1: CANDIDATE INFORMATION Candidate’s Full Name Birthdate Address City State Zip E-mail Phone Please check which position you are filing candidacy for: X Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer The Vice Chair will: Act as an aide to the Chair, perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or inability of that officer to serve, coordinate special projects as they arise, oversee committees as assigned by the FSO Chair, prepare to assume the duties of the Chair for the following school year. The Secretary will: Record the minutes of all FSO general meetings and all meetings of the FSO Executive Committee, prepare and distribute copies of the minutes of each FSO meeting prior to the next FSO meeting, keep the calendar of events for the FSO and distribute information as necessary, conduct correspondence and perform all other assigned duties, prepare agendas in coordination with the FSO Chair, oversee committees as assigned by the FSO Chair. The Treasurer will: Coordinate all FSO funds with the front office, receive and track copies of every deposit log, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, present financial reports at each meeting and as requested by the Executive Committee, approve, sign and track all FSO reimbursement forms, develop, with the Executive Committee, an annual budget to be approved by the membership of the FSO at the first general membership meeting of the school year, prepare a summary of budget at the end of each fiscal year or upon request of the Executive Committee. Reconcile books with school accountant monthly. STATEMENT OF INTENT – PLEASE TELL US WHY YOU WOULD WISH TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE FSO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: SECTION 4: CERTIFICATION AND SIGNATURE I, the above named FSO Executive Committee candidate, hereby swear and affirm that I was born on the date provided above, that I reside at the address provided above, and that I am qualified to vote in Mountainville Academy elections. I further swear and affirm that I do not hold a paid position that would constitute a conflict of interest with the position I am running for and that I have not been convicted of embezzlement of public money, bribery, perjury or other infamous crime. I understand that if elected I must complete a fingerprint and criminal background check in accordance with the Volunteer Service Policy guidelines. Candidate Signature: __________________________________ Date:______________ There will be an opportunity to address the voters immediately prior to the election. Please refrain from campaigning outside of this opportunity. Please submit completed form to Debby Llewelyn at dllewelyn@mountainvilleacademy.org Due: Monday, May 4, 2015 before 5 pm. Mountville Academy’s First annual 5K Saturday, May 2, 2015 8:30 am Legacy Park in Alpine parking at Mountainvile Academy $10.00 registration at school or online at mountainvilleacademy.org Participant Waiver for Race Registration I know that running a road race is potentially hazardous activity, which could cause injury or death. I will not enter and participate unless I am medically able and properly trained, and by my signature, I certify that I am medically able to perform this event, and am in good health, and I am properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to any aspect of my participation in this event, including the right of any official to deny or suspend my participation for any reason whatsoever. I attest that I have read the rules of the race and agree to abide by them. I assume all risks associated with running in this event, including but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, traffic and the conditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and inconsideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Mountainville Academy 5K, the city of Alpine, the Lone Peake Police Department, all event sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use my photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. Signature:____________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature if under 18 years__________________________________ Date:______________________________________________________________
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